CHASE'S HILL, NEW HAMPSHIRE A RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY Daniel B.S. Civil by E. Elder Engineering, Tufts University (1983) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF URBAN STUDIES AND PLANNING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September QDaniel E. 1987 Elder 1987 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute copies of this thesis document. Signature of Author Daniel E. Elder, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning July 31, Certified by 1987 ___.__________1_ Michael Wheeler, Visiting Professor Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning Thesis Supervisor Accepted by ---- pt--b----------------- ---- ---- M- Michael Wheeler, Chairman Interdepartmental Degree Program in Real Estate Development ""'ACHUJSE TTS INSTITUTE. OF TECI.HNOLOGY JUL 2 9 1987 1 LIBRA RIES CHASE'S HILL, NEW HAMPSHIRE A RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY by Daniel E. Elder Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning on July 31, 1987 in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Masters of Science in Real Estate Development. ABSTRACT This thesis studies a large tract of land in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. The paper examines how rapid growth in the area has impacted the existing regional infastructure and housing costs. By looking at the history and changing demographics of the region, the paper analyzes the best use for this parcel of land. At the same time, a close look is taken at how the approvals process acts as a constraint on the production of affordable housing units. Finally, a residential development scenario is created and tested against standard requirements and hurdle rates for this type of project. The emphases here is the exploration of alternatives that would allow for the building of some affordable housing units. Thesis Supervisor: Michael Wheeler Visiting Professor 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT.......... . .1 TITLE PAGE........ . .2 TABLE OF CONTENTS. . .3 LIST OF EXHIBITS.. . .5 SECTION ONE: Introduction.. .. .6 The Region.... . . .6 The Site...... . . .7 SECTION TWO: History....................... 13 Demographics.................. 15 Regional Wealth............... 16 SECTION THREE: Social Issues................. 19 Affordable Housing............ 20 Meredith Affordable Housing... 26 Residential Markets........... 27 SECTION FOUR: Site Opportunities.............31 Site Analysis..................31 3 SECTION FIVEs Unit types.................... 43 Design........................44 Construction..................45 SECTION SIX: Investment Decision............53 Investment Structure.......... 54 SECTION SEVEN: Conclusions...................57 SECTION EIGHT: Construction Costs Zoning Excerpts Financial Proformas END NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY 4 LIST OF EXHIBITS FIGURES Regional Location Map.............. 10 Site Location Map.................. 11 Site Zoning Map.................... 12 Regional Growth Charts............. 17 Photographs of Site................ 18 Photographs of Site............... 30 Site Alternatives .................. 41 Natural Site Features.............. 42 Market Comparison.................. 49 Existing Site Grading.............. 50 Site Sewage Disposal................51 Site Environmental.................52 Photographs of Site.................56 5 SECTION I. INTRODUCTION paper This examines the development opportunities for a large tract of land in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. In the process of studying the needs of the Lakes Region and appropriate types of regional development, was uncovered that seems to transcend all and rural, wealthy and working class: a larger issue regions both urban the issue is that of affordable housing. Even people in an area that thrives off wealthy, some are being left behind by the ever growing gap in the cost of housing and a workers earning real the estate affordable developers housing, the potential. Although are often blamed for the root causes run as lack deep as of the history of this country. Using the study site as a realistic focal point, paper all looks forms obstacles roadblocks the at the factors that of housing. in the path of the market rate attention middle classes obtaining impede the development Those constraints that to the builder of and focus of will affordable the this federal of are merely developer become housing. Without government, likewise increasingly fall short the of the great american dream of home ownership. THE REGION The Boston on Town of Meredith is less than two hours drive from Route 93. Centrally located in the Lakes Region 6 of New Hampshire, Meredith has plentiful opportunities for summer and winter recreation alike. The town, the western shore of Winnipesaukee, is conveniently located within 1/2 hour of adjoining lakes, quality sking, situated on and the edge of the Green Mountains resort area. The high expanding area price ski for mountain homes and market may reinforce the Lake as a promising target for continued the ever Winnipesaukee development. As more people look for vacation homes that provide four season recreational choice. could opportunities, Easily then be accessible used could expanded, areas short level prices. retail trips home to As the the market of development have opened that recently were considered undesirable. currently a vacation only land that was shorefront property resort new for natural lakes in the summer. recently, command from Boston, as a base mountains in winter or Until the Lakes Region is a has even Non-water sites are relying on easy access to Boston and proximity to shops as selling points. The question in the region is clearly one of how long can the non-water market continue to expand. The Chase's Hill site is an example of such a non-water front property. THE SITE The study Meredith, wooded N.H. site The consists of first parcel hillside facing due north. two parcels is 60 acres of The second is of adjacent land at the top of the hillside. 7 of land in thickly 120 acres Primarily, the second north parcel is open field and apple orchard facing to the and mountain land east. Both pieces of views and interesting land natural is situated off of Route 104, upper Lakes Region. provide excellent landscaping. The the main road into The site is serviced by an the unimproved town road with no town water or sewer. This site is not unlike many non-water front Meredith and the Lakes Region. hillside land required large region large recently acre was used acreage. tracts of Historically, for agricultural lots much of land were left that site in question was originally purchased that in have been passed over as development targets. ago for $1,800 per acre. the purposes As the farming declined in the until The four 60 years Now similar sites are being valued at $10,000 per buildable lot. The 60 acre parcel is currently zoned at one unit per acre, while the larger parcel is one unit per ten acres. For the lower parcel this would be a five fold increase in land value within a four year period. years, the During the same four this district has been rezoned four times indicating town's currently even the attempt to control growth in zoned, region. As planned unit developments are allowed and encouraged by the town. calls for while the upper parcel 60 the The proforma for units of cluster housing on the is rezoned to allow for clusters or as single family dwellings. 8 the site lower site 12 units in The or existing zoning would not allow for any commercial industrial uses. pose significant development. short of Regardless of zoning, physical Alternative nursing homes, constraints forms would to the site would nonresidential of residential be allowed housing, including retirement communities or congregate care facilities. the exception differentiate tenancy. more from The of short term rentals, between highest various types the of town does not ownership or and best use of this site will the strength of its natural attributes and location rather than from in-place land use regulations. 9 With stem its rc str .Gratnf 7..e1. i Ply edNo a PMe oer A- d Itonborough * ,,W **Effnga- />mn N. he. -0 H,4 M r T arsonsfield Groonshland Hot :4n. " Orange cl-d 11 C *I* Newf6e ca~~c aafeborign09 m N. Wakefield ham ocsnn6 ges afton M r rs'Lake Forbe& Can- E. Grafton22nS ne Limeri Maik *Cni Alxnra Ro Granite QV iaM n GMelvn d ' Meien Vag Harbor Can. E. Wollfe, A P * lachi na I04 GraftonQ 0 s I1 - N. ed Wiit Sai IDest 53I S. Wolfebor 1 a Sa R s Co.WL S.aAIxad an anuy H1 e. HE _ S.Danbury 22mo Goris R R ai WalegRollins bury I M! A 07 -- nor I N. . I Cas orhN S ~~IB'Ioit broke We con. P. Nott Dunbrton S. Deeried 47 -1- - I, 202 A"n. K - HA Befr Lyne Nrhvillage 37 137~tc 0 L29 A4*,, Vernon Am * He N . rst . A en A woo-x anon Sharon Ipswih Rd E. Rindge ryall E I ndr "N tkin. Newti je.ij *'erhs 102 Greemville , A a Wrr -1-13 *in hk r rrdod Pin WIon a0u 5U e Hampstea Alic. WI~d WIN satsoN m 5 - 4 i - 128 ts -1 L d5e, L -tl i3 Hin 13 *i ra -171 Temple . . ra K Sat I0 Mont boogh ll Pe * Grl01 Pe 31 24re Cad Auur Chstr% Boston am l Newfiret E.911 136ile A2 . Impnd -a -Greenfield - yndeborous A SLe10 \10216 Francestown 236igon A Ray-Nwnrkt & own 4 6 *0 0e da In 6 8 ..--- dNew IWest -iPltOrn boough *n }Deerfield4 9Weare Gramr wc E. -hodOrrington "i- -ri 5, N. Bar c Nl' " ,.,, Zr 137 r, P. r O, 9 114 k D banon e o c. V, 31 Han sf BoCn./ ar Branc Clinto Villag Benngo *i anta ?? Roc sf'I"Sra 7or N F- . *- / H liborogh Windsor RA FFG -an hest E. NCR 202Fas \ E. Lebanon n 7 5 285 _W.i Hopkinton towe,vd i S scawen 7 nnik _ F rn . Sutt r i 4 I- Effyashirit-0" 23 *I 17Loudon Bradfor con. A SilBr 'adfore -Hinlfsbofoug I I r 103 ni Midleon bano n arner S filr N CrsP 9ronwor Cen ne - nonron , C obs Sutton S. Newbury - manton - 'h Upper vi 6 Hghs 297 **" W-o " Ato 1 -A ao - Webster N * Fat N SAo K o te 4 Blodgt E.hI Andover Dse S- A 2 3 1 wA2 -,rLAltor nddover kNns Xi _L 13 * Andove i 3 Gaz - Brokfie - Ito --- 1 1,28 geet 1190.B ater 1 hb - Akshbutiham - sidwiVille 6 Town Dunstble poppere 1 T r. oe- n FR 6 W. oEe . r 2A tc r. *huet E. Princeton I" M ad N. Rutland 6 an; Essex oo a Middreto 2 328fn .ood1xnc a ' St . te's. S 6 golt~n I 27 ky 128 -. M a ar 11 lena6 R n ReaingMA.8 'Carfist W. n62 - ' gPm miltr + 12i-8hl ~Bedford 2 bury N. Billeric Wn - h Litncaster Princeton 62 S Wesimn 68 * 40 *"a * 2 IpSWI*C u w Grtn Ashburnham -Amewnr 3B orwem-1 31 -I 1 Nahant Biay Re, 6 REGIONAL LOCATION MAP +1 scale: 1" = 10 miles source: A.A.A. 2 10 BOSTON-&^ 4%vy ,Hl m"~' Altertoin pct LOCAL LOCATION MAP scale: 1:2400 source: U.S.G.S. FC 40 41 40 40 FR %# 4 4f 60 acres 00 V0) WOO- 120 acres 4f 4f Af 4fI 4f ------ - - m- - - J / I FR CHASE'S HILL F R - forestry/rural FC forestry/conservation -CHARRETTE PRO-FORM 92OPF PRINTED ON 920H CHARPRINT VELLUM EXISTING SITE ZONING SECTION II. HISTORY The Town Originally land was of thought not hostilities. resolved farmland. eight half town Winnipesaukee alone. and in to be a fertile agricultural of the region due 1768. area to the frontier had been been cleared for dozen major lakes and difficult terrain forced the creation of several 1800's incorporated the late 1700's native conflicts had much The was occupied for twenty years By and Meredith centers town centers. had sprung By the up early around Lake During this period only local residents the rich could get to the lakes. Large mansions and hotels grew at the waters edge catering to a summer trade. It was not until the 1850's that the future of Meredith was radically altered. direction At that time the Boston, Concord, and Montreal railroad opened a station at Meredith Village. The lakes became accessible to blue collar workers through out New England. working class, small In response to the influx of the guest cottages appeared to serve those families fleeing the city for one week each summer. Another major of town impact came in 1855 when the southern third was incorporated into the town of shift almost was 4000 Laconia. The land significant in that the population dropped from people to below 2000. Those that primarily mill workers located around the new mill of Laconia. the During the next 30 years the 13 left were community population of Meredith decreased while the population of Laconia Meredith never rebuilt the mill undoubtedly changed the natural its greatest natural Rail access character base that doubled. would have beauty of Lake Winnipesaukee resource. was not the only cause of the change of Meredith but it did start a subtle shift in away from farming and towards the creation of recreational uses. Only with the advent of the car in the Meredith's II, future become sealed. Meredith vacation Region had established activities. was Although early 1900's did By the end of World War itself as a center for Even as late as the 1970's the Lakes predominately a blue collar recreational area. great homes were still common on the shores of Winnipesaukee, equally common were two season homes and lake front cottages. Now in changing. the The upper-class 1980's regional the Lakes Region is trend is a move back once again towards vacationer who first came to the area. A the ten year resident of Laconia said "The character of the Lake has changed Ethe real estate boom] has priced Winnipesaukee out of the reach of the blue collar family and most white collar families. When I first moved here a plumber could buy a place on the lake. doctor couldn't afford it." good Lakes Region Today a Lakes Region (*) The same regional factors that have spurred the growth in 'high tech' New England have also changed the face of resort areas hundreds away. 14 of miles DEMOGRAPHICS The marketing catch words for the 1980's have 'the gray and the green.' children have left houses with boomer generation The so called empty nesters whose the house are trading more amenities. has become up to At the same time reached an age where achieving the greatest earning potential. smaller the baby they are They are looking to sell first homes and move up to better locations and more amenities. to move Both of these groups are prepared if not anxious away ownership these from the problems of single and into condominium living. family The key to both of groups is disposable income and accrued rolling during over the homes that have home appreciated equity. By substantially past decade these groups are able to move to properties of tremendously increased value. With the advent of new concepts in condominium living, including. attached townhouses, two to four family clusters, and single family condominiums, available that rival there are many options now the advantages of the traditional home. Two forces are clearly evident in New Hampshire's Lakes Region for housing industry. The first is the continued demand luxury and upscale vacation homes. The second and less obvious factor is the effect that this affluence has had the region. achieved For success the first time local by serving competing for upper end units. the large parcels of the residents tourist who industry on have are These factors, combined with available privately owned 15 land have fueled the rampant growth of new housing. REGIONAL WEALTH This wide spread regional been growth in the economy has not as noticeable in Meredith as in the rest of the Region. Lakes Wage rates in Meredith are considerably lower than in the rest of Belknap County and the State of New Hampshire as a whole. through the Although wage rate data is only available 1980 it shows that Meredith has lagged well region in wage growth. behind During the period from - 1972 1978 wages in Belknap County and the State increased 49% and 50% respectively. grew at a rate of For this same period in Meredith only 35% (1). Given that the wages rate of inflation rose 56% over the same period, Meredith actually suffered a wage decrease of 22%. Surprisingly, service surge oriented economy that has helped push the in Meredith. employed number State wide 37% of in manufacturing industries. all In building workers Meredith are this falls to only 16% with the rest in non-manufacturing jobs. Most of these jobs can be found in the sector With this wage deflation can be traced to the trade/service where 40% of Meredith's work force is employed trade paying, and service jobs being consistently the the average wage in Meredith falls state level. 16 (2). lowest well below the LAKES REGION HOUSING UNITS AUTHORIZED BY PERMIT 2500 - 2000 - D1500. 0 in 1000:2 m 2 500 - Eu TRENDS IN THE LAKES REGION source: Doing Business in The Lakes Region 7 9 K ...9 1982 - ;b -, 1983 17 q K 1984 1985 18 SECTION III. SOCIAL ISSUES There are three social issues of major concern to residents of the Lakes Region. The first of these issues is the Meredith, use of sporadic zoning. Lakes Region communities, onslaught prepared has like most of is fully aware of of development. Unfortunately, the the continuing the town is not to deal effectively with the problem and therefore used repeated zoning changes to effect the only control control growth. In available to the town is rezoning in the face of continued development. The Lakes Region Planning Council has attempted to direct the 28 towns in the towards the Yet, after adoption of reasonable land fifteen years of working in Council credits only two communities, with adopting effective use land region regulations. the region the Laconia, and Franklin use controls. Several communities still have no zoning or building regulations. The effects second of concern is the question of the continued development on sensitive chain of lakes in the the region. long term environmentally Currently, there are so many watercraft on Lake Winnipesaukee that a two year ban on imposed. additional Meredith boating has permits identified and just boat three slips was potential aquifer areas within the towns' borders. However, they have not in environmentally adapted any controls for development sensitive areas. 19 Lastly, is there the devastating effect that development has had on the affordability of housing. residents have property rates often because alone. continue been forced to dispose of their inability to pay of Local lakeside the high Future expansion of the vacation market will to displace local residents and could ultimately destroy the fragile resort economy that the region As support personnel are forced to move away from the amenities less that incentive constant tax offers. brought them to the lakes region there to out supply of remain in the managerial area. With labor the fragile the is this service industry could become unable to provide the level of support that the tourist trade demands. AFFORDABLE HOUSING The affordable headlines housing for years. breaks, successful units. issue has In the past, was government subsidies. tried including: tax housing direct subsidies, and free land. and been making the key to affordable Many programs have been low interest financing, Many of these programs produced significant numbers of Unfortunately, news were affordable the long term need for this type of housing has not been met as many policies were short sighted creating one time opportunities that did not ultimately keep affordable have New 1980 units in the housing stock. The programs been eliminated are those which generated over Hampshire's and 1987. total of low income rental units 75% that of between As the federal government has moved out of 20 the subsidy business local governments have been left to fill the gap. In general, housing programs work best when implemented by people at the local level who have interests of the community at heart. including become inclusionary popular. practical nothing zoning and However, long term Modern housing reforms linkage these programs programs for smaller communities. are have rarely As the Lakes Region is more than a cluster of small to look at the fundamental important the communities issues of it is creating affordable housing. Ultimately, production of difficult where is there are many factors that affordable housing. The most regulatory sufficient decisions are made, quantity and effort to create housing, level, housing. not be produced if communities seek as a means of controlling growth. the notable to provide supply process, the an underlying desire at the community Both market rate and affordable housing will in effect to constrict The grass roots starts with the local regulatory underling zoning codes, and the developers ability to work within the system. Although administrative procedures are only one of many factors that effect the price of housing, control the competitiveness within the market and therefore the market competitive consumers pressure price. to produce a "Ultimately, quality the they product state's share the cost of excessive delays and 21 ultimately at a housing standards which often raise housing costs with no perceptible increase in the are: quality." zoning codes process, (3) Included in the procedural (land use), and the approval building codes, the permitting procedure. have a great impact on the cost, the category Each of the steps can and more importantly, on therefore, on time required to complete a project and the ultimate cost. By creating a more efficient process both the time and the risk involved in a project can be minimized leading to A gives a reduction in the final cost of the product. close an look at a community's approval process indication of a town's willingness to developers. procedures often work with Many communities have a multi-stepped approval that requires multiple submissions to different boards with expensive fees attached to each step. This type of process only does little to encourage good succeeds in discouraging development in affordable housing in particular. community to development, create a general it and It is not difficult for a streamlined procedure where one application and one fee start the approval process. The most important element of any approval informal meetings with planning officials. applicant plan, to component review the the town and the developer objectives of each party. is a clearly defined path through boards environmental, including zoning, and utilities. is By allowing the discuss alternatives before creating a both incorporate process are final able Another to major the necessary special permits, The number of steps is less 22 important than the ability to have simultaneous reviews. setting time requirements on planning boards and approval which as from the Finally, there needs to be a mechanism by process. the entire process is overseen by one governing body for each efficiency insure fairness and to means a scheduling removed be can months meetings, consecutive By applicant. zoning existing addition to the approval process, In building codes have a major impact on the type and cost of the housing that is produced. Building codes tend to be and terms in outdated of localities that have also not adopted state allowed. Many regional building outsiders to build efficiently in adopting materials of the types are or difficult for communities. By a standardized building code communities can only it making standards some improve the quality and efficiency of the housing produced. There is also the impact of existing zoning regulations on production the complexity affordable existing codes with of exception special of process impossible. A thorough overlay a makes requirements Often the districts and housing. look at smooth approval land use regulations and the availability of developable land in a community will often reveal number of different residential need for special areas, increase By reducing the zones and eliminating the inequalities in the system. exceptions for multi-family housing in some new development opportunities are created that will the quality and quantity for affordable and market 23 rate housing. The approvals effecting the process is clearly not the only cost of housing. The hard costs development including construction costs all play an important roll in the project cost. including can In addition, interest carries, also make AffoPdAble directly the h@WsiBA9 prices, can development costs. Land costs production site bonding, difference and final development overhead, between of costs, the soft costs of and profit market rate and Although @a@h of these aF@a§ i§ related to market forces, communities costs land factor have an remain m@F@ there are places impact that will as a significant of affordable housing. where reduce barrier total to the During the 1970's land were second only to financing costs in their rate increase (4). of It is rare that this increase would be due to a shortage of land as opposed to a lack of developable land. Often the creation of infastructure including. roads, water, and most importantly sewerage have lagged behind the actual development of land. remaining parcels infastructure. especially increase frustrated that are production in these serviced of low areas by existing cost both housing by in land values and by local development Increasingly, been "The This puts an enormous pressure on the a is rapid controls. low to moderate income housing production has directed to sites which can achieve low per unit costs, which are often distant from centers of demand 24 land ." (5) Communities must prepare for the future by planning extensive improvements and extensions to existing systems. Density, a second major factor influencing land prices, is also a zoning issue. below what land rises the market will affordable or By requiring a allowing form of housing can be the product of than a town might desire. densities cost accept the price per dramatically. developments reduced When allowable densities are kept unit for planned density unit bonuses, slightly greater Other factors such as lot areas and set backs can also greatly effect the land without effecting the aesthetic quality of of a development. The also actual costs of construction, play an important roll can run 50% codes can be traced to construction costs do not allow prefabricated or modular components. Requirements and high Basic widths, parking archaic in progressive that restrict the use site space size, terms of modern planning regulations and utility needs standards. Again, where building of multi- already attached housing structures add to the costs. it The effect of the building communities family building, in the price of housing as 60% of the total. often site and for road are often by using building and zoning standards housing units can be completed at a lower cost without sacrificing quality and safety. 25 MEREDITH AFFORDABLE HOUSING Like many communities, affordable housing problem. Region Planning Council there was housing that for a serious over half the respondents felt an inadequate supply of elderly and that affordable At the same time 70% felt supply of mobile home lots was (6) faces In a recent survey by the Lakes units in the community. the much." Meredith "adequate or too It is common for communities to perceive the need affordable housing while being resistant to finding specific solutions. The affordable housing gap in Meredith effects not only low income families. "If the rise in both housing costs and income and wage levels is examined in terms of dollars constant 1970 by applying an inflation factor of 0.468, then the average rental housing costs have increased 42% from 1970 to 1980 and the single family homes average market price increased 29%, while median family income declined 24%." This dramatic impossible housing of "The but reduction in disposable income has for the average Lakes Region family to made it purchase any kind. pressing need is for new moderate priced housing, most builders are content to tap the vacation and affluent (7) primary home markets." (8) Given that more the affordable housing crisis is no secret, one might wonder why local Yet, political the committed forces Planning to have not moved to Board creative and Town land use 26 and fill the gap, do not seem Council zoning reform. The use land of process historical precedent. Commercial manufacturing regulations only of districts were created when Restrictive use jobs began to leave the area. were one is Meredith regulation in promulgated when the lakes became threatened with over development. Even in the most general terms, the existing allowable uses regulations in Meredith are intended to limit all land development, not encourage good development. Typical views property... promote It board..." That's why we haven't had a planning quality development of all The types. key used to controls was basing development densities on physical these characteristics for It has a terrible connotation... In neighboring towns land use controls have been (9) acre "I somebody's going to tell me what I can do with my own means to who says of one long time Lakes Region resident, hate the term zoning. are the of predetermined the site and not on The final step is creating use densities. and commercial, residential, industrial per districts uses that encourage each type, but buffers one from another. RESIDENTIAL MARKET are There currently three major land use has been limited more by demand than regulation. one occurred. of two areas where this type The of Route 104 development second type is commercial/retail uses have proliferated throughout the community. downtown in The first is light industrial manufacturing which Meredith. is types has that Except for the area most of the retail development has been strip 27 shopping centers and one retailer establishments. The predominate land use in Meredith is residential. Residential uses can be broken down into five types of housing. Seasonal component with less than home parks round the 1000 units still in are a small but important residents. mobile low end of residencies make up the smallest housing use. component Mobile for year Although actively regulated by the town home market continues to expand and define the the housing market. Single family homes are by far the largest component of the market. With most seasonal homes fully weatherized it is difficult to separate the seasonal the year round residents. component from that of Geographically, year round residents occupy non-water front property that tends to have better access to employment centers in Meredith and Laconia. The newest segment of the market is condominiums. This form of ownership has existed in the lakes region for many but until recently most new construction was still family homes. years single Condominium projects now make up the bulk of all building permits. Although, not because of the number of projects, but because of the large number of units in each project. The final form of retirement communities, elderly people. exceeds the whether these In fact, birth housing is congregate care and Meredith has a large population of the death rate in Meredith rate in a given year. people are long time 28 often It is unclear residents or persons retiring to the region. With a rental of each of the forms of residential housing there is component as well the rental housing is, lodges, and motels. less than as an ownership component. however, Most in the form of camps, This large influx of tourists who spend two weeks in the region, require little or no town services while expending large quantities of cash. Lakes Region housing market is exploding, The fact that in a recent Laconia development townhomes sold in the building housing permits four months. (10) Record are being issued across the prices skyrocket. house has gone from $58,739 year. (11) Locally, witness 28 of 30 numbers of state while the average cost of a in 1985 to over $120,000 this At the same time over 18,000 housing units were built statewide in both 1985 and 1986. During the 1970's the number of new units was only 10,500 per year. over 1500 new units were built in Belknap County last versus just 600 units in 1981. year (13) the Lakes Region even the $100,000 house is hard to In #1 Table find. shows recent condominium resales and asking prices for new condominium projects. unit (12) Locally, priced $200,000 at $130,000 and an average the With the lowest price well above it is easy to see how housing costs are out-pacing local incomes. risen above The average price for new projects whole new condominium projects do not even claim water views much less $125 per square foot. water access. 29 On the has SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 30 SECTION IV. SITE OPPORTUNITIES The study site is some what limited in the uses that are appropriate, regulations, but also geographic features. not only due to because types current zoning of the site location and Although the site is located off route 104, the major access road for the upper Lakes Region, does not have slopes of direct access to route 104 and the it steep make both industrial and commercial uses unfeasible. As the current residential zoning indicates the site is best suited for some form of housing. Even as a residential area the steep terrain potential uses. For example, dictates the densities required of mobile home parks are not feasible on steeply sloping sites. The three remaining condominiums, housing, and with options elder ownership are care single housing. family These and rental options, homes, types of will be the focus of this study. SITE ANALYSIS Before each of the possible uses can be studied detail the study site must be reviewed in terms of right' development would encourage Meredith difference and site or discourage development. has four residential forestry/rural, major opportunities zoning forestry/conservation, between areas is the 31 types: 'as features The in Town of that of residential, and shoreline. minimum lot The area required for each dwelling unit. study site allows falls The lower 60 acres of the within a forestry/rural for a density of one unit per district acre. which The upper 120 acres of the site is forestry/conservation where the maximum density is restricted to one unit per ten acres. Due to the physical aspects factor. Town fields make difficult. and major of of municipal the site are development Soil of the water often requirements for well extensive design lack and the sewer controlling capacity and region's impossible. outcroppings The disposal make leaching steep types also play a major role. bedrock terrain Poor soils leaching field of septic effluent concern in the lakes region. the The region's is a aquifers are closely linked with lakes and ponds making contamination of both groundwater and surface water a serious problem. second concern is the potential contamination of A existing drinking water supplies from poorly designed septic systems. Soil types effect both the value and ease of developing a parcel of land. well Given The best type of soils are those that are drained including sands, sufficient depth to gravels, bedrock and glacial tills. these excellent treatment of wastewater effluent. are soils provide Some soils that less permeable due to high clay and silt contents are still usable but are far less effective or desirable. The final grouping all suitable includes those soils that are for septic treatment. with shallow bedrock, not These soils include at those very high clay and silt contents, and 32 areas where groundwater is near the surface. The Chase's Hill area has little or no limitations based on soil type for on-site sewage disposal. Only at the high point of the property where there is a amount of surface bedrock is there a disposal careful planning for the location of systems and use of the these areas much of Another is problem. subsurface lift stations to get potential intervals from 0% to 20%. 0% - from - 10% present little or 15% present some design significant slope and The relative with The first two groupings from usable for development. create the into four categories no design concern these areas ideal for development. 10% still As become more severe. 5% making to type problem problems with storm water run-off steepness of slopes can be broken and 5% - disposal effluent factor that can compound the soil subsurface sewage disposal 5% With the site could be developed. the extent of steep slopes on the site. increases pronounced Slopes ranging difficulties but are Slopes that are engineering problems and above are 15% usually unsuitable for development. Municipalities areas must be careful where steep slopes occur. in their regulation of Long term maintenance of roads and potential erosion problems make the development of steep areas disposal potential undesirable. system failure There is in areas of also steep the slopes. risks to surface water and groundwater from untreated sewage are substantial. 33 risk of The resources must be remembered It that slope slopes can placed on is it that average is often a site's important because areas with the greatest areas be left undeveloped while treatment where The study site has areas flatter slopes. are existing slopes exceed 25% making those areas impossible for However, development. 5% - from ranging 15% other Several factors can have a major impact on for a site's development. Not environmentally sensitive areas. are the Wetland areas where the of groundwater is at or above the level average level of the are only areas protected by state regulation they play a major these role the site of with the upper portion could be used for development. of the site potential slopes majority of the site has With careful engineering almost all being relatively flat. land a existing preservation of the in lakes ponds. and Floodplain areas may also be unsuited for development due to during flooding possible do regulations storm periods. Although not prohibit building in these areas there are extensive guidelines on maintaining flood storage volume and preventing flood erosion. Although Chase's Hill, floodplain there is a small wetland area at the base this areas. site It is not effected by wetland should be noted that wetland of or areas must be protected during and after construction and that the approval process for altering and crossing these areas can be time consuming and expensive. Site limitations on Chase's Hill do not 34 present any major constraints community. The to the development of a residential 'as of right' density of one unit per acre is easily obtainable on the lower 60 acre parcel. design these concern units to areas where it The upper can is the need for pumps to move 120 acre parcel, can be The only sewage adequately from disposed. zoned for one unit per 10 acres, easily be developed at that density but presents little opportunity for any inclusion of low income units due to the low allowable density. Given parcels would the combining and rezoning of seem to stand point. is rapid decrease in density between not the entire make the most sense from Unfortunately, always the two 180 acre an site environmental what is environmentally sound acceptable to the local zoning always requires more work than proceeding with board and 'as of right' densities. As shown on Table #2 a small increase in the density of both parcels allows for several the project. housing priced at $85,000 each. developer is 25% a is from one lower percentage of This, in essence, increase production of in overall a unit Although the return to the the investment, dollar value is sufficient to encourage this type cooperation. a The second in the density of the lower parcel per acre to .75 units per acre. actual major benefits to The first is the production of nine affordable units, reduction overall the of is inclusionary zoning where density 10% affordable units. is It given is for the particularly the on here because of the low original density effective upper parcel. affordable service higher density projects with opportunities Other has town units but ultimately the produce tangible most The direct are the town for to the developer other than monetary incentives benefit of streamlining the that assurance a into units affordable inclusion of a percentage preset of assure will project proposed is The process. approvals the to tax little additional that come in various forms. subsidies every In Bonus densities will the town is the source of the benefit. revenues. to for inclusionary zoning with a density bonus, except the town the production of affordable housing. encourage case, the to available are options other Many approval is worth a significant amount to any developer. hopes Ultimately, town small sophistication have or desire the Often issue. resentment At unit. the same from the development community. that most horizon municipalities look at a where it is better to an creating time but produce guidelines require not only work, inclusionary planning level. administrative to effectively deal with the housing affordable obvious boards affordable a fear of the type of person who might occupy is there planning of the production units often die at the local housing Few for It is fairly short fairly stay with the historical process than set new precedents. The Town of Meredith has been working on yet 36 another amendment to the zoning ordinance. This amendment to the original ordinance in 16 one in each year since 1975. zoning change Forestry and density on Hill enormous. increase the minimum lot The the 13th including the proposed size in Districts from one acre per unit all to and all other rural land owners would be 'as of right' density would change from 60 The only real left for the land owner would be the subdivision parcel into large single family homes or super condominiums. inclusion a The impact of this change to Just 12 units on the 60 acre site. option the Rural years, Unfortunately, of five acres per unit. Chase's units will is In no case would the luxury opportunity of affordable units make sense under the of for revised zoning. The proposed opposition. revision has been received with little During two recent zoning board meeting the only dissenters were land owners who faced a down zoning of their land. the For the most part, the revision has little impact on average impacts resident, than concerns the over misunderstanding affordable who is more concerned with average price traffic and of type housing the of a new pollution of home. coupled person traffic caught gap make it difficult to Local with a in the overcome the clear paradox in the new zoning. As shown in Table #2 zoning would be limited. high per unit the options under the revised With only 12 units on the site the acquisition price 37 makes a condominium development unfeasible. The Lakes Region market will accept a condominium priced to produce a sufficient If both parcels were to be subdivided into not return. large single family homes they could be sold for the $350,000 required to provide would a return. In fact, create a substantial these top of the market homes return if the demand for these homes were to remain steady. It is clear that the Town of Meredith is not to deal with the issue of affordable housing. choosing to regardless reactive zoning of that is will on the need far more common is necessary to to control This type than produce growth the change housing the group affordable consensus has never been established. housing. more than several Even socially concerned need required The group ultimately support local housing initiatives of proactive community and business leaders alike see the affordable create only Instead it is the impact on housing costs. zoning Although for focus prepared to who must be individuals. in the Lakes Region the affordable housing issue is fundamentally more important than Just a social cause. As Doug Riddle, vice president of the Indian Head National Bank points "We out income housing construction seem to be in is costs a paradox - available are to very attract skyrocketing workers, because attractiveness of the secondary home market." need for affordable housing may be the creating an affordable housing initiative. 38 little The key of low and the economic factor in Only through the work of a broad based group of people can a policy for creation of affordable implemented. business Without people, housing be developed the support of local and special the and then professionals, interest groups it is all but impossible to obtain the momentum required to succeed. The three are most important {actors it understanding the issue, creating the people, consensus and the real goals of each party. The problem faced affordable housing. hotly even in this case is clearly that of This, however, is not an issue that is debated any longer. Within the Lakes Region it might be hard affordable involved to housing and find someone who crisis does their actual not would argue exist. that an The parties interests in affordable housing are more difficult to ascertain. For the Superintendent of Schools a shortage of affordable housing and construction of second homes means dropping enrollments and reduced state business the issue represents a staff funding. For shortage on one hand but a more affluent clientele local on the other hand. For the town planner affordable housing may mean more traffic and a reduced tax base at the same time. Only through extensive networking and coalition building will each of the parties and their goals emerge. If these groups can then meet in a constructive forum ideas can be presented creation In and of formal Meredith, the discussed while working objectives and a plan of over riding concern 39 is towards the implementation. that of over The town currently building in currently undeveloped areas. owns or controls over 3% of the its land area. A large tract of this land is adjacent to Chase's Hill, a focal At point for discussions concerning affordable housing. the same time, environmentally minimal sections of town could be designated safe for additional housing densities impact on traffic and Regardless Chase's this could act as Hill of the as with lake pollution. ultimate use and development the issue of affordable housing in of Meredith reverse the current trend towards large lots and low densities will help will remain. Only a grass roots effort to to alleviate the ensuing crisis. 40 19t ooolooolzs 18 o0oluls ul 000,00zlis lit 000,09blis %" 00019ttlis HAW H 06 U zi 09 s t t z 1 NClidC N811138 % SUNO IViOi $ julopuall fiuluoz Japun liqlNollf sls3jvd qloq uo snoq Allovi albuls g 13AII NORA uo;ldo Aujsnoq sjqvpjojjv 06 idnal Nolido sload qloq uo s1lun enjuisopum slund qloq uo slltm onjuloopun ZL lond jmqjjs uo sllun sllun onjuloopun ZI MUM NORA IOU Noildo t3NO Nolido jund jaml uo s1lun vn;ulvopuo3 09 ---------------------------------83AUVKHRIV AiISN30 10 NOSIWdMO3 HN 'HiIQ383W 111H 9,39VH3 4f 41f 41 4f / 7A -7' 7 0~ 4f #' 4f 4f 0. z/ I* 4f 4f mm mm mm =moo* CHASE'S HILL APPROVED BY U-.. Lr'H orchard views CHARRETTE PRO-FORM 920PF PRINTED ON 920H CHARPRINT VELLUM NATURAL FEATURES I SECTION V. UNIT TYPES The rental Lakes Region has a severe shortage of housing. Most of the available rental long term units are primarily short term rentals in the form of motels and guest cottages. The shortage of long term rental housing stems from problems at both the state and local level. In Meredith there is little incentive to build housing to serve the needs of of local First, much the demand for this type of residence does in fact come from a long term transient population. rental There also tends to be units in surrounding communities form of two to four unit dwellings. houses On a regional on both and the Many of the large older owner units. several years. The increasing of condominium ownership has pushed the emphasis development lucrative some level the production of rental units has the decline for popularity of in have been subdivided providing a unit for the and one to three long term rental been residents. rental away condominium Federal subsidy development. from apartments business. towards During this same and State governments have been benefits that once encouraged Over and the rental changes in the Federal reduced the investors incentive to become involved housing projects. 43 tax housing low funding market rate rental period reducing above the cut backs in tax code have more income significantly in even The The Chase's Hill site is not a simple site to develop. constraints of steep slopes, site lack of municipal services, and low allowable densities make the production of rental housing increases in financially impossible. Even the density allow only for the small number of from the sale of that all proposed production of a for-sale units that are subsidized by income market rate units. developers It is more than likely will face an economic gap in their ability to build rental housing until the government creates an advantageous situation under which to develop. DESIGN The make natural site features of the Chase's Hill property the selection of unit design relatively steep and inclines construction inefficient. space and of simple. on-site utility constraints a large number of single family At the same time, natural forested land, points the dwellings open the towards This type of building now dominates the condominium market because of the reduced cost of construction, make the need to maintain construction of clustered townhouses. ease of The the relative production, and the ability to develop higher densities on less land thereby providing more recreation and open space. The actual determined is, each have layout of the units would ultimately be by market research of the target population. It however, possible to roughly define the requirements of of the potential user groups. been placed in one of 44 two The year round users groups. The first category includes relatively large conveniences. older who are looking single floor units with a high This spare bedroom, couples level user group is looking for at least direct garage access, and several distinct comfortable living spaces such as screened porches sun rooms usually in the range of The second married 1800 with no children. This and square feet. group of year round users are young singles couples of one and 1200 - for group is or less concerned with the size of the unit but still wants the best in personal - and common amenities. Unit sizes range from 900 1200 square feet with two bedrooms. units is high-tech kitchens and baths, The focus of these and direct access to outdoor living spaces. Other second than home community. as the buyer The affluent year round would needs be attracted user, to only this the type of second home buyers are the of same those for permanent residents but they also desire more bedrooms if not additional square footage. Equally important to the second home buyer is the on-site amenity package including both outdoor and clubhouse activities. CONSTRUCTION From play a Region. the developer's point of view construction issues major Not transportation qualified role in fast growing areas the Lakes only is there a premium for materials due to distance but there tends to be a shortage of contractors construction. like Because which over drives up the 50% of the total 45 cost of development cost falls into this no control, area where the developer has little or construction costs become a major issue in the development process. In the Northeast constraint to the the environment construction Weather conditions often drive up delays. At the significantly same reduced time of also affordable the cost of the so that small acts as a housing. housing due to building season contractors is are less able to produce a larger number of units at a smaller profit margin. The climate when requirements and a general the combined with strict zoning shortage of labor has not allowed larger builders in the country to effectively penetrate the New England market. large Given the proper incentives these contractors might be able to produce large numbers of housing units at a cost that is well below what is thought to be possible. Several factors within the construction industry can be controlled to help reduce both the risk and high building in New England. premanufacturing like roof prebuilt, and of trusses almost all of structure, delays. time the of The most important of these is the components. and floor Although some sections, are routinely joists, now housing parts can be assembled off-site then joined together at the building. amount cost required to contractor is produce By reducing the a 'water tight' less susceptible to weather The use of preassembled components can also produce a higher quality product at a reduced cost. 46 The manufacturing of housing parts is no different than other production environment, better The products quality of can By working in a be assembled Today, production and the use of known like structures computerized with field. for that its were scheduling and techniques can create an almost infinite variety modules that can be assembled in the ability faster housing industry was once creativity and the box produced. controlled control than parts assembled in the manufactured lack of industries. to field. With produce one of a kind designs efficiently, the even the best of homes can be premanufactured. Other cost of factors that can have an important impact on the construction include using purchasing raw specifying construction available, The materials nonunion directly techniques contractors, wholesalers, from that and coordinating subcontractors to are locally avoid delays. construction portion of any project is al ways the most difficult to quantify and qualify in advance. Each project is and unique in terms of subsurface conditions weather patterns. Because of these unknowns advance planning can be a critical factor. soils borings, Preconstruction services like surveying, and scheduling must be a priority to avoid the pitfalls of construction. For the purposes of the site costs were bases on estimates from R. numbers of analysis S. construction Means. These base were adjusted upwards for the increased difficulty the Chase's Hill site. The final 47 construction cost per net square foot of $80 is well above the national for this estimated space is type of development as shown on Table averages #3. The sell off price of $125 per square foot of livable based on the average of the four projects as shown in Table #1. new condominium Other assumptions are based on what would normally be expected for this size complex. 48 CHASE'S HILL MEREDITH, NH t3nan 1112121 3 38E33sang E 33333 33a33n3g33 383333333333588u3333533333333 COMPARISON OF RECENT CONDOMINIUM SALES Meredith 2 bd, bth, on water $329,000 Laconia 2 bd, bth, off water $130,000 Bilford 3 bd, bth, on water $269,000 Meredith 2 bd, bth, off water $189,900 Laconia 2 bd, bth, water view $239,900 Gilford 2 bd, bth, water view $225,000 COMPARISON OF RECENT CONDMINIUM PROJECTS Laconia Nildwood Village 3 bd, 2 bth, no view $180,000 - $204,000 1720 sf - 190 sf 105 S/sf - 106 S/sf Laconia Woodgate Coeeons 3 bd, 2 bth, with view $160,000 - $180,000 1290 if - 1370 if 124 $/sf - 131 S/sf Bilford Country Village 3 bd, 3 bth, no view $160,000 - $194,000 1800 sf - 2000 sf 86 $/sf - 97 S/sf Meredith Grouse Point 3 bd, 3 bth, water view $310,000 - $350,000 2000 sf - 2200 sf 155 5/sf - 159 $/sf 49 4f 4f .0 mo- o-o-mo m CHASE'S HILL EXISTING GRADES CHARRETTE PRO-FORM 920PF PRINTED ON 920H CHARPRINT VELLUM / / / / / / / / / / V ~6 ~6 / -I-' 4 I 4f 4f 4f 4f - SCALE: DRAWN BY SEWAGE DISPOSAL LIMITATIONS severe PRINTED ON 920H CHARPRINT APPROVED BY DATE: some PRO-FORM 920PF fw" CHASE'S HILL none CHARRETTE M-si m - If 4f 4f DRAWING NUMBER VELLUM / / / / -s-I-I41f I 4i 4i 41 9' -s-s '4 '4 '4 9' I I '4 4 /* 41 4f 4k 40 4k 41 CHASE'S HILL wetlands 20/o+ slope CHARRETTE PRO-FORM 920PF PRINTED ON 920H CHARPRINT VELLUM )1 SECTION VI. INVESTMENT DECISION more a question of the market risk than that of a case in market, the of cost housing is far less than the price that the market production bear. fast growing any financial and as would tend to be the the proformas show, As risk. really decision to invest or not invest is final The situation creates a comfortable buffer This will in the of rising interest rates or excessive cost overruns in face no margin can create a buffer against yet, construction, the potential market risk in the same fast growing area. a As regional market grows, new overpriced or poorly located very few cases can one sell units in a soft market. and it can become quickly overbuilt. builders enter the market, In rise, prices For this reason, the market study becomes important not only at the point of planning but also as a project progresses. carefully trends The competition must be followed predict possible over building to and changing market demand that could be incorporated into in a product as it comes on line. In approvals Meredith and the entire Lakes process that has been also is a boon to marketing. is often a For example, the same a roadblock to development The effect of profound extension of the housing demand. Region tight regulation natural cycle for people often credit Boston's continued strong demand for office space as a product of the 53 rigorous approvals process in the city. several years becomes relatively to approve If a project takes and several easy to predict more the to build competition it long before project completion. INVESTMENT STRUCTURE The two parcels of land in this study are independently owned by two currently Although be The larger on the market with an asking price parcel of The to a joint venture in the development house on the upper parcel was is $450,000. the land is for sale the current owners would opposed land. different families. not of just the recently winterized and is currently being rented on a month to month basis. The amount lower portion of as the upper parcel. only land was valued at the Even though the land area half of the upper parcel the higher allowable easily makes up the difference. same is density The owners of the lower parcel occupy the existing house on a year round basis. They are also interested in a joint venture opportunity if it will increase the overall value of the land. Due to the relatively low acquisition cost of the land a joint venture with the land owners would not be acceptable with a large developer. It would be easier and possibly more cost effective to bring in a financial partner than deal with the land owners through the development By contrast, in the case of financial resources would be ideal. to process. a smaller developer with limited a joint venture with both land owners It should be remembered that a multi-party 54 joint venture agreement can be difficult to construct more difficult to work under than outright purchase. 55 and SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 56 SECTION VII. CONCLUSIONS in Except the only effective and create affordable housing, together subsidies. long term solution would appear to be government In groups several Boston affordable national moderate are and most of the labor and some building materials land donated being this Although construction, each appear may unit two family a be to new for sum small the required labor and materials, collect $70,000. cost will communities would scarcely be able small a Even though the MA. for sale units in Dorchester, income 16 to build housing group, Inc., Habitat joined have band can groups where many areas urban to raise much less the $35,000, required for each unit. Ultimately, the responsibility to adequately house both and lower income groups will fall on the government. middle The case study only goes to Hill Chase's required on the local effort will housing communities. be well of means for small most This is not to say that the production of a few units will not level market level to produce below beyond the the that show improve the current problem, production affordability gap will not curb the ever but just that growing in the housing industry. It should come as no surprise that a small community is unwilling Most market to make the effort to create affordable communities have trouble dealing with the housing. growth of rate housing where there can be a benefit to the tax 57 base. In municipal the case of below market housing the services is often greater than for strain market on rate housing while providing less tax revenue. As Hill a market rate development the numbers for would suggest that this project was the financial such Chase's exceptional. On risk side this is true, but the market risk is that additional high cost, non-lakefront condominiums in Meredith could require a long absorption period with very high carrying costs. the That market risk, low number of allowable units, in conjunction with would point towards two development scenarios. The approved first single features large home lot building sites. improvements risk. family and exceptional reduced would be the subdivision of the and the thereby lots. The requirements land into existing site would produce At the same time the cost approval period are significantly minimizing both the financial The second option would be a of and market 'wait and see' attitude where the land would be held pending future land use changes in Meredith. housing In will the long run, force excellent demand. posture to take chance Given for the town to develop some incentive program. prepared the need affordable form of an Those land owners or developers who are advantage of new of success due to regulations the stand untapped the ownership of the two parcels, market the best at this time would be to monitor the activities Meredith while looking future disposition opportunities. 58 an in APPENDIX BUILDING COSTS ZONING EXCERPTS FINANCIAL PROFORMAS 59 AVERAGE CONSTRUCTION COST NOOD FRAMING - WOD SIDING I BTH, NO UTILITIES OR SITE WORK 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,400 1 1/2 STORY 46.9 44.7 42.6 41.2 39.5 36.0 2 STORY 48.2 46.0 44.5 42.7 40.9 39.8 2 1/2 STORY 51.5 50.3 45.3 43.5 42.3 40.2 44.5 42.6 41.2 AVERASE CONSTRUCTION 49.8 3 STORY CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION 1 1/2 STORY 66.4 62.8 59.5 57.3 54.6 49.5 2 STORY 68.2 64.5 61.9 59.2 56.5 52.4 1 1/2 STORY 83.5 79.9 74.9 72.0 68.8 62.4 2 STORY 85.3 80.8 77.5 74.1 70.8 65.6 4.8 4.2 3.6 LUXURY CONSTRUCTION MODIFICATIONS 5.4 UNFINISHED BASEMENT 6.0 ADDITIONAL BATHROOM $3,000 ONE CAR GARAGE $5,000 attached TWO CAR GARAGE $9,000 attached TOWNHOUSES 90.0% on all costs BUILD INN.H. 95.0% on all costs 60 3.0 Z0 NI NG ZONING 0 R D IN A N C E C)~ 0 1 N A t~c r Meredith, New Hampshire Adopted August 27, 1971 AMENDED MARCH 11, 1986 Amnended March * * "U " "U "U "U "U * * " PRICE: March March March iarch March March March March Ma rch Ma rch March 7, 1972 4. 1975 2, 1976 8, 1977 14, 1978 13, 1979 11, 1980 10, 1981 9, 1982 8,s1983 13, 1984 12, 1985 $10.00 "IIhen men enter into a state of society, they surrender up some of their natural rights to that society, in order to ensure the protection of others; and, without such an equivalent, the surrender is void." From the Constitution of New Hampshire (Art.) 3d. (Society, Its Orqanization and Purposes.) 61 CLUS1EP DEV[L C 147 May be Allowed in the following Districts as a Special Exception provided at least 50 of the property is left as Green or Open Area and the District setbact requirerients are adhered to on the outer perincter of the subdivision. ristrict Minirir. 5 5 20 25 Residential Forestry & Rural Forestry & Conservation Shareline Acreage Acres Acres Acres Acres The Planning Board may allow a reduction of the density requirement of 10'. to encourage proper design and development. 62 D-1. FORESTY AND CONSERVATION DISTRICT (added 8 Mar 83) General Purpose The Forestry and Conservation District provides an area for low-density residential development and customary rural land uses such as forestry, agriculture, conservation, and other non-intensive uses. This district is characterized by forests, rugged terrain (steep slopes,ledges, etc.), natural scenic beaut important wildlife areas, large tracts in single ownership, and poor road conditions. The area is also far from town facilities and services, making it both difficult ad expensive for the town to provide them. Premature development of land in this area should therefore be discouraged. A minimum lot size of 10 acre is required in this District. A. forestry and Conservation District, Permitted uses and Special Exception (Ay use lot listed here is prohibited) Penmitted Uses Special Exceptions 1. Any use permitted in regard to 1. Public uses and builTdngs forestry and/or conservation 2. Temporary sawmill 2. Agriculture, including sale of 3. Essential service buildings produce raised on premises 4. Clubhouses 3. Single-family detached dwelling 5. Churches (500 sq.ft. minimum on ground) 6. Single family detached dwelling (11 Mar 86) less than 500 sq.ft. on ground) 4. Home occupations 11 Mar 86) 5. Essential services 6. Accessory uses 7. Roadside stands 8. Bed & Breakfast house B. Forestry and Conservation, Conditions and Restrictions Sharefront Lot: On-site water, on-site septic system (Class 3 utilities Minimum Standards Total area per single family unit 10 acres Width 150 feet Mininum area per family (net density) 10 acres Front setback 20 ft. (from shoreline) Side setback 20 ft. Rear setback 65 ft. (from centerline of traveled way) Maximum height 3 stories or 45 ft. whicheve: is less All Other Development: On-site water, onsite-septic system (Class 3)** Minimum Standards Total area per single family unit Width * ** 10 acres (also net density) 150 ft. Front setback 40 ft. Side setback 30 ft. Rear setback 75 ft. Maximum height 3 stories or 45 ft. whichevi is less The minimrn distance between the leach field and water bodies and/or wetlands shall be one hundred twenty-five (125') feet. Refer to Article V Section D, Soils and Slopes Table. 63 D-2. FORESTIY MD RURAL DISTRICT General Purpose The area is limited to agriculture, forestry, rural residential and certair other non-itensive land uses. The purpose of this District is to prevent pemature development of land, to retain certain areas for non-intensive uses, t prevent developmnt where it would be a burden on the Town, and to retain areas for open space. A sliding density scale is provided should utilities be provided in the distant future, but the vast majority of development is anticipated to take place on five acres or more. A. Forestry and Rural District, Permitted Uses and Special Exceptions (Any use not listed here is prohibited) Special Exceptions Pemitted Uses 1. Two family dwelling 1. Any use permitted in regard to 2. Public uses and buildings forestry 3. Removal of fill, gravel, stone or loa 2. Agricultvre, including sale of 4. Private schools product raised on prenises 5. Veterinary offices and facilities 3. Greenhouses 5. Drive-in theaters 4. Single-family detached dwelling 7. Temporary sawmill (500 sq.ft. mini. on ground) 8. Mobile home parks (11 Mar 36) 9. Marinas 5. Clubhouses 0. Essential services buildings 6. Churches 1 1. Country general store (5000 sq.ft.' 7. Outdoor recreational facilities or under) 8. Camping and travel trailer parks 1 2. Single family detached dwelling (less 9. Stables and riding academies than 500 sq.ft. on ground)(11 lar 8 10. Home occupations 11. Essential services 12. Accessory uses 13. Roadside stands 14. Lodging kouses and rental cottages 15. Organized recreational camp for children, profit or non-profit 16. Cluster Development (sin le famil ) Mar 32 (min.25 acres of land) 17. Mobile home subdivision (2 Mar 76) NOTE: Mobile hone placed on pemanent foundation removed by amendment 13 Mar 19 64 S. forestry and Rural, Conditions end Restrictions Cluster Development: On-site water, on-site septic system (Class 3 utilities MINIIJM OF 25 ACRES 10 B[ INCLUDED IN DEVELOPHENT (9 tar 1982) Minimum Standards Total area per single family unit: Mininun area per family (net density): taximum height: 10,000 sq.ft. 40,000 sq.ft. incl. roads and all else (0 Mar 83) 3 stories or 45 ft. whichever Shorefront Lot: On-site water, on-site septic system (Class 3 utilities)* Minimum Standards Total area per single family unit: 30,000 sq.ft. Width: 150 ft. Minimum area per family (net density): 30,000 sq.ft. Front setback: 20 ft. (from shoreline) Side setback: 20 ft. Rear setback: 65 ft.(from centerline of traveled way)(1978) Maximum height: 3 stories or 45 ft. which is less All Other Development: On-site water, on-site septic system (Class 3):* Minimum Standards Total area per single family unit: 40,000 sq.ft. Hidth: 150 ft. Minimum area per family (net density): 40,000 sq.ft. Front setback: 40 ft. Side setback: 30 ft. Rear setback: 75 ft. iaximum height: 3 stories or 45 ft. which. is less * The minimum distance between the leach field and water bodies shall be one hundred and twenty-five (125') feet. ** Refer to Article V Section D, Soils and Slopes Table 65 SDARD Or ADJUSTNInt (Cont'd) Inthis te ard the Board Iay inpose the following safeguards in additior to the app icable requirements of this Ordinance including but not limited to the following: (1) Front, side or rear setbacks greater than the minimum requirements of the Ordinance. (2) Screening of parking areas or other parts of the premises from adjoining premises or from the street by walls, fences, planting or other devices. (3) Kodification of the exterior features or appearance of the building or structure. (4) Limitation of size, number of occupants, method or time of operation or extent of facilities. (5) Regulation of number, design, and location of drives or other traffic features. (6) Off-street parking or loading spaces beyond the minimum requirements of this Ordinance. (7) Control of the number, location and size of light and signs. d. Operations in connection with such a use shall not be more objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise,.fiunes, odor, or vibration, than would be the operation of any peritted uses in this District which are not subject to Special Exception procedures. 2. Variance The Board of Adjustment may authorize upon appeal in specific cases such variance from the terms of the Ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest, where owing to special conditions affecting the land in question, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship that would deprive the owner of the reasonable use of his land or building. In granting such variance, the Board of Adjustnent shall prescribe any condition it deems necessary or desirable. If the variance is not utilized within a one-year period it shall expire. To grant such a variance, it must be denstrated that: a. There are special conditions inherent in the land in question which are not shared in common with other parcels of land in the district, and b. The specific variance to be granted by the Board is the minima,variance that will grant relief to the owner and is necessary for the reasonable use of the land or building, and c. The granting of the variance will be in accordance with the spirit and intent of the Ordinance, and will not adversely affect other property in the District. 66 BOARD or DJUSTMENT (cont'd) 3. Apneals to the BoArd (4 Mar 75) Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person agqrieved or by any officer. department, board or bureau of the municipality affected by any decision of the administrative officer. Such appeals shall be taken within a reasonable time, as provided by the rules of the Board of Adjustment by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the Board of Adjustment a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The officer fron whom the appeal Is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Botard all the papers constituting. the record upon which the action appealed was taken from. RSA 31-69. 67 *i(1***********4 *****46fAGE ORE*Iiffi*f*i *PAGE 18-Jul-87 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.Address or Name: Chase's Hill 2. City or Town: Meredith, N.H. 3.Type of Property: condominium 4.Size of Property: A. Number of Units: B.Number of Floors: C. Total NET Square Footage D. Total 6ROSS Square Footage E. Construction Cost per NET S.F UNIT SIZE - SQ. FT. 800 950 1150 1150 1350 ONEII********h*****PA&E OHEe**********************u**** 12 2.5 16200 19200 inc. garages $85 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION One Bedrooms: Two Bedrooms: Three Bedrooms: Duplex - Twos Duplex - Threes TOTALS 5. Construction Type: wood 6.Date of Construction: 1988 7. Date of Purchase: 1987 8. HARD COSTS A. Asking Price B.Purchase Offer C. Capital Improvements SUBTOTAL: HARD COSTS PERCENT TOTAL SF 0 0 0 0 12 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 100.001 0 0 0 0 16,200 12 100.001 16,200 Per Unit $37,500 $37,500 $114,750 $450,000 $450,000 $1,377,000 $152,250 $1,827,000 ASSUMPTIONS 9. SOFT COSTS A. Developer Fee 9. Working Capital Reserve C. Construction Interest 0. Loan Commitment Fee E. Marketing F. Brokerage 6. Land Carrying Cost H. Legal 1. Accounting J. Acquisitions Teas Fee K. Interest during sell-off 0.09 0.09 12 MONTHS 12 MONTHS SUBTOTAL: SOFT COSTS 10. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $30,000 $12,000 $61,965 $31,714 $60,750 $60,750 $40,500 $6,000 $6,000 $12,000 $109,620 $431,299 Per Unit $188,192 68 $2,258,299 SET $1K/UNIT 1 1/2 PRCNT 2.5 PERCENT 2.5 PERCENT SET SET SET 61 of TDC * ** * *****PAGE DE** ********PAGE E**F**A****AS**PASE E* ******* ** ******tf *******************AGE TWO********t**PAGE TWOM**********PAGE TW0ff*** FINANCE ASSUMPTIODNS $2,087,929 1.Total Financing Required (Total Project Cost less interest during sell-off and brokerage fees] 2. Total Equity Required: 3. Total Mortgage Financing: A.First Mortgage: B.Second Mortgage $0 0.00? $2,087,929 Asount Teri Interest Paysent Amount Term Interest Payment $2,087,929 30 9.00%int only $15,659 $187,914 $0 0 0.001 int. only $0 $0 $187,914 Total Cost of Financing: SOURCES AND USES OF CASH Uses of Cash Purchase Price Capital Improvesents SUBTOTAL Fees: Working Capital, TOTAL USES $450,000 21.55? $1,377,000 65.951 $1,827,000 87.501 $248,929 11.921 $12,000 0.571 $2,087,929 100.001 $2,087,929 100.001 Sources of Cash Mortgage s0 Equity Required $2,087,929 TOTAL SOURCES 69 0.001 100.001 ***** ****IIII*I***********PAE TWOM**i***i*******PABE TWOii** *PA*E THREEIf * ** **141f*******f***** * **PAGE u***PAGE TWO.,M* uf************f* THREE*If*********PAGE f*f****** 44 1HREE*4.f.*f*** CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS $150 PER SQUARE FOOT 1. Purchase Price Assumption Total Per Unit $120,000 $172,500 $202,500 0 One Bedrooms: 0 Two Bedrooms: 12 Three Bedrooms: $0 $0 $2,430,000 $2,430,000 Gross Income 2.CASH FLOW ANALYSIS $450,000 Land $1,377,000 Cap Imp. Soft Cost $260,929 $2,430,000 Sales $60,750 Brokers Fee $109,620 Interest PERCENTAGE BASIS 3 Month September Quarters--) 1 Land Cap Imp. Soft Cost Sales Brokers Fee Interest 1001 301 251 December March September June March December June 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 301 251 301 251 10! 51 501 501 441 51 131 131 221 51 131 131 171 51 131 131 111 51 131 131 61 DOLLAR BASIS September 3 Month Quarters --> 1 Land Cap lip. Soft Cost Sales Brokers Fee Interest December March 2 June 3 December September 4 ($450,000) ($413,100) ($413,100) ($413,100) ($137,700) ($65,232) ($65,232) ($65,232) ($13,046) $0 $0 $1,215,000 $0 $0 ($30,375) $0 $0 ($48,233) $0 $0 $0 70 5 $0 ($13,046) $303,750 ($7,594) ($24,116) March 6 $0 ($13,046) $303,750 ($7,594) ($18,307) June 7 $0 ($13,046) $303,750 ($7,594) ($12,058) B $0 ($13,046) $303,750 ($7,594) ($6,906) NET FLOM QUARTERLY ($928,332) ($478,332) ($478,332) MET CASH FLOW---> IRR---> NPV---) $985,646 $258,993 $264,803 $271,052 $276,204 $171,701 2.51 (381,910) imit*i*fiHiH*HHHi*iHiPAGE THREE**utun1114*#1PAGE THREEHHf411*HfI****PA6E THREEHfI..*H*H*fffffu ifH*f mHitimHiH iiHHiHiHPAGE FOUR*fIIImannIti*.IPASE FOUR*HHHifHHHI*II#PAGE FOURftifi.HHHHHHHHHififiHiHH 3. SUMARY STATISTICS PERCENT PER SF PER UNIT TOTAL ---------------------------------------------------201 $23 $37,500 $450,000 Land Purchase Price: 611 $72 $114,750 $1,377,000 Capital Improvements: 191 $22 $35,942 $431,299 Soft Costs Total Developsent Cost: $2,258,299 $188,192 $118 1001 $2,430,000 Sales Revenue: $2,258,299 Cost: Developsent Total $202,500 $188,192 $127 $118 1001 931 $171,701 $14,308 PROFIT $171,701 MET CASH FLOW - > PROFIT/TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST ---- > $9 71 81 HHifHfHfiH*141111*HHiPAGE FOURumifianHHifiiIPAGE FOURM*Iu4mu'IIf*PAGE FOURmffHHHH*fHHH*HHHHfH*ff4 71 t*i *i*i****i**** * PAGE OKE* PA6E ONE****I**i*i**** 1.Address or Name: Chase's Hill 2. City or Town: Meredith, N.H. 3. Type of Property: condosinius 4. Size of Property: A. Number of Units: B. Nusber of Floors: C. Total NET Square Footage D. Total GROSS Square Footage E. Construction Cost per NET S.F 800 950 1800 1150 1350 i ***-uftii* fi*** 18-Jul-87 PROJECT OVERVIEW UNIT SIZE - SQ. FT. *****m******PASEOE.*i** 24 2.5 43200 49200 inc. garages $85 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION One Bedrooms: Two Bedrooss: S.F. - Three Bedrooss: Duplex - Twos Duplex - Threes TOTALS 5. Construction Type: wood 6. Date of Construction: 1988 7. Date of Purchase: 1987 8. HARD COSTS A. Asking Price B. Purchase Offer C. Capital lprovements SUBTOTAL: HARD COSTS PERCENT TOTAL SF 0 0 24 0 0 0.001 0.001 100.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 43,200 0 0 24 100.001 43,200 Per Unit $18,750 $18,750 $153,000 $450,000 $450,000 $3,672,000 $171,750 $4,122,000 ASSUMPTIONS 9.SOFT COSTS A. Developer Fee B. Working Capital Reserve C. Construction Interest D.Loan Cositment Fee E.Marketing F. Brokerage G. Land Carrying Cost H. Legal 1.Accounting J. Acquisitions Teas Fee K. Interest during sell-off 0.09 12 MONTHS 0.09 12 MONTHS *f******** SET $IK/UNIT 1 1/2 PRCNT 2.5 PERCENT 2.5 PERCENT SET SET SET 6? of TDC $1,072,140 SUBTOTAL: SOFT COSTS 10. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $60,000 $24,000 $165,240 $55,080. $216,000 $216,000 $40,500 $12,000 $12,000 $24,000 $247,320 Per Unit $216,423 ** ***I***PAGE ONE*****f****i**PAGE ONE $5,194,140 **** *f**iiPAGE 0NE*** 72 ********************* ifPAGE TW0if***********f****fPAGE TW0******tt*******f f*PAGE TW~tttt************************ *tif ff*************** FINANCE ASSUMPTIONS $4,730,820 1. Total Financing Required [Total Project Cost less interest during sell-off and brokerage fees) 2. Total Equity Required: 3.Total Mortgage Financing: A. First Mortgage: B. Second Mortgage $0 0.001 $4,730,820 Amount Term Interest Payment Amount Term Interest Payment $4,730,820 30 9.00int only $35,481 $425,774 $0 0 0.001 int. only $0 $0 $425,774 Total Cost of Financing: SOURCES AND USES OF CASH Uses of Cash - - -- - - - - - $450,000 9.51% $3,672,000 77.621 $4,122,000 87.131 $584,820 12.361 $24,000 0.511 Purchase Price Capital Isprovesents SUBTOTAL Fees: Working Capital TOTAL USES $4,730,820 100.001 --------------------- Scarces of Cash Mortgage $4,730,820 $0 Equity Required TOTAL SOURCES $4,730,820 73 100.001 0.00% 100.001 HHHHHHHHHHHHPA1E TWOHHHHHHHHPASE TW#HHHHHHHHPAGE TWO*##nnfununt*f11HHHH~f HHHt PAGE HHHIIICIIIIiH HH*II THREE~i4I4*11*1HIIPABE THREE*fiftIIH*HHHIPABE THREEHiH*u*t**mffufif*m CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS $200 PER SQUARE FOOT 1.Purchase Price Assumption Total Per Unit $160,000 $230,000 $360,000 0 Dne Bedrooms: 0 Two Bedrooms: 24 Three Bedrooms: $0 $0 $8,640,000 $8,640,000 Bross Income 2. CASH FLOW ANALYSIS $450,000 Land $3,672,000 Cap lip. $608,820 Soft Cost $8,640,000 Sales $216,000 Brokers Fee $247,320 Interest PERCENTABE BASIS September 3 Month 1 Quarters--> 1001 301 251 Land Cap Imp. Soft Cost Sales Brokers Fee Interest September June March December June March December 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 301 25X 30% 251 101 51 501 501 441 51 131 131 221 51 131 131 171 51 131 131 11% 51 131 131 61 DOLLAR BASIS September 3 Month 1 Quarters--) 2 3 4 5 June March December September June March December 6 7 8 ($450,000) Land $0 $o $0 $0 ($367,200) ($1,101,600)($1,101,600)($1,101,600) lap. Cap ($30,441) ($30,441) ($30,441) ($30,441) ($30,441) ($152,205) ($152,205) ($152,205) Soft Cost $0 $4,320,000 $1,080,000 $1,080,000 $1,080,000 $1,080,000 $0 $0 Sales ($27,000) ($27,000) ($27,000) ($27,000) $0 ($108,000) $0 $0 Brokers Fee ($15,581) ($27,205) ($41,302) ($54,410) ($108,821) $0 $0 $0 Interest NET FLOW QUARTERLY ($1,703,805) ($1,253,805) ($1,253,805) $3,705,538 NET CASH FLOW---) IRR---> $3,445,860 20.01 74 $968,149 $981,257 $995,354 $1,006,978 1,253,327 i**III* tim mHiffHiHH ******* **U11*4*i* HiPAGE THREEIfI*4if PAGE THREE"II*I*4**H ***PAGE FOUR*i if**********PAGE FOUR. PABE THREEmifHifHu *i H**ff.i*lif**i * MM* *PAGE FOURI*i*iffi*i* ff***if f* ti I*i*f** 3.SUMKARY STATISTICS TOTAL PER UNIT PERCENT PER SF $9 $75 $22 91 711 211 Land Purchase Price: Capital Iprovements: Soft Costs $450,000 $3,672,000 $1,072,140 $18,750 $153,000 $44,673 Total Developtent Cost: $5,194,140 $216,423 $106 1001 Sales Revenue: Total Development Cost: $8,640,000 $5,194,140 $360,000 $216,423 $176 $106 1001 601 PROFIT $3,445,860 $143,578 NET CASH FLOW ------ > $3,445,860 PROFIT/TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST ---- ) HiHHfHHiHHiHi*II $70 401 661 PABE FUR*Hf*fIHff***PABE FOURt*i*ififfHPAME FOURf14H 75 Hhi fHi*HifffHfiff i*i*f**i*i***ii** *AGE ONE****fi*i*i***PAGE 30-Jun-87 PROJECT OYERVIEW Address or Nase: Chase's Hill 2. City or Town: Meredith, N.H. 3. Type of Property: condominius 4.Size of Property: A. Nusber of Units: B. Nusber of Floors: C. Total NET Square Footage D. Total GROSS Square Footage E. Construction Cost per NET S.F UNIT SIZE - SQ. FT. 800 950 1150 1150 1350 ONE******i****PAGE ONEIme*.*********i********** 60 2.5 75000 90000 inc. garages $75 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION One Bedrooms: Two Bedrooms: Three Bedrooss: Duplex - Twos Duplex - Threes TOTALS 5. Construction Type: Date of Construction: 7. Date of Purchase: PERCENT TOTAL SF 0 0 0 30 30 0.001 0.001 0.001 50.001 50.001 0 0 0 34,500 40,500 60 100.001 75,000 wood 1988 1987 8. HARD COSTS A. Asking Price B. Purchase Offer C. Capital lprovesents SUBTOTAL: HARD COSTS Per Unit $7,500 $7,500 $93,750 $450,000 $450,000 $5,625,000 $101,250 $6,075,000 ASSUMPTIONS 9. SOFT COSTS A. Developer Fee B. Working Capital Reserve C. Construction Interest D. Loan Comitent Fee E. Marketing F. Brokerage S. Land Carrying Cost H. Legal I.Accounting J. Acquisitions Teas Fee K. Interest during sell-off 0.09 0.09 12 MONTHS 12 MONTHS SUBTOTAL: SOFT COSTS TOTAL PROJECT COST: $150,000 $60,000 $253,125 $106,006 $262,500 $262,500 $40,500 $30,000 $30,000 $60,000 $364,500 $1,619,131 Per Unit $128,236 $7,694,131 76 SET $IK/UNIT 1 1/2 PRCNT 2.5 PERCENT 2.5 PERCENT SET SET SET 61 of TDC HHHHHHHHHHHHPAGE H*ff*f,**H ONEHH**ff t*fifPAGE ONEnanI**HH+HHM #PAGE 0NEHff**HHH*4*§*4**4 f*1*if*HiPABE TWO*HIutun*HMPAGE TWOIfifif4#* PAGE Tv0fHififffiHif FINANCE ASSUMPTIONS 1. Total Financing Required (Total Project Cost less interest during sell-off and brokerage fees) 2.Total Equity Required: 3.Total Mortgage Financing: A. First Mortgage: B. Second Mortgage $7,067,131 0.00% $0 $7,067,131 Asount Term Interest Paysent Asount Ters Interest Payment $7,067,131 30 9.001int only $53,003 $636,042 $0 0 0.001 int. only so Total Cost of Financing: $0 $636,042 SOURCES AND USES OF CASH Uses of Cash ------------ 1 Purchase Price Capital Improvements SUBTOTAL Fees: Working Capital TOTAL USES $450,000 6.371 $5,625,000 79.591 $6,075,000 85.961 $932,131 13.191 $60,000 0.851 $7,067,131 100.001 $7,067,131 100.001 Sources of Cash Mortgage rnuity Required $0 $7,067,131 TOTAL SOURCES 77 0.001 100.001 H **fif .aii*HH iiI******I f*********A E TWO**i*** .i*****PAGETWOI*****i*i****PABE TWO******i******i******** **#***#**************PA6E THREE**********PAE THREEf*e*******PABE rHREE*****tfff*I****** CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS $140 PER SQUARE FOOT 1.Purchase Price Assumption Total Per Unit $112,000 $161,000 $189,000 0 One Bedrooms: 30 Two Bedrooms: 30 Three Bedrooms: $0 $4,830,000 $5,670,000 $10,500,000 Sross Income 2.CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Land $450,000 $5,625,000 Cap Imp. ft Cost $992,131 $10,500,000 les $262,500 Brokers Fee $364,500 Interest PERCENTAGE BASIS 3 Month September Quarters--> 1 Land Cap Imp. Soft Cost Sales Brokers Fee Interest 1001 301 251 December March June September December March June 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 301 251 301 251 10? 51 50% 501 441 51 131 131 221 51 131 131 171 51 13? 131 111 51 131 13? 6? DOLLAR BASIS 3 Month Septesber Quarters --> 1 December March 2 ($450,000) ($1,687,500)($1,687,500)($1,687,500) ($248,033) ($248,033) ($248,033) e>les $0 $0 $0 okers Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Interest $0 Land Cap lip. Soft Cost December Septesber June 3 4 5 March 6 June 7 8 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($49,607) ($49,607) ($49,607) ($49,607) ($49,607) $5,250,000 $1,312,500 $1,312,500 $1,312,500 $1,312,500 ($32,813) ($32,813) ($32,813) ($32,813) ($131,250) ($22,964) ($160,380) ($80,190) ($60,872) ($40,095) ($562,500) 78 NET FLOW QUARTERLY ($2,385,533) ($1,935,533)($1,935,533) $4,346,263 $1,149,891 $1,169,209 $1,189,986 $1,207,117 .T CASH FLOW---> IRR---> NPV---> Iftff $2,805,869 11.9% 323,226 *f*HHfHHHHMPAGETHREE**IIIII **PAGE PAGE THREE THREEf*ii* ti iIHiHHHHH fiHHHHH*IiIIIIII*HHHPA6E FOUR*HfffHfHHHPA6E FOUR*HHHHiI*Hf*HfPAE FOURzziiiu*Htu Him H* #fiiintununuut# 3. SUMMARY STATISTICS TOTAL Land Purchase Price: Capital Iprovements: Soft Costs PER UNIT PER SF $450,000 $5,625,000 $1,619,131 $7,500 $93,750 $26,986 $5 $63 $18 Total Development Cost: $7,694,131 $128,236 $85 Sales Revenue: $10,500,000 Total Development Cost: $7,694,131 $175,000 $128,236 PROFIT $2,805,869 T CASH FLOW ------ > $2,805,869 PROFIT/TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST ---> 1ffHfIfHffff **ffffffHffiPAGE $117 $85 $31 $46,764 PERCENT 61 73X 211 100 100% 73% 271 361 FOURHfffHfffifHffHiPA6E FOUR*HHiffHHHHI*IHPAGE FOURIf*fHHHH 79 HHHfH*f fhu *if*.*********i*I***PAGE ONEuMi*i*******PAGE ONE*#***********PAGE ONEi****************i******** 30-Jun-87 PROJECT OVERVIEW Chase's Hill Address or Name: 2.City or Town: Meredith, N.H. 3. Type of Property: condominium 4.Size of Property: A. Number of Units: B. Number of Floors: C. Total MET Square Footage D. Total GROSS Square Footage E. Construction Cost per NET S.F UNIT SIZE - SQ. FT. 72 2.5 90000 108000 inc. garages $80 DESCRIPTION 800 950 1150 1150 1350 QUANTITY One Bedrooms: Two Bedrooms: Three Bedrooms: Duplex - Twos Duplex - Threes TOTALS PERCENT TOTAL SF 0 0 0 36 36 0.001 0.001 0.001 50.001 50.001 0 0 0 41,400 48,600 72 100.001 90,000 wood 5. Construction Type: Date of Construction: 1988 1987 i.Date of Purchase: 8. HARD COSTS A. Asking Price B. Purchase Offer C. Capital Isprovements SUBTOTAL: HARD COSTS Per Unit $12,500 $12,500 $100,000 $900,000 $900,000 $7,200,000 $112,500 $8,100,000 ASSUMPTIONS 9.SOFT COSTS A. Developer Fee B. Worting Capital Reserve C. Construction Interest D.Loan Cositsent Fee E. Marketing F. Brokerage G.Land Carrying Cost H.Legal I. Accounting J. Acquisitions Teas Fee K. Interest during sell-off 0.09 0.09 12 MONTHS 12 MONTHS SUBTOTAL: SOFT COSTS TOTAL PROJECT COST: if* if*i** iii****i* $180,000 $72,000 $324,000 $140,687 $337,500 $337,500 $81,000 $36,000 $36,000 $72,000 $486,000 SET $IK/UNIT 1 1/2 PRCNT 2.5 PERCENT 2.5 PERCENT SET SET SET 61 of TDC $2,102,687 Per Unit $141,704 PAGE ONEem**f**if*** PAGE ONEi***ii***iif 80 $10,202,687 PAGE ONE** ****************** #f i tf titif f*f #utff PAGE TWOMh ai mIM tPAGE TWO*4I#a1f *4*ut*HPAGE TWOMMM*IMefnituniuun FINANCE ASSUMPTIONS $9,379,187 1.Total Financing Required (Total Project Cost less interest during sell-off and brokerage fees] 2. Total Equity Required: 3.Total Mortgage Financing: A. First Mortgage: B. Second Mortgage 0.001 $0 $9,379,187 Amount Term Interest Payment Amount Term Interest Payment $9,379,187 30 9.001int only $70,344 $844,127 $0 0 0.001 int. only $0 $0 $844,127 Total Cost of Financing: SOURCES AND USES OF CASH ts of Cash ------------ 1 $900,000 9.601 $7,200,000 76.77Z $8,100,000 86.361 $1,207,187 12.87Z $72,000 0.771 $9,379,187 100.001 $9,379,187 100.001 Purchase Price Capital Improvements SUBTOTAL Fees: Working Capital TOTAL USES Sources of Cash Mortgage Equity Required $0 0.001 TOTAL SOURCES $9,379,187 100.001 81 ****I**** *********#WPAGETWO*** *** f**i*i*iff*i f***PAGE TW0Of#§u** ".'*""* *** *iPABE THREE PAE THREE i** PABE Tmi****** **********PAE TRREEII*** **.************* ************* CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS $150 PER SQUARE FOOT 1.Purchase Price Assumption Total Per Unit $120,000 $172,500 $202,500 0 One Bedrooms: 36 Two Bedrooms: 36 Three Bedrooms: $0 $6,210,000 $7,290,000 $13,500,000 6ross Income 2.CASH FLOW ANALYSIS $900,000 Land $7,200,000 Cap Imp. $1,279,187 Soft Cost $13,500,000 Sales $337,500 Brokers Fee Interest $486,000 PERCENTAGE BASIS 3 Month September Quarters--> 1 1001 301 251 Land Cap lp. Soft Cost Sales Brokers Fee Interest December March June September December March June 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 301 251 301 251 10? 51 501 501 44? 51 131 13? 221 51 131 131 17% 5? 13? 131 111 51 131 131 61 DOLLAR BASIS 3 Month September Quarters--) 1 December March 2 June 3 September 4 December 5 March 6 June 7 8 Land ($900,000) Cap lp. ($2,160,000) ($2,160,000)($2,160,000) ($720,000) $0 $0 $0 $0 Soft Cost ($319,797) ($319,797) ($319,797) ($63,959) ($63,959) ($63,959) ($63,959) ($63,959) Sales $0 $0 $0 $6,750,000 $1,687,500 $1,687,500 $1,687,500 $1,687,500 Brokers Fee $0 $0 $0 ($168,750) ($42,188) ($42,188) ($42,188) ($42,188) Interest $0 $0 $0 ($213,840) ($106,920) ($81,162) ($53,460) ($30,618) YF.T FLOW ARTERLY ($3,379,797)($2,479,797)($2,479,797) $5,583,451 NET CASH FLOW---> IRR---) $3,297,313 10.51 82 $1,474,433 $1,500,191 $1,527,893 $1,550,735 mPV---) 108,139 *PAGE THREE**************PAE THREEf******#******** *ii**i*i************PAGE THREEif*f***If** "**********************PAGEFOURI*ffff**iiPAGE ,**** FOUR***************PAGE FOUR***i*********t.********* 3.SUMMARY STATISTICS TOTAL PER UNIT PER SF PERCENT 91 711 21% $900,000 $7,200,000 $2,102,687 $12,500 $100,000 $29,204 $8 $67 $19 Total Development Cost: $10,202,687 $141,704 $94 1001 Sales Revenue: $13,500,000 Total Development Cost: $10,202,687 $187,500 $141,704 $125 $94 100% 76Z $3,297,313 $45,796 $31 24% Land Purchase Price: Capital Iprovements: Soft Costs PROFIT NET CASH FLOW - > $3,297,313 > PROFIT/TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST ---- 321 *t******* **********f ffi~fPAGE F00R**************PAGE FOUR*f************PAGE 83 F00R*************************** *****i** i fiii * *PAGE ONE*****f#********PAGE ONE**i**ti**I*** Nase: Meredith, N.H. 3. Type of Property: condominius 4. Size of Property: A. Number of Units: B. Nuber of Floors: C. Total NET Square Footage D. Total GROSS Square Footage E. Construction Cost per NET S.F f**4* * 90 2.5 108900 131400 inc. garages $80 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION One Bedrooms: Two Bedrooss/affordable: Three Bedrooms: Duplex - Twos Duplex - Threes 800 950 1150 1150 1350 4**4 * f#f Chase's Hill 2.City or Town: UNIT SIZE - SQ. FT. OM(E** 30-Jun-87 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.Address or PAGE TOTALS 5. Construction Type: Date of Construction: 7. Date of Purchase: PERCENT TOTAL SF 0 9 9 36 36 0.001 10.001 10.001 40.001 40.001 0 8,550 10,350 41,400 48,600 90 100.001 108,900 wood 1981 1987 8.HARD COSTS A. Asking Price B. Purchase Offer C. Capital Iprovements SUBTOTAL: HARD COSTS Per Unit $10,000 $10,000 $96,800 $900,000 $900,000 $8,712,000 $106,800 $9,612,000 ASSUMPTIONS 9.SOFT COSTS A. Developer Fee B. Working Capital Reserve C. Construction Interest D. Loan Comitsent Fee E. Marketing F. Brokerage G. Land Carrying Cost H. Legal I.Accounting J.Acquisitions Teas Fee K. Interest during sell-off 0.09 12 MONTHS 0.09 12 MONTHS ****i***fi i**ii*if*PAGE ONE SET $IK/UNIT 1 1/2 PRCNT 2.5 PERCENT 2.5 PERCENT SET SET SET 61 of TDC $2,516,599 SUBTOTAL: SOFT COSTS 10. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $225,000 $90,000 $392,040 $167,239 $402,300 $402,300 $81,000 $45,000 $45,000 $90,000 $576,720 Per Unit $134,762 ***ff****** 84 $12,128,599 ************PAGE ONE**************************** Al*fIt**if*f**ft**************PAGE TW0f ** ********PAGE TWO#*************If#*PAGE TW0********************ffffI I*** #* FINANCE ASSUMPTIONS 1.Total Financing Required (Total Project Cost less interest during sell-off and brokerage fees] 2. Total Equity Required: 3. Total Mortgage Financing: A. First Mortgage: B. Second Mortgage $11,149,579 0.00% $0 $11,149,579 Amount Term Interest Payment Amount Term Interest Payment $11,149,579 30 9.00int only $83,622 $1,003,462 $0 0 0.001 int. only $0 $0 $1,003,462 Total Cost of Financing: SOURCES AND USES OF CASH Uses of Cash Purchase Price Capital lmprovesents SUBTOTAL Fees: Working Capital TOTAL USES $900,000 8.071 A8,712, 000 78.141 $9,612,000 86.211 $1,447,579 12.981 $90,000 0.81! $11,149,579 100.001 $11,149,579 100.00! Sources of Cash Mortgage Equity Required $0 $11,149,579 TOTAL SOURCES 85 0.001 100.001 *4fftf h*** ****4*** PABE TWO***I*#**ff I****PAGE if*i**i***i**iPAE TWO******f*t***PAGE TWOM*****#****If***i***i THREEf*f*******PAGE THREEI************PAGE THREE*****11***1**4 CASH FLOM ASSUMPTIONS 1.Purchase Price Assumption $150 PER SQUARE FOOT $90 PSF AFFORDABLE 0 One Bedrooms: 9 Two Bedroos/Affordable: 36 Two Bedrooms: 45 Three Bedrooms: Per Unit $120,000 $85,500 $172,500 $202,500 Total $0 $769,500 $6,210,000 $9,112,500 Gross Income 90 $16,092,000 2. CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Land $900,000 Cap lp. $8,712,000 Soft Cost $1,537,579 Sales $16,092,000 Qrokers Fee $402,300 iterest $576,720 PERCENTAGE BASIS 3 Month September Quarters--> 1 Land Cap Imp. Soft Cost Sales Brokers Fee Interest 1001 301 251 December March June September December March June 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 301 251 301 251 101 51 50? 501 441 51 131 131 22? 51 13? 13! 171 51 131 13? 111 51 131 131 6? DOLLAR BASIS 3 Month September Quarters--) Land Cap lp. Soft Cost March 2 June September December March June 3 4 ($2,613,600)($2,613,600)($2,613,600) ($384,395) ($384,395) ($384,395) ($871,200) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($76,879) ($76,879) ($76,879) ($76,879) ($76,879) 5 6 7 8 ($900,000) Sales Brokers Fee Interest NET FLOW QUARTERLY December 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,046,000 $2,011,500 $2,011,500 $2,011,500 $2,011,500 $0 ($201,150) ($50,288) ($50,288) ($50,288) ($50,288) $0 ($253,757) ($126,878) ($96,312) ($63,439) ($36,333) ($3,897,995)($2,997,995)($2,997,995) $6,643,014 $1,757,455 $1,788,021 $1,820,894 $1,848,000 NET CASH FLOW---> $3,963,401 86 IRR---) NPV--- ) 10.7% 176,618 ti*f*******ff***** 4*4****PAGE THREE**************PAGE THREE**************PABE THREE************************ **i i*i**i*** i*iPAGE *#I FOUR**i*** i*iPASE FOUR***********fi*PAGE FOUR*************i************ 3.SUMMARY STATISTICS TOTAL Land Purchase Price: Capital leprovements: Soft Costs PER UNIT PER SF PERCENT $900,000 $8,712,000 $2,516,599 $10,000 $96,800 $27,962 $7 $66 $19 71 72% 211 Total Development Cost: $12,128,599 $134,762 $92 1001 Sales Revenue: $178,800 $134,762 $122 $92 1001 751 $16,092,000 Total Development Cost: $12,128,599 %k.% .* N V. PROFIT $3,963,401 NET CASH FLOW ------ $3,963,401 PROFIT/TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST ---- > I*I**************PABE I $44,038 %** % k%44k44*444%4%4%4%4k%,V $30 25% 331 FDUR*m*imi iPAGE FOUR***i*******i*PA6E FOURfm**i***i*m**im*mmm 87 END NOTES 1. Lakes Region Planning Commission. Meredith Master Plan, (Meredith, NH, n.p., 1981), pg. 5-7 2., 3. Applied Economic Research. New Hampshire Hous ing Analysis: Summaryeport, (Laconia, NH, n.p., 1987), pg. 2 4. Ib-id, Table V-7 pg. 6 5. Lakes Region Planning Commission. Meredith Master Plan, pg. 3-11 6. Ibid, pg. 7. Thibeault, Russell W. "An Economic Forecast: What's Ahead for the Lakes Region?" Doinq Business in the Lakes Region, 1987, pg. 3 8. Ibid, 1987, pg.9 9. Ibid, pg. 4-9_ 25 10. Farrell, John A. "Money Transforms Winnipesaukee." The Boston Globe,July 12, 1987, pg. 1, cont. 36. 11. Applied Economic Research, Inc. New Hampshire Housing Analysis: Summary Report, pg. 1. 12. Doinq Business in the Lakes Region, 88 1987, pg.3. BIBLIOGRAPHY Meyer, William T. "Industrial Building Systems", Saver Standards for Architectural Design. Hill, 1982. Time New York: MaGraw- Massachusetts Housing Partnership. Homeowners-hip Opp tutyPgra. Gui deli ne for Communities and Developers. Boston: Massachusetts Housing Authority, 1986. Sanders, Welford and Mosena, David. Changing Development Standards for Affordable Housing. Washington: American Planning Association, 1984. Center for Community Development and Preservation, Affordab_eHousing: Public and Private Partnershi ps for Constructing Middle and Moderate Income Housing. New York: n.p., 1982. Robinson, Jeremy, ed. Architects. New York: Affordable Houses Peigned by MaGraw-Hill, 1979. Schwartz, Seymore and Johnson, Robert. Local Government Initiatives for Affordable Housing: An Evaluation of Inclusionary Housinq Programs in California. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1981. Lakes Region Planning Commission. Meredith Master Meredith, New Hampshire. Meredith, NH: n.p., 1982. R. S. Means. Building Construction Cost Data 1986. Kingston, MA: R.S. Means, 1985. "10 Consumer Markets To Target." December 1986, pg. Jordan, Joe J. Americans." Professional Plan: Builder, 104. "The Challenge: Designing Buildings for Older December 1983/January 1984, pg. 18., Cetron, Marvin. "Where America will Excel in the Year 2000." U.S. News and World Report, December 16, 1985. "Measuring Impact of the 'Baby Bust' on U.S. Future." News and World Report, December 16, 1985, pg. 66 "Who's Taking Care of Our Parents." "Life After 65." 95. Architectural 89 Newsweek, May 6, U.S. 1985. Record, February, 1985, pg. Chrysler, K. M. "10 Great Places to Spent Your Retirement." U.S.Newsand..WordRepor t, July 15, 1985, pg. 58. Farrell, John. "Money Tansforms Winnipesaukee." Globe, July 12, 1987. The Boston Applied Economic Research Inc, NewH.ampshire Housing Laconia, NH, n.p., 1987. 1AlysisSrumnary Reot, Wheeler, Michael. A Handbook: Building Concensus for Cambridge, MA: MIT Center for Real AffordableeHOSi-n, Estate Development, 1987. 90