Region 6 Supplement No. 2409.15-90-5
Effective September 7, 1990
POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this handbook are numbered consecutively.
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number is in sequence. If not, obtain intervening supplement(s) at once from the
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Document Name
Superseded New
(Number of Sheets)
Chapter 90 - Updates references to National direction. Revises job performance
requirements in the area of fire prevention administration.
Updates sale
administrator's job performance requirements.
Regional Forester
R-6 SUPPLEMENT 2409.15-90-5
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R-6 SUPPLEMENT 2409.15-90-5
1. Reviewing Sale Preparation Information
Action: Compile and review Environmental Assessment (EA), Logging Feasibility
Report, appraisal, prospectus, Total Resource Information (TRI) cards,
advertisement, and correspondence in timber sale folder.
Standards: Can identify key areas of concern. Consolidate information to be used
in conjunction with preoperations meeting and contract administration.
Key Components:
- Advertisement.
- Appraisal.
- Environmental Assessment.
- Logging feasibility report.
- TRI cards.
- Correspondence and reports.
- Prospectus.
- Input data for Timber Sale Statement of Account (Form FS-6500-176, R62430-38).
- Multiple use or land management plan.
- Timber Sale Contract.
- Provide written feedback to preparation, Forest Service Representative
(FSR) and other resource specialists on conflicts found in review or on the
ground. (Refer to Job Performance Requirements (JPR's) 91, 2 and 91, 3.
2. Reviewing Timber Sale Contracts
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Action: Review contract provisions, sale area and slash disposal maps, road
specifications, and key components listed below, and extract critical elements of
Standards: Can identify special requirements identified in Timber Sale Contract
(TSC) to assist in mutual understanding of contractual requirements.
Conditions: Given assignment of the Timber Sale Contract, and all pertinent
information about the timber sale.
Key components:
- Executed Timber Sale Contract.
- Export requirements. (Historical record and/or request of waiver, and log
delivery points).
- Scaling Authorization (R6-FS-2400-29).
- Sale area map and slash disposal map.
- Road rules.
- Annual operating schedule.
- Plan of operation.
- Annual fire plan.
- Route of haul with map.
- Road maintenance requirements.
- Payments.
- Prior sale administration records.
- Specified road packet.
- Oil spill prevention plan.
- Specific Conditions (A section) and Special Provisions (C Provisions).
- Alternate scale agreement.
- Provide feedback to Forest Service Representative of items missing from
Timber Sale Contract (including sale area map) that are required by
environmental assessment, needed for resource protection or conflicts within
contract language. (Refer to JPR's 91, 1 and 91, 3.)
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3. Documenting and Reporting Resource Problem Areas That May Require
Modification and to Assist Future Planning
Action: Document changes to harvest activities which may require a supplement or
revision to the EA to be consistent with land management objectives. Document
harvest activities which may require a revision to the Sale Area
Improvement and KV Collection Plan (2400-50) or a modification of the Timber Sale
Contract to meet EA and/or Sale Area Improvement and KV Collection Plan.
Standards: Record areas and define problem on map, TRI cards, or R6-2430-131
and files in sale folder.
Delivers documentation to the Forest Service
Representative to implement required action in a timely manner.
Conditions: Given timber sale folder, maps, and forms (Refer to JPR 91, 4).
Key Components:
- Document activities in writing.
- Record areas and problems on map or TRI cards.
- File in sale folder for permanent record.
- Deliver to Forest Service Representative to implement action.
- Specialist assistance recognized and requested when needed.
- Provide written feedback to preparation personnel. (Refer to JPR's 91, 1
and 91, 2.)
4. Preparing Office and Field Sale Folders
Action: Necessary documents dealing with Timber Sale Contract are assembled
and filed.
Documentation shall be legible, complete, and filed in an orderly
Conditions: Given timber sale folder and necessary supplies.
Key Components:
- Executed Timber Sale Contract and modifications.
- Appraisal.
- Prospectus.
- Advertisement.
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- Environmental Assessment.
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- Inspection Reports (R6-2430-131) and correspondence.
- Road, fire, oil spill, and operation plans.
- R6-FS-2400-29 and specific Alternate Scale Agreement.
- Bills for Collection.
- Logging Feasibility Report.
- TRI cards.
- Progress map of sale operations.
- Operating schedule.
- Haul route map or detailed description of haul route.
- Performance and payment bonds. (Optional for field copy).
5. Making Written Agreements
Action: Make agreements, collect data, and make recommendations for agreements
outside delegated authority.
Standards: Agreements shall meet Timber Sale Contract requirements, shall be in
writing, signed same day as made by persons representing both parties with
delegated authority to make such agreements, be prior to the start of work in the
subject area, and with appropriate map revisions.
Agreement will be concise, but cover areas of what, why, where, when, how,
quantities, qualities, necessary equipment, and needed rehabilitation, if any.
Given Sale Administrator and Purchaser Representative with
delegated authority area of work needing agreement; copy of Timber Sale Contract,
Environmental Assessment, and Logging Feasibility Report shall be available.
Key Components:
- Agreement written and signed at time of agreement.
- Environmental Assessment, Timber Sale Contract.
- Map of planned activities to be agreed upon.
- Distribute copies of agreement according to Forest policy.
- Forest Service Manual.
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- Delegation of authority.
6. Safety
Action: Prepare a sale specific job hazard analysis and inspect purchaser's
operations for unsafe acts or conditions to Forest Service personnel and/or the
Standards: Comply with job hazard analysis and conduct inspections for contract
compliance on a continuing basis with proper documentation.
Notification to Forest Service Representative and Purchaser Representative shall
be documented on form R6-2430-131 same working day the noncompliance is noted.
Guidelines for safe practices are stated in subsection 61.24.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, and health and safety code.
Key Components:
- Job hazard analysis developed and reviewed annually.
- Documents unsafe acts or conditions to Forest Service personnel and/or the
- Notify Federal Aviation Administration of hazardous cable operations where
cable is 200 feet above tree canopy before start of operations.
- State safety orders are applicable to National Forest timber sales.
7. Burning Permits
Action: Prepare and approve burning permits required for purchaser's operations
where authorized.
Standards: Prepare permits for specific activities, listing applicable fire law,
conditions, and include pertinent items from the approved burning prescription
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract; applicable local, State, and Federal fire laws;
Key Components:
- Prepare permit for specific burning activity.
- List applicable local, State, and Federal fire laws.
- List specific conditions of the permit (for example, timing, fuel clearing,
required protection, and so forth).
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- Coordinate with Fire Management.
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1. Acquiring and Maintaining Advance Deposits and/or Credits Prior to
Starting, and During Sale Operations
Action: Prepare and submit sale administrator's Account Projections and Remarks
cards 2001 and 2002 (on form FS-6500-176). Assure proper application of
performance bond, payment bond allocation and/or cash deposits, and
earned/transferred purchaser road credits, to adequately cover required advance
deposits (B4.221).
Standards: Obtain advance deposits and credits to cover the value of 30 to 60 days'
production and any billings. Earned/transferred-in effective purchaser road credit
shall be considered as cash for advance payments. Payment bond allocation (if
available) may be used to cover required advance deposits above available cash
and/or effective purchaser road credits. Advance deposits shall be established prior
to commencement of purchaser's operations, and adequately maintained during
entire sale operations. The timber sale account shall reflect adequate coverage at
all times (correct values).
Conditions: Operations planned or in progress on timber sale, sale folder, Account
Projections, and forms FS-6500-176, R6-2430-38, and Payment Bond-Allocation
Worksheet are available. Purchaser's request to transfer purchaser credit and bill
for collection. Refer to subsection 42.
Key Components:
- Advance deposits and credits shall equal the value of 30 to 60 calendar days'
projected production, in addition to timber hauled but not paid for.
- Only effective purchaser credit (earned or transferred to sale) may be used.
- Allocation of payment bond shall cover needed deposits exceeding cash and
purchaser credits.
- Deposits and credits established prior to starting operations.
- Timber sale account shall reflect correct values of actual operations.
- Advance deposits may be covered by performance bond to cover timber on
the ground under C4.228 on some sales.
- Initiate refund of excess cash when requested by purchaser and when credit
balance exceeds charges for timber estimated to be cut in 60 days.
- Input to TSA, transfers of cash and purchaser credit, and bond allocations
may be by resource or financial assistants.
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2. Collection of Payments Not Received
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Action: Verify payment not received. Notify Forest Service Representative, contact
Purchaser Representative for verification of nonpayment. If necessary, prepare
letter of suspension to purchaser for Forest Service Representative signature,
certified mail, with a copy to surety.
Standards: Contact the Supervisor's Office the first working day after payment due
date to verify nonpayment. Contact Purchaser Representative to ascertain reason
payment was not received and document details on R6-2430-131. When payment is
guaranteed by surety bond and payment is not received within 5 working days of
the due date, demand for payment shall be made to surety.
Conditions: Given Timber Sale Contract, subsection 42.4, FSM, and JPR 92, 1.
Key Components:
- Payment not received, suspension may be ordered.
- Proper notification of breach with or without suspension; (B9.3) Forest
Service Manual 2452.5 and subsection 63.3 of this handbook.
- Demand and other notices to surety shall be directed to the corporate
headquarters of surety as listed on Circular 570 of Department of Treasury.
- Billings for interest and administrative charges shall be prepared per C4.4.
- Payments are made through lockbox system.
3. Transportation
a. Agreeing to Hauling Prior to Completion of Reconstruction or
Substantial Completion of New Construction
Action: Prepare letter for Contracting Officer (CO) signature to allow
hauling prior to the completion of reconstruction or substantial
completion of construction.
Standards: Written agreement shall be made as required by Timber
Sale Contract and JPR 91, 5. In addition, agreement shall cover
conditions under which hauling may occur.
Conditions: Sale administrator has copy of Timber Sale Contract, and
plan and profiles of roads concerned. Operating sale has roads which
are not completed as stated in Timber Sale Contract, no damage shall
occur to resources, not over 50 percent of timber shall be hauled over
new construction, hauling will not be to the disadvantage of the
Key Components:
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- Coordinate with Engineering Representative to verify that no damage
shall occur.
- Obtain specialist assistance, when needed, to determine if there will
be damage to other resource.
- Subsection 51.13 will be met.
- Reconstruction by purchaser will be completed prior to haul unless
hauling is sale, is agreed to by Contracting Officer and not more than 50
percent of unit timber will be removed.
- Prepare letter for Contracting Officer and Purchaser Representative
b. Inspecting Purchaser's Road Maintenance Work
Action: Inspect purchaser's road maintenance work and document on
form R6-2430-131 when assigned road maintenance responsibility.
Standards: Work shall be inspected in progress. Documentation for
acceptance shall be same working day as inspection for completion of
work for a specific road or other measurable area as agreed.
Documentation for noncompliance and notification to Forest Service
Representative and Purchaser Representative on form R6-2430-131
shall be same working day noncompliance is identified. Work inspected
shall meet requirements of Timber Sale Contract provisions C5.4, C5.42,
and C5.43, and guidelines of subsection 51.4.
Timber Sale Contract, and Timber Sale Administration
Key Components:
- Inspection shall be coordinated with Engineering.
- Road maintenance may be responsibility of Engineering.
- Roads must be sale for public and Forest Service administrative
c. Agreeing to Purchaser Use of Alternate Haul Route
Action: Document haul road names, road numbers, termini, rate of
MBF per mile.
Standards: Agreement shall be by letter of agreement signed by Forest
Service Representative and Purchaser Representative. Establishment
of new rates requires Contracting Officer approval and contract
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Appraisal worksheet shall be prepared to identify the alternate haul
route. This information is transferred to C5.411# - Road Maintenance
Deposit Schedule.
Conditions: Given Timber Sale Contract, appraisal, C5.411# - Road
Maintenance Deposit Schedule, B6.4 Road Maintenance, Timber Sale
Administration Handbook, subsection 51.3, and request by purchaser.
Key Component: Coordinate with Engineering and District Ranger
prior to agreeing to alternate haul.
d. Agreeing to Temporary Road Location
Action: Document agreement for location and width of temporary road.
Standards: Agreement shall be made by Sale Administrator and
Purchaser Representative and documented on form R6-2430-131.
Agreement shall include location, clearing width and slash treatment;
and, compliance shall be as specified in Timber Sale Contract B5.1, C5.1
(Option 1), and C6.74 (Option 1). All location approvals shall fully
consider the temporary road restoration requirements of B6.62.
Key Components:
- Timber Sale Contract B5.1, C5.1 (Option 1), C6.74 (Option 1), and
- Timber Sale Administration Handbook, subsections 51.7 and 61.42b.
- Work will be accepted when restoration meets Timber Sale Contract
and agreement.
4. Improvements
a. Inspecting Sale Improvements for Damage
Action: Document condition of improvement prior to and during sale
Standards: Inspections shall be made and documented on a continuing
basis while purchaser is performing work adjacent to improvements.
Requirements for protection or restoration of improvements shall be as
specified under Provision
B6.22 and C6.22. Documentation shall be done on form R6-2430-131
and submitted to the Forest Service Representative and Purchaser
Representative. Guidelines for protection of improvements are stated in
subsection 61.1.
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Conditions: Given Timber Sale Contract, Timber Sale Administration
Key Components:
- Notification of form R6-2430-131 shall be given same working day the
damage is noted. Responsibility for restoration of improvements is
stated under special provision C6.21 and others of the Timber Sale
- Coordinate with engineering on all road improvements and land
survey monuments.
- Fences and other livestock improvements may be protected by special
b. Protection of Cultural Resources and Habitat of Endangered Species
Action: Document circumstances relating to discover and action taken
to protect cultural resources and habitat of rare and endangered species.
Initiate investigation, request specialist input, take
immediate action to protect. Initial documentation shall be on form R62430-131. Document and provide additional information, as may be
needed, for contract modification, minor adjustments, or cancellation.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, Timber
Sale Administration Handbook, subsection 61.11b, and site or habitat
needing protection.
Key Components:
- Review logging feasibility report.
- Review cultural resource and habitat of endangered species identified
in Timber Sale Contract.
- Investigate sites or habitat found by purchaser.
- Investigate sites or habitat found by Forest Service.
- Inform Forest Service Representative and Purchaser Representative
in writing.
- Operations in immediate area may be suspended.
- Document mitigating measures.
- Obtain specialist input.
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- Prepare necessary Timber Sale Contract modification.
5. Control of Operations
a. Inspecting Purchaser's Supervision
Action: Inspect purchaser's supervision and document in writing.
Standards: Inspections shall be done and documented on a continuing
basis while purchaser is performing work on the ground. Forest Service
Representative and Purchaser Representative shall be notified on form
R6-2430-131 same working day inspection is made.
Given Timber
Administration Handbook.
Key Components:
- Purchaser's supervision must be adequate to meet contract
requirements. (Refer to subsections 13.11a, 61.2, and 61.21 and 61.22.)
- FSM 2451.3.
- All work accepted or rejected shall be documented on form R6-2430131 same working day of acceptance.
- Job priority list issued to sale administrator by Forest Service
- Work can be accepted on first inspection 90 percent of time.
b. Plan of Operation
Action: Obtain, review, and recommend approval by the Forest Service
Representative, if acceptable.
Standards: Plan shall be obtained within 60 days after award of the
contract, shall meet Timber Sale Contract requirements, and shall be
approved in writing. A revision shall be requested if operations deviate
significantly from current plan of operation.
Conditions: Purchaser plan of operation received prior to start of
operations and within 60 days after award.
Key Components:
- Obtain copy of plan of operation, preferably on form R6-FS-2400-34.
- Review plan for completeness and compliance to Timber Sale
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- Notify purchaser, in writing, of any changes needed prior to approval.
- Review FSH 2409.15, section 61.21.
- Approval or rejection shall be in writing by Forest Service
Representative within 2 weeks of receipt.
Obtaining and Reviewing the Purchaser's Annual Operating
Action: Obtain, analyze, and acknowledge receipt of annual operating
Standards: Annual operating schedule shall meet requirements of the
Timber Sale Contract and be prepared by the purchaser under B6.31.
Conditions: Prior to start of operations on sale area, annually or upon
change of operations.
Key Components:
- Obtain and review annual operating schedule.
- Notify purchaser if operating schedule is inadequate or conflicts exist.
Refer to section 61.22.
- May be completed jointly at a preoperations meeting.
- Request revised schedule if operations do not follow plan closely.
d. Documentation of Preoperations Meeting
Action: Document preoperations meeting with purchaser and operator
to indicate agreements.
Standards: Preoperations meeting shall be documented and signed by
Forest Service Representative, Sale Administrator, and Purchaser
Representative as agreement to items are discussed.
Conditions: Annual operating schedule on hand, operations ready to
start, and preoperations checklist completed, a preoperations meeting is
scheduled and agreeable to purchaser; or, as required by the contract.
Key Components:
- A preoperations meeting checklist shall be prepared listing items
needing discussion including special provisions in Timber Sale Contract
and Environmental Assessment; interpretations of Timber Sale
Contract provisions, plans, and copies of agreements needed prior to
start of operations; and, agreements to be made at the meeting.
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- Agree with purchaser on time and date of meeting, plans, and
schedules that shall be needed.
- Discuss points of special concern in Environmental Assessment and
- Discuss interpretation of provisions in Timber Sale Contract to
establish meaning as required by Timber Sale Contract and for use in
event of claims and/or disputes.
- Prepare or obtain copies of fire plan, slash schedule, road
maintenance plan, traffic control plan, route of haul, spill prevention
plan, and any other plans needed prior to start of operations. Itemize
those received or agreed to in minutes of the meeting.
- Document discussions and agreements in writing and obtain
- Review FSH 2409.15, subsections 61.21, 61.22, and 61.3.
- Preoperation meetings for specified roads shall follow the same
6. Conduct of Logging
a. Inspecting Purchaser's Felling and Bucking Operation
Action: Inspect purchaser's felling and bucking operation and document
in writing.
Standards: Work shall be inspected in progress. Notification to
Purchaser Representative and Forest Service Representative shall be
documented on form R6-2430-131 same working day. Work inspected
shall meet requirement of Timber Sale Contract provisions B6.41, C6.4
and C6.41, FSH 2409.15, 61.31.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, Timber
Sale Administration Handbook, and tracer marking paint available.
Key Components:
- All designated timber shall be felled unless agreed to otherwise.
- All trees cut are designated in advance of felling.
- Timing of felling meets Timber Sale Contract special provision C6.4
where applicable.
- Individual trees designated shall be paint marked above and below
stump height with blue tracer paint. Leave trees are marked with
orange tracer paint.
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- Clearcut boundary changes will be designated on the ground and
identified by white tracer paint at ground level on back side of trees.
- Test cuts made on unutilized material in accordance with B6.41.
- Falling practices - stump heights, breakage, and bucking out of cull
material meets contracts specifications.
- Felling lead is to approved skid trail locations.
- Stage felling is followed to prevent damage to residual stands and
breakage. Falling plan is provided by purchaser and followed under
C6.4 and C6.41.
- Review of timber falling practices video made annually.
b. Agreement to Skidding and Yarding Layout
Action: Check purchaser's location of proposed skid roads, corridors,
and landings, and agree to appropriate location.
Standards: Purchaser's designation of skid roads, corridors, and
landings locations shall be checked on the ground to ensure that
requirements of Timber Sale Contract are met. Agreement must be in
writing with sketches of patterns.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, Timber
Sale Administration Handbook, subsection 61.32, and Logging
Feasibility Report for each unit and active operations.
Key Components:
- Review resource objectives in Environmental Assessment, sale
preparation notes, and Timber Sale Contract.
- Walk purchaser's proposed location on the ground (preferably with
Purchaser's Representative) to ensure that location designated meets
Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, and requirements.
Generally, 10 percent or less of ground should be disturbed after
yarding or skidding.
- Check logging feasibility map showing ridges and draws (particularly
those areas designated sensitive on sale map) and indicate locations of
main skid roads, streamcourse crossings, landings, corridors, and any
other important data.
- Reach agreement with Purchaser Representative or Field
Representative and discuss how landings, skid roads, and stream
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crossings are to be constructed, maintained, and restored, including
erosion control measures on corridors as well as the other items.
- Document according to requirements of JPR 91, 5 and include
sketches and/or maps of patterns.
- After felling, walk area to determine if skid road corridor and landing
locations can be changed to the benefit of the resources and/or the
purchaser's operations.
- If changes are made in location, document in writing.
- Review B6.423 and subsections 61.11 and 61.32c herein for skidding
on permanent roads.
- Agreements are made prior to any felling in the units.
c. Inspecting Purchaser's Skidding and Yarding Operations
Inspect and document purchaser's skidding and yarding
Standards: Work shall be inspected in progress. Notification to
Purchaser Representative and Forest Service Representative shall be
documented on form R6-2430-131 same working day. Work inspected
shall meet requirements of Timber Sale Contract and Timber Sale
Administration Handbook, subsection 61.32 of this handbook.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, Timber
Sale Administration Handbook, FSM, agreed upon logging pattern, and
active operation.
Key Components:
- Logging methods agreed to or otherwise designated on the ground.
Skidding or yarding equipment staying on agreed locations and
- Damaged trees designated with tracer paint prior to completion of
skidding and yarding operation in the immediate area, and purchaser
advised. Undesignated trees are left uncut.
- No unnecessary damage occurring.
- Equipment and use meets contract and Environmental Assessment
- Changes in skidding and yarding system from Timber Sale Contract
requirements shall consider changes in stumpage rates per FSH
2409.15, subsection 33.1.
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d. Inspecting Purchaser's Utilization
Inspect and document purchaser's utilization of Included
Standards: Work shall be inspected in progress. Notification to
Purchaser Representative and Forest Service Representative shall be
documented on form R6-2430-131 same working day. Work inspected
shall meet requirements of Timber Sale Contract provisions, and
guidelines in FSH 2409.15, 61.31 through 61.31c.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, Timber
Sale Administration Handbook, and FSM.
Key Components:
- High stumps shall be recut and removed or treated as other logging
- Merchantable chunks, which could have been attached
merchantable logs, shall be removed and presented for scaling.
- Leaving of incidental amounts shall be agreed to (JPR 91, 5 and
subsection 42.54a).
- Material meeting minimum piece specifications in A2 shall be
removed from sale area unless waived.
- Scaling is done at location in A14 or approved alternate site.
- Wedge cuts are used to allow merchantability inspections.
- Economic impractibility relates to timing of removal of other products
in the immediate area.
7. Inspecting Purchaser's Streamcourse Protection Measures
Action: Inspect and document purchaser's streamcourse protection measures.
Standards: Work shall be inspected in progress. Streamside crossings shall be
agreed to in advance of operations and designated on the ground. Notification to
Purchaser Representative and Forest Service Representative shall be documented
on form R6-2430-131 same working day. Work inspected shall meet requirements
of Timber Sale Contract provisions and guidelines of the Timber Sale
Administration Handbook, in subsection 61.41.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, and Timber Sale
Administration Handbook.
Key Components:
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- Slash or other debris which adversely affect the flow of the streamcourse
shall be removed within 48 hours after material has entered streamcourse
unless waived or excepted by C6.5, C6.53, and/or C6.531 (JPR 91, 5).
- Streamcourses to be protected are shown on the sale area map.
- Work shall be accepted when Timber Sale Contract requirements are met.
- Timber shall be suspended over protected streamcources by use of culverts
or bridges.
- Soil surrounding culverts and bridges shall be stabilized at natural angle of
8. Inspecting Purchaser's Erosion Prevention and Control Work
Action: Inspect and document purchaser's erosion prevention and control work.
Complete on-the-ground designation when required.
Standards: Erosion control, seeding, construction, and maintenance of cross ditches
shall meet Timber Sale Contract and FSH 2409.15, subsection 61.42 requirements.
Operations shall not cause excessive soil damage as specified in the Timber Sale
Contract and Timber Sale Administration Handbook, subsection 61.42. Work shall
be inspected in progress. Notification to Purchaser Representative and Forest
Service Representative shall be documented on form R6-2430-131 same working
day of acceptance or rejection.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, and Timber Sale
Administration Handbook.
Key Components:
- Erosion control work designated on the ground and purchaser notified.
- Completion of purchaser's work shall be within time limit specified or as
agreed in writing.
- Work will be accepted when it meets Timber Sale Contract requirements.
- Oral suspension must follow JPR 92, 13.
- Erosion control work may be designated by Purchaser or Field
Representative upon agreement in writing to standards of location and
- Review FSM 2520, R-6 Supplement on soil disturbance.
9. Inspecting Purchaser's Slash Disposal Work
Action: Inspect and document purchaser's slash disposal work.
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Standards: Work shall be inspected in progress. Notification to Purchaser
Representative and Forest Service Representative shall be documented on form R62430-131 same working day. Work inspected shall meet requirements of Timber
Sale Contract provisions and guidelines of subsection 61.5, and the Environmental
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, and Timber Sale
Administration Handbook, subsection 61.5. Slash treatment in progress.
Key Components:
- Work shall be completed within time limits specified in B6.7 and in
accordance with the detailed slash disposal plans and specifications, unless
agreed otherwise in writing.
- Coordinate with Fire Management in inspections.
- Substitute methods and/or measures shall be agreed to with changes made
where appropriate (JPR 91, 5).
- Work will be accepted when Timber Sale Contract requirements are met.
- Charges for waived work shall be identified prior to start of operations in
the unit.
10. Scaling
a. Obtain an Approved Scaling Authorization.
Action: Prepare an accurate Scaling Authorization form (R6-FS-240029) and Alternate Scaling Site Agreement.
Standards: Scaling Authorization (R6-FS-2400-29) shall be completed
and received by scaler prior to products being removed from the sale.
Timber Sale Contract requirements shall be met. Alternate Scale Site
Agreement shall be executed prior to authorizing scaling at that site.
Conditions: Both shall be used to show final approved scaling locations
and shall be signed by the Forest Service Representative following items
Key Components:
- Review Timber Sale Contract, Forest Service Manual and Regional
Forester's Long Term Theft Prevention Plan for requirements.
- Inspect proposed scaling location to meet accountability.
- Discuss details of proposed agreement with Forest check scaler.
- Update route of haul as required in C6.84 or C6.841.
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- Contracting Officer shall approve all requests for scaling locations
outside the Forest scaling zone.
- Contracting Officer shall approve request for previously, unapproved
alternate locations within the Forest scaling zone.
- Forest Service Representative may approve alternate locations within
the Forest scaling zone when authorized in Forest Supplement to FSM
2440 or FSH 2409.15, subsection 13.1 and by specific written
- Alternate Scale Agreement shall be executed before the Scaling
Authorization is approved.
- Changes in scaling locations shall not be made until the R6-FS-240029 is revised and received by scaler.
b. Inspecting Purchaser's Log Accountability
Action: Inspect and document purchaser's log accountability.
Standards: Inspections shall be done on a continuing basis while
purchaser is performing work on the ground. Notification to Forest
Service Representative and Purchaser Representative shall be
documented on form R6-2430-131 and accountability forms same
working day. Log accountability shall meet requirements stated in
subsections 16,27, and 61.64, FSM 2443, Forest Supplements, and JPR's
92, 6a; 92, 6c; and 92, 10a.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Forest Service Manual and Forest
Service Handbook; Yard Scaling Agreement and Alternate Scaling
Key Components:
- All logs must be branded and painted as required by the Timber Sale
Contract, unless waived by the Contracting Officer.
- All products shall be accounted and paid for.
- Charge for missing products as required by the Timber Sale Contract.
- Check unit boundaries for evidence of changes and mark with white
tracer paint.
- Check stumps to be sure only designated timber is cut.
- Refer to section 16 for sale trespass actions.
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- Truck inspections shall be made as often as necessary to insure
compliance, at a location other than the landing and shall be
unannounced. Inspections shall be documented on forms R6-2440-82
and/or R6-2430-131 (JPR 91, 5; 92, 10; and 92, 10c).
- Test paint in each unit for tracer element.
- Review Regional Forester's Short and Long Term Theft Prevention
- Refer suspicious circumstances to Law Enforcement as required by
subsection 16 and FSM 2450.3.
c. Accountability of Product Removal Permits
Action: Insure that purchaser maintains accountability of Product
Removal Permits. Initiate action for lost or missing permits.
Standards: Document the procedure for issuance/return of permit books
and obtain purchaser's signature for books issued. Obtain written
explanation for missing permits or books. Advise Forest Service
Representative and pursue compensation as directed for lost permits or
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, subsection 27.12 of this handbook,
purchaser operations, load permits, forms.
Key Components:
- Assure system meets the minimum Region 6 requirements in
subsection 27.12 and Timber Sale Contract.
- Account for permits by serial number.
- Document procedure for issuance and return of permit books.
- Provide instruction for first issue of permit books and issuing
additional books as used books are returned.
- Obtain purchaser's signature for permit books issued.
- Purchaser has individual assigned to issue permits per C6.84 at the
landing. Drivers do not issue their own permits.
- Obtain purchaser documentation explaining the loss of individual
permits or entire books.
- Advise Forest Service Representative and law enforcement of lost
permits or books, and pursue compensation as directed.
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- Assure that permits are returned during periods of 30 days or more
inactivity and documented on R6-2430-131.
- Truck drivers sign properly completed permits prior to leaving
- Inspections shall be made as often as necessary to assure compliance
and shall include inspection of permit stubs.
- Check for reused permits. Refer to subsection 16.3 for indicators of
reuse or theft.
d. Log Export Control Requirements
Action: Obtain log delivery points as specified in Timber Sale Contract
provision C8.641/C8.642#. Obtain documentation and certification
forms for timber export restrictions as specified in Timber Sale
Standards: Log delivery point forms shall be received and verified prior
to beginning of sale operation. Prior to start of operations, ascertain
that export reporting forms have been received by Supervisor's Office.
Assure agreement between purchaser and buyer is on file within 10
days of agreement.
Old contracts:
Assure that certification of
disposition of timber volume is on file prior to closing a contract. Assure
certified report is filed currently, and that activity reported is within
contract requirements. Notify Forest Service Representative of any
discrepancy on form R6-2430-131.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, subsection 29.2, FSM 2450.3, 2455,
and 36 CFR 223.162.
Key Components:
- C8.641/C8.642#, Use of Timber.
- FS-2400-44, Export of Private Timber.
- FS-2400-45, Purchaser(s) of National Forest System Timber.
- FS-2400-46, Purchaser
Processed and Exported.
- R6-2430-61, Option 3, Domestic Processing of Included Timber
- Notify Forest Service Representative and law enforcement of
11. Fire Precautions and Control
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a. Accept Fire Plan
Action: Review and accept fire plan.
Standards: Fire plan shall meet Timber Sale Contract requirements.
Conditions: Fire plan shall be accepted prior to operations in fire
precautionary (closed) period.
Key Components:
- Review purchaser's fire plan to meet Timber Sale Contract
requirements. Plan must indicate prevention measures to be taken.
- Accept fire plan when it meets Timber Sale Contract.
- Involve Fire Management in fire plan review.
- Provide Fire Management copies as needed.
- Sign up fire fighting equipment for Forest Service use.
b. Inspecting Purchaser's Fire Precautionary Measures
Action: Inspect and document purchaser's fire precautionary measures.
Standards: Equipment and precautions shall be inspected in progress to
assure purchaser's certification is correct. Inspections shall be made
during fire precautionary (closed) season. Notification to Purchaser
Representative and Forest Service Representative shall be documented
on form R6-2430-131 or R6-5110-16 same working day. Precautionary
measures inspected shall meet requirements of Timber Sale Contract
and Timber Sale Administration Handbook, section 62.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Forest Service Manual, Timber Sale
Administration Handbook, section 62, Spark Arrester Guide, and
operating timber sale.
Key Components:
- Purchaser shall provide certification that prevention equipment and
measures have been inspected and meet contract requirements.
- Fire inspections shall be documented and conducted as needed to
assure purchaser's supervision is adequate to meet contract
requirements, including certification of compliance.
- More frequent inspections will be necessary during periods of high or
extreme fire danger.
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- Fire Management should be included in fire inspections.
- Prevention equipment and measures and purchaser's certification
that do not meet contract requirements shall be a breach of contract.
Surety shall be notified. Refer to subsection 63.3 and JPR 92, 13.
- Waive fire equipment and prevention measures, if not needed, by
person with authority.
12. Other Conditions
a. Preparing Modifications
Action: Prepare contract modifications for appropriate signatures.
Standards: Modifications shall be confined to those specified in FSM
2453.2 and FSH 2409.15, section 33. All recommendations for contract
modification shall be in writing to Forest Service Representative or
Contracting Officer and shall include a completed form for modification
(either 2400-9, 10, or 11).
Conditions: Contract to be modified at time of rate redetermination,
upon changed conditions and for catastrophe, and there is a need to
modify. Sale Administrator has copy of Timber Sale Contract, FSM
2453.2 and section 33.
Key Components:
- Review Timber Sale Contract, Forest Service Handbook 2409.15,
Section 33, and FSM 2453.2 for requirements of modifications.
- Inspect the changed conditions or catastrophic damages on the
ground to make recommendations to Forest Service Representative and
Contracting Officer.
- Obtain specialist help if needed.
- Discuss possible changes with Purchaser Representative and obtain
agreement to modification.
- Prepare modification or written agreement with rate changes as
required by Timber Sale Contract.
- After modifications or agreement is consummated, initiate action to
change timber sale account, data input and verify that it is correct.
b. Preparing Rate Redetermination
Action: Prepare rate redetermination and submit to Forest Service
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Standards: Meet requirements of the Timber Sale Contract and
contract term extension policies when logging will not be completed by
termination date and purchaser requests extension in writing or meets
requirements for rate redetermination under Timber Sale Contract A7.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment, Forest
Service Manual 2421.1, Timber Sale Appraisal Report, request from
purchaser, and modification of contract form 2400-9, 10, or 11.
Key Components:
- Purchaser formally requests contract term extension or emergency
rate redetermination in a timely manner.
- Sale has scheduled rate redetermination.
c. Contract Term Adjustment
Action: Prepare documentation of circumstances affecting possible
contract term adjustment.
Standards: Document on R6-2430-131 all delays and interruptions to
purchaser's scheduled operations as listed in the Timber Sale Contract.
Upon request of purchaser for contract term adjustment, prepare
recommendation for Forest Service Representative's signature and
forward to Contracting Officer for determination of approval. Prepare
documentation for Contracting Officer approval for permission to delay
performance beyond termination date.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Forest Service Manual 2453.11,
section 31 of this handbook, operation plans, schedules, forms,
purchaser's request, annual operating schedule, and documented
Key Components:
- Review normal operating season and annual operating schedule.
- Document actual start and stop dates of purchaser's operations.
- Document delays beyond purchaser control and periods of breakdown.
- Document interruptions beyond purchaser control.
- Document causes affecting disposition or processing of included
- Document delays or interruptions in purchaser's operations at
request of Forest Service.
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- Prepare and file documentation required for delayed performance
beyond termination date (for example, scaling, slash disposal, or
removal of improvements).
- Purchaser can not remove timber past termination date.
- Purchaser's timely request for contract term adjustments.
d. Agreeing to Minor Adjustments in Volume and Boundaries Within
Sale Area
Action: Recommend to Forest Service Representative the need for
changes in subdivision boundaries and adjustments in volume, and
prepare agreement.
Standards: When making minor adjustments, the unit must be checked
on the ground and differences between prescription and ground
conditions coordinated through specialists prior to making changes.
Trees inadvertently missed during preparation stages may be included
without silviculturist input. The change shall be agreed to in writing
prior to adjustment.
Conditions: Sale has timber that should be deleted or added to be
consistent with the prescription and Environmental Assessment inside
the sale area boundary and inside or adjacent to units to be cut. Sale
Administrator has Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment,
Silvicultural Prescription for units, preparation notes, and Forest
Service Handbook.
Key Components:
- Review Timber Sale Contract, Environmental Assessment,
preparation notes, Silvicultural Prescription, and/or Forest Service
Manual and Handbook, for direction in making minor changes in
volume or boundaries.
- Check area on the ground to determine if ground conditions meet
Silvicultural Prescription and/or Environmental Assessment.
- Obtain purchaser's signature along with person authorized to make
- Initiate action to bill purchaser for advance deposits if needed.
- Designate timber to be included and delete timber to be left. Must be
inside sale area boundary.
13. Documenting Breach
Action: Document breach and submit notification to Forest Service Representative.
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Breach documented on formal letter signed by Forest Service
Representative. Letter must contain reasons for the breach action, contract
provision(s) in breach, remedy, and timing for remedy. Letter shall also specify
conditions of suspensions, if any. Letter shall be sent certified mail, with a return
receipt requested with a copy to surety. Breach action shall follow guidelines in
section 63.3 and Forest Service Manual 2452.5.
Conditions: Timber Sale Contract, Timber Sale Administration Handbook, and
breach of contract by the purchaser.
Key Components:
- A significant action or inaction by the purchaser exists which is in violation
of a specific Timber Sale Contract provision(s), and requires some form of
- When an immediate threat to life or a threat of immediate and irreparable
damage to National Forest resources exists, an oral suspension by the Sale
Administrator shall be documented on R6-2430-131 and given to the
Purchaser Representative, operator, or purchaser's employee(s), and Forest
Service Representative.
- Prepare letter for Forest Service Representative's signature.
- Suspensions will be reviewed by Forest Supervisor/Contracting Officer.
- Prepare letter for lifting suspension when breach is remedied.
- When dispute exists as to breach, request Forest Service Representative and
Purchaser Representative meeting on the ground. Review Timber Sale
Contract B9.2 and C9.2.
- Send copy of breach letter and remedy letter to surety.