DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF COMPOSITE HONEYCOMB SANDWICH PANELS UNDER QUASI-STATIC BENDING AND CYCLIC COMPRESSION by MATTHEW CLAIRE TAYLOR M.S., University of Southern California (1986) B.S., University of Minnesota (1980) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AERONAUTICAL AND ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1989 Copyright Matthew C. Taylor 1989 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author Z- W-vw LOW,,---- -- . Department of Aeronauticg and Astronaueics Certified by Professor James W. Mar, Thesis Supervisor D Wtment 4,earonauticsjand Astronautics, M.I.T. Accepted by_ - _ W; k~ MV-40 ~~ - - - - ---- -- IN lr~fofessor Harold Y. Wachman A1t par tment Committee JUN 07/ 1989 UBRARIM WITHDRAW M.I.T. L1BRA4RI6 ABSTRACT DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF COMPOSITE HONEYCOMB SANDWICH PANELS UNDER QUASI-STATIC BENDING AND CYCLIC COMPRESSION by Matthew Claire Taylor Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on May 19, 1989 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science The damage resistance and damage tolerance of minimum gauge face sheet sandwich panels subjected to quasi-static four point bending and cyclic column compression, was experimentally investigated for a graphite/epoxy plain weave fabric and Nomex honeycomb core. Face sheets with [0/901, [+-45], [0/901s, and [+-45]s layups were constructed from AW193PW/3501-6 prepreg graphite/epoxy fabric and three thicknesses of Nomex honeycomb, 1.0", .687" and .375". Four point bending specimens (2.75" x 14") were constructed with three core thicknesses. Undamaged specimens were constructed with a 2" Nomex test section bounded by aluminum honeycomb core for load point reinforcement. Damage was inflicted with a spring propelled rod (.5" diameter hemispherical tup; .105 slug) at five levels of kinetic energy. Visual and x-ray inspection measurements were made to assess damage. Quasi-static four point loading provided failure moment, face sheet buckling stress and specimen deflection data. Damaged and undamaged column specimens (3.25" x 14") with reinforced grip sections were tested for fatigue life under compression-compression cyclic loading (R =.1). Results indicate that damage resistance increases with face sheet thickness and panel thinness. Residual strength of the 2 ply face sheet is dramatically reduced (0/90, 50 %; +-45, 30 %). The Nomex core limits ultimate bending moment in undamaged 2 ply specimens and all 4 ply specimens, with or without damage. Limited fatigue tests indicate a tremendous high load bearing longevity for undamaged 0/90 specimens. Notch sensitivity of the damaged 0/90 specimen cuts its load capability by at least half. Notch insensitivity of the damaged +-45 specimen allows for 60% of critical load to be carried to .5 million cycles. Thesis Supervisor: James W. Mar J.C. Hunsaker Professor of Aerospace Education AKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank all those people who have made this work possible. Captain Robert W. Sherer and Commander James G. Ward gave me moral and financial support for this extracurricular study over the last three years. My thanks to Carl Varnin and Simon Lie who got me started in the TELAC lab and made me feel welcome. I extend my special gratitude to Al Supple who has lead me through many a trying day in the lab, fixed the computer for me and brought me back "on line" as well. Al was there always willing to help in every way. A very warm and heartfelt thankyou is extended to Professor James Mar who got me interested in composites two years ago and offered an avenue of study that is closed to most part time students. Professor Mar's friendliness and helpful instruction will always represent M.I.T. to me. Aknowledgements would never be complete without mentioning the "worker bees" - The UROPers. I was lucky to be stuck with such a fine group. All hand selected so they had to call me "Sir". My thanks to Dave Wright who stepped in to help when I needed it down the stretch. My warmest appreciation and gratitude is extended to Chantal Moore who helped me break over a hundred specimens and slugged through hundreds of computer files, always producing a polished result. My eternal appreciation and gratitude has been earned by Teri Centner and Cristina Villella who upon hearing Paul Lagace match their names with me, said "Oh no.. we'll have to call him Sir ". They didn't have to say the "Sir" word in the lab, as long as they worked. And they did! Teri and Cristina constructed specimens through the summer while I was called away to summer training. They did everything that could have been asked for the last 13 months. I couldn't have finished without the dedication demonstrated by these four fine young people. I am lucky to have three young ladies at home that have earned this degree through as much or more sacrifice as I. My lovely daughters, Autumn and Madeline have never known their father when he hasn't had a book in his hand. They tried so hard to leave me alone to study, but often it wasn't enough and I barked at them. This is the price I wish I hadn't paid for this degree. I can only claim part ownership to this degree. My wife April has put in as much sweat, work and frustration as I have. She has raised the girls and kept up the house without me. She has consoled me, kicked me in the pants and even used child psychology to keep me going. She has typed 99% of this thesis to help me end my ego experience. I hope someday I can repay her. Until then, April you have my eternal loving gratitude and respect. FOREWARD This work for Advanced was conducted Composites at the (TELAC) Aeronautics and Astronautics at of Technology. under in the department of the Massachusetts Institute The work was sponsored by Boeing Helicopters purchase order Steve Llorente. Technology Laboratory TT 70935. The project monitor was TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER Page LIST OF FIGURES........................................ 8 · · · · .10 · · · · .11 · · · .14 LIST OF TABLES......... · · NOMENCLATURE .......... · · · 1 INTRODUCTION ..... · · 2 PREVIOUS WORK............................ 3 4 · · · · · · .17 ........ .17 2.1 Backgound........................... 2.2 Impact Damage and Residual Strength Studies. .17 2.3 Impact Damage Effect on Longevity... e......e .21 2.4 The Investigation.................... ........ .23 ........ ANALYTICAL MODELS........... .................................... 24 3.1 Introduction........... .................................... 24 3.2 Stress-Strain Relations in an Orthotropic Laminate....................... . ....... .24-- 3.3 Stress-Strain Relation for Arbritrary Lami .27 3.4 The Woven Lamina ..................... .32 3.5 Stress-Strain Variations Within a Lamina.. .33 3.6 Beam Deflection Under Transverse Loading.. .38 3.7 Four Point Beam Bending Deflection........ .42 3.8 Flexural Stiffness of the Sandwich Panel.. .43 3.9 Local Buckling of Face Sheet and Core ..... .47 3.10 Residual Strength Model.................... .51 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES ............ .59 "QOO'O'O0"" 4.1 0 9 0· Experimental P.arameters...... .59 "'OOOO''''" ........... 4.2 0 0 Test Program................ o .60 4.3 Specimen Description ........................... 63 4.4 Manufacturing Procedures........................66 4.4.1 Layup ............................ ...........66 4.4.2 Laminate Cure ........................... 67 4.4.3 Post-Cure.................................69 4.4.4 Trimming .................................. 69 4.4.5 Core Assembly..............................70 4.4.6 Bond Cure................................... 70 4.4.7 Load Tab Cure..............................71 4.4.8 Panel Machining ........................... 72 4.4.9 Coupon Machining..........................72 4.4.10 Strain Gauging............................73 4.5 5 Testing Procedure and Data Acquisition......... 75 4.5.1 Impact Results ............................. 75 4.5.2 Damage Assessment.........................78 4.5.3 Four Point Bending........................ 79 4.5.4 Static Panel Compression...................83 4.5.5 Core Compression and Indentation .......... 84 4.5.6 Panel Fatigue..............................86 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ................................. 88 5.1 Impact Test Results ............................ 88 5.1.1 Impact Velocity and Energy ................ 88 5.1.2 Impact Force .............................. 89 5.1.3 Impact Energy............................. 93 5.2 Damage Assessment .............................. 95 5.3 Quasi Static Four Point Bending ............... 102 5.3.1 Failure Modes...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~·103 5.3.2 Panel Deflection Under Load. ............. 107 5.3.3 Failure Stresses Panel 5.5 Core Compression Results..... 5.6 * aa · · · · ............. 109 · · · · ..............114 ............. 114 Core Indentation Results ,··~ Panel Fatigue Results ....... · · · · ............. 115 CONCLUSIONS ............................... .117 6.1 .117 6.2 6.3 7 Compression Results. ............. 108 StrAin U~··V 5.4 5.5.1 6 AndA u &&·u Impact Results ....................... 6.1.1 Impact Force..................... .117 6.1.2 Force - Time History............. .118 6.1.3 Impact Energy and Damage Assessme .119 6.1.4 Damage ........................... .120 Residual Strength..................... .122 6.2.1 Analytical Comparisons........... .122 6.2.2 Failure Stress and Impact Energy. .123 6.2.3 Damage Propagation............... .125 6.2.4 Mar - Lin Relation............... .128 Panel Longevity....................... .130 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. .132 7.1 Conclusions................ .132 7.2 Recommendations ............ .133 REFERENCES. •..•.......•.•.•....oee. .135 APPENDIX A: Experimental Results; Tables and Figures. .137 APPENDIX B: Sub-Lamina Geometry of the Wo ven Ply..... .177 APPENDIX C: Panel Deflection Graphs .181 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 Global Coordinate System ..................... 25 Figure 3.2 Ply Orientation With Respect to Loading Axes............................ 27 Figure 3.3 Fabric Tow Geometry Within a Lamina .......... 32 Figure 3.4 Coordinate and Displacement Orientation......34 Figure 3.5 Geometry of Deformation in the z-x Plane.....34 Figure 3.6 Anticlastic Curvature Under Pure Bending.....40 Figure 3.7 Four Point Beam Loading......................42 Figure 3.8 Panel Side View...............................46 Figure 3.9 Honeycomb Core Bending and Loading (a) Panel Element Bending.....................47 (b) Face Element Loading and Curvature.......47 Figure 3.10 Core Deformation.............................48 Figure 3.11 Cross Sectional View of a Dimpled Face Sheet Under Compressive Loading ........... 50 Figure 3.12 A [0/901 Panel With Arbitrary Face Sheet Damage Under Compression ....... 52 Figure 3.13 Mar - Lin Relation with Corrections... ....... 58 Figure 4.1 Basic Sandwich Panel .................. ....... 64 Figure 4.2 Reinforced Sandwich Panel......... ..... Figure 4.3 Static Compression Sandwich Panel. Figure 4.4 Fatigue Sandwich Panel........... ............ 65 Figure 4.5 Laminate Cure Layup............... ............ 68 Figure 4.6 Laminate Cure Cycle............... ............ 69 Figure 4.7 Panel Bend Cure Layup ............. ............ 71 Figure 4.8 Static Core Compression and Indent ation Coupon73 Figure 4.9 Strain Gauge Configurations....... ............ 74 ..... 64 Figure 4.10 Specimen Holding Jig .......................... 76 . Figure 4.11 FRED's Striking Unit................. ......... 77 Figure 4.12 FRED; Impacting Rod Mechanism........ ......... 77 Figure 4.13 Four Point Bending Installation ...... ......... 81 Figure 4.14 Face Sheet Damage Photography........ ......... 83 Figure 4.15 Panel Compression Test............... ......... 84 Figure 4.16 Core Compression Test................ ......... 85 Figure 4.17 Core Indentation Test................. ......... 86 Figure 5.1 Impact Velocity/Energy vs. Spring Disp lacement.89 Figure 5.2 Force-Time History: Impact Spectrum. ......... 91 Figure 5.3a Impact Spectrum - Damage............. ......... 92 Figure 5.3 Force-Time History: Damaging Impacts ......... 94 Figure 5.4 Cross Sectional Damage Projection.... ......... 96 Figure 5.5 Damage Diameter vs. Impact Energy ............. 98 Figure 5.6 Damage Area vs. Impact Energy........ ......... 99 Figure 5.7 Damage Diameter vs. Impact Energy, 1" Panels..100 Figure 5.8 Damage Area vs. Impact Energy, 1" Panels.....101 Figure 5.9 Compressive Fracture Modes for Damaged Face Sheet................................104 Figure 5.10 Core Failure Modes ........................... 107 Figure 5.11 Failure Stress vs. Impact Energy.............110 Figure 5.12 Failure Stress vs. Impact Energy, 1"Panel.....111 Figure 5.13 Failure Stress vs. Damage Cross Sectional....112 Figure 5.14 Failure Stress vs. Damaged Cross Section ..... 113 Figure 6.1 Longitudinal Section of Dimple Indentation...127 Figure 6.2 Mar - Lin Residual Strength; +-45............ 129 Figure 6.3 Mar - Lin Residual Strength; 0/90............ 129 Figure B.1 The "Imaginary Bi-Ply" ....................... 177 Figure B. 2 Tow Deflection Angle Within Weave............17•) LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Material Properties of AW 193PW/3501-6 .........29 Table 3.2 Reduced Stiffnesses ........................... 29 Table 3.3 Invariant Values for AW 193PW/3501-6 .......... 33 Table 3.4 Reduced Stiffnesses Based on Orientation......33 Table 3.5 Stiffnesses for Orthotropic Plain Weave Laminates...............................................38 Table 4.1 Four Point Bending Residual Strength Test Matrix ...................... ......... 61 Table 4.2 Undamaged Panel Strength Test Matrix. ......... 62 Table 4.3 Panel Longevity Test Matrix................... 66 Table 5.1 Maximum Table 5.2 Maximum Impact Forces................ ......... 90 Table 5.3 Dimple Lengths at Fracture Load ...... ......... 105 Table 5.4 Mean Face Sheet Failure Stresses ..... ........ 109 Table 5.5 Core Indentation Results by Cell Row Direction...................... .........114 Table 5.6 Residual Strength Estimates.......... Table B.1 Tow Bending Within Fabric............ Impact Energy............... ......... 89 ........ 115 · · ·· · rl.· NOMENCLATURE 47 stress o £ Y C S shear stress strain shear strain stiffness matrix compliance matrix V Poisson's ratio E Q0 G T Ui 8 t, t,y a x,y,z u,v,w K Nf,Nx M, f h W,b Aii B6 Dq r,R I s P I L Young's modulus reduced stiffnesses matrix shear modulus transformation matrix invariant constants ply orientation lamina thickness deformation angle cartesian coordinates cartesian displacements curvature force/unit width in face sheet moment/unit width face sheet thickness panel thickness panel width extensional stiffnesses coupling stiffnesses bending stiffnesses radius of curvature moment of inertia curved path coordinate transverse load moment arm panel deflection section 8SrA panel deflection (outboard) angles q d D load / unit length rupture diameter dimple axis length y,,y, bending region coordinates Ic U Wet TT Hc S n N R modal amplitude of generalized displacement core modulus (in z direction) potential energy external work total energy fracture parameter standard deviation of a sample population fatigue cycles fatigue ratio 11 Super-scripts: dz/dx z neutral plane or axis Sub-scripts: Ixx; f cr d x,y,z 1,2,3 0 ,yy dz/dx z ; dz/dyz face sheet critical deformed direction of action with respect to specimen direction of action with respect to material undamaged, control value Intentionally left blank for notes: 13 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The sandwich structure has been studied intensively for the past fifty years in order to understand strain mechanics; its from cardboard surfaces. simple design is used boxes The to supersonic sandwich structure virtually any material in order The three face in-plane loads sheets. maintaining The core the load and a bearing faces. The constructed from are two face sheets core bonded between the structural stability face separation distance, along with the control to satisfy its desired use. provides parallel to the faces and for everything aircraft can be components for construction which carry its stress and sheets at a by constant maintaining shear stiffness normal stiffness perpendicular to face sheets carry the compression and construction, the tension loads that resist panel bending. Beyond the beauty of its simple sandwich panel's reason for being to weight ratio and bending lies in its high strength stiffness. Thus the sandwich structure has been applied to aircraft construction wherever possible and feasible. in whatever Face fiberglass, and sheet combination of materials metals. The materials thought have core has included consisted of wood, balsa wood, pine, glue pulp, polymen foam and light weight metals. The need to reduce weight led to the invention of another structural form - the honeycomb core. With the advent of advanced 14 filamentary composite materials which advantage and possess the honeycomb cores; it weight efficient for exceptional development durability. phenolic composite honeycomb The honeycomb Nomex stiffness, and and Nomex construct extremely core sandwich Laminate specific loading or aluminum is now possible to aerospace application. tailored for of strength-to-weight face panels sheets can orientations, strengths core can be made material. It shearing resistance be and from aluminum, provides through its flexural thickness, shear modulus, and density, respectively. Because honeycomb core for part of the surface, the durability aspect of HCP panels (HCPs) are aircraft's external design is now on a par typically used with strength, stiffness and light weight. "Durability" is the combination of structural longevity and economics of construction and repair. The filiamentary composite fabric facilitates simplified constuction and thus economic production. Structural longevity refers to damage resistance, damage tolerance, and fatigue life. composites have exceptional undamaged their heterogeneous their failure composition and criteria Filamentary characteristics, but brittle complicated and nature specific to make the structure and its accumulated damage. This study examines the damage resistance and tolerance of a specific graphite epoxy/honeycomb core under fatigue quasi-static loading. bending The and objective sandwich panel compression-compression is to determine the characteristics of with its maximum the panel's resistance to capabilities for construction and load orientation. damage, along various parameters of CHAPTER TWO PREVIOUS WORK 2.1 BACKGROUND A great effort has been made to determine filamentary that tend the fracture composites. in the last fifteen years principles Work and has focused to degrade composite mechanics of on the factors laminate structure and the composite material structures. Composites have some unique problems in that susceptible to damage at low as might happen Further, this detectable. levels of imparted energy such from runway damage Often composite panel from the they are debris, tool impact damage is below the may drops or not inflicted to hail. be visually a sandwich surface between plies and at the laminate core interface. 2.2 IMPACT DAMAGE AND RESIDUAL STRENGTH STUDIES Many tests on infliction investigators composite at have conducted sandwich panels prescribed energy to controlled impact determine damage levels. Oplinger and Slepetz [11 impacted graphite and S-glass epoxy HCP's with a 2 inch diameter steel ball. was very brittle strain to fracture S-glass). They found that graphite epoxy compared to (less than The Nomex was found S-glass because 1% for G/E, of its about 3% low for crushed under the impact due to the graphite face rupturing, while the S-glass face sheet bridged the crushed core's indentation absorb some of the impact. The to remain intact and graphite face sheets absorbed energy by progressive fracture along planes defined by the laminate fiber capability orientations due relative to the indentor point out the need for a graphite to be core to the radius. weight penalty. sheet of graphite The authors larger strain to failure level for damage resistant and suggest (more dense) low strain will prevent Oplinger et al that a tougher large impact damage at a also suggests a hybrid face and S-glass to improve resiliency at the cost of ultimate strength. Rhodes [2] also recommended a means of raising the damage structures. be more susceptible to indentation (crushing) panels under epoxy to Kevlar-491 epoxy Once again breaking. during stresses in the face, which impacted as a threshold for graphite sandwich He compared graphite under projectile impacts. hybrid face sheet graphite was found to Rhodes impact found that causes high precipitates buckling. compression and was able to core local He also cause buckling at impact energy levels well below that required to initiate visible damage. Rhodes suggests did Oplinger and Slepetz, as well reduce the "bearly visible Rhodes maintains that a stiffer core as as thicker face sheets to impact damage" (BVID) threshold. a visual inspection for damage is inadequate. The work of recommendation. Adsit and Waszezak After performing [31 supports impacts Rhodes with stones, a .63cm tip radius and 2.54cm tip radius, Adsit et. al. found a panel strength reduction of up visible impact damage) level. decreased as impact impactor head. (88kg Compressive residual strength energy was increased, regardless The Heat Resistant Phenolic per cubic resulted to 50% at the BVID (barely meter) in core was crushing not impact and honeycomb core resistant, face sheet of which delaminations. Both forms of damage cause a localized loss of stability and make face wrinkling more possible. that distributing the (ie: Adsit et. al. also found impact energy over a broader surface .63cm to 2.54cm impactor radius) will add approximately 25% to the compressive residual strength. that impact with no energy with the wide increase in panel Data also implies blunt tip can damage or reduction be doubled in residual strength. Gwynn and Halpin (5] O'Brien [41 and each arrived at Husman, the same Whitney conclusion regarding impact energy's effect on compressive failure stress. is a minimum plateau of residual strength where greater impact energy will Husman et. al. [5] higher, the residual hole of similar thick laminates laminates, after laminate size. have face sheet at penetration and failure stress approximates that Gwynn et. al. each is thickness. (minimum stress) less than For velocities higher of a [4] demonstrates that failure impacted at Thicker There not create further damage. predicts this at penetration velocities. and strains the same laminates than thin energy per dissipate impact matrix cracking energy through stretching of Delaminations fibers because within the peanut shaped direction in impact resistance of AS4/3501-6 materials; Nomex and and while stiffness. Bernard laminates and debonds aluminum honeycomb. They 1 Joule The in energy; and confirmed amounts of debonding between reduction of impact core Panels with stiff cores also implanted stiffness Overall, the buckling core Nomex debonding panels. (+-45/0]s different buckling. against impacted and a three at .4 Joules; aluminum had equal damage panels utilizing level at crushing to be cell wall sheet filament examined the damage threshold like the with the Bernard and Lagace [6] epoxy the BVID The delaminations are of localized Rohacell, Nomex established associated again, a source sandwich graphite and displacement. were also (long axis) once buckling instability. impact cracking. and oriented each ply. of face sheet with impact induced matrix local bending and not increases and face with delaminations face and core result was to a loss buckling stress load dropped by 8 to in core the compare in local threshold. 19% for damaged panels and was found to be independent of the core material. This result may simply be a coincidence, because it violates Lie's panel; [71 analytical which calls (Young's modulus buckling for the equation flexural times the beam's for an rigidity moment of undamaged term EI inertia). If the cores were the same thickness this could be explained by negligible core density and stiffness compared to the face 20 laminates. measured the dynamic strains levels and three energy performed impacts at Lie [7] of the panel during impact. With this data he compared it against an analytical computer model derived from Hertzian contact theory. of Nomex various thickness residual strength afore mentioned (all The and compared and fail with the face sheets at constant [0/901 laminates were for the Mar-Lin He found the [+-451 failure ocurred at stress levels stress. tested critical buckling equation and notch insensitive stress. cores) were under compression residual strength relation. to be Damaged panels net-section notch sensitive and so lower than the net-section Lie's impact tests found ,7 ft-lbs to be the damage threshold where core crushing begins, followed by matrix cracks, delamination and fiber rupture at 1.5 ft-lbs. 2.3 IMPACT DAMAGE EFFECT ON LONGEVITY Ramkumar impacts on [8) examined laminate columns the effect of 42 of and 48 low velocity plies. His conclusions are: -Tension provides less threat to impact damaged laminates. -Delaminations propagate to cause early failure in compression-compression fatigue loading. provides the lowest strain R = failures. This also (Fatigue test oo ). - Recommends ultrasonic imspections to detect delamination propagation. Componeschi et. al. an indicator of [9] studied stiffness reduction as fatigue damage. He concludes that [0,901s laminates don't experience a loss of longitudinal stiffness. The stiffness is degraded when the 90 degree ply is damaged. Camponeschi et. laminates al. concludes reduces to significant damage that the major an that Ex in quasi-isotropic equilibrium occurs until degradation failure. in state They where no also claim shearing stiffness occurs early in the panel's fatigue life. "Sudden - Death" proposed by Chou and "Degradation" fatigue models were et. al. [101 to predict residual strength throughout the laminate's fatigue life. the "Sudden - Death" model where residual degrade, provides majority describes of a good model on-axis uni-plies. increasing fatigue life. Tests indicate that strength It predicts strength doesn't for laminates with The a large "Degredation" reductions model throughout residual strength the for off-axis uni-ply laminates. Finally, Reifsnider, Schulte and Duke [111 propose three regions of damage: a stage of adjustment; coupling and growth; and final damage to failure. Fatigue failure modes and damage development is described for each. Asit [31 with a necked that performed fatigue testing on test section. oscillated at sections. 1 Hz. He used a 4 to fatigue sandwich panels point bending jig impacted panel test Results indicate that increases in impact energy shorten the specimen fatigue life, and ruptured fibers from impact have a greater effect on life than delaminations from a blunt impact. 2.4 THE INVESTIGATION This investigation follows In order to maintain a the work of Simon consistent data base, Lie [7]. similar materials, dimensions, impact and test methods are employed. Residual strength will used by Adsit follow-on Similar fatigued [3]. study under measured. Lie's will be static strength impacted, compression-compression various peak loads. bending test as However, the fatigue portion to specimens be tested through a will be a experiments. examined and (c-c) loading then at Damage propagation will be observed and CHAPTER THREE ANALYTICAL MODELS 3.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter examines the properties and orthotropic symmetric laminates and sheets of their influence as face a honeycomb sandwich panel. will be based on previous plate theory. Material properties tests and The characteristics of in this investigation will be mechanics of classical lamination the woven lamina used discussed. Stress and strain relations within the laminate will be developed and extended to the panel under pure homogeneous beam bending bending. panel derivation A residual strength damage propagation under compression bending will be discussed. And of the four - and its application to point bending problem will be reviewed. face sheet The because of finally, a global buckling model for one face sheet will be proposed. 3.2 STRESS - STRAIN RELATIONS IN AN ORTHOTROPIC LAMINATE Principle material directions will be oriented to the three dimensional global coordinate system x, y and z, defined by test specimen geometry, illustrated in Figure 3.1, Global Coordinate System. Specimen axes will be parallel or coincident to an orthogonal coordinate axis as follows: x y z - Principle longitudinal transverse normal (to panel face) material directions 24 or axes will be assigned numbers 1, 2, and 3. The direction of filaments in a uni-ply or the "fill" filament direction in a woven ply will be refered to as the principal perpendicular axis to be axis 2. material 1 which lies in the axis 1. The ply's plane will The "right hand rule" will define the third axis which is normal to the reference ply. notation using x, y, z and 1, 2, used throughout this report to Tensor and contracted 3 as subscripts will be define directions and states of stress - strain. Ar- Figure 3.1 Global Coordinate System Jones [121 provides a discussion of background material on this subject. assuming that 0,= 0, reasonable for allows for A a thin the constants from the plane stress Tz.= 0, T,= 0. laminate. reduction state of An 27 This - = C ij defined by assumption is orthotropic material independent stiffness matrix Cij. case (anisotropic material). is for stiffness the general Where; i,j = 1,...6 (3.2.1) r 0'g C1 CIt C,5 C2 , Czz Cz 2 crt Cst, Czz C 33 0 0 0 (T r, 14& be can = the with further reduced 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 C,,, 0 CSr 0 0 C 0 plan e £0 ( (3.2.2) stress state assumptions. I 0 CitC C, , 0 C, C2 c, 0 O;r Lo= C7 Tt 0 Note: 0 EI ' (3.2.3) C& , C,, = C,, due to orthotropic symmetry. The above relation can also be expressed in the compliance form. c, = S(j Sq ~ t S,, = S, 0 S- S S, 0 Where: /E,So== Where: S,, = 1/E /E, SIZ = - 2I/EI = -,/E l z S,= 1/E S6S= Ez z I S6& 1/G 1 orthotropic plane stress state The stiffness matrix for the from the reduced stiffnesses be determined more easily can (3.2.4) Cr form. 0"? 0,, =i IL, 0t2 0 a, 0 O E 0 Eza Q (3.2.5) Where the reduced stiffnesses are: Q,1 = -SIZ /(S S -sL, ) Set/S Q, Qt == SZ. / ( S,,1set--s,:, S-St )) QIM27 Sit /(Suit 5 Q, = i/s, f2S.~ (3.2.6) In terms of engineering constants Q,, = E,/(1 -~'~, Qz E2/1(I - Vt• ,) ,I ~. Q E ( EV/(1 = = VZ2,)E / (I ) (3.2.7) G, Thus four independent material properties, / E, Ez, V,2 and G will determine the stress - strain relations orthotropic lamina". and 2 in a "special That is, the principle material axes 1 are aligned with the natural body loading axes x and y. 3.3 STRESS - STRAIN RELATION FOR ARBRITRARY LAMINA 3.3.1 Orientation A stress - strain relation must be developed for lamina constructed from orthotropic plies with respect directions. to In this facesheets will in the the of arbitrary orientation geometrically natural experimental work, 2 and be subjected to compressive direction of the specimen's Individual ply orientation can range from coordinate 4 ply lamina loads oriented longitudinal -90 to +90 axis. with respect to the longitudinal or loading axis, x. 01 0X X Figure 3.2 Ply Orientation With Respect to Loading Axes Stress and strain transformations express the stresses and strains of an x-y system. coordinate system in a 1-2 coordinate The transformations are commonly written as (TY = IT] (T, where = IT] E wcos IT] sin28 cos z8 e sin = Ez (3.3.1) 2sinecose -2sin6cos0 -sin9cos8 sinScosO cos 6 sin'I -2sinecos8 sin 8 cos 2 8-sin z and the inverse T TI = sinGcos8 cos2 -sinecos 2sinecos8 cos j ?8-sin The reduced stiffness matrix for any ply orientation 8 can be found through matrix multiplication. [i] = where [TI "T TIT]-' [Q (3.3.2) Qij : transformed reduced stiffnesses inverse transpose of IT] (TITT: The orthotropic lamina becomes generally orthotropic after transformation. cry 1 0 Ey (3.3.3) The stiffness constants are simplified by Tsai and Pagano [13]. Q,, = U, + U z cos 28 + U7 Off = U, - U3 cos 46 cos 40 Qzz= U, - U2 cos 28 + U~ cos 48 Qr, = (1/2)U 2 sin 26 + U3 sin 48 Ott= (1/2)U z sin 28 - U3 sin 40 Q&= U. - U3 cos 4e 28 (3.3.4) in which U, = [3Q,, + 3Q0 Uz = [Q,, - U = [Q",, + Q22 - Q0/ + 2Q, 2 20,, -4Q64]/ UY = IQ,, + Qu + 6 Q,z - = [Q,, + Qzz - 2 Q, U- 8 (3.3.5) 4Q64]/ 8 + 4QC]/ 8 the Q..are composed Note that 8 + 4Q4]/ of invariant terms U; , which are independent of ply orientation and dependent on material stiffnesses, only. Using material constants determined for AW193PW/3501-6 graphite epoxy fabric, within TELAC and Boeing Helicopters, [Q] can be determined. TABLE 3.1 Material Properties of AW193PW/3501-6 Graphite/Epoxy EE E, TELAC Boeing so 2 8.72 Msi 9.30 Msi 9.09 Msi 9.36 Msi Recall that V1.E(9_qS) .087 .050 2 2.99 Msi 3.00 Msi .083 .050 ,,E,z= 2)•1 E, (8.72/9.09) .087 = .083 = z,= Et/E, or (9.30/9.36) .05 = •r, TELAC B.H. .050 = Vz, TABLE 3.2 Reduced Stiffnesses TELAC Values: Q,, = Q2z = Qz = 9.09/(1-(083).087) = 9.16 Msi 8.72/(1-(.083).087) = 8.78 Msi .087 (8.78) = .764 Msi Boeing Values: Q,, = Q,,= Q,a = 9.36/ (1- .05 ) = 9.38 Msi 9.30/ (1- .052) = 9.32 Msi .05 (9.32) = .466 Msi By substituting the engineering constants into the compliance matrix and performing transformation for a given ply orientation with respect to the loading axis, we find: - 22•,/E,)sin zcos 6 + 1/Esin 6 + (1/G, 1/E, = 1/E,cos 8 7 ,y= Ex[VIz/E,(sin 9 + cos ~) - (1/E, 1/E = 1/E, sin28 + (1/G,i + 2/E 1/Gxy= 2(2/E, +1/Ez-i/G,)sinz6cos28] - 2v,/E, )sin2 8cos 8 + 1/Ezcosv8 + 4,1/E, - 1/G,f)sinz8cos 8 z (3.3.6) + 1/G z(siny6 + cosvB) did not measure G,, with a specific Since this investigator shear (such test the as Shear Rail used to indirectly determine relations will be +-45 compression tests. the test), above G,, from the was found to average 3.0 Msi by E Lie [71 and Boeing Helicopters. By substituting 8 = 45°and Ex = 3.0 Msi, we have the following 1/E, = (1/E, - 2jz/E, + 1/G,z + 1/Ez)/4 = 1/Ey (3.3.7) where G,z is the only unknown. Solving for G,z -I GI = [4/E x - 1/E, - 1/E z + 2Azf/E,] (3.3.8) and substituting: TELAC values Boeing values Similarly, Gyp can be found for any orientation [2/E, + 2/E z + 4Vz1/E, GVy= 4.10 Msi TELAC Since QG now that G For 8 = + 45ý: is known. 1/GV ,= G,1 = .887 Msi G, 1 = .885 Msi = G,z , all - 1/G,I ]/ Boeing 2 + 1/2 G,2 (3.3.9) Gxy= 4.44 Msi of the material constants, orientation transformation equations and stress - strain relations are available to calculate the stresses and strains within a ply at any given orientation applied load. invariant respect to This is facilitated reduced Substituting 8, with of with the Tsai & Pagano equations (3.2.5). stiffnesses engineering the axes material constants into the invariant relations produces the following invariant values. TABLE 3.3 Invariant Values for AW193PW/3501-6 U, 7.36 7.57 TELAC Boeing The Uz .19 .03 reduced stiffnesses U3 1.61 1.78 Uq 2.37 2.24 calculated UV (Msi) 2.50 2.66 from equation (3.3.4) using TELAC values are: 0,, = = z= =,, = Q,&= 7.36 + .19 cos 28 + 1.61 cos 46 2.37 - 1.61 cos 48 7.36 - .19 cos 20 + 1.61 cos 48 (.19/2) sin 28 + 1.61 sin 48 (.19/27 sin 28 -ý 1.61 sin 46 2.5 - 1.61 cos 46 Reduced stiffnesses (Msi units) are calculated using TELAC values, for given orientations. TABLE 3.4 Reduced Stiffnesses Based On Orientation 8 = 00 100 200 300 400 450 5,, 9.16 8.77 7.79 6.65 5.88 5.75 2,z .76 1.14 2.09 3.18 3.88 3.98 12 8.78 8.41 7.49 6.46 5.81 5.75 0 1.07 -1.00 1.27 1.65 -1.52 2.22 1.48 -1.31 3.31 .64 -.46 4.01 .095 .095 4.11 Ots OQ, QO6 0 .89 Values are in Msi or 10' psi. 31 3.4 THE WOVEN LAMINA Typical laminates are composed stacked at various principal axis weave lamina "bi-ply". of multiple "uni-plies" orientations with respect to for the laminate. used in this The the chosen graphite/epoxy plain research is an orthotropic That is, each ply has two principle directions of fiber orientation, which are approximately perpendicular and have center of their filament tows fashion as mass in each within direction are over and they pass in figure 3.3(a). of graphite/epoxy is woven tows, each populated with load As long tightly with cross-section of as the fabric will be Note from Sub-lamina geometry is discussed in Appendix B. L tow width + :-::.-• . . .. \ ':.:' -... :"::' i (a) Figure 3.3 or gaps well figure filaments are divided by the central ply plane throughout the fabric. central plane The woven filament no holes a ply bearing filaments. 3.3(b) that these load bearing plane. bent in a sinusoidal under cross tows, as depicted between the same (b) Fabric Tow Geometry Within A Lamina 3.5 STRESS - STRAIN VARIATIONS WITHIN A LAMINATE For will it thin laminates, that be assumed lines originally straight and perpendicular to the central surface of the laminate, will remain straight and perpendicular when the laminate is extended, compressed or bent. Kirchoff hypothesis for classical laminated assumption is that the plate theory. that shearing central laminates.) plates and the basic strains are surface rxz = Thus, The will be = 0 yz a This is the assumption of result of neglected. plane and normals this (Note for flat in the direction are assumed to maintain constant length, so Z 0. 0£= The Kirchoff-Love hypothesis for thin shells introduces laminate displacements u, v, and w for coordinate axes x, y, and z, The laminate respectively. occupies the and undergoes deformations as illustrated reproduced in Figure 3.4 and 3.5. x-y-plane in Jones [12] and From the figure, line ABCK remains straight under deformation (by definition). Uc = Subscript 0 indicates Uo - Zec (3.5.1) a point on the middle surface. Line ABCD also remains perpendicular to the middle surface, which leads to S= Then, the wo/ displacement, u, ax at (3.5.2) any point z through the laminate thickness is u = uo - z aw./ ax By similar reasoning, v = v, - z bw,/ by (3.5.3) t zw Figure 3.4 Coordinate and Displacement Orientation -- #1 -[d Z 1 undeformed cross section Figure 3.5 deformed cross section Geometry of Deformation in the z-x Plane Non zero strains are defined in terms of displacements. av/ by Ey= EX = bu/ bx Placing the results cy= au/3y + Zv/bx of equations (3.5.3) into (3.5.4) (3.5.4), the strains become: EC= au o /?x - z( bwo/bxZ ) Ey= v./by - z( awo/ay1 ) - + 6Vo /bx J.= au o /ay (3.5.5) 2z(a w./ax y) Re-writing in matrix form, the strain variation equation is - 5Ey= Ky Z (3.5.6) where the middle surface strains are EY Žuo/?x = v,/ay (3.5.7) and the middle surface curvatures are = Ky Kry By 2ý substituting variation (3.5.8) wa/'y w,/axby the equation (3.5.6) through the into the thickness strain orthotropic stress - strain relation, equation (3.3.3); the stresses in any ply k can be determined. = Since Q*j can variations may Z ;KY LQ be different not be 0 (3.5.9) for each linear through though the strain variation is linear. ply, the the thickness, stress even The force and moment per on a laminate unit length (or width) acting is found through integration of the stresses in each layer or lamina through the laminate thickness. f/2 N =1 fN f/2 Mx = 0, dz f f/2 0, zdz -f/2 where Nx and M. are the force and My are the intergration of through force the laminate and moment per unit length. Ny and Ty through for (3.5.10) moment per unit the thickness, 0y , and T., width, f. 1Ty with Integrating (substituting equation (3.5.9) into (3.5.10)), for both force and moment. 4 Nx NY Ny zk K z* f s.j dz + z Ky zdz z K35 ( 11) (3.5.11) M = MY 1 k=l E zk SJzdz Ki Ky yI + fz IK zk., k• z NMY zk zzdz Kxy (3.5.12) where the laminate has m middle surface strains layers or lamina. and curvatures are not Recall functions of z, but values which can be removed from the summation. equations (3.5.11) and (3.5.12) that can be written as Thus E. Nx A,l A,, Ny AMt A ? I NXY AN A6, I B But B,1 ( BN K1 KX B K J B, B,, B tj B,& (3.5.13) MX B, My Bi My B& B, D12 IV Y0+ B4 D24& Kr DIG K DZ K D ( KW) (3.5.14) where m Ai '.1 (Qj )k k=l k=1 (zk - zkI) m = 1/2 zk-z (z- : k=1 m Agj (Qci )k = 1/3 D..IJ (zk3 - (3.5.15) z•k- k=1 , B.j and D,' are the extensional, coupling and bending stiffnesses, respectively. Equations (3.5.13 layups, [81s or [91z 3, AW193PW/3501-6 makes symmetric also. construction. [45]z,V . and the surface. These .... for symmetric The perpendicular [+- would 45], not be weave of and [+- [0/90]s true lay-ups are equivalent for each summation is are simplified (0/901, This Thus Q•- All - 15) for 45]s uni-ply to (0 1 ,,y and ply in the laminate is the same over the distance coupling terms Bij , z from are zero the middle because symmetric lamina orientation about the middle surface. of Table 3.5 Stiffnesses for Orthotropic Plain Weave Laminates Extensional Coupling A* Bending B D*i [0/90],1+-45] 2 Qg& tply 0 2/3 Q.- t I [0/901s,[+-451 4 Qj tpir 0 16/3 Qi t, Using the nominal ply reduced stiffnesses 1; = thickness, t,, from Table .0076 inch and 3.4, one .can calculate the extentional and bending stiffnesses for use in equations (3.5.13) and (3.5.14). Measurement of strains and curvatures will permit the calculation of extentional forces (Nr, Ny ), in-plane shearing forces (N,y), moments (M, ,My) and torsion (My.). 3.6 BEAM DEFLECTION UNDER TRANSVERSE LOADING To this point, the plane considered as a perfectly bonded with special characteristics weave laminate has been stack of orthotropic plies because of it's symmetric lay-up and material axis orientation. weave, In order to study the interaction of plain weave laminate facesheets and honeycomb cores under bending, the global model of a homogeneous thin beam or panel under transverse loading will be examined. for This loading method was the experimental means determining characteristics. panel capabilities and failure Timoshenko supported by two homogeneous beam loads or transverse bending that the beam has a thin neutral axis the [14] described deflection of a thin fixed pivot points under moments. assumed Timoshenko rectangular cross section and its lies in the middle surface. Neglecting the small effect of shearing force, the curvature at any point depends only on the magnitude of the moment M at that point. The resulting relation for pure bending: 1/r = M/EIy (3.6.1) where: r is the radius of curvature M is the moment of external forces E is Young's Modulus for a homogeneous beam I,= f 2 (3.6.2) dA is the moment of inertia for the cross section with I respect to the neutral axis. Combining equations (3.6.1) and (3.6.2) yields Mr EI /r = E/r f z dA = J E/r ZadA (3.6.3) where EIy: flexual rigidity Thus the radius bending moment of curvature by is inversely proportional to a factor the beam's of the flexural rigidity, a constant for a given material cross section. Any beam or panel which is not constrained on its edges will exhibit anticlastic curvature through lateral extension and longitudinal contraction in the surfaces of the beam which lie on the concave side of the neutral surface, during bending. The opposite is true for neutral surface. The neutral surface as its does not contract or extend in directions. anticlastic curvature in a thick Figure 3.6 the beam is in a longitudinal contraction. The state name implies, illustrates homogeneous curves in orthogonal directions due mass and material density. of the any direction as it bends in orthogonal of the convex side beam as it to conservation of beam top surface or concave side of lateral extension and That is, Ey is positive and Ex is negative. r 1 Figure 3.6 the \\ Anticlastic Curvature Under Pure Bending 40 Surface strains within an element of related by Poisson's ratio. intact material are unit strain in the lateral The direction is 7 where z is the -'x distance from surface and r is the considered. Due -2t E, (3.6.4) z/r the neutral surface to the radius of longitudinal curvature being to the distortion, cross section originally material lines in the parallel to the y axis will curve and remain normal to the sides of the beam. Their radius of curvature R will be larger than r by the same proportion as 6E is to Ey . A more useful form is R = r/z. (3.6.5) where R : the lateral radius of curvature. This lateral bending of a beam under moment becomes quite apparent for an axial bending thin sandwich beams under large bending distortion. The incremental distance ds along a deflected beam's neutral surface can be written as ds = rde (3.6.6) using the small angle assumption, and for sign convention Assuming flat deflections 1/r = de/ds (3.6.7) 8 - tan 8 = dz/dx ds - dx, and placing approximate values into equation (3.6.7) 1/r = Equation (3.6.1) becomes d z z/dxz the differential (3.6.8) equation of deflection. EI dZz/dxz = M (3.6.9) Large curves prevent the small angle approximation and require a more accurate value for 8: 1/r = (de/ds) = d(arctan (dz/dx))/dx 1/r = dx/ds (3.6.10) (d z/dxz)/[1l + (dz/dx)] 3/z where 6 = arctan (dz/dx). So equation (3.6.9) becomes EIy (d z/dx z ) / [1 + (dz/dx)Z ]F (3.6.11) = M 3.7 FOUR POINT BEAM BENDING DEFLECTION Defining the moment equations from equation (3.6.9) for a four point symmetrically loaded beam. 0 M = EI, i x I - x - (L-1) (dlw/dxz) = P(L-x) ; (L -P)I (3.7.1) x - L P z - '~~ -" M f A Figure 3.7 Integrating the moment x • L- L Four Point Beam Loading equations twice and solving for associated boundary conditions and compatibility conditions leads to the well known solution. (P/El) w(x) [x/6 - Ax(L - j)/21 + tV/61 (Pl/EIy)([x/2 - Lx/2 = x ;0 - 1 ; 1 - x _ (L-B) (P/EIl,) [ -x 3 /6 + Lxz/2 - x(L - LA + tz)/2 + L(L - 3LI + 31 )/61 ;(L-.) x e L (3.7.2) Maximum Deflection occurs when dz/dx = 0 and x = L/2, by symmetry = (Pl/EIy)[ tZ/ (w)MA 6 - L2 /8 i (3.7.3) The angle on either end of this symmetrically deflected beam is: 08 = (dz/dx),, 80 = (dz/dx), & = = -(P/2EI,)(- (P/2EIy)(1 - IL) Equations (3.7.3) and (3.7.4) will flexural rigid-ity upon measured 1L) be used to calculate the of damaged and undamaged values of load, (3.7.4) 68 and specimens based mid-beam deflection. The idealized homogeneous beam model must now be examined as a sandwich beam/panel with its 3 dimensional stresses and multiple component parts. 3.8 FLEXURAL STIFFNESS OF THE SANDWICH PANEL Extending the Kirchoff assumption allows equation (3.5.15) to be to a sandwich panel written in its with the following defined panel dimensions as: basic form h: panel thickness f: face sheet thickness c: core thickness and h/2 Aij = J-h/2 B. B = Q i dz h/2 (3.8.1) Qi. zdz J -h/2 h/2 D = DJ - f-h/2 z dz ..z (3.8.2) h = c + 2f where = one ply t or tp for A,- The values to doubled for account found Bij and face 2 are simply in Table 3.6 sheet laminates and a negligible core stiffness in the x - y plane. [+-45]: [0/90], 10/901s, Ai; [+-45]s: Aij f Bij = 0 = 4Qij f Bij = 0 = 4Q.; tp1 y = 25il = 8Qij tpr, (3.8.3) The bending stiffness becomes (3.8.4) z Di) =1/3 h/2 ij[ /-h/2 -c/2 3 + Z c/2 Since Q.. S= 2/3 D.. + 1/3 C' 3 we +c / 2 -h/2 is negligible it can be removed to leave (h/8 - c/8) 2/3 d (h/8- c /8) = 1/12 (h- ) 3_ C) 1/12 5 (h (3.8.5) (3.8.5) This bending stiffness symmetric sandwich equation panels with is applicable negligibly stiff to all cores and face sheets with constant orientation for every ply. Equations (3.5.13) simplified (3.5.14) can now be written in matrix form for these specific panels. (N} = 2f [Qij (M} = (h3 and - { •} c 3 )/12 (3.8.6) [QWi;] MK{ For a sandwich panel under (3.8.7) pure bending, the mid-plane will experience no extension, only bending curvature. {W1} = 0 and into (3.5.5) {N} = 0. and If we substitute assume no Hence equation (3.5.8) mid-plane extension (or contraction), equation (3.5.5) becomes Ex(z) = -zK Ey(z) = -zKy = -zKX '(z) where the curvatures Kirchoff (3.8.8) are constant through the assumption. Rearranging equation panel by the (3.6.9) into matrix form, we have the curvature relation K 3y : -;/z (3.8.9) Measured face sheet strains Ex, E' and •Y can be placed into equation (3.8. 9) along curvatures. (3.8.7). (M) can with z = h/2, to then be provide the panel calculated from equation Note: Sign convention Curvatures are positive the positive x,y, when the concave normal or z direction. Positive positive curvatures. jr (ros.) -I3 .f f _ (a) General Panel t x (b) Top Face of 2 Ply Panel Figure 3.8 Panel Side View is in moments create 3.9 LOCAL BUCKLING OF FACESHEET AND CORE If a that the sandwich panel is bent and bending moment is carried the face sheets only, then an deflection angle force Nf w" and by the axial forces in 3.9 (a). The left hand and in the face sheets are rotated through a of w" dx with is compressed in core element been assumed element in its deformed state is loaded as depicted in Figure right hand forces it has per unit run respect to each other, the the vertical direction as illustrated in Figure by a 3.9 (b) expressed as q dx = N; (d2w/dxZ) dx (3.9.1) This force compresses the core and c is reduced. ds r r NT -dx qWx (a) Panel Element Bending Figure 3.9 (b) Face Element Loading Curvature Honeycomb Core Loading Concentrated loading in the vertical (z direction) causes an As compression. additional reduces c thickness core under a constant moment. in-plane face sheet loads increase increase the normal load on Increased face sheet loads will the core once again. deformation until its buckling load crush. is approached; at which crimp and buckle, finally Figure 3.10 is a typical honeycomb core load diagram to failure. until 0 start to walls the cell time vertical to resistance provides core honeycomb A approaches can be loading deformation The core ignored cell buckling the core's wrinkling and stress. L o•d •W" Tkicksess Figure 3.10 Core Deformation Load Diagram Researchers working face sheet with thin wrinkling and dimpling panels subjected to dimple appears face sheets to occur critical in-plane within the confines with honeycomb loading; where of the Dimpling is essentially a localized buckling the face element over edges of the cell. relation between a cell, Weikel and the critical have found core cell. phenomenon of which is supported at Kobayashi [151 stress and the all proposed a a characteristic dimension f/d. where d is the length of a square cell and f is the face sheet thickness. = 2.5.E (f/d)2 O. The 2.5 factor assumes a Poisson sheet. Compressive loads (3.9.2) value of .3 for were parallel to the face the square cell's diagonal. the For hexagonal cell sandwiches, test of results Norris/Kommers [51-17], and found that the dimension f/d, was Plantema [16] compared [50-51 and Kuenzi exponent for the characteristic 1.7 and 2.4, respectively. By settling for the compromise value of 2 and simpler formula: "cr= 3Er(f/d)2 Plantema found (3.9.3) a +-8% deviation from Kuenzi's experimental results. The normal panel loading qdx applied to an undamaged core during sandwich panel bending is NFw" dx from equation 3.9.1. In most cases w"dxwill be c/f is greater than 10) applied to the core. and so panel perfectly flat sheet running sheet plane face sheet indentation. and undeformed, and susceptible fibers increases beneath the facial indentation. face the face under compressive is bent with compression, localized normal cross With the of the are out of to buckling When the panel loading q the length-wise through the indentation in-plane loading. face under will the normal Now consider section of a panel with a quite small (if the dented loading/unit area Where wj " indentation. is wj " a is function of position within the '~X)in their deformed condition, one continue to carry N; (or from equation sheet If the tows 3.11(b). indentation, as illustrated in Figure can see the face curvature within the local (3.9.4) that (Ois larger than the undamaged core load, O~ = Nfw"/dx by a factor of (w"+ wd'2w"). X (a) Side View w'/x Alf (b) Tow Deflection r D -- ? y (c) Cross Sectional View D: Dimple axis length Figure 3.11 Cross Sectional View of a Dimpled Face Sheet Under Compression 3.10 RESIDUAL STRENGTH MODEL Once the damage has been growth forecast, a practical predict panel buckling assessed and regional damage global model is required loads and modes. The to buckling load for the undamaged panel is the first step. A sandwich illustrated in panel loaded between the two described in section 3.7. be as elastic foundation. points, as = Pl/(c+f)W, force N, restrained by a and stiff The film adhesive embedded in the Nomex considerable stiffness to the foundation adds pure bending interior load orthotropic plate an as The. top laminate face sheet will a compressive subjected to modeled point bending Figure 3.7, is subjected to a = P1, moment Mc under four laminate and thus must be considered in the model. It is assumed that panel bending bending stiffness test section. supported at x = a, The curvature. the Nomex are constant In addition, o and to face through the approximation final curvature, is the panel is displays minimal simplification is that the face due foundation modulus and pure simply anticlastic neccessary for sheet bending moment M;x, insignificant compared to the bending moment of the sandwich panel. In order to simplify the plate-mode calculations, a new coordinate system parallel to the existing x-y-z system will be defined as ) , P, ý7, respectively. bound two panel and sides of ' the pure will be the The bending test 3 and e axes will section of face sheet deflection the parallel to the z 3.1^ axis, from the for an ~- e datum plane. illustration of the Refer to Figure coordinate systems positioning. W X y Figure 3.12 Bending Region Coordinate System bending region The has the coordinate system following relations: e= y - W/2 where: (3.10.1) W = b from the and = y - b/2 deflection equation (3.7.7) for the entire panel w = -(Pl/EI,)[xl/2 - Lx/2 + 1/61 ; Lx!(L-1) (3.10.2) we gain the deflection relation ý = w(x) + P12/EI [(2/3f - L/2 ] and assuring a small anticlastic (3.10.3) curvature we can shift the deflection relation to y = -W/2, the edge of the panel. deflection function errors become more critical 7 is defined by position ( , ). The bending region has dimensions: a = L - 21 b = W = width 52 as the Now defection = -P1/EIr[ (ý) - = Pl/ i) 2 EIy[ (3.10.4) ]1 Y ,,occurs at x = L/2 or As expected, ~(L/2 Z/2 + (t-L/2) LZ/4 - =(L/2) - i + 2z] Li (3.10.5) The boundary conditions for the bending region are: S= 0,a; 0; '= Mx = -D,,~ x -D IL• by the assumption of insignificance 0 compared to the panel's moment. P= 0,b; 0 because 0p= the plate is in a curved equilibrium state; (f) = -Pl/2EI,( Mn = -D, DS and z- =0 ay ) (3.10.6) for specially orthotropic plates. The Rayleigh-Ritz method of assumed to predict critical displacements ' ( T, ( 7 () loads failure modes. The are modeled as: fl sin--h\, and modes will be used 51I Sb sin (3.10.7) where: m and n are the total munber of modes, q is the modal amplitude (the generalized displacements), 3 is the coordinate along the panel's edge (parallel to x the loading axis), C is the lateral coordinate (parallel to the y axis), and constants K' is the modulus of the core. Nx is the effective end load. a and b are the length and width of the bending Boundary conditions are satisfied in that state of = 0 variational equilibrium the plate is along all in a sides, prior to buckling. The total potential energy of the sy stem is given by: 1r7 = Ubehjn + U priýiS TT = 1/2 EI( a z Id fro, + 1/2 K zdj Substituting the + E ( - dP - ) 1/2f Wext d deP dY• N)( ) d assumed deflection function (3.10.8) and carrying out integration (3.10.8) d (3.10.7) into over the test region, we find a simplified form due to orthogonality of modes. TT =Z> Applying MCI lizI the M +(±Ir) EI, Principle of + (3.10.9) NX q ri Stationary Potential Energy requires that bTT/ i= (3.10.10) 0 (3.10. 11) where the Kronecker Delta S The summation terms one non-trivial term 1 , if m = n 0, if m = n can be discarded as there per choice of m will be only and n. equation (3.10.11) and dropping non-zero factors. Rewriting = I N] q = 0 -). + J (3.10.12) This equation is of the form - N ) q ( Br where B = (•-EI = 0 + (--)'EIr + (3.10.13) ] -() and can be written in matrix form as [BA - Nx1( q] = 0) (3.10.14) For each selection of m there exists a diagonal matrix in n - (B NX ) 0 0 (B 0 0. ... Lq-NX) q = (0} 0 0 ... Bj- (3.10.15) f NX which provides a non-trivial solution if and only if the determinant of the diagonal matrix is zero. (Bb, - Nx)(Br,~- Nx)...(B,~- Hence, (3.10.16) Nx ) = 0 From equation (3.10.16) one can see tha t the term which equals zero at the lowest value of B buckling load for will the selected mode value (3.10.14-16) can be used for each be the critical of m. Equations iteration of m, m+1, m+2, etc. until a complete matrix has been calculated. Ncr= min where NCr Notice rigidity )EI, EI + (3.10.17) is the buckling or face sheet wrinkling load. that the in + two buckling load directions, depends test on panel section flexural dimensions, foundation stiffness modulus and modal combinations. The failure load for damaged panels will be estimated, based upon the critical load of undamaged panels, calculated from equation (3.10.17) This undamaged failure load N 55 will be converted to be used an equivilent stress (,. to approximate the Two methods will residual strength of a damaged panel: 1) Constant net-section stress (upper bound) 2) Mar - Lin relation [171 Lie [71 describe this (lower bound) bounding method for predicting residual strength. For panels which are insensitive net-section on both sides of the to notches, the damage is assumed to carry a constant stress: (3.10.18) cr, = (OT (b-d)/d where: aO, is the failure stress of the damaged panel, (To is the failure stress of an undamaged panel, If the b is the panel width, and d is the ruptured face sheet diameter. panel is notch-sensitive, then the Mar-Lin[171 relation is used to predict the failure stress: (r, where: (3.10.19) = Hc (d)'. Hc is the experimentally determined composite "fracture parameter". Equation (3.10.19) is based on two is an empirically derived material properties formula which and the dimension of cross sectional damage. The fracture toughness depends on laminate lay-up , ratio of matrix elasticity moduli, yielding discontinuity, d. Lin denotes as stress, and to laminate original length of the However, the exponential value -.28 which -m represents the order of 56 singularity of a crack within a matrix. constituent properties Lin requires of the that m depend filament and on the matrix. Lin's study provided values of -.28 and -.30 for Hercules graphite filaments and epoxy matrix 3501-6. Hence, the value for m the order of singularity, is used in equation (3.10.19), but fracture parameter Hc, is left to experimental derivation. Lie [71 technique uses Federson's to impractical approaches bound result 3.13 illustrates Net - Stress depicted and provide domain from 0, O~,r approaches b, O~r the [18] tangent where equation increases tangent upper d/b without bound; corrections. bounds an (ie: As d and as d zero value). Relation with and lower provides (3.10.19), does not approach a the Mar-Lin line correction Figure Lie's Constant The two for methods predicting residual strength of damaged laminates in compression, for a given damage-to-width ratio. The failure stress bending failure will be compared compression predictions. for panel with these in-plane column Mar-Lin Relation with Tangent Corrections 0.0 Figure 3.13 0.1 0.4 0.3 Damage Width (d/w) 0.2 0.5 Mar - Lin Relation with corrections CHAPTER FOUR EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS The objectives of the residual strength experimentation was to isolate and examine parameters to (honeycomb core panel). parameters were fixed the experimental task. the contribution residual strength Both to of material reduce the a and of various damaged HCP experimental enormity of the The fixed parameters were: - specimen width and length - face sheet material - core material and density - impactor mass, shape and size - bonding epoxy - age within specimen's life - temperature and humidity (normal room temperature and humidity) - dual cantilever clamping during impact The parameters which were isolated, measured and varied were: - core thickness - impact energy - face sheet thickness - face sheet orientation (relative to load application and core ribbon direction) - strain measurement positions The method of testing was tailored to isolate and characteristics of the HCP. evaluate certain parameters and Four curvature, anticlastic and deflection rigidity, maximum curvature, failure flexual evaluated bending point moment, damage/dimple propagation, and failure modes. compression tests The ultimate face extent of edge effects. of final series specimens were performed to evaluate in compression and sheet strength tests examined various with Panel compression-compression of states loading, fatigue life the of damage, under panel because of the impracticality of fatigue bending. 4.2 TEST PROGRAM The test program called for the fabrication of HCP's of layup, core (ie: face sheet various "types" thickness and core composition) for impact testing, four point bending and column compression -under quasi-static and cyclic loading. Table 4.1 describes the four point bending residual strength test matrix. speeds to The tests simulate static some undamaged aluminum and performed under were strength conditions. specimens were fabricated with Nomex core, so that under the loading the core would the impact energy for each specimen and of the impact test matrix. ramp Note that a composite not crush section could be tabs and the Nomex test brought to its ultimate bending moment. slow Table 4.1 specifies thus contains part The remaining impact test matrix is included within the fatigue test matrix. 60 TABLE 4.1 FOUR POINT BENDING RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST MATRIX FOUR POINT BENDING; Damaged Laminate Under Compression Layup Core Thickness (in) Impact Energy (ft-lb) (N/A) +-45 +-45 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.2 2.0 +-45 +-45 +-45 .687 .687 .687 (N/A) 0.0 1.0 2.0 +-45 +-45 +-45 +-45 +-45 1.00 (N/A) +-45 +-45 +-45 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 [+-45]s [+-45]s [+-451s 1.00 1.00 1.00 0/90 0/90 0/90 0/90 .375 2.0 2.5 3.15 (N/A) .375 0/90 0/90 0/90 0/90 0/90 .687 .687 .687 .687 (N/A) 1.00 (N/A) 0/90 0/90 1.00 1.00 1.00 [0/901s [0/90]s (0/901s 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.2 .375 .375 .375 0/90 0/90 # of Specimen 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.2 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.15 Total 126 Note: (N/A) indicates a reinforced Nomex/aluminum core The employed Panel Compression Test Matrix to ultimate evaluate failure load for the thick core of premature width; face sheets in-plane at two also through greater contribute was compression orientations. light weight aluminum honeycomb buckling and the in Table 4.2 normal may prevent stiffness negligibly to A and longitudinal stiffness. TABLE 4.2 UNDAMAGED PANEL STRENGTH TEST MATRIX PANEL COMPRESSION; Laminate Compression Limits Layup Core Thickness Core Material # of Specimens +-45 1.00 Low Density Aluminum Core 4 0/90 1.00 Low Density Aluminum Core 4 The fatigue test variables because investigation. were tested practical As limited in enormity sinusoidal substitute four point the was of for four cyclic point bending stroke would loads at scope and multi-variable panel specimens compression bending The specimen's deflection beam specimen would a mentioned previously, under deflections. greater of program as a oscillatory amplitude under the be too large. A shorter have a smaller deflection, but require the loading points to meet the desired maximum moment for cyclic bending and cause premature if not immediate localized The result of core crushing under the loading tabs. panel fatigue testing is that the longevity of considered. not described in program as panel fatigue test However, this is fatigue bending under core the Table 4.3, is implicitely applicable to the longevity of the sheet face compression HCP and bending under In fact this applicable to in-plane compression of the HCP. longevity as intended was study a to continuance the [ 7 1, of Lie compression investigation quasi-static panel directly using similar panels and impact damage. 4.3 SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION constructed this investigation; for basic sandwich, and fatigue The face sheet for each specimen consisted of two or plies of four the static compression panel, reinforced sandwich, panel. specimens were of sandwich honeycomb panel Four types an AS4 Face sheet orientation graphite epoxy sheets were bonded fabric. by the and thickness was prescribed a given core material test matrix for plain weave to a homogeneous or and thickness. Face composite honeycomb core: CORE MATERIAL SPECIMEN TYPE Basic Reinforced Static Panel Fatigue Panel Both types of Nomex Honeycomb Nomex/Aluminum honeycomb composite Aluminum honeycomb composite Nomex honeycomb composite panel specimens have Scotch bonded to both face sheets at aluminum honeycomb core ply loading tabs either end and a high density between the loading tabs. 4.1,2,3 and 4 illustrate the specimen configuration. 63 Figures Nomex core -bb 1- laminate facesheet - film adhesive 6. 14" 2.75" I Figure 4.1 Basic Sandwich Panel film adhesive 7 *b. laminate facesheet 6" _1 Nomex honeycomb high density aluminum honeycomb 2" 1` 6" T Figure 4.- 14" 'r( Reinforced Sandwich Panel 2.75" d 2.75" Scotchply 3" )p _I_ film adhe, laminate facesheet light wei; aluminum honeycomb 14" high dens: aluminum honeycomb 2.75" 2.75" 3" 31± Figure 4.2 Static Compression Sandwich Panel 2.75" Scotchply 3" _i_ film adhesive laminate facesheet 14" 3.54" I Nomex honeycomb - 14" high density aluminum honeycomb 2.75" 4- Figure 4.,' Fatigue Sandwich Panel TABLE 4.3 PANEL LONGEVITY TEST MATRIX Test: Panel Compression - Compression Oscillation Face sheet Layup # of Specimens Impact Energy (ft-lb) Panel Thickness (in) 2.0 1 .687 0.0 2 .687 .687 1.0 2.0 3 3 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0 1.0 2.0 2 (P:1) 2 1 0/90 .375 2.0 1 0/90 0/90 0/90 .687 .687 .687 0.0 1.0 2.0 3 3 2 0/90 1.00 0.0 1 (P) +-45 .375 +-45 +-45 +-45 +-45 +-45 +-45 TOTAL 24 (P):Specimen o f width 70mm and non-standardized fabrication of grip reinforcement. 4.4 MANUFACTURING PROCEDURES The fabrication of the test as nine separate cure, operations: trimming, core assembly, specimens involved as many layup, laminate cure, sandwich panel bond, post tab bond, machining, and strain gauge application. 4.4.1 Layup All face sheets plain weave fabric are made from a impregnated with pre-preg is a net-resin system with 66 AS4 graphite filament 3501-6 epoxy. This a 34% resin content, by volumn. The pre-preg fabric Fiberite and known as is supplied AW193PW/3501-6. contains red and yellow tracer uses white tracer fibers. and The Hercules product fibers. Both by Hercules The Fiberite fabric materials have very similar properties. The pre-preg fabric is removed from its freezer storage 30 minutes before room temperature with cutting. Once the material it can be removed minimal condensation approaches from its air formation. tight bag Normal temperature makes the fabric tacky humidity and room temperature makes the pre-preg and easy to room cut. High too tacky and troublesome to layup. A 12 by 14 inch aluminum plate covered with non-stick tape provides the template for cutting pre-preg plies with a Stanley utility knife. desired angles with tracer fibers The template respect to with pre-cut experiment required only to cut the four layups [+-45]s. A can be oriented the fabric's angular degree used: [0/901; [+-451; sheet of Teflon longitudinal templates. the 0/90 and 45 at This templates [0/901s; and FEP flourocarbon film is then applied to each face of the pre-preg layup. 4.4.2 Laminate Cure The cure layup is depicted in Figure of the aluminum cure base work of aluminum T 4.5 and consists plate, non-porous Teflon, a frame dams and cork, the pre-preg layup surrounded by the FEP flourocarbon film, a second layer of Vacuum Bag Fiberglass Air Breather Aluminum Top Plate - -Non-porous Teflon o Laminate -- - Laminate • - FEP Peel Ply -. Cork--Aluminum Alum um T-Dam4 s - - - -4 * - Non-porous Teflon S-4-- Vacuum tape Aluminum Cure Plate non-porous Figure 4.5 Laminate Cure Layup Teflon and an aluminum bleeder plies are required. paper It is recommended that the Teflon be wrapped tightly around the to prevent resin bleed. No top plate. edges of the top plate The entire assembly is covered with a fiberglass cloth and then enclosed under a vacuum film bag secured at the edge of the cure base plate by vacuum tape, for an air tight seal. The laminates are cured under a 135 psi pressure differential (15 psi vacuum and 120 psig autoclave pressure) using a two step process. The first stage is the resin flow throughout the fabric at 225 "F stage cures for 60 minutes. the resin at 350 o F for 2 hours. The second Temperature increases and reductions are conducted at 5 OF per minute to avoid thermal shock. in Figure 4.6 A cure cycle time history is presented Laminate Cure Cycle. AUTOCLAVE C) 350 225 150 RT -70 0 TIME Figure 4.6 4.4.3 (mins) Laminate Cure Cycle Post-Cure The post-cure procedure non-pressurized oven at 350OF is to cure the laminate in a for 8 hours. This extended cure maximizes the epoxy matrix capabilities. 4.4.4 Trimming Following the post-cure, the laminate is trimmed and squared on all four edges with a diamond grit cutting wheel mounted on The a milling machine. wheel is cooled with a low velocity stream of water, which also carries away debris during the cutting. the cutting minute. The 5 inch wheel rotates at 1100 rpm as table advances the laminate at 11 inches per 4.4.5 Core Assembly The core simply the assembly for the basic sandwich cutting of an oversized Nomex honeycomb, with a nominal specimen is 12 by 14 inch piece of density of 3.0 pcf. Excess core material is trimmed following panel bonding. The reinforced honeycomb on section, as sandwich both sides of a specimen requires mid beam 2 inch illustrated in Figure with a density of 22.0 pcf 4.2. The aluminum Nomex test aluminum core will not wrinkle and crush under the loading tabs as does the Nomex. The static compression column is composed of a low density (3 pcf) aluminum honeycomb core test section bounded by two inch high density to Figure 4.3). aluminum honeycomb sections (refer The fatigue compression column has similar end sections bounding a Nomex honeycomb test high density aluminum end sections are neccessary- to 'ith- section. The stand the test machine grip pressure. All of the Hysol Clear composite core Epoxy-Patch with joints the aid are cemented of an with assembly jig. The epoxy cures in 8 hours at room temperature. 4.4.6 Bond Cure The face sheets are bonded to the cores with American Cyanimid's FM-123-2 film adhesive (density: Non-porous Teflon sheets cover the Steel top plates followed are by fiberglass then placed panel on air-breather. top An .06 lb/ft ). on both sides. of the Teflon aluminum bar is placed along the order to protect vacuum bag. side of exposed Nomex core material it from the 40 psi crushing The panel bond cure in effect of the arrangement is shown in Figure 4.7. Vacuum Bag Fiberglass Air Breather Steel Top PlatesAluminum•Edge Bar * L•,iiii.I~III • " ' TlNon-pooous Assembled • .Panel ' ,,. -,,-,,m,,, ,~,,,,i,,,/, 4- l - Vacuum ta-e Aluminum Cure Plate Figure 4.7 The dog-eared atmosphere as Panel Bond Cure Layup vacuum is autoclave pressure is the temperature reaches for 2 hours. bag Note that a 225 OF. left vented brought to 40 This single to the psi and stage is held vacuum drawn under the vacuum bag would cause a pressure diffential between the and the atmospheric pressure trapped internal bag within each core cell. This differential has been known to cause core damage. 4.4.7 Load Tab Cure Pre-cured fiberglass crossply loading distribute test machine grip pressure grip induced damage. Type 1002 evenly and thus avoid These tabs are cut Crossply material. tabs are used to The tabs from 3M Scotchply are 7 plies thick with a nominal thickness of .07 inches. They are bonded to the panels with the same adhesive and procedure used to bond the face sheets to the cores. 4.4.8 Panel Machining After the into four bond cure, the panels 2.75 inch (70mm) or are cut length wise three 3.54 inch (90mm) wide beams for bending and panel tests, respectively. diamond grit wheel rotating at 700 feed rate of 5 inches per An 11 inch rpm, cuts the panel at a minute. The cut specimens have nominal dimensions of: 2.75 by 14 inches; basic and reinforced panels, and and static compression column 3.54 by 14 inches; fatigue column The disassembled 4.4,3,3 specimens are illustrated in Figures and 4. 4.4.9 Coupon Machining Twelve static panel coupons cut with the 11 inch wheel, from each of the three and .375") were interface 2.75 inches square, were from spare panels. core thickness types then cut through the top face of the laminate/core bond. Two coupons (1.0", .687", sheet to the A second parallel cut and removal of debris results in a slit between 2.0 and 3.5 mm in width. One slit is core's ribbon direction. cut parallel Figure 4.8 to the honeycomb illustrates the three types of static compression and indentation coupons. Af 72 Core Compression Coupon X Parallel Slit Figure 4.8 4.4.10 Perpendicular Slit Static Core Compression and Indentation Coupons Strain Gauging The final step application of in the manufacturing strain gauges. Since deals with post-impact damage and not necessary to mount strain event. This procedure process is this the investigation residual strength, it was gauges until after the impact saved undue wear and tear on the delicate gauges. Micro-Measurements EA-06-125TM-120 strain sheets with a type EA-06-125AD-120 gauges are mounted to cyanoacrylate manufacturer's instructions. adhesive The for six test configurations, as and specimen face according to the gauge locations specified shown in Figure 4.: . Each strain guage configuration is labeled with a Roman numeral and each gauge is assigned a number within the II I w r, fa II I 3" ''I 4 I 1/4" 1/4" 8 r III 8 | Iv Z• I IP I " 1.5" ! V VI I I 3" I Figure 4.9 Strain Gauge Configurations 74 longitudinal Static compression transverse direction. with two strain are mounted both face sheets. only on the column specimens gauges (configuration III) on have gauges mounted Bending specimens specimens Fatigue column face. compression mounted in the numbers are Even direction. specimen's in the gauges mounted 5) to (1,3 and numbers require no strain gauges. 4.5 TESTING PROCEDURE AND DATA ACQUISITION Five bending, static types static were tests of column and indentation compression, core and compression, column were first subjected to for residual strength or longevity, damage measurement, impact Specimens that were to be tested compression fatigue tests. a prescribed beam static performed: impact and damage assessment assessment consisted inspection. visual measurements of magnification and x-ray photography. The under One specimen from each test type and damage level was dissected to measure core and bond damage. tested Specimens with and for ultimate and residual without damage were then strength, or longevity under compression-compression cyclic loading. 4.5.1 Impact Tests Specimens to be which is designed impacted are mounted in to provide a holding jig clamped boundary conditions along the short edges and leave the long edges free. 75 Figure 4.1C depicts the aluminum bars to holding jig. The Jig uses clamp the specimen. The jig is supported 4 sets of by a rigid steel frame. 6.00 8.50 Front View are 3ar (8) Top View ---. Figure 4.10 A1 Plate Specimen Holding Jig The impactor mechanism is a spring driven 26 inch steel rod mounted on linear bearings so striking may have free The rod has a mass of ;.105 slugs.- travel along its axis. The main spring that it of the striker unit is compressed when the mechanism's end plate is coupled to activated electromagnets and the magnet mechanism is drawn back with a hand winch. Figure Figure 4.11 4.12 illustrates illustrates the impacting entire device is known as the striking rod mehanism. unit. The FRED within the TELAC laboratory. The name has no significance other than identification. The striking unit any net deflection of can be drawn back with the main spring at any the winch to time. Thus impacts are repeatable based on spring compression distance. TUI Figure 4.11 FRED's Striking Unit Magnet b Figure 4.12 The striking electromagnets are then driven forward FRED; Impacting Rod Mechanism unit is in set The de-energized. target specimen in the holding jig. a CENCO Model 31709 photo electric start and timing flag. stop a digital timer The when striking surface by the compressed main strikes the impactor rod, which in rubber "doughnut" motion the is spring until it turn is propelled at the The impactor rod trips timing gate with a 13 mm photo-electric sensors as the flag interrupts the beam of into light. The photo-electric the flag and at 12.5mm, cells trigger resulting in an at .5mm effective timing flag of 12mm. The impacting anti-rebound rod lever mechanism which is equipped prevents the with impactor an from rebounding and striking the specimen and passing through the light gate a second time. Attached to the impacting rod is a PCB Model 208A05 force transducer hemispherical stainless The transducer and a 1/2 inch diameter steel impact head measures force during the known as a tup. impact with the specimen. Data is collected by equipped with a Data a DEC Micro PDP-11/23 Translation DT-3382-G-32DI digital converter. The signal from sampled at of 25 kHz a rate later analysis. computer analog to the force transducer is and this data is stored for Data collection is triggered by the falling edge of the signal from the CENCO timing unit. Impact velocity filed for and force over each specimen impact. examined for time are recorded and The specimen must damage and quantified relative to now be the impact history. 4.5.2 Damage Assessment Impacted specimens are inspected visually under 15 to 1 magnification ruptured An to measure the cross sectional width of fibers and is also subjected to x-ray photography. x-ray opaque dye, 1,4-Dilodobutane 78 is applied to the perimeter of the drop at a time. laminate's hours. damage with a hypodermic The dye deepest cracks is allowed to penetrate through capillary After the absorbtion period, damaged face down needle, one tiny the action for 2 the specimen is placed on a sheet of Polaroid Type 52 Polapan 4 5 Instant Film inside a Scanray Torrex 150D X-Ray Inspection System cabinet. is set The x-ray machine operates at 50 kVolts and to expose the film control. the "TIMERAD" After exposure, the film is processes according to the manufacturer's instructions. white photograph displays area. to 240 mrad using The resulting black a full size image The photograph can be and of the damaged measured to provide dimensions and area of the delamination. Specimen dissection milling procedure as sectioned through is accomplished used in fabrication. the center of the with The the same specimen is impact site, and specimens and the inspected for debonding and core indentation. 4.5.3 Four Point Bending The residual strength of ultimate strength of undamaged bending provided by mounted in MTS-810 installation aluminum I the a The upper I beam has a grip specimens are four-point illustrated in beams with two damaged uniaxial bending test Figure 4.12, tested under installation machine. consists of loading roller cradles The two on each. block bolted to it, which holds the I beam in place when the MTS-810's upper gripping Jaws are pressurized. for any The loading point cradles loading point placement. Four are adjustable one inch diameter cold roll steel rollers are placed in the loading cradles to act as non-fixed loading points. Loading tabs 5/8 inch wide are mounted to each specimen's faced tape. The loading points can vary throughout the test loading points series, but symmetry about the with double specimen mid-point should be maintained. The bending specimen is loaded for testing by placing the beam on the bottom two rollers and aligning the specimen edge with the I beam with the assures that the loading perpendicular to inch use of a straight edge. rollers lead strain box terminals wires are then then calibrated for a 40,000 An angular deflection one end zero degree and I mark The and pivot point of a The lower I the starting position manual stroke control, the between cradle and loading tab. faced tape. indicator is beam cradle. is then raised to beams aligned, and the to the top wood, Nomex and toothpicks, protractor mounted to the lower I with the MTS-810 with double each specimen thickness. beam with specimen as data The strain gauges are indicator is now attached of the specimen, with the the micro-strain range and zeroed. The indicator, constructed from aligned are The 15 connected to which send strain measurement to the DIGITAL 1134 digital computer. is tailored for lines) the specimen's longitudinal axis. strain gauge face of (loading This top two rollers loading points are inserted arm loading tabs Figure 4.13 Four Point Bending Installation from the indicator is of interest) and the and protractor (the net and the distance between the specimen's mid-point center A digital indicator connected terminal on the placed in at 1.0 stroke between .00125 specimen MTS-810, control and with ramp manual MTS-810 and. DIGITAL 1134 constant half inch. and .00250 inches stiffness to a stroke output provides volt per bottom I beam line is measured with calipers. displacement change in angle stroke The MTS-810 compression is speeds per second, depending on measurement speed. are started The simultaneously. The MTS-810 providing constant stroke displacement and load from two digital average of indicators 3 data and samples the computer every recording second for gauges, and load and stroke transducers. all the strain Specimen mid-point and angular deflection at the end loading point are measured and recorded along with the stroke intervals Photographs of (typically .0625 the damaged face bending with a 2 beam and applied load, at pre-determined or .125 sheet can be taken during inch wide mirror strip taped to hung down at inches). the top I approximately 45 degrees. A tripod mounted 35mm camera with ASA 400 film is then focused on the image in the mirror. propagation can eye. also be made with Measurements failure. Length measurements of damage a thin ruler and and observations can be a keen continued until rbeam - -=f - Spec im e Figure 4.14 Face Sheet Damage Photography Failure is defined as a substantial drop in load bearing capacity and is caused by: - core crushing, wrinkling, or shearing - debonding between face sheet and core - face sheet folding or buckling 4.5.4 Static Panel Compression Two groups cores were of panel specimens with tested under compression aluminum honeycomb to determine ultimate buckling load and face sheet stresses. their The testing procedure is the following. The panel are loaded in the MTS-810 by aligning the panel in the upper grip with a square so that the specimen's axis is parallel to grip is then activated and the flat grips then the machine's under 500 psi procedure. column is held pressure. connected, calibrated loading axis. The strain and zeroed With stroke control selected, raised and clamped to the lower After checking that as The top by textured gauges are in the bending the lower grip is grip section of the column. the applied load is zero, the computer and test machine are started. Again, the stroke rate can be selected between .00125 and .00250 inches per second. The procedure is to place the test is terminated upon column buckling. Figure 4.15 4.5.5 Panel Compression Test Core Compression and Indentation The core compression test test coupon on a steel plate, which lies on mount of the MTS-810 test machine. is then placed on An identical steel plate top of the coupon and the stack are raised to the control. Once again lower grip and starting position with the computer started simultaneously, with a stroke As the 2.75 X 2.75 inch the lower grip and the stroke test machine are rate of .0025 in/sec. coupon core is compressed, the load cell and stroke transducers provide continuous data computer, which samples and averages 3 times per to the second. Significant core wrinkling is observed and identified during the test by a mark placed in the test data history. A second mark is made when significant crushing is determined. 84 Both marks are observer. subjective judgements The test is terminated on the part of the core crushing when is pronounced and the load has dropped significantly. panel coupon flat steel plates Figure 4.16 Core Compression Test The core indentation across one face test using coupons with sheet laminate is designed slits to simulate the impinging core crushing pressure of a face sheet indentation (dimple) as it propagates laterally compressive loading axis. The slit width to provide an incident honeycomb cell axis. from the face sheet's is cut to a prescribed angle between the indentor and The slit also prevents the face sheet from providing z axis support to the core through tension. The core indentation test begins the test coupon compression test. inches slit. on Next, in diameter, The the steel plate a 4 inch long is laid lower grip with the placement of used in the control, until the cylinder upper grip housing face. work in concert Once again the at the core coupon's configuration is then raised with stroke machine the steel cylinder, 1.5 length wise and specimen in usual touches the computer and test stroke rate. The observer monitors the propagation of the point of face sheet deflection. recorded Marks are when the place in the data deflection history and loads propagation along the face sheet reaches pre-determined distances from the slit center. The test is terminated when the propation reaches a specified distance. ller C steel p Figure 4.*. 4.5.6 Panel Fatigue Damaged and the MTS-810 undamaged panel specimens are grips compression panel. in with same can be as the static are not The MTS-810 is placed in load control tuned to ten percent amplitude with the "Set read directly "DC" selected. amplitude and manner placed into gauges and the computer loading force is fine desired compression The load the Strain needed for this test. and the Core Indentation Test the 10% from the The difference set point 86 Control" dial. digital indicator between the is then of the selected dialed into the "SPAN 1" control. oscillatory mode, "INVERT" are The machine is "REMOTE" selected depressed. The final then and set to the "HAVERSINE" and preparation step is to reset the cycle counters to zero. Damage test. A dimensions damage width with no load, at the measurement using can of be the fatigue taken oscillation speed to .1 Hz quite throughout a ruler the was made the amplitude load, test. easily The by amplitude setting the and adjusting the amplitude load with "SPAN 1i", while "PEAK READ" indicator. monitored the "Set Point" load and beginning measurement must be is selected in the digital If the damaged indentation does not propagate, the cycle frequency can be increased incrementally load amplitude fine tuned with "SPAN 1i". and the A high intensity photographic lamp will aid in measuring the dimple length of the damaged region as well and cycle number are specimen. The test as photography. recorded throughout terminates when longer carry the selected load. the Dimple length the life of the specimen can no The MTS-810 can be set with stroke limits which automatically disconnect hydraulic power when the limit is reached. A quarter inch of stroke travel is the recommended limit for these columns. CHAPTER FIVE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 5.1 IMPACT TEST RESULTS Impact core events were thicknesses, 4 impact energy conducted for different face levels. cantilever clamping A 8.5" specimens of sheet test three layups using section 5 between arrangement as depicted in a Figure 4.10 allowed for dynamic response to impact. The damage inflicted had generally the same characteristics impact energy level. within the same The impact tests and damage assessment is reported for individual specimens in Appendix A. 5.1.1 Impact Velocity and Energy The spring driven impact test machine (FRED), was employed at five different spring displacements; 40, 43, 50, 55, and 60mm. impact Figure FRED propelled the velocities between 5.1, Impact Displacement, displays 4.4 .105 slug impactor rod at and 8.7 feet Velocity/Energy the impact per second. versus Spring energies and velocities recorded during setting. Table 5.1, Mean Impact Energy, reports the average testing for each spring displacement impact energy, sample size and standard deviation within the sample. Standard deviations for samples will be calculated throughout this report using S = (- )/(n -1) (5.1.1) where n is the number of elements in the sample and x is the sample mean. r -5 6- -4 + 4- Velocity .. --....- -3 Energy 'i -2 2-1 0J 0 I ' i ' -o t 20 40 60 Spring Displacement (mm) 80 Figure 5.1 Impact Velocity/Energy vs. Spring Displacement TABLE 5.1 Spring Displacement Versus Kinetic Energy Spring displacement: 40mm 43mm 50mm 55mm 60mm Mean (ft-lb): 1.14 1.94 2.47 3.17 .99 Std. devation(ft-lb): .17 Sample size: 41 .29 .42 .11 .14 16 46 5 7 5.1.2 Impact Force The force transducer in the tup provided force values throughout the impact Forces, displays the tup force event. the average transducer for Table 5.2, Maximum peak forces specific energy level (spring displacement). Impact recorded through specimen type and TABLE 5.2 Maximum Impact Forces .375 inch .687 inch 1 inch [+-453 40mm 43mm 50mm 140 [11] (6) 145 (1) 144 [25] (4) 148 [121 (7) (0/901 40mm 43mm 50mm 122 [341 (3) 120 [12] (4) 283 [31] (3) 126 [12] (7) [0/90]s 50mm 55mm 60mm 155 [15] (3) 280 (.7] (2) 282 [20] (3) Notes: 130 [2.91 (4) 151 [8.41 (3) 154 [10] (4) 157 [18] (7) (4) (4) (5) 124 [33] 137 [16] 148 [22] 152 [26] (4) - Maximum force in lbs. - [ i Standard deviation within sample in lbs. - ( ) Population of sample - skewed data are not [+-45]s 50mm 55mm 60mm Force versus computer during History: included 144 [24] (4) 239 [641 (2) 255 11.6] (5) Impact time histories event. the impact three [+-451 1 31) impacted at 2.12, 1.31 Their peak forces recorded the force-time inch specimens, (#29, and 1.10 the-- by 5.2, Force-Time Figure illustrates Spectrum, histories of were 30, and ft-lbs, respectively. were all about the same, 131 to 145 lbs. The plateau of force oscillations following the maximum peak evident in #29 is reduced in #30 and bearly evident in #31. The impactor graph's contact time base was as denoted by .030 seconds seconds for specimen #'s the width for specimen 30 and 31. #29 and of the .025 Most low energy impacts only dented the face sheet and did not break many fibers. FORCE-TIME HISTORY FOR HIGH, MEDIUM AND LOW ENERGY DYNAMIC IMPACTS E8 Spec. # 29 2.12 ft-lb Impact r .w8 L 1.88 d/W = .186 i Area .270 sq. in. 37-29 Z.-d! r 0 9.98 R C - IE .8 -,?.. 9.98 2.98 4.W I 6.w 8.8 Spec. # 30 1.31 ft-lb Impact d/W = .043 Area .130 sq. in. -30 [,+-451 1.9 F -10.8 I t , I II II i, , I I I -2.80 8.8 2.98 4.08 6.98 8.98 Spec. # 31 1.10 ft-lb Impact d/W = .057 Area .136 sq. in. 2.800 37-31 C.d5 1.80 0 9.0 -1.98 -2.M8 8.8M 2.88 4.08 6.08 8.98 Figure 5.2 Force-Time History: Impact Spectrum 91 30 .4 Nu Specimen # 30; Delamination Area = .13 sq. in. 3/ ....... -r z< -i /! i ' f ,f t 1 1 1 - r. ! ' I t " X% - . . '*. ", ' K "'~ N' " " >\ \'\,. K Specimen # 31; Figure 5.3a Delamination Area = .136 sq. in. Impact Spectrum 92 - Damage The force oscillation "plateau" can be used as a measure of the level of damage being inflicted. Figure 5.3 "plateau" Damaging effect Impacts, associated illustrates with the ruptured force fibers and delamination area as found to occur in the 2 and 4 ply face sheets and for impacts different which did not panel rupture the specimen # 204 and 301), leaving have force-time graphs. parabola. of impact "plateau" width decreases face Low energy sheet (refer to only a dent, were found to Similar in shape Specimen numbers varying degrees thicknesses. 29, 212 and 309 damage as to a each sustained denoted by with d/W until the negative d/W. The shape of #309 approaches the parabolic shape associated with minimal fiber rupture. 5.1.3 Impact Energy Impact energy was calculated measured during presented the in Tables impact A.1-8 testing. in specimens and plotted against in Figures 5.5-9. from each impact velocity Impact Appendix A for evergy is individual inflicted damage measurements These results Chapter 6. 93 will be discussed in FORCE-TIME HISTORY .375 in. Specimens [0/901 Spec. # 212 1.93 ft-lb Imp. d/W = .143 Area = .174 sq. (0/901 Spec. # 204 .98 ft-lb Imp. d/W = .014 Area = .013 sq. in. in. EO 2.080 - p9-20 1.00 F 0 e.0088 R C E HB-212 [o8/8 , II ýý, , I , , I , -2.088 0.80 2.880 4.88 6.80 ! 6.88 E -? 1.0 in. Specimens [+-45]s Spec. # 309 3.01 ft-lb Imp. d/W = [+-45]s Spec. # 301 2.12 ft-lb Imp. d/W = .014 Area = .197 sq. .086 Area = .234 sq. in. in. E88 4.880 301; [+-4532 2.88 a,~....l. 0.00 -2.88 I I I I I I I I .... I Figure 5.3 Force-Time History - Damaging Impacts I I I I I 5.2 DAMAGE ASSESSMENT Following the impact event, each specimen was x-rayed and inspected visually as described in section 4.5.2. The x-ray photographs provided excellent resolution of inter-ply delaminations. gray lines Cracks and delamination or shaded areas. regions appeared as Dye accumulation cells was quite evident in some photographs. around core Core and face debonding was not evident from these photographs. The area of damage defined by gray (delamination) was determined by mesh over the that placing a transparent grid photograph and counting 2mm contained reported by cracks and shading damage. specimen The in resulting Appendix A, x 2mm damage squares area Tables A.1 is through A.8. The cross-sectional rupture under 15 to 1 magnification and the specimen's nominal width, W. ratio d/W is reported by specimen diameter d was measured is reported as a ratio over The cross-sectional damage in the tables of Appendix A. Both damage evaluation on the cracks within the unit square measurement techniques part of the investigator. laminate were assigned a area that they displayed signs of require subjective occupied. Individual fraction of the Filament tows which partial or complete breakage beneath an obscurring tow were assigned as a complete or partial break. It was found that tows fracture from center outward. The measurement of d simply involved choosing the rupture limits 95 which were furthest from the on each side of the inclusion, and projecting specimen's centerline transverse mid-line of the specimen. the d on a distance Figure 5.4 illustrates this projection technique. wI Wd Figure 5.4 Cross-Sectional Damage Projection of impact ft-lbs approximately 1.0 hemispherical impactor. impact. Actual ply Four minimum .05 square inches of ft-lb ply 2 for rupture Fiber laminates for face at begins inch half this sheets exhibit a delamination area after a 1.93 surface filament rupture was not observed until 2.42 ft-lb of impact for the 4 ply laminates. Specimens with a d/W center of the impact site. dye for sub-lamina The .5mm hole value of .014 have a .5mm was The hole was x-ray inspection unimportant hole in the drilled to inject of intact face sheets. to damage propagation or residual strength. The fiber rupture threshold proposed by Lie [7], of 1.4 ft-lbs is high because he timing flag unaware measured velocity using that a 1mm error a 13mm existed in triggering the timing light gate. "effective" timing flag This investigator is using an of 12 mm, which reduces comparable speeds by 8% and impact energies by 15%. This leaves just a .19 ft-lbs difference between Lie's threshold estimate of 1.19 ft-lbs and 1.0 ft-lbs proposed here. This differential is within and subjective visual inspection experimental error. Core indentation honeycomb cells delamination, Sectioned was found to at impact indentation debonding. in the form depth of wrinkled occur with the approximately specimens and the The measurements .70 were and buckled initiation of ft-lbs measured diameter of of impact. for core core/face sheet are provided in Table A.9 of Appendix A. Specimen 29 listed in Table A.9, suffered damage due to face sheet penetration. and had a 12mm core/face had a rupture diameter of The core indented 3mm debond diameter. 13mm. severe core The face sheet Other specimens had larger core debonds than face sheet ruptures. The typical indentation from a 2.0 ft-lb impact upon a 2 ply face sheet is between 1.2 and 3 mm( ie: specimens 29 & 55). 2.0 ft-lbs represents the 2 ply face sheet penetration threshold. If the face less than 1.2mm. 4 ply face sheet holds, is Core indentation is reduced further by the sheet, as evidenced by a impacts of 3.01 and 3.26 ft-lbs, respectively. core indentation .8mm indentation umder for specimens 321 and 307, Damage Diameter vs. Impact Energy [0/90] Panels U.0 I x x x 0.5 - x oxx 0.4 - o3 .375" xK x 0 0.3 OX 0 .675" x 1" 0.2 X 0.1 - 0 K Impact (ft-Ib) Energy Damage Diameter vs. Impact Energy [±45] Panels I.U I 0.8 - 0.6 - x x 0.4 - x x o3 x 0.2 x o X Xa~lKo[ I• 0.0 -1 0] · Impact Figure 5.5 o x Energy (ft-Ib) Damage Diameter vs Impact Energy o .375" o .675" x 1" x Damage Area vs. Impact Energy 0.4 [0/90] I Panels o 0.3x xo 0.2- o0 x 0 .375" o .675" x 1" 0 .375" o .675" x 1" 0 0 0.1 - 0 x0 x xo xoa x 0 0 [] 0.0 I 1 Impact Energy 2 (ft-lb) Damage Area vs. Impact Energy [±45] Panels 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 Impact Figure 5.6 Energy 2 (ft-Ib) Damage Area vs Impact Energy 3 0.6 Damage Diameter vs. Impact Energy [0/90] and [0/90]s 1" Panels 0.5 0.4 * (0/90]s o [0/90] 0.3 0.2 0.1 2 Energy 1 0 Impact 3 4 (ft-Ib) Damage Diameter vs. Impact Energy [±45] and [±45]s 1" Panels 1.0u 1 0 0.8 - 0.6- 0 0 0 0 0.4 - .0a 00 * [±45]s * [±45] o*0 0.2 0* _ 0 | 2 Impact Figure 5.7 Energy (ft-Ib) Damage Diameter vs Impact Energy: 2 and 4 ply, 1" Panels 100 Damage Area vs. Impact Energy U,. [0/90] and [0/90]s 1" Panels Energy Impact Damage Area vs. [0/90] and [0/90]s 1" Panels 0.4C* 0.3- 0 0%o a 00 S 0.2- 0 o [0/90] [0/90] * o c E o oo 0 0 0.1- 0.0 0 I LII Impact Energy 4 3 2 1 0 (ft-lb) Damage Area vs. Impact Energy [±45] and [±45]s 1" Panels 0.8 .E S 0.6 0.4 0.4 - [45]s * [±45] 0 E 0.2 * * 0.0 0 1 Impact Figure 5.8 2 Energy 3 4 (ft-Ib) Damage Area vs Impact Energy: 2 and 4 ply, 1" Panels 101 A of sample within delamination x-ray photographs damaged face sheets Appendix A. Figures A.1,2,3,4, and 5 of not provide any information debonding. But they is provided in The photographs do indentation or regarding core do show the depicting honeycomb of the the shape cells under and around the inclusion. 5.3 QUASI STATIC FOUR POINT BENDING Nomex sandwich were tested to through panels and the inclusion the on panels Undamaged expected. Damaged failure. loading experienced face test section. points. The 4 ply aluminum as core and crushing under the in the undamaged 2 inch panels Nomex core despite moderate face sheet The specimens which failed face sheet debonding sheet face sheet panel s typically failed with core buckling or shearing, damage. no with Reinforced sheet buckling buckled panels usually compression face reinforcement suffered core buckling interior panels reinforced sandwich due to core crushing or are reported with t:he failed through the damage site. specimens which The sandwich panel is only as strong as its weakest element, which justifies the report of core and bond failure. Tables A.1 through A.8 in Appendix A report four catergories of information about each test specimen: 1.) degree of impact - velocity and energy of the impact 2.) degree of damage - delamination cross-section 102 size and ruptured 3.) parameters at failure - moment, stress and strain 4.) mode of - failure laminate buckling failure was predominant and can be assumed unless actual failure mode is stated. 5.3.1 Failure Modes Two typical modes of fracture were observed for the two ply damaged The panels. 0/90 face fractured sheets laterally through the damage site with in-plane splicing and between "brooming" fractured through run parallel to the damage, but included "turn the 0/90) is the where the core. fractlre sheet Combinations and core of these following modes illustrated in Figure 5.9. 103 were sheet also line would fine toothed zigzag to 1 inch in length. the Other laminate Lateral stair step along.. tow predominantly in the lateral direction. face face the fracture down" buckling fractures and bends down into (for +-45 tows (+45 or -45) in a in large splits up fashion or modes The plies. boundaries Delamination of the fracture also also observed occured. and are -.100* debonding splicing; 0/90 brooming; +-45 rr #I|I Irrrr stair step & zig-zag line fractures fractures turn down buckling fracture Figure 5.9 Compressive Fracture Modes for Damaged Face Sheet An indentation elliptical or the damage site of 2 become visible around would dimple usually ply face sheets as the in-plane compressive load reached 75% of its critical load. The dimple expanded laterally Figures A.6,7,8, & 9 contain photographs of load increased. Specimen # 235 at four Dimple length increases with loads. Dimple length was measured stress. across the specimen as visually at the instant of specimen fracture for a number of specimens. The longest dimples recorded were 38mm measured from three [0/90] .375in specimens dimple and one among the specimen. The (0/901 .687in +-45 face average specimen. sheets dimple recorded in Table 5.3. 104 was 30mm lengths at The in a longest .375in fracture are TABLE 5.3 Dimple Lengths at Fracture Load 1 " Core Thickness: .687 " .375 " 0/90 18(2) 31(2) 32(8) +-45 23(4) 24(4) 27(8) lengths in millimeters ( ) number in sample No dimples were observed in any four ply laminate face sheets. the dimple prescribed the In some cases, pattern. failure mode Specimens which developed long dimple indentations often fractured with "turn down" occupied by the dimple and in-plane straight the length line fracture This result is not surprising at either side. face sheet is buckling over turned down into the core in that the by the indentation prior to fracture. The typical reinforced mode specimen of was fracture face the undamaged fracture (buckling for sheet presumed) within the 2 inch Nomex test section. illustrates a test section buckling 61 at 55.45 Ksi. Some failures Figure A.10 fracture for Specimen # occured on or next to the Nomex/aluminum core joint. Tables A.1 - 6 contain undamaged specimen moments, failure failure mode. face sheet bending Specimen # 117 debonding. specimens (Table A.5: deflected enough to strains and failed prematurely because of The [+-45] #'s 230, gain stresses 231 fracture. 105 .375 in. reinforced & 233) Figure could not A.11 is be a photograph of deflections of their maximum are recorded for and strains assembly at The stresses excessive deflection. because of either end impinging on the Specimen # 232 38mm and 21 degrees at the outboard support. specimens ( 300 series in The damaged 4 ply face sheet undamaged 2 ply face sheet specimens Table A.7 & 8) and the A.1-6) (Tables shearing, the 4 Only three of 323) 322, & 301, great shearing under was placed core to through a laminate fracture because of core (#'s series specimens 300 due the combination of both. crushing or ply failed typically failed The damage site. stress in the 300 were twice as stiff in series tests because the face sheets compression, eight times stiffer in bending and the core was Shearing strain of the one inch thick. by compressive buckling and crushing in the x axis followed of the core's core was observed cells, for all of the 300 series core Figures A.12-14 depict core ripping, crushing and failures. shearing failures. The undamaged failed buckling with core under buckling under fracture or one 2 ply face sheet shearing of the and inner these loading continued into specimens typically crushing or loading points either further core sheet points. Core initiated face crushing. 5.10 illustrates observed core failure modes 106 face Figure ± IUUE~ ~P core shearing and buckling failure core shearing (rip) and debonding failure core crushing failure Figure 5.10 Core Failure Modes 5.3.2 Panel Deflection Under Load Mid-point deflection deflection and angular at the outboard loading point were measured and recorded throughout the quasi-static deflection load for each type reported in Appendix C. for these plotted versus 89 are deflection angle, and The mid-point bending test. of specimen deflection, the applied tested, and The curves are provided as raw data specific specimens From Figure 3.7 Four Point and loading point placement. Beam Loading, the loading points are: 2 ply face sheet specimens - I = 110mm L = 320mm moment arm 4 ply face sheet specimens - 1 = 130mm L = 330mm moment arm Taking P to equal half of the applied experimental load and placing experimental data for deflection w,,, and deflection angle 8s into equations (3.7.3) and 107 (3.7.4) respectively, will produce the small angle specimen's flexural rigidity EIy. the accuracy of limits assumption The these equations for anything but small deflections. 5.3.3 Failure Stresses and Strains compression were at failure Stresses face sheet calculated using the in for Cr following the point four symmetric bending equation. 0, = PI /{2fW[h-fl} far field The (5.3.1) recorded in Appendix A stress values Local failure stress is the directly from equaiton (5.3.1). far field stress times a come net cross-section correction factor. [1/(1 - d/W)] Cr The average failure stresses fracture are presented in Table 5.4. through other modes have been a basis for energy effects sheet residual strength for (5.3.2) actual face Specimens which failed excluded. Table 5.4 provides comparisons between and specimen parameters, thickness orientation. Far-field sheet failure stress impact and face is plotted versus impact energy and cross-sectional damage for all test specimens, in Figures 5.11,12,13 and 14. 108 TABLE 5.4 Mean Face Sheet Failure Stresses .687 in. .375 in. 64.39 (4) 58.11 (4) 67.09 (4) 0/90 high 21.52 (6) (28.76] (6) 31.28 (3) [37.86] (3) 0/90 Med. 25.16 (4) (28.761 (4) 0/90 Low 31.07 (3) (34.871 (3) 37.32 (5) [38.62] (5) 31.76 (5) [32.601 (5) +-45 Zero 35.97 (4) 36.58 (3) 50.00+ (3) +-45 High 25.66 (3) (33.52] (3) 23.28 (2) [25.88] (2) (22.06] (4) +-45 Med 25.79 (2) (30.101 (2) +-45 Low 26.53 (5) [29.171 (4) 1 in. Damage Level 0/90 zero 29.76 (3) (34.93] (3) 35.44 (5) [32.60] (5) 20.85 (4) 24.27 (2) (24.521 (2) 23.70 (3) 24.23 (3) [24.70] (3) (23.87] (3) All stresses are in Ksi units. [ ] local stresses ( ) number in sample 5.4 PANEL COMPRESSION RESULTS The aluminum fabrication flaws honeycomb which caused results of Lie's (7] Nomex panel test premature specimens failures. had The panel compression tests are more suitable for determining face sheet failure loads. 109 Failure Stress vs. Impact Energy [0/90] Panels 0 1 Impact 2 Energy o .375" o .675" x 1" a .375" o .675" x 1" 3 (ft-Ib) Failure Stress vs. Impact Energy [±45] Panels 0 Figure 5.11 1 Impact Energy 2 (ft-Ib) Failure Stress vs Impact Energy 110 3 Failure Stress vs. Impact Energy [0/90] and [0/90]s 1" Panels 70 1 60 - I 50 - * [0/90]s o [0/90] 40 o 0 30 - 0 e%0 o 20 - _ _I Impact Energy · · (ft-lb) Failure Stress vs. Impact Energy [±45] and [±45]s 1" Panels 0 [±45]s o 0 1 Impact Figure 5.12 2 Energy 3 [+45] 4 (ft-lb) Failure Stress vs Impact Energy: 2 and 4 ply, 1" Panels 111 Failure Stress vs. Damage Cross Section [0/90] Panels 70 6C 5C 4C o .375" FS o .675" FS-FF x 1" FS-FF 3C 2C 1C 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.2 Damage Diameter / Specimen Width Failure Stress vs. Damage Cross Section [+45] Panels a .375" FS 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Damage Diameter / Specimen Width Figure 5.13 Failure Stress vs Damage Cross Section 112 0.4 o .675" FS x 1"FS Failure Stress vs. Damage Cross Section [0/90] and [0/90]s 1" Panels * [0/90]s o [0/90] 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.2 Damage Diameter / Specimen Width ,, Failure Stress vs. Damage Cross Section [±45] and [±45]s 1" Panels 40 S 40' - S* * [±45]s 30 - * 0* *0 * o o o o 0 20O - · 0.0 Figure 5.14 0 I 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Damage Diameter / Specimen Width Failure Stress vs Damaged Cross Section: 2 and 4 ply, 1 inch Panels 113 0.4 [±45] 5.5 CORE COMPRESSION RESULTS Six Nomex coupons with 2 tested buckling for core was buckling determined ply laminate face sheets were threshold. The onset by noticable sectioned honeycomb cell walls. waves of core through the The average buckling stress (from two samples) for each Nomex thickness is: The 1.0 inch 218 psi .687 inch 221 psi .375 inch 205 psi critical load for Nomex buckling appears to be independent of thickness and approximately 210psi 5.5.1 Core Indentation Results Six Nomex sandwich indentation resistance. coupons The objective load/unit area required to buckle cells at an impinging steel cylinder were load angle 38.04mm in diameter tested for core was to determine the a single row of honeycomb of 8 to 12 acted as degrees. A the indentor. The results are summarized below in Table 5.5. TABLE 5.5 Core Indentation Impinging Loads Perpendicular to Ribbon Impinging Angle: 3 - 8 degrees With Ribbon 3.5 - 10.4 degrees 1 inch core 210psi 262psi .687 inch core 210psi 222psi .375 inch core 214psi 2.08psi 114 the normal load/unit area for the The data is very close to core as determined with the core compression test. 5.6 PANEL FATIGUE RESULTS An introductory series of specimens panel fatigue life of twenty and A.11 dimensions tested were twenty eight Nomex honeycomb for damaged under cyclic compression (R=.1). four specimen tests A. of Appendix listed are are reported in impact energy The by specimen number. compression stress amplitude is reported undamaged and The results Tables A.10 and The damage maximum as a percentage of the undamaged critical stress as determined by Lie [19], for each damage state. Table summarizes Lie's 5.6 residual strength estimates., TABLE 5.6 Residual Strength Estimates (Ksi) Layup Core Thickness Damage Level medium low zero high +-45 .687 in. .687 in. 45.05 29.37 35.67 26.92 32.99 26.22 24.95 24.12 0/90 +-45 1.00 in. 1.00 in. 48.81 30.31 38.46 27.25 35.50 26.38 26.62 23.75 0/90 .375 in. .375 in. 44.86 27.76 35.08 25.29 32.37 24.58 23.88 22.46 0/90 +-45 The undamaged strength estimates are in Tables A.10 and A.11. 115 provided as foot notes The specimens maximum during stress their amplitude was fatigue life inflicted immediately as with specimen altered because damage amplitude is recorded in Stress Amplitude column of Tables A.10 and 11. the cycles at each stress amplitude Cycles column. 116 some was 260, or the specimen was continuing past reasonable life expectations. each specific stress for Cycles at the Cycles @ The sum of is recorded in the Life CHAPTER SIX DISCUSSION 6.1 IMPACT RESULTS 6.1.1 Impact Force Refering energy level thicknesses. to Table 5.2, for all energy. However, the The constant ply two force level that remains Impact 4 force increases face sheets and with specimen ply specimens exhibit a high constant through escalating impact impact forces listed across specimen in Table 5.2 thicknesses for are fairly a given impact energy level. A comparison between specimens of constant impact energy and core thickness suggests that 10 to 20 more pounds is exerted on the +-45 specimen to medium energy level. are exactly the The flexural orientation that phenomena may and the clamped stiffness of the and core occurs in as rupture. bending stiffness. stiffness parameters Table by The answer The D = 0/90 face sheet 5.2 data suggests panel thickness. with only lie in orientation 2.68 in-lb and D indentation as the face has = 2.57 These bending stiffness parameters do not support the 117 Fiber effect because it a slight may face either end. panel depends on does not explain the face sheets depend on boundary at thickness. force is not influenced rupture or breakage well Since the 0/90 and +-45 face sheets same, this sheet orientation for every thickness and low sheet bending in-lb. phenomena. One conclusion is clear. Thicker face sheets provide a greater resisting force to impact. Force versus Lie's [7] time histories of impact explaination of sudden rupture at critical strains within the face sheet. as penetration or fiber force drops due and the Impacts events support on set to fiber of vibrations which result in damage such rupture have with a steep peak followed by a force-time history's slight drop to a plateau of force oscillations, which then dampens to zero. 6.1.2 Force - Time History Specimens histories with without parabolically oscillations shaped force typically have - time limited filament breakage. The large impact energies exerted on the 4 ply laminate face sheets (Figure 5.3) can be seen in the force vibrations following the peak. These vibrations by the strain energy released just occured during vibration phenomenon by the delaminations that had impact. is the may be caused in part The second part natural vibration of the modes of a plate on an elastic foundation. The highly damaged 306 and 308 have 4 ply face sheets significant filament of specimens #'s damage. They also have characteristic plateaus and slow dampening curves with oscillations. delamination plate vibrations It appears that and contribute to force oscillations filament fracture causes a plateau 118 of constant natural and that oscillation followed by slow dampening to zero. Lie 171 made the same conclusion. 6.1.3 Impact Energy and Damage Assessment The data insight plotted in Figures into the damage to thin relationship 5.5 and 5.6 between face sheet panels. provide some impact energy Increased and impact energy will usually cause more delamination, fiber rupture and core damage. The data variance indicates predictions will be subject to that theoretical large deviations. A band of values may be an appropriate empirical estimation. It is evident from both damage plots that the .375 inch panel and the .687 inch panel, resists fiber delamination better than thicker panels. thin panel's flex reduced flexural rigidity and absorb the impact This is due to the which allows through a distance (in the impactor's rupture and larger direction of energy through global strains localized failure strains. more damage resistant than stiffness argument. deflection force) and absorb the impact The 0/90 thus instead of +-45 orientation the it to layup by would be the same This face sheet flexibility is evident in the data plots for the .375 in. and the .687 in. panels. The 1 in. panel is not influenced significantly by face sheet bending compliance, because of its stiffness. The 4 ply surface face sheet has a much filament rupture,than illustrated in Figure 5.7. the greater resistance to 2 ply laminate, The delamination area for the 119 as 4 ply converges with the delamination the 2 the 1.8 ft-lb threshold is ply face sheet (Fig. 5.8), after energy for filament rupture The threshold impact attained. area plot for is almost 3 times greater for the 4 ply, and 2 times greater for diameters which for dye Note: of delamination. the initiation and injection should be damage artificially induced .1 are are less than 4 ply ignored for damage assessment. Face sheet thickness is and penetration. core from indentation a 2 ply face will rupture penetrate a instrumental in protecting the sheet. 2 ply face sheet A 2.0 ft-lb impact impact will A 3.0 ft-lb will only into the core, but make a small .8mm dent in a 4 ply face sheet. 6.1.4 Damage occurs in an increasing Face sheet damage sequence of damage levels as follows: core indentation delaminations and damage may hide small 1) No external may be hidden under an unmarked laminate surface. 2) External matrix dimple indicate cracks between tows some delamination, slight and a slight core indentation and debonding. 3) A significant individual filament dimple with matrix cracks beakage, and will may contain certainly contain delamination and core indentation on the order of .8mm. 120 Ruptured tows 4) will be accompanied by many matrix cracks in the dimple and core indentation depth of 1mm. 5) Face sheet rupture will be evidenced by four triangular flaps bending down into the dimple. 6) Face sheet greater than penetration will have a 1.5mm and significant shoulder of the dimple. cracking around the The core may be visible. 66 and 29 provided in 3 of Appendix A, display damage levels 2, 4 X-ray photographs Figure A.1, 2, core indentation of specimens 208, and 6, respectively. Figures A.4 of 4 ply specimens 303 and & 5 are x-ray photographs 321, which display damage levels 3 and 5, respectively. All of these x-ray photographs rupture in through an accumulation tows. Figure A.3) This shows up as display of Figure delaminations axis. A.2 face for sheet delamination parallel to These delaminations Note that the ends 66 also of each at damage level 4 displays central are caused by tows bending excessively at the shoulder of the dimple. delamination relieves filament strain and rupture as in damage level 6, penetration. 121 the to +-45 and the others to containing specimen perpendicular to severe orientation dark perpendicular axes. specimens 29 and 303 are oriented 0/90. (except The prevents further 6.2 RESIDUAL STRENGTH 6.2.1 Analytical Comparisons The basis for residual strength predictions lies in the ability to accurately calculate from predicted establish or measured confidence in loads, moments and stresses failure strains. the analytical In order method, a to few calculations will be discussed. Equation (3.8.7) was used with the TELAC and BOEING reduced stiffnesses matrices to calculate the bending moment Mx , for the (0/901 1" failure were used the fracture was then specimens. Strain gauge values at to calculate the far field site) bending moments. compared to the determine the differential. The measured and local (at analytical moment failure moment to The results are: TELAC BOEING -.86% 1.64% 8.76% 9.95% 16 18 6.65% 10.99% std. deviation 12.46% 13.64% sample size 13 13 Mx far field differential std deviation o sample size M. local field differential The local errors in Mx specimens are failing gauges would indicate. of 6.65 and 11% indicate at a lower load than their that the strain The thin face sheet laminate becomes alastic - plastic very quickly which would account for this 122 loss of load bearing per unit of strain. greatest The plastic stretching occurs in the local failure cross section either side of the inclusion. The stress-strain relation {OM) and TELAC Qgj using experimental strains 1" panel groups and = [Qij]{(;} was calculat- the values, .687" (0/90] for both specimens. The deviation results from experimental stresses are: Core Percent Difference 0. (far field) ",y (local) Face sheet 1 in. 0/90 1.3 [9.91 (17) -.59 [5.8] (9) 1 in. +-45 -2.6 [191 (10) 121.0 [521 N/A .687 in. 0/90 -4.9 (9.6] (8) 3.5 [17.7] (8) [ I Sample standard deviation in percent ( ) Sample size The +-45 panel to its 121% stress. has a very non-linear error between gauge local region refering computations and actual The large standard deviations in strain measurement on the +-45 face sheet is probably due to gauge orientation diagonally on the laminate's weave where slight shear strains become large extensional strains. 6.2.2 Failure Stress and Impact Energy Figure 5.11 shows a pattern stress as impact energy increases. core thickness of decreasing The data indicates that is significant in determining 123 failure far field failure stress for the 0/90 panels, but panels. The +-45 data points not for the +-45 in Figure 5.11 are practically independent of thickness and marginally influenced by impact energy. Figure 5.13 independent of data indicates that the damage diameter. conclusion that +-45 laminates This leads +-45 panel is to Lie's are notch insensitive. [7] That is, loads are easily carried around damaged areas. The +-45 orientation of tows effectively around damage sites as intact. When the matrix starts the tows cannot carry load which further damages the nature is the key to the can transfer loads long as the matrix stays to crack at large stresses, without inducing shearing strain matrix. The matrix +-45 panels damage dependent tolerance and also its limit on strength. The 0/90 panel's susceptability 0/90 panel threshold stiffness contributes and reduced residual 1 in. thick loses impact of A damage damaged its strength Thinner damage resistant but still loose their strength strength. 50% of .9 ft-lbs. to its from a panels are more approximately 40 to 50% of from a threshold impact. Notch sensitivity is demonstrated by the huge drop in residual strength due to a damage diameter of any size. Doubling the face sheet thickness makes both orientations more damage resistant and damage tolerant. 10/901s laminate is more tolerant of surface than the 2 ply version. The [+-45]s has of elasticity .(determined through 124 linear layup The fiber rupture a greater modulus regression of data) stress-strain the are improvements the 2 of result by provided stiffness than laminate. ply extra the and more matrix Both and support fabric. filament Buckling instability and matrix cracking are reduced through greater stiffness. Damage Propagation 6.2.3 Face dimpling was observed during testing, but only for face sheets with cell's size of a axis) and the stiff through characteristic face The graphite/epoxy were observed. is too sheet used on the order No dimples observed damage. its thickness dimension (in the f/d described z by Weikel et. al. [15] is too large for any 1/8 inch dimples to appear before global buckling takes place. that appear were did indentation in supported by the core (typically The indentations the perimeter 1/2 inch of an in diameter). Experiments demonstrated that a small indentation or rupture in the face sheet elliptical dimple bending and elliptical due to an impact, propagates transverse to column the loading compression dimple reaches a tests, critical as axis in [7]. Once length, face an both the sheet buckling occurs. The following hypothesis experimental observations. loading because of edges of a damage is offered Damage to explain propagates transverse to maximum principle stress at damage inclusion. inclusion over Local buckling a weakened 125 the core, the lateral occurs in the which causes the plate to deflect resistance). into Because the third the dimension panel is compressed plate will deflect (locally) greater radius of As the in the bending, transverse direction, of the expanding dimple deflection. the honeycomb core are buckled at the honeycomb core). down and slightly from the side the by the tip The thin cell walls of the tip of the elliptical damage propagation. The cells can no longer stresses the core face normal to least in the direction of curvature (ie: into the dimple elongates core is crushed in (of support local (parallel to the cell axis), and the sandwich panel cannot transfer loads properly in the dimple indentation. The face sheet finally buckles due to the loss of effective load bearing cross-section. The dimple Figure 6.1, in the direction Longitudinal Section illustrates the tows which does not expand unloaded and pass through of Dimple Indentation, loaded condition the damage dimple. of load. of filament' The core has pre-existing damage from the impact event which produced the indentation. indentation are Core cells beneath crushed further an unloaded face during bending sheet by greater face fiber deflection and localized load/unit area, Oz. The localized load/unit area on the crushed core will decrease when the deflected tow's load Cr, is reduced. Thus equilibrium between the core's damage resistance threshold 126 an ox=0 z W-J (Wx wJx =0 undeflede daIte line 11 z X4 z =0 before loading Figure 6.1 during loading Longitudinal Section of Dimple Indentation (Czto buckle) and the crushing load/unit area T7 = O~(w"+ w caused by deflected propagation of the face sheet tows, deflection in the arrests direction further of the fiber/tow axis. The load carried by a tow fibers which passes through a face sheet indentation That deformation. adjacent tows. graphite/epoxy longitudinal will excess The loads can reduced because load must be of load transmission means laminate be is the be shared 127 epoxy through of transmitted in to a matrix. If the matrix, it follows that adjacent tows out of plane of 0'z addition loads to the and transmitted to The woven this experiment makes the lateral loads The tow and tows through warp possible matrix. ultimate can be loading face plane. still in the face sheet fabric used in transmission loads lateral transmission face buckling in of C.' with differs loading orientation. 6.2.4 Mar - Lin Relation failure stresses for the Damage diameter and localized 1 inch, 2 taken from Tables ply face sheet specimens, were equation (3.10.19), the Mar-Lin (171 A.1 and 2, and used in relation. Solving for Hc, the parameter, fracture the following values were attained: Mean Hc Std. Deviation Sample Size 0/90, 1i" panel 22.55 3.0 12 +-45, 1" panel 23.18 4.2 10 fracture parameter units are 10 The fracture indicating parameters that Hc is are lb./cu. in. within dependent 3% on of each material other, and not using the orientation (17]. Figures 6.2 and 6.3 have been calculated fracture parameter, equation lines as did Lie (7]. plotted 3.10.19 and tangent Data points have also been plotted to illustrate the accuracy of the approximation. 128 -^ 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Damage Width (d/W) Figure 6.2 Mar-Lin Residual Strength; +-45, 1" Panels 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Damage Width (d/W) Figure 6.3 Mar-Lin Residual Strength; 0/90, 1" Panels 129 6.3 PANEL LONGEVITY Undamaged 0/90 669,000 cycles at above 90% appear panels have a longevity loads as high as 90% in excess of buckling. to weaken the matrix of Loads after 40,000 cycles, leading to eventual buckling. The +-45 panels have a reduced life at much smaller loads, because damage accumulates in the matrix or The stress cracks. longitudinal compression large of the lateral as fatigue extension face sheet as it and cycles, induces matrix cracking. To attain a 100,000 cycle life for a 0/90 panel damaged by a threshold impact must be 50% orientation or less of the buckling inability load amplitude load. The to transfer not lasting more than 210 cycles 0/90 loads at 50% 0 with a damage diameter of 15mm. Threshold impacts of specimens are tolerated cycles at 69% and buckling load. those ft-lbs., the demonstrates its around damage by critical, of 1.1 carried 1.1 ft-lbs well with 211,320 cycles These loads are by the 0/90 because of the +-45 panel's on almost at 73% +-45 face half a of the at 47%. million critical approximately the columns sheet same as Therefore, ability to transfer load around ruptured fibers, it can carry moderate loads longer than the 0/90 panels with damage. Three series of provided in Appendix A. fatigue Figure specimen photographs are A.15 illustrates the growth of a dimple in Specimen # 166 (0/90), maximum load amplitude 130 2878 lbs (R=.1). measured just specimen (# series The 40mm dimple in the last photograph was before failure. 156) at fracture. of photographs Specimen # Figure Figure A.17 is and dimple 164, a 0/90 face A.16 depicts sheet. unique in that it propagated in an extended length measurements This failure for mode was only one direction and then continued to carry the load with one face fractured. 131 a +-45 CHAPTER SEVEN CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 CONCLUSIONS impact determining A explored. and limitations panel identified longevity damage tolerance investigation preliminary effect of The modes. on damage resistance and panel parameters was and failure bending moment under a strength residual dimensions, damage of goals its accomplished investigation This panel of for areas expanded research. observations support the Test results and experimental minimum about conclusions following gauge sheet face graphite/epoxy plain weave sandwich panels constructed from fabric and Nomex honeycomb cores of various thickness: - Increased face sheet thickness increases damage resistance for both the face sheet and core. - A reduction in core thickness leads to more impact damage resistant due to greater bending flexibility. - Impact sheet increases with force amplitude thickness because of its inherent increased face plate bending stiffness. - The +-45 face sheet has some damage quasi-static loading because it can damaged area. - The tolerance for transfer loads around a Failure loads depend on matrix strength. 0/90 face sheet has limited damage tolerance for quasi-static loading because it cannot transfer loads around 132 a damaged area. - The Nomex core was the failing component for most 4 ply and panels undamaged face two-ply sheet not panels reinforced with an aluminum core. relation provides a good - The Mar-Lin approximation of residual strength for a given damage cross section ratio. - Face sheet dimple indentation length is a function of load and existing laminate and core damage. - To attain by damaged a 100,000 cycle a threshold impact life of for a 0/90 1.1 ft-lbs, the panel load amplitude must be less than 50% of the buckling load. - The ability of +-45 face sheets to transfer loads compression loads of 60% around damaged areas allows cyclic critical, to reach half a million cycles. - Face laminate sheet dimple growth can at cyclic critical and in be observed in compression loads +-45 laminates at cyclic greater the 0/90 than 50% compression loads greater than 60% critical. - The undamaged 0/90 panel has a fatigue life of 669,000 cycles at 90 to 95% critical load. 7.2 RECOMMENDATIONS The sandwich growth of panel made fatigue loading, damage in a minimum from AW193PW/3501-6 merits further gauge face under static investigation. Areas sheet and that need further exploration include: - Properties of panels with 133 different layups and loading orientations. - Strength properties of other core materials. - Impact effects on panels subjected to in-plane loads and/or bending moments. - Development of an analytical model which describes dimple formation and propagation to global failure. - Fatigue life of damaged panels at low loads. - Fatigue life of damaged panels under compression, tension-tension and compression - compression-tension cyclic loading. - Damage fatigue life, delamination, development within a panel as measured by reduced crack length, crack throughout its stiffnesses, expanded population, broken filaments and residual strength. - Damage resistance and tolerance at various stages of panel life. - Residual strength and fatigue life of panels subjected to high humidity and water ingestion. - Damage resistance and/or of hybrid panels with modified epoxies at various multiple material lamina. 134 buffer strips volume fractions and REFERENCES [11 Oplinger, D.W. and Slepetz, J.M., "Impact Damage Tolerance of Graphite/Epoxy Sandwich Panels", Foreign Object Impact Damage ta Composites, ASTM STP 568x American Society for Testing and Materials, 1975, pp. 30-48. 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ASTM STP 787, I. M. Daniel. Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1982, pp. 450-480. -0 1%1 APPENDIX A: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS; TABLES AND FIGURES This appendix contains experimental results presented in tabular form and photographs. 137 TABLE A.1 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. # Impact Vel. [ft/s] Impact Damaged Area Energy [ft-lb] d/W [sq in] Failure Failure Failure Stress Stress Moment (far) (local) [Ksil [in-lb] [Ksil 1 Inch Panels; [+-45] 0.206 0.304 0.256 0.242 0.174 0.174 0.205 0.158 0.141 0.201 782 951 1026 857 1195 18.56 28.12 24.22 19.87 24.65 22. 35. 28. 23. 30. 1.13 0.155 * 0.223 0.108 0.129 0.173 1068 1085 1111 25.30 25.61 26.28 28.42 28.75 31.78 0.136 0.143 0.101 0.071 0.028 0.014 1152 1161 1120 1174 1119 1121 27.04 25.97 26.31 27.48 25.78 26.04 31.32 35.24 29.25 1 2 3 @ 4 17 7.35 7.23 6.99 6.01 5.55 2.84 2.74 2.57 1.89 1.61 6 7 8 4.64 5.20 1.42 0.171 9 10 11 12 13 19 4.79 1.21 1.35 1.23 1.21 1.10 0.69 0.140 @ # @ 5.08 4.85 4.79 4.59 3.61 0.155 0.084 0.074 0.076 0.02 @ @ @ 14 15 16 1144 1163 1217 26.96 27.30 28.45 J 36 37 38 39 1492 1566 1618 1459 35.37 36.64 37.72 34.15 * denotes lost data buckling under loading point core crushed fracture over or adjacent to Nomex/aluminum joint 138 29.59 26.52 * TABLE A.1 (cont.) RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. Net Strain to Failure Gage 1 Gage 2 Gage 3 Gage 4 Gage 5 1 Inch Panels; [+-45] 1 2 3 4 17 -0.01686 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 0.0051 0.0133 0.00781 0.00571 0.01208 -0.0076 -0.0083 -0.00826 -0.00644 -0.01084 0.00513 0.00663 0.00654 -0.01407 -0.01185 -0.01084 0.01137 -0.01107 0.01029 -0.01017 0.01051 -0.01028 0.01027 0.00904 0.00966 -0.01348 -0.01221 -0.01232 -0.01252 0.00994 0.01162 -0.01106 -0.01293 0.00851 0.01011 -0.01181 -0.01289 -0.01092 -0.00968 -0.01101 0.00876 -0.01141 -0.01447 0.01297 -0.01442 0.01091 -0.01215 -0.01123 -0.00728 -0.01369 -0.01231 0.00512 -0.00728 -0.00852 -0.00924 -0.00715 -0.01056 -0.01018 -0.01234 -0.01459 0.01078 * 0.010 14 15 16 -0.01471 -0.01508 -0.01656 0.01221 0.01291 0.01412 36 37. 38 39 -0.02466 -0.02525 -0.02391 -0.02194 0.02164 0.02093 0.01987 0.01641 139 -0.00872 TABLE A.2 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. # Impact Vel. Impact Damaged Area Energy d/W [ft/s] [ft-lb] [sq in] Failure Failure Failure Stress Stress Moment (far) (local) [Ksi] [Ksi] [in-lb] 1 Inch Panels; [0/90] 42 51 52 53 54 65 5.88 6.06 6.25 6.45 6.45 5.47 48 49 50 64 41 43 @ 44 45 # 46 4. 3. 4. 3. 4. 920. 930. 993. 898. 803. 994. 21.51 21.67 23.17 20.91 18.76 23.09 25.98 26.59 28.97 25.65 22.84 28.36 0.157 0.071 1067.34 1037.03 1047.86 1152 25.14 24.12 24.41 26.98 29.37 27.66 28.95 29.04 0.101 0.036 0.135 0.007 0.085 1334 1418.07 1513.33 1026.21 1140.95 31.16. 33.03 35.24 24.95 26.81 34.59 34.27 40.74 25.12 29.29 2613.15 2305.72 3056.98 2940.07 61.25 55.45 71.53 69.32 1.811.93 2.05 2.19 2.19 1.57 0.155 0.261 0.279 0.316 0.322 0.192 0.172 1.37 1.37 1.53 1.03 0.155 0.205 0.205 0.105 0.144 .94 0.74 1.03 0.83 1.05 0.074 0.074 0.078 0.099 0.155 buckling under loading point core crushed 140 0.185 0.201 0.185 0.178 0.186 0.128 TABLE A.2 (cont.) RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. Net Strain to Failure Gage 1 1 Inch Panels; 48 49 50 64 60 61 62 63 Gage 2 Gage 3 Gage 4 Gage 5 [0/901 -0.00280 -0.00272 -0.00334 -0.00260 -0.00238 -0.00302 .00012 .00012 .00016 .00006 .00012 .00012 -0.002461 -0.001881 -0.002961 -0.002501 -0.002421 -0.00251 -0.00104 -.00002 -0.001101 .00014 -0.001321 .00008 -0.001261 .000120 -0.00134 -0.00328 -0.00328 -0.00272 .00004 .00006 .00016 .00014 -0.003161 -0.002641 -0.002801 -0.00268 -.00004 .00010 .00008 -0.001501 -0.001461 -0.001401 -0.00718 -0.00400 -0.00316 -0.00236 -0.00358 .00006 .00048 .00063 .00030 -0.00364 -0.003241 -0.003501 -0.002421 -0.003161 .00070 .00035 -0.002581 -0.002121 -0.002201 -0.00711 -0.00639 -0.00845 -0.00760 .00082 .000334 .000485 .00078 -0.007061 .000770 -0.00316 -0.00738 11 1 .00014 TABLE A.3 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. Impact # Vel. (ft/s] Impact Damaged Energy Area (ft-lb] Failure Failure Failure Moment Stress Stress (far) (local) [Ksi] [Ksil [in-lb] d/W [sq in] .687 Inch Panels; [+-451 121 122 123 5.88 5.97 5.88 1.81 1.87 1.81 0.354 0.381 0.282 0.114 0.156 0.086 730.01 689.01 667.01 23.99 23.28 22.56 27.08 27.58 24.68 113 114 115 116 4.42 4.52 4.63 4.63 1.03 1.07 1.13 1.13 0.078 0.084 0.144 0.21 0.014 0.014 0.028 0.014 719.01 751.01 773.01 697.01 24.35 25.42 26.14 21.13 24.69 25.78 26.89 21.43 0 686.00 0 1026.00 0 1005.00 0 983.00 25.65 38.63 37.81 33.31 117 D 118 119 120 J * @ D J denotes lost data buckling under loading point face sheet debonding failure fracture over or adjacent to Nomex/aluminum joint 142 TABLE A.3 (cont.) RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Specimen Number Net Strain to Failure Gage 1 Gage 2 Gage 3 Gage 4 Gage 5 .687 Inch Panels; [+-451 121 122 123 -0.011131 -0.012081 -0.012961 .009460 .009320 .011180 -0.011131 -0.009101 -0.009401 .008080 .007880 -0.011641 -0.010421 -0.010361 113 114 115 116 -0.010861 -0.011661 -0.014101 -0.011141 .008720 .010800 .010900 .008600 -0.009261 -0.011071 -0.010741 -0.008981 .008160 .008780 .008140 .007920 -0.010241 -0.011461 -0.001131 -0.011141 117 118 119 120 -0.012541 .007500 -0.003381 -0.022781 .027961 0.020901 -0.015621 143 0.017001 TABLE A.4 RESIDUAL STRENGTH IMPACT RESULTS Spec. # Impact Vel. [ft/s] Impact Damaged Area Energy [ft-lb] [sq in] d/W Failure Failure Failure Stress Stress Moment (far) (local) [Ksi [Ksil [in-lb] .687 Inch Panels; [0/90] 108 109 110 6.45 6.45 6.25 2.18 2.19 2.05 0.194 0.341 0.256 0.171 0.171 0.179 920.01 868.01 983.01 105 106 107 111 112 4.33 4.28 4.19 3.98 5.69 0.98 0.96 0.92 0.124 0.135 0.099 0.062 0.062 0.071 0.064 0.086 0.043 0.029 0 0 0 0 0.83 1.71 126 127 128 129 101 @ 37.59 35.46 40.54 1258.01 953.01 1059.01 1024.01 1068.01 42. 32. 37. 37. 36. 45. 34. 39. 36. 37. 1555.00 1724.00 1459.00 1492.00 56. 63. 55. 56. 1195 1228 102 @ @ 31.16 29.41 33.28 buckling under loading point 1AA, 40.47 41.54 TABLE A.4 (cont.) RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Specimen Number Net Strain to Failure Gage 1 .687 Inch Panels; 108 109 110 -0.003351 -0.005231 -0.003701 105 106 107 111i 112 -0.004811 -0.004101 Gage 2 Gage 3 Gage 4 Gage 5 .000100 .000080 .000100 -0.001401 .000110 .000780 .000280 -0.002461 [0/901 .000050 -0.003281 .000090 .000100 -0.002871 -0.003331 .000560 -0.003661 -0.003681 -0.004321 .000300 .000480 -0.004741 -0.004421 .000600 .000680 126 127 128 129 -0.011131 .000340 101 102 -0.005241 .000660 -0.006451 -0.006641 .001020 .000580 -0.00472 .000600 -0.00456 .000440 145 -0.004321 -0.003781 -0.004281 -0.005841 -0.001021 -0.001791 -0.002001 -0.002361 -0.002101 -0.002841 -0.00146 TABLE A.5 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec # Impact Vel. Impact Damaged Energy Area d/W (ft/s] (ft-lb] [sq in] Failure Failure Failure Moment Stress Stress (far) (local) [in-lb] [Ksi] (Ksi] .375 Inch Panels; [+-45] 223 239 240 241 5.97 5.97 5.88 6.06 1.87 1.87 1.81 1.93 0.328 0.223 0.308 0.236 .115 .014 .028 .058 237 238 4.58 4.63 1.11 1.13 0.007 0.033 221 234 235 236 3.91 4.14 4.14 4.14 0.81 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.013 0 0.007 0 230 231 233 $ 327. 349. 338. 349. 20.01 21.35 20.70 21.35 22.61 21.65 21.30 22.67 0.007 0.014 403.00 392.00 24.59 23.94 24.76 24.28 0.014 0.007 0.007 0.007 370.00 381.00 381.00 925.00 814.00 647.00 discontinued without failure 146 not tested 23.06 23.22 23.70 23.87 24.34 24.51 56.04 49.96 39.59 TABLE A.5 (cont.) RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. Net Strain to failure __ Gage 1 Gage 2 Gage 3 Gage 4 Gage 5 .375 Inch Panels; [+-45] 223 239 240 241 -0.003021 -0.009261 -0.008601 -0.009231 .000200 .006681 -0.005521 -0.008281 -0.007481 -0.007731 .000100 .006901 -0.009001 237 238 -0.012841 -0.009301 .009380 -0.009961 -0.008581 .008040 -0.011141 -0.023861 -0.02112 -0.018741 .016900 .015920 .014020 221 234 235 236 230 231 233 1/17 .012770 -0.014541 TABLE A.6 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. # Impact Vel. Impact Damaged Energy Area (ft/s] ift-lb] [sq in] .375 Inch Panels; (0/90] 212 217 218 219 6.06 6.06 6.15 6.15 1.93 1.05 1.99 1.99 0.174 0.181 0.186 0.131 0.143 0.157 0.143 0.143 667.01 518.01 466.01 444.01 209 210 211 5.54 4.86 539 1.61 1.24 1.53 0.155 0.087 0.155 0.065 0.036 0.114 487.01 624.01 645.01 204 205 206 207 208 4.33 4.23 4.1 4.19 4.32 0.98 0.94 0.88 0.92 0.98 0.013 0.039 0.074 0.031 0.056 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.036 0.05 528.01 225 226 227 228 202 @ 203 ^ @ d/W Failure Failure Failure Moment Stress Stress (far) (local) (in-lbs] [Ksil [Ksil 19.63 31.71 29.76 27.82 39.07 31.51 39.21 44.09 528.01 539.00 528.00 498.01 32.02 32.02 32.66 32.02 30.1 32.48 32.48 33.13 33.22 31.68 1100.00 1068.00 1152.00 1068.00 67.28 65.29 70.46 62.76 589 814 36.03 39.63 29.46 37.79 buckling under loading point core shear and buckling failure fracture over or adjacent to Nomex/aluminum joint 148 37.61 34.73 32.46 TABLE A.6 (cont.) RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. Net Strain to Failure Gage 1 Gage 3 Gage 2 Gage 4 Gage 5 .375 Inch Panels; [0/901 212 217 218 219 -0.002021 -0.004341 -0.004281 -0.005101 .000141 209 210 211 -0.003861 -0.004591 -0.004971 .000100 .000650 .000110 -0.003461 -0.003871 -0.004361 .000120 .000100 .000090 -0.001761 -0.002211 -0.001731 204 205 206 207 208 -0.007321 -0.004001 -0.004261 -0.004321 -0.00398 .000600 -0.003761 .000260 -0.002521 .000040 -0.004381 -0.003761 -0.003601 .00012 225 226 227 228 -0.007621 -0.006961 -0.007861 -0.006741 .000680 .000440 .000880 .000580 -0.007041 .000320 202 203 -0.00437 -0.00449 .000320 .000380 -0.00398 -0.00452 .000420 .00038 -0.003361 -0.003441 -0.003621 -.003660 149 -0.00206 TABLE A.7 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. Impact # Velocity Impact Damaged Area Energy [ft/s] [ft-lb] d/W [sq in] Failure Failure Stress Moment (far) [Ksil [in-lb] Failure Stress (local) [Ksi] 1 Inch Panels; [+-45]s 308 D 309 D 310 D 8.03 7.57 7.87 3.39 3.01 3.26 0.611 0.243 0.394 0.127 994.00 0.086 1487.00 0.086 1451.00 23.00 34.93 34.05 26.38 38.22 37.25 305 ^ 306 # 312 D 7.03 8.56 6.79 2.59 3.85 2.42 0.184 0.617 0.025 0.028 1555.00 0.185 1661.00 35.97 38.42 37.58 47.85 0.014 301 302 ^ 303 # 311 ^ 6.35 6.35 6.25 6.06 2.12 2.12 2.05 1.93 0.197 0.164 0.171 0.056 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 * denotes lost data D ^ # face sheet debonding failure core shear and buckling failure core crushed 150 * 1533.00 1924.00 1901.00 1152.01 * 35.48 45.12 44.62 26.97 * 36.51 45.83 45.25 27.32 TABLE A.7 (cont.) RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. Net Strain to Failure Gage 1 Gage 2 Gage 3 Gage 4 Gage 5 1 Inch Panels; [+-451s 308 309 310 -0.004221 -0.006501 -0.006601 305 306 312 -0.007341 -0.008601 301 302 303 311 -0.008001 -0.011701 -0.011621 -0.003501 .002970 -0.003461 .005940 -0.007041 -0.007561 .005341 -0.006901 .006010 .009670 .009930 -0.007141 .005400 .011771 .009610 -0.007401 -0.017341 -0.012641 .005300 1 C1 TABLE A.8 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. Impact # Velocity Ift/s] Impact Damaged Energy Area d/W [ft-lb] [sq in] Failure Failure Failure Moment Stress Stress (far) (local) [in-lb] [Ksil [Ksi 1 Inch Panels; [0/90]s # 321 # 322 323 7.57 7.72 7.72 3.01 3.13 3.13 0.433 0.459 0.441 0.086 1745.00 0.086 2137.00 0.086 1763.00 40.98 50.20 38.75 44.84 54.92 43.79 319 ^ 6.67 2.34 0.322 0.043 1903.00 44.71 46.72 316 317 318 ^ 5.97 6.06 6.06 1.87 1.93 1.93 0.086 0.046 0.221 0.014 1893.00 0.014 2063.00 0.014 2262.00 45.87 47.72 53.11 47.48 49.64 54.24 ^ ^ core shear and buckling failure core crushed 152 TABLE A.8 (cont.) RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Spec. Net Strain to Failure Gage 1 Gage 2 Gage 3 -0.002661 -0.002981 -0.003001 .000181 .000180 .000180 -0.002401 .000221 -0.0055 .000100 319 -0.00238 .000060 -0.00211 .000060 -0.00182 316 317 318 -0.002241 .000140 -0.002181 .000100 -0.002241 -0.002741 -0.002081 .000120 .000160 .000740 -0.002741 1 Inch Panels; 321' 322 323 Gage 4 Gage 5 [0/901s 153 -0.001421 TABLE A.9 SPECIMEN SECTION RESULTS Specimen Number Layup Impact Energy (ft-lb) Core/Face Debond Dia. (mm) Core Indent. Depth (mm) Rupture Dia. d (mm) 29 +-45 2.12 12 3 13 31 +-45 1.10 7 1 4 47 +-90 1.03 10 1.3 8 55 +-90 2.05 14 1.2 12.5 66 +-90 1.11 9.2 1 10.5 220 +-90 1.93 13.1 2.5 12 224 +-45 1.87 7.5 .5 2 242 +-90 1.07 0 0 1 307 +-45 3.26 9 .8 9 321 +-90 3.01 10 .8 6 154 TABLE A.10 FATIGUE TEST RESULTS (0/90] Columns: Spec. Number Impact Energy [ft-lb] Damaged Area d/W [sq In] Stress Cycles Amplitude @Stress '(/0"crit Amplitude (%) (N) Fl 167 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 0 0 166 163 162 1.10 1.16 1.13 .132 .109 .155 .114 .121 .121 59 67 71 164 2.51 .279 .161 42 260 1.87 .100 .078 165 2.34 .270 .167 50 # 47 50 74 90 90 # 95 95 Life Cycles (N total) 515000* 669140? 904260* 40770 69640 515000* 23830 100 192 23830 100 192 & load altered ? doubtful fatigue failure F1 is 1 inch thick and 2.75 inch wide 260 is .375 inch and 3.54 inch wide 1 - 99 101-199 201-299 Core 0 critical (undamaged) (Ksi) 48.81 45.05 44.86 1 in .687 in .375 in 155 945030 69640 30530(1 face fail) 123920* 123920* (1 cycle-20mm crack) 70100 70100 210 210 (Ist cycle damage) * discontinued Specimen Series 669140? TABLE A.11 FATIGUE TEST RESULTS [+-45] Columns: Spec. Number Impact Energy [ft-lb] Damaged Area d/W [sq in] Stress Cycles Amplitude @Stress T/(C crit Amplitude (%) (N) P2 71 153660 Life Cycles (N total) 153660 34580* 150 151 85 90 153 1.01 .124 .089 69 # 157 152 1.13 .80 .147 .019 .144 .011 .83 .75 .050 .050 .086 .014 73 78 # 80 76 80 72 73 155 2.26 .295 .194 62 # 154 156 74 2.42 2.20 1.53 .280 .264 .149 .200 .178 .278 66 70 64 # 78 # 72 .143 .167 250 1.82 # load altered * discontinued 5000 118040 4720 472700* 94600 211320 1189990 671890* 302360 197050 883340 15620 88870 143590 1036120* 171760* 6160* 210 70 series are 1 inch thick and 3.54 inch wide P2 is 1 inch thick and 2.75 inch wide 250 is .375 inch thick and 3.54 inch wide Specimen Series 1 - 99 101-199 201-299 Core (r critical (undamaged) (Ksi) 30.31 29.37 1 in .687 in .375 in 27.76 156 39580 118040 4720 566330 211320 1851880* 302360 197050 898960 88870 143590 (No dimple growth) 210 ~----^ .- .. - . ~ • .. - Impact .98 ft-lb d/W = .05 Force 145 lb. Delam. Area .056 Figure A.1 Specimen 208 - [0/90] Impact 1.11 ft.-lb. d/W = .150 Figure A.2 sq. in. .375 Inch Core Force 129 lb. Delam. Area .205 sq. in. Specimen 66 - (0/901 1 Inch Core 157 2? r, ,r r .- r i, /r /I ,, ,r rr ,.r rr .r .r ir ,r , /I )· ~ r. ur ri r // rr r· N Ir ~ 'N - tt ,I ; I ; r '' Impact 2.12 ft.-lb. d/W = .186 Figure A.3 Force 131 lb. Delam. Area .270 sq. in. Specimen 29 - [+-451 1 Inch Core 158 r00 rI, rI Impact 2.05 d/W = ft.-lb. Force 259 lb. .014 Delam. Figure A.4 Specimen 303 - -.- -- Area .171 sq. in. [+-45]s 1 Inch Core ,- , Impact 3.01 d/W = ft.-lb. Force 305 lb. Delam. Area .433 sq. . 086 Fi'gure A.5 Specimen 321 - 159 C0/903s 1 Inch Core in. I I' •J C) r·-. 4' ".4 u7 i' r-U -*i Q. uu i!-Bt:·-·. 1~~ LU C-,e 7? N I~ UI_ ca6 IO °-I CA C C" r-4 IC) OC 4- i I C )-Q) a oen C') ur C/3 ¼1 C" 161 C.' v- S(•• Figure A.10 Specimen # 61, (0/90); undamaged, face sheet fracture and debond Failed at 55.45 Ksi 16I o 4r- C-", k -I C-) o 0 a) C) rci· Cl E°. (. o I- CO a) C-) Fx. 4 rAJ ; At b o H rjj t ,I ·I .? i 0 Lry n-e :t· ··· ·, r;· C) N31 k .i4 "f *H Figure A.13 Specimen #303; Core Crushing Figure A.14 Specimen #318; Core Shearing 167 i -rrr • . o . . . . . e," b flmi --,..,, ,....~ ,-....,, · ~~ rr * 3B me[ a* aM, Specimen #166 (0/90), - -- r oil A..- ,·I -· a .3 Figure A.15 Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 220, D = 30 mm, 28781bs rr r· :: · ?rai~ AkL~ ·----r--r--· · ~rr·r·r·-· · rrpar-----~~~CI·~·~·C· .,~p~-·· r r LI-l· I-~·- · -- ' · rr~-rr ---r·rrr·~ 1441111~~11111 Figure A.15 (cont.) Specimen #166 (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 3000, D = 32 mm, 1b8 2878 lbs r--r~rr rrr-·rd a-·-·r·( ~-·~-· ,-~ -- rr j ·*,!~ i 1mAa -;· ·· I·-·~d~-~ I irur t · · rrr----· r-r· ~ ·- - l . r-r ILILar~~: - Specime n Ob Figure A.15 (cont.) #166 (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 5000, P• -- r ~-rr r~-··,I-r··~ rr I- D = 33 mm, 28781bs h -.~-~-.•.-.-.--.--..• . . . ""::.':.".,.Li -- ., -2" "". '--l-..-'-...~r wJ.llr~rrr ,,, Y., WO AF lb sm a a Figure A.15 (cont.) Specimen #166 (0/90); Damage Growth Fatigue Life N = 23,830, D = 40 mm, 2878 lbs 16? Figure A.16 Specimen #156 (+-45); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 120, D = 20 mm, A,44AS - hbd44 ~ h~~~Yt N~~3C4 c -s-Ilk1- . ~ (-4- ~ . 1.- · 1Y 2210 lbs .- LLL 41 LLL ~f~.aOLr ~ - (4- -4-.-' -'~·' 4··· -4"`··' Figure A.16 (cont.) Specimen #156 (+-45); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 37,000, D = 22, 1 74' 2210 lbs li~f~~r"~3~6~~ b1j II .1,1~~ ~kNN ·i4Q Figure A.16 (cont.) Specimen #156 (+-45); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 143,590 2210 lbs 1 .': Figure A.17 Specimen #164 (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 0.0 D = 14.5 mm, 2019 lbs Figure A.17 (cont.) Specimen #164 (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 30, D = 21, 17Z 2019 lbs I IlI"II I Ii' I 1 , t1 I I SII ill ,I** I t lIII I I I I IiII.!Iu' I I * I I tIii I I ·I i i .inI,;o ii • t 1 . .-.. .. .' I t. Illlr I1 I I il 9? -~~~, -l( -'tr ~ir2~~r~- l Figure A.17 (cont.) Specimen #164 (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 130, D = 22.5, 2019 lbs Figure A.17 (cont.) Specimen #164 (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N =1000, D = 27, 2019 lbs r"7.7 i~~ I ~rh~rrrcrmrrrr •I _- ..... · CI~ I ! I i i 0 a a a·, a iiii Iiiii a l il !,a ' :: I" S I I , t . , , | l ll , t iI• ii a I I I 14h I.. I cJJ I :;i 1 Specimen #164 ,.T + +, . i L,' I ·.,-~ -al-a.~~-- Fig ure A.17 (cont.) (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 11,700 , D = 32 mm, 2019 lbs 't~t:"/ · ,",, -- I 1-'- a I lia- ,, I ll~ I ICl1 11111 I Ill II" ii , al ii II , I ii 111 11 11 11 ,+ jii J ~ila 1"' aa a.i Figure A.17 (cont.) (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 19, 200 D = 36 mm 2019 lbs Specimen #164 17 f Figure A.17 (cont.) Specimen #164 (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 30,440 D = 45 mm 2019 lbs Figure A.17 (cont.) Specimen #164 (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 30,485 D = 50 175 2019 lbs 1 Figure A.17 (cont.) Specimen #164 (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life 2019 lbs D = 53 mm N = 30,520 Specimen #164 Figure A.17 (cont.) (0/90); Damage Growth Over Fatigue Life N = 30,530 17C APPENDIX B: SUB-LAMINA GEOMETRY OF THE WOVEN PLY In order to the plane plate make use of the weave ply and theories, the "imaginary" bi-ply axes acting apply them to woven with two within the orthotropic properties of ply classical laminated can be viewed equivilent principle central plane of the as an material ply. The sinusoidal bending of the fiber tows will be ignored for the "imaginary ply", and addressed later in this final assumption is that effective thickness is, one half half of of the stiffness the lamina's in the its actual thickness, principle both sides of thickness. That filaments, which actually material 3.2(b) illustrates that fiber tows principle material The the "imaginary" ply's mechanically is half of lamina chapter. contribute direction. to Figure of thickness t/2 provide stiffness in the the central plane. occupy one fill direction The warp and on tows provide no longitudinal filament stiffness in the paper direction, but they do occupy one half of the ply thickness, t. imaginary ply is depicted in figure B.1. t -.ý I., Figure B.1 -- The "imaginary bi-ply" 177 The for the woven ply The assumptions made the central plane equal to and the t/2, are identical. effective mechanical possible only if implies A large thickness to bending buckling. out-of-plane to succeptability ratio between sinusoidal greater tows are This determines the woven width. shape of the tow's sinusoidal bending. ratio thickness the filament geometric factor is the A second the tow thickness and its width acting through The and nominal dimensions for AW193PW/3501-6 graphite/epoxy fabric are: ply thickness .0076" (.193mm) tow thickness .0038" (.0965mm) tow width .0878" (2.23mm) thickness/ width ratio = .0433 = 1 to 23.1 Figure B.2 illustrates the deflection, £1 . angular deflections and tow Greater tow bending angles possible but not likely, because fibers at the tow are expected to form a pointed cross 40 psi curing pressure very thin section and free as the laminate is section under the matrix. be the likely compressed are edge of the flowing epoxy elongated ellipse would greatest to its A tow cross minimum thickness during the pressurized cure cycle. If one assumes that X percent of the filament tow width has a thickness of t/2 (or .0038 inch in this case) and that only the outer (100-X)/2 tapered thickness, assumption of then percent of .L (X + 10) percent can the tow be width has calculated. on each tow An will obviously yield a different angular deflection for the tow. 172 a _ T Ow Figure B.2 .. ·. I Il W|dTI Tow deflection angle within weave If one assumes that X percent of the filament tow width has a thickness of t/2 (or .0038 inch in this case) and that only the outer (100-X)/2 tapered thickness, then X1 (X + 10) percent assumption of width has the tow percent of be can An calculated. on each tow a will obviously yield a different angular deflection for the tow. maximum deflection Usingqthis- scheme,-the from the central X. assumption, illustration. in that it and laminate The ply plane can be approximated Table B.1 some provides maximum deflection angle represents a weakness in the buckling. It's makes it unstable and dependent stability as the angle SI , for a given values as an is significant retardation of tow inherant buckling mode shape upon the matrix to maintain tows carry longitudinal loads in the fill direction. TABLE B.1 Tow Bending Within Fabric Unaffected Tow Width, Maximum Deflection Angle, X % : (deg.): 75 10.0 80 12.6 85 16.8 90 25.8 Thickness/ width for AW 193PW/3501-6 is 1/23. This ratio can be used to calculate other deflection angles for a given tow cross section with the following formula: ai = arcsin (1/[23(1-X)]) 1 (B.1) APPENDIX C: PANEL DEFLECTION GRAPHS This appendix contains mid-panel deflection and angular deflection curves for specimen type and impact damage level. 1.'I [±45] Thick Nomex No Impact 0 100 0 300 200 400 500 Net Deflection 600 Load (Ibs) [+45] Thick Nomex No Impact 0 0 Figure C.1 100 200 300 400 500 600 Load (Ibs) [+-45] 1 inch; Undamaged: Deflection Curves Theta-B [±45] Thick Nomex Low Impact E E C 0 0 0 0 A Net Deflection A Theta-B 0, z 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Load (Ibs) [±45] Thick Nomex Low Impact 0 Figure C.2 100 200 300 400 500 600 Load (Ibs) [+-45] 1 inch; Low Damage: Deflection Curves 173 [±45] Medium Nomex Low Impact A 0 100 200 300 Net Deflection 400 Load (Ibs) [±45] Medium Nomex Low Impact U, 0 0n I- a 0 100 200 300 400 Load (Ibs) Figure C.3 [+-45] .687"; Low Damage: Deflection Curves Theta-B [±45] Medium Nomex Medium Impact Net Deflection a 0 100 200 Load 300 400 (Ibs) [±45] Medium Nomex Medium Impact 0 0 Figure C.4 100 [+-45] 200 300 400 Load (Ibs) .687"; Medium Damage: Deflection Curves 185S Theta-B [+45] Thin Nomex Low Impact A 200 100 0 Net Deflection Load (Ibs) [+45] Thin Nomex Low Impact A Theta-B 0 Figure C.5 100 [+-45] 200 300 Load (Ibs) .375"; Low Damage: Deflection Curves I1% [±45] Thin Nomex Medium Impact * 0 100 Net Deflection 200 Load (lbs) [±45] Thin Nomex Medium Impact 0 0 100 Theta-B 200 Load (Ibs) Figure C.6 [+-45] .375"; Medium Damage: Deflection Curves 127 [±45] Thin Nomex High Impact m Net Deflection 100 0 20U Load (Ibs) [+45] Thin Nomex High Impact a 100 0 200 Load (Ibs) Figure C.7 [+-45] .375"; High Damage: Deflection Curves rs2 Theta-B [+45]2 Thick Nomex No Impact Load Net Deflection E Theta-B 800 600 400 200 0 E (Ibs) [±45]2 Thick Nomex No Impact I LIU piU Ua piU * U crU - · U · · · -4 200 400 600 800 Load (Ibs) Figure C.8 [+-45]s 1.0 inch; Undamaged: Deflection Curves [±45]2 Thick Nomex Low Impact 200 0 400 Load 600 0 Net Deflection o Theta-B 800 (Ibs) [±45]2 Thick Nomex 0 200 400 600 800 Load (Ibs) Figure C.9 [+-45]s 1.0 inch; Low Damage: Deflection Curves 190 [±45]2 Thick Nomex Medium Impact 0 600 400 200 + Net Deflection + Theta-B 800 Load (Ibs) [±45]2 Thick Nomex Medium Impact 0 200 Figure C.10 [+-45]s 400 600 800 Load (Ibs) 1.0 inch; Medium Impact: Deflection Curves 191 [t45]2 Thick Nomex High Impact 0 200 400 Load 600 M net deflection U theta-B 800 (Ibs) [±45]2 Thick Nomex High Impact 0 200 400 600 800 Load (Ibs) Figure C.11 [+-45]s 1.0 inch; High Damage: Deflection Curves 192. [0/90] Thick Nomex Low Impact Net Deflection a 0 600 400 200 800 Load (Ibs) [0/90] Thick Nomex Low Impact A 0 200 400 600 Theta-B 800 Load (Ibs) Figure C.12 [0/90] 1 inch; Low Damage: Deflection Curves 193 [0/90] Thick Nomex Medium Impact o 100 0 200 300 400 Net Deflection 500 Load (Ibs) [0/90] Thick Nomex Medium Impact o 0 Figure C.13 100 Theta-B 200 300 400 500 Load (Ibs) [0/90] 1 inch; Medium Damage: Deflection Curves 19q [0/90] Thick Nomex High Impact a 0 100 400 300 200 Net Deflection 500 Load (Ibs) [0/90] Thick Nomex High Impact 3 Theta-B 0 Figure C.14 100 200 300 400 Load (Ibs) [0/90] 1 inch; High Damage: Deflection Curves 195 [0/90] Medium Nomex Low Impact A 0 500 400 300 200 100 Net Deflection 600 Load (Ibs) [0/90] Medium Nomex Low Impact A Theta-B 0 Figure C.15 100 [0/90] 200 300 400 500 Load (Ibs) .687"; Low Damage: Deflection Curves 19( [0/90] Thin Nomex Low Impact A 0 100 200 Net Deflection 300 Load (Ibs) [0/90] Thin Nomex Low Impact A Theta-B 0 100 200 300 Load (Ibs) Figure C.16 [0/90] .375"; Low Impact: Deflection Curves 197 [0/90] Thin Nomex Medium Impact 200 100 0 o Net Deflection o Theta-B 300 Load (Ibs) [0/90] Thin Nomex Medium Impact 0 100 200 300 Load (Ibs) Figure C.17 [0/90] .375"; Medium Damage: Deflection Curves 198 [0/90] Thin Nomex High Impact a 200 100 0 Net Deflection 300 Load (Ibs) [0/90] Thin Nomex High Impact 3 Theta-B 200 100 0 300 Load (Ibs) Figure C.18 [0/90] .375"; High Damage: Deflection Curves 199 [0/90]2 Thick Nomex Medium Impact 0 200 600 400 Load 800 x Net Deflection x Theta-B 1000 (Ibs) [0/90]2 Thick Nomex Medium Impact 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Load (Ibs) Figure C.19 [0/90]s 1 inch; Medium Damage: Deflection Curves 200 [0/90]2 Thick Nomex Low Impact 0 200 600 400 Load [0/90]2 800 * Net Deflection * Theta-B 1000 (Ibs) Thick Nomex Low Impact 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Load (Ibs) Figure C.20 [0/90]s 1 inch; Low Damage: Deflection Curves 20o [0/90]2 Thick Nomex High Impact a 0 200 400 600 800 Net Deflection 1000 Load (lbs) [0/90]2 Thick Nomex U 0 0 200 400 Load Figure C.21 600 800 1000 (Ibs) [0/90]s 1 inch; High Damage: Deflection Curves 202 Theta-B