2450 Page 1 of 6 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL EASTERN REGION (REGION 9) MILWAUKEE, WI FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 50 – TIMBER SALE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Supplement No.: R9 R0 2450-2007-1 Effective Date: April 20, 2007 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: FORREST L. STARKEY Deputy Regional Forester Date Approved: 4/20/2007 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 2400-2004-1, to Chapter 30. New Document R9 R0 2450-2007-1 6 Pages Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) R9 RO 2450-2004-1 6 Pages Digest: In order by code, summarize the main additions, revisions, or removal of direction incorporated in this supplement. 2452.41 2452.42 2453.2 2450.46 Updates the standards for employees serving as Contracting Officers. Updates the standards for employees serving as Forest Service Representaives. Adds direction on when and how to complete contract modifications. Updates Exhibit 01, issued as a separate document, as the location to find the contract provisions for FS-2400-6T, Timber Sale Contract. R9 RO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 4/20/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2450 Page 2 of 6 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 50 – TIMBER SALE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 2450.3 - Policy 6. The Director, Renewable Resources shall coordinate requests for legal interpretation, advice, and assistance from the Regional Attorney on all timber sale matters. 2450.43 - Regional Forester For all timber sales which exceed Forest Supervisors delegated authority, the Regional Forester shall: 1. Approve environmental document where timber sale is likely to exceed authority limits. 2. Approve advertisement, prospectus, and appraisal of proposed timber sale. 3. Approve environmental modification of timber sale contracts. 4. Approve termination of timber sale contracts. 2450.44 - Forest Supervisor 4. Administer timber sale contracts approved by the Regional Forester. Forest Supervisor may choose to redelegate this responsibility to subordinates who meet the minumum requirements, only with the concurrence of the Regional Forester. Permit sales shall also be signed as Contracting Officer. Forest Supervisors shall establish minimum training and experience requirements for individuals authorized to issue permit sales. 2450.46 - Timber Sale Contract Administration Team Delegation of authority to the Forest Service Representative (FSR) will be made by the Contracting Officer (CO). Delegation of authority to the Sale Administrator (SA), Engineering Representative (ER), Harvest Inspector (HI), and Construction Inspector (CI) may be made by the Forest Service Representative when authorized by the Contracting Officer. Exhibit 01 – Provision Matrix (FY2007), issued as a separate document, lists the contract provisions for FS-2400-6T, Timber Sale Contract where action by a member of the contracting team may be required. An "X" appears in the column under the designated representative to which the authority can be redelegated. Action must be executed by this individual or higher delegated authority. Representatives making redelegations shall make certain that the recipient of such delegation is fully knowledgeable and experienced to execute the delegated authority and responsibility. R9 RO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 4/20/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2450 Page 3 of 6 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 50 – TIMBER SALE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Provisions listed are not all inclusive. Other contractual provisions inherent to a given timber sale contract that require agreement or action by the Forest Service shall be included in individual delegations of authority. Contracting Officers shall ensure that each delegation of authority issued is tailored to the skills of each individual. 2452 - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION FUNDAMENTALS 2452.4 – Minimum Requirements and Certification for Timber Sale Administration Personnel 2452.41 - Minimum Requirements for Contracting Officers In addition to the minimum Washington Office requirements, Timber Sale Contracting Officers (CO) must meet the following requirements: 1. Satisfactory completion of Timber Sale Contract Administration Certification written examination with test score of 80 or higher, and/or has actively served as a certified Forest Service Representative within the last three years. 2. Knowledge of local sale conditions and requirements and the Forest Land Management Plan (FLMP) standards and guidelines relating to timber sales. 3. Minimum standards for Contracting Officers administering Forms FS-2400-6T, FS2400-3(P,T) and FS-2400-4 Forest Product Contract in the Region are: a. Satisfactory completion of Timber Sale Contract Administration Certification written examination with test score of 80 or higher, and/or has actively served as a certified Forest Service Representative within the last three years. b. Knowledge of local sale conditions and requirements and the Forest Land Management Plan (FLMP) standards and guidelines relating to timber sales. 4. Maintenance of certification: For all Timber Sale Contracting Officers (CO) a.) If Contracting Officer is located in the Forest Supervisor's Office, he/she shall annually conduct an on-the-ground review of one active timber sale contract per year per Ranger District. Document findings and share results with appropriate personnel. b.) If Contracting Officer resides on the Ranger District, he/she shall make an on-theground review on an adjoining Ranger District or zone of one active timber sale per year per unit. Document findings and share results with appropriate personnel. R9 RO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 4/20/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2450 Page 4 of 6 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 50 – TIMBER SALE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION c.) Audits one timber sale package per District/zone per year prior to advertisement. Document and share the results of audit with the appropriate personnel. d.) Attend Timber Sale Contract Law II, a Sale Administration Skills Enhancement training or Timber Sale Financial Management every three (3) years. Conduct a minimum one day forest level Sale Administration workshop. This workshop should cover Timber Theft Prevention, Timber Sale finances, proper documentation, safety and delegated authorities. e.) Satisfactorily complete a timber sale administration program review for maintenance certification every five (5) years. This review will be conducted by a certified Regional Forester Representative who has experience as a Timber Sale CO or by the RFR coordinator. Note: Active participation as a Regional Forester Representative (RFR) will satisfy the requirements of (a) and (b) listed above. 2452.42 – Minimum Requirements for Forest Service Representatives In addition to the minimum Washington Office requirements, Forest Service Representatives (FSR) must meet the following requirements: 7. Satisfactory completion of Timber Sale Contract Administration Certification written examination with test score of 80 or higher, and/or have actively served as a certified Sale Administer within the last five years. Attend Sale Administration Skills Enhancement training or Timber Sale Financial Management training every four years. The FSR must attend the annual forest level workshop. Forest Service Representatives are expected to be field going employees and should maintain their Qualified Cruiser Certification in order to add and remove timber within the delegated authority of the timber sale contract. 8. Knowledge of local sale conditions and requirements and the Forest Land Management Plan (FLMP) standards and guidelines relating to timber sales. 2452.46 - Additional Considerations Before making any assignment to the administration team, the appointing authority shall consider the following items: 1. Ability to make independent/impartial decisions regarding claims made under the Timber Sale Contract, documentation of decision rationale, and completion of a defensible case file. 2. Ability to function as a team member and deal firmly and fairly with purchasers and all members of the contract administration team. R9 RO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 4/20/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2450 Page 5 of 6 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 50 – TIMBER SALE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 2452.47 - Certification Programs The Region 9 certification program provides for training and certification of the Forest Service Representative (FSR), Sale Administrator (SA), and Harvest Inspector (HI). Procedural direction is found in a Regional Supplement issued to FSH 2409.15. 2453 – CHANGES IN STATUS OF TIMBER SALE CONTRACTS 2453.1 – Changes Permitted to Contract Term 2453.12 - Contract Term Extension Under Diligent Performance Authority Do not solicit or encourage requests for extension, or indicate that a request will be considered, if the sale will not qualify for extension. Qualification criteria are in the timber sale contract and parent text. 2453.2 – Modification of Timber Sale Contracts All contract modifications will include complete documentation as to why such action is required. Contract modifications requested by a purchaser will be in writing, signed by the purchaser. All contract modifications will remain consistent with the terms and conditions set out in the Line Officers signed Decision Notice. All contract modifications will be thoroughly reviewed by the Contracting Officer before being signed. Contracting Officers are expected to consult with the Deciding Official when appropriate. 2453.21 - Modification to Prevent Environmental Damage All proposals for Environmental or Resource (E/R) modifications shall be submitted to the Regional Forester for review before discussion with the purchaser and before any field work is done (other than that necessary to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA)). Proposals shall consist of an EA which contains a statement of conditions and a description of other alternatives which were considered and rejected, along with reasons for the rejections. Along with the EA, but not part of the project file, the Forest Supervisor shall conduct a review of the original sale procedures to determine the reason(s) for the needed E/R modification. A report of the conclusions shall be submitted to the Regional Forester. After reviewing the EA, the Regional Forester may appoint a Regional Office interdisciplinary team to review the proposal on-the-ground and to recommend whether the modification should proceed. In cases where circumstances are well known to the Regional Forester and staff, authorization to proceed may be granted without field review. If the interdisciplinary team recommends against an environmental modification, the Forest Supervisor shall be provided an R9 RO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 4/20/2007 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2450 Page 6 of 6 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 50 – TIMBER SALE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION alternative solution. If authorized to proceed, the Forest Supervisor shall complete the field work and submit the modification package to the Regional Forester for approval. Begin formal negotiations with the purchaser only after approval by the Regional Forester. If the need for change affecting the current operating area is discovered prior to or during the operating season, contact Timber Management in the Regional Office before implementing alternative actions. 2454 - CONTRACT CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS 2454.1 - Contract Disputes Contracting Officer Decision numbers are assigned by the Regional Timber Claims Coordinator. Once a number is assigned, it should be used on all correspondence. Once an appeal is filed, the Contracting Officer shall provide information and assist the Regional Timber Claims Coordinator and assigned OGC Attorney in preparing the Government position. The Contracting Officer must prepare an Appeal File according to Rule 4, Uniform Rules of Procedure, AGBCA. (FSH 2409.15, Chapter 70). Within twenty days of receipt of the Board's request, submit the required number of copies to the Regional Timber Claims Coordinator for review prior to forwarding to the Regional Attorney.