PERFORMANCE LIMITATIONS AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR FILTERS FDNR IMPLEMENTED by JAMES BURKE UTCHISON Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May, 1978 Signature redacted ...... Signature of Author. Departmentlof Electrical Engineering, Certified by Accepted by..... May 25, 1978 Signature redacted Thesis Signature redacted ................. Chairman, Departmental Committee A JU~IN VES 7T. JUN 8 1978 Supervisor on Theses 2 PERFORMANCE LIMITATIONS AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR FDNR IMPLEMENTED FILTERS by JAMES BURKE HUTCHISON Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering on May 26, 1978 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science. ABSTRACT Four implementations of a 12 kHz, 5th order elliptic filter which use FDNRs are studied. Characterization of and design considerations pertaining to useable dynamic range of the filters is presented. Computer simulation and empirical measurements are made on at least two of the filters to verify results. It is found that filter dynamic range can be increased by 3 dB without a significant degradation of filter accuracy. An attempt is made to characterize the stability of FDNRs in the presence of stray impedances. Also, a design procedure obtaining an FDNR implementation of an elliptic filter inherent DC response is presented. Thesis Supervisor: Francis F. Lee Title: Professor of Electrical Engineering for which posesses 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my thanks to: Prof. Lee for his excellent advice and enthusiasm Douglas White for his patience in the face of my developing ideas George Yundt for a 24 hr. components hotline and my special thanks to Prof. Paul Penfield, who used his own time to get me started on MARTHA, and helped thereafter. 4 CONTENTS Abstract 2 Acknowledgements 3 List of Figures 5 List of Tables 6 Introduction 7 Section I Section II Section III Limitations on Maximum Signal Magnitude Stability Design Optimization 7 18 21 Conclusion 27 Suggestions for Further Research 27 Personal Communications 28 References 29 Appendix A : An FDNR Cookbook Design Procedure 30 Appendix B : Obtaining an FDNR Implementation with DC Response 32 Appendix C : Design of the Filter Examples 35 Appendix D : Derivation of Peaking Magnitudes Inside the FDNR 40 Appendix E : Programs 41 5 FIGURES 1. A doubly-loaded 5th order 12 kHz elliptic filter, normalized 8 2. A singly-loaded 5th order 12 kHz elliptic filter, normalized 8 3. Implementations of the FDNRs used in the 12 kHz filters 9 4. A model to achieve the transfer function V 5. A model to achieve the transfer function V 6. Component Location Cases affecting V2 /Vd and V /V 14 7. Peaking frequency shift due to increasing V2V d and V /V 14 8. The classical feedback model 18 9. V /V. 10. Frequency response of a 5th order elliptic filter; general 11. A normalized, 12. Figure 11 reversed left-to-right 33 13. The singly-loaded prototype, 33 14. Converting the filter transfer function to V /V. 34 15. 1/s impedance transformation of Figure 14 34 16. Normalized RLC 5th order filters studied 35 17. Frequency scaled, 18. The FDNR topology used in the 12 kHz filters 37 19. A typical output buffer used with actual implementations 38 20. The FDNR topology, general case 40 21. Circuit implementing a computer model of V 2/V 42 22. Circuit implementing a computer model of V /Vd 42 23. Computer modelling of a real FDNR 46 o in frequency response of the 12 kHz, dl d2 /V. 11 /V. 11 in in singly-loaded filter singly-loaded RLC prototype filter after action by reciprocity o FDNR implementations in of Figure 16. 1 26 30 33 36 6 TABLES 1. Computer simulation of peaking, V /V 2. Computer simulation of peaking, 3. Empirically-measured peaking of the 12 kHz, d in V /V 2 in results and 10 V 4/V 4in singly-loaded filter 4. Components to implement exact minimum peaking FDNRs 5. Components to implement 6. results (practical) approximate minimum peaking FDNRs Verification of peaking performance of the 12 kHz filter with minimum peaking FDNRs 16 17 24 24 25 7. Components implementing the 12 kHz filters studied 37 8. Components implementing the 12 kHz filters studied 37 9. Relevant performance parameters of the XR-4212C 39 7 INTRODUCTION The Frequency Dependent Negative Resistor (FDNR) is an active circuit which permits the implementation of RLC filters without using inductors. Low-pass elliptic filter circuits using the FDNR have been seen in several commercial applications. The frequency response accuracy of these circuits has been studied in the literature, however, other qualities of the cir- cuitry also affect performance. This research is an attempt to characterize several performance aspects of FDNR implemented filters, and present tradeoffs which will be useful in a practical design environment. readers not totally A, The familiar with FDNR usage are referred to Appencices B and C. SECTION I : LIMITATIONS ON MAXIMUM SIGNAL MAGNITUDE Due to the high Qs that exist in the elliptic filter configuration, a significant amount of signal "peaking" occurs at the outputs of the operational amplifiers near w=w , the cutoff frequency of the filter. The operational amplifiers used in the FDNRs have a finite maximum output swing which must not be exceeded to prevent clipping and resultant disThus peaking of the signal inside the filter tortion. limits the maximum input signal to a value somewhat less than the maximum swing of the operational amplifiers, and this value defines the upper limit of the filter's dynamic range. FDNR implementations of doubly-loaded elliptic filters do not inherently posess response at DC, of the prototype implementation procedure (RLC) filter because the resistive input impedance is transformed into a capacitor in the FDNR (Figure 1). Professor Francis Lee has developed a design (as yet unpublished, see Appendix B) which derives an equiv- 8 L 1 L 3L5 1.2752 1.7522 L2 V. .64 0 -- FDNR#1 V FDNR Figure 1 V #2 .785891 1.0584 A doubly-loaded, 5th order 12 kHz elliptic filter, normalized to w =1. L L3 1.1435 L5 1.2671 L 2 .5286 .5384 L 4+ .2314 1 -- + _ FDNR #1 1.0089 V dl - FDNR #2 - 1.0934 V V 0 o d2 - V. in L - in .22878 .9789 Figure 2 : A singly-loaded, 5th order 12 kHz elliptic is identical V /V. filter, normalized to w =1. 0 0 in to the doubly-loaded version. Derivation of these filters is presented in Appendix C. alent FDNR implementation of the filter that does posess DC response (Figure 2). It was proposed to study peaking performance of both the singly- and doubly-loaded implementations of this filter, to determine if dynamic range has been sacrificed for response at DC. 9 yini. vdl' Vd2 Y. ,125 in C 1 FDNR D = RA singly- #1 1.0089 loaded #2 1.0934 doubly- #1 1.10584 loaded #2 .78589 Filter V A + R - = Ds R 2 .5655 2 2 V 3 R R3 B .5655 B 4 R4 Figure 3 : Normalized implementations of the FDNRs used in the 12 kHz V5 C Il_ filters. C 1 , R 2 , R 3 the same for all of D is and C5 are FDNRs; the value determined by R 4. See Appendix C. As can be seen from Figures 1-3, because output swing of the operational amplifiers limits the maximum input signal, we are interested in the voltage gain from the filter input to the output of each operational amplifier. However, considering that the FDNRs used in both filters are very similar, whereas the filters themselves are not, it was decided to study peaking in two phases: determining first the voltage gain from the filter input to the FDNRs (V. /V in dl and V in /V d2 ), and then finding voltage gain from the input of the FDNRs to the output 10 of the operational amplifiers (V2/V and V 4/V etc.). In this way properties inherent to the FDNR can be separated from properties of the filter. 1) Voltage Gain from the filter input to the FDNRs. It will be noted that this voltage gain is independent of the FDNR implementation used, and is solely a function of the filter: the FDNRs were represented by ideal components having the relation Y. in = Ds 2 . The voltage gain was computer simulated with the aid of the MARTHA APL-based circuit ( Penfield, design package compute voltage gain of a network using MARTHA, 1971). To the network must be presented as a two-port. Thus we transform each of the filters shown in Figures 1 and 2 into two circuits, rearranged such that the output appears across FDNR#1 or FDNR#2 (see Figures 4 and 5). Magnitude of the voltage gain for these networks is then computed. Because MARTHA Filter singly- loaded computed transfer function peak magnitude, dB dl 7.87 V. at w 1.019 in Vd 2 3.43 V. .973 in Vdl doubly- loaded V dl3.0 in Vd 2 d V. V. 1.043 3.22 .996 in Table 1 : Computer simulation of peaking, V /V d in results 11 L L1 L3 L V. in L 4 FDNR #1 5 _ dl -T FDNR ___ #2 Figure 4 : d2 A model to achieve the transfer function V L /Vin* L L L2 + L5 ++FDNR FDNR -_ - V V #1 Figure 5 A model to achieve the transfer function Vd2 /Vin function These models are implemented by programs EVALNETl and EVALNET2 (Appendix E) . Figures 4 and 5 represent the singly-loaded the doubly-loaded filter, in series with V. in filter: a unit capacitance to model is added d2 12 computes the transfer function at a number of discrete frequencies, care must be taken to insure that our resolution "catch" the actual peak value. This is is high enough to verified from the results by increasing resolution until the slope of the transfer function is seen to approach zero on either side of the peak. Results are presented in Table 1. We see, assuming similar peaking behavior of the FDNRs (this will be verified later), that the largest peak signal value Vd inside the singly-loaded filter is 4.6 dB greater than for the doubly-loaded one. The doubly-loaded filter has a 6 dB, frequency independent in- sertion loss due to matched source and load impedances. frequency, V Thus at any of the doubly-loaded filter will be 6 dB down from V of the singly-loaded one. This 6 dB loss appears in our peaking results If we were to measure peaking at Vd with reference to the filter output (i.e. measure V dl /V o and V d2 /V o ) for the doubly-loaded filter. we find that the maximum output amplitude of the singly-loaded filter is (4.6 - 6) = (-1.4) db less, that is, 1.4 db greater than that of the doubly-loaded filter. The distinction being made depends on which voltage inside the filter constrains the maximum input amplitude. was V d then V. d in If the only constraint for the doubly-loaded filter could be nominally twice that of the singly-loaded one, yielding a signal amplitude, after the source impedance, roughly equal to V. in ever, of the singly-loaded case. How- in most applications the insertion loss of the doubly-loaded filter is recovered by a gain-of-two amplifier at the output of the filter. Assuming that this amplifier has the same maximum output swing as those used in the FDNRs, then V. in cannot be twice that of the singly- 13 loaded filter, because the output amplifier would clip. Therefore, under the assumption that the output of the doubly-loaded filter is amplified to achieve 0 dB insertion loss, the filter at peaking, and V /V d in Vd is the largest signal in reflects actual circuit constraints on the maximum signal magnitude. 2) Voltage gain from Vd to the operational amplifier outputs. First, we must characterize V2 and V 4, puts of the operational amplifiers, the voltage at the out- as functions of Vd and Ds2 (see Figure 3). V4 Vd (1 - DZ s 2 ) 2-- = Vd d Z4 + Z5 Z5 Derivation of these relations is given in Appendix D. Referring to Figure 20, the FDNR can be implemented with two capacitors in any two of positions Z1 , Z3 or Z located To preserve the generality of our results, three Component Location Cases (CLCs) which represent the possible combinations must be considered. They are shown in Figure 6. For the 12 kHz filters studied, result R2 = R3 and C = C5 as a of the way components were chosen to implement the FDNRs. function The transfer frequency, but all with frequency. everywhere, transfer V 4/V of CLC C is independent of the other transfer functions The magnitude of the has a bona-fide peak. the filter for filter, increase linearly transfer function V /V. Adding a monotonically-increasing d in function to function has the effect of increasing its slope thus shifting the frequency of the peak to a higher value 14 CLC A CLC C CLC B Z1 is a resistor Z1 is a capacitor Z1 is a capacitor Z5 is a capacitor Z5 is a capacitor Z5 is a resistor Y in =Ds Y i Ds v 2 Yi =Ds V4 j 4 5 5 vd in vd in V5 5 R R4 v Jd V5 i 55 VTC1 in V5 vi't5 V2 2 V2 2 lflV4 + (1- DR1 w IV 4 5 V ( V (RCw)2 +1 =[ R +R5 4 45 Vd RC 5 w)2 +1 Figure 6 : Component Location Cases affecting the transfer functions IV 2 /V d and jV4 /V d. sum Figure V /V 1 d v /V d frequency in 7 : Peaking frequency shift due to increasing V2 /Vd and V4 /V . it a) 15 (see Figure 7). peak V2 Therefore, it is necessary to find the frequency of or V 4 before the contribution of the FDNR, IV 2 /V d or V 4/Vd can be found. Twelve cases are considered: there are two filter topologies, each filter has two FDNRs, and each FDNR has three Component Location Cases. Results are presented in Table 2. 3) Interpretation of Results It is seen that V2 /Vd and V /Vd are much weaker functions of frequency than V /V d in , because at our frequency resolution the freq- uency of overall peaking uency of V /V. d in (V2 /V. , etc.) was different from the freq- peaking for only a few cases. It is noted that for each FDNR, the magnitude of V2 /Vd is equal to the magnitude of V 4/Vd for CLC B. This is not a general result; it is due to the method of choosing components inside the FDNR, i.e. 5= 1, thus from Figure 6 2 V = d D C w 2 1 +1 = R C w 2 4 5 +1 4 - R 4=D and C4 V Vd For the particular component values studied, notice that CLC C (corresponding to capacitors located in Z in Z 5) has a much higher peak contribution CLCs, and thus this arrangement and Z 3 , and a resistor V 4/Vd of the components than the other should be avoided. The actual 12 kHz filters studied correspond to CLC B, which has the lowest FDNR contribution at peak for the component values used. Assuming all operational amplifiers in the filter have the same maximum output swing, the maximum input signal amplitude is constrained by the highest peak magnitude in the circuit. For CLC B, in both the # filter type and FDNR filter peaking transfer function component type and value FDNR#l D=R ZI z5 R .5655 B C 1.0 C C 1.0 A R .5655 1.0089 d2 FDNR#1 doublyloaded FDNR#2 V 4 frequency of largest peak w=- 4 Vd V.i in Vd V. in C 1.0 7.87 4.04 11.91 3.13 11.0 1.019 C 1.0 7.87 3.13 11.0 3.13 11.0 1.019 R .5655 7.87 3.13 11.0 8.89 16.76 1.019 C 1.0 3.40 4.15 7.56 3.40 6.80 .996 I C 1.0 3.40 3.40 6.80 3.40 6.80 .996 C 1.0 R .5655 3.43 3.40 6.83 9.35 12.78 .973 A R .5655 C 1.0 3.0 4.51 7.51 3.67 6.68 B C 1.0 C 1.0 3.0 3.67 6.68 3.67 6.68 3.0 3.67 6.68 9.41 12.42 1.043 3.09 3.30 6.39 2.07 5.29 1.019 3.22 2.07 5.29 2.07 5.29 .996 3.22 2.07 5.29 7.57 10.78 .996 B C 1.0 C 1.0934 V. in doublyloaded V 2 V. in _ singlyFDNR#2 V V. in loaded 2 III _II dl V Vd CLC A singlyloaded peak magnitude, dB I~I I dl V.__ in d2 1.1058 _ C C 1.0 R .5655 A R .5655 C 1.0 B C 1.0 C C 1.0 .78589 _ __ C 1.0 _ 1.043 1.043 _ _ _ _ _ _ V. in R .5655 Figure 2: Computer Simulation of Peaking Vin V2 and 14 Vin results. ION 17 singly- and doubly-loaded filters, occurs at V dl. this For the singly- loaded filter, peak Vdl is 4.3 dB higher than for the doubly-loaded filter. Thus we have confirmed the earlier result that the contributions of the FDNRs to peaking are all similar, and that 4.3 db of dynamic range has been traded off for DC response in the singly-loaded filter. The discussion, presented earlier, on the 6 dB insertion loss of the doubly-loaded filter, also applies to the above results. To verify the computer models, empirical measurements were made on the singly-loaded, in Table 12 kHz filter (Figure 17). These results, 3, correspond closely with the values obtained from the simulation. The 12 kHz filter represents CLC B. peaking transfer function V2 V. FDNR -- pa dB 10.37 in 11.0 .- --- V 4 expected values from Table 2 - - _-.- -_ -- 1.014 -- - 12153 1.013 6.19 6.80 11379 .948 -------- - - --..-. 6.19 6.80 Vi in Table 3 12165 equivalent normalized 11.0 V. in V4 measured 10.37 V. in FDNR #2 peak frequency --- ----..---11500 .958 Empirically measured peaking of the 12 kHz singly-loaded filter. shown 18 SECTION II : STABILITY For the topology we are using to implement the FDNR, and assuming dominant-pole operational has shown that amplifier behavior, the FDNR is Leonard Bruton absolutely stable. His results, (1970) however, do not extend to the case where a stray impedance to ground is connected to nodes 2, 3, or 4 in the FDNR (refer to Figure 3). It has been found empirically that at least two FDNR implementations having capacitors located in Z and Z5 (CLC B) will oscillate when a 1OX oscilloscope probe is connected to node 3. V. as 0 The singly-loaded Figure 8 The Classical Feedback Model loop transmission = 12 kHz filter ically displays this phenomenon. It (-a(s)f(s)) has also been found empir- (personal communication, Dave Dunetz, 1977) that implementing lead compensation by placing a 10 pf capacitor in parallel R2 and R in this filter will prevent oscillation. probe exerts a loading of 1OMohm in parallel tance of the probe is tances encountered The oscilloscope with 14 pf. The capaci- of the same order of magnitude as stray due to circuit construction desired to characterize the stability stray impedance. with each of To this techniques. It capaciwas of the FDNR in the presence of end the development of a general stability model was attempted. The first attempt was to model the FDNR as a classical feedback system (see Figure 8), having a forward path and feedback path. 19 Examination of the loop transmission of this model permits evaluation of relative stability. The model is very complex, however, and in addition a new model must be created each time the circuit topology is altered by the inclusion of a different stray impedance. This approach is valid, and results are general in nature; but it was aban- doned due to complexity. A second approach attemped was to examine an arbitrary loop product inside the FDNR. Conceptually, a circuit may be broken at any point and a test source inserted. If the signal appearing on the other side of the break due to the test source is found to have greater than unity gain at zero phase, it can be assumed that the circuit will oscil- late. Referring to the FDNR model shown in Figure 23, it can be seen that there is no point in the circuit which, if broken, will interrupt all feedback at once. Therefore this type of analysis will not necessarily indicate the presence of instability; however, if instab- ility is indicated, it is a sufficient condition for oscillation. It was chosen to break the circuit at the output of operational amplifier A, both for modelling convenience and because empirically the oscillation appears at the outputs of both operational amplifiers in the FDNR. Unfortunately, the model did not indicate instability for any of the tested cases, even those known to oscillate. There are two probable reasons for this failure. First, the model does not necessarily indicate oscillation. Second, the empirically measured oscillation occurs at a frequency (1.37 MHz or higher) at which higher order poles may be expected to exist in the open-loop gain of the operational amplifiers. These poles were not specified for the operational amplifiers used in 20 the empirically measured circuit, and thus it was not felt to be valid to incorporate them into the operational amplifier models used for computer simulation. Assuming the existance of an additional pole in the openloop gain of each operational amplifier at the frequency of oscillation, 900 of additional negative-feedback loop phase would be obtained at this frequency, and the model would have predicted instability. Although unsucessful in characterizing stability, we are able to examine the effect of lead compensation on the input admittance of the FDNR implementation, and thus its effect on overall filter accuracy. Examining the input admittance relation 2 = Ds Y in 2 = 1 3 5 = 1 5R2R4s Y2Y R3 and noting that the lead compensation capacitors appear in parallel with R2 and R 3, other out, thus having no effect on input admittance. found to be true. filter, it would be expected that they should cancel each The normalized version of the singly-loaded 12 kHz with appropriately normalized lead capacitors, using MARTHA. This has been Deviation in filter response was modelled in comparison to the filter without lead compensation was negligible. The same filter was empirically tested with and without lead compensation. Finite errors were expected in the transfer function due to tolerance of the lead capacitors. There was error, but very little: disparity between the two filters was less than .1 dB across the passband, with greatest error occurring near w=l. to the fact that Y. Error with lead compensation is also undoubtedly due in is an approximation, and thus the two capacitors don't exactly cancel each other out in the input admittance. 21 SECTION III : DESIGN OPTIMIZATION In the 12 kHz filter studied in Sections I and II, components implementing the FDNRs were picked on the basis of design convenience and minimization of part types. Now we address the question: can specific aspects of filter performance be optimized by the design of the FDNR? 1) Filter Accuracy The FDNR input admittance Y3 Y5 Y. Y.=Y1 = in Y2 4 is an approximation. It is a well-known result (Bruton, 1970) that the input admittance becomes exact in the limit, assuming dominant pole behavior: 1 1 a1T1s+l 2 1 a2T2s+l However, this relation A =A2 is never exact in a practical environment. Martin and Sedra (1977) have shown that for minimum deviation from ideal filter performance,in the case where A 1 itors, A 2' Z and Z5 are capac- and w'+w , the desired relations are 0 R 2=R w'C5 R 4=1 where w' is the frequency at which maximum group delay occurs. These conditions minimize the effect of non-ideal operational amplifier performance, resulting in Q-.ooat w=w'. The peaking performance of the FDNR designed with the above constraints can be evaluated in the general case. For a second order system 22 (as is L 2 corresponding series resistor, formed by each FDNR and its or L ); 4 in the limit Q-+#oowe obtain w-)w', p where w is p the freq- Referring to the magnitudes of CLC B uency of maximum peaking. (Fig. 6) 2 Y. in = Ds 2 1S5R24 = R3 substitute R2=R D C1C5R D = V 1 W 2+ = R C5 (RC5w') 2+1 =F (R C 5 w') 2+1 =2= 3 dB = 3 dB Therefore the maximum peaking contribution of the FDNR designed with these constraints will always be 3 dB. 2) Dynamic Range It may be valid in some applications to trade-off filter accur- acy for increased dynamic range. Again examining the magnitude relations for CLC B, we note the following limits on minimum peaking: V2 0 dB in the limit C 2 Vd1 -+ - O0 dB in the limit R40 or Vd C5+n In practice, real properties of the circuit and components constrain 23 the maximum and minimum values which may be used. and minimum values for the Conservative maximum resistors and capacitors used in the FDNRs are based on the current output capability of the operational amplifiers, typical values of stray capacitance due to circuit construction, and the limits of thick-film resistor technology cation, Paul Penfield). For the minimum peaking case, reasons. (Personal Communi- First, satisfying this it was chosen that R 2=R3 for two condition from Martin and Sedra's formulation makes the filter as close as possible to ideal, while still in peaking. Second, the maximum input magnitude to the filter is constrained by the larger of it makes sense to set them equal. V 2/VinI or V 4/V. , achieving a reduction From the formulas on the previous page, it is seen that when R 2=R3 D -C . = R C 4 5 2 V V4 V The minimum peaking FDNR was tested using the 12 kHz, loaded filter. A desired FDNR peaking contribution of chosen, and given R2 = R 3 1V 4/VdI .25 dB was C1 ' C 5 and R 4 were solved for. The values obtained are shown in Table 4. Note from the equations and singly- for V2 /VdI that under our constraints, C 1 is a function of D, while R4 and C5 are not. The values of C obtained to realize the desired D are not practical. For this reason, and because it is desireable to have R4 trimmable to compensate for component tolerances, it was decided to 24 FDNR#l normalized D=1.0089 FDNR#2 normalized D=1.0934 p component actual C 3.109 nf R2=R3 10K normalized 4.145 f .56548 R 3 22*K C5 1 nf V2 /Vd component .1825 4.145 f .56548 3.228K .1825 1 nf 1.3333 f 1.3333 f dB. V 4/Vdl= .25 FDNR#2 normalized D=1.0934 actual normalized actual 3 nf 4 f 3 nf 10K R4 3.345K C5 1 nf Table 5 3.369 nf 10K'- FDNR#1 normalized D=1.0089 R 2=R normalized Components to implement FDNRs with Table 4 C1 actual .56548 .1892 4 f 10K .56548 3.625K .2050 1.3333 f 1 nf 1.3333 f normalized : Practical components used to implement FDNRs with set C =3 nf and solve R IV2 /Vdt- [4/VdP 6.25 to achieve the desired value of D. It was expected that the slight changes in C on peak contribution of dB. V2 /Vdl and and R M4/Vd would have minimal effect . These component values, which were used for modelling, are shown in Table 5. In the actual filter, R4 was trimmed to precisely set D. 25 To verify the validity of the derived minimum-peaking FDNRs, both computer simulation and empirical measurements were performed. Peaking results are shown in Table 6. The simulated and empirical results correspond fairly the original 12 kHz, well, and comparing them to results singly loaded filter (Tables 2 and 3) from it is seen that we have achieved the desired reduction of the FDNR's contribution dynamic It to peaking, obtaining a greater than 3 dB increase in range. was anticipated that the good gain-bandwidth matching of the operational amplifiers used to implement the empirical in the filter minimize inaccuracies filter would transfer function generated as a result of ignoring one of Martin and Sedra's conditions, that is, choosing the components for minimum peaking rather than for minimum computer simulated peak magnitude, dB at w= transfer function V /V .278 2 d _______ V 2/V. #1 2in 8.15 V /V ________ .973 8.15 in __ _ _ _ 2 d V4 /V d .297 #2 V 2/V . 3.72 3.72 V4 / Table 6 : Verification .951 7.22 .945 3.15 .917 3.17 .904 .297 FDNR 2 in 7.20 1.019 ______ V /V. 4 1. 019 .278 d 4 FDNR empirical peak magnitude, dB at w= .973 3.72 of peaking performance of filter with minimum-peaking FDNRs the 12 (CLC B). kHz 26 0 C -1 V 0 in . V B -2 .B C dB . -3 . .2 .1 Figure 9 .3 .4 .5 normalized frequency .6 .7 .8 .9 1 frequency response of the 12 kHz, singly-loaded filter. V /V. 0 in A: Computer simulated minimum-peaking case. Operational amplifiers modelled with a=300K, T=.l sec.(before'normalizing), and 3% gain-bandwidth mismatch. B: Empirical results from the original filter (see Appendix C). C: Empirical results from the minimum-peaking filter design. deviation from ideal response. The filter ated using MARTHA for four cases: ideal, transfer function was simul- the minimum deviation from ideal version, the minimum FDNR peaking version, and the original version of the filter. The model of the FDNR which was used for computer simulation is shown in Appendix E. The computer simulation showed that over the frequency range . 01( w < 1. 0 (normalized rad/sec) , the original filter and the minimum deviation from ideal version deviated less than .01 dB from ideal. The minimum peaking version deviated less than .02 dB from ideal. Maximum deviation occurred near w=l. Empirical measurements of the filter the original filter transfer function for both and the minimum peaking version were taken (see 27 Figure 9). The deviation between the two filters' frequency response was greater when empirically measured, but did not exceed .5 dB in the passband. The empirical performance of the two filters was poor compared to the computer simulated case, deviating from ideal by a maximum of 2 db in the passband near w=w . Disparity between the empirical and computer simulated results is felt to be due either to finite component tolerances in the empirical filters, or due to an excessively optimistic computer model of the operational amplifiers. Examination of the empirical performance of a filter embodying Martin and Sedra's minimum deviation from ideal constraints may in- dicate to what extent non-ideal performance is due to gain-bandwidth mismatch of the operational amplifiers.This research was not performed. CONCLUSION It is hoped that this work will facilitate the design of FDNR implemented filters which best fit the constraints seen in real applications. It is felt that the minimum peaking, maximum dynamic range FDNR design presented in Section III represents a design tradeoff worthy of consideration, by virtue of its increased dynamic range, and small loss of accuracy as compared to similar filter implementations. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH The problem of FDNR stability and performance in the presence of stray impedance has yet to be adequately addressed. Characterization of performance in this case, and the development of simple, stable compensation for stray impedances is a worthwhile topic. 28 Several commercial applications of FDNR implemented elliptic filters have been seen which incorporate provision discrete cutoff frequencies (to accomodate for a number of a sampling system which may run at more than one sampling rate). These filters use switches or reed relays to change components in the FDNR to achieve different values of w . An elegant solution would be the development of either a continuously voltage-variable cutoff frequency implementation, or a discretely-variable implementation using MOS switches. Without question the small-signal end of dynamic range is limited by operational amplifier-generated noise. The effect of this noise, referred to the filter input, can be found using the techniques pre- sented in Section I. The maximum allowable input signal magnitude as studied in Sections I and III range if all it is the filter can only be generalized to dynamic assumed that noise referred to the input is versions studied. The dynamic range of these identical for filters can be improved at the low signal end by reducing amplifier noise referred to the filter input, thus this is a worthwhile area of research. PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS Dunetz,Dave; Lexicon, Inc., 1977. Stability. Lee, Francis F.;Department of Electrical Engineering, MIT, 1977-78. Penfield, Paul; Department of Electrical Engineering, MIT, 1978. MARTHA. 29 REFERENCES Bruton, L.T.,"Network transfer functions using the concept of frequency-dependent negative resistance,"IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-16, August, 1969, pp. 406-408. Bruton, L.T.,"Non-ideal performance of a class of positive immitance converters,"IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory (Correspondence), vol CT-16, November, 1969, pp. 572-574. Bruton, L.T.,"Non-ideal performance of two-amplifier positive-impedance converters,"IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-17, November, 1970, pp. 541-549. Bruton, L.T. and Ramakrishna, K.,"On the high-frequency limitations of active ladder networks," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, August, 1975, pp. 704-708. Desoer, C.A. and Kuh, E.S.,Basic Circuit Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969, pp. 681-697. Lee, Francis F.,"Low-pass elliptical filter using FDNR design procedure," (unpublished material). Martin, Ken and Sedra, Adel S.,"Optimum design of active filters using the generalized immitance converter,"IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, vol. CAS-24, September 1977, pp. 495-502. National;Linear Integrated Circuits (databook):National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, 1975. Patkay, Jean-Pierre, Chu,R.F. and Wiggers, Hans A.M.,"Front-end design for digital signal analysis,"Hewlett-Packard Journal, 1977. Penfield, Paul,Martha User's Manual (including 1973 addendum). Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1971. Roberge, James K.,Operational Amplifiers: Theory and Practice.New York: Wiley and Sons, 1975. XR-4212 Quad Operational Amplifier Inc., Sunnyvale, 1976. (datasheet):Exar Integrated Systems, Zverev, Anatol I.,Handbook of Filter Sysnthesis.New York:Wiley and ons, 1967 pp. 114,220,221. 30 ILR~ A max DESIGN PROCEDURE min . A : AN FDNR COOKBOOK APPENDIX A (This procedure was developed by w w Prof. Francis Lee, been published). A simple method of Figure 10 : Frequency response obtaining an FDNR implementation of of a 5th order elliptic filter, general case. Zverev, and has not yet (reproduced from an elliptic filter is presented. This page 220) method relies on the use of a filter (Zverev) . design handbook Step 1) Choose values of w and w as shown in Figure 10. 91 e= sin -1 Compute (w /w) 0 1 Choose an acceptable passband ripple A . Step 2) max Look up PO from Table 5.2 (page 143, Zverev). Step 3) Choose a satisfactory A min . Look up, smallest n (order of filter) for your in the filter tables, the P and 9 that achieves A .i. mmn Step 4) If n is too large, compromise A max or (w /w ) and repeat steps 1-3. 0 1 Step 5) Obtain, from the tables, the series RLC prototype network (Fig. 11). Step 6) Convert to the FDNR implementation by scaling all components by 1/s (example, Figure 15). scaling 31 Perform impedance and frequency scaling to achieve the actual w R -" . Step 7) RK C -4 C/w0K -+ ) 2K D/(w Select a convenient capacitance for the unit load impedance, Cx . D Because C /w K = 1 x 0 1/(w C o x K = Compute all filter component values. Step 8) Calculate component values for the FDNRs To minimize part types, select R2=R (refer to Figure 18). and C=C =C. Because after step 7 D is replaced by D/(w 0)2 K, D/(w0)2 K = R4 C R 4 = D/(w substituting 2 o C 2K) x K = l/w0 C R4 = DK We have solved for R4 to achieve the desired value of D. Thus in a filter which has more than one FDNR, C 1 , C5, R2 and R3 are the same for all. In addition, R 4 may be made trimmable to compensate for component tolerances. 32 APPENDIX B : OBTAINING AN FDNR IMPLEMENTATION WITH DC RESPONSE (This procedure was developed by Prof. Francis Lee, and has not yet been published). As can be seen from the design procedure given in Appendix A, when the 1/s impedance transformation is performed on the RLC prototype filter, the input impedance (a resistor) becomes a capacitor, preventing DC re- sponse. The following is an elegant procedure which circumvents the existence of a capacitor in the series signal path. Rather than starting with the doubly-loaded RLC prototype, begin with the singly-loaded filter as shown in Figure 11. Figure 12 is identical, but reversed left-to-right for purposes of illustration. Because this circuit is linear, it obeys reciprocity. Considering the network inside the dotted line, we can exchange input and output of this network and still retain the same I in Figure 13. Now, because R out out /V in transfer function, as shown =1, we find that the voltage across R V =(Iout x Rout out out Thus the circuit as shown in Figure 14 has a voltage transfer function V out /V. equal to I in out /V. in of the prototype filter. When this filter in Figure 14 is subjected to the 1/s impedance transformation, no capacitor appears in series with the signal, as shown in Figure 15. As discussed in Section I of the text, this resultant singly- loaded filter has roughly 4 dB less dynamic range, source, referred to the than an equivalent doubly-loaded version. Another method of obtain- ing DC response has been described in the literature (Patkay, Chu and Wiggers, 1977): it involves modifying the doubly-loaded filter. Properties of this circuit were not studied. 33 R = 1 L L3 L2 L5 L4 V. Vin out C2 Figure 11 A normalized, singly-loaded L5 RLC prototype filter. L1 L3 L C4 R= 1 L out in C4 Figure 12 C2 C Figure 11, reversed. L5 L1 L3 L4 R =1 L2 out V. Figure 13 The singly-loaded prototype, after being acted upon by reciprocity. 34 Io L5 L3 L2 L1 L4+ Vi R =1 Figure 14 2 Converting the filter transfer function to V Vino C = out / . C4 - - Vou 1 Vout V - C 4C Figure 15 : 1/s impedance transformation to obtain the FDNR implementation. Note that component labels in this figure do not follow the usual type convention. 35 APPENDIX C : DESIGN OF THE FILTER EXAMPLES A singly-loaded and a doubly-loaded, are used :as examples in 5th order 12 kHz filters the text. The RLC normalized versions of They are converted to the FDNR these filters are shown in Figure 16. = 12 kHz in a straigntforward manner as implementation and scaled to w described in Appendix A, and the scaled versions are shown in Figure 17. .5384 1.2671 1.1435 .5286 singly-loaded .2314 V0 i n1 .0089 1 .0934 __T T__ 1.7522 1.2752 1 22878 + V. in .9789 .6786 14 4 6 1.0584 .78589 Normalized RLC 5th order filters studied. Design parameters :0 Scaling parameters: w = 25 E = 49 % Figure 16 (has already been acted upon by reciprocity) K = 17684 = 2Tr x 12 kHz 0 V doubly-loaded 0 36 20K 22.1K 9.53K 9.53K 4.12K singly-loaded - V in 9. 844E-15 1 -- 22.5K 4. 05K - 31K 0 750 pf .08E-14 17.3K 12K doubly-loaded Vin Vo 1. 053E-14 -_-- _ 750 pf 7.817E-15 Figure 17 : Frequency scaled, FDNR implementations of Figure 16. It remains to select the components inside the FDNR to achieve the desired input admittance. The choices shown in Table 7 were made on the basis of design convenience and minimized part types. Once C1 , C 5, R2 and R3 have been chosen, R4 is solved to yield the desired value of D as shown in Table 8. As a byproduct of selecting Cl=C5 and R 2=R3 for all the FDNRs, it became much easier to compare the two filters in Section I. It must be remembered that these filters were designed using the procedure in Appendix A, and do not intentionally represent any optimum case presented in the text. 37 Y. in = r1 Ds 2 actual C component C ,C 5 C R2 , normalized value I value 750 pf 3 10K 1 f .56548 Table 7 : Components chosen to be common to all FDNRs. / R2 A + - R3 B filter normalized actual R and FDNR# D = R 4 4 singly- 1 1.0089 17.5K -loaded 2 1.0934 19.21K doubly- 1 1.0584 18.72K loaded 2 .78589 13.9K R4 Table 8 : Values of R4 which achieve the desired values of D in the 12 kHz filters. C 2 Yin = Ds C C5R2R4s 2 = 3 D = C1C 5R 4 R4 =D/(C 1 C5 Figure 18 : The FDNR topology used in the 12 kHz filters. 38 Computer simulation in this work was performed using the normalized (w =1) FDNR implementation of the filter. Because the components which implement the FDNRwere chosen after to obtain a "normalized" FDNR it scaling the filters to f =12 kHz; was necessary to subject them to the inverse of the frequency and impedance scaling procedure presented in Appendix A. This is the source of the normalized component values given in Tables 7 and 8. Also, the gain-bandwidth product of the operational amplifiers was scaled down by 1/w . The component value design criteria presented in Section III are valid for the normalized case. Empirical results were presented in the text for the singlyloaded, 12 kHz version of the filter incorporated trim adjustments in R as shown in Figure 17. This filter to compensate for component tol- erances. Note the output buffer amplifier shown in Figure 19. Although not shown in other figures, it was used with the empirical circuit. It is important to follow the filter with a high input-impedance stage, such that the output of the filter "sees" a load impedance which is purely capacitive. The operational amplifiers used 30 pf in the FDNRs were EXAR XR-4212C. Some specifications of these devices which 0a > LM301 A are relevant to filter performance, or to certain aspects of the computer modelling, are given in Table,9. The Figure 19 : A typical output buffer amplifier used with actual filter implementations. 4212 is a quad-on-a-chip, internally- compensated device, which has good thermal gain-bandwidth tracking and 39 inherently well-matched gain bandwidth products. specifications, Due to lack of complete for purposes of computer simulation of these amplifiers it was assumed that their dominant open-loop pole is located at 10 Hz. Ti 5 This corresponds to an open-loop DCigain of 3x10 parameter typical maximum 1 dB 1 % gain-bandwidth mis-matching gain-bandwidth product 3 MHz output voltage 2K) swing (R + 12v L Table 9 : Relevant performance parameters of the XR-4212C 40 Y. Ds = in 2 APPENDIX D : MAGNITUDES INSIDE THE FDNR DERIVATION OF PEAKING Iin Vd Z assume ideal op-amps, V A Z a 2 2 0 I. = V =V we will characterize V3 Z O = in i.e. 3 3 -- = + --- B f(Z Vd 1 f(Z ,I. in ,Z V4 d Z4 I. z5 in Vd V2 Figure 20 : The FDNR topology 2 Vd B=V and VA+ V 5 V4 A- V Z4+Z 5 Z5 5 4 Z4+Z5V . V inZ Z5 = 2 V Ds Z1 2 d 2 (1- Ds Z) 4 Vd Z +Z5 4 2 d it follows that Vd=V3 V 5 2 Vd V Ds d V derivation of = 2 d general case because V V2 derivation of V5 5 2 d~sZ 41 APPENDIX E : PROGRAMS 1) Programs used to model peaking performance. COMPl-COMP4 establish the components L 1 -L 5 , C 2 and C4 which implement the normalized filter, external to the FDNRs. COMPl: singly-loaded filter, RLC version COMP2: doubly-loaded filter, RLC version COMP3: singly-loaded filter, FDNR implementation COMP4: doubly-loaded filter, FDNR implementation The programs EVALNETl and EVALNET2 establish circuit definitions of the networks shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. These model V and V d2 /V in dl / for the singly-loaded filter. To model the doubly-loaded filter, a unit capacitance must be added in series with V. . in The programs EVALSWLD1 and EVALSWLD2 implement the FDNR peaking equations as given in Appendix D. circuit form, Because these equations are not in to take advantage of the features on MARTHA dummy circuits were established to yield two-port voltage gain relations which equal the peaking equations. See Figures 21 and 22. 42 + VCVS Iin Ds 2 V d-(V 2-Vd CCCS _0 d I 2 a + i -It Figure 21 : Circuit implementing a computer model of V2 /Vd Program is EVALSWLDl. -z 4 z V a Vd (Z +d 4+Z5 z z Figure 22 4 - Vd ; 5 5 : Circuit implementing a computer model of V 4/Vd* Program is EVALSWLD2. d 2 d 43 [0JV VCOMP v COMP L.- 1,1435 S1 L2 L 0 .5236 L.3+L-' 1.2671 L4+-L 0.2314 [2J 13) [4) [53 [63 [7) '5+L 0 .5384 C2+.0 1.0089 C4,.C 1.0934 103 DEFINED' o:EHTE Com j.j*-'SC,F:., V 103'v vCOMP2 V CC)MP2 1.27524 i11 1.1fL [23 L2L L3 [3) [4) L4f.L. 0.22078 L 1.7522 .676 L5--- 0,9738 [5 [6) C2+C E7) [3a] 04C 1.10504 0.70509 'U.'.F COMPONSENTSEEFSIHEE' , v COMP3 r.L 1: 4L 5J 0.52I6 .'2-: L3t F: 1.2671 L4-.;: 0.2314 1- 54..F: 0.5 3 4 C2+2PDE ~2 0.9911735 2 0 . 9145)04 C4+.:DE :53 [6) -7i 1:3 y001P4 v C 0iP 4 [1-) 1i:MF ... EMENTATION j / I +' CF:, OF ~ C)PiNENT D :F::i? ' [2) L:3) 14) ) v r: r : v 11 '1+F: 1.27524 .E 2 3. *.. X.. Wd OF% 32 0:10. 225 1.23 '30 .7522 1-5] 171 ' 1 / S Q.97(i 42 1 . 27244 C4 : I... j (\: i: MP . .. E ENTA 1T :!:CN CF UL, , ITC ) ?E: E I '. ::. C' Z:i T 15.1 I.- 7I i:i.;- Cv T z .:i m a m l:E A [ T~ I J- 0~ a: (.x1 I I w 1 ... .. z) z: I) mE.:: fyja ec.* E91 1il~ I T :I 1:11- m. iJE~c.~ s J ..Iv -.iI s -*i vr 1~::_A C' I)m Z / A. IT . C I s ...5 C, 0 .::1 (4) Z) fil A.v. z) 1-Y I ") Z, E 11 .3 ly, Vo tr ---I z i -I ET J N I V A::.l A r~ S I: i: ::t 45 2) Programs to model filter performance. The program EVALMODEL implements the ideal, normalized filter (using ideal FDNRs). The program EVALFDNR1 implements the real, normalized filter. singly-loaded singly-loaded The FDNRs are modelled using "floating analysis" in MARTHA because they cannot be specified as a construction of valid two-ports. The operational amplifier models used have single-pole rolloff located at the normalized equivalent of 10 Hz, and an equiv- alent output resistance of 100 ohms. The model of the FDNRs is shown in Figure 23. 3) Programs to model stability. The program STABMODEL implements the broken-loop analysis of stability as discussed in Section II. It uses the same FDNR topology and operational amplifier models as EVALFDNRl, with the exception that different floating node numbers are assigned. Note that the FDNR's input is "terminated" by the rest of the filter; impedance the other FDNR is in this represented by an ideal one. terminating 46 Ds Yin 2 d [Il P LQ V 1+ 2 r 2 0 0 +1 v3 0 (D +F > I I-1 0 ::I, Q4 0 V4 +1 w V 5 Z5 Figure 23 : Computer modelling of a real FDNR, STABMODEL as used by EVALFDNRl and TEVAL .. MC)D EL .ElJ' [2] D -C] ' [43 r: '.3 1 202 E L. <. 'IN In* "I I... ')2 V, C wc: In' c i F.T CO P NEN i 2L I.. T 1[.12] 1:20-1 r-1.4 1 Y4+In: E'.-4] ~T~< E'...FDl [l ~ Y~e 1 CI 0.015915) WC(WP I y . C(WP C 0,1. -59 5) P AIn- 2y1)w 0 E~2 5 10 Pfln Y2) R WFIn Y:. )A e1 5 T -A ) 5 0 WJF~ A( 0 1. TA C 1 W 1:6 GTA CK Iin YIn ',. t)F (1 :1~1 F LT (W S L WA )j TA 2( 10 ( TA AmIP: 1 0' WA mP .0056 ] [Y0 s WC .. S: TACK1))1 Y -. 6, y n y sT C 1 -rncI TC 2 ~ S 2 ~ Y w:~ Y .005(155) WA(1O l15 WA )J Y ). ) 10 1F 2 5 0 W'JF .)) n (10 :1 'n'WF Y 3) WA 10 2 5 0 1F~4 C (W S L3 W C(4!P e z .. 1':2:1 .1 S C4) I' *. ~ W4:iO:l. 2 W(10 1 115 0 WF In* S.("(L ) wF II? I~( Y24: E 1 ') 0 M 2 4 rs's : 0 1 W~( '') 150wIr~ ~(:.0 : CZ tk1,~ 1-221 ,:.(F. c Y 6 F: PT 6] 1)3 A 0 IPMP :17] 3s )L.C3 ( C.' WP I... ' W ) E[10 1 E: L 3 1j w 0j9 C(W:. c OF z-1 ...z 6 '1] Vt)AUE'n 1 1& i::1.] V1. 1 ...In :1. NF 1. ~ .. ~ ) (I. i:: 1 s ::i i3 ET: E[3I 9] YC: [11] C2)2 ) r.c~<In'1L T A F: E D EFlIn: Y' 't'' ) L.:) 'n'1 2 1,F In v 1:5 f 15 2 t.F"In Y6 Y11) %.J I..'*Y S G C ) WC W S ) ri ~* (A ) 2 'I ( iNP'. ' I:I... * I:\1] 1 - V ( . MO:'EL. ' . y F, : L 0 F I.. DO: C 03 : 9 4 iJ: * C 43 C.13 E:. I 1**:1 Lf. CO 1 J::. EE ll ! C12:.6 3 t to oFY E? E- , f R EE : S* T:?!F~ '5 3 W 1 ? 1) Wx' () 1: 1~2 6 t'! W F*~ :. . .'T - 3 .3' ) tl t / ;'* (.: .. 7 ~ 4 ).1e. C 1 4 0 ' 13 13:11 o