Control of normal fault interaction on the distribution of major Neogene sedimentary depocenters, Lake Tanganyika, East African rift Kiram E. Lezzar, Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Caroline Le Turdu, Andrew. S. Cohen, David J. Reynolds, Bernard Le Gall, and Christopher A. Scholz ABSTRACT The Tanganyika continental rift basin is one of the most important structural features of the East African rift system and provides an opportunity to observe the early stages of rift basin development unobscured by postrift deformation and erosion. The geometry of half grabens and their zones of linkage have a great influence on rift development and depositional environments. Topographic features associated with zones of linkage between half grabens exert a direct control on drainage basin evolution, sediment supply, and synrift stratigraphy. Previous structural studies, based on widely spaced (⬃15 km) seismic reflection profiles, focused mainly on large-scale geometrical fault descriptions and not on the spatial and temporal linkage of the individual border faults controlling each half graben. In this article, using newly available basin age estimates, multichannel seismic reflection data, high-resolution single-channel sparker seismic data, and onshore structural data (remote directioning and microstructural field observations), we have constructed a detailed late Miocene–Holocene kinematic model for the evolution of the northern part of the Lake Tanganyika rift basin. A classification of fault interaction geometry is proposed to describe the initiation and development through time of major depocenters. Fault correlation lessons are provided for exploration seismic interpreters in extensional settings. The development of the depocenters of northern Lake Tanganyika is complex, and this article clearly shows that antecedent structures control subbasin initiation and development. As the rift evolves, border faults become dominant, producing more AUTHORS Kiram E. Lezzar ⬃ UMR 6538 Domaines Oceaniques, Institut Universitaire Europeen de la Mer, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Place Nicolas Copernic, 29280 Plouzane, France; current address: Department of Earth Sciences, 204 Heroy Geology Laboratory, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, 13244; Kiram E. Lezzar received an M.S. degree in marine geosciences (DEA 1991) and a Ph.D. (1997) from the University of Western Brittany in Brest, France. His Ph.D. topic was the tectonics and stratigraphy of the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin. Since 1998, he has been a research associate in the Department of Earth Sciences at Syracuse University, New York. His main research is concentrated on reflection seismic analysis (structure and stratigraphy) of the East African rift great lakes, such as Tanganyika, Malawi, Albert, and Edward. He is also the limnogeology mentor of the Nyanza Project (since 1999), a National Science Foundation–funded research training program in tropical lake studies in East Africa, open to undergraduates, graduate students, and secondary school teachers. Jean-Jacques Tiercelin ⬃ UMR 6538 Domaines Oceaniques, Institut Universitaire Europeen de la Mer, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Place Nicolas Copernic, 29280 Plouzane, France; Jean-Jacques Tiercelin is research director in the CNRS/ IUEM at the University of Western Brittany in Plouzane, France. He received his Doctorat d’Etat from the AixMarseille II University in 1981. He has worked on the sedimentology and tectonics of various lake basins in the East African rift system from Ethiopia down to Botswana. Caroline Le Turdu ⬃ UMR 6538 Domaines Oceaniques, Institut Universitaire Europeen de la Mer, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Place Nicolas Copernic, 29280 Plouzane, France; current address: Elf Petroleum Norge AS, Dusavik, P.O. Box 168N, Stavanger, Norway; Caroline Le Turdu is an account manager for France and eastern Europe at Technoguide in Oslo, Norway. She received her Ph.D. in structural geology from the University of Western Brittany in Brest, France, in 1998. After a two-year postdoctorate at Elf Petroleum Norge in Stavanger, Norway, she joined Technoguide, a provider of advanced software for 3-D modeling of oil and gas reservoirs. Andrew. S. Cohen ⬃ Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 85721; Andy S. Cohen is a professor of geosciences and joint professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona. He is interested in rift lake history and paleolimnology. David J. Reynolds ⬃ Exxon Production Research Company, P.O. Box 2189, Houston, Texas, 77252–2189; Copyright 䉷2002. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved. Manuscript received May 26, 2001; revised manuscript received June 4, 2001; final acceptance January 2, 2002 AAPG Bulletin, v. 86, no. 6 (June 2002), pp. 1027–1059 1027 David J. Reynolds is a senior research specialist at ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company. He received his B.A. degree from Princeton University, an M.S. degree from Duke University, and a Ph.D. from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. His research interests include rift tectonics and structural modeling. continuous and elongate depocenters, although the influence of transverse structures is still evident. Bernard Le Gall ⬃ UMR 6538 Domaines Oceaniques, Institut Universitaire Europeen de la Mer, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Place Nicolas Copernic, 29280 Plouzane, France; Bernard Le Gall received his Ph.D. in 1983 and his HDR (research director) in 1995 from the University of Western Brittany (UBO/CNRS-Brest). Since 1995, he has been studying extensional deformation in the active rift system of East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania), and in the Karoo rifted zone of Botswana and South Africa. Christopher A. Scholz ⬃ Department of Earth Sciences, 204 Heroy Geology Laboratory, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, 13244; Christopher A. Scholz is an associate professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Syracuse University. His research focus is on the sequence stratigraphy and basin analysis of rift systems and large lakes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This article represents parts of Kiram Lezzar’s and Caroline Le Turdu’s Ph.D. dissertations at the Doctoral School of Marine Geosciences UMR 6538 of the Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, and benefited from the assistance of several research projects: the Casimir Project of the Royal Museum of Central Africa (Tervuren, Belgium); the Tanganydro Project; and the 3D-3G Project of the Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest. Research permits in Zaire (currently the Democratic Republic of Congo) were provided by the Ministere de l’Energie, Commission Nationale l’Energie and in Burundi by the Faculte des Sciences, Universite du Burundi. The Ministere de l’Education National at Algiers, Algeria, granted in 1991 a Ph.D. scholarship to K. E. Lezzar. This work was funded by grants from the Casimir Project, Elf Aquitaine Production, AAPG Grant-in-Aid 1997 to C. Le Turdu and K. E. Lezzar, Elf Petroleum Norge AS (3D-3G Project; grant to J.-J. Tiercelin, principal coordinator), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, INSU-CNRS (France), and the Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (SUCRI). We would like to thank the coordinator of this AAPG special issue, John Underhill, for his patience and great help during a long period of revision. Thanks also to our three reviewers, Bruce Trudgill, Christopher Morley, and Patience Cowie, for their immense and essential input; they provided extremely helpful guidance and advice to improve the quality of the submitted manuscript. Thanks also to Max Fernandez-Alonso, Karel Theunissen, Joel Rolet, and Christophe Coussement for helpful discussions and suggestions. Special thanks to Elf Aquitaine Production for providing access to the Georift Project database. Thanks to Bernadette Coleno for her assistance in preparation of illustrations and to Peter Cattaneo for his helpful advice to solve computer system and software problems. We express our gratitude to the management of Elf Petroleum Norge AS for having authorized this publication. We thank the National Science Foundation (Grant #ATM-9619458 Nyanza Project) for financial support of this research. This article is publication #128 of the International Decade of East African Lakes (IDEAL) program. 1028 INTRODUCTION Lake Tanganyika occupies a north-south–trending continental rift basin, one of the most dominant structural features of the East African rift system (EARS). The lake has a length greater than 700 km, a mean width of 50 km, a maximum water depth of 1.5 km, and a sedimentary thickness greater than 4 km, and up to 7 km of throw has been identified along the major border faults (Reynolds, 1984; Rosendahl et al., 1986; Morley, 1988; Ebinger, 1989b; Morley et al., 1989; Tiercelin and Mondeguer, 1991) (Figure 1). In this article, we have constructed a detailed late Miocene–Holocene kinematic model for the evolution of the northern part of the Lake Tanganyika basin (between long. 3⬚20⬘E and lat. 4⬚30⬘S) (Figure 2). Our data sources include the following: (1) selected, multichannel, air-gun seismic reflection data from Project PROBE (Rosendahl et al., 1986, 1988); (2) high-resolution, single-channel sparker seismic reflection data (lines S1–S9) from the Casimir Project; (3) very high resolution (5 kHz) echo-sounding seismic profiles from the Georift Project (Bouroullec et al., 1992; Lezzar et al., 1996; Lezzar, 1997); (4) lake basin age estimates (Tiercelin and Mondeguer, 1991; Cohen et al., 1993; Lezzar et al., 1996; Lezzar, 1997); and (5) onshore structural data (remote directioning and microstructural field observations) (Chorowicz et al. 1987; Reynes et al. 1993; Coussement et al., 1994; Coussement, 1995; Le Turdu, 1998). We investigated many important previous studies on rift tectonics, volcanism, and magmatism in which were developed models of rift fault geometry, growth, and propagation and their relationships to volcanic activity and preexisting prerift fabrics (Baker, 1986; Leeder and Gawthorpe, 1987; Steckler et al., 1988; Ebinger et al., 1989a, b, 1991; Karson and Curtis, 1989; Kuznir and Egan, 1989; Cowie and Scholz, 1992; Schlische, 1992, 1995; Gawthorpe and Hurst, 1993; Ring et al., 1993; Anders and Schlische, 1994; Coblentz and Sandiford, 1994; Gawthorpe et al., 1994, 1997; Hendrie et al., 1994; Morley, 1994, 1999a, b, c; Trudgill and Cartwright, 1994; Cartwright et al., 1995, 1996; Childs et al., 1995; Dawers and Anders, 1995; Rohrman and van der Beek, 1996; Schlische et al., 1996; Contreas et al., 1997, 2000; Simiyu and Keller, 1997; Zhao et al., 1997; Gupta et al., 1998, 1999; Sharp et al., 1999; Dawers and Underhill, 2000; McLeod et al., 2000). Comparing and integrating all these models with our data interpretation, we examined spatial and temporal relationships between major rift structures in Lake Tanganyika, as well as fault propagation and interaction during successive late Tertiary phases of rifting. We studied the influence of rift fault propagation and abandonment on coarse detrital deep lacustrine fan development and distribution. Finally, we offer fault correlation lessons for petroleum exploration geologists to avoid wrong fault interpretation of seismic data in extensional settings. Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) 28°E Figure 1. (A) The East African rift system and location of the Lake Tanganyika basin. (B) Geological setting of the north Tanganyika trough (study area) related to the Precambrian basement fabrics. 30°E 2°S Lake Kivu Oc ian I nd n ra ba Ki ch 50 Km an Approximative trend of basement fabrics M Br yika Tangan Trough B. T er n n We s t ia Trough N) IA ND BE (U iz La k e us 4°S zi u si Fig. 2 R BURUNDI ea n East African Rift R DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO A. T - Lake Tanganyika M - Lake Malawi TANZANIA Lacustrine sediments and alluvium Upper Proterozoic sediments Neogene volcanics Late Proterozoic orogenic belt Permian–Triassic sediments (Karoo) Tanzanian Craton GEOLOGICAL SETTING Interpretations of the development of the Tanganyika rift basin have been based upon two different models deduced from a coarse seismic data set (Rosendahl et al., 1986, 1988; Morley, 1988). One model assumes pure east-west rifting (Morley, 1988, 1995, 1999b, 2002; Morley et al., 1992; Coussement et al., 1994), whereas the other model assumes northwest-southeast extension with a strong wrenching component (Chorowicz et al., 1983; Scott et al., 1992). If present-day seismicity is an accurate indicator of the long-term regional extension direction, then focal mechanism solutions support east-west extension for the Lake Tanganyika area (Fairhead and Stuart, 1982; Shudofsky, 1985). The maximum east-west extension calculated using PROBE seismic lines on major faults has been estimated at about 12–14 km (Morley, 1989). Previous age estimates based on the reflection seismic–radiocarbon method (RSRM) suggest that the Tanganyika basin began to form before 12 Ma in its central region, at about 7–8 Ma for the northern basin (our study area), and at about 2 Ma for the southern basin (Cohen et al., 1993; Lezzar et al., 1996). Even if the development of the Tanganyika basin occurred exclusively during the Neogene, however, the position and orientation of the modern basins has originated from movement of a series of major fault zones associated with ancient tectonic and metamorphic events (Versfelt and Rosendahl, 1989). These include structures within cratonic areas and orogenic belts that range from early Precambrian (3600 Ma) to late Precambrian (600 Ma) in age (McConnell, 1972). The Lake Tanganyika basin is formed within two mobile belts west of the rigid Tanzanian craton. The N130–140–trending Ubendan (or Rusizian) belt is formed by granites, gneisses, and mica schists overprinted by the Eburnian orogeny at 1950–1850 Ma (Paleoproterozoic), whereas the N30–50–trending Kibaran belt is related to the Kibaran orogeny (Mesoproterozoic) (Daly, 1988; Theunissen et al., 1996). The N0–20–trending north Tanganyika basin divides the Kibaran belt into southwestern and northeastern belts (Fernandez-Alonso and Theunissen, 1998). On the western (Congo) side of the North Tanganyika trough, the southwestern Kibaran belt consists mainly of highgrade metamorphic orthogneisses and high-grade metasediments with an N30–50 fabric. On the eastern Lezzar et al. 1029 0 10 Figure 2. Bathymetric map of the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin showing the location of Project PROBE (P) and Casimir Project (S) seismic lines used in this study and of magnified seismic sections displayed in Figures 3 and 4. Location of Figure 2 shown in Figure 1. Refer to Table 1 for all other abbreviations. P228 N S9 250 10 km S1:Sparker Reflection Seismic Survey Project Casimir P6A S7-2 P16: Multichannel Reflection Seismic Survey. PROBE Project S7 3 S7-2:Seismic line blow up displayed in Figure 4 S8 P200 1-South Bujumbura subbasin/South Rusizi half graben/RSHG 2-Rumonge subbasin/North Kigoma half graben/NKHG 3-North Bujumbura subbasin/North Rusizi half graben/NKHG 4-Ubwari horst S6-2 Cape Magara WU F S6 S5 S5-2 WUF: West Ubwari Fault 250 CM F 300 300 50 1 EUF: EastUbwari fault S3-2 S2 S2-2 P16 S2 EUF S2-1 4 2 400 0 200 300 100 10 0 200 10 S3 CMF: Cape Magara fault S4 Cape Banza (Burundi) side, gneissic formations belong to the Archean basement, and the Kibaran belt is represented by quartzites and metaquartzites, schists, and intrusive granites with N0, N110, and N130–140 fabrics (Carte Geologique du Burundi, 1986, 1988, 1989; Fernandez-Alonso and Theunissen, 1998). The Tertiary rift structures are dominated by half grabens in the offshore study area and are defined as 1030 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) individual major sedimentological domains (Tiercelin and Mondeguer, 1991). The deep basin structure (Figure 3A, C, E) consists of three individual half grabens, for each of which the internal structure is controlled by a predominance of minor faults that are mainly synthetic to the major boundary fault. These are, from north to south, the North Rusizi half graben (NRHG), the South Rusizi half graben (SRHG), and the North A. W E 0 0 North of Pemba LMF 200 Bujumbura Subbasin Deep Basin (c) ? (a) (b) ? (f) Î (a) (b) (a) (c) UBFSn 600 (Channels system) Î (b) (d) (a) (b) (d) (c) (f) (d) LMF RL (c) (d) (c) (c) (c) (f) (d) (d) (f) (f) (f) Horst ? RL North Rusizi Half Graben ~0.4/0.3 Ma 400 ? (a) (c) (d) (f) 800 (a) (b) (b) BBFSn (a) 400 200 Bujumbura Slope Transverse Fault (NE-SW) Foot slope 600 ? 800 (ms tw-tt) (ms tw-tt) 2 km E W B. 0 ~0.4/0.3 Ma 0 (f) Ru ? 1 1 (NE) RL LM F 3 ? UBFS n 4 5 4 ~3.5 Ma C. K. Morley, pers. com 2 km 6 ~0.4/0.3 Ma D. W E ~0.4/0.3 Ma 400 WUF f 800 8 Km Sec tw tt ~5 Ma PMF PMF 600 4 Km CMFw CMFw f 3 5 (s. tw-tt) 6 C. 2 a igom th-K ben Nor alf-gra ) H (NE (NE) BB FS n ? 2 Msec twtt E E. W Banza Shoal Rumonge Subbasin 200 CMFw zi be Ka (c) Slope ~0.2 Ma (a) D (c) B (d) (b) C 400 (b) A ? (c) (f) 600 ? F-E (f) CBFe WUF Baraka Furrow Buried Magara Shoal D F (f) Rumonge Channel Î (b) (c) CBFw Kaboge Dome BL me Do (a) EUF ? C (d) ~0.4 Ma (a) Î CMFe RL C (e) B ? D E A (b) (c) KAF (a) (c) F Magara Slope (a) B (d) (f) Capart Channel Baraka Channel A (b) Magara-Banza Depression EUF' Bujumbura Subbasin Banza Slope multiple 800 M ? (ms tw-tt) Ubwari Horst South Rusizi Half Graben Buried Magara Shoal ~0.4 Ma W 0 ~1.1 Ma KFZ ~7.4 Ma (N M E) F South Rusizi Half graben 0 (f) RM 2 km CBF e 4 (s. twtt) Ma E) ? EUF (N E) (N ? ~5 KAF Ru (f) RL E K (f) Bu 1 2 Banza Shoal C B Fw F. North Kigoma Half Graben WUF 2 km ~3.5 Ma Ubwari Horst 1 2 4 North Kigoma Half graben Figure 3. Interpretation of main seismic lines used to reconstruct the northern Lake Tanganyika rift kinematic model. (A) Singlechannel sparker line S7; (B) multichannel reflection seismic line drawing P6 (modified after Rosendahl et al., 1986); (C) multichannel line drawing P200 (modified after Rosendahl et al., 1986); (D) single-channel sparker line S6 (modified after Rosendahl et al., 1986); (E) single-channel sparker line S2; (F) multichannel reflection seismic line drawing P16 (modified after Rosendahl et al., 1986). Filled circles indicate RSRM age estimation (see text for details). Key seismic sections (parts A, C, E) are magnified in Figure 4. Refer to Figure 2 for location of lines and to Table 1 for fault and sequence abbreviations. More seismic data are also available from Project PROBE in Rosendahl et al. (1986) and from the Casimir Project in Lezzar et al. (1996) and Lezzar (1997). Lezzar et al. 1031 E W E W 400 400 500 500 400 400 500 500 600 600 600 600 700 700 (Ms-twtt) (Ms-twtt) 500 m 1 km 1 km W Bujumbura Subbasin W C3 E B A 400 400 (b) A (a) C (c) C2 Î (a) (a) (b) 400 A B C B B (b) (b) C 500 A (a) E Barakal Channel C1u C2 (b) (c) 500 500 C ? 500 (d) E D C (d) 600 (c) (c) D 600 LMF (Ms-twtt) 500 m (Ms-twtt) F-E (f) Baraka Furrow ? (d) (d) 700 600 F Kaboge Dome( (e) 600 F-E 700 F-E 1 km E W E W 400 400 500 500 600 600 700 400 400 500 500 600 600 700 700 700 (Ms-twtt) LineS6-2 1 km 1 km (Ms-twtt) E W E W 400 400 400 400 A (a) A (b) C (c) D (d) ? 600 (c) 600 600 ? E (d) PMF 700 (Ms-twtt) D 600 ? F-E (f) 500 C (c) (c) (d) (d) (d) B (b) 500 500 700 700 (e) F 1 km 700 WUF B (c) ? (b) ? (a) ? WUF B+A (b) ? 500 1 km 300 W 300 400 400 500 500 600 600 SE NW E 400 400 500 500 600 600 700 700 800 800 (Ms-twtt) 500 m E W SE NW 400 Ubwari Horst Eastern Side 400 300 300 1 km (Ms-twtt) C3 C2 (c) B A (a) B (d) (f) Deep Lacustrine Fans Basin Fill Deposits 1032 (c) (d) C C Buried Banza Ridge 700 (d) 600 D Down Slope Bars or Hanging Fault Deposits Sheet Drape Deposits Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) (f) (Ms-twtt) 800 500 1 km (b) C ? (c) D Magara-Banza Depression ? Rumonge Channel A B EUF 500 m CBFe CMFe (Ms-twtt) 500 ? BL (a) ? 600 F ? (a) ? D (f) (b) (b) ? 600 A (a) B 400 C2 EUF' Î B 500 A 500 Capart Channel CBFw C2 C1u 400 (d) D (f) 600 (c) ? 700 800 Precambrian Acoustic Basement Refer to Table 1 for seismic lines location and fault abbreviations. Kigoma half graben (NKHG). The NKHG and SRHG are separated by the positive structure of the Ubwari Peninsula, defined also as a high-relief accommodation zone (Rosendahl et al., 1988). To the north, the Lake Tanganyika basin extends onshore through the 100 km–long and 30 km–wide Rusizi trough (between lat. 3⬚10⬘ and 3⬚20⬘S), which runs N0 (Rusizi Plain), then N350, and joins the N10– 20–oriented Lake Kivu basin (Ebinger, 1989b) (Figure 1B). The north Rusizi-Kivu region and the Rungwe volcano north of Lake Malawi are the main volcanic zones of the western branch of the EARS. The northern volcanic basin formed during three main cycles of interacting volcanism and faulting: (1) a first stage of tholeiitic volcanism in the late Miocene (10–6 Ma), suggesting that the eastern border fault of the Kivu basin formed first (Ebinger, 1989b); (2) a second stage of alkalic volcanism, dated from 8 to 4 Ma, indicating that formation of the West Kivu border fault started during the latest Miocene or early Pliocene (Ebinger, 1989b); and (3) a third stage (⬍1.9–1.6 Ma) in which basalts erupted along the West Kivu border fault (Ebinger, 1989b). Such a chronology of events demonstrates that border fault segments in the north Rusizi-Kivu area developed diachronously and propagated along the length of the rift (Bellon and Pouclet, 1980; Ebinger, 1989a, b; Pasteels et al., 1989). LAKE TANGANYIKA RIFT BASIN STRATIGRAPHY Multichannel and single-channel pairs of seismic reflection data from Project PROBE, the Casimir Project, and the Georift Project have been used to reconstruct the tectono-sedimentary history of the northern end of the Lake Tanganyika basin from the late Miocene to the Holocene. Some of these seismic data sets have been published previously (Morley, 1988; Rosendahl et al., 1988; Bouroullec et al., 1992; Lezzar et al., 1996; Cohen et al., 1997; Lezzar, 1997). Only key features illustrating structural and stratigraphic relationships in the vicinity of major border faults are presented in this article. Figures 3 and 4, however, illustrate the main seismic sequences and facies deduced from Casimir high-resolution sparker seismic reflection data (K. E. Lezzar, 1997, unpublished data). Seismic lines P16/S2, P200/S5, and P06/S7 have been selected to illustrate the structure and stratigraphy of the southern, central, and northern parts of the northern Lake Tanganyika basin (Figure 3). Multichannel seismic reflection data (Project PROBE; Rosendahl et al., 1988) show that the synrift fill can be divided into two main sequences (lower and upper) separated by a major unconformity, named “(f)” (see table 1 in Lezzar et al., 1996). These sequences accumulated above a major surface defined on multichannel PROBE profiles as the Nyanja event ([NE] surface), likely representing the surface of the prerift basement (Burgess et al., 1988; Rosendahl et al., 1988). From highresolution sparker reflection seismic data (Casimir Project; Lezzar et al., 1996; Lezzar, 1997), the multichannel upper sequence above the (f) unconformity can be subdivided into six seismic sequences, designated F–A from oldest to youngest. These sequences are bounded by five well-defined hiatal surfaces (which appear to be mainly erosional surfaces from toplap and indications of erosional truncations) that are named (from oldest to youngest) (f), (d), (c), (b) and (a) (Figures 3, 4), with (e) being a minor, locally represented surface. The four most common seismic facies signatures seen throughout the north Tanganyika basin can be interpreted to have formed as follows (Figures 3, 4, 5). (1) Basin fill units form the base of each sequence and spread over the underlying, irregularly shaped unconformity. The associated seismic facies are typically chaotic or weakly stratified, with unit boundaries represented by medium amplitude reflectors with hyperbolic character. (2) Deep sublacustrine fans are mostly lens-shaped units with a seismic facies that is typically chaotic. (3) Sheet drape units form the upper parts of individual sequences. They are expressed by parallel to subparallel, high-amplitude reflectors that alternate with thin chaotic to subtransparent layers. These units also may be represented by another facies type that consists of subtransparent or transparent layers alternating with thin discontinuous, medium-amplitude reflectors. Gravity-flow processes dominate the steep western and eastern borders of the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin. In the last, upper four sequences (D, C, B, and A) (Figures 3, 4, 5), proximal and distal sedimentary bodies have been discovered at the outlet (at the foot) of the main rivers (Lezzar et al., 1996). The Figure 4. Interpretation of magnified single-channel sparker seismic reflection sections above the (f) surface (location of sections is shown in Figure 2). Mapping of the basin fill and deep lacustrine fan seismic units within the uppermost sparker sequences (from D to A) is shown in Figure 5. For abbreviations, refer to Table 1. Lezzar et al. 1033 ? C. * * ? From Rusizi River ? ? ? ? 50 50 100 100 50 25 A. 25 LUHANGA LUHANGA Y 25 75 25 ? 75 PEMBA PEMBA 25-50 Y ? 50 ? 25 25 25 ? r iv.Ruzibazi 50 r iv.Ruzib ? * Cap Magara * ? <25 N 100 N ? ? 10 km <50 5 25 0 10 km 75 75 50 100 ? 25 100 50 ? Cap Magara 50 50 ? ? 25 25-50 B. Y * ? * 25 ? ? ? 50 1 00 100 25 ? r iv .M ure m 50 Cap Banza D. ? 100 * ? 25 * * r iv. Bar aka 150 Cape Banza ? 50 BARAKA * 50 ? ? BARAKA Y e bw <50 100 75 ? 25 ? Y 50-75 75 ? RUMONGE 25 50 25 <25 we 25 r iv .M ur e mb 50 25 25-50 RUMONGE 100 100 ? 75 ? 75 150 ? LUHANGA 25-50 Y 50 50 LUHANGA * 50 ? PEMBA PEMBA ? Y >50 25 * 50 ? RUZibazi N ? 50 50 25 ? * * * 25 75 ? 75 ? 50 100 50 50 <25 * RUMONGE r iv .M ure mb 50 25 50 25-50 ? we RUMONGE 25 ? 25 100 1034 ? * 50 <25 ? ? ? Y * ? ? 25 25 ? ? BARAKA * ? <25 ? r iv. Bar aka 10 km <25 ? ? N ? 10 km 25 ? Cap Magara * <25 50 75 * r iv. Ruzib zi Cape Magara 25 25 ? Cap Banza Cape Banza ? Deep Lacustrine Fans Precambrian Acoustic Basement Deep Fan Source Basin Fill Deposits Channels and Canyons Sedimentary transit Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) seismic facies is typically chaotic. Moving offshore, however, the facies becomes roughly stratified then very stratified in the very distal parts of the fans. The spatial density of the high-resolution sparker data allowed a strict control of the morphology of the fans (Figure 4). They are lens- and fan-shaped, and their maximum dimensions are 15–30 ms two-way traveltime (TWTT) (9–20 m) thick, 10–15 km long, and 2.5–10 km wide. They lie at depths of 150–300 m, subperpendicular to the shore or parallel with the rift lake axis. Their position in the seismic sequence is generally intermediate, in between basal basin-fill units and sheet-drape units at the top (Figure 4). The sedimentary processes are linked to the combined lack of littoral shelf and the presence of steep slopes and sublacustrine canyons, which allow the eroded material to be directly transported to the foot of the slopes and farther into the deepest parts of the basin. In this case, the variation of the seismic facies along the different parts of the fans is symptomatic of the decreasing dynamics during lake level rises. The process of the corresponding deposits is probably coarse gravity flow. The lens and fan shapes of these sedimentary bodies are due to the recurrent activity of sublacustrine canyons in front of the main rivers that provide intermittent detrital input, concentrating them in a single sedimentary fan. Spatial distribution through time (from the time of sequence D to the present-day sequence A) of these fan-shaped coarse detrital deposits appears to be strongly controlled by the location and the evolution of submeridian and transverse faults that structure the north Tanganyika basin (Figures 4, 5). The length, width, and thickness of deep lacustrine fans seem to be totally guided by the direction of sedimentary transits, as well as by localization of sedimentary traps (nascent depocenters) or sedimentary barriers (active fault hurdles). Unfortunately, this type of interpretation cannot be extrapolated below sequence D (sequences older than 400 ka) because of a lack of high-resolution reflection seismic data. The ages of these individual sequence boundaries and the duration of individual depositional sequences have been estimated within various structurally defined zones. Cohen et al.’s (1993) original methodol- ogy for RSRM (reexplained in detail in Lezzar et al. [1996]) was modified to allow for the variability in sediment accumulation rates at each study site over time that results from the variability in morphotectonic settings between sites (open basinal; proximal to fault escarpment; steep channel side; platform–shallow water) as interpreted from the seismic data (Lezzar et al., 1996; Lezzar, 1997). These minimum ages are as follows: about 7.4 Ma for the (NE) surface, about 1.1 Ma for (f), about 0.4 Ma for (d), about 295–262 ka for (c), about 193–169 ka for (b), and about 40–35 ka for the most recent surface (a) (Lezzar et al., 1996; Lezzar, 1997). These surfaces have been interpreted in terms of responses to regional tectonic and volcanic events and/or regional to global climatic changes (Lezzar et al., 1996; Cohen et al., 1997; Lezzar, 1997). Other sequence boundaries may exist in sediments between 7.4 and 1.1 Ma, but these have not yet been defined seismically, given the available sparker single-channel and air-gun multichannel resolution and penetration. Interpretation of seismic sequences/facies and age estimation of seismic unconformities (deduced from high-resolution reflection seismic data, as well as sedimentation rates and sediment facies computed from piston core datations) show that the depositional period of the lower sequence corresponds to the RBM initial synrift phase (7.4–1.1 Ma) (Lezzar et al., 1996; Lezzar, 1997). From the (f) surface time at 1.1 Ma, the five seismic-sequence depositional periods named F-E, D, C, B, and A have been interpreted in terms of transgressive-regressive periods characterized by different tectono-stratigraphic conditions. From observations of lacustrine sediment facies (piston core data), each sequence starts at a low–lake stand period, inducing deposition of coarse detrital basin-fill units on the basal erosional surfaces. High–lake stand conditions prevailed during the deposition of the upper two thirds of each sequence. Deposition at these times comprised the formation of deep lacustrine fans and sheet drape, fine-grained units (Bouroullec et al., 1992; Lezzar et al., 1996; Cohen et al., 1997). In addition to seismic data, we have attempted to correlate onshore and offshore structures using Landsat and SPOT satellite imagery and using a digital elevation model (DEM) (Reynes et al., 1993), geological Figure 5. Distribution of basin fill and deep sublacustrine fan units within sparker seismic sequences (see also Figures 3, 4). (A) Sequence D: transgressive phase D following low lake stand (d) at about 0.4 Ma, 350 m below present lake level (bpll). (B) Sequence C: transgressive phase C following low lake stand (c) at about 0.3 Ma, 350 m bpll. (C) Sequence B: transgressive phase B following low lake stand (b) at about 0.2 Ma, 250 m bpll. (D) Sequence A: transgressive phase A following low lake stand (a) at about 40 ka, 150 m bpll. Low–lake stand estimations are from Lezzar et al. (1996). Lezzar et al. 1035 maps (Carte Geologique du Burundi, 1986, 1988, 1989), microstructural field data (Chorowicz et al., 1988; Ebinger, 1989b; Reynes et al., 1993; Coussement et al., 1994; Coussement, 1995; Theunissen et al., 1996), and seismicity (De Bremaecker, 1959; Fairhead and Girdler, 1971; Wohlenberg, 1975; Fairhead and Stuart, 1982; Shudofsky, 1985; Wafula et al., 1992; Zana et al., 1992). NORTHERN LAKE TANGANYIKA RIFT BASIN: MAIN FAULTS, GEOMETRIES, AND DEVELOPMENT The northern end of the Lake Tanganyika basin (maximum water depth 320 m) (Figure 2) displays a wide variety of large-scale geometries, largely controlled by major border faults, which trend N0–20 and N130– 140 to the rift axis (Rosendahl et al., 1986; Morley, 1988). The offshore fault pattern can be mapped using multiscaled complementary seismic data (Figures 3, 6). The RSRM age estimates in the hanging wall adjacent to the major border faults of the basin provide the first relative chronology for the evolution of each fault (Cohen et al., 1993; Lezzar et al., 1996; Lezzar, 1997). Thus, as described in the following sections, the evolution of each half-graben domain is reconstructed using both chronological estimates and geometric information from seismic reflection profiles. The western limit of the rift basin (Figures 6, 7) is formed by the N0–20–trending Uvira border-fault system (UBFS), with the northern segment (UBFSn) represented by the Uvira escarpment (3300–3500 m maximum altitude) and the southern segment (UBFSs) represented by the Biera escarpment (⬃2500–2700 m). The eastern limit is formed by the N0-trending Bujumbura border-fault system (BBFS) that culminates at about 2000–2500 m (Mondeguer et al., 1986; Tiercelin and Mondeguer, 1991). For all half-graben, fault, and seismic sequence/discontinuity abbreviations, refer to Table 1. South Rusizi Half Graben The SRHG (50 km long, 16 km wide, and 3.75 s TWTT sedimentary thickness) is controlled to the east by the north-south–trending West Ubwari fault (WUF) and the associated, oppositely dipping Cape Magara faults (west [CMFw] and east [CMFe]) (Figure 3E; line P16 in Figure 6). The second dominant fault family that controlled the SRHG is represented 1036 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) by the N140-trending, southwest-dipping Kaboge fault zone (KFZ) and Kabezi fault (KAF) (Figure 3E; lines P14 and P16 in Figure 6). These faults, labeled transverse faults, crosscut the rift axis without any present-day morphological expression in the lake bottom bathymetry (Figure 2). From RSRM age estimates at the foot of the WUF in the southern area of the NRHG and seismic facies analysis (Lezzar et al., 1996), the WUF appears to have acted from 7.4 Ma as a normal fault (line P16 in Figure 6), as shown by the wedge-shaped geometry of the first seismic sequence developed on the (NE) surface within the SRHG (Figure 3E) (see also Rosendahl et al., 1988). Thinning against the WUF and induced small WUF-synthetic faults are probably due to more recent tectonic readjustment related to the relative uplift/subsidence of the adjacent Ubwari horst. In the northernmost part of the SRHG (near Cape Magara), the minimum estimated RSRM age for the beginning of sedimentation above the (NE) surface indicates that fault movement along the WUF began at about 5 Ma (Figure 3C; line P200 in Figure 6). This northern part of the WUF has been relayed to the east by the CMFw between about 5 Ma (corresponding to the age of the oldest sediments deposited on the [NE] surface) and about 1.1 Ma ([f] surface), giving an average age of about 3 Ma for the SRHG at that location (lines P200 and S2 in Figure 6). After about 3 Ma, the WUF in this area was buried, and the CMFw became the eastern border fault of the SRHG (line P200 in Figure 6). Sequence and fault geometry along the transverse KFZ indicates that initial fault movement (evidenced at 2 s TWTT) (Figure 3E; line P16 in Figure 6) was apparently dominated by normal displacements. From the (f) surface up to the (d) surface, a dome-shaped sequence (positive flower structures identified by Rosendahl et al. [1988] and named by Lezzar et al. [1996] the Kaboge and Kabezi domes) possibly indicates an oblique component of displacement along those transverse faults. Northward, the transverse KAF seems always to have acted as an oblique strikeslip fault, as shown by the positive flower structure and associated slight doming of the (f) surface (the Kabezi dome) (line P14 in Figure 6). Those positive flower structures are better represented on a largescale seismic atlas published by Project PROBE (Rosendahl et al., 1988). Because of the great amount of seismic data required to illustrate every single fact in this article, we deliberately have provided only detailed line drawings, and we strongly recommend con- sulting key articles by Morley (1988), Rosendahl et al. (1988), and Lezzar et al. (1996) for greater detail. We chose not to overrepresent already published seismic lines in this article but to focus on facts that illustrate our main topics, such as rift kinematics, coarse detrital fan distribution, and fault correlation lessons. To complete the data published by Morley (1988), Rosendahl et al. (1988), and Lezzar et al. (1996), however, a few unpublished high-resolution seismic reflection lines from the Casimir Project are illustrated in Figures 3, 4, and 6. Ubwari Horst Fault System The N0–20–trending Ubwari horst (33 km long and 13 km wide) is delineated by the East Ubwari fault (EUF) and the WUF (Figure 3E). The internal structure of this horst is mainly controlled by two N0–20– trending west-dipping and east-dipping faults called the Cape Banza fault western segment (CBFw) and the Cape Banza fault eastern segment (CBFe). The northern sublacustrine continuation of these faults controls the deepening of the top of the Ubwari horst (Figure 2), whereas their southern extent borders the Ubwari Peninsula (Figures 3, 6). The Kabezi and Kaboge transverse faults also affect the Ubwari horst. The KAF shows a slight normal component of movement, indicated by the (NE) surface vertical displacement, whereas the upper part of the fault is characterized by a positive flower structure (dome-shaped zone) around the (f) surface (line P14 in Figure 6). This type of dome morphology is also observed in the upper part of the KFZ between the (c) and (b) surfaces (lines S2A and P16 in Figure 6). As in the SRHG, these dome-shaped zones (flow structures) might indicate an oblique component of movement along the transverse KAF and KFZ. The RSRM age estimates for the prerift (NE) surface indicate the Ubwari horst formed about 4.9 Ma or slightly earlier (Lezzar et al., 1996). North Kigoma Half Graben The NKHG (30 km long, 8–14 km wide, and 1.3 s TWTT in sedimentary thickness) is bounded to the west by the N0–20–trending EUF (Figure 3E). The eastern border of the NKHG is marked by the N350 to N0–trending, eastward-dipping synthetic Rumonge fault (RMF) (Figure 3E; line S2B in Figure 6). The RSRM age estimates (Lezzar et al., 1996) indicate that the NKHG formed about 3.6 Ma or slightly ear- lier (in the hanging wall of the EUF) and was actively subsiding until about 0.2 Ma ([b] surface), as shown by the wedge-shaped geometry of seismic reflectors below the (b) surface, in contrast with the parallel geometry that characterizes the upper seismic sequences B and A in the Rumonge channel infill (Figure 3E; line S2B in Figure 6). North Rusizi Half Graben The architecture of the NRHG (35 km long, 24 km wide, and 4 s TWTT in sedimentary thickness) is controlled in its northern part by the N0-trending UBFSn (lines P6 and P228 in Figure 6). The NRHG is also transversally controlled in its southern part by two N140-trending faults, the north-eastward–dipping normal Pemba-Magara and Luhanga-Magara faults (PMF and LMF, respectively) (Figure 3A; lines P6, S7, P5B, P200, S6, and S8 in Figure 6). Justification for projecting those two faults from one side of the lake to the other is their importance onshore around the villages of Pemba and Luhanga. Indeed, northwestsoutheast escarpments are extremely steep and relatively fresh within the Precambrian basement rock (Tanganydro Group, 1992; Tiercelin et al., 1993). The seismic data (lines P6 and P200), however, suggest that LMF and PMF are not well expressed in their southeastern tips, close to Cape Magara. These two transverse faults have throws ranging from 4 to 0 s TWTT along strike. Maximum displacements occur along their northwestern segments, close to the UBFSn (Figure 3B). Minimum displacements, almost close to zero, are observed to the southeast, close to Cape Magara (Figure 3C). These observations show that the LMF and PMF delineate southwest-tilted basement blocks that are progressively buried southeastward under the synrift infill. In addition to the UBFSn, however, the LMF transverse fault also appears to act as a major fault, which accommodates much of the subsidence of the NRHG. This is shown by the wedge-shaped geometry of seismic reflectors (4 s TWTT) between the (NE) and (f) surfaces developed adjacent to the LMF (lines P6 and S7 in Figure 6). The second transverse fault, PMF, offsets the entire sedimentary section but with lesser displacement (⬃0.5 s TWTT) (Figure 3A; lines P200, S6, and S8 in Figure 6). An RSRM age estimate at the foot of the LMF (the deepest part of the NRHG, having maximum sedimentary thickness of 4 s TWTT) (line P6 in Figure 6) suggests that this transverse border fault acted mainly Lezzar et al. 1037 1038 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) Lezzar et al. 1039 Figure 6. Structural and stratigraphical interpretation of magnified seismic line sections in the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin (modified after Rosendahl et al., 1986; Lezzar et al. 1996; Lezzar, 1997). Lines P ⳱ multichannel seismic reflection lines from Project PROBE; lines S ⳱ single-channel sparker seismic reflection lines from the Casimir Project. For abbreviations, refer to Table 1. BBFS n UBFSn A. BBFSn Rusizi Plain 10 km X⬘ UBFSn 4 N X LM Lake F Lacustrine sediments and alluvium 8B PMF 8A CM Fw Basement rocks BK F WUF Biera escarpment 1 2 UBFSs EUF 3 F KF Z RM CMFe F KA BBFSs Figure 7. (A) Structural interpretation of the Landsat and SPOT images and the correlation of these features with the major fault pattern deduced from seismic data (see Figures 3, 6). (B) Vertically exaggerated cross section of the northern part of the NRHG derived from the SPOT digital elevation model (Reynes et al., 1993) and seismic line P228 (modified from Rosendahl et al., 1988). For abbreviations, refer to Table 1. Northern part of the subsiding NRHG UBFSn East Burundian escarpment (tilted blocks related to flexural margin response) X⬘ (Line P 228) 750 masl 0 1 UBFS BBF Sn 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 (M) X n (NE) Sn 3500 Uvira escarpment (major tilted blocks) BBF B. 2 3 4 Sec (twtt) Precambrian Basement 10 km Vertical Exaggeration: x5 as a normal fault from about 3.5 Ma to the (f) surface time (between ⬃1.1 and ⬃0.4 Ma, age uncertain because of the lack of sediment accumulation rate data in this area) (Lezzar et al., 1996). During this phase, from 3.5 Ma, subsidence in the NRHG thus mainly was controlled to the west by the UBFSn. Prior to formation of the (f) surface, the southern end of the 1040 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) NRHG was also controlled by the transverse LMF, as shown by the 3 s TWTT–thick fan-shaped strata deposited against this fault. After the (f) surface time, the LMF was sealed by a major overlapping basin that was controlled by the upper part of the PMF associated with the UBFSn (lines P6, S7, and S8 in Figure 6). Since this period, the LMF has been quiescent, as dem- Table 1. Abbreviations Half Grabens and Horsts SRHG NRHG NKHG UBW South Rusizi half graben North Rusizi half graben North Kigoma half graben Ubwari horst Major Border Faults UBFSs UBFSn BBFSs BBFSn WUF EUF WRF ERF LMF PMF Uvira border-fault system south Uvira border-fault system north Bujumbura border-fault system south Bujumbura border-fault system north West Ubwari fault East Ubwari fault West Rusizi fault East Rusizi fault Luhanga-Magara fault Pemba-Magara fault Seismic Discontinuities NE (f) to (a) Nyanja event/acoustic basement (Project PROBE) Seismic unconformities (Casimir Project) Seismic Sequences RL RU F to A Rusizi lower Rusizi upper Sequences F to A (Casimir Sparker Project) Other Faults BKF CMFw CMFe CBFw CBFe KAF KFZ RMF Baraka fault Cape Magara fault west Cape Magara fault east Cape Banza fault west Cape Banza fault east Kabezi fault Kaboge fault zone Rumonge fault onstrated by the overlap of the post–(f) sequences (line S7 in Figure 6). Some slight readjustment along the LMF is indicated by channeled coarse sediments deposited after the (d) unconformity along the hanging wall (northeast side) of the LMF (Figure 3A; line S7 in Figure 6). Synchronous with the deposition of these strata, a minor (0.3 s TWTT thick) sedimentary package developed on the PMF/UBFSn–controlled, perched tilted block (lines P6 and S8 in Figure 6). ONSHORE-OFFSHORE STRUCTURAL CORRELATION AND THE INHERITANCE FACTOR Basement fabrics strongly influence rift geometry, as demonstrated, for example, by the location of the EARS around the edge of the Archean Tanzanian craton (McConnell, 1972; Sykes, 1978; Daly et al., 1989). At a smaller scale, the extent of rift faulting outside the Lake Tanganyika region across the broad uplifted flanks of the rift is poorly understood. The onshore fault pattern, established from Landsat and SPOT imagery and field geology, indicates two predominant trends, N0–20 and N130–140 (Figures 7, 8). The N0–20–trending faults are dominant and clearly observed on both sides of the lake. An east-west cross section in the northern part of the basin has been constructed using DEM (Reynes et al., 1993), topographic maps, and the interpretation of the P228 seismic line (line P228 in Figure 6; Figure 7A, B). This cross section shows the characteristic asymmetric geometry of the two margins of the basin. The western margin is formed (Figures 7, 8, 9) by large, elevated (up to 3000 m above sea level [masl]), tilted basement blocks related to the N0-trending UBFS. The UBFSn is represented on land by the Uvira escarpment (3400 masl altitude), which constitutes the Lake Tanganyika shoreline in the northern part of the study area. Toward the north, this system extends onto land by 3–4 northeast–striking normal faults, each with throws of several kilometers. These faults collectively form the East Rusizi and West Rusizi faults (ERF and WRF, respectively), which bound on its western side the Rusizi trough (Ebinger, 1989a, b). To the south, the UBFSs corresponds to the major N0-trending Biera escarpment (2500–2700 masl). This escarpment lies onshore between lat. 4⬚ and 4⬚40⬘S, 20 km to the west of the parallel Baraka fault (BKF), which in turn forms a linear, weakly eroded escarpment culminating at about 2000 masl a few kilometers west of the lake shoreline (Figure 9). The eastern margin of the northern end of the Tanganyika basin consists of several, N0–20–trending, antithetic normal faults that form the BBFS (⬃2500 masl altitude) (Figure 9). The northern segment (BBFSn) is represented by N0–20–trending faults that resulted from the reactivation of structural elements belonging to the Lezzar et al. 1041 N A. LM F on 5 Km lan ion ? Lake Tanganyika F nd n io ns UBFSn Uvira escarpment te ex ? LANDSAT lineaments UBFSn la on PM F? 115 - F LM Normal faults 80 100 SPOT lineaments Subvertical foliation trend Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) 120 Pemba hydrothermal area N90-110 direction extensio of n N 100 Luhanga Kibaran belt (Klerkx et al., 1998; Carte Geologique du Burundi, 1986, 1989). The southern segment (BBFSs) is characterized by north-south–, north-northwest–, and north-northeast–trending faults, superimposed on mylonitic zones of Kibaran age as a result of Cenozoic extension (Carte Geologique du Burundi, 1988) (Figure 7). Transverse trends can be observed clearly on the western shore of the lake, where microstructural field work has been conducted, associated with Landsat and SPOT imagery interpretations. Closely spaced N115– 120–trending faults or lineaments locally interact with en echelon N0 normal faults belonging to the UBFSn (Figure 8). This pattern of transverse faults coincides with the general trend of the northwest end of the Tan1042 B. UBFSn ? ns xte de Lake Tanganyika PM Figure 8. (A) Structural interpretation of the compilation of Landsat and SPOT images on the western shore of Lake Tanganyika and correlations with field data (foliation measurements) and offshore faults. Interpretation of transverse lineaments and Z-shaped faults shows a distribution characteristic of one major transverse dextral slip zone of deformation. This zone is correlated with the LMF and PMF offshore fault areas. Foliation measurements (Coussement, 1995) in the delineated area (B) trend parallel to transverse faults. Foliation planes and faults may have been reactivated to create the present-day observed transverse offshore faults and onshore lineaments. (B) Sketch illustrating the normal and transverse fault intersection at the Pemba hydrothermal site (Coussement et al., 1994). The N115–120–trending fault shows a normal displacement with a small dextral component, compatible with an extension direction close to N90–110. This transverse fault trends parallel to onshore basement foliation planes and is inferred to be inherited. For abbreviations, refer to Table 1. PM B 115 - F 1 Km 1 Km 120 Pemba area ganyika-Rukwa-Malawi (TRM) fault zone (Chorowicz et al., 1983; Tiercelin et al., 1988), which is superimposed on the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian belt (Theunissen et al., 1996). No relative chronology can be obtained using imagery or field data. At Luhanga (Figure 8A), one normal fault with a trend of N0–20 shows an S-shaped trace between two transverse lineaments and may result from a dextral component of movement along the transverse trend. This interpretation is consistent with a previous study carried out at the Pemba hydrothermal site (Tanganydro Group, 1992; Tiercelin et al., 1993; Coussement et al., 1994) (Figure 8B), which demonstrated that transverse faults are characterized by predominantly normal displacements with a small dextral component (Figure 8B). These dextral Major and minor faults NORTH RUSIZI HALF GRABEN Bujumbura RSRM dates 774 m UBFSn 7.4 Ma er Rusizian Belt Riv ER F Kibarian Belt WRF Rusizi delta plain Main initial depocenter 3.5/5 Ma BBFSn 3000 m (asl) 2760 m Figure 9. Schematic structural map of the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin showing location of the three main half grabens and their associated major border faults and initial depocenters. See also Figure 3 to locate the RSRM-dated seismic sequence boundaries in each half graben. For abbreviations, refer to Table 1. N Luhanga F F LM PM 10 km Pemba Cap Magara 5 Ma CM Fe BBFSs KA F Ubwari CM Fw BKF 7.4 Ma CBFw Baraka Rumonge 2500 m EUF Ubwari peninsula WUF UBFSs SOUTH RUSIZI HALF GRABEN 4.9 Ma CBFe Biera escarpment F RM Z KF 3.6 Ma oblique-slip movements on N130–160 transverse faults are compatible with a regional direction of extension close to N90–110 (Morley, 1988; Boccaletti et al., 1994; Coussement et al., 1994; Coussement, 1995). These onshore structural interpretations correlate well with the offshore fault pattern. The WUFcontrolled SRHG is delineated on its eastern margin by the onshore N0-trending BKF (Figure 9), which can be interpreted as a normal fault antithetic to the WUF, resulting from the SRHG flexural margin response. Along with the major Biera escarpment, the BKF and NORTH KIGOMA HALF GRABEN WUF appear to relate to the general north-south trend of the Mesoproterozoic southwestern Kibaran belt (Figures 1, 6, 7, 8). In the central part of the SRHG, the N140-trending KFZ and KAF may correlate with onshore N150–170, southwest-dipping faults that belong to the fault trend of the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian belt (Figures 1, 5A). To the east, the EUFcontrolled NKHG is bounded on its eastern shoaling margin by antithetic faults that belong to the southern segment of the BBFS, resulting from the reactivation of structures belonging to the northeastern Kibaran belt (Figures 1, 7A, 9). Lezzar et al. 1043 Within the NRHG, the offshore UBFSn, identified on seismic lines (lines P6 and P228 in Figure 6), is clearly associated with the N0-trending system of tilted blocks forming the Uvira escarpment (Figures 7B, 8A). On the eastern shoaling margin of the half graben, minor N0-trending faults crosscutting the sediment pile also belong to the northern BBFS (line P228 in Figure 6). At the south end of the NRHG, the LMF, which appears from seismic data to be a major transverse border fault (Figures 3A, 9), seems to be aligned with the well-expressed transverse normal fault segments observed onshore (Figure 8A). The offshore PMF, which does not exert a major control on the NRHG depocenter, as compared with the LMF (Figures 3A, 9), seems also to be less expressed onshore (Figure 8A). In northern Lake Tanganyika, earthquake activity is important for understanding the recent evolution of this complex fault system. The present-day seismicity shows that transverse faults are still active. Within the overall north-south seismic trend of the rift, the epicentral distribution of the magnitude 3 or greater earthquakes in the Luhanga-Pemba area suggests an alignment trending N145, which correlates well with the offshore-onshore transverse pattern of the southern end of the NRHG (De Bremaecker, 1959; Coussement et al., 1994). These observations are reinforced by the bathymetric map (Figure 2), which shows a transverse corridor acting as a slight barrier by controlling sublacustrine channel location (central deep basin on line S7 in Figure 3A). This control on recent sedimentation may be due to recent slight normal reactivation of the LMF and PMF. For large, normal-faulting earthquakes (magnitude 5 or greater), fault segments of tens of kilometers may be activated with vertical coseismic deformation on the order of tens of centimeters (King et al., 1988). The swarm of seismic events recorded along the transverse trends in the Luhanga-Pemba area may have continuously reactivated the offshore segments of these faults, producing significant vertical offsets, thereby controlling the channeled systems described previously. LATE MIOCENE–HOLOCENE KINEMATIC MODEL Previous articles on rift basins have concentrated principally on their geometric characteristics (Patterson, 1983; Reynolds, 1984; Ebinger et al., 1987; Leeder and Gawthorpe, 1987; Rosendahl, 1987; Milani and Da1044 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) vidson, 1988; Rosendahl et al., 1988; Ebinger, 1989a, b; Morley et al., 1990; Stock and Hodges, 1990; Peacock and Sanderson, 1991; Nelson et al., 1992; Gawthorpe and Hurst, 1993; Karner and Driscoll, 1993; Childs et al., 1995; Mack and Seager, 1995). Recent articles by Morley (1999) and Gupta et al. (1999) provide insights regarding fault evolution in the East African rift and the Suez rift. We propose to follow a comparable strategy to model the structural evolution of the kinematics of the northern Lake Tanganyika rift faults. Using new RSRM age estimates (Figures 3A, 9) and integrating all the observations described in the preceding sections, we have constructed a kinematic model for the structural and stratigraphic evolution of the northern end of the Lake Tanganyika basin since the late Miocene (Figure 10). In the following sections, we discuss the initiation and development of rifting in detail to understand how fault configurations and interactions influence the initiation and/or cessation of subsidence within individual half grabens. From before 12 to 7.4 Ma The oldest age for the Lake Tanganyika basin, estimated by Cohen et al. (1993) using the RSRM in the central part of the basin, was slightly before 12 Ma (Figure 10A). Other RSRM ages calculated in various parts of the basin indicated a northward and southward migration of extension from the central basin. From tectono-volcanic studies in the KivuRusizi basin north of Tanganyika (Ebinger, 1989a, b; Pasteels et al., 1989), this area appears to have been affected by continuous, intense volcanic activity between 10 and 4 Ma. As a consequence, the presence of magmatic heat may have resulted in increasing ductility and a reduced brittle thickness of the upper crust in this area (Weissel and Karner, 1989; Van Wyk de Vries and Merle, 1996). During this period, magmatic pressure also may have induced updoming of the area, as suggested by Saggerson and Baker (1965) for the updoming of central Kenya. This resulted in the formation of an uplifted, about 100 km in diameter dome, referred to as the Kivu-Rusizi local dome (Figures 1, 10B). This dome is interpreted by Coussement (1995) as a local uplift due to magmatic underplating, or it may be a possible magmatic inflation of the crust, as suggested by Morley (C. K. Morley, 1998, personal communication). In both cases, the North Tanganyika–Kivu area is one of the most elevated areas of the East African rift western branch, which is a key element in the control of A. N sc ar pm en t E-W Bi er aE Ss BF U ? Regional extension Fault propagation Z Local extension ? KF 25 Km D. N LM U BF Sn F PM F E-W Local extension Regional extension KA BK Kivu -Rusizi Local F F Z KF N Ss F BF EUF U WU B. Dom e 25 Km E-W KA Initial depocenter Extension offset Local extension Regional Extension 25 Km South Rusizi Half Graben SRHG E. Kiv NW-SE n FS B U ? Regional extension Local Do me u-Rusizi BB FSn Z WU F F KF Ss BF U N ? SRHG F LM F PM South Rusizi Half Graben SRHG Ss 25 Km Transfer of extension Local extension Regional extension EUF Z KF F BK F KA Ss BF U WU F ? Local extension NKHG North Rusizi Half Graben NRHG E-W UBH B BF C. ? F K B EUF s FS B U WU F N North Kigoma Half Graben NKHG 25 Km Figure 10. Late Miocene–Holocene kinematic model of the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin, deduced from complementary data in the lake basin and on the rift shoulders and showing chronology of fault interaction and depocenter initiation. For abbreviations of names of faults and half grabens, refer to Table 1. (A) From about 12 to about 7.4 Ma; (B) from about 7.4 Ma; (C) from about 5 Ma; (D) from about 3.5 Ma; (E) from about 1.1 to about 0.4 Ma. Rift basin stratigraphy above the (d) surface (⬃0.4 Ma) is shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5. Refer to Table 1 for all abbreviations. sedimentary transits, as shown by Lezzar et al. (1996) and Cohen et al. (1997). During this active volcanic period, based on our stratigraphic and kinematic models (in this article and in Lezzar et al. [1996]), conditions for brittle tectonics appear to be unfavorable in this area. General concepts of rock physics in this case state that brittle tectonics still exist for the upper crust, even with a high heat flow. Those concepts also state that brittle crust gets thinner but still fractures and behaves in a brittle way. Because the brittle layer is the main load-bearing part of the crust, if it becomes thinner because of heating, the stress per unit area increases, and, hence, the chance for brittle failure increases. In our case, faulting is not totally absent during volcanic crises (magmatic periods, high heat flows) but is less dominant than at other periods. We think that faulting exists during volcanic periods, as mentioned by Ebinger (1989b), but our study shows that faulting is less expressed than in periods in which brittle crust is cold and thicker. The complexity of interaction between forcing factors on rift processes like magmatic heat, rift extension direction change, and preexisting basement faults during a relatively short period of time, such as 12 m.y., allows us to state that basic and general rock physics concepts cannot be applied blindly and literally in our case study. We have an example, based on strong stratigraphic and fault kinematics evidence, that shows that in a rift basin like the north Lake Tanganyika trough, fault propagation seems to be more favorable and faster in between periods of active magmatic heat flows and related volcanic crisis. In addition, assuming that passive rifting and necking are the basic mechanisms of continental rupture, thermomechanical modeling shows that within a cold and, therefore, strong lithosphere undergoing extension, such as those of the cratonic area of north Tanganyika, strain tends to concentrate over a narrow zone (Bassi, 1991; Buck, 1991). Also demonstrated are variations of the strength profile of the lithosphere during extension, which can occur as a result of partial melting at depth. Here the rheology and mechanical behavior of the stretched lithosphere changes with time, leading to a decrease of the brittle:ductile ratio in the thickness of the crust. The resulting weakening and softening of the crust are known to be favorable conditions for widening the rift zone, as well as accelerating extension (Bassi et al., 1993). Morley (1995) demonstrated these effects in the Kenyan rift valley and indicated that rifting during intense volcanic activity induces numerous 1046 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) smaller, shallower, and lower angle border faults in rift basins than during nonvolcanic periods. Unfortunately, the lack of deep geophysical data prevents confirmation of localized and anomalously hot material at depth beneath the Kivu volcanic rift and northern Lake Tanganyika areas. Based on our stratigraphic and kinematic models in north Tanganyika (in this article and in Lezzar et al., 1996; Cohen et al., 1997), it appears that, during periods of no volcanism, preexisting border faults continued to break in a colder upper crust. The extension rate probably slowed during intervolcanic phases, but, as those faults corresponded to weakened zones, even a limited extension induced subsidence on those faults and, thus, was favorable for creating large and deep depocenters, as observed today in the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin. From before 12 to about 7.4 Ma, northward migration of extension from the central basin appears to have been associated with the formation of a series of opposite polarity half grabens, controlled by the major border-fault systems defined by Rosendahl (1987) and Rosendahl et al. (1988). Immediately west of the present-day northern end of the Lake Tanganyika basin, the Biera escarpment (UBFSs in Figures 9, 10A) represents one of these middle–late Miocene major border-fault systems, possibly bounding a west-dipping half graben (Figure 9). The flat-bottomed, present-day morphology of the Biera escarpment hanging wall, occupied by river networks and extensive marshes, may be analogous to the final phase of subsidence activity of this ancient (Miocene?) sedimentary basin (J. J. Tiercelin and A. Mondeguer, 1991, personal communication). Thus, the Biera escarpment/UBFSs can be interpreted as younger than about 12 Ma (the oldest RSRM age estimate of the Lake Tanganyika basin) and older than about 7.4 Ma. As a consequence of a northward migration of extension (Cohen et al., 1993; Cartwright et al., 1995; Klerkx et al., 1998), the UBFSs propagated in the same direction but became locked at its intersection with the onshore, basement-related, northwest extension of the southwest-dipping KFZ (Figure 10A). These fault interference mechanisms are discussed in further detail at the end of this article. From about 7.4 Ma The RBM initial synrift phase of Lezzar et al. (1996), identified by interpreting the PROBE multichannel seismic lines, began about 7.4 Ma (Figure 10B) in the north Lake Tanganyika basin with the initiation of the N0-trending WUF and the associated SRHG (Figure 3E). Subsequent to the locking of the UBFSs, the maximum local extension was offset eastward, resulting in the formation of the N0–20–trending WUF by reactivation of preexisting Kibaran fabrics. Contemporaneously, the extensional strain was also applied to Kaboge and Kabezi transverse faults, interpreted as the trace of Rusizian fabrics, as foliations or fault planes (Figure 9). The initial interaction between the convergently dipping WUF and KFZ created subsidence of a fault-controlled, triangular-shaped block, resulting in the initial depocenter of the SRHG (Figures 3E, 10B). A minimum RSRM age of about 5 Ma can be estimated for the beginning of sedimentation above the prerift (NE) surface north of the Kaboge and Kabezi transverse faults. This suggests northward propagation of the WUF across the KFZ and KAF, which rendered the SRHG an elongate depocenter. The SRHG retained the WUF as its major border fault, whereas the transverse faults no longer exerted an influence on depocenter geometry. This structural interpretation concerning SRHG development from about 7.4 to about 5 Ma suggests that this area was out of the thermal influence of the Kivu-Rusizi local dome during this volcanically active period and, thus, susceptible to brittle extension (Figure 10B). This confirms the northward migration of brittle extension hypothesis suggested by Cohen et al. (1993) and Klerkx et al. (1998). Morley (1995, 1999) showed in the Kenyan rift that volcanism forced changes in structural style with time and stopped large boundary fault development. From about 5 Ma From about 5 Ma, as a result of the gradual cessation of volcanic activity in the Kivu-Rusizi area (Ebinger, 1989a, b; Pasteels et al., 1989), extension gradually migrated northward into an area that was becoming favorable for brittle deformation (Figure 10C). The northward migration of extension between the northern end of the SRHG and the NRHG area started at about 5 Ma with an early reactivation of the N0trending Kibaran and N140-trending Ubende fabrics. From about 3.5 Ma Rift development of the phase from about 5 Ma resulted in the development of the observed UBFSn, LMF, and PMF from about 3.5 Ma. At about 3.5 Ma (RSRM age) the NRHG formed, as a consequence of fault interaction between the convergently dipping UBFSn and LMF, which act as major, normal, longitudinal and transverse border faults, respectively (Figure 10D). Slightly to the south, the depocenter located between the transverse PMF and LMF became an abandoned, perched, depocenter (line S8 in Figure 6). Thus, the LMF northeast-dipping transverse border fault acted as a transfer fault zone, which allowed rifting to propagate northwestward (Figure 10D) and not northward, as in the case of the WUF between about 7.4 and about 5 Ma. This type of transfer fault mechanism is discussed in terms of correlation between fault intersection angles and dips in further detail in a subsequent section of this article. Geographically independent of but synchronous with the northward propagation of faulting, an eastward migration of subsidence occurred in the SRHG with the development of the EUF (Figure 10D). This is suggested by the youngest RSRM age estimates found on the western side of the Ubwari horst (⬃4.9 Ma; [NE] surface) (Figures 3, 9) and on the upper part of the NKHG (⬃5–3.5 Ma; [NE] surface) (Lezzar et al., 1996). From about 1.1 to about 0.4 Ma The second major rift phase (the F-E synrift phase from ⬃1.1 to ⬃0.4 Ma) represents the region’s most recent major tectonic episode (Lezzar et al., 1996; Cohen et al., 1997). This phase started with the same structural and volcanic context as described for the beginning of the previous RBM phase (between about 7.4 and about 1.1 Ma). At before 1.9–1.6 Ma, renewed volcanic activity in the south Kivu area, representing the last volcanic phase in the Kivu-Rusizi region (Bellon and Pouclet, 1980; Ebinger, 1989a, b; Pasteels et al., 1989), possibly produced topographic doming across the whole NRHG. Evidence for this uplift is suggested by the presence of the important erosional surface dated at about 1.1–0.4 Ma (the KMSB surface of Rosendahl et al. [1988] and the [f] surface of Lezzar et al. [1996]), during which time the area was probably elevated above lake level (Figures 3, 10E). The lack of extension-induced subsidence in the north is similar to that observed between about 7.4 and about 5 Ma and is again attributable to the thermal uplift and corollary crustal state in the region. Thus, normal faulting appears to Lezzar et al. 1047 be especially concentrated in the SRHG, particularly along the major WUF, where the oldest RSRM age of the (f) surface (⬃1.1 Ma) is calculated (Lezzar et al., 1996) (Figure 10E). After the cessation of this last volcanic period and related doming (phases F-E–A of Lezzar et al. [1996]), significant vertical movement occurred primarily along the main normal rift border faults and some normal transverse faults: the WUF, EUF, and UBFSn. Half-graben development along the WUF induced a flexural margin response, resulting in the development of the onshore, north-south–trending, eastward-dipping BKF (Figures 3, 9, 10E). This feature corresponds to the present-day Baraka escarpment. Likewise, half-graben development and deepening along the UBFSn and the EUF initiated by flexural margin response (uplifted margin consequent to basin subsidence) the north-south–trending BBFSn and BBFSs, which represent the east Burundian rift escarpment (Figures 3, 9, 10E). This major tectonic activity (between ⬃1.1 and ⬃0.4 Ma) along the WUF and EUF induced the clear separation of the SRHG and NKHG by the development of the present-day Ubwari horst (Figures 3E, 10E). We have emphasized in preceding sections that, during the RBM phase (from ⬃3.5 to ⬃1.1 Ma), the southern border of the NRHG was represented by the N140-trending reactivated LMF. In the SRHG, the Kaboge and Kabezi transverse faults, in contrast to the LMF and PMF, appear to have accommodated important intrabasinal strike-slip motion at around 1.1 Ma without any influence on the deepening of the SRHG, as shown by the dome-shaped seismic sequences (around the [f] surface and dated ⬃1.1 Ma) (Figure 3E) that form positive flower structure geometries (the Kaboge and Kabezi domes) (Figures 3C, E; 9). To the north, in the NRHG, another domeshaped structure, called the Magara dome, affects all of the sedimentary pile above the (f) surface (between ⬃1.1 and ⬃0.4 Ma) in the area of Cape Magara (the southeast end of the NRHG) (lines P200 and P6 in Figure 6). This structure is located at the intersection of the N140-trending LMF with the N0–20–trending WUF and can be interpreted as the result of slight strike-slip movements at the southeast tip of the LMF. Similar movement also has been described on land in the Pemba-Luhanga region, at the northwest tip of the offshore LMF, in the form of strike slip (dextral) affecting Precambrian rocks (Coussement et al., 1994) (Figure 8A, B). 1048 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) The existence of strike-slip motion at the northwest and southeast tips of the LMF suggests a major change in faulting mechanisms that resulted in the cessation of the LMF border-fault-like activity after the (f) surface time. This is demonstrated by southward overlap of sediment observed on seismic lines (Figure 3A; line S7 in Figure 6), which also indicates a decrease in subsidence in the NRHG. Nevertheless, fault-controlled channels identified on sparker seismic line S7 east of the LMF suggest persistent, slight normal movements (Figure 3A), possibly expressed by the present-day local earthquake activity. From about 0.4 Ma, subsidence in the SRHG appears to have stopped, as indicated by the parallel geometry of seismic reflectors dated as post–(d) surface (Figures 3E, 4; line S2 in Figure 6). From about 0.2 Ma, subsidence in the NKHG also stopped, as indicated by post–(b) surface reflector geometry in the Rumonge channel. To the north, slight normal components of displacement are observed along the transverse PMF and the UBFSn, which are seen to control the present-day lake bottom morphology (Figure 3A). FORCING FACTORS CONTROLLING RIFT BASIN EVOLUTION The northern basin of Lake Tanganyika provided a unique opportunity to observe the early stages of rift basin development. We have demonstrated that elementary half-graben structures are delineated by two main types of rift faults. The first type consists of longitudinal faults that trend N0–20 and form the present-day asymmetric rift shoulders. Two subtypes are distinguished based on their chronology and development mechanisms: major normal border-fault segments that control half-graben subsidence and minor normal border-fault segments that result from flexural processes in response to subsidence along the major border faults. The second type consists of transverse faults that trend N130–140. Two subtypes are identified: pure normal border faults that also control half-graben subsidence and strike-slip faults that have a slight normal component along which half-graben subsidence progressively decreases toward zero. According to the kinematic model proposed in this article, these two types of faults may have evolved through time from one subtype to the other. This model also permits us to investigate in detail the complex relationships that exist spatially and temporally between the classically defined forcing factors con- trolling a rift evolution, that is, (1) the direction of regional extension, (2) the reactivation of basement fabrics, and (3) the occurrence and cyclicity of volcanic activity. Such knowledge helps provide a better definition for the general concept of rift propagation. Direction of Regional Extension Our interpretations of complementary seismic data indicate that deep (2.5–4 s TWTT) half grabens are preferentially developed against major or minor, N0– 20–trending normal border faults, suggesting a regional purely orthogonal extension (N90–110), in agreement with Morley’s (1988) interpretation of PROBE multichannel seismic data. Such a direction of extension also may have induced the development of half grabens along transverse normal faults with a reduced subsidence rate (between 0.5 and 3 s TWTT sedimentary thickness), less than in the case of major submeridional longitudinal normal border faults. Positive flower structures, seen along transverse faults on multichannel and single-channel seismic lines, indicate strike-slip movements along these faults after about 1.1 Ma. This suggests a reorientation of the regional extension from pure orthogonal extension to oblique extension, parallel to the transverse faults. This rotation resulted in half-graben subsidence decreasing along the N0–20–trending major border faults and basin deepening against transverse faults. Such results are in agreement with Morley’s work (1995), in which he defined, in the case of pure orthogonal extension, a 100% subsidence rate along major longitudinal border faults and an 80% subsidence rate along transverse faults. In contrast, in the case of an oblique extensional regime, subsidence rates change to 80% against longitudinal faults, and only strike-slip motion is observed along transverse faults. At the scale of the EARS (Figure 1A), fault kinematic studies, for example, near Lake Malawi, suggest that between about 2 and about 0.2 Ma, a reorientation of the regional extension direction from east-west to northwest-southeast reactivated some originally normal extensional faults with a strong oblique-slip component (Ring et al., 1993; Ring and Betzler, 1995). Strecker et al. (1990) illustrated such a change for the central Kenyan rift at about 0.4 Ma, and Delvaux et al. (1992) identified a similar event in the Rukwa–north Malawi region between 0.55 and 0.42 Ma. Such coincident timing in the two branches of the EARS suggests that changes in stress regime could be the result of a major plate boundaries pro- cess. In the north Tanganyika area, a combination of fault movements identified at the recent Pemba and Cape Banza hydrothermal sites (Coussement et al., 1994) and focal mechanism solutions in the same area (Fairhead and Girdler, 1971; Fairhead and Stuart, 1982; Shudofsky, 1985) indicates a N90–110 local extension direction. This may suggest a counterclockwise rotation of extension back to initial pure orthogonal extension for the most recent period. Reactivation of Basement Fabrics Preexisting fabrics clearly can control the geometry and location of rifts at various levels by initiating, diverting, or inhibiting fracture propagation. Within the EARS, the western branch is commonly cited as a result of the multiple reactivation of the N140-trending Paleoproterozoic Ubende belt, described as a “longlived fundamental zone of structural weakness” (Sutton and Watson, 1986) or a “perennial taphrogenic structure” (McConnell, 1972). In the case of the northern end of the Tanganyika basin, longitudinal major and minor border faults are N0–20–trending, whereas transverse faults essentially correspond to the N130–140 trend. These two rift tectonic trends are clearly related to basement fabrics developed in central Africa during the successive Ubendian and Kibaran orogenies. As a consequence of their location and importance, basement fabrics of Kibaran origin essentially control the initiation, and in some cases the propagation, of major and minor longitudinal border faults. In terms of local migration of extension and related rift fault propagation, it previously has been demonstrated that the regional extensional component resulting in a proto-central Tanganyika rift developed at about 12 Ma, then migrated asynchronously northward and southward (Cohen et al., 1993). In this article, we clearly demonstrate that northward rift propagation existed for the northern end of Lake Tanganyika from 7.4 Ma up to the present day. This confirms a similar mechanism developing from the central basin toward the south end of the studied area (Biera escarpment and WUF) between about 12 and slightly before 7.4 Ma. Oldest RSRM ages and the distribution of major longitudinal border faults suggest that northward rift propagation from the central basin preferentially followed a submeridional western corridor delineated by the Biera escarpment and the WUF (Figures 9; 10A, B), developed upon the southwestern Kibaran belt fabrics. In contrast, the Lezzar et al. 1049 N130–140–trending Ubende basement fabrics at various scales appear to exert a major influence on propagation of longitudinal major and minor border faults, according to their particular geometry in terms of dip and intersection angles when interacting with transverse basement fabrics (see the models developed at the end of this article). Influence of Volcanic Activity Unlike the influence of prerift fabrics on rift development, volcanism largely has been ignored as a factor in regulating rift mechanics in the Tanganyika region (Morley, 1995). In the Kivu-Rusizi basin, about 100 km north of the Tanganyika basin, cyclic volcanic activity began at about 10 Ma and continues up to the present (Ebinger, 1989a, b; Pasteels et al., 1989). In this article, we propose that the presence of magmatic heat in relation to these volcanic events resulted in cyclic changes in the thermal state of the upper crust of the north Tanganyika–Kivu-Rusizi region. Such thermal variations induced increasing ductility and reduced brittle thickness of the upper crust, which became unfavorable for strong and deep brittle tectonics to induce large-scale faults. Under similar extensional regimes, rift fault propagation was considerably slowed down in the north Lake Tanganyika basin, and formed faults were much shallower and shorter than what could have been formed with a colder, thicker continental upper crust . When the crust returned to an abnormal thermal state during periods of volcanic quiescence, rift faults propagated normally. In consequence, cyclic volcanic activity clearly acted as a delay factor on rift fault propagation. In the absence of such a volcanic influence, the duration of rifting processes in north Tanganyika would have been noticeably reduced, resulting in an earlier development of major half grabens and depocenters. Caution should be taken regarding the limits of our model, however, because Morgan et al. (1999) showed that heat flow and thermal conductivity are quite slow processes in rocks and cannot just be switched on and off. Morgan et al. (1999) calculated that the thermal effects of the asthenospheric mantle at the base of the crust 10 m.y. have yet to be manifest as surface heat-flow anomalies on the rift flanks. Our study in a much younger rift system than the Atlantic Rift could indicate that in the East African rift, at least in the western branch around the Kivu–north Tanganyika area, heat-flow anomalies reached the surface several times in less than 10 m.y. 1050 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) An increase of magmatic underplating during the successive eruptive phases also may have induced updoming of the area, resulting in the cyclic development of the Kivu-Rusizi local dome (Lezzar et al., 1996; Cohen et al., 1997). Resulting slope variations within the upper drainage basin of north Tanganyika induced strong variations of sedimentary fluxes between the main, axial sediment source in the KivuRusizi area and the distal depocenters, by creating sediment bypass zones and resulting in the preferential infilling of the most distal depocenters. FAULT INTERACTION CLASSIFICATION: INFLUENCE ON DEPOCENTER DISTRIBUTION The rift fault propagation model proposed for the northern Lake Tanganyika basin clearly shows how complex the relationships are between the three forcing factors, preexisting (basement) fabrics, kinematics of rift in terms of variations of extension direction, and influence of local and cyclic magmatic activity. In this section, we examine various types of fault interactions, as well as their consequences for half-graben/ depocenter initiation, distribution, and infill. The proposed late Miocene–Holocene kinematic model demonstrates that depocenter initiation and development are functions of (1) the intersection angle between a major or minor border fault and transverse fault trends and (2) the convergent or divergent dip between intersecting fault planes. In addition to the angle and dip parameters, the strike-slip component related to extensional strain is also a controlling factor in the interaction areas. We propose a classification of these different types of fault intersections, and we discuss them in terms of initiation, development, and inhibition of major depocenters through time. This classification scheme is based on the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin, although it is also likely to be applicable to other basins, because many of the fault geometries observed in Lake Tanganyika are similar to those observed in other continental rift basins (e.g., Reynolds, 1984; Rosendahl, 1987). By unraveling the chronological development of these fault families and their associated depocenters, we are able to draw lessons about the evolutionary models of accommodation or transfer zones. This leads to an important distinction between the structural conditions that exist early in rift basin development and the final geometry of the a compressional wedge. Such a fault arrangement is thus unfavorable to the formation of an initial depocenter and also acts to stop the northward fault propagation. This restrains border-fault propagation and, hence, forces the maximum local extensional strain to be laterally offset to a more favorable geometrical configuration (Figures 10A, B; 11). This eastward extension shift occurs in a zone that may be compared to an overlapping convergent transfer zone, as described by Morley et al. (1990) and Nelson et al. (1992), or to an interference accommodation zone (Rosendahl et al., 1988). We think this previous terminology is inappropriate for the initial stage of rifting, especially where border faults have formed diachronously. For this situation, the notions of “overlapping convergent” and “interference” imply processes that were not necessarily operative; it is more accurate to use “extensional offset zone” for the initial phases of rifting. In the case of more recent major synrift phases, we completely agree with use of the terms “transfer zones” or rift basin. Thus, we caution against the use of transfer zone terminology based solely on observed geometry, because these labels commonly imply a process that was not necessarily operative. Fault Interaction Type 1: Lock of Fault Propagation Inducing a Lateral Offset of the Extensional Strain 10 km N LM F UBFSn Fault interaction type (FIT) 1 is characterized by the following geometrical conditions (Figure 11): (1) the angle between a longitudinal major or minor normal border fault and a transverse normal or strike-slip fault is acute; (2) dips between the longitudinal border and transverse faults are divergent; and (3) the area of the fault intersection is under extension due to the dextral component of movement along the transverse fault. Using a model of orthogonal extension applied to the northern Tanganyika basin, the dextral component of strike-slip in the area of the acute angle creates shoreline Fault propagation BKF FIT 3 N FIT 3A WUF Border fault propagation N1 40 Local Extension ult f fa no tio tion rec ga D i ropa p UBFSs ult f fa no n tio tio rec ga Di ropa p Extensional offset zone Regional FIT 2 extension K A F ? 25 Km t FIT 2 K FZ Local Extension l fau of ion ion ect gat Dirpropa FIT 3B N FIT 1 N N1 40 n io ne ns o te r Z Ex sfe an Tr PM F FIT 1: Fault Interaction Type 1 FIT 1 Present-day N 14 0 Local Extension Lake Tanganyika Figure 11. Fault interaction type (FIT) classification, indicating favorable or unfavorable geometry to initiate a major depocenter and chronological evolution from initial up to final subsidence stages. FIT 1 ⳱ angle of interference is acute, dips of interacting faults are opposed, and lateral component of displacement is locally under compression; consequences ⳱ cessation of fault propagation against the transverse fault because of unfavorable geometry to initiate and develop a depocenter. FIT 2 ⳱ angle of interference is obtuse, dips of interacting faults are opposed, and lateral component of movement is extensional; consequences ⳱ transverse fault is used to transfer the extensional strain. FIT 3 ⳱ angle of interference is obtuse, dips of interacting faults are similar, and lateral component of movement is extensional; consequences ⳱ subsidence of a triangular block and initiation of a major depocenter; FIT 3 is subdivided in two subtypes, FIT 3A and FIT 3B, based on faulting and basin initiation chronology (see Figure 12 for further details). For other abbreviations, refer to Table 1. Lezzar et al. 1051 “accommodation zones,” because they are the product of several synrift phases. Fault Interaction Type 2: Transverse Fault(s) Used to Transfer Extensional Strain Fault interaction type 2 is characterized by the following geometrical conditions: (1) the angle between the longitudinal major or minor normal border and oblique fault trends is obtuse; (2) the area of the fault intersection is under extension due to the dextral component of movement along the transverse faults (Figure 11); and (3) dips between the border and transverse faults are divergent. This configuration results in a transfer of extension along the transverse faults. As for FIT 1, we think that the area between two overlapping opposite polarity longitudinal normal border faults (WUF and UBFSn) evolves through time. In the earlier stages of rifting, the transverse faults act principally as a typical extension transfer fault zone, transferring extensional strain from one border fault to another (Figure 10C, D). At a later stage, continued subsidence adjacent to the border faults results in well-developed half grabens of opposing polarity. At this time, the terms “convergent transfer zone,” “overlapping transfer zone,” or “accommodation zone,” already used in previous articles, are more appropriate. Fault Interaction Type 3: Major Depocenter Initiation and Abandonment or Development Fault interaction type 3 is characterized by the following geometrical conditions: (1) the angle between the longitudinal major or minor normal border fault and the transverse normal or strike-slip fault is obtuse; (2) the normal fault and transverse/strike-slip faults display favorable convergent dips; and (3) the area of the obtuse angle is under extension due to the dextral component of strike-slip motion. Fault interaction type 3 represents the most favorable interaction of faults for developing a major depocenter. Considering the chronological development and the direction of propagation of the faults (refer to the kinematic model text section and Figure 10), however, two subtypes can be distinguished within FIT 3 (Figures 11, 12). In FIT 3A, the longitudinal minor normal border fault first accommodates the initial extension and then, while propagating, interacts with the first transverse fault, inducing its reactivation and, subse1052 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) quently, the formation of a triangular or spoon-shaped subsiding block (Figure 12A). This results in the initiation of an outermost depocenter in the earliest stages (Figures 10A, 12A). In the final stage, the transverse fault is abandoned subsequently by border fault propagation. Increased subsidence produces the formation of an elongate hanging-wall basin, which continues to evolve independently of the early transverse faults. Subtype FIT 3B is geometrically similar to FIT 3A, but the kinematics of rifting and its consequences in terms of depocenter final shape are completely different. Considering the development of longitudinal and transverse faults (direction of fault propagation in Figure 12B) for FIT 3B (following a FIT 2 case), two transverse faults are reactivated before the development of the north-south longitudinal border fault. This produces two restricted triangular-shaped depocenters delineated by two elongated basement tilted blocks (lines P6, S7, and S8 in Figure 6; Figure 12B). As the border fault continues to propagate northward, local subsidence becomes greatest on the northernmost transverse fault, producing a major outermost triangular (spoon-shaped) depocenter, deeper than the elongated one induced by a FIT 3A. The innermost (southern) depocenter may subside at a slower rate or be abandoned as a perched depocenter. At a later stage, both basins are filled in with sediments. The inner transverse fault is buried, and the southern outer transverse fault becomes the transverse border fault of a large depocenter (final stage in Figure 12B). BASIN SUBSIDENCE VARIATION AND IMPLICATIONS FOR STRUCTURE AND INFILL Figure 13 summarizes the major events inducing the development and distribution of each depocenter of the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin through a synthesis of the final-stage fault configuration of each key zone in terms of related hypothetical subsidence. Figure 13 shows clearly the migration through time of each depocenter, related to fault abandonment, propagation, and interference. These diagrams show that strong variations in sedimentary facies, related to fault initiation (coarse bodies) or to development of an elongated quiet depocenter (laminated lacustrine facies), may occur in such basins both within the vertical sedimentary pile and along strike following the propagation of major faults. A. KAF KFZ 40 UF W KFZ N1 ult f fa n n o tio tio aga r e c p r op UF Di W N KAF ult f fa n o on tio ati rec pag D i pro FIT 3A N Triangular outermost r depocente Early stage Final stage Initiation of the first depocenter by reactivation Abandonment of the KFZ and propagation of the KFZ in conjunction with the formation of the WUF border fault that controls the major of the WUF border fault. depocenter, without any reactivation of the KAF. Figure 12. Subdivision of FIT 3 into to two subtypes, based on faulting and basin initiation chronology. (A) FIT 3A ⳱ major depocenter initiation and abandonment; consequence ⳱ border fault propagation and elongated depocenter. (B) FIT 3B ⳱ major depocenter initiation and development; consequence ⳱ triangular or spoonshaped deep depocenter. For abbreviations, refer to Table 1. B. FIT 3B 40 PMF Local Extension N MF Early stage E ost Outerm major nter ce depo PMF Initiation of two depocenters using the reactivation of the two parallel N transverse faults (LMF and PMF) associated with the normal fault UBFSn. The southernmost triangular block is perched, N 14 0 LMF Cha nn e ls system Intermediate stage whereas the external one becomes the major depocenter of the area controlled by the LMF. ult f fa n o on tio ati n rec ag FS D i pro p UB N U Perched basin L ult f fa no n tio atio rec ag Sn D i pro p BF F UB LMF N1 ult f fa no n tio atio rec ag D i prop Sn PMF ppin Overla basin g N Final stage 25 Km Abandonment of the LMF and southward extension of an elongated basin, controlled by the PMF and UBFSn. FAULT CORRELATION CLASSIFICATION: LESSONS FOR SEISMIC INTERPRETERS EXPLORING IN EXTENSIONAL SETTINGS The degree of correlative to noncorrelative rift faults can be classified into specific fault correlation types (FCTs) based on the kinematic model and fault interaction classification proposed in this article and shown in Figures 10, 11, and 12. These correlations have been investigated at the scale of the entire rift basin by integrating satellite images, microstructural onshore observations, and offshore multichannel and singlechannel seismic reflection data (Figures 7, 14). Fault Correlation Type 1: Noncorrelative Onshore-Onshore Faults Fault correlation type 1 is illustrated by the eastdipping UBFSn and BKF, which previously have been interpreted as a single continuous fault forming the western escarpment of the north Tanganyika basin sets (Figures 7, 14). Our kinematic reconstruction indicates that this escarpment is broken into two distinct fault segments (UBFS and BKF), separated by the transverse KFZ/KAF system. In addition, the UBFSn is interpreted as a major N0-striking normal border fault controlling the NRHG since 3.5 Ma, whereas the BKF is interpreted as a flexural response to the major West Ubwari border fault since 1.1 Ma. Fault Correlation Type 2: Poorly Correlated OffshoreOnshore Faults Fault correlation type 2 is illustrated by the southwestdipping offshore transverse faults of the KFZ/KAF. These faults behaved as normal faults for only a brief time during the early history of the rift sets (Figures 7, 14); they have been transverse strike-slip faults during Lezzar et al. 1053 PMF FIT 3B U L MF N 14 0 Local Extension 12 11 10 Approximate depth on a ti ig r n n m atio sio ag ten rop Ex ult p Sn Fa BF BA C 9 7 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 Initiation of two triangular depocenters controlled by the PMF and LMF associated with the UBFSn Age (Ma) C Development of the outermost major depocenter controlled by the LMF transverse fault B The PMF-controlled initial triangular depocenter acts as a perched basin A 25 km N C 12 11 10 B N A N1 40 PM F SRHG on a ti igr n n m atio sio ag ten rop Ex ult p Fa C B A KFZ UF W N SRHG UBFS s B C A on a ti igr n n m atio sio ag ten rop Ex ult p Fa FIT 1 Approximate depth K AF UF W FIT 3A N K FZ N1 40 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2 Northward transfer of the extension along the PMF transverse fault and initiation of the NRHG northern half graben 9 7 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 Abandonment of the initial depocenter and northward migration of the WUF controlling the SRHG elongated basin 9 8 7 6 5 Age (Ma) C B A Initial triangular depocenter controlled by the WUF and KFZ 12 11 10 Age (Ma) B C A Northward migration of rifting (fault propagation) and progression of the SRHG elongated depocenter 12 11 10 on a ti igr n n m atio sio ag ten rop Ex ult p Fa Approximate depth FIT 2 Approximate depth NRHG 9 4 3 2 Reactivation of the N140 inherited fault KFZ Northward migration of rifting and formation of the western border fault UBFSs 1 Age (Ma) C B A Initiation of the first depocenter to the east and abandonment of the UBFSs and the KFZ Figure 13. Basin geometries and hypothetical subsidence curves showing synthesis of the final-stage fault configuration of each key zone of the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin. See definitions of fault interaction types in Figures 11 and 12; for other abbreviations, refer to Table 1. 1054 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) shore on the eastern rift shoulder from 1.1 Ma as a flexural response fault to the major normal UBFSn that controls the subsidence of the NRHG. Fault Correlation Type 4: Well-Correlated OnshoreOnshore Faults Fault correlation type 4 is illustrated by the BBFSn and BBFSs sets (Figures 7, 14) that, during the 1980s and the 1990s, were interpreted by Chorowich and Mukonk (1980) to form the single, continuous eastern Burundian escarpment of the northern Lake Tanganyika rift basin. From our data, however, this escarpment appears to correspond to two distinct fault segments, the BBFSn and BBFSs, both active from around 1.1 Ma as flexural response faults to the deepening of the NRHG and NKHG, respectively. Figure 14. Fault correlation type (FCT) classification and lessons for seismic interpreters exploring in extensional settings. FCT 1 ⳱ noncorrelative onshore-onshore faults; FCT 2 ⳱ poorly correlated offshore-onshore faults; FCT 3 ⳱ noncorrelative offshore-onshore faults; FCT 4 ⳱ well-correlated onshoreonshore faults; FCT 5 ⳱ well-correlated offshore-onshore faults. For other abbreviations, refer to Table 1. most of their history. Although geometrically similar to the northernmost transverse faults (LMF and PMF), the KFZ and KAF have a weaker onshore expression across the western rift shoulder. Although easy correlation can be made between the offshore and onshore segments of the KFZ and KAF, this relationship is not as obvious as for the northernmost transverse fault pair (LMF and PMF) and probably is due to the strike-slip character of these faults. Fault Correlation Type 3: Noncorrelative Offshore-Onshore Faults Fault correlation type 3 is illustrated by the offshore N0-striking and west-dipping WUF and onshore BBFSn, both of which have been interpreted in previous articles (Mondeguer et al., 1986; Coussement, 1995) as being a single, continuous fault set (Figures 7, 14). Our interpretation indicates two distinct, asynchronous, N0-striking fault segments, with the WUF acting as a major normal border fault controlling the SRHG from 7.4 to 0.4 Ma. The BBFSn is active on- Fault Correlation Type 5: Well-Correlated OffshoreOnshore Faults Fault correlation type 5 is illustrated by the LMF/PMF northwest-southeast–trending fault sets (Figures 7, 14). The northeast-dipping LMF/PMF offshore faults have been described by Lezzar et al. (1996) as active since the late Miocene (pure normal faulting from 7.4 up to 1.1 Ma, controlling subsidence of the NRHG). Deformation on this system changed recently, with an active strike-slip component from 1.1 Ma up to the present day. These two transverse faults also have a very clear onshore extension throughout the western rift escarpment (Rolet et al., 1991; Coussement et al., 1994). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR RIFT BASIN EXPLORATION The kinematic model established for the northern Lake Tanganyika basin from the late Miocene to the Holocene provides a chronological framework suitable for examining the interaction between longitudinal normal border faults and transverse normal or strike-slip faults. The latter interact to create a suite of depocenters, each with unique subsidence histories and sedimentary fill. Recognition of these fault interactions reinforced by a chronological constraint furthers our understanding of rift architecture, specifically how transfer zones evolve. We believe that the descriptive terminology currently used for existing geometries does not adequately address the various and commonly Lezzar et al. 1055 diachronous processes responsible for finite geometrical configuration. The effect of cyclic volcanic activity (uplifted local volcanic dome) close to the north Tanganyika rift basin and its associated thermal effects probably induced a selective effect on extension and fault propagation. A depocenter proximal to this domed-up area is much more disturbed by volcanic cycles and subsequent rift fault propagation. The occurrence of such fluctuating topographic uplifts leads to important sedimentary fluxes all around the dome, which rapidly fill in the depocenters. This model demonstrates that the interpretation of thick basin infills in deep, actively subsiding half grabens is not at all indicative of the age of such systems. This is an important consideration when exploring in extensional basins. Maps provided in Figure 5 are essential for seismic stratigraphers who interpret and correlate faults in extensional settings. These coarse detrital deep lacustrine fans, developed at the front of major river systems, probably have a high reservoir potential. Deep-thicklarge sublacustrine fans (DTL type) deposited in half grabens (35–50 km long, 20–30 km wide, 1.5–3.5 km deep) show dimensions of 30 ms TWTT (20 m) thickness, 10–15 km length, and 5–10 km width. Shallowthin-elongated sublacustrine fans (STE type) deposited on a horst/high-relief accommodation zone (40 km long, 15 km wide, 750 m deep) show dimensions of 15 ms TWTT (9 m) thickness, 10–15 km length, and 2.5–4 km width. The example of the Lake Tanganyika basin may also help in the interpretation and understanding of petroleum-rich rift systems. Note, however, that very specific characteristics, such as extension direction, heritage (basement fabrics), and thermal state of the upper crust (cyclic volcanic activity), can be absent or different from other rifts. These forcing characteristics during rifting propagation are fundamental factors in determining the rift location, the geometry of the initial basins, and their later evolution. Interaction of active north-south or northwestsoutheast normal fault segments has greater impact on basin rift geometry because they control the thickness and size of those basins. Establishing realistic and coherent fault correlation during seismic data interpretation in complex tectonic settings like extensional basins is important. For example, we show why two geometrically similar axial and transverse faults acted differently during the rifting phase. These faults may be major factors in rift basin formation, controlling basin thickness, length, and width. The proposed clas1056 Neogene Sedimentary Depocenters (East African Rift) sification of rift fault interaction based on faulting geometry, mechanism, and chronology can help petroleum geologists/geophysicists avoid potential errors when mapping faults. We presented a tool that can aid exploration seismic interpreters in assessing basin age in frontier areas that have no age or well control. This article also shows that a relationship exists between fault intersection angle and dip and that this governs the initiation and development of depocenters in the northern Lake Tanganyika basin and probably in other continental rift systems. Recognition of these fault geometries can be used to help predict early synrift facies distribution, basin subsidence histories, and problems related to fault growth and scaling. REFERENCES CITED Anders, M. H., and R. W. 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