WO SUPPLEMENT 6309.32-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/22/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6309.32_4G01 Page 1 of 9 FSH 6309.32 - FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CHAPTER 4G01 - FOREST SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM Table of Contents 4G01.3 - AGENCY ACQUISITION REGULATION ......................................................... 2 4G01.301 - Policy ................................................................................................................... 2 4G01.4 - DEVIATIONS FROM THE Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Agriculture Acquisition Regulation (AGAR), AND Forest Service Acquisition Regulation (FSAR) ......................................................................... 2 4G01.402 - Policy ................................................................................................................... 2 4G01.6 - CAREER DEVELOPMENT, CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ 2 4G01.601 - General ................................................................................................................. 2 4G01.602 - Contracting Officers ............................................................................................ 3 4G01.602-1 - Authority .......................................................................................................... 3 4G01.602-2 - Responsibilities................................................................................................. 4 4G01.602-3 - Ratification of Unauthorized Commitments .................................................... 4 4G01.603 - Selection, Appointment, and Termination of Appointment for Contracting Officers ....................................................................................................................... 5 4G01.603-1 - General ............................................................................................................. 5 4G01.603-3 - Appointment ..................................................................................................... 5 4G01.603-4 - Termination ...................................................................................................... 6 4G01.603-5 - Continuous Learning Requirements for Contracting Officers, GS-1105s and GS-1102s..................................................................................................................... 6 4G01.604 - Contracting Officer’s Representative .................................................................. 7 4g01.605 - Program/Project Managers ................................................................................... 9 4G01.605-1 - General ............................................................................................................. 9 4G01.605-2 - Responsibility ................................................................................................... 9 WO SUPPLEMENT 6309.32-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/22/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6309.32_4G01 Page 2 of 9 FSH 6309.32 - FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CHAPTER 4G01 - FOREST SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM 4G01.3 - AGENCY ACQUISITION REGULATION 4G01.301 - Policy (a) The FAR 1.301 provides for the issuance of additional internal agency guidance, including designations and delegations of authority, assignments of responsibilities, work-flow procedures, and internal reporting requirements. 4G01.4 - DEVIATIONS FROM THE FAR AND AGAR 4G01.402 - Policy (a) Submit requests in writing to the Head of the Contracting Activity Designee (HCAD) to deviate from the provisions of the FAR, AGAR, or these instructions. Requests must be in the format described in the AGAR 401.402. 4G01.6 - CAREER DEVELOPMENT, CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4G01.601 - General (a) In accordance with the General Delegation of Contracting Authority for the Natural Resources and Environment - Forest Service, the USDA Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) has delegated the Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA), Chief of the Forest Service, the authority to make determinations to implement the policies and procedures of the FAR. As HCA, the Chief of the Forest Service has designated the Washington Office, Director of Acquisition Management to carry out the functions of the HCAD. A copy of the delegation letter is at http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/aqm2/wo/procurement/index.php#z. (b) The HCA or the HCAD has delegated procurement authority in an unlimited amount, except for limitations specified in USDA Departmental Regulation 5039-7, Delegation of Procurement Authority for Information Technology. (1) The HCA or the HCAD may re-delegate contracting authority by appointing Contracting Officers (CO) without power of re-delegation. The HCA or the HCAD will appoint Contracting Officer’s Level I and higher authority, as appropriate, as defined in Procurement Advisory #100, USDA Contracting Officers Warrant Guidelines. Procurement Advisories are issued by the USDA Office of Procurement and Property Management and posted on the USDA website at http://www.dm.usda.gov/procurement/career/index.htm. WO SUPPLEMENT 6309.32-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/22/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6309.32_4G01 Page 3 of 9 FSH 6309.32 - FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CHAPTER 4G01 - FOREST SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM (2) The SPE has granted the HCAD authority to issue temporary warrants to Administratively Determined (AD) employees. A copy of the written authority is at http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/aqm2/wo/procurement/index.php#z. (3) In addition, as an exception to the general delegation of authority, the HCA or HCAD may designate a Senior Acquisition Official at each Regional Office, Research Station, and Forest Products Laboratory, as an Appointing Official with power to re-delegate simplified acquisition Contracting Officer authority. (i) Appointing Officials are responsible for ensuring all appointments are made within the specified limitations of their delegation of authority. (ii) A copy of any warrant issued by an Appointing Official must be submitted to the Integrated Acquisition System Change Request at the time of issuance. (iii) All Appointment Officials shall be procurement professionals at the minimum GS-1102-13 level. (iv) All Appointment Officials shall be a certified Level II or above Contracting Officer. 4G01.602 - Contracting Officers 4G01.602-1 - Authority (a) USDA policy on Contracting Officer’s warrant authority is contained in Procurement Advisory #85, Acquisition Workforce Training, Delegation, and Management System, and Procurement Advisory #100. (b) Claims. (1) When the claim settlement amount is above the Contracting Officer's authority, the claim may be settled by an Acquisition Official possessing a warrant in the appropriate amount and who is either the Contracting Officer's Supervisor or is located at an organizational level above the Contracting Officer. (2) Final decisions on disputed claims made by Contracting Officers with Simplified A and B warrants must be reviewed prior to issuance by a Warranted Acquisition Official who is either the Contracting Officer's Supervisor or “level above the Contracting Officer.” The review must be documented in the contract file. (c) Incident-related Limitations. WO SUPPLEMENT 6309.32-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/22/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6309.32_4G01 Page 4 of 9 FSH 6309.32 - FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CHAPTER 4G01 - FOREST SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM (1) Employees assigned as Incident Buying Team Leaders, Procurement Unit Leaders, or Contracting Officers shall have a warrant and specialized incident training in accordance with the Forest Service Fire and Aviation Qualifications Guide, which can be found at http://www.fs.fed.us/fire/publications/fsfaqg/fsfaqg.pdf. (2) Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements (EERAs). Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements are incident ordering agreements established for an individual incident. Warranted personnel may enter into EERAs. Their warrant level must cover the total estimated value of the EERA based on the rate and estimated performance period. (3) Land Use Agreements (LUAs). Warranted personnel may sign LUAs. Their warrant level must cover the total estimated value of the Land Use Agreement. Any changes, modifications, or claim settlements arising from or relating to agreements, must be made by a Warranted Contracting Officer for the change, modification, or claim 4G01.602-2 - Responsibilities (a) Contracting Officers may utilize the form FS-6300-0006, Designation of Contracting Officer’s Representative to designate CORs. Contracting Officers shall designate only certified CORs; a copy of the Federal Acquisition CertificationContracting Officers Representative (FAC-COR) certificate must be placed in the contract file, along with a copy of the COR designation letter. (b) Prior to requesting a warrant, the warrant candidate is responsible to ensure all requirements for the requested warrant per Procurement Advisory #100 are met. Warrant requests requiring a Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FACC) will not be processed until the requester has obtained the FAC-C. Requirements for a FAC-C are found in the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) “Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C)” memorandum dated May 7, 2014, on the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) website at http://www.fai.gov/drupal/sites/default/files/2014-05-07-FAC-C_Refresh.pdf. 4G01.602-3 - Ratification of Unauthorized Commitments (a) Ratification authority may be delegated to the Chief of the Contracting Office (COCO) if the COCO is warranted for actions up to the limits of their Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT) Contracting Officer appointment authority (that is, Simplified A and B warrants). If the COCO is not warranted, or if the action exceeds the SAT, ratification authority is limited to the HCA or HCAD. WO SUPPLEMENT 6309.32-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/22/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6309.32_4G01 Page 5 of 9 FSH 6309.32 - FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CHAPTER 4G01 - FOREST SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM (b) Concurrence of legal counsel is not required, and the Ratifying Official has the responsibility to exercise judgment as to whether or not to seek such concurrence based on the circumstances and complexity of the issue at hand. 4G01.603 - Selection, Appointment, and Termination of Appointment for Contracting Officers 4G01.603-1 - General Procurement Advisories #85 and #100, and the letter of delegation from USDA SPE to the HCA establish the foundation for the selection, appointment, and termination of Contracting Officers. 4G01.603-3 - Appointment (a) The Appointing Official for Simplified A and B Contracting Officers shall be as specified in the FSH 6309.32 4G01.601. (b) The Appointing Official for Level I and higher Contracting Officers shall be the HCAD. (c) All Contracting Officers, regardless of warrant authority, shall be appointed on an SF-1402, Certificate of Appointment. Effective April 1, 2014, warrants are processed in the Federal Acquisition Institute Training Application System (FAITAS). FAITAS assigns a unique identification number to each warrant. (d) The following details must be included on the SF-1402, Certificate of Appointment: Identify the warrant level, dollar limitation, and any further definition of contract type that applies to the warrant based on accomplishment of specialty training; that is, A&E, Construction, and Stewardship. For example: Warrant Level IIA, $5,000,000, Service and Supply Contracts Only; $100,000 for A&E, Construction, and Stewardship Contracts. (e) Additional warrant requirements for stewardship/IRSC contracts are in FSH 6309.32 4G37.701(a). (f) Successor Contracting Officer. (1) If the original Contracting Officer is reassigned, transferred, or absent for an extended period, a successor Contracting Officer may be designated by the senior level Contracting Officer responsible for the assignment of work. Successor Contracting Officers shall have delegated authority equal to or exceeding the aggregate amount of the contract, and upon designation, have the responsibility to: WO SUPPLEMENT 6309.32-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/22/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6309.32_4G01 Page 6 of 9 FSH 6309.32 - FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CHAPTER 4G01 - FOREST SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM (i) Sign as Contracting Officer and (ii) Provide a copy of the change of delegation to all affected contractors and CORs. (g) Administratively Determined (AD) Warrants. (1) Retired Contracting Officers with specialized experience in incident procurements (that is, fires) may be granted temporary warrant authority as an AD hire when meeting the requirements of a waiver granted by USDA SPE. All warrants granted under this authority will be submitted to and signed by the HCAD. These warrants are limited to a not-to-exceed 180 calendar days. For more information, click on the following link: http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/aqm2/wo/procurement/index.php#z. (2) Administratively Determined Warrants are processed in the Federal Acquisition Institute Training Application System (FAITAS); therefore, AD employees shall create a FAITAS account, which requires a valid Forest Service e-mail address. 4G01.603-4 - Termination (a) Appointing Officials may terminate warrant delegations in accordance with Procurement Advisories #85 and #100. (b) All Contracting Officer warrants are automatically terminated when the Contracting Officer departs from the Forest Service. (c) Level I and higher warrants are automatically terminated when the Contracting Officer is reassigned to a position outside the GS-1105 or GS-1102 series. (d) All warrants are based on an organizational need and, therefore, are automatically terminated if a Contracting Officer transfers to another Bureau (Region). 4G01.603-5 - Continuous Learning Requirements for Contracting Officers, GS-1105s and GS-1102s (a) See Procurement Advisory #112, Continuous Learning Management for USDA’s Acquisition Workforce. (b) Continuous learning dates for FAC-C personnel must be computed based on the date of certification per Procurement Advisory #112. (c) The Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) are tracked in the FAITAS. The continuous learning period for non-certified GS-1105s/1102s and non-certified warranted Contracting Officers is based on fiscal/odd year (that is, October 1, 2011 - WO SUPPLEMENT 6309.32-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/22/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6309.32_4G01 Page 7 of 9 FSH 6309.32 - FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CHAPTER 4G01 - FOREST SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM September 30, 2013). The required continuous learning must be completed by September 30 of odd numbered years. (d) COCOs are responsible for tracking CLPs of acquisition workforce members that are not certified in FAITAS. The CLP records must be readily available for review/audit. 4G01.604 - Contracting Officer’s Representative (a) Contracting Officers will designate CORs in writing. (1) Contracting Officers may not modify FS-6300-0006, Designation of Contracting Officer’s Representative, but may create their own designation letter, provided the locally developed letters comply with the requirements of the FAR 1.602-2(d). (2) Locally developed forms cannot include non-delegable responsibilities. CORs shall not be designated unless they meet the certification requirements of the current OFPP memorandum. (b) Level III certified CORs are recommended for aviation contracts. (c) CORs designated/delegated authority under Information Technology contracts – Reserved. (d) Washington Office Staff Directors, Regional Foresters, Station Directors, the Area Director, the International Institute of Tropical Forestry Director, and Job Corps Conservation Center Directors are responsible for ensuring an adequate pool of certified CORs to administer their units’ contracts. (e) Line Officers/Program Managers are responsible for: (1) Providing certified CORs; such personnel remain a part of the Program Officer’s staff. (2) Developing certified CORs for their program’s procurement contracts. (3) Ensuring CORs develop appropriate technical skill and program knowledge. (4) Providing a list of certified CORs to the Contracting Officer for a specific contract with supporting evidence for selecting a COR for a specific contract in writing, if requested. Failure to provide a qualified COR may prevent contract award. (f) Supervisors of CORs are responsible for: WO SUPPLEMENT 6309.32-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/22/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6309.32_4G01 Page 8 of 9 FSH 6309.32 - FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CHAPTER 4G01 - FOREST SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM (1) Supporting COR training and development plans to ensure the candidates satisfy all the requirements for COR certification. (2) Evaluating the COR with respect to the competencies listed on the FAI website. (3) Ensuring the COR is adequately trained and has obtained the competencies listed on the FAI website. (4) Ensuring the COR is certified at the appropriate level. (5) Tracking maintenance training to ensure the COR is earning appropriate hours of maintenance training every 2 years, as required by the OFPP and is entering all training into FAITAS. (g) Contracting Officer’s Representatives shall: (1) Maintain documentation of all training and certifications as required in the FACCOR OFPP memorandum. (2) Enter all required data into FAITAS. (h) Contracting Officers shall: (1) Use the guidance of the FAR 1.602-2 to determine when it is appropriate to designate a COR. The Contracting Officer, in consultation with the Program Manager and with the guidance contained in the FAR and the OFPP memorandum, will determine if a COR should be designated. The Contracting Officer makes the final decision regarding COR designation. Only the individuals who have received their FAITAS FAC-COR certificate may be designated by the Contracting Officer. (2) Confirm the certification level of the COR to ensure it is the appropriate level for the complexity of the contract. Designated CORs shall provide a copy of their FAITAS FAC-COR certificate to the Contracting Officer. If the FAC-COR is older than 2 years, a copy of the Continuous Learning achievement certificate must be provided to the Contracting Officer. The certificates must be maintained in the contract file. (3) Prepare the COR designation letter. (i) Chief of the Contracting Office is responsible for: (1) Reviewing the FAI FAC-COR applications and training submitted in FAITAS to ensure the COR has obtained adequate training hours and met all COR work experience requirements for the COR certification level requested. WO SUPPLEMENT 6309.32-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/22/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6309.32_4G01 Page 9 of 9 FSH 6309.32 - FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CHAPTER 4G01 - FOREST SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM (2) Processing Continuous Learning achievement requests using the guidance of Procurement Advisory #112, to ensure the COR is earning the appropriate hours of maintenance training every two years from the date of certification, per the OFPP. 4g01.605 - Program/Project Managers 4G01.605-1 - General The USDA policy covering qualification and certification requirements for Program/Project Managers is contained in the Procurement Advisories #85 and #112, and the OFPP Policy memorandum, “Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers,” dated December 16, 2013. This guidance is maintained on the FAI website at http://www.fai.gov. 4G01.605-2 - Responsibility (a) The Washington Office Staff Directors, Regional Foresters, Station Directors, the Area Director, the International Institute of Tropical Forestry Director, and Job Corps Conservation Center Directors are responsible for ensuring certified Program and Project Managers are available for all major acquisitions as defined in the OMB Circular A-11, Part 7, exhibit 300, Planning, Budgeting, Acquisition, and Management of Capital Assets. See the Circular for a more precise definition. (b) Program/Project Managers shall: (1) Maintain documentation of all training and certifications as required in the Procurement Advisories. (2) Enter all required data into FAITAS. (c) The COCO is responsible for: (1) Reviewing the FAI FAC-P/PM applications and training submitted in FAITAS to ensure the Program and Project Manager has obtained adequate training hours and meets all requirements for the FAC-P/PM certification level requested. (2) Processing Continuous Learning achievement requests using the guidance of the Procurement Advisory #112 to ensure the Program and Project Manager is earning the appropriate hours of maintenance training every 2 years, per the OFPP policy.