TITLE 6300 - PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT 7/87 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 54 6304 - RESPONSIBILITY Yearend Procurement Policy. The Regional policy is to plan procurements in accordance with guidelines in FSM 6304.6, Item 1, Advance Acquisition Plan, to meet these guidelines: (1) Procurement Goals. Award all procurements early in the fiscal year better procurement planning to avoid unnecessary mistakes and delays from rushed procurements, to obtain better prices, and to minimize fourth quarter procurements. (2) Yearend Cutoff Dates. The cutoff dates shown below are general guidelines for the time needed to complete a purchase in the Regional Office. These dates are established for the regional Office and shall be considered when preparing or supplementing the annual advance acquisition plan. Yearend Cutoff Dates: Procurements exceeding $25,000 July 1 - Service, negotiated, ADP, Telecommunication and utilities, and construction contracts July 14 - Supply procurements not included above Procurements under $25,000 August 10 - Purchases requiring waivers from mandatory sources, service procurements exceeding $2,500, and supply requirements exceeding $10,000. September 10 - All other procurement actions except procurements of less that $250 which can be accomplished by GSA Fedstrip, imprest fund, or Blanket Purchase Arrangements. September 23 - Last day to submit requisitions. This cutoff date is needed to allow time for processing the requisitions prior to the end of the year. Forest Supervisor's may use these cutoff dates or establish their own by supplementing this section. High workload at yearend may hinder procurements before the end of the year, especially those that are unplanned. Individual exceptions of Regional Office requisitions received after the prescribed dates will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Assistant Director of Administration, Contracting and Procurement. Forests shall establish procedures for handling exceptions. Examples of categories of exceptions include FFF procurements, on-going projects where the procurement is essential to project accomplishment, continuing year funds where year-end procurement is not an issue, and procurements where essential Forest activities would be seriously compromised if the procurement is not accomplished. Requisitioners are responsible for requisitioning supplies or services that are bona-fide needs of the current fiscal year only. This requirement applies throughout the year but during the fourth quarter it is especially important. 6304.6 - Staff Directors, Staff Officers, and Program Managers. To provide for procurement planning, the Regional Office and Forest Supervisor's Offices shall develop and maintain an annual Advance Acquisition Plan (AAP). A. Objectives (1) To meet program needs by awarding contracts in an orderly manner, insuring sound procurement practices, encouraging effective competition, and maintaining accountability. (2) To provide a flexible management tool that accommodates emergencies, budget changes, and changes in program direction, while effectively assisting the program manager in accomplishing projects through the acquisition process. (3) To prevent imprudent fourth-quarter spending. (4) To provide a tool for establishing and finalizing annual procurement preference program goals, and to identify projects for set-aside programs. B. Policy As required by Departmental Regulation 5007-1 and FSAR 4007.170, each procurement office shall prepare an annual AAP. C. Responsibility (1) Responsibility for preparation and approval of the AAP rests with the Line Officer for the unit involved. The plan should be approved for each unit by September 30 for the next fiscal year. (2) Program Managers, Budget Officers, Contracting Officers, and others involved in the acquisition process shall cooperate in preparing the AAP. The AAP is an integral part of the budget process. D. Procedures for Development of the AAP (1) Thirty days after the Budget Initial Advice is received, but no later than September 15, units shall submit the data required for preparation of the AAP to the unit acquisition office. (2) The AAP will be updated for any significant changes. As a minimum, it will be reviewed and updated quarterly. (3) Revisions to the plan shall be approved by the official who initially approved the plan and the Forest Contracting Officer. E. Contents of Written Acquisition Plans (1) As a minimum, the AAP shall contain: (a) Acquisitions estimated to exceed $10,000 (Forests may adopt lower thresholds). (b) Projects of a "critical" nature regardless of dollar amount requiring special approvals or that need program planning for accomplishment, i.e. ADPE services and supplies, procurements involving former employees, limited source items requiring substantial research. (2) Include the following data for each acquisition on the AAP (See Exhibit 1 ). Additional items may be added, such as a column for assignment of projects. (a) Unit (b) Project Name; (c) Type of Project (service, supply, construction); (d) Estimated cost of project; (e) Date project will be given to acquisition office; (f) Desired delivery date; (g) Contact Person; (h) Funding - funded, unfunded, or swing, as follows: F (Funded) -This is a funded project listed on the acquisition plan. U (Unfunded) - This is an unfunded project listed on the acquisition plan which should have specifications, etc. submitted to acquisition office by July 15. S (Swing) - This is a swing project which, if not funded in the current year, will be in the subsequent year. This project will by advertised for opening (receipt of offers) between August 10 and September 15. (i) Quarter (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th) EXHIBIT 1 Unit D3 D4 D6 D5 D7 D3 Project Type Cost Date in Procurement Thinning Planting Lolo Roads Remodeling Trail Mntc. Bear Trap Serv. Serv. Cont. Cont. Serv. Supp. $ 10,000 $ 34,000 $235,000 $ 20,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 2/87 1/87 4/87 6/87 3/87 8/87 Delivery Date Contact Person 5/24/87 3/22/87 5/31/87 8/08/87 5/15/87 9/01/87 Smith Jones Johnson Thompson Jackson Matthews Funding Qtr F F U S U S 2 2 3 3 2 4 F. Milestones and Lead Times Use the following milestones and lead times in developing the AAP. These times represent an average for the events indicated and do not reflect allowances for deficient pre-bid packages, amendments to solicitations, requests for certificates of competency, small business size standard issues from the Small Business Adminstration, or protests against award. MILESTONES DAYS OF PROCESS TIME Contracts: Receipt of draft solicitation Notice to Department of Labor (service contracts only) Commerce Business Daily Notice (exceeding $25,000) Mailing Publication Advertising Time Technical Evaluation and Selection (negotiated contracts) Analyze bids, determination of responsiveness and responsibility, and award 15 60 10 15 30 15 15 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE TIMES (over $25,000 - from receipt of request to award) SEALED BID Service Supply Construction 145 days 85 days 85 days NEGOTIATED 160 days 100 days 100 days SMALL PURCHASES (less that $25,000 - rom receipt of requisition to award) Service procurements less than $2,500 exceeding $2,500 Supply procurements less than $10,000 exceeding $10,000 average 20 days * average 40 days * average 20 days * average 30 days * * plus time for delivery or completion of work. Time may vary depending on complexity of the item or service, whether the Service Contract Act applies, and availability of services or supply item. Early notification and communication of procurement needs with procurement personnel can usually reduce the timeframes noted above by allowing some procedures, such as notices, to begin early and by allowing some processes to happen concurrently. Communication should involve establishing individual project schedules of the various tasks to meet deadlines. This is particularly important for projects on a critical time schedule.