FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 5/86 R1 SUPPLEMENT 11 11.53 - Cooperative Work, Forest Service, Knutson-Vandenberg (CWFS-K-V). Coop (X25) overhead assessment should be made on a quarterly basis. Using the Unit Financial Statement, proceed as follows: 1. At the end of the first quarter for each year, make assessment on expenditures and obligations as shown on December statement. Assessment should be made account-by-account. Make prior quarter assessment adjustments as needed. 2. At the end of the second quarter, account-by-account, subtract prior quarter accumulative expenditures and obligations from current accumulative expenditures and obligations. The result is the basis for the second quarterly assessment. 3. At the end of the third quarter, account-by-account, subtract March accumulative expenditures and obligations from current accumulative expenditures and obligations. Determine assessment on the difference. 4. At the end of July, account-by-account, subtact June accumulative expenditures and obligations. The result is the basis for the July assessment. Then estimate the August and September expenditures and obligations, include the actual July business and make an assessment on all 3 months. Compare the estimate against the actual when it becomes available and make adjustments as needed during the next assessment. The assessment of AD-742's for first, second, and third quarters are due in the Regional Budget Office by February 1, May 1, and August 1, respectively. The assessment of AD-742's for fourth quarter must reach the Regional Budget Office by September 8 and NFC by September 15. Coop-other assessments are to be made by using the collection half of an AD-742. Assessments must be kept separate by class codes. (See enclosed list of codes to be used for Regional Office overhead). Establish an SO overhead code for each coop-other class code used on your unit. Once the management codes for both RO and SO class code have been established, make the coop-other overhead assessment. See exhibit 1 for a sample of a completed AD-742 using the following data. Exhibit 1 data: The assigned management code for RO coop-fire is 1753. For this exhibit, we assumed that Idaho Panhandle SO assigned management code 653212 to their coop-fire account. Exhibit 1 makes a $200 overhead assessment against the Idaho Panhandle coop-fire overhead account. This same procedure must be repeated for any expenditures in class code 2, class code 3, class code 7, etc. Collect overhead assessments into true functions. Do not use function 971. SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 5/86 R1 SUPPLEMENT 11 All Regional Office coop-other overhead assessment are to be placed in unit 56 by using TM 56 in the fund/unit code column on the AD-742. Prepare an original and one copy of the assessment AD-742. Send original to NFC and the copy to Regional Office Budget Office. Be sure to spend the coop-other overhead as collected, class code by class code. REGIONAL OFFICE COOP-OTHER MANAGEMENT CODE FOR OVERHEAD APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT 1/ ASSIGNED MANAGEMENT CODE X25 02100 001749 X25 03100 001750 X25 07100 007151 X25 08100 001752 X25 10127 (Idaho Fish & Game only) 001761 X25 11100 001753 X25 15100 001754 X25 21100 001755 X25 22100 001756 X25 24100 001757 X25 25100 001758 X25 31100 001759 1/ First 2 digits of account number identify the CWFS class code. Exhibit 1 may be viewed in hard copy.