FOREST SERVICE MANUAL PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGION (R5) VALLEJO, CALIFORNIA FSM 2400 - TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2420 - TIMBER APPRAISAL Supplement No.: R5 2400-2016-3 Effective Date: 3/22/2016 Duration: This supplement expires 5 years from the effective date unless superseded or removed earlier. Approved: Randy Moore, Regional Forester Date Approved: 3/8/2016 Posting Instructions: Manual supplements are numbered consecutively by Manual number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. Last Change: 2400-2016-2 to Chapter 60 New Document: 2420, 2 Pages Superseded Document(s): 2400-2011-1, 1/19/2011, 2 Pages Digest: 2420. Makes minor edits and brings document in line with 508 Compliancy standards. CHAPTER 2420 - TIMBER APPRAISAL FSM 2400 - TIMBER MANAGEMENT Supplement No.:R5 2400-2016-3 - Effective Date: 3/22/2016 2420.3 - Policy Line officers shall approve sale and stewardship appraisals and ensure that estimates are based on the most cost effective methods of meeting land management objectives. Complete an economic analysis or value analysis for all sales and projects 4000 CCF or larger in size prior to appraisal. 2421 - APPRAISAL METHODS 1. Appraisal Methods. Use transaction evidence appraisal methods to determine fair market stumpage values for timber. Appraisal procedures are fully described in R5 FSH 2409.22, Chapter 48. 2. Use of Curent Data. Base appraisals on the most current base period data and other data contained in R5 FSH 2409.22. When new data are issued just prior to the scheduled advertisement date and a sale or project will be advertised within 15 days of the receipt of the data, Forest Supervisors may proceed with the advertisement. Reappraise projects and sales not advertised within this time period using new data. 3. Appraisal for Determination of Damages in Expired Contracts. Forest Supervisors are authorized to approve damage cases where defaulted timber is entirely reoffered under similar conditions with damage calculations in accordance with the provisions of the individual contract. Forest Supervisors may re-delegate this authority to Contracting Officers at the Supervisor's Office level, but may not re-delegate this authority to District Rangers. Page 2