Self-evaluation of the manuscript

Self-evaluation of the manuscript
Manuscript title:
A) The work should be evaluated as:
( ) Scientific Article
( ) Review Article
( ) Critical book review
( ) Short Communication
( ) Article Comments
( ) Case Report
( ) Effective Communication
B) What’s the message/main hypothesis of your work?
C) What is unique in your work?
D) Inform the position of this work in whether to present or not research results involving the participation of human
beings in accordance to the Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council from Brazil dated from 10/10/1996:
( ) This paper presents research results involving the participation of human beings and contains the number
of the project’s approval process provided by a Research Ethics Committee.
Ethics Committee:
Process/protocol approval number :
( ) This paper does not present research results involving the participation of human beings
E) Submit 3 names of experts on this subject that are not part of your research group, preferably from other national
institutions or countries, to be indicated as "ad hoc" reviewers:
Formulário de Autoavaliação BJFT – Revisão 02 – 30/03//2015