1909.12_1 Page 1 of 2 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK DENVER, CO FSH 1909.12 - LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING R2 Supplement No. 1909.12-93-1 Effective June 18, 1993 POSTING NOTICE: Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was Supplement 1909.12-921 to Ch. 6. Superseded New Page Code Number of Sheets 1.1 1 Supplements Covered R2 Supplement 01, 08/88 Document Name 1909.12,1 Digest: Updates to Electronic Format. ELIZABETH ESTILL Regional Forester Superseded New (Number of Pages) 2 R2 Supplement 1909.12-93-1 Effective 6/18/93 1909.12_1 Page 2 of 2 LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 1 - PLANNING RECORDS 1.1 - GUIDING PRINCIPLES. Forest Supervisors shall ensure the planning records specified in 36 CFR 219.10(h) include pertinent records associated with Forest Plan development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and amendment. All records should be assembled and made available to anyone interested. An index of all records should be developed to facilitate location of specific information and to serve as a summary of all available background data used to develop the Plan. A copy of the original data base used to conduct the analysis for the EIS and Plan should be retained. A hard copy of the raw data used to develop and structure any analytical tools used should be a part of the planning records, including all FORPLAN output files for the alternatives analyzed. The planning records must contain an accurate description of the entire analysis process including inventory data collection, development of resource yields, sources of economic data, assumptions used in developing resource relationships, and the process used to estimate environmental effects. The planning records should also include documentation of public participation and public information activities. A record should also be retained of all comments on the planning and environmental documents made available for public review or comment. Minutes should be kept of meetings related to Plan development. As a minimum, minutes of interdisciplinary and management team meetings must include the date, the names of attendees, decisions reached and the rationale for those decisions, and the name and signature of the person who took the minutes. Annual monitoring and evaluation reports and any related summaries or reports developed for the 5-year Plan review must be included as part of the planning records. The Forest Plan implementation records include project files pertaining to any Plan amendments.