Supplement No.: 2100-2014-1
Effective Date: 10/16/2014
Duration: This supplement expires 5 years from the effective date unless superseded or
removed earlier.
Approved: Randy Moore, Regional Forester
Date Approved: 10/2/2014
Posting Instructions:
Supplements are numbered consecutively by Manual number and
calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this
supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document.
Last Change: 2100-2008-1, 2/11/2008, to chapter 50.
New Document: 2150, 5 pages.
Superseded Document(s):
2100-2008-1 Effective 2/11/2008, 8 pages.
2150 - Makes technical, formatting, and editorial changes throughout the chapter. Codes and
captions throughout have been edited to conform to revised national direction in FSM 2150
(Amendment No. 2100-2013-1).
2150.3 - Incorporates Regional policies on pesticide-use that had previously been contained in
policy letters to the field.
2150.47 - Code changed from chapter 2151.45 and incorporates text from chapter 2150.04a.
Text clarifies process for Regional Forester approval of pesticide uses that are not delegated to
FSM 2100 - Environmental Management
Chapter 2150 - Pesticide Use Management and Coordination
Supplement No.:2100-2014-1 - Effective Date: 10/16/2014
forest supervisors. Clarifies that forest supervisors can delegate pesticide-use approval
authority to district rangers. Deletes Exhibit 01.
2150.5 - Adds definition for “adjuvant”, and modifies definition for “restricted-use pesticide” to
account for state of California additional classifications.
2151.2 - States that the Pesticide-Use Proposal (Form FS-2100-2) meets state of California
requirements in regulation to provide a written treatment prescription. Final review of most
Pesticide-Use Proposals (exceptions in chapter 2150.47) is delegated to forest pesticide-use
2152 - Chapter renamed and wording from Chapter 2155 moved here to align with national FSM
2150. Subchapter 2152.2 deleted, including Exhibit 01as both refer to an obsolete MOU.
2155 - Code changed from 2154. Clarification of when pesticide handler training and pesticide
applicator certification is needed for Forest Service employees.
2155 - Renumbered to Chapter 2152.
2155.2 - Provides contact information for California pesticide applicator certification.
2156 - Deleted as it referenced an obsolete publication
2158 - Deleted as it referenced obsolete reports.
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FSM 2100 - Environmental Management
Chapter 2150 - Pesticide Use Management and Coordination
Supplement No.:2100-2014-1 - Effective Date: 10/16/2014
2150.3 - POLICY
In managing and coordinating the use of pesticides, in addition to policies described in FSM
2150, it is Pacific Southwest Region policy to:
1. Only use pesticides registered by both the state of California and the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, and only use adjuvants registered by the state of
California, within those portions of the Pacific Southwest Region that are within the
state of California.
2. Follow all state of California pesticide-related laws and regulations in planning and
implementing pesticide applications within those portions of the Pacific Southwest
Region that are within the state of California to the extent that they do not conflict
with federal laws and regulations or Forest Service policies or management
3. Pesticide-use training and certification for Forest Service employees who use, or
directly supervise the use of, restricted-use pesticides on Forest Service lands
within the state of California will be accomplished through the State of California’s
pesticide applicator certification program.
2150.4 - Responsibility
2150.47 - Forest Supervisors and District Rangers
Approval authority is delegated to Forest Supervisors for all pesticide-use proposals, except the
1. Any pesticide use in Wilderness, which includes Wilderness study areas.
2. Any pesticide use in established or candidate Research Natural Areas.
3. Any use of any amount of sodium cyanide.
4. Any aerial application of the herbicide hexazinone.
In order to gain Regional Forester approval of the undelegated uses (above), the Forest
Supervisor shall submit to the Regional Forester (attention to the Regional Pesticide-Use
Coordinator) the completed, but unapproved Pesticide-Use Proposals (Form FS-2100-2), the
final environmental analysis, along with sufficient supporting documentation (e.g. specialist’s
reports, Minimum Requirements Decision Guide (MRDG), etc.) to support the use of pesticides
in these situations. The Forest Supervisor shall submit these environmental documents before
the Forest Supervisor's approval and signature of the project’s decision document. The
environmental analysis must contain sufficient analysis and documentation to fully satisfy FSM
1950 Environmental Policy and Procedures and FSH 1909.15, National Environmental Policy
Act Handbook. Once the Regional Forester has approved the use, the signed Pesticide-Use
Proposals will be sent back to the Forest Supervisor.
The Forest Supervisor may delegate, in writing, approval authority to the District Rangers for all
pesticide-use proposals except those reserved by the Regional Forester.
The Forest Supervisor shall appoint a Forest Pesticide-Use Coordinator. The Coordinator
provides a focal point for pesticide-use questions and concerns, and assures staff-level
attention and coordination to critical and highly visible pesticide uses. If possible, the
Coordinator shall be certified in the appropriate pest control categories to use or supervise the
use of restricted pesticides.
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FSM 2100 - Environmental Management
Chapter 2150 - Pesticide Use Management and Coordination
Supplement No.:2100-2014-1 - Effective Date: 10/16/2014
The Forest Supervisor shall advise the Regional Director of State and Private Forestry of the
name of the designated Forest Pesticide-Use Coordinator and any subsequent replacement.
Forest Pesticide-Use Coordinator. The duties and responsibilities of the Forest Pesticide-Use
Coordinator are to:
1. Maintain contact and familiarity with all pesticide-use activities on the forest. Provide
technical direction for pesticide use in accordance with current Federal and State
2. Provide direction for proper storage and disposal of pesticides and pesticide
containers (FSM 2153). Provide periodic review(s) of storage and handling of
3. Review all pesticide-use proposals (form FS-2100-2), recommend action to the
Forest Supervisor and maintain required records. Inform the Regional Forester, by
means of an approved form FS-2100-2, of any pesticide projects which may be
4. Identify pesticide-use training and certification needs.
5. Inform California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Regional Water Quality Control
Boards and other agencies and groups about proposed pesticide uses on the forest.
6. Review planned uses of pesticides to ensure they are approved for use.
7. Review selected pesticide applications, including those by permittees, grantees,
contractors, concessionaires, or licensees to determine if properly trained or
certified (if required) personnel are involved in the application, and that applications
comply with pesticide label requirements, California laws and regulations, and
Forest Service constraints.
8. Review reports of accidents or incidents involving pesticides before final submission
to the Regional Forester.
9. Review project work plans for pesticide use for adequacy of safety, monitoring, and
post-control evaluation considerations.
10. , 5 Check pesticide use records from each Ranger District for accuracy. As needed,
develop reports and information summaries associated with pesticide-use activities
occurring on the Forest.
2150.5 - Definitions
Adjuvant - a material added to a pesticide mixture to improve or alter the deposition, toxic
effects, mixing ability, persistence, or other qualities of the pesticide active ingredient.
Restricted-Use Pesticide - In addition to the definition in WO FSM 2150, within the state of
California, restricted use pesticides also include those pesticides described in the California
Code of Regulations (Title 3 (Food and Agriculture) Division 6 Pesticides and Pest Control
Operations, section 6400 - Restricted Materials).
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FSM 2100 - Environmental Management
Chapter 2150 - Pesticide Use Management and Coordination
Supplement No.:2100-2014-1 - Effective Date: 10/16/2014
2151.2 - Pesticide-Use Proposal (FS-2100-2)
The final review of the Pesticide-Use Proposal (Form FS-2100-2) is delegated to the Forest
Pesticide-Use Coordinator for all pesticide uses except those not delegated for Forest
Supervisor approval as listed in Chapter 2150.47 (above).
The Pesticide -Use Proposal (Form FS-2100-2) meets the state of California’s requirement for a
written treatment prescription for pesticide applications, as stated in California Food and
Agricultural Code section 12001.
2151.3 - Pesticide-Use Safety Planning
An Application and Safety Plan shall be written for each project that involves pesticide
applications. It will include a map showing the area(s) to be treated, loading and mixing sites,
flight routes, if aerial applications are proposed, land ownership, places of permanent human
habitation, domestic water sources and sensitive areas to be treated or avoided. This plan shall
also include a project-level spill plan and a medical treatment/evacuation plan.
2152.1 - Post-Application Evaluation
Forest Supervisors shall conduct post treatment evaluations of all project involving pesticides on
their forests. File such evaluation reports with their appropriate project file and, as appropriate,
in the national database of record.
Forest Service employees, who are not certified applicators, that are working on force-account
pesticide applications, pesticide application contracts (e.g., inspector or Contracting Officer
Representative (COR)) and any other employee who might regularly be on site during or
immediately after pesticide applications shall undergo annual training as a pesticide handler
prior to engaging in such work. Annual training shall meet California state regulations. When the
pesticide being applied in a contract is a restricted-use pesticide, the COR or lead inspector will
be a California state-certified pesticide applicator.
2155.2 - Certification
For California state certification study materials, examination schedules, and an application for
certification, refer to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s website.
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