Climate-driven environmental change in the Zhada basin, southwestern Tibetan Plateau Joel Saylor* Peter DeCelles Jay Quade Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA ABSTRACT The Zhada basin is a large Neogene extensional sag basin in the Tethyan Himalaya of southwestern Tibet. In this paper we examine environmental changes in the Zhada basin using sequence stratigraphy, isotope stratigraphy, and lithostratigraphy. Sequence stratigraphy reveals a long-term tectonic signal in the formation and filling of the Zhada basin, as well as higher-frequency cycles, which we attribute to Milankovitch forcing. The record of Milankovitch cycles in the Zhada basin implies that global climate drove lake and wetland expansion and contraction in the southern Tibetan Plateau from the Late Miocene to the Pleistocene. Sequence stratigraphy shows that the Zhada basin evolved from an overfilled to underfilled basin, but continued evolution was truncated by an abrupt return to fluvial conditions. Isotope stratigraphy shows distinct drying cycles, particularly during times when the basin was underfilled. A long-term environmental change observed in the Zhada basin involves a decrease in abundance of arboreal pollen in favor of nonarboreal pollen. The similarity between the long-term environmental changes in the Zhada basin and those observed elsewhere on and around the Tibetan Plateau suggests that those changes are due to global or regional climate change rather than solely the result of uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. INTRODUCTION Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau has long been viewed as a major forcing factor in regional and global climate change (e.g., Raymo and Ruddi- man, 1992; Molnar et al., 1993; France-Lanord and Derry, 1994; Ruddiman et al., 1997; An et al., 2001; Abe et al., 2005; Molnar, 2005). Uplift is also thought to have directly driven environmental change on the Tibetan Plateau (e.g., Liu, 1981a; Zhang et al., 1981; Zhu et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2006). However, recent work suggests that global climate change drives climate and environmental change on the Tibetan Plateau (e.g., Dupont-Nivet et al., 2007). Moreover, uplift histories of the Tibetan Plateau based on faunal or floral associations differ significantly from those based on stable isotope and other quantitative paleoelevation studies. Paleofloral assemblages from Pleistocene deposits on the Tibetan Plateau are similar to modern floral assemblages at low elevations (e.g., Axelrod, 1981; Xu, 1981; Zhang et al., 1981; Li and Zhou, 2001a, 2001b; Meng et al., 2004; Molnar, 2005; Wang et al., 2006) and are used to argue for plateau uplift of at least 1 km since the Late Miocene. A similar argument is based on the abundance of mammal megafauna on the Tibetan Plateau in the Late Miocene–Pliocene and their relative paucity now (e.g., Cao et al., 1981; Zhang et al., 1981; Li and Li, 1990; Meng et al., 2004; Y. Wang et al., 2008a). In contrast, other lines of evidence indicate that the southern Tibetan Plateau has been at high elevations since at least the Middle Miocene (Garzione et al., 2000a; Rowley et al., 2001; Spicer et al., 2003; Currie et al., 2005; Saylor et al., 2009) and central Tibetan Plateau since at least the Oligocene (Cyr et al., 2005; Graham et al., 2005; Rowley and Currie, 2006; DeCelles et al., 2007; Dupont-Nivet et al., 2008). These paleoelevation studies also show that uplift predated widespread Late Miocene climate change (see Molnar, 2005, for a summary of evidence for Late Miocene climate change). These studies call into ques- tion the direct link between uplift and environmental change on the Tibetan Plateau. The environmental effects of tectonics and climate change can best be addressed in basins that contain all of the proxies mentioned above: pollen, leaf fossils, mammal fossils, and carbonates used in stable isotope studies. A case in point is the Zhada basin in southwestern Tibet. However, the lack of a coherent, comprehensive basin analysis integrating all the paleoenvironmental proxies has hampered efforts to untangle the climatic and tectonic signals in the Zhada record. The Zhada Formation is described as both upward fining (Zhang et al., 1981; Zhou et al., 2000; Li and Zhou, 2001b) and capped by boulder conglomerates (Zhu et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2007). There is similarly little consensus regarding the basin’s tectonic origin. The Zhada basin is presented as having developed in the hanging wall of the low-angle South Tibetan detachment system or as a half-graben produced in response to arc-normal extension (Wang et al., 2004; S.F. Wang et al., 2008a). It is also proposed to be a flexural basin responding to arc-perpendicular compression (Zhou et al., 2000). The presence of capping boulder conglomerates has led to the suggestion that the basin was recently uplifted (Zhu et al., 2004). Until recently, the Zhada basin was understood to have been at low elevations until as late as the Pleistocene (e.g., Zhang et al., 1981; Zhou et al., 2000; Li and Zhou, 2001a; Zhu et al., 2004). In a recent paper (Saylor et al., 2009) we documented the chronostratigraphy and stable isotope record of the Zhada basin. Here we provide basin-wide lithologic and sequence stratigraphic correlations, frequency analysis of the record of environmental change, and a detailed isotope stratigraphy. Our results suggest that global climate change, possibly in conjunction with regional climate change, controlled *Present address: Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712-0254, USA. Geosphere; April 2010; v. 6; no. 2; p. 74–92; doi: 10.1130/GES00507.1; 12 figures; 1 table; 2 supplemental tables. 74 For permission to copy, contact © 2010 Geological Society of America Sequence stratigraphy and climate cycles in southwestern Tibet A 80° 85° 90° 95° 100° 105° 40° 50 50 500 00 0 km km Tar m Tarim Basin Bas in n Alty h Tag t faul Qa Q a da dam dam Qaidam B Bas n Basin 35° So Son S o pa onpan pan p an-G a Ga Ga anzi nzi nz z T Te Terra errane errane rra rra ane ne Sonpan-Ganzi Terrane JS SZ Z JSZ Qi Qia Q ia angt gta an ang ng T Te erra e r ane rr rra ne Qiangtang Terrane KF KF Th s Study Th This Stud S Stu tudy tud ttu dy B BSZ 30° Lha L ha hasa sa T Ter e erran rane ane e Lhasa Terrane Himalayan Thr ust Belt Great Counter thrust Kailas Conglomerate Mesozoic Tethyan rocks Paleozoic Tethyan rocks Gangdese Batholith Legend: Thrust fault Detachment/normal fault Strike-slip fault Suture zone EZ Trace of measured section North-south transect Northwest-southeast transect Great Counter thrust ent Leo Pargil Detachm i Ay Q 1NWZ 2NWZ Z 3NWZ Sh ha da ? an 32°00 Qusum Detachment Zada Basin Fill JSZ : Jinsha Suture Zone BSZ : Bangong Suture Zone ISZ : Indus Suture Zone MFT : Main Frontal thrust KF : Karakoram fault Higher Himalayan rocks ISZ S SZ MFT T Quaternary Alluvium Abbreviations: B as in Karakoram Fault System 2NZ NRW 1NZ NRE Guga 31°20 EZ Indus-Yalu Suture 3NZ SZ SEZ Zone Great Counter thrust Ch Ind ina ia So ut 10 100 00 0 km km Pulan Basin et an in Ma De tac hm Ce 79°00 hT ib n t ra l Thrust ent 30°00 80°00 Lake Lake Gurla Mandhata 7728 m Ind ia Ne pa l 30°40 81°00 Figure 1. (A) Elevation, shaded relief, and generalized tectonic map of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic system showing the location of the Zhada basin relative to major structures. (B) Generalized geologic map of the Zhada region. Modified from mapping by Cheng and Xu (1987), Murphy et al. (2000, 2002), and mapping by M. Murphy (2005, 2006, 2007, personal commun.). Geosphere, April 2010 75 Saylor et al. REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Zhada basin is the largest late Cenozoic sedimentary basin in the Himalaya. It is located just north of the high Himalayan ridge crest in the western part of the orogen (~32°N, 82°E; Fig. 1A). The basin is at least 150 km long and 60 km wide, and the current outcrop extent of the basin fill is at least 9000 km2 (Fig. 1B). The Zhada basin is located in a zone of active arc-parallel extension (Ni and Barazangi, 1985; Zhang et al., 2000; Murphy et al., 2002; Thiede et al., 2006; Valli et al., 2007; Murphy et al., 2009). It is bounded by the South Tibetan detachment system to the southwest, the Indus suture to the northeast, and the Leo Pargil and Gurla Mandhata gneiss domes to the northwest and southeast, respectively (Fig. 1B). The role of each of these structures in the development of the Zhada basin is an area of ongoing research. The South Tibetan detachment system is a series of north-dipping, low-angle, top-to-the-north normal faults that place low-grade metasedimentary rocks of the Tethyan sequence on high-grade gneisses and granites of the Greater Himalayan sequence. Along strike, both to the east and west, ages for movement on the South Tibetan detachment system range from 21 to 12 Ma (Hodges et al., 1992, 1996; Noble and Searle, 1995; Searle et al., 1997; Murphy and Harrison, 1999; Searle and Godin, 2003; Cottle et al., 2007). To the northeast of the Zhada basin, the Oligocene–Miocene Great Counter thrust, a south-dipping, top-to-the-north thrust system, cuts the Indus suture (e.g., Gansser, 1964; Yin et al., 1999; Murphy and Yin, 2003). Exhumation of the Leo Pargil and Gurla Mandhata gneiss domes (Fig. 1B) by normal faulting began 9– 10 Ma (Zhang et al., 2000; Murphy et al., 2002; Thiede et al., 2006) and continues today. The Zhada Formation occupies the Zhada basin and consists of >800 m of fluvial, lacustrine, eolian, and alluvial fan deposits. The sedimentary basin fill is undisturbed and forms an angular or buttress unconformity with underlying Tethyan sequence strata that were previously shortened in the Himalayan fold-thrust belt (Saylor, 2008). The Zhada Formation is capped by a geomorphic surface that extends across the basin and is interpreted as a paleodepositional plain that marks the maximum extent of sediment aggradation prior to integration of the modern Sutlej River drainage network. 76 After deposition, the basin was incised to basement by the Sutlej River, exposing the complete thickness of the Zhada Formation. The best estimate for the age of the Zhada Formation is between ca. 9.2 and after 1 Ma, based on vertebrate fossils and magnetostratigraphy (Fig. 2) (Lourens et al., 2004; S.F. Wang et al., 2008b; Saylor et al., 2009). METHODS Sedimentology We measured 14 stratigraphic sections spanning the basin extent from the Zhada county seat in the southeast to the Leo Pargil Range front in the northwest (Fig. 1B). Sections were measured at centimeter scale. Correlations The geomorphic surface that caps the Zhada Formation is correlative across the basin, and provides the datum for sequence stratigraphic and lithologic correlation. Correlations are based on major stratigraphic members that can be physically traced (Saylor, 2008). Magnetostratigraphy linking the South Zhada, Southeast Zhada, and East Zhada sections provides additional constraints. A final independent constraint is the switch from exclusively C3 to mixed C3 and C4 vegetation that is observed between 130 and 230 m in the South Zhada section and at ~300 m in the East Zhada section (Saylor et al., 2009). The expansion of C4 vegetation is observed across the Indian subcontinent and southern Tibet ca. 7 Ma (Quade et al., 1989, 1995; France-Lanord and Derry, 1994; Garzione et al., 2000a; Ojha et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2006). Frequency Analysis of Zhada Formation Cycles The sedimentological record of the Zhada Formation archives the cyclical expansion and contraction of a large paleolake. Frequency analysis was conducted by spectral analysis and also by calculation of the average duration of cycles. In order to apply spectral analysis to this record, a waveform was created by assigning numerical values to each of the depositional Global polarity Age Polarity time (Ma) scale Chrons 0 1n 1 South Zhada Section Stratigraphic height (m) environmental variability in the southwestern Tibetan Plateau during the Late Miocene– Pleistocene. The data also point to the possibility of establishing a high-resolution climate record for this high-elevation basin extending from the Pleistocene to the Miocene. 800 800 2 700 700 3 600 600 500 500 400 300 300 200 200 2An 4 5 400 2n 6 C3/C4 Transition7 3n 3An 3Bn 4n 100 8 100 9 CS SS Cgm -90 4An -45 0 45 90 VGP latitude (°) 10 5n Figure 2. South Zhada lithologic section and associated magnetostratigraphic section and correlation to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS) of Lourens et al. (2004). VGP—virtual geomagnetic pole; C— claystone; S—siltstone; SS—sandstone; Cgm—conglomerate. Geosphere, April 2010 Sequence stratigraphy and climate cycles in southwestern Tibet environments as follows: 5—fluvial and alluvial fan associations; 4—supralittoral associations; 3—littoral associations; 2 or 1—profundal associations, based on the presence or absence of terrestrial clastic or plant material, respectively. Depositional environments in the South Zhada measured section were identified at 0.5 m increments or where the depositional environment changed. The series was converted from the depth domain to the time domain by linear interpolation between magnetostratigraphic tie points, justified by the generally linear subsidence/sediment accumulation rates (Saylor, 2008). The assumption of a linear sediment accumulation rate likely breaks down at short time scales, implying that interpretation of cycles <100 k.y. must await a more finely tuned basin chronology. The result is a clipped waveform with uneven sample spacing and temporal resolution better than 4 k.y. (Fig. 3; Supplemental Table 11). Progradation of basin margin depositional environments leads to waveform saturation and loss of resolution at ages younger than 3.3 Ma. In order to evaluate the effect of this saturation on spectral analysis, both the 5.23–2.581 Ma and the 5.23–3.3 Ma intervals were analyzed (labeled “Entire Series” and “Short Series,” respectively, in Fig. 3). The Lomb-Scargle Fourier transform method was applied using the SPECTRUM program, which allows analysis of unevenly spaced time series without interpolation (Schulz and Stattegger, 1997). We conducted univariate autospectral analysis (Welch method) to determine the dominant frequencies in the record. We also conducted harmonic analysis using Siegel’s test to discriminate periodic components from noise in the Zhada record. Cross-spectral analysis was used to determine the coherence between the Zhada record and the record of summer insolation for 65°N (Laskar et al., 2004). Stable Isotopes Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon [expressed as δ18O and δ13C in units ‰, respectively, and referenced to Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB) or Vienna standard mean ocean water (VSMOW)] are sensitive indicators of hydrologic conditions. The principal controls on surface water δ18O (δ18Osw) values in southern Tibet are increasing elevation (which decreases δ18Osw values) and evaporation (which increases δ18Osw values) (Dansgaard, 1954, 1964; Rozan- ski et al., 1993; Garzione et al., 2000b; Poage and Chamberlain, 2001; Rowley et al., 2001; Rowley and Garzione, 2007). Freshwater gastropods precipitate shells with oxygen isotopic ratios (δ18Occ [Shell carbonate oxygen isotope ratio]) in equilibrium with ambient water, dependent on the temperature-dependent fractionation factor (Fritz and Poplawski, 1974; Leng et al., 1999) between aragonite and water. The δ13C values of gastropod shells (δ13Ccc) are controlled by the δ13C value of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) in the ambient water (Lemeille et al., 1983; Bonadonna et al., 1999; Leng et al., 1999). The δ13CDIC value is controlled primarily by the residence time of water and secondarily by factors including the local vegetation and substrate. The δ13CDIC value of surface water is increased by photosynthesis or equilibration with the atmosphere (Talbot, 1990; Li and Ku, 1997). Particularly in productive lakes, increased water residence time increases the δ13CDIC value. Thus, both δ13Ccc and δ18Occ values of gastropod shells are useful in reconstructing paleohydrologic and paleoenvironmental conditions (e.g., Abell and Williams, 1989; Purton and Brasier, 1997; Hailemichael et al., 2002; Smith et al., 2004). Fossil gastropod shell fragments and intact shells were collected from fluvial, marshy, and lacustrine intervals from the lower ~650 m in 2 measured sections. Shells were powdered and homogenized prior to analysis. To check for preservation of biogenic aragonite, 12 representative gastropod samples from fluvial, lacustrine, and marshy intervals were powdered and analyzed using the University of Arizona’s D8 Advance Bruker X-ray powder diffractometer (Saylor et al., 2009). We measured δ18Occ and δ13Ccc values using an automated carbonate preparation device (KIELIII) coupled to a gas-ratio mass spectrometer (Finnigan MAT 252). Powdered samples were reacted with dehydrated phosphoric acid under vacuum at 70 °C. The isotope ratio measurement is calibrated based on repeated measurements of NBS-19 and NBS-18 and precision is ±0.1‰ for δ18O and ±0.06‰ for δ13C (1σ). RESULTS structures (Supplemental Table 22). Unless otherwise indicated, all deposits are laterally continuous for hundreds of meters to several kilometers. Only abbreviated descriptions and interpretations are presented here (for details, see Saylor, 2008). Depositional Cycles in the Zhada Formation Deposits in the Zhada Formation occur in two types of cycles that mark periods of lake or wetland expansion and contraction. The bulk of a typical type A cycle (Figs. 4A and 5A) consists of a 1–10-m-thick unit of fluvial or alluvial fan sandstone or conglomerate (lithofacies association F1 or rarely A1–A4) with an erosional base, no grain-size trend, and a capping, upwardfining sandstone bed (lithofacies association F2 or occasionally S1). This is overlain by an organic-rich, fine-grained unit that contains convoluted bedding (lithofacies association F3). An idealized type B cycle (Figs. 4B, 5B, and 5C) is characterized by an upward-coarsening succession of, in ascending order, fossil-rich siltstone (lithofacies association L1), laminated or massive siltstone or sandy turbidites (lithofacies association P1–P2), rippled and cross-stratified sandstone (lithofacies association L2), sandstone containing planar, trough, or climbing-ripple cross-stratification (lithofacies association F2 or S1–S3), and conglomerate beds (lithofacies associations A1–A4 or F1). The uppermost sandstone beds have both erosional and gradational basal surfaces. The basal surface of the capping conglomeratic unit is either erosional or marked by soft-sediment deformation. Organic-rich convoluted siltstone (lithofacies association F3) can occur at any point within the capping sandstone or conglomerate succession. In all cases, the boundary between the fluvial or alluvial fan association and littoral or profundal association is abrupt, while the transition from the profundal association to the fluvial or alluvial fan association is gradational, indicating a rapid transgression followed by gradual progradation. Parts of both type A and type B cycles may be missing from the idealized version depicted in Figure 4. Sedimentology Correlations We identify 14 lithofacies associations and five depositional-environment associations based on lithology, texture, and sedimentary Type A and type B cycles stack in predictable patterns within a larger sequence stratigraphic 1 Supplemental Table 1. Word document containing data used in frequency analysis. If you are viewing the PDF of this paper or reading it offline, please visit http:// or the full-text article on to view Supplemental Table 1. 2 Supplemental Table 2. Word document containing the lithofacies association codes, descriptions, and interpretations. If you are viewing the PDF of this paper or reading it offline, please visit or the full-text article on to view Supplemental Table 2. Geosphere, April 2010 77 Saylor et al. Legend South Zhada (SZ) Record of summer insolation lithologic section Depo-codes at 65°N (Laskar et al., 2004) End leg 10 at N 31˚ 22.910’ E 79˚ 45.075’ 4299 ± 8 m 620 St Gcmi Oscillatory current ripples Unidirectional ripples Erosional surface Gastropods Mc Sc St/Gcmi Plants/Plant fragments St Sc St Mh Sc Hcs St Sc Mc/St St Sh St Sr Sc Gcmi Sc 560 n=10 Start leg 10 at 540 N 31˚ n=28 23.112’ E 79˚ 44.981’ 4197 ± 6 m End leg 9 520 GPS unavailable 3 Ostracods Root Traces Sh Fish Skeletons/Fragments St Sh St Mh Gmt Gcmi Terrestrial Mammal Fossils Climbing ripples Sr Shell fragments Mh Sc St Mh Gmm Gcmi St Sf Sr Mh Sh Sr Ml n = 17 3.5 Sh Mh Sf Sr St Mh Ml St Mh Sr Mh Sc Short Series St Gmm Mh Sc St Mh Mr/Mc St Mh Sr Sf St n = 17 440 Mh Sh Start leg 8 at N 31˚ 24.584’ 340 E 79˚ 45.371’ n = 13 4001 ± 9 m End leg 7 at N 31˚ 25.280’ E 79˚ 320 44.916’ 4001 ± 10 m Start leg 7 at N 31˚ 25.275’ n = 14 E 79˚ 44.989’ 300 3966 ± 6 m End leg 6 at N 31˚ 25.281’ E 79˚ 44.986’ 3966 ± 7 m 280 Start leg 6 at N 31˚ 25.507’ E 79˚ 45.118’ 3933 ± 8 m End leg 5 at 260 N 31˚ 26.121’ E 79˚ 45.421’ 3929 ± 10 m 240 P Mh Sh St Hcs St Gct Mr St Mr St St Sr Mh St Ml St Mh Sh Mh Mh St Sr Mh Ml Sr St Mh Sr St St/Gct Mh St Sf St Sh 4.5 St Sr Mr Mh Ml Mh St Mh Ml St Ml/St Sr Mh Ml St Ml St Sr Ml Mh Ml St Mh St Mh Ml Sr Mh Sr/Sc Mh Sr/Sc Mh/Sr 5 Mh Ml St Mh/Sh St Mh Ml Sh/St Ml Sh Mh St St/Sh Mh Mh Start leg 5 N 31˚ 26.260’ E 79˚ 45.143’ 3875 ± 7 m 4 St Mr/Sr Ml 220 Paleocurrent direction from groundwater tubes Sh Mh Mh St Mh Ml St Mh Ml Ml St Mh 1 2 3 4 5 Depo-code Lake/wetland expansion (Stronger monsoon) -60-40-20 0 20 40 600 Variation in Insolation (W/m2) 0.02 0.04 Eccentricity Mh/Sh Sf Mh Sf Mh/Ml Sh CS SS Cgm 78 Paleocurrent direction from trough cross beds Age (Ma) Sr Mh Mh/Sr 460 n = 19 Number of paleocurrent measurements Paleocurrent direction from imbricated clasts Entire Series 480 360 n = 16 Bivalves Gcmi 500 Stratigraphic height (m) Hummocky crossstratification Gmm St Mc Mh St Mc Gcm St Mh/Gcm St/Gcmi Mh/Sh Gmt Mc St Mc St Mr/Mh St 580 n=19 Start leg 9 at 400 N 31˚ 24.158’ E 79˚ 45.442’ 4057 ± 6 m End leg 8 at 380 N 31˚ 24.449’ E 79˚ 45.342’ 4057 ± 13 m Convoluted bedding/ soft sediment deformation Mh/Sr Gcmi 600 420 Mud cracks 2.5 Mr Geosphere, April 2010 0.06 Figure 3. The synthetic wave form constructed for spectral analysis. Depositional codes relate to lithofacies associations (5—alluvial fan and fluvial associations; 4—supralittoral associations; 3—littoral associations; 2 or 1—profundal associations, based on the presence or absence of terrigenous clastic or biologic material). At ages younger than 3.3 Ma, the waveform saturates at values of 5 due to the infilling of the Zhada paleolake and the progradation of lake-margin depositional environments. Similarly, the inability to distinguish fluctuations in water level during times of profundal or alluvial fan and/or fluvial sedimentation results in clipping of the waveform. The record of insolation variation (Laskar et al., 2004) is provided for comparison. GPS—global positioning system; C—claystone; S—siltstone; SS— sandstone; Cgm—conglomerate. Sequence stratigraphy and climate cycles in southwestern Tibet margin facies and occasionally nondeposition of a lithofacies association. It is on the basis of these minor unconformities and associated shifts in depositional environments that we define sequences of all orders. At the finest scale, 56 type A and type B cycles are present in the Zhada Formation (Fig. 7). Four second-order sequences are evident above the cycles described above. Nomenclature used identifies sequence order, systems tract or bounding surface, and stratigraphic position from lowest to highest (hence hierarchy (Fig. 6). Because of the difficulty of establishing a hierarchy of continental sequences based on sequence duration as determined in marine sequences (e.g., Vail et al., 1991), we follow Catuneanu (2006) and establish a unique hierarchy for the Zhada basin. The Zhada Formation does not have significant intraformational unconformities that might represent extended periods of nondeposition or extensive subaerial exposure and erosion. However, it does have Waltherian unconformities that represent rapid progradation of basin B Type B cycle Fluvial or Alluvial fan Association Supra-littoral Association Sub-aerial exposure (Panel III.) { Fluvial or alluvial fan deposition (Panel I.) ~ 10 m Gradual progadation (Panel II. - III.) Fluvial or Alluvial fan Association Profundal deposition (Panel II.) Low energy transgression drowns lake-margin semi-aquatic grasses (Panel I.) Exposure or sediment bypass (Panel III.) Wetland deposition (Panel II.) Sandstone or conglomerate Papery laminated siltstone or claystone C Depositional Setting Panels Supra-littoral Association Littoral Association Profundal Association Littoral Association Fluvial or Alluvial fan Association Massive or laminated siltstone or claystone Paleo-Sutlej River II. III. Zhada Co (lake) Type B cycle Marshy wetlands D Lake level, water influx, and lake water δ18O Depo-setting Panels: Progradation III I Massive, laminated or rippled siltstone Alluvial fan submerged lake Possible locations of margin grasses Type A cycles I. Fluvial or Alluvial fan Association 1 - 10 m A Type A cycle 2HST2 is the second-order highstand systems tract second from the base of the Zhada Formation). Second-order lowstand systems tracts (2LST) are characterized by type A cycles arranged in a retrogradational (landward stepping of depositional settings resulting in an increase in lake and/or wetland area) stacking pattern (Fig. 6). They are fluvially dominated and become increasingly marshy upsection. Second-order transgressive (flooding) surfaces (2TS) are identified by an abrupt transition to thick, profundal claystone (Fig. 8). Modern Flooding II III I Progradation Flooding II Greater lake area Net + water influx Greater δ18O values Time (t) Figure 4. (A, B) Idealized forms of sequence types A and B. (C) Interpreted depositional environments. (D) Simplified representation of the relationship between lake level, water, and sediment flux and lake δ18O values. The simplifications involve the assumption that end-member influx and efflux δ18O values are invariant and that efflux via evaporation is proportional to lake area. Vertical gray boxes indicate the time of retrogradation (sediment influx < water influx) associated with flooding. The black star denotes the temporal location of Kungyu Co within the systems tracts at the time of sampling (25 July 2006). The legend for sedimentary structures is found in Figure 10. Geosphere, April 2010 79 Saylor et al. Tibetan lakes are typically broad and shallow, and occur on low-relief plains. The lateral continuity of depositional units implies that these conditions also existed during deposition of the Zhada Formation. When transgression occurred, it would have quickly flooded the depositional plain, resulting in rapid retrogradation. As a result, second-order transgressive systems tracts (2TST) are thin. They are characterized by type B cycles arranged in a retrogradational stacking pattern and are capped by widespread profundal lacustrine sedimentation. Second-order highstand systems tracts (2HST) are characterized by type B cycles arranged in prograding (basinward stepping) or aggrading (no stepping pattern) stacking patterns. At the coarsest scale, the entire Zhada Formation can be seen as a first-order sequence (approximately third-order sequence of Vail et al., 1977). Tract 1LST is below the first major lacustrine transgression and is composed of 2LST1 and 2TST1. Tract 1TST occurs between the first major lacustrine transgression and the most widespread profundal lacustrine sedimentation (maximum flooding surface) and is composed of 2HST1, 2LST2, and 2TST2. Tract 1HST occurs between the most widespread maximum flooding surface and the top of the Zhada Formation and is composed of 2HST2, 2LST3–2HST3, and 2LST4–2HST4. Type A and type B cycles can be correlated from stratigraphic sections spanning the entire thickness of the Zhada Formation (South Zhada and Guga sections) toward the basin margins. Sediment accumulation was greatest in the region of the South Zhada and Guga sections. However, the maximum thicknesses of fine-grained material were deposited to the A Type Typ yp pe e A cycles cycl cy cles c cl les e es F1 F1 F3 F3 F2 2 F1 F1 E Er ros sio on/ n/Se Sedi ed diiment me entt b ypas yp pas ass Erosion/Sediment bypass Floo Fl Flood ood Ero Er Erosion/Sediment os sio on/ n/S Se edi dime me n ntt b bypass yp y pas pas ss B Prograde C Type B cycles Flood Flood Prograde Flood S1 S1 L2 P1 P1 L1 1 Prograde Flood Figure 5. (A) Type A cycles. Cliff is ~15 m high. (B) Photomosaic of typical progradational sequences in the lacustrine portion of the Zhada Formation (Nl). Each cycle in B is ~ 10 m. However, the focus of photo B is to show the lateral continuity of the Zhada deposits. (C) Type B cycles. Lowermost cycle is ~9 m high. Lower slope-forming interval represents upward-coarsening profundal to littoral mudstones and siltstones (P1, L1, L2), which are capped by cliff-forming littoral or supra-littoral sandstones (L2 or S1). 80 Geosphere, April 2010 Sequence stratigraphy and climate cycles in southwestern Tibet northwest of there, in the region of the Namru Road West section. The implication is that, though relative subsidence was greatest in the region of the South Zhada and Guga sections, these were also close to the source of coarsegrained material (identified in Saylor, 2008, as both the Kailash region to the north of the basin and also the mountain ranges immediately surrounding the basin). 1MFS 1TS Frequency Analysis of Zhada Formation Cycles The best time control based on magnetostratigraphy in the Zhada basin is between chrons 2An (2.581 Ma) and 3n (5.23 Ma) (Lourens et al., 2004). There are 28 type B cycles within this interval, each with an average duration of 95 k.y. Spectral analysis of both the S.E. Zhada C S SS entire series and the 5.23–3.3 interval indicates statistically significant peaks at 91.7 k.y. at the 95% confidence level and at 22.4 k.y. at the 85% confidence level (Fig. 9A). Harmonic analysis of the entire series reveals peaks at 91.7 ± 2, 126 ± 4, 140 ± 4, 221 ± 12, 379 ± 40, 662 ± 287, and 1330 ± 2000 k.y. at the 99% confidence level (Fig. 9B). However, in the analysis of the 5.23–3.3 Ma interval all of these peaks, except for S. Zhada Figure 6. Portion of Figure 7 showing detailed parasequence scale correlations. See Figures 7 and 10 for legend. 1TA—first-order transgressive (flooding) surface; 1MFS—first-order maximum flooding surface. Cgm : Type A Cycles : Type B Cycles Tethyan fold-and-thrust belt (basement) C S SS Geosphere, April 2010 81 82 A C S SS Cgm 3 N. Zhada Geosphere, April 2010 C S SS 50 m vertical Sequence stratigraphic surfaces and sequence number (first & second order) Independent constraints Cgm Sh Sf Sf Ml St Ml Ml St Ml St Ml St St C S SS Cgm 1 N. Zhada CS SS Cgm Namru Road East 6km C S SS East Zhada 6km Cgm Tethyan fold-and-thrust belt (basement) 25km Figure 7 (continued on following page). Basin-wide lithostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic correlations. (A) North-south transect. #TS# 6km 2 N. Zhada Fluvial lithofacies assoc. Parasequence boundaries System tract boundaries (first & second order) System tract interval and #LST# sequence number (first & second order) Supra-littoral lithofacies assoc. Littoral lithofacies assoc. Profundal lithofacies assoc. Legend Alluvial fan lithofacies assoc. Paleo-depositional plain (datum) 25km C S SS Cgm S. Zhada 2TS1 2MFS1 2SB2 2TS2 2MFS2 2SB3 2MFS3 & 2TS3 2SB4 2MFS4 2TS4 Saylor et al. Geosphere, April 2010 1LST 1TS 1TST 1MFS C S SS Cgm S.E. Zhada Southeast 20km C S Cgm C S SS Guga Cgm 2LST1 2TST1 2HST1 2LST2 2TST2 2HST2 2LST3 2TST3 2HST3 2LST4 2TST4 2HST4 35km SS Cgm 2TS1 2MFS1 C S 2SB2 2TS2 2MFS2 2SB3 2TS3 2MFS3 2SB4 2MFS4 2TS4 ? C S SS Cgm Namru Road West 10km Tethyan fold-and-thrust belt (basement) SS S. Zhada 10km ? ? 40km C S SS Cgm ult t Fa n e m ach Det ? um Qus ? Northwest 8km 8km C S SS Cgm C S SS Cgm C S SS 1 N.W. Zhada Qusum 2 N.W. Zhada 50 m vertical 3 N.W. Zhada Paleo-depositional plain (datum) 10km Cgm Figure 7 (continued). (B) Southeast-northwest transect. See Figure 1B for locations of transects. TS—transgressive (flooding) surface; MFS—maximum flooding surface; SB— sequence boundary; HST—highstand systems tract; LST—lowstand systems tract; assoc.—association; TST—transgressive systems tract; assoc.—association. Overfilled Balance filled Underfilled 1HST B Sequence stratigraphy and climate cycles in southwestern Tibet 83 Saylor et al. the 379 and 91.7 k.y. peaks, are suppressed (Fig. 9C). This indicates that the suppressed peaks are likely the result of red noise due to waveform saturation at ages younger than 3.3 Ma. -Both the entire series and the shorter interval pass Siegel’s test, indicating that the record is not the result of white noise. A random time series of similar length showed no statistically significant peaks and did not pass Siegel’s test. Coherence analysis of the shorter interval also reveals peaks at 80 ± 13, 26 ± 1, and 18.9 ± 0.6 k.y. (Fig. 9D). P 1 P1 2TS2 2TS2 S1/F2 S 1/F2 Stable Isotopes The X-ray diffraction analyses from 11 of 12 samples yielded only aragonite peaks (Saylor et al., 2009); the 12th sample was too small to yield results. The δ18Occ values of samples that we analyzed using X-ray diffraction ranged from −20.3‰ to +0.2‰ (VPDB). Figure 8. Second-order transgressive surface showing the abrupt transition from lithofacies association S1 and F2 sandstone to lithofacies P1 profundal claystone. Homo sapiens (circled in red) for scale. 0 Eccentricity Obliquity (100,000 yrs) (41,000 yrs) Precession Precession (23,000 yrs) (19,500 yrs) 0.08 BW 0.07 Relative Power Log relative power -5 -10 -15 -20 95% CL 85% CL -25 A 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0.03 126 ± 4 kyrs 140 ± 4 kyrs 99% CL 0.01 0 B 80 Frequency (1/Ma) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Frequency (1/Ma) 0.12 0.6 0.1 Relative Power 0.5 Coherence 221 ± 12 kyrs 0.04 91.7 ± 2 kyrs 0.02 Spectral background y = 0.003x2 -0461x - 8.833 R2 = 0.879 -30 379 ± 40 kyrs 1.33 ± 2 Myrs 0.06 662 ± 287 kyrs 0.05 0.4 0.3 0.2 False alarm 0.08 0.06 0.04 99% CL 0.1 0.02 0 D 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency (1/Ma) 50 60 0 C 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Frequncy (1/Ma) Figure 9. (A) Power spectrum of the entire interval (5.23–2.581 Ma). The spectrum has peaks at ~100 k.y. at the 95% confidence level (CL) and ~23 k.y. at the 85% confidence level. Y axis is log (base 10) of relative power. (B) Harmonic analysis of the entire interval reveals dominant peaks at 379 and 91.7 k.y., but also has significant red noise. (C) Harmonic analysis of the interval 5.23–3.3 Ma reveals the same dominant peaks, but red noise peaks are significantly suppressed. (D) Coherence analysis reveals a peak at 91 k.y. Vertical error bars indicate the 95% confidence interval. 84 Geosphere, April 2010 Sequence stratigraphy and climate cycles in southwestern Tibet Clearly identifiable trends in multiple cycles were found only in the densely sampled South Zhada section, particularly in the 250–470 m interval of the South Zhada section where we focus our discussion. (For analysis of the entire data set, see Saylor et al., 2009.) The δ13Ccc values of gastropods in this interval range from –3.3‰ to +2.1‰ (VPDB), and δ18Occ values are from −13.7‰ to +0.7‰ (VPDB; Table 1). There are 17 type B cycles within the 250– 470 m interval of the South Zhada section (Fig. 10). Of those, eight had sufficient sampling densities that trends in δ18Occ values should be evident. Five cycles show a clear trend of increasing δ18Occ values with stratigraphic height above the cycle boundary (Fig. 10). One additional cycle shows a similar, but muted, trend (Fig. 10). The final two cycles do not show any trend in δ18Occ values (Fig. 10). INTERPRETATION OF ZHADA FORMATION CYCLES Zhada Formation type A and type B cycles are best interpreted as parasequences (a conformable succession of beds separated by flooding sur- faces; Van Wagoner et al., 1988b). Parasequences are typically thin (<20 m) and correspondingly short-lived (~100 k.y.). We conclude that facies are controlled primarily by lake or wetland expansion and contraction, which are related by the interplay of sedimentation and base-level change at the shoreline. This is most evident in type B parasequences where flooding surfaces are easily identifiable as the sharp basal contact of the fine-grained, fossil-rich, often papery interval capping a coarser-grained unit (Fig. 4B). In type A parasequences flooding is probably recorded by the transition from the fluvial association to marshy deposits of the supra-littoral association rather than by an abrupt surface as in type B parasequences (Fig. 4A). However, type A parasequences have clearly identifiable erosive surfaces that can be correlated to subaerial exposure surfaces in type B parasequences (Figs. 4, 5, and 6). Thus, the maximum regressive surface in both type A and type B parasequences is defined as the erosional surface at the base of the coarsestgrained interval, if an erosional surface is present, or at the base of the lowest sandy interval showing signs of unidirectional traction transport if no erosional surface is present. TABLE 1. STABLE ISOTOPE DATA δ 18O Stratigraphic height δ13C (‰, VPDB) (‰, VPDB) Sample name (m) 1SZ12 309.65 –0.9 –3.9 1SZ13 310.65 –3.0 –12.5 1SZ13.8 311.45 –1.3 –3.2 1SZ18 315.65 2.1 –1.8 1SZ24 321.65 –0.2 –5.4 1SZ24.1 321.75 –0.5 –4.6 1SZ27.9 325.55 0.0 –2.8 1SZ32 329.65 0.5 –1.5 2SZ43 376.1 0.9 –1.8 2SZ43.1 376.2 –0.4 –6.8 2SZ47 380.1 –0.6 –1.9 2SZ51.5 384.6 –0.2 –2.4 2SZ51.5AD0.5 384.6 –0.6 –0.6 2SZ51.5AD10 384.6 0.2 –1.2 2SZ51.5AD11 384.6 0.2 –2.1 2SZ51.5AD12 384.6 0.1 –2.2 2SZ51.5AD13 384.6 0.3 –2.1 2SZ51.5AD14 384.6 0.2 –2.5 2SZ51.5AD15 384.6 0.8 –0.8 2SZ51.5AD3 384.6 –0.4 –2.2 2SZ51.5AD4 384.6 –0.1 –2.1 2SZ51.5AD5 384.6 0.3 –1.6 2SZ51.5AD6 384.6 0.9 –0.8 2SZ51.5AD7 384.6 0.0 –0.3 2SZ51.5AD8 384.6 0.0 –0.3 2SZ51.5AD9 384.6 –0.1 –0.4 2SZ55 388.1 –0.7 –2.3 3SZ0.15 389.25 0.9 –1.7 3SZ24 413.1 –0.3 –2.2 3SZ24.1A 413.2 1.6 –2.8 3SZ24.25A 413.35 0.8 –1.4 3SZ24.25B 413.35 –1.1 –1.8 3SZ24.25C 413.35 0.6 –1.6 3SZ24.3 413.4 0.9 –2.0 3SZ27 416.1 –2.1 0.7 3SZ49 438.1 –3.3 –13.7 3SZ50.5 439.6 –1.2 –1.0 3SZ55 444.1 1.2 –2.5 Note: VPDB—Vienna Peedee belemnite; SZ–South Zhada. Geosphere, April 2010 Type A parasequences occur at the base of the Zhada Formation sequences (Fig. 6). Marshy deposits become more prominent components of type A parasequences higher in the sequences, consistent with the general retrogradational stacking pattern. The upward-fining textural trend, retrogradational stacking pattern, and location at the base of the Zhada Formation sequences suggest that type A parasequences represent onset of lacustrine transgression. The associated rise in the water table resulted in increased marshy conditions, although the system was still dominated by fluvial processes (e.g., Bohacs et al., 2000). Type B parasequences occur in the middle to upper Zhada Formation (Fig. 6) and coarsen upward from a profundal lacustrine lithofacies association to a supralittoral or fluvial lithofacies association. Thus, they represent progradational parasequences in a lacustrine setting. The persistence of these cycles to the top of the Zhada Formation indicates that lacustrine conditions prevailed until the onset of incision by the modern Sutlej River, despite progradation causing replacement of the fine-grained littoral or supra-littoral deposits by basinmargin alluvial fans. Zhada Formation cycles obey Walther’s Law. Within individual cycles, facies that are superposed occurred side by side spatially (e.g., Middleton, 1973; Posamentier and Allen, 1999). This is consistent with sequence stratigraphy theory (Van Wagoner et al., 1988b) but contrasts with reports of non-Waltherian cycles from the Green River Formation and underfilled lacustrine basins in the Qaidam basin and Death Valley (Yang et al., 1995; Lowenstein et al., 1998; Pietras and Carroll, 2006). DISCUSSION Sequence Stratigraphic and Lithostratigraphic Correlations The overfilled, balanced-filled, and underfilled intervals of the Zhada basin were delineated using definitions modified from Bohacs et al. (2000). In contrast to the evaporative facies association presented by Bohacs et al. (2000) as typical of underfilled lake basins, evaporites are present, though not dominant within the Zhada sections. It may be argued that no sections were measured in the basin center and so the possibility exists that that is the locus of evaporite deposition. However, that is unlikely given the lateral facies continuity in the Zhada Formation and the number of measured sections close to the basin center. A more plausible explanation is that discharge into the basin by the paleo–Sutlej River was consistent and large enough that the 85 Mh Ml St Mh Sr Mh 480 Saylor et al. Sc 460 n = 19 Stratigraphic height (m) Legend Sr Mh Mh/Sr Mud cracks Convoluted bedding/ soft sediment deformation Hummocky crossstratification St Gmm Mh Sc St Mh Mr/Mc St Mh Sr Sf St n = 17 440 420 P Oscillatory current ripples Unidirectional ripples Mh Sh Erosional surface Mh Sh St Hcs St Gct Mr St Mr St St Sr Mh Gastropods Plants/Plant fragments Bivalves Ostracods Root traces St Ml St Mh Sh Mh Mh St 400 Start leg 9 at N 31˚ 24.158’ E 79˚ 45.442’ 4057 ± 6 m End leg 8 at N 31˚ 24.449’ E 79˚ 45.342’ 380 4057 ± 13 m Fish skeletons/fragments Terrestrial mammal fossils Climbing ripples Sr Mh Shell fragments Sh Mh Rip-up clasts n = 17 St Mr/Sr Ml Sr St Mh Lithofacies Sr 360 n = 16 Gcmi St St/Gct Mh St Sf St Sh Gm Gt St Sr St 340 Start leg 8 at n = 13 N 31˚ 24.584’ E 79˚ 45.371’ 4001 ± 9 m End leg 7 at N 31˚ 25.280’ E 79˚ 44.916’ 4001 ± 10 m 320 Sh/Sm Sr Mr Sf Mh Ml Mh St Sc Mr Ml Mh Mh Ml St Mm Ml/St Sr Mc Mh Ml St Ml St Sr Ml Mh Ml n = 14 Start leg 7 at N 31˚ 25.275’ E 79˚ 44.989’300 3966 ± 6 m End leg 6 at N 31˚ 25.281’ E 79˚ 44.986’ 3966 ± 7 m St Mh St Mh Ml Sr Mh Sr/Sc Mh Sr/Sc 280 Mh/Sr Mh Start leg 6 at N 31˚ 25.507’ E 79˚ 45.118’ 3933 ± 8 m End leg 5 at N 31˚ 26.121’260 E 79˚ 45.421’ 3929 ± 10 m Ml St Mh/Sh St Mh Ml Sh/St Mh St Mh CS 240 86 SS Number of paleocurrent measurements Paleocurrent direction from trough cross beds Paleocurrent direction from imbricated clasts Paleocurrent direction from ground water tubes Cgm Ml Sh Mh St St/Sh -20-18-16-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 δ18O (VPDB%) Geosphere, April 2010 Figure 10. South Zhada lithologic section and associated δ18O values of aquatic gastropods. Horizontal black lines represent parasequence boundaries. Thick vertical green boxes indicate the sequences that were used to construct Figure 12. Within all five sequences where a trend is evident, δ18Occ values increase from the flooding surface to the maximum regression surface. Vertical orange boxes indicate sequences that show a possible, though not clear, trend. Vertical red boxes indicate sequences with sufficient sampling density that trends in δ18Occ values may be expected, but where no trends are observed. VPDB—Vienna Peedee belemnite; C—claystone; S—siltstone; SS—sandstone; Cgm—conglomerate. Sequence stratigraphy and climate cycles in southwestern Tibet not directly underlie the coarse-grained facies. Rather, the profundal lacustrine facies coarsens upward gradually and shows evidence of traction transport, including oscillatory current ripples, throughout regression. The coarsegrained facies exhibit evidence of subaerial exposure including preferential weathering and cementation, and root traces. In addition, the coarse-grained facies are often interbedded with organic-rich siltstone and sandstone facies (lithofacies association F3) indicative of marshy wetlands, such as might occur on lake margins or between fluvial channels. We therefore interpret the coarse-grained facies as the maximum progradation of lake-margin depositional environments (Figs. 4C, 4D, panel I). One possible explanation for the difference between type B cycles and those in the basins studied by Bohacs et al. (2000) and Carroll (1998) is that fluctuations in influx were not as great in the Zhada basin, and that the Zhada basin rarely became desiccated. If water, and thus sediment, influx were relatively stable, regression would be marked by progradation and, during maximum regression, which marks the time when the lake has the smallest volume and is the most restricted, the relative influence of fluvial input would be greatest. The evolution of the Zhada basin followed a typical pattern from a fluvial system to an underfilled lacustrine basin (Fig. 11) (Bohacs et al., 2000). However, the top of the Zhada Formation is dominated by coarse-grained, basinmargin equivalents of type B sequences. There is no change in large-scale sedimentary environment indicated prior to an abrupt truncation of the Zhada Formation by a paleodepositional plain. By implication, there was no return to a balanced fill or overfilled basin type. The return to fluvial conditions often observed was discontinuous in that it bypassed the balanced fill and overfilled intervals (Fig. 11). co Ac Accommodation < supply Fluvial c In ter val s In te rva Underfilled ls A B C Accommodation > supply r ou kS Thic e ce ur So Sediment and water supply ly Balanced fill pp u ~s n= io at od m m Overfilled Thin lake rarely desiccated though surface outflow was minimal (e.g., Lake Naivasha; Barton et al., 1987; Duhnforth et al., 2006). The overfilled interval was determined based on the prevalence of fluvial input, indistinctly expressed parasequences (Bohacs et al., 2000), and the dominance of sedimentary structures indicating traction transport. The overfilled interval extends from the base of the section to 1TS (which is the same surface as 2TS1; Fig. 7). The δ18Occ values from this interval are extremely negative due to the low waterresidence times associated with river throughflow (Saylor et al., 2009). The balanced fill interval is identified by a dominantly retrogradational parasequence stacking pattern. The balanced fill interval is characterized primarily by the rising water table inferred from the increased prevalence of marshy intervals. Though the basin was intermittently open, fluvial influx was greater than efflux via outflow and evaporation and so the basin was being slowly drowned. The balanced fill interval extends from 1TS to 2MFS1 (Fig. 7). The trend toward more positive δ18Occ values in this interval and the inferred increase in water residence times (Saylor et al., 2009) are consistent with this interpretation. The underfilled interval is well represented in the Zhada Formation and was identified based on the occurrence of well-expressed flooding surfaces that separate distinct lithologies. Parasequences are well developed and record a combination of progradational and aggradational stacking patterns. Depositional geometries (flooding surfaces) are generally parallel or subparallel and well-expressed parasequences converge and become indistinct toward the basin center. Within parasequences, transgressive deposits are thin (<0.5 m) or absent, whereas progradational deposits are thick, well developed, and dominated by traction transport (oscillatory current ripples, climbing ripples). The underfilled interval extends from 2MFS1 to the paleodepositional surface. Type B parasequences occur primarily in the underfilled portion of the Zhada basin. However, they differ from previous descriptions of underfilled basin lithofacies (e.g., Carroll, 1998; Bohacs et al., 2000). The primary difference is that coarse-grained facies were presented as the result of transgression by Bohacs et al. (2000) and Carroll (1998), whereas in the Zhada basin they typically constitute the regressive portion of the parasequence. There are several reasons for interpreting coarsegrained facies as the regressive part of the cycle in the Zhada basin. Unlike the cycles presented by Bohacs et al. (2000) and Carroll (1998), fine-grained, subaerial exposure surfaces do Eolian Accommodation (height of sill above base level) Figure 11. The trajectory of Zhada basin evolution in accommodation and sediment-supply and water-supply space. Also shown are fields occupied by overfilled, balanced fill, and underfilled basins. The Zhada basin followed a typical evolutionary pattern from fluvial to underfilled basin due to an increase in accommodation (solid black arrow A) until a new sill was breached (B). At this point the basin underwent a discontinuous return to fluvial conditions, bypassing the usual progression back through the balanced fill and overfilled fields (dashed black arrow C). Modified from Bohacs et al. (2000). Geosphere, April 2010 87 Saylor et al. Frequency Analysis Isotopes in Zhada Formation Cycles Lakes respond to changes in hydrology on much shorter time scales than do oceans because they have much smaller water and sediment volumes (see Kelts, 1988; Sladen, 1994; Bohacs et al., 2000). In addition, in lacustrine settings the relative proportions of water influx and efflux (usually climatically driven) and movement on faults (tectonically driven) are both primary controllers of systems tracts. Sediment supply is linked to water influx. This creates the paradoxical situation where the influx of water and lake volume can be high, and yet lake volume can be decreasing (net evaporation > net influx; Figs. 4C, 4D). Water and sediment influx are thus decoupled from base-level changes but are primary controllers of shoreline trajectory, and therefore parasequence evolution. Lithofacies distribution and thus lithologic stacking patterns appear to be controlled primarily by the location of the shoreline and so are also decoupled from lake volume. This means that parasequence flooding surfaces correspond to lake expansion due to a drop in the evaporation/precipitation ratio. Thus, the lowest δ18Occ values of aquatic gastropods and, implicitly, of the lake water, are found at the flooding surface, even though the coarsest material is associated with maximum regression (Fig. 12). Particularly when the basin was underfilled, the highest isotopic values occur at the time of maximum regression (Figs. 4D and 10). This apparent discrepancy can be accounted for by understanding that though water and sediment influx were both relatively high and stable, climatically driven evaporation/precipitation controlled lake level and thus the δ18Osw value of lake water. When efflux was greater than influx, the δ18Osw value increased, the lake shrank, and the coarse-grained material was carried further into the basin (Fig. 4C, panel I). Conversely, when influx was greater than efflux, the δ18Osw value decreased, the lake grew, 1 Parasequence 1 Parasequence 2 Regression Parasequence 3 0.75 Parasequence 4 Parasequence 5 0.5 0.25 Flooding Normalized height above flooding Sfc The two independent time-series analyses described above indicate that ~100 k.y. cycles are present in the Zhada Formation. In addition to a peak at 91.7 k.y., univariate spectral analysis reveals a peak at 22 k.y. These are within 1/2 bandwidth (6 dB bandwidth = 2.4) of the eccentricity and precession frequencies. Harmonic analysis does not reveal the 22 k.y. peak indicated by univariate analysis, but does show peaks at 91.7 and 379 k.y., both of which are consistent with the eccentricity cycle (Figs. 9B, 9C). Coherence analysis shows coherence with both eccentricity and insolation records (Laskar et al., 2004) only at the eccentricity frequency (Fig. 9D). The fact that both frequency analysis and an average cycle duration shows 100 k.y. cyclicity indicates that this signal is robust. Sequences and parasequences in the Zhada Formation are either tectonic or climatic in origin. The correlation between the first-order transgressive surface (Fig. 7, 1TS) and major tectonic reorganization in the Zhada region (Saylor, 2008) points to a tectonic origin for the first-order sequence. Likewise, the correlation between the first second-order transgressive surface (Fig. 7, 2TS1) and maximum flooding surface (Fig. 7, 2MFS1) with the major tectonic reorganization and an increase in the exhumation rate on of the Leo Pargil Range, respectively, (Thiede et al., 2006; Saylor, 2008) also points to a tectonic origin for second-order sequences. The number and consistent and short duration of parasequences rule out a tectonic origin. Parasequences are consistent in duration with insolation-driven climate changes (fourth-order sequences of Vail et al., 1977) due to changes in the orbital characteristics of the Earth (i.e., Milankovitch cycles). If parasequences are representative of Milankovitch cycles, the driving process behind high-frequency environmental cyclicity in the Zhada basin was not tectonics. Rather, lacustrine expansion and contraction was caused by a change in the long-term precipitation to evaporation ratio. Long-term changes in the precipitation/evaporation ratio have been linked to strengthening or weakening of the monsoon due to increases or decreases, respectively, in insolation (Kutzbach, 1981; Prell and Kutzbach, 1992; Gupta et al., 2001; Shi et al., 2001; Ruddiman, 2006; Thompson et al., 2006). Shi et al. (2001) suggested a causal link between monsoon strength and Tibetan lake expansion and, in the absence of a change in winter rainfall in Tibet, we link Zhada paleolake size to insolation-driven monsoon intensity. It is not surprising that climatically driven parasequences are most distinctly expressed in the underfilled interval of the Zhada Formation, because during this interval the lake would be most susceptible to changes in hydrology (Kelly, 1993; Bohacs et al., 2000). 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -16 -14 δ13Ccc(‰ VPDB) -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 δ13Ccc(‰ VPDB) Figure 12. δ18O and δ13C values (Vienna Peedee belemnite, VPDB) of aquatic gastropods from five sequences (indicated in Fig. 10) are plotted against their normalized height above the flooding surface (Sfc). The lowest values occur just above the flooding surface and represent lake expansion associated with a decrease in the evaporation/precipitation ratio. However, continued evaporative enrichment and isotopic evolution means that δ18Occ and δ13Ccc values increase through most of the regressive sequence. 88 Geosphere, April 2010 Sequence stratigraphy and climate cycles in southwestern Tibet and the coarse-grained material was trapped at the basin margins (Fig. 4C, panel II). The foregoing discussion indicates that the primary control of δ13Csw and δ18Osw values was volume-weighted average water residence time. Just prior to flooding, when lake volume was small, the average water residence time, and hence δ13Csw and δ18Osw values, was significantly altered by addition of a small volume of water. However, after significant flooding, the lake was sufficiently large and the water sufficiently evolved that the continued input of water during flooding had only a minor effect on average water residence time. Though the discussion here refers primarily to individual parasequences, the effect may span several parasequences and point to climatic control at multiple frequencies (Fig. 10). The correlation between low δ18Osw values and flooding described here is confirmed in the modern analog of Kungyu Co. Water samples collected on 25 July, 2006, from the lake and from the sole river flowing into the lake had δ18O values of −14.8‰ and −15.6‰ (VSMOW), respectively. Stranded shorelines with aquatic grasses and evaporites on the lake margins showed that the lake was recently at higher levels. The samples were collected at the start of the monsoon season and the interpretation is that the lake level had fallen to extremely low levels and was now in the process of refilling (Fig. 4D; black star denotes the interpreted location of Kungyu Co within the filling and/or emptying cycle at the time of sampling). Basin History Combining the observations made above with previous studies (Saylor, 2008; Saylor et al., 2009) points to the following basin history. Through arc-parallel extension, a sill was created that caused ponding of the river, leading to deposition of the lowest strata of the Zhada Formation. The accumulating sediment onlapped the preexisting Tethyan sequence topography, forming the observed buttress or angular unconformities. The ancestral Sutlej River continued to flow from its source, increasing the sediment pile. The exhumation rate of the Leo Pargil–Qusum Range to the northwest of the Zhada basin between 10 and 5.6 Ma was the same as the sediment accumulation rate in the Zhada basin (Thiede et al., 2006; Saylor, 2008), indicating that the uplifting range may have acted as a sill. After 5.6 Ma both the exhumation rate and the sediment accumulation rate increased, the basin became closed, and lacustrine sedimentation commenced. These conditions continued, despite progradation of basin-margin alluvial fans, until a new sill was eventually breached after 1 Ma. At this point, the system abruptly returned to fluvial conditions and began incising through the Zhada Formation. The sudden return to fluvial conditions via the integration of the modern Sutlej River system truncated the typical basin evolution pattern described by Bohacs et al. (2000). Global Climate Change and Its Impact on the Southern Tibetan Plateau Numerous authors have reported 100 and 400 k.y. cycles in the Miocene (Van Wagoner et al., 1988a; Kashiwaya et al., 2001; Zachos et al., 2001; Di Celma and Cantalamessa, 2007; Holbourn et al., 2007), although none from high elevations such as the Tibetan Plateau. The Zhada basin therefore presents an excellent opportunity to study high-frequency climatically driven environmental change at high elevations in the Miocene–Pleistocene. Expansion and contraction of lakes and wetlands have been linked to variability in the strength of the Indian monsoon (Shi et al., 2001). The Quaternary monsoon is thought to be modulated by orbital cyclicity (Clemens et al., 1991; Prell and Kutzbach, 1992; Jian et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2005; Nie et al., 2008; Y. Wang et al., 2008b), though there is disagreement about which frequencies are dominant (Clemens and Prell, 2003; Nakagawa et al., 2008). Data from this study support previous work indicating that the monsoon has long varied at eccentricity frequencies (Dupont-Nivet et al., 2007). We turn next to another challenge presented by the Zhada basin, i.e., the explanation of the floral and faunal changes observed within the Zhada Formation and between the Late Miocene and the present. The Zhada basin contained a host of plants that are typically thought of as native to warm, humid, and, as inferred by some, low-elevation climates (Li and Zhou, 2001a, 2001b; Zhu et al., 2004, 2007). In addition, a broad cross section of mammal megafauna lived in the Zhada basin area, including Hipparion zandaense, Nyctereutes, Palaeotragus microdon, and rhinoceri that have variously been identified as Hyracodon or Dicerorhinus (Liu, 1981b; Zhang et al., 1981; X. Wang, 2006, personal commun.; E. Lindsay, 2006, personal commun.; Li and Li, 1990; Meng et al., 2004). This is in striking contrast to the basin today, in which the only large mammalian fauna are the kiang (Tibetan wild asses) and extremely rare chiru (small, long-horned antelope). The recognition of Milankovitch cycles in the Zhada Formation indicates that insolationdriven global or regional climate change drove environmental changes in basins at high elevations on the southern Tibetan Plateau. Thus, Geosphere, April 2010 we can reasonably expect that floral and faunal communities on the Tibetan Plateau would also have responded to global climate change. The shift from C3-dominated forests to mixed C3 and C4 or C4-dominated grasslands observed in the Zhada basin (Zhang et al., 1981; Zhu et al., 2006, 2007; Yu et al., 2007; Saylor et al., 2009) was not the result of basin uplift, because an identical change is observed in low-elevation deposits in nearby northern India. Further, analysis of oxygen isotopes from aquatic gastropod shells from the Zhada Formation indicates a probable decrease in elevation of the basin since the Late Miocene (Saylor et al., 2009). A more likely scenario is that a regional or global climatic change affected both low- and highelevation environments and favored a shift from forest to grassland. A possible scenario is that the vegetation shift began at high elevations due to a global or regional climate change. Suggested factors include the onset of rapidly decreasing global temperatures in the latest Miocene–Pliocene (Zachos et al., 2001) or increased monsoon intensity (Kroon et al., 1991) and associated increased aridity and seasonality of precipitation (Guo et al., 2002; Garzione et al., 2003; Molnar, 2005). Increased warm-season precipitation and increased aridity favor C4 grasses (An et al., 2005). As is thought to be the case in the foreland, the floral shift was accompanied by faunal change at high elevations. The possibility remains that these climate changes were driven by expansion of the region of high elevations, particularly on the northern and eastern margins of the Tibetan Plateau (e.g., An et al., 2001). However, any such models must take into consideration long-lived high elevations in the southern and central Tibetan Plateau (Garzione et al., 2000a; Rowley et al., 2001; Currie et al., 2005; Cyr et al., 2005; Rowley and Currie, 2006; DeCelles et al., 2007; Dupont-Nivet et al., 2008; Saylor et al., 2009). CONCLUSIONS 1. Lithologic cycles (types A and B) in the Zhada basin are Waltherian parasequences. 2. Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphic analysis indicate that the Zhada basin evolved from a fluvial system to an overfilled basin. The overfilled basin was marked by a broad depositional plain dominated by wetlands bordering a large braided river. From there, the basin evolved sequentially to a balanced fill basin and an underfilled basin. The final stage was marked by open lacustrine conditions, which give way to prograding basin-margin alluvial fans. The typical regression through the basin-type sequence was bypassed by an abrupt return to fluvial conditions. 89 Saylor et al. This agrees with overtopping of a basin sill and integration of the modern Sutlej drainage network (Brookfield, 1998; Saylor, 2008). 3. Two orders of sequences are recognized in the Zhada basin in addition to the parasequences mentioned herein. The first-order sequence is the result of tectonically created accommodation and infilling; the second-order sequences are of ambiguous origin but may be linked to continued fault movement. 4. Where best expressed and dated, parasequences have an average duration of ~92 k.y. and are likely the result of climatic changes associated with Milankovitch cycles. This is the first time that 100 k.y. cycles have been reported for Late Miocene–Pliocene deposits on the Tibetan Plateau and presents an unparalleled opportunity to study high-frequency climate change at high elevations. 5. Within parasequences, the lowest δ18Occ values and, by implication, the lowest δ18O values of Zhada paleolake water, are associated with flooding. From the flooding surface through maximum regression, δ18Occ values increase. This trend is the result of low evaporation/ precipitation ratios during flooding and the associated increase in lake volume and decrease in volume weighted average water residence time. 6. The data presented in this paper are consistent with a tectonic origin of the Zhada basin. Possible tectonic originating causes include crustal thinning or tectonic damming due to arcparallel extension. 7. It is likely that regional or global climate change, rather than basin uplift, was the cause of the observed floral and faunal turnover in the Zhada basin. The turnover, marked by decreased arboreal pollen in favor of shrub and grass pollen and a decline in the megafaunal populations, is similar in age and character to that observed in other basins on and surrounding the Tibetan Plateau. In the Himalayan foreland and elsewhere, the turnover is attributed to regional or global climate change. 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