Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Geological Society of America Bulletin Sedimentology, detrital zircon geochronology, and stable isotope geochemistry of the lower Eocene strata in the Wind River Basin, central Wyoming Majie Fan, Peter G. DeCelles, George E. Gehrels, David L. Dettman, Jay Quade and S. Lynn Peyton Geological Society of America Bulletin 2011;123;979-996 doi: 10.1130/B30235.1 Email alerting services click to receive free e-mail alerts when new articles cite this article Subscribe click to subscribe to Geological Society of America Bulletin Permission request click to contact GSA Copyright not claimed on content prepared wholly by U.S. government employees within scope of their employment. 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Notes © 2011 Geological Society of America Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Sedimentology, detrital zircon geochronology, and stable isotope geochemistry of the lower Eocene strata in the Wind River Basin, central Wyoming Majie Fan†, Peter G. DeCelles, George E. Gehrels, David L. Dettman, Jay Quade, and S. Lynn Peyton Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA ABSTRACT Shallow subduction of the Farallon plate beneath the western United States has been commonly accepted as the tectonic cause for the Laramide deformation during Late Cretaceous through Eocene time. However, it remains unclear how shallow subduction would produce the individual Laramide structures. Critical information about the timing of individual Laramide uplifts, their paleoelevations at the time of uplift, and the temporal relationships among Laramide uplifts have yet to be documented at regional scale to address the question and evaluate competing tectonic models. The Wind River Basin in central Wyoming is filled with sedimentary strata that record changes of paleogeography and paleoelevation during Laramide deformation. We conducted a multidisciplinary study of the sedimentology, detrital zircon geochronology, and stable isotopic geochemistry of the lower Eocene Indian Meadows and Wind River formations in the northwestern corner of the Wind River Basin in order to improve understanding of the timing and process of basin evolution, source terrane unroofing, and changes in paleoelevation and paleoclimate. Depositional environments changed from alluvial fans during deposition of the Indian Meadows Formation to low-sinuosity braided river systems during deposition of the Wind River Formation. Paleocurrent directions changed from southwestward to mainly eastward through time. Conglomerate and sandstone compositions suggest that the Washakie and/or western Owl Creek ranges to the north of the basin experienced rapid unroofing ca. 55.5–54.5 Ma, producing a trend of predominantly Mesozoic clasts giving way to Precambrian basement clasts † E-mail: upsection. Rapid source terrane unroofing is also suggested by the upsection changes in detrital zircon U-Pb ages. Detrital zircons in the upper Wind River Formation show age distributions similar to those of modern sands derived from the Wind River Range, with up to ~20% of zircons derived from the Archean basement rocks in the Wind River Range, indicating that the range was largely exhumed by ca. 53–51 Ma. The rise of these ranges by 51 Ma formed a confined valley in the northwestern part of the basin, and promoted development of a meandering fluvial system in the center of the basin. The modern paleodrainage configuration was essentially established by early Eocene time. Carbon isotope data from paleosols and modern soil carbonate show that the soil CO2 respiration rate during the early Eocene was higher than at present, from which a more humid Eocene paleoclimate is inferred. Atmosphere pCO2 estimated from paleosol carbon isotope values decreased from 2050 ± 450 ppmV to 900 ± 450 ppmV in the early Eocene, consistent with results from previous studies. Oxygen isotope data from paleosol and fluvial cement carbonates show that the paleoelevation of the Wind River Basin was comparable to that of the modern Great Plains (~500 m above sea level), and that local relief between the Washakie and Wind River ranges and the basin floor was 2.3 ± 0.8 km. Up to 1 km of post-Laramide regional net uplift is required to form the present landscape in central Wyoming. INTRODUCTION The eastern portion of the Cordilleran orogenic belt in the western interior USA consists of the Laramide structural province, a region of Precambrian basement-involved uplifts, and intervening sedimentary basins that developed during Late Cretaceous–Eocene time (Dickinson and Snyder, 1978; Bird, 1988; DeCelles, 2004). The deformation partitioned what had been a continental-scale foreland basin that developed east of the Cordilleran thrust belt, ~1000–1500 km inland from the subduction zone. Modern regional elevation is ~1.5 km with the range summits at >4 km. Similar basement-involved uplifts in the foreland of a major Cordilleran-style orogenic system are present in the Sierras Pampeanas in South America, where flat-slab subduction is intimately associated with the region of intraforeland basement deformation (Jordan et al., 1983; Wagner et al., 2005). Although shallow subduction of the Farallon plate underneath North America is the commonly accepted tectonic cause for the Laramide deformation (e.g., Dickinson and Snyder, 1978; Bird, 1988; Saleeby, 2003; Sigloch et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2010), it remains unclear how shallow subduction would produce the individual Laramide structures and the extent to which Laramide deformation may be viewed as an eastward propagation of the greater Cordilleran strain front (Erslev, 1993; DeCelles, 2004). Critical information about the timing of individual Laramide uplifts, their paleoelevations at the time of uplift, and the temporal relationships among Laramide uplifts have yet to be documented at regional scale to address such questions. Many previous structural, sedimentological, thermochronological, and paleoelevation studies have shown that deformation and uplift in the Laramide region is highly variable in time and space (e.g., Love, 1939; Keefer, 1957; Soister, 1968; Seeland, 1978; Gries, 1983; Winterfeld and Conard, 1983; Flemings, 1987; Dickinson et al., 1988; DeCelles et al., 1991; Gregory and Chase 1992; Cerveny and Steidtmann, 1993; Crews and Ethridge, 1993; Omar et al., 1994; Strecker, 1996; Hoy and Ridgway, 1997; Wolfe et al., 1998; Dettman and Lohmann, 2000; Crowley et al., 2002; Fricke, 2003; Peyton and Reiners, 2007; Fan and Dettman, 2009). Tectonic models explaining deformation during shallow GSA Bulletin; May/June 2011; v. 123; no. 5/6; p. 979–996; doi: 10.1130/B30235.1; 12 figures; 2 tables; Data Repository item 2011013. For permission to copy, contact © 2011 Geological Society of America 979 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Fan et al. slab subduction include basal shear traction (Bird, 1988), thrust and back thrust connected to a master detachment in lower crust, which is possibly linked to the Sevier thrust belt (Erslev, 1993), lateral injection by mid-crustal flow from the overthickened Sevier orogenic hinterland (McQuarrie and Chase, 2001), lithospheric buckling in response to horizontal endload (Tikoff and Maxson, 2001), and isostatic rebound by removing the ecologized Shatsky conjugate plateau on the Farallon plate (Liu et al., 2010). PostLaramide modification of the lithosphere in the Laramide region may have played a vital role in shaping the modern landscape. Mechanisms of modification include: (1) thermal uplift due to asthenospheric upwelling by removing the subducted slab or thickened mantle lithosphere beneath the western USA (Dickinson and Snyder, 1978; Humphreys, 1995; Sonder and Jones, 1999); (2) subcontinental-scale dynamic subsidence by induced asthenospheric counterflow above the subducted slab (McMillan et al., 2002; Heller et al., 2003; McMillan et al., 2006); (3) regional uplift caused by isostatic rebound of lithosphere due to climate-driven erosion (Pelletier, 2009); and/or (4) thermal upwelling associated with the initiation of the Rio Grande Rift (Heller et al., 2003; McMillan et al., 2006). Quantitative data on paleoelevation, source-terrane unroofing and exhumation, climate, and paleogeography within a precise chronological context are required to evaluate these competing hypotheses. In this paper we report results of a multidisciplinary study of the sedimentology, sandstone petrography, detrital geochronology, and stable isotope geochemistry of the early Eocene basin fill in the Wind River Basin, central Wyoming. From these data we reconstruct the paleogeography, paleoclimate, source-terrane exhumation, tectonic setting, and basin evolution. REGIONAL GEOLOGY Stratigraphy and Age Control The Wind River Basin in central Wyoming is one of the many Laramide intermontane basins formed to the east of the Sevier thrust belt. The basin is surrounded by reverse fault-bounded, basement-involved uplifts, including the Wind River Range on the southwest, the Washakie Range, Owl Creek Mountains, and Bighorn Mountains on the north, the Casper arch on the east, and the Granite Mountains on the south (Fig. 1). Strata of Late Cretaceous–Eocene age are exposed along the basin margin, and have been studied extensively in the past century (Keefer, 1965; Soister, 1968; Courdin and Hubert, 1969; Seeland, 1978; Phillips, 1983; Winterfeld and Conard, 1983; Love and Chris- 980 Figure 1. (A) General map of the United States showing location of study area relative to the major tectonic features and source terranes of detrital zircons (modified from Dickinson and Gehrels, 2009). Black area stands for the Wind River Basin. (B) General map of Wyoming showing the age of Precambrian basement surrounding the Wind River Basin (Frost et al., 2000; Kirkwood, 2000). Gray lines represent the Wind River and its tributaries. Stars represent locations of modern river sand for detrital zircon U-Pb age analysis: (a) East Fork; (b) Little Popo Agie River. (C) Geological map of northwestern Wind River Basin. Squares represent locations of measured sections (modified from Love and Christiansen, 1985). tiansen, 1985; Flemings, 1987). Among them, only Courdin and Hubert (1969) and Flemings (1987) presented modal petrographic analysis of Late Cretaceous and Paleocene strata in the western and southern basin. Flat-lying, lower Eocene, Wind River Formation occupies the center of the basin, with the greatest thickness along the east-northeastern basin margin (Keefer, 1965). In the northwestern corner of the basin, the slightly older Indian Meadows Formation was tilted and displaced on the top of the Wind River Formation by several northwest-striking thrust faults (Love, 1939; Keefer, 1957; Soister, 1968; Seeland, 1978; Winterfeld and Conard, 1983; Flemings, 1987). A moderately angular unconformity between the Indian Meadows Formation and underlying Mesozoic rocks has been observed along the southwestern flank of the Washakie Range (Winterfeld and Conard, 1983; this study). Our study focuses on the northwestern corner of the Wind River Basin (Dubois–East Fork area, Fremont County), where downcutting by the Wind River exposed ~700 m of the Indian Meadows Formation and Wind River Formation along the north bank, which is the thickest outcrop of the lower Eocene strata in the basin. The ages of the Wind River and Indian Meadows formations are constrained by North America land mammal ages (GSA Data Repository Fig. DR11) (Love, 1939; Keefer, 1957; Winterfeld and Conard, 1983), whose boundaries in the early Eocene have been revised based on correlation and calibration with radioisotope ages and magnetostratigraphy in the Green River Basin (Clyde et al., 1997; Robinson et al., 2004; Smith et al., 2008). The presence of Canitius, Hyopsodus, and Diacodexis places the Indian Meadows Formation in the early Wasatchian 1 GSA Data Repository item 2011013, Figure DR1: Chronostratigraphy of the early Eocene Wind River Basin; Figure DR2: Photos of zircon grains; Figure DR3: U-Pb concordia diagrams for detrital zircon samples; Table DR1: Modal petrographic point-counting parameters; Table DR2: Modal petrographic data; Table DR3: Zircon U-Pb data; Table DR4: Stable isotope data, is available at http:// or by request to (Wa1–Wa3, 55.5–54.5 Ma), and the presence of Heptodon and Lambdotherium places the Wind River Formation in the late Wasatchian (Wa6– Wa7, ca. 53–51 Ma) (Clyde et al., 1997; Robinson et al., 2004; Smith et al., 2008). The youngest U-Pb ages of detrital zircons collected from fluvial sandstones in this study cluster at 62.3 ± 1.3 Ma, which is older than the mammalian age and thus provides no additional constraint on depositional age. The contact between the Indian Meadows Formation and the Wind River Formation is complex but appears conformable in the East Fork area (Winterfeld and Conard, 1983; this study). Tectonic Setting The Wyoming craton includes granite gneisses and minor amounts of metavolcanicmetasedimentary rocks older than 2.6–2.7 Ga (Frost and Frost, 1993; Frost et al., 2000). Paleoproterozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks intruded by numerous plutons were accreted onto the Wyoming craton along the Cheyenne belt at ca. 1.86 Ga (Frost and Frost, 1993). Rifting of the western margin of Laurentia during Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic time accommodated the siliciclastic sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks deposited under predominantly marine environments (Levy and Christie-Blick, 1991). During Paleozoic–early Mesozoic time, the location of modern western USA was in the Cordilleran miogeocline, and a thick succession of carbonate rocks and subordinate siliciclastic rocks was deposited in a passive margin setting (Devlin and Bond, 1988). From Late Jurassic on, the backarc crustal shortening and thickening caused by the subduction of the Farallon plate produced the Cordillera thrust belt, and a thick succession of marine and marginal marine sediments was deposited in Cordillera foreland when the Western Interior Seaway inundation was terminated by the Late Cretaceous time (e.g., DeCelles, 2004). During ca. 80–40 Ma, Laramide deformation tectonically partitioned the foreland basin in Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado, and produced the basement-involved uplifts and intervening basins such as the Wind River Basin. Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 USA (1.0 – ille mid-continent (1.3–1.5 Ga) Se vie r th Yavapai-Mazatzal (1.6–1.8 Ga) Amarillo-Wichita (ca. 0.525 Ga) ? ? Quachita orogen ? ? USA Mexico he ec ) p am Ga -C .58 n ta 0 ca .54– u Y (0 East Mexico magmatic arc (0.23–0.29 Ga) N 1000 km 120°W 20°N Be art B River oo th M Suwanee (0.54–0.68 Ga) 80°W 20°N C C s Mtn ) orn a Bigh –2.9 G (2.8 Absaroka volcanic field (51–46 Ma) Washakie Range MT Bighorn tns 40°N Gre nv elt tb WY r us 40°N Superior (>2.5 Ga) Canada 1 .3 Cordilleran accretion and batholiths (<0.25 Ga) 100°W Ga) Wyoming-HearneRae (>2.5 Ga) A (0 pp .3 a l 3– ac 0. hi 76 an G a) A Trans-Hudson (1.8–1.9 Ga) Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Basin analysis of the early Eocene Wind River Basin Washakie Range Owl Creek Mtns (2.8–2.95 Ga) a W in d Ri ID UT Sevier thrust front ve r b Wind River Basin Granite Mtns (3.0–3.3 Ga) Wind River Range (2.5–2.8 Ga) 2DB Dubois 1DB 43.5°N 4DB d in W WY 3DB er iv Uinta Mountains R CO ge Quarternary Post-early Eocene deposites Wind River Formation India Meadows Formation Mesozoic rocks Paleozoic rocks Precambrian basement an R 100 km Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 10 km 109°W 981 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Fan et al. SEDIMENTOLOGY Depositional environments are interpreted on sedimentological analysis basis of four measured sections, totaling ~750 m in thickness (Fig. 2). Paleocurrent directions are based on 211 measurements of imbricated clasts (10 per station) and trough cross-stratification (method I of DeCelles et al., 1983). The Eocene sedimentary rocks in the basin are described by Love (1939), Keefer (1957), Seeland (1978), Soister (1968), Winterfeld and Conard (1983), and Flemings (1987), but lithofacies have not been described in detail. Lithofacies that were documented in the field are typical of fluvial deposits and are well understood in terms of depositional processes (summaries in Miall, 1978, 1996). Therefore, we provide a summary table of the most common lithofacies and physical processes in this study, and we focus on interpreting lithofacies assemblages and the corresponding depositional systems (Table 1). Indian Meadows Formation: Stream-Dominated Alluvial Fan Association Description The Indian Meadows Formation consists of interlayered gray and yellow conglomerate, sandstone, and brick-red siltstone with paleosols, totaling 315 m in thickness (Fig. 2B). The Formation rests on an erosional unconformity on the upper Cretaceous Cody shale or the Wind River Formation in our studied area (Fig. 3A). The lower 100 m of the Formation (11–110 m of section 3DB) is divided into two 40- to 50-m-thick intervals of intercalated pebble-cobble conglomerate (Gch, Gct, Gcm, and Gcmi), medium-grained sandstone (Sh, Sm, and St), siltstone (Fm), and paleosol (P), sandwiching a 15 m interval of cobble-boulder 982 A f c Sand Basement volcanic and metamorphic rock Mesozoic sandstone Gravel Pebble Cobble Boulder vf m vc Clay Silt Four schools of thought exist on the tectonic history of the Wind River Basin during Laramide deformation. Keefer (1965) suggested that the basin experienced three stages of subsidence in response to three uplift events in surrounding mountains, with the climax of deformation happening to the Casper Arch, southern Bighorn Mountains, and Owl Creek Mountains during the early Eocene. In contrast, Flemings (1987) concluded that the maximum rate of uplift and deformation was during Maastrichtian time and was caused by the thrusting of the Wind River Range and Granite Mountains. Moreover, of regional scale, Gries (1983) suggested that the NW-SE–oriented uplifts were generally earlier than the E-W–oriented uplifts, and Brown (1988) and Erslev (1993) argued progressive SW to NE arch development. Paleosol nodule Chert Mesozoic–Paleozoic carbonate Quartzite Covered Planar cross-stratification Siltstone contains cobble Stratigraphic correlation Trough cross-stratification Erosional contact Reverse fault contact Detrital zircon sample Sandstone petrology sample Normal grading Clast imbrication and lamination N E n Paleocurrent direction and number (n) of measurements (imbricated W clasts unless otherwise noted; tr—trough cross-stratification) S Figure 2 (on this and following page). (A) Stratigraphic symbols used in the stratigraphic sections in (B) and (C). (B) Measured sections of the Indian Meadows Formation in the northwestern Wind River Basin. (C) Measured sections of the Wind River Formation in the northwestern Wind River Basin. (B) and (C) include lithofacies, paleocurrent directions, clast composition, and stratigraphic correlations (dotted lines). Section locations are marked in Figure 1C. Lithofacies descriptions are summarized in Table 1. Abbreviations: c—coarse; f—fine; m—medium; vc—very coarse; vf—very fine. conglomerate (Gcm and Gmm) (Fig. 3B). Units of lithofacies Gch, Gct, and Gcm (~5 m thick) are lenticular, overlie basal scour surfaces, and exhibit crude, upward-fining trends. In general, conglomerate grades rapidly upward into sandstone. Beds of lithofacies Sm, Sh, and St are composed of two or more, ~2- to 4-m-thick sandstone packages separated from each other by scour surfaces. Plane-parallel laminations of a few millimeters thick are present only in the upper ~0.5 m of many packages. The mudstone and siltstone beds (Fm) usually contain paleosol carbonate nodules. The middle 100 m of the Indian Meadows Formation (7–110 m of 4DB and top of 2DB) is dominated by pebble-cobble conglomerate composed of lithofacies Gcm, Gcmi, Gct, and Gcp. Two- to 4-m-thick beds are stacked to form lenticular bodies up to 30 m thick, which extend several kilometers laterally (Fig. 3C). These kilometer-scale lithosomes have erosional bases and generally fine upward. Siltstone lithofacies Fm forms beds 1–2 m thick between these conglomeratic bodies; although these units are massive, they lack distinctive paleosol features. The upper 110 m of the Indian Meadows Formation (110–215 m of 4DB) is composed of intercalated lenticular pebble-cobble conglomerate (Gct, Gcm, Gmm, Gcmi, and Gcp), mediumto coarse-grained sandstone (Sm, Sh, and St) (Fig. 3D), siltstone (Fm), and paleosol (P). The sandstones contain floating granules and pebbles and generally cap the fining-upward conglomer- ates. Siltstone of lithofacies Fm (~2 m) is sandy and contains floating granules. Paleosol carbonate nodules are developed in most siltstone intervals, and organic-rich layers up to 1 m thick are preserved above some of the carbonate accumulation horizons. In some instances, several paleosols are stacked atop one another. Interpretation The assemblage of lithofacies in the Indian Meadows Formation is characteristic of alluvial fan depositional systems (Nemec and Steel, 1984; DeCelles et al., 1991; Stanistreet and McCarthy, 1993; Miall, 1996). The lower interval was deposited in the proximal alluvial fan by gravel-bed braided channels and debris flows. The thin bodies of conglomerate containing sedimentary structures were deposited as longitudinal bar deposits in small flashy, highly unsteady braided streams (Hein and Walker, 1977; Miall, 1978). The sandstones and siltstones were deposited on the tops or flanks of bars during waning flow or in slackwater ponds, such as abandoned channels (Rust, 1972; Miall, 1978). The unstratified, poorly sorted, matrix-supported conglomerates represent viscous debris flows triggered by catastrophic events (Nemec and Steel, 1984; Schultz, 1984; DeCelles et al., 1991; Stanistreet and McCarthy, 1993). The poorly sorted, clast-supported conglomerates represent high-concentration floods that were not in equilibrium with typical regime bedforms (Pierson, 1981; DeCelles et al., 1991). Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Basin analysis of the early Eocene Wind River Basin 2DB 4DB 210 B 300 Gcm 200 180 160 Gcmi, Gcm Gcp 280 Sm,Fm Sm P Fm,Sm P Gch,Gct Gcp 260 Gcm,P 240 140 Gcm,Gct Gcp 120 Gmm Gch Fm Sm,P Gcm,Fm,P Gmm 22tr 100 C 10 Gcm,Fm Gmh,Gct P Gmm,Fm Gcm,Gch P Gmm,P Gcm Gmm Gcm P P Sm P 220 1DB 10 120 Gch,Gchi Gct,Gcp 200 100 Sm Sm,Fm Gct, Gch P Gmm,Sm Gcm,Gct Gcp Gmm,Sm 180 80 80 Sm,P Gch,Gct Gcmi,Gcp 60 P Gct, Gcmi P Gch,Gct Gcm,Gcp P 140 Gcmi,Sm 10 3DB Gch,Gct Gcmi,Gcp 120 Thickness (m) 105 Gcm,Gcmi 20 Gct,Gcm,Sh Sm,Fm 10 Gcm,Sm P Gcm,Fm Gcm Gch,Gcm St,Sh Gch,Fm 80 100 0 Sh,Fm Gmm,Fm,P Gcm,Gchi,Gct Gct Sm,Fr,Fm,P Gct,Gch Sm Gcm,Sm,Fm,P 80 60 0 c s sand g p c b 10 20 0 Gmm Sm,Fr,P P Sm,Sh Gcm,Fm Gch,Gct P Fm Gcmi,Sh Sm,Fr P Sm,Sh,Fr Gchi 40 20 0 10 St Fm,P Gch,sh Sm,P Gch,Gcm P St,Sr Sm Gct,St 9tr P St,Sm Gcmi,Gct 10 P 10 Gct,Gcp Gch Fm,P c s sand g p c b 10 Gcm,Gct,Fm,P Sm,P 10 Gch,St Fm K Shale 40 20tr Gcm 40 20 P Gct, Gmmi c s sand g p c b Fm 60 60 Gcm,Fm,P Gch,Fh,Fm,P Gmm,Sm,Fm,P 10 Gcp,Gcmi Sh 100 Gct Gch,Gct,Gcp Fm Gct,Gch,Gcp 40 160 Gcm,Sm Fm,P Gch,Gct,Sh,St P 12tr Gch,St Sm,Sr,Sh Gch,St 18tr P Sh,Fr,P Fm, Sm Sh,St Gcp,Gch P 10 10 St Gcm,Gct Gcmi,Sh,Sm Gcmi 10 c s sand g p c b Figure 2 (continued). Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 983 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Fan et al. TABLE 1. LITHOFACIES AND INTERPRETATIONS USED IN THIS STUDY* that the sediments were shed from the Washakie Range and/or western Owl Creek Mountains by transverse rivers (Figs. 1B and 1C). Interpretation The assemblage of lithofacies in the Wind River Formation is characteristic of low-sinuosity, gravel-bed braided river depositional systems (Hein and Walker, 1977; Miall, 1978, 1996). The conglomerates represent braided channel deposits, and the sandstones were deposited on the tops or flanks of bars or in abandoned channels. The stacked lenticular thin beds of horizontally stratified and cross-stratified sandstone are interpreted as crevasse-splay deposits (Miall, 1978, 1996). The lack of floating pebbles in siltstones suggests the lack of sandy mudflows (Pierson, 1981). Thick paleosol carbonate horizons suggest that the floodplain of the braided rivers was vegetated and the paleosols are well developed when the mean annual precipitation was high, and the climate strongly seasonal (Retallack, 2005). The paleocurrent direction varies between eastward and southwestward, but the most prominent direction was eastward (Fig. 2C). This suggests that the sediments were mainly derived from the Wind River Range to southwest, with local input from the Washakie Range and/or western Owl Creek Mountains to north (Figs. 1B and 1C). Overall, the depositional environment in the northwestern Wind River Basin evolved from alluvial fan into low-sinuosity fluvial, with paleocurrent directions changing from southwestward to mostly eastward during 55.5–51 Ma. This evolution suggests that surface slope between the upland sediment source terranes and the basin decreased through time (Stanistreet and McCarthy, 1993; Miall, 1996). Wind River Formation: Braided River Association SANDSTONE PETROGRAPHY AND PROVENANCE Description The Wind River Formation contains intercalated, lenticular, gray pebble-cobble conglomerates (Gcm, Gcmi, Gcp, Gct, and Gch) with basal scour surfaces (Fig. 3E), sandstones (Sh, Sr, St, and Sm), purple-red siltstones (Fr and Fm), and stacked calcisols (P), totaling ~260 m in thickness (Figs. 2C and 3F). The lithofacies are in many ways identical to those of the upper Indian Meadows Formation discussed already, and therefore only the differences will be described. Floating pebbles do not occur in the sandstones and siltstones. Many thin lenticular sandstone beds (0.5–2 m thick) of lithofacies Sh and Sr are encased in the siltstone intervals. Locally, two to three sandstone beds are stacked on top of each other, and display an upward-coarsening textural trend. Calcisols are developed in most siltstone intervals and are often stacked as three to four paleosols of ~1 m thick (Fig. 3F). Methods and Description Lithofacies code Description Interpretation Massive, matrix-supported pebble to boulder Deposition by cohesive mud-matrix debris Gmm conglomerate, poorly sorted, disorganized, flows unstratified Pebble to boulder conglomerate, poorly sorted, clast- Deposition from sheet floods and clast-rich Gcm supported, unstratified debris flows Pebble to boulder conglomerate, moderately sorted, Deposition by traction currents in unsteady Gcmi clast-supported, stratified, imbricated fluvial flows Deposition by large gravelly ripples under Pebble to cobble conglomerate, well sorted, clastGct traction flows in relatively deep, stable supported, trough cross-stratified fluvial channels Pebble to cobble conglomerate, well sorted, clastDeposition from shallow traction currents in Gchi supported, horizontally stratified, imbricated (long longitudinal bars and gravel sheets axis transverse to paleoflow) Pebble to cobble conglomerate, well sorted, clastDeposition from shallow traction currents in Gch supported, horizontally stratified longitudinal bars and gravel sheets Deposition by large straight-crested gravelly Pebble to cobble conglomerate, well sorted, clastGcp ripples under traction flows in shallow supported, planar cross-stratified fluvial channels Massive very coarse- to medium-grained sandstone, Sm Deposition from small gravity flow sometimes contains gravel Migration of small 2D and 3D ripples under Fine- to medium-grained sandstone with small, Sr weak unidirectional flows in shallow asymmetric ripples channels Migration of large 3D ripples (dunes) under Medium- to coarse-grained sandstone with trough moderately powerful unidirectional flows in St cross-stratification large channels Upper plane bed conditions, or flash floods Fine- to medium-grained sandstone, horizontally Sh under unidirectional flows, either strong or stratified very shallow Deposition from suspension or weak traction Fr Siltstone, horizontally laminated, or small ripples current in overbank area Deposition from suspension in ponds and Fm Massive siltstone, sometimes bioturbated floodplain P Massive siltstone with carbonate nodules Calcic paleosol *Modified from Miall (1978) and DeCelles et al. (1991). The thick conglomerate beds in the middle interval of the Indian Meadows Formation are typical of shallow gravel-bed braided river channels, with cross-stratification interpreted as bar accretion sets, and the upward-fining trends reflecting a progressive decrease in flow strength (Hein and Walker, 1977; Miall, 1996). The absence of debris flow facies and extensive lateral distribution of this interval indicates the depositional environment was an extensive gravelly braidplain (Rust and Gibling, 1990). The upper interval was deposited in a stream-dominated alluvial fan environment, with the sandstone and siltstone containing floating pebbles deposited in sandy mudflows that spilled out of channels onto the preexisting ground surface as sheet-flood deposits (e.g., Pierson, 1981; DeCelles et al., 1991). The paleosols have distinct massive pedogenic nodular carbonate intervals, and are classified as calcisol (Mack et al., 1993). Well-developed calcisols are typical of floodplain deposits and represent relatively low sedimentation rates (Kraus, 1999). Overall, the depositional environment changed from debris flows–dominated alluvial fans into stream-dominated alluvial fans. Paleocurrent data show consistently southwestward flow directions (Fig. 2B), suggesting 984 Standard petrographic thin sections were made from 16 medium-grained sandstone samples that were collected while measuring stratigraphic sections. The thin sections were stained for potassium and calcium feldspar and pointcounted (450 counts per slide) using a modified Gazzi-Dickinson method, in which crystals larger than silt-sized within lithic fragments are counted as monocrystalline grains (Ingersoll et al., 1984). The point-counting parameters are listed in Table DR1 (see footnote 1), and modal data are given in Table DR2 (see footnote 1). The modal sandstone analyses are augmented by 11 clast-counts (at least 100 clasts per station). Monocrystalline quartz is the primary constituent of all samples. Feldspar mainly consists of potassium feldspar and plagioclase, with a K/P ratio that varies between 0.6 and 4.7. Lithic Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Basin analysis of the early Eocene Wind River Basin A Interpretation B SW Indian Meadows Formation 20 m 30 mm Wind River Formation C D 2 mm E F 30 m 1m Figure 3. Photographs of northwestern Wind River Basin outcrops. (A) Angular unconformity between the Wind River Formation (below, horizontal) and the Indian Meadows Formation (moderately dipping to northeast). (B) Disorganized conglomerate of lithofacies Gcm in the lower Indian Meadows Formation. (C) Imbricated conglomerate of lithofacies Gcmi in the middle Indian Meadows Formation. (D) Coarse sandstone containing floating pebbles (Sm) in the upper Indian Meadows Formation. (E) Cross-stratified conglomerate of lithofacies Gct in the Wind River Formation. (F) Overview of the Wind River Formation. grain populations are dominated by micritic carbonate. Volcanic grains constitute <5% of total lithic grains. Other lithic grains include phyllite, siltstone, and quartzite derived from sedimentary and metasedimentary strata. Biotite, muscovite, pyroxene, olivine, glauconite, and chlorite are the most common accessory minerals. The Indian Meadows and Wind River formations sandstones have average modal compositions of Qm:F:Lt = 57:10:33, Qt:F:L = 77:11:13; and Qm:F:Lt = 41:26:33, Qt:F:L = 56:26:18, respectively. The Indian Meadows Formation contains greater amounts of quartz, and lesser amounts of feldspar than the Wind River Formation (Fig. 4). All of the Eocene sandstones that we studied are dominated by calcite cements (Fig. 5). Clasts of dolostone, limestone, and sandstone dominate the conglomerates in the Indian Meadows Formation. Carbonate clasts with brachiopod fossils are abundant in the lower interval of the Indian Meadows Formation. The sandstone clasts are quartzose and have distinct red color. Granite gneiss clasts first appear in the middle interval of the Indian Meadows Formation, and the content increases upsection, reaching ~20% at the top of the Indian Meadows Formation. Granite (~45%) and carbonate (~40%) clasts dominate the conglomerates in the Wind River Formation. The sandstone modal petrographic data show that the lower Eocene sandstones in the northwestern Wind River Basin were derived from a recycled orogenic provenance (Fig. 4). Potential source terranes in Wyoming include: Cretaceous sandstone, siltstone, and chert-pebble conglomerate; Jurassic and Triassic eolian sandstone and marine limestone; Jurassic– upper Permian glauconitic siltstone, sandstone, and limestone; Permian–upper Cambrian limestone, dolostone, and sandstone; middle-upper Cambrian micaceous shale; Cambrian coarsegrained quartzite; and Archean granite gneiss (Love and Christiansen, 1985). Lithic grains of carbonate, sandstone, mudstone, and phyllite were probably derived from the Phanerozoic sedimentary cover strata exposed along the northern and southwestern flanks of the Wind River Basin. The large amount of well-rounded monocrystalline quartz grains in the Indian Meadows Formation suggests the sediment was recycled from underlying quartzose sedimentary units, mostly from Jurassic and Triassic eolianite. The occurrence of glauconite suggests that nearby Mesozoic sedimentary rocks were major sediment sources. The abundant feldspar grains in the Wind River Formation were derived from Precambrian basement rocks. The red sandstone clasts in the conglomerates are of recycled Jurassic and Triassic eolian and fluvial sandstones, and the limestone and dolostone clasts were derived from the Phanerozoic marine carbonate units. The carbonate clasts with brachiopod fossils are of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian age (Love and Christiansen, 1985). The granite clasts were derived from the Precambrian basement rocks, which are now exposed in the Laramide ranges. Overall, the Eocene sandstones and conglomerates of the northwestern Wind River Basin exhibit a simple unroofing sequence, with initial source terranes dominated by Mesozoic and upper Paleozoic rocks giving way to lower Paleozoic and Precambrian basement rocks upsection. DETRITAL ZIRCON U-Pb GEOCHRONOLOGY Samples and Methods Six samples of medium- to coarse-grained sandstone from the Indian Meadows Formation (3DB69, 4DB4.5, 4DB191, and 2DB273) and Wind River Formation (2DB2 and 2DB257), one sample of a granite cobble (2DB2cobble), and two samples of modern river sands (East Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 985 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Fan et al. Qm zoic age constitute the largest population on age-probability diagrams. Sample 2DB2cobble has a mean U-Pb zircon crystallization age of 2.61 Ga (Fig. 7). A single zircon grain in sample LP produced an age of 47.7 ± 2.1 Ma, but the other age groups are similar to those in the Eocene samples. The nine detrital zircon grains with concordant ages in sample EF cluster at 2.7–3.2 Ga. The interpretation of detrital zircon ages in the western USA is relatively well understood (Armstrong and Ward, 1993; Gehrels et al., 1995; Roback and Walker, 1995; Stewart et al., 2001; Torres et al., 1999; Gehrels, 2000; Gehrels et al., 2000; DeGraaff-Surpless et al., 2002; Dickinson and Gehrels, 2003; Link et al., 2005; Dickinson and Gehrels, 2009). Here, we summarize the sources of specific age groups in Table 2. The major source terranes are presented in Figure 1A. Qt CB CB RO RO MA MA F Lt Qp Lv F L mean Wind River Formation n = 8 mean Qm Indian Meadows Formation n = 6 Ls P K Figure 4. Ternary diagrams showing modal-framework grain compositions of sandstones from lower Eocene strata of the northwestern Wind River Basin. Provenance fields after Dickinson and Suczek (1979). RO—recycled orogen; CB—continental block; MA—magmatic arc. Framework components are explained in GSA Data Repository Table DR1 (see footnote 1), and data are listed in Table DR2 (see footnote 1). Fork [EF], Little Popo Agie River [LP]) were collected and processed by standard methods for separating zircons (Gehrels et al., 2000). The Little Popo Agie River and East Fork rise in Precambrian crystalline basement of the Wind River Range and Washakie Range, respectively (Fig. 1B). The former cuts an ~2-km-thick Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary section on the northeastern flank of the Wind River Range, whereas no Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary strata are exposed along the East Fork. Zircon grains in sample EF are euhedral, and ~200 μm long, whereas those in sample LP are similar to those from Eocene sandstones, subhedral to anhedral, and mostly 50–100 μm in diameter (Fig. DR2 [see footnote 1]). About 100 individual zircon grains were analyzed for the early Eocene sandstone samples and sample LP. All 19 zircons extracted from sample EF and 23 zircons from sample 2DB2cobble were analyzed. U-Pb geochronology of zircons was conducted by laserablation–multi-collector–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) at the University of Arizona LaserChron Center. Details of analytical procedures and data processes are described in Gehrels et al. (2008). The ages presented are 206Pb/238U ages for grains <1000 Ma and 206Pb/207Pb ages for grains with 206 Pb/238U ages >1000 Ma (age-probability plots in Fig. 6; concordia diagrams in Fig. DR3 [see footnote 1]). Analyses that yielded isotopic data of acceptable discordance, in-run fractionation, 986 Interpretation and precision are shown in Table DR3 (see footnote 1). Nine of the 19 zircon grains from sample EF show concordant ages. There is no systematic correlation between shape, color, angularity, and U-Pb age for zircons in the Eocene sandstones and sample LP. Results The youngest detrital zircons recovered from the Eocene basin fill are in the 60 to 80 Ma range, which is older than the depositional age derived from North American land mammal ages. Ages of pre–80 Ma zircons generally fall within the following intervals: 80–220 Ma, 230– 290 Ma, 330–760 Ma, 1.0–1.3 Ga, 1.3–1.5 Ga, 1.6–1.8 Ga, and 2.5–3.0 Ga. Zircons of Protero- A Plagioclase The euhedral morphology of zircon grains suggests sample EF was derived from weathered granite in the Washakie Range and/or the Owl Creek Mountains. The zircon U-Pb ages are consistent with the crystallization age of the granodiorite gneiss in west Owl Creek Mountains (ca. 2.8 Ga) (Kirkwood, 2000). The youngest zircon in sample LP is ca. 48 Ma; this grain was most likely derived from the Absaroka volcanic field (Armstrong and Ward, 1993). Approximately 20% of the detrital zircons analyzed in sample LP are in the 2.5 to 2.7 Ga age range, which is consistent with zircon U-Pb ages of the granitic plutons in the Wind River Range (2.55–2.67 Ga) (Frost et al., 2000). The anhedral morphology and small grain size suggest most of the zircon grains in sample LP were recycled, presumably from Mesozoic sandstones. This is supported by the fact that Mesozoic sandstones in western USA have similar age spectra, including: (1) zircons from the Cordilleran magmatic arc in California and Nevada (80–220 Ma) and B Calcite Glauconite Weathered K-feldspar 250 μm Plagioclase 250 μm Figure 5. Photographs of petrographic thin sections of sandstone from the Wind River Formation (in cross-polarized light). Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Basin analysis of the early Eocene Wind River Basin 2.61 Ga East Fork n=9 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 Little Popo Agie River n = 113 Wind River Formation 2DB257 n = 108 Normalized age probability 2DB2 n = 88 Indian Meadows Formation 4DB191 n = 97 2DB273 n = 89 4DB4.5 n = 94 3DB69 n = 114 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Age (Ma) Figure 6. U-Pb age-probability diagrams of detrital zircons for samples in this study. The curves represent a sum of the probability distributions of all analyses from a sample, normalized so that the areas beneath the probability curves are equal for all samples. Thick dashed line represents 2.61 Ga, which is marked as the reference of Archean zircons from the Wind River Range (see Fig. 7). Sources of different zircon age peaks in this study are summarized in Table 2. Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 987 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Fan et al. 0.56 0.54 2700 Figure 7. U/Pb concordia diagrams for zircons from a granite cobble in the base of section 2DB. The age fits the crystallization age of the granite in the Wind River Range. MSWD— mean square of weighted deviates. 206Pb/ 238U 0.52 2600 0.50 2500 0.48 0.46 Mean age = 2606 ± 24 Ma MSWD = 4.4 n = 23, 68.3% confidence 0.44 0.42 10 11 12 13 207Pb/ 235U Permian–Triassic magmatic arc sources in eastern Mexico (230–280 Ma); (2) recycled zircons from the Devonian–Mississippian Antler orogenic belt in Nevada and Idaho (330–450 Ma); (3) zircons derived from the Appalachian orogenic belt (360–760 Ma), and Grenville terrane (1.0–1.3 Ga) in the eastern USA; and (4) recycled zircons from the Yavapai-Mazatzal orogen (1.6–1.8 Ga) (Roback and Walker, 1995; Dickinson and Gehrels, 2003, 2009). Detrital zircon geochronology of the modern river sands sheds light on the Eocene detrital zircon age spectra in the following aspects: (1) zircon grains recycled from Mesozoic sandstones with mostly Grenville and Yavapai-Mazatzal ages, dominate the zircon population in fluvial basinal sediments; (2) basement exposures along the modern basin margin contribute only ~20% of the total zircon grains to basinal sediment; and (3) zircons from the Washakie Range (2.7–3.1 Ga) are older than zircons from the Wind River Range (ca. 2.6 Ga). The evolution of the detrital zircon age spectra in the Indian Meadows Formation shows a rapid source terrane unroofing in 55.4–54.5 Ma (Fig. 6). The detrital age spectrum of the lower part of the formation (3DB69 and 4DB4.5) is similar to that of the Jurassic eolianite in Utah and Wyoming, with abundant Grenville (ca. 1.0– 1.3 Ga) and lesser amounts of Yavapai-Mazatzal (1.6–1.8 Ga) age grains (Dickinson and Gehrels, 2003, 2009). The proportion of grains derived from the Cordilleran magmatic arc increases in the middle formation (sample 2DB273). This change corresponds to the inferred increase of fluvial discharge in the alluvial fan association. The age spectrum of the upper formation (sample 4DB191) is dominated by grains of YavapaiMazatzal age, reflecting a recycled source in Paleozoic strata (Gehrels et al., 1995; Stewart et al., 2001) when the Washakie and/or western Owl Creek ranges were unroofed. The detrital zircon age spectra in the Wind River Formation show sediment shed from the Wind River Range dominated the basinal sediment in 53–51 Ma. The ca. 2.61 Ga zircon age from the granite cobble from the lower Wind River Formation matches the age of basement granite in the Wind River Range (Frost et al., 2000). Abundant granite clasts and Archean zircons (ca. 2.6 Ga) in the lower Wind River Formation (sample 2DB2) suggest that Wind River Range basement rocks were a major source by early Eocene time. The detrital zircon age spectrum changes into the shape of modern sand sample LP at the top of the Wind River Formation (sample 2DB257), with predominant Yavapai-Mazatzal ages, a large component of Mesozoic ages indicating derivation from the Cordillera magmatic arc, and ~20% Archean ages with sources in the Wind River Range basement rocks. In summary, detrital zircon geochronology of lower Eocene sandstones in the Wind River Basin shows: (1) the source terrane of the Indian Meadows Formation (ca. 55.5–54.5 Ma) was most likely the Washakie Range and/or Owl Creek Mountains, consistent with southwestward paleoflow directions. Sediment derived from these sources records an unroofing sequence from upper Mesozoic sandstone to lower Paleozoic strata; (2) grains derived from the Wind River Range began to enter the depositional system by ca. 53–51 Ma; and (3) the basement of the Wind River Range was eroded and exposed to its present extent by 51 Ma. STABLE ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY Methods TABLE 2. MAJOR U-Pb AGE POPULATIONS OF DETRITAL ZIRCONS IN MODERN RIVER SAND AND EARLY EOCENE SEDIMENT IN THE WIND RIVER BASIN Minimum Maximum age age Population (Ma) (Ma) Source regions Challis and Absaroka South-central Idaho, northwest Wyoming, southeast Montana 42 60 Volcanic Supergroup (Armstrong and Ward, 1993) Cordilleran magmatic arc Central and southern California, Nevada, south-central Idaho (mainly Sierra Nevada 80 220 (Armstrong and Ward, 1993) and Idaho batholiths) Permian–Triassic 230 290 Eastern Mexico (Torres et al., 1999) magmatic arc Southern and eastern United States; recycled from Appalachian orogenic belt 330 760 Mesozoic to Paleozoic miogeocline (Dickinson and Gehrels, 2003, 2009) Recycled from Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic miogeocline Grenville orogeny 950 1300 (Dickinson and Gehrels, 2003, 2009) Recycled from Cordilleran miogeocline (Dickinson and Midcontinent magmatism 1304 1532 Gehrels, 2003, 2009) Recycled from Cordilleran miogeocline (Dickinson and Yavapai-Mazatzal province 1600 1800 Gehrels, 2003, 2009) Mainly from exposed Archean craton; also recycled through Cordilleran miogeocline (Frost et al., 2000; Kirkwood, Archean Wyoming craton 2500 3200 2000; Dickinson and Gehrels, 2003; Frost and Fanning, 2006; Dickinson and Gehrels, 2009) 988 The basic approach of this study and the analytical methods for carbonate isotope analysis follow that of DeCelles et al. (2007). Modern soil carbonate formed under cobble clasts from at least 50 cm depth in active soil horizons was collected. Paleosol carbonate nodules were collected from the middle of paleosol beds at least 50 cm below the paleosurface (Fig. 8). We also analyzed the δ13C values of eight dominant plant species in the study area collected during the growing season. Organic matter δ13C was measured using a Costech EA combustion unit connected to a Finnigan Delta Plus XL mass spectrometer via a Conflo III split interface. The precision is better than ±0.1% (1σ). All the isotope values of carbonate and organic matter are reported relative to PeeDee belemnite (PDB), and that of water relative to standard mean ocean water (VSMOW). Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Basin analysis of the early Eocene Wind River Basin A B Organic-rich A horizon 2 mm Evaluation of Diagenesis Paleosol carbonate 200 mm Figure 8. Field photographs and images of thin sections of the carbonate nodules in the early Eocene Wind River Basin: (A) paleosol in the Wind River Formation; (B) micritic paleosol carbonate nodule with microsparite. 0 Evaporation –2 Marine –4 18 δ O (PDB) –6 –8 –10 Paleosols Secondary vein Marine limestone and coral fossil Modern soil Fluvial cement Corrected paleosols –12 –14 –16 –18 –15 to –0.3‰. The δ13C values of secondary veins and fluvial cements vary between –9.3‰ and –5.8‰ and –7.0‰ and –3.2‰, respectively. The δ13C values of eight species of modern plants are –24.5‰ ± 1.0‰, consistent with the values obtained from Holocene soil organic matter by Amundson et al. (1996). Low soil respiration rate –10 –5 0 5 10 13 δ C (PDB) Figure 9. Results of the stable isotope analyses in this study. See text for an explanation of the correction of paleosol isotope values. PDB—PeeDee belemnite. Results The δ18O values of all marine and nonmarine carbonate in the Wind River Basin range from –17.6% to –1.5‰ (Table DR4 [see footnote 1]; Fig. 9). Recycled marine limestone clasts and coral fossils have the highest δ18O values, –4.9‰ to –1.5‰, whereas early Eocene fluvial cements have the lowest values, from –17.6‰ to –11.5‰. The δ18O values of paleosols and isotope values of fluvial cements do not show systematic change through the section (Fig. 10). Early Eocene paleosol micrites have δ18O values between –9.8‰ and –8.5‰, display little variability, and are similar to the δ18O values of early Eocene paleosol nodules in the Bighorn Basin (Koch et al., 1995). The δ18O values of secondary veins in the paleosol nodules are generally lower than those of paleosol nodules, ranging from –14.1‰ to –9.4‰. The δ18O values of modern soil carbonates vary between –10.3‰ and –6.3‰. The δ13C values of all marine and nonmarine carbonate in the Wind River Basin range from –9.5‰ to +4.4‰ (Table DR4 [see footnote 1]; Fig. 9). Recycled marine limestone clasts and coral fossils have the highest δ13C values, of –4.9‰ to –1.5‰. Early Eocene paleosols have δ13C values between –9.5‰ and –5.6‰, with the highest values from the middle and lower Indian Meadows Formation (Fig. 10). These paleosol δ13C values are similar to the values of early Eocene paleosols in the Bighorn Basin (Koch et al., 1995). The δ13C values of modern soil carbonates are generally higher than paleosols, and range from –4.5‰ Several lines of evidence argue that early Eocene paleosol carbonate nodules and fluvial carbonate cements in the Wind River Basin are not diagenetically reset, and therefore that the isotopic results are primary and thus can be used to reconstruct paleoelevation and paleoclimate. First, carbonate petrography study shows the paleosol carbonates are dominantly micritic (Fig. 8). Recrystallization or cement infilling is not observed in thin sections. Calcite cement constitutes up to ~50% of the sandstone, consistent with the high initial porosity of weakly compacted sands (Fig. 5). Such high percentages characterize early diagenetic calcite, since early cementation occurs prior to significant compaction (Quade and Roe, 1999, and references therein; Sanyal et al., 2005). Second, the δ18O values of a few sparry calcite veins in paleosol nodules are lower than the values of micrite in the paleosol nodules (Fig. 9). This suggests that the calcite veins probably formed by fluids at temperatures higher than at the Eocene soil surface. If paleosol nodule micrite underwent diagenetic resetting during the formation of secondary sparry veins, the isotopic values of micrite would be similar to the values of secondary veins. Third, the δ18O and δ13C values of recycled marine limestone clasts and fossil corals in conglomerates immediately adjacent to paleosols and sandstones are similar to those from unaltered Mesozoic–Paleozoic marine carbonate (Veizer et al., 1999) but significantly higher than the values from paleosol and fluvial carbonate cement. The δ18O and δ13C values of soil nodules, secondary veins, fluvial cement, and marine limestone are distinct from each other, and form clusters in the δ18O versus δ13C diagram (Fig. 9). Diagenesis would tend to homogenize the isotopic values of marine limestones, micrites, and secondary spars. The large variation of fluvial cement δ18O values may be due to contamination during sampling by marine limestone detritus, which have relatively positive values (Figs. 9 and 10). Oxygen Isotopes and Paleoaltimetry The δ18O value of ancient local meteoric water can be calculated from paleosol δ18O values and constrained temperature. Pedogenic Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 989 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Fan et al. Wind River Formation (53–51 Ma) 600 m 500 400 ? Indian Meadows Formation (55.5–54.5 Ma) 300 200 100 Feldspar grains Granite clasts Archean zircons 0 sand 0 10 20 30 40 Percentage (%) Paleosol Fluvial cement Paleosol Fluvial cement 50 –20 –15 –10 –5 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 δ13C (PDB) δ18O (PDB) Figure 10. Simplified stratigraphy, carbon and oxygen isotope values of paleosol and fluvial cement, percentage of granite clasts, Archean zircons, and feldspar through section. Vertically ruled areas are depositional lacunae. PDB—PeeDee belemnite. calcite is thought to form in isotopic equilibrium with soil water during the warm season (Quade et al., 1989; Cerling and Quade, 1993; Quade et al., 2007; Breeker et al., 2009). The temperature of the warm season is usually between the mean annual temperature and maximum summer temperature. Soil water derives from rainfall that may undergo evaporative enrichment in δ18O, especially in arid settings. We assume the summer temperature in Wyoming in early Eocene was ~30 °C based on an early middle Eocene temperature reconstruction in France, which has a similar mean annual temperature as Wyoming (Andreasson and Schmitz, 1996). The δ18O values of early Eocene precipitation can then be estimated by using soil nodule formation temperatures of 18.6–30 °C and standard calcite fractionation factors (Kim and O’Neil, 1997). The calculated δ18O values of early Eocene precipitation in the Bighorn and Wind River basins are –6.8‰ ± 1.9‰ (VSMOW), which are consistent with the values derived from the δ18O values of mammal tooth enamel in the early Eocene Bighorn Basin and Powder River Basin (Fricke, 2003) and the values derived from freshwater bivalve fossils in the lower Eocene in the Powder River Basin (Fan and Dettman, 2009). For comparison with modern water, 1‰ is added to the δ18O value of early Eocene precipitation to account for the 990 lower seawater δ18O value in the early Eocene (Zachos et al., 1994). The δ18O value of groundwater can be calculated from fluvial cement δ18O values and constrained temperature. Early diagenetic cements in fluvial sandstone formed in equilibrium with shallow groundwater (Quade and Roe, 1999; Mack et al., 2000). The deposition temperature of the early cements should be close to mean annual temperature since it formed near the surface (18.6 ± 2.4 °C). The calculated δ18O value of groundwater is –16.6‰ ± 0.5‰ (VSMOW), using the most negative δ18O value of fluvial cement (–17.6‰, PDB). This value (–16.6‰) is comparable with the unweighted mean δ18O value of modern precipitation in the south flank of the Wind River Range (–15.2‰, Pinedale, Wyoming, elevation of 2.4 km) after adding 1‰ for the lower early Eocene seawater δ18O value (Zachos et al., 1994) ( enri/usnip). The large difference between the δ18O values of groundwater and local precipitation in the early Eocene Wind River Basin suggests the groundwater was not sourced in local basin precipitation, but rather from the surrounding highlands. At present, rainfall in the high elevations of the Rocky Mountains is dominated by winter precipitation from the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. The low elevation regions in the Laramide province likely received abundant summer precipitation from the Gulf of Mexico and small amounts of winter precipitation from the Arctic Ocean (Bryson and Hare, 1974; Dutton et al., 2005). Today, the elevation along a west-east transect through the Rocky Mountains, Laramide province, and Great Plains decreases from 3–4 km to 0.5 km, which strongly influences the δ18O value of modern precipitation and the local isotopic lapse rate (Fig. 11). By early Eocene time, crustal shortening in the Sevier had caused significant crustal thickening, and formed an elevated hinterland plateau to the west of the Laramide province (DeCelles, 2004). Therefore the paleotopography of Wyoming in early Eocene time was probably similar to present, with the main vapor source from the ancestral Gulf of Mexico. This justifies the comparison of the δ18O values of the early Eocene precipitation with the modern isotopic patterns. Warmer global temperature in early Eocene time could affect the relationship between the δ18O value of precipitation and local temperature. Therefore, we compare the δ18O values of early Eocene precipitation in the Wind River Basin with modern summer precipitation isotopic gradient in the region (Fig. 11). The δ18O values of early Eocene precipitation (–5.8‰ ± 1.9‰ after correction) in the Wind River and Bighorn basins are similar to the values of the Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Basin analysis of the early Eocene Wind River Basin Eocene paleosol, Wind River Basin (55–51 Ma) Eocene paleosol, Bighorn Basin (54–53 Ma) Eocene fluvial cement, Wind River Basin (55–51 Ma) Modern summer mean precipitation Modern unweighted mean annual precipitation 4 –18 –16 3 –14 –12 2 –10 –8 1 δ18O (SMOW) Elevation (km) –20 –6 0 Rocky Mountains Laramide Province –4 Great Plains –2 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 Longitude (°°W) Figure 11. Oxygen isotope data of early Eocene paleosol carbonate in the Wind River Basin compared to the oxygen isotopic gradient of modern precipitation along an elevation transect of Rocky Mountains–Laramide province–the Great Plains. The light-gray curve is the modern elevation profile along 43°N. Isotope data of Eocene paleosol carbonate in the Bighorn Basin are from Koch et al. (1995). Latitudes of sampling site for modern precipitation δ18O values range between 40°N and 46°N. Modern precipitation isotope data are compiled from the data set of the United States Network for Isotopes in Precipitation (USNIP) (; Simpkins (1995); Harvey and Welker (2000); Harvey (2001); Harvey (2005); Gammons et al. (2006). SMOW—standard mean ocean water. modern summer precipitation at the same latitude of the Great Plains (~–5.5‰, Mead, Nebraska, elevation of 352 m) (Harvey, 2001), but significantly higher than the values of modern summer precipitation in the Laramide province (–12.6‰, Butte, Montana, elevation of 1653 m) (Gammons et al., 2006), suggesting the paleoelevation of the early Eocene Wind River Basin and Bighorn Basin was low (~500 masl). The low basinal elevation of the Wind River Basin was stable in early Eocene because there is no systematic variation of the δ18O value of paleosols through the stratigraphic section (Fig. 10). The difference (9.8‰ ± 2.0‰) between the δ18O values of early Eocene river water and basinal rainfall suggests that the elevation difference between the surrounding Laramide ranges and basin floor was 3.4 ± 0.7 km, based on the isotopic lapse rate of –2.9‰/km derived from modern precipitation in the USA (Dutton et al., 2005). Such an elevation difference is higher than the modern difference of 1.5–2.5 km. The high estimated elevations of the Laramide ranges (~4 km) from our study are consistent with the elevation estimates derived in previous paleobotanical studies for the early Eocene (Gregory and Chase, 1992; Wolfe et al., 1998). Carbon Isotopes, Paleoclimate, and pCO2 The δ13C value of soil carbonate is determined by the relative proportion of C3 to C4 plants in moist climate, and by the extent of local plant cover in arid climate where soil respiration rates are low (Quade et al., 1989; Cerling and Quade, 1993; Breeker et al., 2009). Modern climate in the Wind River Basin is semiarid, with the mean annual precipitation of ~200 mm. Our analyses show that the most common grasses and the dominant plant, sagebrush, in the sparsely vegetated basin are C3, with the δ13C values of –24.5‰ ± 1.0‰. Soil carbonate formed in equilibrium with CO2 respired from pure C3 plants will have a δ13C value of –12‰ to –10‰ (Cerling and Quade, 1993). The relatively high δ13C values of modern soil carbonate in the Wind River Basin (–2.4‰ ± 2.1‰) clearly suggests mixing of atmospheric CO2 with plant-derived CO2 owing to low soil respiration rates in the local semiarid climate (Fig. 9). The δ13C values of early Eocene paleosols (–7.0‰ ± 2.0‰) in the Wind River Basin are significantly lower than the values of modern soil carbonate (Fig. 9), which suggests a wetter climate during the Eocene. This is supported by several other lines of evidence: (1) calcisols are well developed in the floodplain of braided rivers in early Eocene Wind River Basin. The thick (>50 cm) reddish argillic horizons that typify Wind River Formation paleosols point to a relatively moist setting; and (2) abundant leaf fossils of mixed deciduous and evergreen plants in the Wind River Formation show high mean annual temperature up to 21 °C and paleoprecipitation up to 2000 mm/yr (Hickey and Hodges, 1975; Wilf et al., 1998). However, the δ13C values of early Eocene paleosols are higher than the values of soil carbonate formed in wet settings today, in the presence of pure C3 biomass. This can be explained by the presence of C4 plants or higher pCO2 during early Eocene time. There is no robust evidence for the existence of C4 plants in early Eocene (Cerling and Quade, 1993). This justifies the use of δ13C values of paleosols to estimate ancient atmospheric pCO2 levels based on a diffusion-based model developed by Cerling (1992), under the assumption of elevated soil respiration rates expected in moist soil-forming conditions. δ13C values of soil carbonate are determined by the δ13C value of soil CO2, which is a mixture of soil-respired CO2 and atmospheric CO2. Therefore, the δ13C value of soil CO2 is a function of the concentration (pCO2) and δ13C value of CO2 in the atmosphere, and the concentration and δ13C value of soil-respired CO2. The δ13C value of ancient soil CO2 can be calculated from the measured δ13C value of paleosols, using the temperature-dependent fractionation equation (Romanek et al., 1992). The concentration of soil-respired CO2 is a function of soil respiration rate and soil depth. Carbonate nodules were collected at least ~50 cm below the paleosurface (the top of the paleosol profile). In our reconstruction we assume: (1) soil respiration rates ≥4 mmol/m2/hr (Cerling, 1992; Ekart et al., 1999); (2) the δ13C value of CO2 in the atmosphere is assumed to be near pre-industrial values of –6.5‰, and the values of plant-derived CO2 to be –24.5‰; and (3) an exponential CO2 production function (Quade et al., 2007). Using the average value of the three most positive δ13C values of paleosols in the lower Indian Meadows Formation, atmospheric pCO2 at ca. 55 Ma is estimated to have been 2050 ± 450 ppmV (based on 1σ of the δ13C value of the paleosol carbonate). Using the average value of the more negative δ13C values in the upper Indian Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 991 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Fan et al. B Ra ng e C rR an ge an ge W as Ri ve rR ak ie ive e ier Sev Paleozoic carbonate rock W as h Wi nd R an ge rR ive ki ? ha ki Ra e Ra ng e ng e ? 1 km Mesozoic siliciclastic rock r e evi Precambrian basement ge an rR ve Ri ha ? S Wind River Basin W as Wi nd R Cenozoic sedimentary rock W in d A Owl Creek Mountains d in W ier Sev NW Sevier Washakie Range ? St De re a al mlu do via m l f in an at s e br isall flow uv – ial do fa min ns a te Br a id d ed riv er d s Figure 12. Paleogeographic sketch maps of the northwestern Wind River Basin in early Eocene: (A) 55.2–55.0 Ma; (B) 55.0–54.5 Ma; and (C) 51.0–53.0 Ma. Meadows and Wind River formations, atmospheric pCO2 from 54 to 51 Ma is estimated to have been 900 ± 450 ppmV. The calculated high pCO2 values and declining early Eocene trend, based on paleosols in central Wyoming, are consistent with previous estimates of Ekart et al. (1999) using the same method, and by Pearson and Palmer (2000) using boron isotope ratios of planktonic foraminifer shells. REGIONAL PALEOGEOGRAPHY Our reconstruction of the paleogeography in the northwestern Wind River Basin during the early Eocene is divided into three temporal stages constrained by the relative stratigraphic position of particular lithofacies associations, the paleoelevations of the surrounding ranges, the change in sedimentary provenance recorded by detrital zircon age spectra, and absolute ages based on fossil assemblages in the basin (Fig. 12). The lower Indian Meadows Formation was deposited unconformably on upper Cretaceous Cody shale in the East Fork area. The depositional hiatus formed at least partly by folding in front of the Washakie Range (Winterfeld and Conard, 1983). Deposition evolved from small braided rivers into debris flows on proximal alluvial fans along the range front. Southwardflowing debris flows delivered mainly Mesozoic and Paleozoic detritus. The gravitational force associated with steep slope is important to the initiation of debris flows (Stanistreet and McCarthy, 1993; Coussot and Meunier, 1996). Therefore, we infer that the Washakie Range to 992 the north of the region was high during the early Eocene (Fig. 12A), which is also supported by stable isotope paleoaltimetry (~4 km). Deposition in the upper Indian Meadows Formation was dominated by shallow braided rivers on alluvial fans (Fig. 12B). Southward flow delivered late Paleozoic clasts from the Washakie Range into the basin, and the Precambrian basement core in the Washakie Range was gradually exposed. The change from debris flows to braided rivers suggests the slope between the mountain range and basin floor decreased (Stanistreet and McCarthy, 1993). Such a change of slope may have been caused by the rapid erosion of the mountain range and accumulation of sediment in wet climate. Braided rivers flowing east dominate the sedimentary environment of the Wind River Formation (Fig. 12C). We argue that the change of paleoflow direction was caused by the development of a northeastward paleoslope along the Wind River Range during or after the deposition of the Indian Meadows Formation, and before deposition of the Wind River Formation. Paleoslopes along both the Wind River and Washakie ranges formed a confined valley during the early Eocene, and low-sinuosity rivers were developed in the narrow basin when discharge and sediment yield were high. The dominant northeastward paleocurrent direction and granite cobbles derived from the Wind River Range suggest that the range became the major source terrane of sediment in the northwest part of the basin from ca. 53 to 51 Ma. The abundance of basement granite clasts, feldspar, and Archean zircons suggests that the basement core of the Wind River Range had been exposed by ca. 53 Ma (Fig. 10). Low-sinuosity rivers that developed upstream could have merged into a large eastflowing meandering river in the basin (Soister, 1968; Seeland, 1978). Therefore, a paleodrainage pattern similar to the present one was developed by late early Eocene time in the northwest Wind River Basin. The local relief based on oxygen isotope ratios was 2.3 ± 0.8 km, which is also comparable to modern relief in the region, but with lower basin floor. IMPLICATIONS FOR TECTONICS Rapid Late Paleocene–Early Eocene Uplift of Basement-Involved Ranges Both the Wind River and Washakie ranges had an elevation contrast of 2.3 ± 0.8 km relative to the basin by late Paleocene–early Eocene time, and the basin floor stood at ~0.5 km (asl). Rapid late Paleocene–early Eocene tectonic uplift and growth of surface topography throughout western Wyoming are supported by evidence for synorogenic sedimentation, reflection seismic records, and thermochronology. Alluvial fan conglomerates of late Paleocene– early Eocene age, indicating intense unroofing of Laramide source terranes, also occurred along the east flank of the Beartooth Range, east of the Bighorn Range, north of the Uinta Mountains, and on the south flank of the Wind River Range (Gries, 1983; DeCelles et al., 1991; Crews and Ethridge, 1993; Hoy and Ridgway, 1997). Seismic and borehole records from the south flank of the Wind River Range show that Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2011 Downloaded from on July 11, 2011 Basin analysis of the early Eocene Wind River Basin Precambrian rocks are in thrust contact above lower Eocene sedimentary rocks (Gries, 1983, and references therein). Thermochronological studies of the Beartooth Range and Wind River Range also show that of the mountains exhumed 4–8 km in late Paleocene–early Eocene time (Omar et al., 1994; Peyton and Reiners, 2007). This exhumation amount is significantly higher than the thickness of Phanerozoic sedimentary cover on the Precambrian cores. Uplift of the Wind River Range may have started in Late Cretaceous as a paleosol developed at the base of the Paleocene deposits on the east flank of the Wind River Range (Gries, 1983). Uplift during Late Cretaceous would be consistent with data from numerous other Laramide uplifts and basins. For example, the Hoback Basin to the west of the Washakie and Wind River ranges contains thick uppermost Cretaceous and Paleocene sediments with abundant conglomerates (Love, 1973); and the upper Cretaceous–lower Paleocene Beaverhead Conglomerate and Maastrichtian Sphinx Conglomerate in southwestern Montana indicate uplifting of the Blacktail-Snowcrest and Madison-Gravelly arches, respectively (Haley, 1986; DeCelles et al., 1987). It is not clear how such evidence of Late Cretaceous tectonism of the Laramide ranges was expressed in terms of paleoelevations, but the abundance of coarse-grained alluvial fan deposits containing proximal sediment-gravity flows, as well as provenance studies, indicate substantial topographic relief (Graham et al., 1986; DeCelles et al., 1991). Large-scale tectonic exhumation and unroofing of the Laramide ranges in western Wyoming during late Paleocene–early Eocene time could have been enhanced by the relatively humid paleoclimate. Studies in the Himalaya and Washington Cascades have shown that high precipitation is coupled with rapid erosion and sediment denudation rate (Reiners et al., 2003; Thiede et al., 2005). Post-Early Eocene Regional Uplift Currently the Laramide basins in Wyoming have an average elevation of ~1.5 km, roughly 1 km higher than their elevations during the early Eocene, based on oxygen isotope ratios of basinal precipitation recorded in paleosol nodules. Therefore, the Laramide basin floors in Wyoming must have reached their present elevation after early Eocene time. Three mechanisms are proposed to explain the surface uplift of Laramide basins after early Eocene: (1) removal of Farallon slab or thickened mantle lithosphere in western USA in middle Cenozoic time (Dickinson and Snyder, 1978; Humphreys, 1995; Sonder and Jones, 1999; Liu et al., 2010), (2) late Cenozoic isostatic rebound of lithosphere due to climate-controlled or enhanced sediment erosion (Pelletier, 2009), and (3) late Cenozoic mantle thermal uplift caused by the thermal upwelling associated with the initiation of the Rio Grande Rift (Heller et al., 2003; McMillan et al., 2006). Southward migration of post-Laramide magmatism in the northern Basin and Range is argued as the evidence for southward removal of Farallon slab or mantle lithosphere (Humphreys, 1995; Sonder and Jones, 1999). The resulting asthenospheric upwelling could have caused regional uplift. Post-Laramide magmatism occurred in northwestern Wyoming and Idaho at ca. 50 Ma (Armstrong and Ward, 1993), which predicts the timing of regional uplift in the Laramide province in Wyoming. However, there is no robust evidence suggesting high basinal elevation before early Eocene (Wolfe et al., 1998; Sjostrom et al., 2006; this study). Therefore it is unlikely that the removal of Farallon slab caused the post-early Eocene regional elevation gain in the Laramide foreland. Thermo-geochronological and sedimentological data suggest an episode of Miocene exhumation in the Laramide ranges, which could have caused regional surface uplift (Cerveny and Steidtmann, 1993; Omar et al., 1994; Strecker, 1996; Crowley et al., 2002; Peyton and Reiners, 2007). A recent reconstruction of post-Laramide basin fill also shows that more than 1 km of incision occurred in the Laramide basins and the western Great Plains since late Miocene time (McMillan et al., 2006). Therefore, the Miocene uplift due to climate-enhanced erosion and/or mantle dynamic uplift most likely formed the present landscape in central Wyoming (Heller et al., 2003; McMillan et al., 2006). However, more paleoelevation data covering Cenozoic time are required to evaluate the amount of regional uplift during the late Cenozoic. Our research does not preclude dynamic uplift between early Eocene and late Miocene time. CONCLUSIONS This multidisciplinary study of the lower Eocene strata in the northwestern corner of the Wind River Basin improved our understanding of the timing and process of basin evolution and source terrane unroofing, changes in paleoelevation of basin floor and surrounding Laramide uplifts, and paleoclimate during Laramide deformation. (1) Petrographic, detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, and paleocurrent analyses show the Washakie Range and western Owl Creek Mountains to the north of the basin experienced rapid unroofing at 55.5–54.5 Ma, and the Wind River Range to the southwest became the dominant sediment source terrane by ca. 53–51 Ma. Rapid tectonic uplift of the two mountains in the late Paleocene–early Eocene formed a confined valley, and a paleodrainage similar to the present with rivers flowing from both ranges was formed in the northwestern Wind River Basin by 51 Ma. The sedimentary environment evolved from alluvial fan into low-sinuosity, gravel-bed braided rivers, and paleocurrents changed from southwestward into mostly eastward. (2) Detrital zircon grains equivalent to the depositional age are absent in early Eocene sediment. Recycled detrital zircon grains derived from the Grenville and Yavapai-Mazatzal orogens are present in Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks exposed in the Laramide ranges, and dominate the zircon populations of both modern river sand and early Eocene sandstones in the Wind River Basin. Presently exposed crystalline Archean basement in the Wind River Range contributes ~20% of the total zircon grains to basinal sediments. Zircons of different ages from Precambrian basement rocks exposed in Laramide ranges are a potentially useful tracer of sedimentary provenance. (3) A more humid climate in the early Eocene Wind River Basin is inferred from the high soil CO2 respiration rate compared to today. Calcisols were extensively developed in the floodplain deposits. Atmosphere pCO2 estimated from paleosol δ13C values decrease from 2050 ± 450 ppmV to 900 ± 450 ppmV during the early Eocene, consistent with previous reconstructions of pCO2 for this period. (4) The elevation of the Wind River Basin was comparable with the modern Great Plains, on the order of ~500 m (asl), and the local relief between the Washakie Range and western Owl Creek Mountains, Wind River Range, and Wind River Basin was 2.3 ± 0.8 km during the early Eocene. Post-Laramide regional uplift of ~1 km is required to form the present landscape in west-central Wyoming, which was most likely caused by regional Miocene–Pliocene uplift and exhumation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the Robert J. Weimer Fund from (SEPM) Society for Sedimentary Geology, a Donald L. Smith award from Rocky Mountain Section of the Society for Sedimentary Geology, a ChevronTexaco scholarship, ExxonMobil grant, and National Science Foundation grant EAR0732436 (to the Arizona LaserChron Center). We thank Tamara Goldin and Dan Ross for assistance in the field, Joel Saylor and Facundo Fuentes for help with petrographic work, and Antoine Vernon for picking zircons. 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