7409.11_10 Page 13 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK DENVER, CO FSH 7409.11 - SANITARY ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC HEALTH HANDBOOK R2 Supplement No. 7409.11-94-1 Effective January 31, 1994 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was Supplement No. 13 to Ch. 10. Page Code 12.4--1 through 12.4--3 Superseded Sheets 2 Supplements Covered R2 Supplement 13, 6/84 Document Name 7409.11_10 Digest: Updates to electronic format. ELIZABETH ESTILL Regional Forester Superseded New (Number of Pages) 3 R2 SUPPLEMENT 7409.11-94-1 EFFECTIVE 1/31/94 7409.11_10 Page 2 of 3 FSH 7409.11 - SANITARY ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC HEALTH HANDBOOK R2 SUPPLEMENT 7409.11-94-1 EFFECTIVE 1/31/94 CHAPTER 10 - PLANNING 12 - PLANNING SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH DEVELOPMENTS. 12.4 - Engineering Report. Many water and wastewater projects in Region 2 are too small to warrant an engineering report as long and as complete as the outline in FSH 7409.11 suggests. To expedite writing such reports, without diminishing in any way their importance or their necessity, the following outline may be followed. It includes all the needed portions of the former outline in a condensed manner, which should make the report preparation much easier. For small projects, particularly when the alternatives are limited, information to be presented in the various portions of the report will be very brief. ENGINEERING REPORT FOR Project I. Conclusions and Recommendations Briefly state selection criteria, alternatives considered, basis for decision, and recommendations. II. III. Project Location and Description A. The location of the project can be stated generally or as specifically as the need requires. This may be Forest and Ranger District; section, township, and range; highway or drainage, and miles from a well-known place; a combination of these, or simply a map with sufficient reference to locate the area. B. Describe the kind of facility to be served; the existing pertinent utilities and their condition; inadequacies to be corrected, if any; and structures, utilities, or portions of these to be removed. Project Criteria and Design Limitations List any criteria which must be satisfied, as well as the limitations which will affect the design. These may be lack of power, shallow soils, impervious soils, little opportunity for a well, difficult access, limited or extended season of use, and so forth. IV. Pertinent Design Data A. Average and maximum population for a stated period of time. R2 SUPPLEMENT 7409.11-94-1 EFFECTIVE 1/31/94 V. VI. 7409.11_10 Page 3 of 3 B. Number and kind of fixtures to be served by the utility. C. For a water system include, as applicable, the well log and pump test, casing diameter, length and material; maximum spring flow and respective periods of these flows; any desired storage capacity in addition to that necessary for daily operation; chemical analysis of the water and sanitary survey report. For a septic system, include percolation data and soil analysis including diameter and depth of the test holes and the elapsed time from the beginning of the test for each reading. Show only the raw data as read. D. Topographic data for the site and any affected adjacent area. E. Site development plan. Alternatives Considered A. Consideration of the broad alternatives such as abandonment, developing a spring, drilling a well, using gravity storage or a hydropneumatic system, and so forth, shall be included. The selection of alternative specific items such as fiberglass versus steel, two small tanks versus one large one, and so forth, shall be treated in the design notes (calculations, assumptions, documentation). B. Discussion of alternatives should include managerial aspects of the system such as personnel, time, cost, organization, land use and utilization. Comparison of Alternatives The discussion need be only as detailed as the complexity of the project and its impacts warrant. For small projects, it may be only a single statement for each; for larger projects, it may be expedient to conduct a matrix analysis to aid in the discussion. VII. Appendices Include such data as mentioned within the above outline which does not lend itself to direct inclusion in the body of the report. Cross reference material.