R4 SUPPLEMENT 2400-92-1 2470.1-2474.53 EFFECTIVE 10/9/92 Page 1 of 13

R4 SUPPLEMENT 2400-92-1
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R4 Supplement No. 2400-92-1
Effective October 9, 1992
POSTING NOTICE. Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post
by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this
transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Title was Supplement
No. 312 to FSM 2443.
Page Code
2472.33--1 Thru 2473.12
Document Name
(Number of Sheets)
(Number of Pages)
2473 - Replaces Supplement No. 285 4/85. Revises responsibilities, adjusts administration and
management of Lucky Peak Nursery. New timeliness for ordering seedlings is established.
Establishes seed and seedling pricing procedures, cone collection and Working Capital Fund
authorization and administrative procedures.
2474 - Revises procedures for seed collection and summarizes due dates for selected activities.
Regional Forester
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2473.03 - Policy. The Lucky Peak Nursery, near Boise, Idaho is a service facility which shall be
maintained and operated to produce forest tree seedlings primarily, but may provide brush or
other propagules within the nursery's established capacity.
1. Production for National Forests. Seedlings shall be produced for adjacent Forest Service
Regions as requested, based upon the inherent capability of the nursery to produce a quality
2. Production for States and Other Agencies. Lucky Peak Nursery may produce seedlings
for the Bureau of Land Management, State of Idaho, and other states or agencies based upon
agreements within procurement regulations and as long as the Working Capital Fund (WCF)
capitalized level is not exceeded.
6. Seed Storage. Seed storage and treatment, plus related seed and seedling service shall be
provided by Lucky Peak Nursery. Seed storage shall be principally for the Southwestern (Region
3) and Intermountain Regions (Region 4) of the Forest Service. Unutilized seed storage capacity
can be made available to other agencies and states within appropriate procurement regulations
and agreements.
2473.04 - Responsibility.
1. Responsibility for the following Lucky Peak Nursery program areas is multi-Regional
and area-wide:
a. Production of bare-root planting stock.
b. Planting stock distribution.
c. Tree seed procurement and cold storage for Southwestern and Intermountain
d. Tree seed distribution for Southwestern and Intermountain Regions to seedling
production facilities.
e. Assistance with tree improvement programs of the Intermountain Region.
f. Research and development in nursery practices in concert with the Intermountain
Research Station.
Implementation of such programs requires a coordinated flow of information
between the Intermountain Regional Office Forest Management Director,
Southwestern Regional Office Timber Management Director, Administrative
Services, Working Capital Fund (WCF) Financial Management Staffs, other Regions
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and agencies, and the Boise National Forest. Correspondence initiated by other
Staffs in the Intermountain Region that involves these programs shall be reviewed for
concurrence in the Regional Office Forest Management Staff before transmission to
the Boise National Forest or cooperators in the above-listed programs.
2. With some exceptions, the delegation of authority for Lucky Peak Nursery management
is the same as for other administrative units. Exceptions to normal organization delegation
occurs in the program areas below:
a. Production of Planting Stock. Production schedules shall be prepared by the
Nursery Manager and approved by the Regional Office Director of Forest
b. Planting Stock Distribution. Planting stock distribution schedules to National
Forests and other units or agencies shall be prepared by the Nursery Manager and
reviewed by the Regional Office Director of Forest Management.
c. Research and Development Studies. Research and development studies shall be
carried out within the plans, specifications, and schedules developed under the
cooperative agreement between the Regional Forester and the Station Director,
Intermountain Station. Investigations or studies by other Staffs shall be coordinated
with the Regional Office Forest Management Staff.
d. Operating Budget. The Nursery Manager is responsible for preparation of the
annual operating budget. This budget must be prepared by August 1. It should be
submitted by September 1 for review and approval by the WCF Financial Manager
and Director of Forest Management for adequacy of operating cost estimates and for
meeting production schedules.
e. Tree Pricing. The WCF Financial Manager in cooperation with the Regional
Silviculturist and Nursery Manager shall prepare and submit tree prices that shall be
reviewed by the Regional Office Forest Management Staff. This should normally be
done in November of each year.
f. Tree Seed Bank. At Lucky Peak Nursery, a Working Capital Fund (WCF) seed
bank for both the Southwestern and Intermountain Regions shall be maintained to
meet needs for programs of tree planting, direct seeding, and for cooperative
programs (FSM 2474). The combined storage facility shall be designed for at least
25,000 pounds of seed. Management of the seed storage facility, determination of
the storage facilities capability and assurance appropriate maintenance and operation
of seed storage facility is the Nursery Managers responsibility. Storage of seed other
than WCF seed must be on a space available basis.
A seed reserve for recurring reforestation and other needs is the mutual responsibility
of all Intermountain Region Forest Supervisors, Southwestern Region Forest
Supervisors, the Intermountain Region's Director of Forest Management, and
Southwestern Region's Director of Timber Management. Although it is stored at the
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Lucky Peak Nursery, the tree seed is reserved for the collecting National Forest's use.
Use of tree seed from one National Forest's seed zone for seedling production in
another National Forest's seed zone after authorization by the Forest Supervisor must
be reviewed by the Region's Regional Geneticist for compatibility and be approved
by the Region's Director. Issues of seed for direct seeding of conifers shall be
approved by the Director of Forest Management.
g. Tree Seed Procurement. A tree seed procurement program shall be prepared by
the Regional Office Forest Management Staff from individual Forest requests for tree
seed collection annually. Tree seed procurement shall be controlled based on Forest
needs developed in 10 year forest seed collection programs. Seed collections shall
not be made for replacement or increases to the Working Capital Fund Seed Program
at Lucky Peak Nursery without approval of the Intermountain Region Director of
Forest Management. Seed procurement for increasing WCF inventory or for other
special purposes shall be accomplished with appropriated or cooperative funds.
Management of the Southwestern Tree seed shall be in accordance with Intraregional
Agreement No. 110451069101.
The Nursery Manager shall not receive cones or seeds for processing or storage
without prior appropriate financial arrangements that shall cover processing,
extraction, storage, or other costs association with the seed transaction. Forest
Supervisors or the other responsible persons shall through prior arrangement assure
provision of funding for planned procurement of seed. Tree seed collection and
management is outlined in the Seed Handbook FSH 2409.26f.
WCF funds shall be authorized or allocated by the Nursery Manager to each Forest
supervisor according to program needs for tree seed procurement (see FSM 2474.32).
Establishment of WCF capitalized seed inventory levels and the institution practices
to assist Forests in maintaining these levels are the responsibility of the Director of
Forest Management and the Nursery Manager.
h. Seed Pricing. Based on cone prices, costs of storage, anticipated replacement
cost, and extraction, the WCF Financial Manager in cooperation with the Regional
Geneticist and Nursery Manager shall prepare a seed price list for review by the
Southwestern Region Timber Management and approval by the Intermountain
Region Forest Management Staff's Director. This shall be done by November 30 of
each year.
i. Seed Extraction Operating Budget. The Nursery Manager shall submit an annual
operating budget for extraction, storage, and treatment of seed to the Regional Office
for approval by the WCF Financial Manager after review by the Region's Forest
Management Staff. This shall be prepared after the collection program for the past
year has been accomplished and shall be submitted as part of the nursery budget.
j. Administrative Studies, Agreements, and Developments. Cooperative agreements
with other agencies and other units of the National Forest System are prepared by the
Regional Office Forest Management Staff, coordinated with cooperators, other
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functional staff groups, National Forests of Region 4, Southwestern Region Timber
Staff, and the Supervisor of the Boise National Forest.
3. Except as specifically excluded, the Forest Supervisor, Boise National Forest is
responsible for the general administrative supervision of the Lucky Peak Nursery, as a multiRegion forest tree nursery facility. The nursery shall be operated as a distinct organizational
entity assigned to the Boise National Forest. All management operations shall be under the
jurisdiction of a Nursery Manager who, acting as a line officer, reports to the Forest Supervisor
or Deputy Forest Supervisor. Changes in nursery organization or staff shall be reviewed by the
Regional Forest Management Staff Director prior to implementation.
Safe work performance shall be an integral part of all nursery operations. Timely instruction in
safe work procedures must be included in all nursery activities.
4. The following specific responsibilities are assigned for management and administration
of Lucky Peak Nursery:
a. Nursery Manager. The Nursery Manager shall:
(1) Be responsible for actual conduct of the following studies. The Regional Office
Forest Management Staff in cooperation with the Intermountain Experiment Station
scientists shall plan and assist with the conduct of administrative studies. The
studies shall be concerned with improving reforestation programs and maintaining
both quality and quantity of nursery production.
(2) Maintain records which provide overall information of nursery operations and
influences, including, but not limited to, such items as unusual climatic conditions,
lifting, packing and shipping data on seedlings, seed lots sown, cones and seed
received or shipped for National Forests or others, bud burst and bud set of different
species of seedlings, significant operational problems, number of visitors, and other
items as appropriate.
(3) Provide training in correct work practices when new methods or procedures are
initiated and when new employees are assigned to the work. Provide followup
training on established procedures for experienced employees. Safety training should
be included in each phase of work. The nursery should have several employees
trained to take over various jobs to maintain production in the absence of a regularly
assigned worker. Safety meetings shall be held on an as-needed basis.
(4) Develop and maintain an overall training program for all nursery employees and
Forest personnel who are involved in nursery operations. This program should
provide for on-the-job training to:
(a) Assure continuity, consistency, and economy of all nursery operations.
(b) Keep skills current and broaden the specialized skills of permanent and returning
seasonal employees.
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(c) Assure correct and satisfactory task performance by all employees.
(d) Assure safe work performance by all employees. Appropriate formal training
shall be provided for selected employees as needed.
(5) Develop the annual work plan and budget, including subsequent revisions, for
the nursery. Coordination with Regional reforestation programs and the Working
Capital Fund program is necessary. The work plan should include the kind and
amount of equipment and supplies required for nursery operation. The work plan
and budget should clearly delineate any new equipment, facilities or changes in
seedling production exceeding the WCF capitalized level of approximately 7.2
million per year. Program's which exceed shall be financed from appropriated funds
rather than the Working Capital Fund. Seedling production programs exceeding the
WCF capitalized shall, if possible, be shifted to other nursery production facilities
that are below their capitalized level. Planned financing for administrative studies
shall be included in appropriated funding needs. The annual work plan and budget
shall be prepared by August 1 and be submitted to the WCF Financial Manager by
September 1 annually after review by the Boise National Forest.
(6) Be responsible for accepting sowing orders direct from National Forests, other
Regions, and other agencies with in the appropriate procurement authority. Is
responsible for determining that seed is available from a prescribed seed source.
When the seed is not available, the Nursery Manager shall work with the appropriate
other National Forest staff personnel, Regional Geneticist or other agency personnel
in determining, whether seed from a different seed zone or elevation may be used. In
the Intermountain Region the Regional Geneticist shall approve all seed zone
transfers not allowed in the seed handbook (FSH 2404.26f) in order to assure
adaptability and maintenance of the genetic quality. The final sowing schedule shall
be submitted to the Regional Forester for approval. When sowing requests exceed
the authorized working capital fund capitalized level the nursery in cooperation with
the Regional Office shall seek appropriate funding for support of the operation.
(7) Be responsible for accepting lifting orders direct from National Forests, other
Regions, and other agencies. Responsibility involves determining that adequate
nursery stock is available from a previously ordered suitable seed source. The final
lifting schedule shall be submitted to the Regional Forester for review. Seed and
seedling transfers shall be approved by the Regional Geneticist for all Forest Service
The Nursery Manager shall coordinate tree seedling needs and surpluses. The
Nursery Manager should promptly notify the Regional Office Forest Management
Director, the WCF Financial Manager, and ordering unit of any substantial surplus or
shortage. Substantial quantities vary from the ordered quantities by more than 10
percent. Any requests for funds to facilitate planting or purchase of nursery stock
should be sent by the requesting National Forest to the appropriate Regional Office.
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The Nursery Manager has no responsibility concerning National Forest reforestation
(8) Handle orders for lifting and sowing of nursery stock at Coeur d'Alene and other
nurseries using the same procedures indicated in (6) and (7) above. The Nursery
Manager at the Lucky Peak Nursery shall be responsible for billing individual Forests
for the cost of seed sent to Coeur d'Alene, or the other nurseries for growing nursery
stock. Annually by June 15 all sowing and lifting information at Lucky Peak and at
other nurseries will be consolidated in a report and a copy provided to the Director of
Forest Management.
(9) Be responsible for providing leadership and assistance to Intermountain Region
National Forests in solving problems of transportation and handling of nursery stock.
Similar support shall be provided to the Southwestern Region upon request.
(10) Provide training in cone and seed collection at the Forests or Region's request.
(11) Be responsible for nursery production for the tree improvement program and
maintenance of progeny test areas on the Boise National Forest.
(12) Provide technical assistance to Intermountain Region National Forests in
elements of the reforestation and tree improvement program, based on requests made
through the Regional Silviculturist and Regional Geneticist.
(13) Review and make recommendations to the Regional Forester concerning the
proposed use of any part of the nursery real property and facilities for any purpose
not directly related to the production of conifer or shrub nursery stock.
(14) Assure that prior to seed bank storage or nursery sowing, all seed or
reproductive materials purchased from other than approved contractors, or crews
other than force account under the direct supervision of the Forest Service, shall meet
seed identification and labeling standards as outlined in FSH 2409.26f.
Seed obtained in this manner shall be certified by an accredited seed testing
laboratory as to purity, viability, moisture content, and kinds of extraneous materials.
Seed purchases of this kind shall be coordinated through the Regional Geneticist.
(15) Maintain a Nursery Handbook (FSH 2409.26e) for the Lucky Peak Nursery.
This will include information on the design, installation, operation, and maintenance
of nursery facilities, proven operating and treatment procedures, discussions of
problem areas and situations, and related material.
(16) Be responsible for assurance of compliance with the National Environmental
Policy Act and other appropriate laws and regulations.
b. Forest Supervisor, Boise National Forest. The Forest Supervisor shall:
(1) Exercise administrative line responsibilities for the nursery unit.
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(2) Provide staff assistance in safety, engineering, public information, education, and
other functions as needed to maintain and improve the nursery operation.
(3) Provide the Nursery Manager with an adequate on-site facility and staff to
conduct the business and financial management of the nursery operation while
providing staff assistance and training to accomplish the WCF, budget, and
collections operation.
(4) Schedule a minimum of two nursery inspections per two year period. One shall
be a business and financial management inspection.
(5) Coordinate the nursery annual work plan and budget with budget proposals
prepared by the Boise National Forest for the reforestation tree, improvement
programs. Nursery expansion and other special budgetary requirements outside the
normal nursery operation shall be forwarded to the Regional Office Director's of
Forest Management and Planning and Budgeting.
2473.04b - Regional Forester. Regional Forester is responsible for:
1. A forest pathologist and/or forest entomologist from the Boise Field Office, Forest Pest
Management Staff and Idaho Department of Agriculture shall visit the nursery at the start of treelifting operations in the spring and again in the fall to examine nursery stock for insects and
diseases. These examinations shall be documented to provide a basis for securing phyto-sanitary
certificates from the state of Idaho Department of Agriculture, for interstate shipment of the tree
seedlings. The state issues the certificate based on "nursery laws" of the receiving state.
2. Other examinations shall be made of the nursery by forest pathologists and
entomologists as needed to monitor planting stock for insect and disease problems.
3. Assuring that General Management Reviews by Regional Office Staff Groups of
Administrative Management, Public Affairs, and Forest Management seek to include the nursery
as a sample unit in each of these reviews of the Boise National Forest.
4. Review and approval of plans (and revisions thereto) for all major capital investments at
the nursery. Special budgetary requests for special programs, nursery expansion, increases to
capital in WCF or funds for production beyond the WCF capitalized level shall be handled as a
special request in the Regions budgetary proposal.
5. Preparing and forwarding to Lucky Peak Nursery all cone-collection schedules,
requisitions for seed issues, and seed purchases. Shall determine, with the Regional Forester
Southwestern Region, the appropriate seed storage and inventory levels for the seed bank
maintained at Lucky Peak Nursery for both Regions. Storage levels shall be based on Forest
Supervisor's seed collection plans (see FSH 2409.26f).
6. Providing the nursery staff assistance in reforestation, tree improvement, seed collection,
and genetics from the Forest Management Staff group. That Staff shall complete at least one
functional review annually of the nursery.
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7. Approving or disapproving any proposed use of any part of the nursery real property and
facilities for any purpose not directly related to the production of conifer or shrub nursery stock.
8. The Regional Silviculturist or Geneticist shall review at least every other year, all
nursery facilities where Intermountain National Forest's planting stock is being produced. The
purpose of the review is to determine the suitability, capability, and quality of stock produced,
and make recommendations about continued use of the facility.
2473.04c - Forest Supervisors.
1. Each Forest Supervisor shall report their future planting stock requirements annually to
the Lucky Peak Nursery Manager. All planting stock sowing requests regardless of type, for any
nursery production requested shall be processed through Lucky Peak Nursery and are due before
December 1. Seed for sowing at other facilities must be handled through Lucky Peak Nursery.
In handling all sowing requests they will be able to: consolidate shipments, do appropriate
billings, accomplish seed shipments and provide a record of facilities where Intermountain
Region seedling production is undertaken.
Bareroot sowing for Lucky Peak Nursery shall be completed in the Spring. Seed sown in the
spring (Example: Spring 1992) should produce 2-0 trees for planting in the fall or spring
following two growing seasons (Example: Spring 1994). Similarly, 3-0 trees should be ready
for planting in the fall or spring following three growing seasons. Pine trees are normally planted
for production as 2-0 in Region 4, Engelmann spruce and Douglas-fir, as 2-0 or 3-0 depending on
size requirements. Other species requires consultation with the Nursery Manager.
Sowing requests for Lucky Peak Nursery received after January 1 shall be considered to be a
supplemental planting stock sowing request. A supplemental planting stock sowing request may
be submitted up to February 15. Supplemental sowing requests shall be handled on a spaceavailable and capability basis. Supplemental requests received after January 1 for any Forest
Service Nursery shall be handled on a space-available and capability basis.
Intermountain Region Forests with seed stored at other nurseries and utilizing their production
capability shall provide a copy of all sowing and lifting requests to Lucky Peak's Nursery
Planting stock sowing requests shall designate needs by number of trees, by seed lots, type of
stock (bareroot, container, transplant or plug-one), age of stock, and if fall or spring planted. If
seed is not available in the National Forest's inventory of seed lots, the order should give the
location, soil type, and elevation of the area to be planted so that a suitable seed source might be
found for use. Species, year needed, and seed source or planting location should be specified.
Also specified with the planting stock sowing request shall be the desired and acceptable
seedling, height and stem caliper, and any other seedling specifications that are controllable by
nursery management practices.
Sowing requests for container stock at any nursery must be processed through Lucky Peak
Nursery prior to September 15. Specifications must be prepared for all production as above.
Container stock will often require procurement through a service contract.
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2. Each Forest Supervisor shall submit annually, to the Nursery Manager, their planting
stock lifting needs for all nurseries for the next planting season. The Lucky Peak Nursery
Manager is responsible for consolidation of all sowing and lifting requests for all, nurseries, used
by the Region's Forests. These requests for lifting of planting stock are due at the Lucky Peak
Nursery before December 1. The Forest Supervisor shall modify sowing size specifications into
sorting specification for lifting requests, outlining the minimum and maximum acceptable
seedling sizes in height above ground, root length, and stem caliper.
Each Forest Supervisor shall be provided a copy of the Annual Nursery Report by the Nursery Manager. The report
provides information on seedling and seed lot volumes and other information concerning seedling growing
capabilities and seed stored at the nursery.
3. Verification of the seedling numbers, quality of seedlings and general condition of
seedlings is essential to setting lifting standards and finalizing reforestation programs and
budgets. For this reason a representative of the Forest Supervisor shall visit and field review any
seedling lots being grown in nurseries prior to preparing the lifting request. During that visit
seedling lifting specifications should be determined.
4. Any seedling orders for fall planting shall have the concurrence of both Lucky Peak
Nursery Manager and the Regional Silviculturist to assure that plant specification and
reforestation requirements can be met. Fall lifting/over winter storage of seedlings requires no
concurrence for the following species: Western larch, Douglas-fir, and all Southwestern Region
species. Orders should be received by the Nursery Manager as early as possible, but not later
than September 1. Seedling lifting orders for spring planting shall be received by the Nursery
Manager as indicated in (2) above. Forest Supervisor's are responsible for arranging seedling
transport from any nursery.
5. Sowing or lifting orders shall be approved by the Forest Supervisor, District Ranger, or
their representative and sent to Lucky Peak Nursery. After coordination and approval, these
orders will be forwarded to the Regional Office Forest Management Staff. The same ordering
schedule as required for reforestation shall be followed for all other resource seedling production
2473.12 - Tree Production. The Lucky Peak Nursery maximum production potential is 11.0
million conifer 2-0 seedlings. Its capitalized working capital fund level shall be approximately
7.2 million 2-0, 3-0 seedlings annually. Appropriate funds should be used to increase this level
when it is necessary.
2473.22 - Sale of Nursery Stock and Seed to the National Forests. National Forests and
cooperators requesting tree stock grown shall pay for all incurred costs of the requested numbers
if delivery is not taken or a request is made to terminate the production. When production is
terminated, all costs including destruction shall be recouped by the nursery from the ordering
National Forest or cooperator based on sowing volume. Seed is paid for when sowing request is
made based on seed volumes determined by the nursery to produce the quantity requested.
Current Lucky Peak Nursery tree and seed prices are listed in the Working Capital Fund
Handbook (FSH 6509.11f). Prices are determined as outlined in this handbook. Prices for seed
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can be controlled by the Forest by utilizing methods discussed in the seed handbook (FSH
2473.31 - Plans. The Supervisor, Boise National Forest, in cooperation with the Regional
Forester and a scientist from the Intermountain Experiment Station shall develop and maintain a
long-term program of soil treatments and crop rotation to establish and maintain the required
level of soil fertility and to prevent the development of adverse soil conditions or harmful insects
and disease.
Research and administrative studies shall as needed, be conducted for seedling and seed
information in cooperation with Lucky Peak Nursery. These programs shall be undertaken only
after development with and concurrence of the study plan by Station Director of the
Intermountain Research Station, Director of Forest Management and the Nursery Manager.
2474.04 - Responsibility.
2474.04b - Regional Forester. The Regional Office Forest Management Staff and Lucky Peak
Nursery Manager shall assist in preparation of plans and conduct of work to the extent needed;
however, responsibility for accomplishment rests with the Forest Supervisor. Approval for cone
collections based on planned needs shall be issued by the Regional Office by August 15. The
Regional Geneticist shall ensure that seed inventories are maintained within appropriate Working
Capital Fund levels.
2474.04c - Forest Supervisor. Annually, Forest Supervisor shall review National Forest seed
inventories with planned future seed needs (see FSH 2409.26f). Following completion of seed
collection plan requests for disposal of excess or surplus seed lots and low-quality seed shall be
made through the Regional Forester to be acted upon by the Nursery Manager. Costs for disposal
and loss of inventory shall be recouped for the Working Capitol Fund seed stores.
Seed collection shall be conducted under the supervision of the local unit on the National Forest
where planting or seeding should be done. Each Forest should maintain an inventory at the
nursery of suitable seed needed for each species of seedling production within each zone on their
Forest. These collections should consider the seed needs for (1) planting and seeding after
timber harvest, (2) prompt planting and seeding of new burns, (3) elimination of previously
harvested unregenerated areas, or areas with failures, (4) reforesting old burns and other
improperly stocked forest land, and (5) site rehabilitation, range, or wildlife shrub planting needs
to meet management planning objectives.
The seed inventory should be maintained by species, seed zone, elevation, latitude, longitude,
and other subzone requirements specified in the Forest Seed Inventory Plan and FSH 2409.26f,
Seed Handbook (FSM 2474.51).
Reports of the current tree seed crop and seed collection needs are due in the Regional Office
Timber Management Staff prior to July 15 each year.
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Cone collection needs and suitability should be reviewed and correlated with National Forest tree
seed plans. Over-collection and storage of excess seed shall be avoided. Authorization for
Working Capital Fund Seed collection expenditures shall be issued by the Boise National Forest
Working Capital Fund Administrator following approval by the Nursery Manager.
2474.2 - Cone and Seed Processing, Storage, and Accountability. Unless authorized by the
Intermountain Region's Director of Forest Management, cone and seed shipments to Lucky Peak
Nursery shall not be accepted for processing or storage by the Nursery Manager. Other Regions
and agencies seed storage, processing and accountability shall be based on procurement or other
2474.5 - Plans, Records, and Reports. See exhibit 01 for a summary of various activities
reporting and response timeframes.
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2474.5 - Exhibit 01
Seed Collection Plan
June 1
Forest Supervisor
Consolidated Sowing Lifting Report June 15
Nursery Manager
2473.04, 4a (8)
Tree Seed Crop/ Collection
Need Plan
July 15
Forest Supervisor
Approval Forest Seed
Collection Plan
August 15
Dir., Forest Mgmt.
Nursery Manager
2474.04b, c
Tree Seed Procurement Plan
August 15
Dir., Forest Mgmt.
2473.04, g
Nursery budget-WCF
September 1
WCF Fin. Mgr. Dir.,
Forest Mgmt.
2473.04, 2d
Seed Extraction Budget
September 1
WCF Fin. Mgr.
2473.04, 2i
Forest Supervisor
2473.04, 4a (5)
Appropriated Fund Budget
Phyto-Sanitary Certificates
Forest Pest Mgmt.
2473.04, 4c (1)
Fall Plant/Lift Request
September 1
Forest Supervisor
2473.04, 4d (4)
Tree Seedling Prices
Dir., Forest Mgmt.
2473.04, 2 (e)
Seed Prices
November 30
Dir., Forest Mgmt.
2473.04, 2h
Planting Stock Lifting Request
December 1
Forest Supervisor
2473.04, 4d (2)
Planting Stock Sowing Request
December 1
Forest Supervisor
2473.04, 4d (1)
Special "above capital" Budget
December 1
Dir., Forest Mgmt.
Dir., P&B
2473.04, 4c (4)
Cone Shipments
Prior to
Shipment (SeptNov).
Nursery Manager