2409.22_70 Page 1 of 18 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK SOUTHWESTERN REGION (REGION 3) ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FSH 2409.22 – TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Amendment No.: 2409.22-94-8 Effective Date: December 19, 1994 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: CHARLES W. CARTWRIGHT Regional Forester Date Approved: 12/19/1994 Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace with this amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to this Handbook was 2409.22-94-7 to chapter 40. New Document(s): 2409.22_70 16 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 2409.22_70 13 Pages Digest: 71 - Adds direction for determining values and entries on Form R3-FS-2400-17, Appraisal Summary Transaction Evidence. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 2 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE 71 - R3-FS-2400-17, APPRAISAL SUMMARY TRANSACTION EVIDENCE. Use Form R3-FS-2400-17, to record all timber sales of $2,000 or more in appraised value. Submit all R3-FS-2400-17's to the Regional Office, Timber Management, within 7 days after bid opening. For sales that are submitted without the award date (contract date) filled in, submit a follow-up Form R3-FS-2400-17 with only the "ID" block filled in and any additional information or changes made. For example, add the contract date, change status to code 1, and insert the contract number. In the revised form put "Update" in the remarks block, card type 4. There must be an entry in every computer keypunch field. Where computer keypunch fields are provided for numeric entries, begin the data at the right-hand side and fill each vacant field with a zero. For example: Purchaser Credit Limit 0017056; Stars Number 05004; and so forth. 71.1 - Instructions for Completing Appraisal Summary, Form R3-FS-2400-17. An appraisal summary for sales of convertible products must be in only one of three units of measure: thousand board feet (MBF), cords (CDS), or cunits (CCF). If a sale involves two units of measure, complete an appraisal summary for each to avoid mixing appraisal data. Only one "Report of Timber Sale" side need be completed. See exhibit 01 for an example of a completed R3-FS-2400-17, Appraisal Summary side. See exhibit 02 for an example of a completed R3-FS2400-17, Report of Timber Sale. 1. General Heading (Card Type 5). Sale Name. The sale name should be the same as on the timber sale program; if not, explain under remarks on the Report of Timber Sale side of the form. Entire sale name may not exceed 25 spaces, including punctuation and blank spaces. Summary Checked By. Enter name of person(s) who checks summary for completeness and accuracy prior to advertisement, and the date checked. Specified Road Construction (Miles). Insert a decimal point between the second and third fields, reading from left to right. For example: 10.0, 02.5, and so forth. Specified Road Reconstruction (Miles). Same as for Specified Road Construction (Miles). Purchaser Credit Limit. Enter the total dollar amount for Purchaser Credit to nearest whole dollar. Product. Enter code of product; sawlogs--01, pulpwood--02, and so forth. Appraised To. Enter location(s) to which appraised. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 3 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Haul Miles. Enter to the nearest whole Mile the combined truck and green lumber external haul miles to the appraisal point for each product being appraised. Haul Round Trip Minutes. Enter to the nearest whole RTM the combined truck and green lumber haul time to the appraisal point for each product being appraised. If more than one appraisal point is used, enter the weighted average RTM's. Round Trip Minutes need to be rounded to the nearest minute. This number includes delay time. Essential KV. Enter total cost for essential regeneration to nearest dollar. This will be used in the program to adjust Base Rates when necessary to cover essential KV. Skidding Adjustment. The following will be used to calculate the Sale skidding cost based on a regression equation (See Chapter 40). CCF/Acre-divide the total net CCF volume by the total harvest acres. CF/Tree-divide the total net CF volume by the total number of Trees. Skid Distance-estimate the average external skid distance. Base Period. See the Appraisal Bulletin for time period to be used in the appraisal. Refer also to chapter 10. 2. Card Type 6 Columns - General Instructions. Carry computations to four decimal places, visually round and report entries to two decimal places. All averages called for in the "Total or Average" column are weighted by volume averages. Following is an example of the weighting procedure. Line 2. Species Line 5. Volume Line 7. Base Period Price Total or PP DF&O Average 3,350 1,510 T 4,860 46.90 6.30 A 34.29 1/ Weighted by volume averages = Line 7 = (46.90 X 3,350 CCF) + ( 6.30 X 1,510 CCF) = 4,860 CCF (Total Volume) 34.2856, or Line 6 A = 34.29 (rounded to nearest penny). Line 1, Product and Unit. Enter as 1-3, 2-3, and so forth. In keypunch field 33 under "Unit of Measure", enter code for unit of measure only. The same appraisal summary may not be used for a different product unless they are appraised on the same basis. For example, a multi-product sale needs to be appraised on separate R3-FS2400-17's if different units of measure are used. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 4 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Convertible Products Product Code Sawlogs Pulpwood Poles Firewood Other 01 02 03 07 14 Nonconvertible Products Product Code Pine distillate wood Christmas trees Naval stores Other (specify) 11 15 16 17 Unit of Measure MBF Cord C cubic feet (Ccf. or Cunits) Unit Code 01 02 03 Lines 2 and 3, Species Initials and Species Code. Enter initials of the species or species groups. Include all pines as one species group. When practical, combine species. For example, combine 2,000 CCF of Ponderosa pine and 50 CCF of Douglas fir as 2,050 CCF Ponderosa pine and other; or another sale might have 16,000 CCF of Ponderosa pine, 2,000 CCF of Douglas fir, and 100 CCF of Spruce, and volumes would be shown as 16,000 CCF Ponderosa pine and 2,100 CCF Douglas fir and other. The prospectus for a sale shall always indicate the estimated volume of each species which makes up a species group. Line 4, Percent by Species. Use either nearest 1/10 or 1/100 of a percent, but not both on one form; for example, 6.35 or 6.4. Sum of percentage must equal 100 percent, which is preprinted on the form in the "Total or Average" column. Line 5, Volume. For sales of $2,000 or more in appraised value requiring use of form R3-FS2400-17, round volumes for any species group to the nearest whole CCF. Use standard scientific rounding procedures to round to the nearest whole CCF. Line 6, DBH (inches). Enter the average DBH for each appraisal group from the cruise printout. Line 7, Base Period Price. Enter the base period price given in the current Appraisal Bulletin. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 5 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Line 8, Market Adjustment. Enter the market adjustment given in the current Appraisal Bulletin. Line 9, Adjusted Base period Price. Line 7 + 8 = line 9. Line 10, Base Skidding Cost. Enter the base cost given in the current Appraisal Bulletin. Line 11, Sale Skidding Cost. Enter the skidding cost developed for the sale. This is automatically calculated in the automated TEA program using the CCF/Acre, CF/Tree and Average External Skid Distance that is entered into the program. Line 12, Skidding Cost Adjustment. Line 10 - 11 = line 12. Line 13, Base Haul Cost. Enter the base haul cost given in the current Appraisal Bulletin. Line 14, Sale Haul Cost. Enter the haul cost developed for the sale. Line 15, Haul Cost Adjustment. Line 13 - 14 = line 15. Line 16, Base Road Maintenance Cost. Enter the base road maintenance cost given in the current Appraisal Bulletin. Line 17, Sale Road Maintenance Cost. Enter the road maintenance cost, including any required deposits, developed for the sale. Line 18, Road Maintenance Cost Adjustment. Line 16 - 17 = line 18. Line 19, Base Slash Cost. Enter the base slash cost given in the current Appraisal Bulletin. Line 20, Sale Slash Cost. Enter the slash cost, including any required deposits, developed for the sale. Line 21, Slash Cost Adjustment. Line 19 - 20 = line 21. Line 22, Base Temp Rd Cost. Enter the base cost given in the current Appraisal Bulletin. Line 23, Sale Temp Rd Cost. Enter the Temporary road cost developed for the sale. Line 24, Sale Temp Rd Adjustment. Line 22 - 23 = line 24. Line 25, Quality Adjustment. Enter the ponderosa pine quality adjustment from the cruise printout run at Fort Collins or from manual calculations (see chapter 10). Line 26, Unusual Cost Adjustment. A cost here is usually entered as a negative number. This is unlike lines 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23. Line 27, Total Adjustment. Lines 12 + 15 + 18 + 21 + 24 + 25 + 26 = line 27. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 6 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Line 28, Predicted Value. Lines 9 + 27 = line 28. Line 29, Competition Amount. Ten or 5 percent of line 9. Line 30, Indicated Advertised Rate. Line 28 - 29 = line 30. Line 31, Base Rates. For each species, enter the regionally prescribed base rate (R3 FSM 2430, sec. 31b.) plus any adjustment needed to cover costs of essential K-V. For stumpage rate adjustment sales, add timber property values to base rates. Line 32, Adjustments to Base Rates. If any rates on line 30 are below base, use line 32 to enter the adjustments required to bring them up to base. Negative adjustments must also be made to rates which are above base to keep the total of all species unchanged. Case 1 illustrates an example of adjustment where the average indicated rate on line 30 is greater than average base rate on line 31. In this case, a positive adjustment of $7.57 is made to bring the line 30 rate for DF up to base. The total positive adjustment is offset by a negative adjustment to PP ($15,897 / 6,700 MBF = $2.37). The average adjustment is 0. Thus, the final advertised rates are $15.43 for PP and base rate for DF. Case 1 Line 3, Species Line 5, Volume Line 30, Indicated Advertised Rates Line 31, Base Rates Line 32, Adjustments to Base Rates Line 33, Advertised Rates (30 +32) DF 2,100 Total or Average T 8,800 17.80 -1.57 T 115,963 1/ A 13.18 10.00 6.00 -2.37 2/ 7.57 PP 6,700 15.43 6.00 1/ Minor difference in totals due to rounding unit items to the nearest cent. (Negative 2/ (7.57 x 2,100) / 6,700 (Remaining Volume) = 2.37 adjustment to be made to PP) A A 9.05 0 T 115,981 1/ A 13.18 R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 7 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Case 2 illustrates an example where the average indicated rate on line 30 is less than the average base rate on line 31 because of a lower volume of PP. In this case, positive and negative adjustments are made which result in base rates for both species. The average positive adjustment is $0.07. Case 2 Line 3, Species Line 5, Volume Line 30, Indicated Advertised Rates Line 31, Base Rates Line 32, Adjustment to Base Rates Line 33, Advertised Rates (30 + 32) PP 2,000 2,100 Total or Average T 4,100 17.80 -1.57 T 32,303 A 7.88 10.00 6.00 A 7.95 -7.80 1/ 7.57 A +0.0 2/ 6.00 T 32,600 A 7.95 10.00 DF 1/ (7.57 x 2,100) / 2,000 (Remaining Volume) = 7.95 7.95 would be the negative adjustment made to PP; however, if 7.95 were subtracted from 17.80 (line 30), then PP would fall below its base rate (17.80 - 7.95 = 9.85). Therefore, the maximum negative adjustment available is 7.80. 2/ A figure other than zero for the average on line 32 indicates a deficit sale. Line 33, Advertised Rates. These are the rates at which the timber is to be advertised. Transfer these rates to column (e) of the bid Form FS-2400-14. In timber property sale, add timber property value unit rates to advertised rates developed from line 30 + line 32 adjustments. Line 34, Specified Road Costs (A10). Prorate total from specified road cost (Purchaser Credit Limit, A10) equally to each species or product on the basic of 100 percent of the estimated volume. Enter this rate on line 34. Line 35, Base Indices. Enter the Western Wood Products Association index from the current bulletin for the species being appraised adjusted for cubic. Line 36, Property Value. Enter any property value for the sale. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 8 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE 3. Total or Average Column (Card Type 7). An entry for a weighted average, "A", or total "T", must be made in the "Total or Average" column. Where total dollars are called for on lines 30 and 33, enter to nearest penny. The rounding rule for dollar values is: (a) less than one-half cent shall be dropped, (b) one-half cent or over shall be rounded to the next higher whole cent. If an entry is not needed, enter zero. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 9 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE 71.1 - Exhibit 01 APPRAISAL SUMMARY -- TRANSACTION EVIDENCE FOREST:GILA SUMMARY CHECKED SALE NAME:TEST.NEW BY:P.SERVIS DATE:072094 SPEC RD CONST (Mi) .4 RECONST (Mi) 1.2 PURCH CR LIMIT 33517 APPRAISED TO: ALBQ HAUL MI: 100 HAUL RTM: 278 ESSENTIAL KV 0 CCF/ACRE 7.1 CF/TREE 7 SKID DISTANCE 600 PP % GRADE 0.6 PP LRF 6.8267 APPRAISAL BULLETIN No. 07 CY 94 3rd QTR (July) CARD TYPE 6 U/MEAS CD TYPE 7 1 Product Unit 1-3 1-3 2 Species PP DF TOTAL AVERAGE 3 Species Code 122 204 /////////////////////////// 4 % By Species 63.8 36.2 .0 .0 .0 T 100 5 Volume 2471 1402 0 0 0 T 3873 6 DBH (inches) 11.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 T 7.3 7 Base Period Price 172.91 27.77 .00 .00 .00 A 120.37 8 Market Adj. -3.35 38.04 .00 .00 .00 A 11.63 9 Adj. BPP (7+8) 169.56 65.81 .00 .00 .00 A 132.00 10 Base Skidding Cost 18.94 18.94 .00 .00 .00 A 18.94 11 Sale Skidding Cost 26.15 26.15 .00 .00 .00 A 26.15 12 Skidding Cost Adj. -7.21 -7.21 .00 .00 .00 A - 7.21 13 Base Haul Cost 16.09 16.09 .00 .00 .00 A 16.09 14 Sale Haul Cost 21.11 21.11 .00 .00 .00 A 21.11 15 Haul Cost Adj. -5.02 -5.02 .00 .00 .00 A -5.02 16 Base Rd. Maint. Cost 4.48 4.48 .00 .00 .00 A 4.48 17 Sale Rd. Maint. Cost 4.48 4.48 .00 .00 .00 A 4.48 18 Rd. Maint. Cost Adj. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 A .00 19 Base Slash Cost 11.28 11.28 .00 .00 .00 A 11.28 20 Sale Slash Cost 11.04 11.04 .00 .00 .00 A 11.04 21 Slash Cost Adj. .24 .24 .00 .00 .00 A .24 22 Base Temp Rd Cost .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 A .00 23 Sale Temp Rd Cost .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 A .00 24 Temp Rd Cost Adj. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 A .00 25 Quality Adj. LS -14..48 .00 .00 .00 .00 A -9.24 26 Unusual Cost .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 A .00 27 Total Adj. -26.47 -11.99 .00 .00 .00 A -21.23 (Sum:12,15,18,21,24,25,26) 28 Pred Bid Price (9+27) 143.09 53.82 .00 .00 .00 A 110.78 29 Competition Amount 50.87 19.74 .00 .00 .00 A 39.60 R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 10 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE 30 In adv rates (28-29) 31 Adj to Std Rates 32 Adj to Std Rates 33 34 35 36 adv rates (30+32) Sprc Rd Cost (A10) Base indices Property Value ///////// 92.23 5.00 .00 //// 92.23 8.65 250.07 .00 ///////// 64.08 3.00 .00 //// 34.08 8.65 211.71 .00 ///// .00 .00 .00 //// .00 .00 .00 .00 ///// .00 .00 .00 //// .00 .00 .00 .00 //// .00 .00 .00 //// .00 8.65 .00 .00 T 275680 A 71.18 A 4.28 A .00 T 275680 A 71.18 A .00 A 236.19 A .00 CONVERSION RATIO 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 A 0.5000 WWPA TABLE WWPAC WWPAC R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 11 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE 71.2 - Instructions For Completing Report Of Timber Sale Side of R3-FS-2400-17. 1. ID Block (Card Type 1). Region. Use 03. Forest. Enter name and code. District (or Area). Enter name and code of organizational unit which contains the majority of the volume. Or, assign a special code to identify the sale as a combination of units. STARS Number. Enter the five digit STARS number. Qtr.-FY. Enter the quarter of the fiscal year and the fiscal year of the bid date, or date of contract for an unadvertised sale. State. Use two-digit code. County. Enter code for one county only. List county code which contains the majority of the sale area. Arizona Apache Cochise Coconino Gila Graham Greenlee Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pima Pinal Santa Cruz Yavapai 001 003 005 007 009 011 013 015 017 019 021 023 025 New Mexico Bernalillo 001 Catron 003 Chaves 005 Colfax 007 Eddy 015 Grant 017 Harding 021 Hidalgo 023 Lincoln 027 Los Alamos 028 McKinley 031 Mora 033 Otero 035 Rio Arriba Sandoval San Miguel Santa Fe Sierra Socorro Taos Torrance Union Valencia 039 043 047 049 051 053 055 057 059 061 Compartment. Self-explanatory. Sale Name. Enter the same name used on the Appraisal Summary side of the R3-FS-2400-17. Entire sale name is limited to 25 spaces, including punctuation and blank spaces. Acres in Sale. Gross area of sale. Enter to nearest acre. Legal Description. Limit to 25 spaces, including punctuation and blank spaces. Include meridian initials: NMPM-New Mexico, G&SRM-Arizona. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 12 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE 2. Card Type 2. Bid Date. Enter date of opening bids or receipt of oral bids. In the case of an unadvertised and/or negotiated sale, the bid date will be the contract date. Status. Enter one-digit code to describe the status. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sold. Award and execution of contract expected to proceed normally. No bids received. Bids rejected. Indicate reasons under "Remarks." Award withheld pending verification of high bidder's qualifications. Award withheld by appeal or legal action. Identify case or appeal under "Remarks." Tie bids (disposition being studied). Cancel/delete previous R3-FS-2400-17 with this identification. Award pending road construction contract request by Small Business. Award pending EEO or other determination (indicate in "Remarks" block). When the status of any sale changes from the original submission of Form R3-FS-2400-17 to the Regional Office, submit an updated R3-FS-2400-17 using the same "ID" information and reflecting only the advised data. The "ID" information consists of the following: Region; Forest; District; Sale Number; Qtr.-FY; State; County; and Sale Name. Mark the revised form "Update" in the Remarks block, card type 4. SBA Set-Aside. Enter one of the following codes: Y N X W Yes, for all SBA set-aside sales except for designated special salvage timber sales (SSTS). No. SBA set-aside SSTS sales requiring the 30/70 manufacturing distribution requirement. SBA set-aside SSTS sales without the 30/70 manufacturing distribution requirement. If the sale is an SBA set-aside and is being sold under Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 223.5(g): do not use code "N" regardless of the classification of the purchaser. Appraisal Base Period. An entry should be made for all sales, whether escalation or flat-rate. In the first space (keypunch field 22), enter 6, (other unit of time, rolling quarter, composite quarter, rolling year, and so forth. This is the code we use currently.) In the last two spaces (keypunch fields 23-24), enter the last two digits of the calendar year. Zone. There is only one Zone in Region 3. Keypunch field 26, enter a zero. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 13 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Salvage. Enter one of the following codes: N No, all sales except those made primarily for the purpose of salvage blowdown, and so forth). (fire, Y Yes, for all salvage sales in the regular program and financed by appropriated funds. Z Yes, for all salvage sales primarily financed by the salvage sale fund (SSF) and which are additional to the volume of salvage sales normally financed by appropriated funds. Pricing Method. Use one of the following codes: 1 2 3 4 Flat rate. Flat rate with scheduled rate redetermination. Quarterly escalation. Quarterly escalation with scheduled rate redetermination. Planned SAB Collections. Enter total cost in whole dollars of Sale Area Improvement (SAI) work planned for K-V financing from approved form FS-2400-50. Enter a zero if no work is planned. Termination Date. Enter contract termination date. Contract Date. Enter award date. Contract Number. Limited to 11 total spaces. Contract Form 2400. In first space (keypunch field 58), enter the last digit of the contract form number, such as "6" for FS-2400-6, "3" for FS-2400-3, etc. In second space (keypunch field 59), enter "T" if the sale is tree measurement; otherwise, leave blank. Contracting Officer. Enter single-digit code for officer authorized to make the sale. D S R C Ranger Supervisor Regional Forester Chief Method of Sale. Enter one of the following codes. A S D Auction Sealed bids Direct, unadvertised, or noncompetitive R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 14 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Regulation 36 CFR 223. If entry is only one digit, put the number in the first keypunch field (field 62). 36 CFR 223.117 36 CFR 223. 1 36 CFR 223. 86 Administration of cooperative and federal sustained yield units. Commercial sales-authority to sell timber. Sales of previously advertised timber without further advertisement. Non-competetive sale of timber. 3. Card Type 3. Leave a blank line between species groups, if possible. List species groups in descending order in same left-to-right sequence as on the Appraisal Summary side of the form. Species Code Column. Use the three-digit code in effect for the quarterly Timber Cut and Sold report. Product/Unit Column. Enter a 1-3, 2-3, and so forth. Volume. Enter a volume of each species or species group from line 5 on the Appraisal Summary side. Advertised Rate. Enter advertised rates from line 33 on the Appraisal Summary side. Statistical High Bid Column. Enter high bid minus specified road cost plus timber property value, if any. If one or more of the rates derived in this manner are below base rates, adjust them to not less than the base rates (line 31) using the line 32 adjustment procedure. No entry in this column shall be below the base rate for each species. The total of the statistical high bid is the value of the sale to be reported on the quarterly timber cut and sold report less any timber property value, if any. High Bidder. Use total value of bid in card type 4 to rank the qualified bidders. For each species/product, enter rate bid by the qualified bidder with the highest total bid. Total/Average Line. Enter unit of measure code, total volume, and the weighted average unit rates for the advertised rates, statistical high bid, and high bidder. 4. Card Type 4, Summary of Bidders. On line "High 1," enter information requested for the qualified bidder with highest total value of bid. Rank all other bidders, qualified or not, in descending order to total value bid. Name. Name of bidder is limited to 25 total spaces. Abbreviate as necessary. SBA Class. Small Business Administration classification. Use one of the following codes. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 15 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE S W L N Small SSTS - Small Business (25 persons or under) Large Nonmanufacturing It is important that this column is coded correctly. Do not guess about the classification of the high bidder. If there is any doubt, get correct classification from the Small Business Administration. For set-aside sales, do not use nonmanufacturing code "N." Classify bidders as large, "L," small, "S," or SSTS - Small Business, "W." Identification Number. Purchaser's Identification (PID) number. The Regional TSA coordinator assigns the PID numbers. Signature and Title. Signature and title shall be that of the officer who conducted the sale. Signature constitutes certification that (1) presale data on both sides of the form are correct; (2) bids received are as given; and (3) post-bidding data are entered and computed correctly. Date. Enter the date the form is completed and distributed. Remarks Block. For any cruise using the Region 3 Cruise Program, type in the Region 3 cruise number in the "Remarks" block. Also use this space for other significant comments, and quality information. 71.2 - Exhibit 02 USDA Forest Service REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Convertible and Nonconvertible Products CARD TYPE 1 Region 03 Forest 06 District 03 Star Number 53004 Qtr Fy 3 94 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-10 11-13 State 35 14-15 Acre 1000 49-55 Bid Date County 019 16-18 Sale Name:Test.New 19-44 Legal Description T 23 N,R 5 E, Gsrbm 56-80 Compartment 0000 45-48 Card Type 2 071594 Status 1 Sba Set Aside N App Bp 14-19 20 21 6 94 Zone 0 22-24 25 Salvage Y Price Method 3 Plan Sab 0 Termdate 123197 Cont Date 072094 26 27 28-34 35-40 41-46 R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 16 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE Cont No 001020 Contract Form 6T CO S Method Of Sale S Reg36CFR223 1 47-57 58-59 60 61 62-64 Card Type 3 Spec Prod Ad Stat High 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Sp Code Unit Volume Rate Bid Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder 14-16 17-18 19-24 25-30 31-36 37-42 43-48 49-54 55-60 PP 122 1-3 2471 92.23 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DF 204 1-3 1402 34.08 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOT/AVE 3873 71.18 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 17 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE CARD TYPE 4 SUMMARY OF BIDDERS RANK 15 NAME 16-40 SBA CLASS 41 ID NUMBER 42-57 TOTAL VALUE OF BID 58-69 I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINED THE BIDS SUBMITTED FOR THIS SALE AND THAT THIS IS AN ACCURATE RECORD THEREOF. SIGNATURE NAME AND TITLE DATE REMARKS 71.3 - Automated Transaction Appraisal Program. This program runs on the Data General and automates both sides of the R3-FS-2400-17. The program filename is TEA.PR and is executed on most systems by entering "MENU" on the command line. After executing the program, you will enter the main menu. 1. Option One-Input Sale Data. You will be prompted to enter the filename of the sale data file you want to work on. If you enter a filename that does not exist, then the program will ask you if you want to create it. If you answer yes, then the program shall create the data file and if you answer no, the program will display the file status and give another opportunity to enter the correct filename. You will enter a second menu for input of sale data. Card types 1 through 4 are screens for input of sale data for the Report of Timber Sale side of the R3-FS-2400-17. Card Type 5 (option 3) brings up a screen for input of sale data for the appraisal side of the R3-FS-2400-17. This screen must be completed before you can run the appraisal and generate reports. Option 4 (Approval/Comments) allows input of approving officer, comments, and the appraisal bulletin that this sale was last appraised with. When in the screens for data entry, use all four arrow keys for getting around. This will make data entry easier. When you return to the main menu, you will be prompted as to whether or not you want to change the filename. If you answer no, then the data will be written back to the file originally accessed. If you answer yes, you will need to enter a filename that does not already exist. The data will then be written to the new filename. This feature allows you to load data from one file, modify it and write the data to another file. This feature is generally used to quickly generate economic data for environmental assessment alternatives and position statements. R3 AMENDMENT 2409.22-94-8 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/19/1994 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2409.22_70 Page 18 of 18 FSH 2409.22 -–TIMBER APPRAISAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 70 – REPORT OF TIMBER SALE 2. Option Two-Appraisal Bulletin. The second option from the main menu allows you to input any appraisal bulletin data file, modify it and save it back to the same file or to a new filename that does not exist. This option should be used carefully. You can RIS any appraisal bulletin data file from Region 3 computer R03A from: :STAFF:TM:APPRAISALS:BULLETIN:BULL1094.CCF This example will RIS bulletin #10 calendar year 94. Substitute the appraisal bulletin number and calendar year to RIS the one you need. 3. Option Three-Generate Reports. This option allows you to run an appraisal, generate both sides of the R3-FS-2400-17 and print the appraisal sale data. When you enter this option, you will be prompted to enter a sale data filename. When the data from the file is accessed, the appraisal bulletin that this sale was last appraised with is compared with the current appraisal bulletin displayed in the header of the screen. If they are the same, the program runs the appraisal and moves on to the second menu. If the last appraisal bulletin used to appraise this sale is different, then you will be prompted if you want to use the current appraisal bulletin displayed. If you answer yes, then the sale will be appraised under the current appraisal bulletin and this appraisal bulletin number/year will be written back to the sale data file. If you answer no, then the program will prompt you for the appraisal bulletin data filename that you want to appraise the sale with. Then the second menu appears. From the second menu, you can generate any or all of three reports on the menu before exiting. You will be allowed to direct output to the monitor, a flat file or a printer of your choice. 4. Use Of Automated Program. A Ranger District generally does the appraisal while the Supervisor's Office usually sells the sale. Therefore the Ranger District will input card type 1 and 5 and comments on the last screen (Appraisal Bulletin number, ADP Cruise number, and so forth). This file shall then be mailed electronically to the Supervisor's Office where card types 2, 3, 4 and Approval/Comments will be completed. The Report of Timber Sale will need to be generated using the same Appraisal Bulletin that the sale was appraised with. This completed Sale Data File may be sent electronically to the Regional Office in lieu of sending hard copies of form R3-FS-2400-17. This procedure should speed up Appraisal Bulletin updates at each quarter. When using this procedure, enter the Appraisal Bulletin ## CY ## in comments and check that the "last Appraisal Bulletin that was appraised field" is correct. The Regional Office shall extracts sale data files to to update information in the appraisal bulletin update program.