AN ALTERNATIVE HOUSING STANDARD FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: GHANA AS A CASE STUDY by Kwaku Addae Appau B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Science and Technology, Ghana Dipl. (Housing, Planning and Building), B.I.E., Holland Specialist (Bricks and Brickworks), B.I.E., Holland SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF CITY PLANNING at the MASSASCHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 1984 ) Kwaku Addae Appau The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author Certified by P f es yd Rodwi hesis Supervisor 77 Accepted by Raj(h /rken imer an, Departmental Graduate Committee MSAHRotch MA SSACHUjSET-TS iNSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AUG1 0 1984 LIBRARES An Alternative Housing Standard for Developing Countries: Ghana As a Case Study by Kwaku Addae Appau Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning in January, 1984, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of City Planning. ABSTRACT Ghana's housing problem reveals symptoms similar to those of other developing countries experiencing rapid urbanization. Ghana is experiencing the same migration towards the cities; rise of a renter class; growing disparity between the cost of urban shelter and what the worker can afford; rising pressures of housing shortage and overcrowding; diminishing ability of the urbanizing population to build housing with its own hands as in the old rural environment; increase in squatting and a newly emerging insecurity of urban tenure; conflicts over titles as new forms of tenure replace the old. Finally, there is the same increase in the role of government over land and housing operations which manifests itself in the imposition of housing codes and standards upon the people. These codes, mostly borrowed from the advanced countries have often disregarded local climatic, cultural, technical and economic conditions. The haphazard borrowing of other countries' codes and standards has proven to be one of the most costly aspects of building code practices. The codes and the standards become too costly for the urban marginal masses to comply with or too impractical to follow; violations are inevitable and the codes and the standards either become meaningless or they limit housing progress. Hence, many experts on housing for developing countries call for No Housing Standards partly because of the above-mentioned dilemma. Whilst the author is also skeptical of the wisdom of borrowed regulations, he however, disagrees with the experts, and rather calls for a Cultural Housing Standard based upon the traditional building practices of the people. Thesis Advisor: Title: Lloyd Rodwin Ford International Professor in Studies and Planning Department of Urban CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements............................................ Introduction and Summary ................................... 5 .. 0 .. Chapter One ................................................ .. 0 .. Housing Problems and Relation to Standards ............ .. , .. Dialogue .......................................... .. 0 .. Reflection ........................................ .. 0 Urban and Rural .................................. .. 0 Chapter Two ................................................ .. .. 6 . . 10 . 10 . 16 . 20 26 ........ Target Group Identification ........................... 26 .. 0 .. . 28 Demographic Characteristics ...................... Occupations and Vocational Skills ................ 29 .. 0 .. . 31 Home Ownership and Access to Urban Infrastructure Incomes and Expenditure........................... .. & .. - Formal and Informal .. Public Sector in Housing ......................... Changes in Building Costs ........................ Chapter Four .... ........................................... The Present Building Codes and Their Faults ........... . 38 ........ .. 36 36 ........ Key Materials for Housing ........................ Private Sector in Housing 32 ........ Chapter Three ............................................... Housing Standards and the Building Industry........... 10 39 .. . 0 .. . 42 .. 0 .. . 46 .. 0 .. . 51 .. 0 .. . 51 .. a Building Materials and Style of Architecture ..... 53 Research ......................................... 55 Upgrading, Site-and-Services .................... 55 Architects ............................................... 56 Should There be Any At All? ................ 58 Quality .................................................. 58 Housing Standards: International Level ......................................... 58 The Ghanaian Situation Chapter Five ................................... .62 ..................................................-.--- Abolition of the Housing Standard to a Cultural Housing Standard Emphasizing Indigenous Materials Recommendations Implementation 66 .............................. 66 ............................................... 73 ................................................ 79 Possible Problems with the Proposed .................................... 83 Cultural Housing Standards Conclusions Bibliography .... ................................................... 85 ................................................... 90 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I extend my sincere thanks to everyone who has had a part in this work, directly or indirectly. My particular thanks are Professor Lisa Redfield Peattie, counsel their criticisms and in preparing and Dr. the J. Lloyd Professor expressed to Rodwin, Mark Davidson Schuster for materials and their suggestions which helped to make this topic constructive worth its present status. I am also very grateful to all the teaching staff and workers of M.I.T. (especially the School of Architecture and Planning, the Financial Aid Office, me and the International Students' Office) who had to bear with in a strange circumstance to finish up my studies. say "Aseda"* I would like to to them. I am indebted to Carol, Jackie and Mary for their prompt response to type this thesis. While cooperation, thanking I all the contributors for their most acceptable excuse them entirely for error of any kind which may be found in the text. * "Aseda" is an Akan word expressing a kind of profound gratitude which no English word can express properly. INTRODUCTION AND-SUMMARY provision of housing and related facilities form The the countries, central and city governments have and that standards, were borrowed in advanced countries to regulate the cost of houses of good suitable environment. the quality official general philosophy of with 'good by increasingly with suitable environment' is being challenged quality from toto codes the official established building Yet, developing In most any country's socio-economic development. of part essential an the people whose interests the standards are supposed to serve. housing Many experts practices because of scarcity of resources. too costly comply to with or too The borrowed high follow. to I also being the wisdom of some of the official housing standards, new of either The codes impractical majority of the poor or limit housing progress. the No are inevitable and the codes either become meaningless to the Violations of for call and standards serve as one of the most costly aspects codes building become the developing countries They have some arguments in mind. Housing Standards. western for school of thought for No Housing Standard, Cultural Housing Standard skeptical disagree and I call with for a practices based upon the traditional building of the people as a more appropriate alternative solution. Related which, closely as I see it, are to the housing standards, have dominated the thnkings, some propositions writings and plans of many experts and observers in Europe and the U.S.A. One sole issue has overwhelmed research amongst the foreign dealing with urban planning issues in the developing countries. the issue of slums and squatter settlements. Apparently, a experts This is dominant has surface from such activities concerning research picture The planning. and urban the general outline of this picture which can be termed conventional belief, is summarised as follows: The poor. shanty towns support the welfare and well-being of the urban These settlements are a form of pioneering and a triumph of self- help and must be regarded with respect. The above picture has also been the basis for proposing that the phenomenon of shanty towns, will be to developed according to its own preconditions, allowed if and when self- resolving in the long run. I disagree with some of the views. The picture somehow does not conform with my own conceptualisation of the situation I have experienced in practice and research. I, therefore, give my own opinions on some aspects of the conventional picture as revealed by some detailed research studies in some urban areas of West and North Africa. Chapter The cost One deals with housing problems and relation to standards. of the materials imposed by the official housing standards dramatically shown in a dialogue between an urban builder and a is city official. It is then followed by an analysis of housing problems in the rural urban areas -- and result of the country's materials for housing; frequent shortages of building materials as heavy reliance thus, on importation of a building exerting a great pressure on the country's already constrained foreign exchange position. The effect on the rate of urbanization on urban housing is also highlighted. Chapter Two identifies the Target Group -and their housing characteristics, infrastructure, needs using empirical the marginal urban masses data on demographic income and expenditure, home ownership, access to urban etc. Three Chapter industry. housing The is deals private with housing and standards sector's (formal and informal) the performance detail showing its contribution in treated in building the in national The public sector's performance in housing supply housing stock supply. is then discussed in terms of its responses to the ever-increasing demand for affordable housing by the urban low-income groups. The result of the sector's inability to cope with the housing demand as a result of public sky-rocketing and its impact on in building costs is detailed, housing for the urban low-income group is synthesized. Four Chapter documents faults the discrepancies and the the of present building codes and standards showing the degree of injustice they inflict on the urban poor in research, architecture, relation to building materials and style upgrading and of architects' site-and-services, role. Chapter Five compares abolishing the housing standards to a Cultural Housing of Standard. presence resources to meet all the housing needs of the people in impractical benefits increase the other hand, follow main with a cultural housing standard would hinge on practices. Context Implementation formulation, of emphasis of the on research Cultural Housing the new regulation is demonstration into houses showing work of such traditional materials as mud being besides affordability and availability. identity experts illusory. cultural Recommendations traditional Standard treated with is regard of the borrowed codes and standards are discussed coupled with of Witold Rybczynsk's views based on a U.N. work On No Housing Standards with its main point of scarcity then building discussed. to their and advocating for retention of present codes and standards as a national reconciliation for the sake the of those who can afford high western standards. Possible problems with the Cultural Housing Stanoard are treated, proposed pointing out instances where it would not be practicable. The Conclusion dwells on how building codes should not be fixed, but must be subject to especially in the case review, of decent dwellings in the developing countries plus the fact that given resources, governments can help the urban poor by reducing standards realistic level, nature plots legalising cheap lack "squatter settlements" depending upon and making them more habitable, providing small to a the ready-serviced of land coupled with mobilisation of the people to participate improving their own environment. of in CHAPTER ONE Housing Problems and Relation to Standards There what is often a serious mismatch of what people want or need is available. The policy of housing the most needy is not compatible with that of replacing of the worst houses, national minimum housing standards. future users of housing who, for the always nor with the policy There are the presumed needs of the assumption runs, than current minimum standards. and would require higher The current planners who claim to speak needs of future users are an important factor in worsening the housing problem in the Third World. In fact, housing ultimately is often thought of as a people's financial capacity, it other developing countries, the transport network. But in Ghana with turns out that what is cost of materials imposed by the official housing conflict is of the location and type of employment open to and the nature of available them, product more important standards. is This dramatically revealed in the following dialogue: Dialogue I jumped next move. doing in over a big open gutter. I finally made for an alley in an old neighborhood. research on traditional building practices an old neighborhood in alley mud down newly I looked left and right for in relation to the city of Kumasi-Ghana. my I was housing The 100-meter-long led me to an open space surrounded on all sides by old houses of 1 construction. The walls had become dark green from rains streaming them in built, the rainy they tropical weather although when were whitewashed, parts of the walls protected the walls as I could see from the were top-most from the rains by the eaves of the roofs. The open space was about 60 x 70 meters square. trees which had horizontally. been pruned occassionally for three trees covering the forming an equilateral triangle. had interwoven into one another, the greater part of the open space. the green walls of the old building around. a rocking chair, made of cane, in bald, skull. He gleamed any grow distances forming a green umbrella The green canopy matched I saw an old man sitting in the cool shade. followed the same pattern of movement. little to The branches of the The chair was moving forward and backwards while too branches trees were intentionally planted at equal The from one another, It had three shady the old man's head Although the old man was a he had intentionally razored off the rest of his hair to the had rubbed some ointment on the hairless time it caught sunshine rays penetrating head. The the canopy of head the trees. He was dressed in kente, Ghanaian native clothes, wrapped loosely on the Sitting opposite him was a building inspector from the body. Council. brown He was well dressed in western clothes, trousers. coat. There He were City a black suit coat and had a nice brown tie and a white shirt under the and the six young boys standing around the old man building inspector. The boys were listening attentively to the dialogue going on between the old man and the building inspector. looked at me. I was smiling. He nodded his head in response. He had seen the game I was playing. not to laugh at. I One of them raised his head and The old man's head was too tempting I took a few steps towards them. heard the old man telling the building inspector, pointing to his own house, Oh, Yes! "Look "This building was put up by my father. here!", It is but well-maintained." a mud house, he the words "well-maintained," heard The old man continued, You see, these all looking at the dark green buildings in the neighborhood not come here for the buildings in were "Well, the neighborhood. built I am here for this The one you are putting up." old man quickly narrated the recent tragedy of his friend was extorted $600 by a building inspector for overlooking city council a building specification during the construction of his from minor new He then fired back aggressively, "To do what?" The building inspector replied, is was old man, I have whom house. as Standards for what?" The building inspector politely responded. The walls. But it has performed very well since I without what you now call 'Housing Standards.' one under your nose. when "It was built with no written standards such you have in your hands now. born. The building inspector laughed "To see to it that the construction carried out according to the City Council's specifications!" "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!" the old man burst out with laughter. stopped laughing and put on a serious face. inspector. He questioned He suddenly the building "Have you bought any cement or iron bars for me to build this house to please your City Council?" The building inspector could not contain himself. burst out at the top of his voice, "Look, old man, He impatiently you must build this house according to the standards set by the City Council! Understand?" 2 "Hey, Krakyi Why Bluffing and teasing, are the old man spoke softly, 3 you people nowadays too much booklong? This house, How can you tell whether concreting the floor, were you here? reinforcement or not? What about when you leave here?" The building inspector admitted, when they were "I don' t understand." there was The man continued, old these materials. are too expensive -- they beyond our means. with When you do find them, When the white man Look! he did not stop us from building with our local materials was here, and Why are you people so troublesome?" skills. building inspector then patiently explained to the old man that The the They are scarce in the market. enough houses you tell us to build our and steel in the country, cement have "At this time when we do not comfortable to standards set up by the City Council were housing a guarantee life for the future residents. "Hmm! Hmm!", the head, old man murmured while nodding his the 0 midday temperature was about 90 F. looked intensely into the eyes of the building inspector. then fell for a minute. "Comfortable life, camel's back: Do yourself. you scorching sunshine? at me, in Is eh?", COMFORTABLE in feel the old man asked. "Look a black coat with tie in that what you call environmental comfort? The boys standing by could not control You win! into thunderous laughter. mouth themselves. at such Look They yelled, They burst out "Old man, you win! No challenger!" His seat became too hot for him. Yes, He stood up. to defend himself but no words came out. he had been He opened his One of the boys pointed at the half-opened mouth and the rest burst into laughter again. not the How fine I feel!" The building inspector's eyes suddenly shot red. cornered. broke the straw that a native dress to match the harsh weather. triumphantly Silence Suddenly and aggressively he He twisted his mouth. question at the building inspector -- a shot He He put on a smile and stopped. restrain myself. inspector looked at me. I joined I stopped the laughing spree. laughing immediately, The I could building fearing he might pounce on me to settle his score, he were not contented, As if building inspector. a mud house -- "Hey, Scholar! I know where you live. the walls well-rendered with before and was therefore, country the old man piled more questions on the indoor N'est-ce When you leave that government temperatures at midday are unbearable, building where how do you feel?" building inspector quickly answered, The plaster. more knowledgeable). cool mud house each day to work in your cement You live in old man wanted to prove that he had lived in a Fench-speaking (The pas? since I was the only stranger around. "We have air conditioners and fans!" more The old man recoiled for a few minutes and then came back with He addressed the building inspector, questions. Professor Housing Standards, of conditioners? By the way, "Hey, my dear scholar, air- without what about those places how many houses and offices in the city have such amenities?" looked I mixed Anger at the building inspector. with humiliation. He was boiling The lips were trembling. with anger. The hands holding the file containing the city council's housing standards were wet with sweat and not only that, his whole body was drenched in sweat. Cold sweat! "Well," the building inspector answered the old man, have had enough lessons on housing standards. The boys again roared into laughter and "I am going. I I beg to leave, Sir!" shouted, "You lose, you lose, you lose!" I stared at the building inspector with sympathy as he walked away, shrugging his shoulders. I said to myself, "Oh, what a poor missionary. Trying to spread and defend the gospel he doesnt understand!" I foreign, knew that the City Council's official housing standards were too an old inappropriate traditional neighborhood. and irrelevant to be enforced in such Reflection Research housing Yet, the author showed that the latest edition of by for the city of Kumasi-Ghana were standards these standards, to supposed which are irrelevant and be enforced by building inspectors. official written in 1932. inappropriate, No wonder are that some building inspectors end up with their hands tainted wtih corruption while others face unnecessary ridicule. Official allied its the building inspector agencies to regulate the quality and housing development. housing standards norms standards are written rules and material specifications enforce and housing standing On the other hand, for government quantity building to trying by the the old man to be unwritten traditional is sees of any cultural standards the cumulative experience of the people over and many decades, and are preserved in the consciousness of the people. Official Housing Standards have been developed in all countries. They have a long history behind them, different ways in especially in the western countries. In the west, the 19th century saw the birth of housing standards to protect the weaker members of the community from naked exploitation. weaker members were basically the workers. particularly instituted to hold landlords The housing standards and responsible for minimum requirements for hygiene, On the other hand, for instance, to suit Ghana, building safety, the and privacy. World, were first hatched out by the colonial authorities the tastes of the European officials and the settlers colonial were speculators official housing standards in the Third native elites who worked for the colonial authorities. that The authorities left the natives to and the It must be noted house themselves according to their traditional practices. Surprisingly after independence, native governments such as Ghana, adopted the former colonial standards in toto, which in most cases had no to relation they the needs of the greater part of the population or to could afford, housing of This shows and material specifications were instituted to rules tastes as the old man aptly pointed out. the rich, what the educated minority who had a kind that meet of the mental paralysis about foreign environments. The old man was particular about the imported arbitrarily imposed on the community. being building Maybe, materials the most critical area where the enforcement of official housing standards on the community a devastating blow to the poor is gives permitted. industry. as the These materials are building the type of alien to the materials traditional building The people do not have the accompanying skills to work on them other traditional building materials. attention to the fact that all the buildings in built without any alien housing standards, When the old man drew the neighborhood had been he was definitely referring to Cultural standards. Cultural standards, practices people well that are an integral part of the society. embrace as cultural reasons A large number cultural standards because of their personal the fact that they are cheaper to work with. standards to be more realistic being affordability), while imperfections values The old man to their needs than the official standards (one of which of as saw many often Cultural standards lay emphasis on local resources and smell of luxury. skills, as said earlier, have been born out of building the official standards unfairly expose of the market mechanism. the poor to the The old man proved that cultural offer the best environmental solutions to local constraints of standards The mud walls and the thatched roofs give perfect resources. temperatures zone" for indoor living throughout the day. "comfort- Even if the residents of the neighborhood were given free air conditioners to provide comfort-zone temperatures in their rooms, they would not be able to pay for the electricity bills. The old man made the building inspector look stupid when talking of air-conditioners and fans since very few houses and offices in Ghana have such The amenities. between focuses on the point and that of the building inspector, clothing many way the old man made the comparison kinds of cultural standards are stored in the consciousness of his that the people. As see from the old man/building inspector we dialogue, housing standards in Ghana are hardly based on local are either a colonial countries. Little Hence, regulations the materials roofs, like cement, or no attention is always steel, specifications borrowed paid to encourage experiences. from the developed traditional imports of They materials. foreign building corrugated metal or asbestos sheets for -- very paving tiles for floors, unrealistic capacity or inheritance official which of low-income classes. aluminum window are invariably In fact, frames, etc. beyond the material the economic specifications disregard the limited capacity of the people to pay for housing. The the specifications reinforce social stratification. educated official The rich and within the minority can meet housing conditions provided material specifications. The rich and the educated minority, therefore, move from housing for shelter to housing of extravagance. the But poor cannot meet the costs of the official housing standards because they are too expensive for their incomes. from since housing for shelter to homelessness -- the plight of they are no longer allowed to build their homes Furthermore, practices. inclination these The urban poor therefore, move gives regulations the official housing them a strong urban bias -in urban with traditional standards' officials try the urban areas which have similar poor, foreign to impose characteristics from where they were borrowed. to the imposition of borrowed regulations is Related demolition standards. investing of dwelling units not built in This partly sufficiently in immediate surroundings. the threat compliance with the discourages the urban marginal of official resident the improvement of his dwelling unit with from its Urban and Rural The problem may be broken into urban and housing urban areas, means that rural. In This official planners often talk of a "housing deficit." a lot of people are homeless. But this can be a tricky concept since even the poorest people find some kind of housing, precarious the situation may be. means a deficit in the some arbitrary A housing deficit, technical For example, that houses built by the poor codes. a 1973 There is however therefore, the number of houses built to a middle-class planners often feel since overcrowding. the also the really standard, are below problem of National Housing Survey indicates that there were 3.0 persons per room in the city of Accra and 3.6 persons in room the city of Kumsasi -- generally, all representing overcrowding since the authorities overcrowding when occupancy rates are greater a high agree than two per degree of there is that related persons per room. The planners is there deplorable no have almost totally neglected overcrowding condition. but the existing housing rural housing. are stocks So in a foreign absence of these materials, pitifully watch their dwelling units dilapidating since partly not of any in Unfortunately, feature. dwellers have also been exposed to the usage of only materials to improve their home. know Here Buildings with cracks and collapsing walls which constitute danger to the dwellers are a common the rural better traditional techniques than what they they is do locally available. The basic factors contributing to the housing problem are the growth of the population and the rates of migration which have led to population congestion in and few urban towns. rapid urbanization, The greatest concentration cities -- of Accra population is in the triangle formed by to the east and Sekondi-Takoradi coast) and Kumasi in the hinterland. of over three million in 1977, urbanization in Africa, has Ghana has one of the most rapid rates of steadily increased (Table 1). percent of the population is Table 1, the the With an estimated urban population south of the Sahara. population was urban. Ghana's largest to the west (all on Since 1921 when only percent of Ghana's population lived in urban areas, ratio the By 1970, Ghana's urbanization almost a urban population is third of more than 50 By the end of the century, expected 7.5 to be in urban areas. As shown in increasing at a rate that is almost double the national population increase. Table I Growth of Ghanaian Population, 1921-1970 1921 1931 1948 1960 1970 Total Population (millions) 2.30 3.16 4.12 6.73 8.56 Rate of Increase (percent) ---- 3.20 1.60 4.20 2.40 Urban Population (millions) 0.18 0.30 0.54 1.56 2.47 Annual Rate of Urban Population Increase ---- 5.20 3.50 9.30 4.80 Urbanization Ratio 7.50 9.50 13.00 23.10 28.90 Notes: Urban 5,000. SOURCE: Ewusi, Kodwo, "Urbanization and Migration in and Social Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 1. areas are defined as having populations greater Ghana," than Economic On cent the population growth has the national level, per annum since 1921 (Table 1). population increase. Between 1960 and 1970, of Ghana increased from 6.73 million to 8.56 And percentage averaged 2.8 1980 population was estimated at the total million million 12 per -- 27% -- a increase of 28% since 1970. An outstanding characteristic of the population as compared to those of the advanced countries is country's population is its youthfulness. less About 50 percent of the than 16 years of age (Table 2). The Table 2 Age Structure, 1921-1968 (Percentage Distribution in Broad Age Gro ups) implication Age Group 1921 1948 1960 1968 Under 16 44.1 43.0 46.3 50.9 16-45 42.3 43.2 42.1 37.3 46 + 13.6 13.8 11.8 11.8 of this to the housing situaiton is to house more people in is the increase that Ghana should expect the future than at pre sent. of households. The total percentage containing two to four persons dropped from 42 .0 percent in 1970 (Table 3). Even more important percent in of households 1960 to 36.0 The change in urban households has been more Table 3 Distribution of Households According to Size Size of Household Total 1960 Urban Rural Total 4.3 20.4 42.0 38.0 3.6 28.5 43.2 28.3 4.6 17.1 41.0 41.9 4.7 21.2 36.0 51.9 Average 1 2-4 5 + 5.0 18.1 35.3 55.9 more particular households 3). increased by 15.70 percentage points since 1960 (Table has interest is the increase in the nuclear families in the urban areas since 1960. accounted size of 4.6 (Table 4). 41.6 4.1 27.7 37.7 44.0 The total number of urban households containing five or dramatic. Of Rural The Population of Ghana Source: persons 1970 Urban percent of percentage points of In 1968, nuclear family for 44.4 percent of households and had an This was an increase from the 1960 households were nuclear with an average average level, size when 4.3 of persons. Table 4 Household Composition and Household Size, 1960 and 1968 Family Household Type All households One person only Nuclear families Husband-wife and children Husband-wives and children One-spouse families Other families Source: Urban and Rural Percentages Average Number of Persons per Household 1960 1968 1960 100.0% 17.9 41.6 32.6 100.0% 18.0 44.4 28.3 4.3 1.0 4.3 4.3 11.5 37.6 The Population of Ghana, p. 53. 4.9 1.1 4.6 4.6 8.1 4.6 9.0 40.5 1968 3.3 6.1 3.6 7.0 in Increases household in overcrowding in addition to the the urban areas and that more houses are ease the overcrowding. western sizes average rates of 3 related persons per room have led to a high occupancy of the standards, Yet, degree needed to most governments build to excessively high using expensive materials and construction methods. The high cost of this choice means that only limited amounts can be built and that only the urban privileged, government employees and salaried workers, can afford to buy or rent it. But unable is there to satisfy distribution policy. of this demand arising resources and from the the non-existence country imbalances of a mobilisation of indigenous resources have in is the well-outlined factors including the rising cost of imported Such inadequate now very high demand for housing and the materials, aggravated the housing problem. One of the physical responses to the housing problem of migrating into the cities is the development of slums. Closely the poor related to the slum problem is the number of people living in substandard housing -- housing codes. common In which does addition, not conform to the official building living in non-dwelling units such as garages is a feature in the urban centres. expected future demand is the housing problem is technical If an account of these taken into consideration, readily appreciated. with the then the magnitude of FOOTNOTES CHAPTER ONE 1. The walls of houses of mud construction here are made with simple and the wall lumps of ill-formed clay placed one on top of another, is then plastered with a coat of mud mixed with cement or some organic material such as cow dung. 2. A Ghanaian word meaning scholar. 3. A pidgin English word usually used in Ghana to mean theoretical. CHAPTER TWO Target Group Identification The target However, b) group is broadly the urban low-income the group may be broken into two parts: residents. a) the self-builders; those who desperately require subsidies. self-builders The house built themselves people are those who do not earn enough to pay by the government or the private market but who or with the help of their friends. can a build This group consists who cannot and will not employ professional builders, know to build with their own hands, for those those who rely on the help of of who their relatives and friends or who at most employ only occasionally a part-time or mason carpenter undertaking. to help with the more complex parts of the They generally need capital only or mainly for the purchase of materials. Those who require subsidies enough skill to or pay lack are the urban workers who do economic rentals for their homes and who have the time to build with their includes many unskilled labourers employed in own hands. docks, their earn the group mines and factories are without leisure which their rural counterparts often use for the building of This group is houses. families of the lowest "real" income earners this group need subsidies, irrespective of houses are built by the government or private Six low-income settlements in low-income settlements are: and whether the their investors. five urban centres, regions of Ghana form the case study on the low-income six lost This where they have to work eight-hour shifts regularly and thus, the not located in four target group. The 1) Tamale Central in Tamale-Northern C~rr er Ot' LLEND 0 0uD Map of Ghana showing study areas A1 E3! Region; 2) Anloga and Moshie Zongo in Kumasi-Ashanti Region; Accra-Greater Accra Region; 3) Nima in 4) Ashaiman in Tema-Greater Accra Region; 5) Kwesimintim in Sekondi-Takoradi-Western Region. The general characteris- tics of the low-income target group identified are the following: a) Unemployment is higher than in surrounding urban areas. b) The proportion of unskilled labour was as much as twice that of surrounding areas. c) The proportion of professional skills is surrounding urban areas, usually similar to that indicating that professionals in frequently live in low-income areas. d) A higher percentage of the residents in lower-income areas are self- employed. e) Both population per room and house densities are higher. f) The level of infrastructure is much lower than surrounding urban areas. g) There tend to be a larger number of immigrants are tenants. villages culture, their support. settlements who Usually, rural migrants will settle near relatives or people from their home area, urban in where people can preserve at ceremonies, This can so that settlement becomes a string of cushion least some of the help and isolation and all available land has been used for their networks people against of mutual the alienation of fragmented city life. h) In some settlement patterns, building purposes. i) Land tenure is usually traditional and has not been formalized the Lands Department. by The settlements may be subject to land tenure disputes between various traditional owners. Demographic Characteristics Households in lower-income areas are larger than the average for the larger metropolitan areas (Table 5). greater than what is related persons per room. country's considered In all cases room densities are a minimum room occupany standard -- two to the The implication is addition general overcrowding housing situation, the low-income areas have super-overcrowding housing conditions. Table 5 Average Household Size, Metropolitan and Low-Income Areas Average Household Size (Metropolitan) Sekondi-Takoradi Kwesimintim 3.7 Accra Nima 3.7 Tema Ashaiman 3.5 Kumasi Anloga 4.0 Tamale Tamale Central 5.6 SOURCE: Owasu, "A Housing Survey of Ghana." Average Number (Low Income Areas) Person per Persons Household Per Room 5.6 2.6 5.12 3.4 3.47 2.5 5.21 3.5 8.16 2.2 urban Occupations and Vocational Skills There is a larger percentage of unskilled workers in Nima than in probably explaining higher unemployed rates (Table 6). Accra as a whole, In Ashaiman there are twice as many unskilled workers (7% greater than in Tema as a whole). In most low-income areas, self-employment is average for urban areas. persons are found in Kumasi (53%). Anloga's for The greatest An greater percentage even of greater workers are employed in small-scale business. found proportion Anloga is noted percent than Nima, compared of This trend is particularly true in Nima and Ashaiman which provides housing for Accra and Tema's respectively. of In other areas employment is more often in the surrounding community. workers the self-employed its small-scale timber industry which provides up to 64 the employment in the community. than low-income Kwesimintim is a much more traditional community Anloga or Ashaiman and has about 50 percent self-employed, to surrounding Sekondi-Takoradi where only about 40 percent are self-employed. Educational level3 tend to be lower in the cities of which they are part. the five slum areas a school. of the whole, in In Nima between 7.0 and 48.0 percent of primary school aged children attend formal schooling, as than almost 70 percent of primary school aged In other areas the difference is much smaller. primary school children in Kwesimintim attend with 60 percent in Sekondi-Takoradi as a whole. while in children Accra attend About 50 percent school, compared TABLE 6 TARGET GROUP Nima Accra Education Skills (%in Primary School) Vocational Skills (% Unskilled) (% Professional) Home Owmership (% Tenants) 48% (7% 1968) 4% 8% 16% 11% (1976) 95% 77% 68% + IDENTIFICATION: Sckondi-Takaradi 59% + 6% 5% 95% (1973) A COMPARISION OF URBAN AREAS AND LOW-lNCOME AREAS Kwesi-Mintim 48% Kumasi Moshie Zongo 59% + 48% Anloga 5% 7% 75% 98% (1973) Ashaimen Tamale 48% 10% 7% 6% 14% 6% 85% na 875 (16%) 11% (36%) 5% Tema Tamale CT. 48% 5% 6% 25;. 5% 58% 42% (1973) Pipe Bourne 43% Standpipes 40% - 6% 94% 11% 61% 19,. 38% 50% Well Electricity (% of Households) 52% SOURCES: 1970 Population Census of Ghana. Vol A Housing Survey in Ghana, 47 8% II. 29% 25% Home Ownership and Access to Urban Infrastructure Home ownership in the urban areas of Ghana is rare. than 10 percent of the repsondents to the 1973 Housing Survey own own houses. is, In Accra, less their Only in Tamale were more than 40 percent homeowners. a larger proportion of homeowners in however, There the low-income urban neighbourhoods. In Accra, in 94 percent of the persons interviewed were tenants, while Nima only 77 percent rented (Table 6). been found in The Sekondi-Takoradi and Kumasi. provision settlement. Similar comparisons have also of piped water varies greatly from settlement In Tamale Central, probably due to its advantageous location, 61 percent of the households have access to public standpipes, 1 percent rely on other households for water and higher rates. Zongo and Anloga (Kumasi), piped dump and public latrine. water in Nima (Accra) and only In Moshie large portion of the houses rely on In Moshie Zongo the major well is garbage to probably polluted because it Details about houses are not available, is wells. below a provided with although there are large numbers of illegal connections in Nima. The for dams majority of urban low-income households rely on kerosene lighting, although Ghana has one of the largest lamps hydro-electricity in Africa which supplies electricity to the neighbouring countries. However, in Kwesimintim (Sekondi-Takoradi) have electricity. 52 percent of the households Incomes and Expenditure According to the 1970 Population Census of Ghana volume levels are lower in income as a whole. Accra. the slum areas than in II, median the larger urban areas Personal incomes in Nima are 7.2 percent lower than in In some areas such as Kwesimintim (Sekondi-Takoradi), this income difference median is as much as 46.3 percent. incomes In the Kumasi suburb of Anloga, are more than 27 percent lower than median incomes in Kumasi as a whole. It problem is glaringly obvious that the problem is related inequality to standards syndrome. The but a dimension problems arises from a willing acceptance in distribution of personal incomes, similar inequalities in provide unless decent the of great coupled with a the distribution of housing. At the 50th percentile, and 19.0 percent of their incomes in and of the inequalities rejection of A determination to fruit heads in rent in Nima by each household heads pay between rent. pays about 10.0 percent of its income in The largest group, rent. 6.0 however, The incomes of household the 30th percentile are spending between 8.0 and 24.0 percent in Most pay about 12.0 percent. At the 10th percentile, rent takes between 11.0 and 34.0 percent of household head incomes. Poorer poverty hosuing for people now deprived of it cannot bear shows the percent of income paid in 7 income group. rent housing they are enabled to pay for what they need. Table rent. of a fundamental dilemma underlying most housing the not simply accounts for about 17 percent of expenditure by the lowest households pay higher percentages for rent. Given increases in food costs and the large household sizes in Nima, is it On the average, unlikely that household heads can the group. largest settlements maintain like monthly TABLE 7 Nima Rent Distribution and Rent as a Proportion of Household Head Income usehold Head 6.0 - 3.0 - 5.9 Income 9.0 - 8.9 12.0 - 11.9 17.9 istribution No. % of Income No. % of Income No. % of Income No. th (C 1,124) 10 6 52 10 23 13 10 19 th (C 879) 22 8 51 12 24 16 11 24 0th (C 639) 10 11 58 17 17 22 5 34 TE: The variation in percentile group is due to variations in the sample. URCE: Derived from Government of Ghana Interim Report Table 12. % of Imcome expenditures for rent much in excess of 10 percent of their income. Although Ministry rents are controlled by the Rent Control Division of Works and Housing, apply to only public housing; the system is ineffective. of the It seems to and public housing is only about less than 10 percent of the country's housing stock. CHAPTER-THREE Housing Standards and the Building Industry Standards may be expected to rise broadly as Gross National Product and social expectations rise; consequently standards can never be finite but must be determined in accordance with prevailing needs and resources. In the pre-independence era in Ghana, built in timber (an example is bungalows were also built several public buildings were the Ridge Hospital, in timber and Accra). landcrete A number of blocks (local terminology for stabilized soil blocks). In herself the contrast, with structures) post-independence era has seen Ghana high content of imported in her materials national construction works. increasing cost of construction in the country, obligating (especially concrete This has led to an because of the following factors: a) The country has been over-dependent on imported materials, result that building resources; the proportions of foreign exchange earmarked materials have overgrown their fair share of the consequently, with the for nation's leading to frequent shortages of building materials; b) High internal freight cost due to the concentration of materials industries along the coast; c) Inefficiencies in materials construction management resulting in a result of the magnified effect the imported materials have on uneconomic use of imported items. As the pace of national construction activity, a number of projects have had to be shelved. Even when they are started, they proceed at a rather slow pace or are abandoned at certain stage for a time, whilst the costs given at the drawing board stage continue to go up with time. Major building materials have a very high reliance on imported or semi-finished materials (Table 8). 80 These materials account for about percent of total building materials costs. component of the building industry is raw Thus, the total import about 53 percent of total costs. Table 8 Major Building Materials and Their Degrees of Reliance on Imported Raw Materials Items Percentage of Foreign Material Component Asbestos-Cement Roofing Cement Galvanised Iron Roofing Sheets Aluminium Roofing Sheets Steel Rods Industrial Statistics, SOURCE: of imports increased, the of constant. cement production. 30 construction. and raw actual roughly between Ministry of Industries, spite of the heavy reliance on imports, In value 91% 71 67 64 37 or semi-finished and although the annual materials quantities of imported materials Construction 60 1976. Building percent steadily have remained capacity is closely linked products of has the containing cement total expenditure annual account on To maintain this level of cement consumption, gypsum and cement clinker quadrupled from 1970 to 1976. to for building imports of Key Materials for Housing As Table 9 shows, were built accounted with about 54 percent of the houses in the urban areas swish-mud, while in the rural areas, for about 95 percent of the housing stock in mud buildings 1960. In 1970 Table 9 Key Materials of Walls in the National Housing Stock -1960 and 1970 Percentages Materials of Walls Urban 1960 Rural Total Urban 1970 Rural Total 37.8 2.9 8.9 58.2 4.9 15.0 Landcrete 3.5 0.6 1.1 15.9 2.4 5.0 Swish-Mud 53.6 94.6 87.5 23.3 90.8 78.0 5.1 1.9 2.5 2.6 1.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Concrete (Sandcrete) Others Total SOURCE: From 1960 and 1970 populaton census. (sandcrete) concrete the urban period, mud houses still On the whole, percent in particularly VI (P.E.S.). areas as compared to about 38 percent in 1960. stock. Therefore, 100.0 100.0 houses took over the lead with about 58 percent mud houses dwindled to about 23 percent. rural areas, mud Vol. 1960 for in At the Nevertheless, same in the mud houses accounted for about 88 percent and time in made up more than 90 percent of the housing and 1970 respectively in the national some 2.0 to come a large proportion housing of the rural areas will continue to be built in the stock. houses, mud is the most free building material of foreign component in the of high costs and scarcity of imported building materials. 78 since face Private Sector in Housing -There is not much detailed statistical data on housing provided the private sector. sector private stock; formal However, accounts (in standards) takes indigenous systems) usually in materials. timber national housing terms of dwellings built with the official housing about 10 percent whilst informal accounts for 80 percent. (building The informal framed with use used materials. is sector Many of these low-income housing the urban centres) Wood the for about 90 percent of the units Ashaiman in industrial city of Tema shows the most extensive use and by according to 1970 Population Census, of low-income housing. (especially port Formal and Informal the of used packing crates from the port are used for sheathing of structures. These houses are fairly durable but are subject to damage from termites and exposure of the untreated elements to rain. In the case of individual rural housing and most squatter settlements, applied, and most of the houses are of mud construction. of the urban local techniques of construction are specifically This is due to the fact that the skills for the traditional building materials procurred from the natural resources of the immediate vicinity of construction available and cheap. weather-proofing technology are are A mud house can last 25 years or longer with proper plasters. The main problems associated with erosion resulting from poor construction and a this lack of skilled builders. The methods formal-sector of private urban builders use the conventional construction by complying with the official building Sandcrete construction -- codes. lower grade concrete blocks made with sand about 25 percent cement by volume, is and the major building material used in most new construction. building material. of It is the most expensive and the most permanent Blocks vary widely in quality, because the proportion cement used is often reduced. therefore, usually plastered. small building Interior and exterior surfaces are, These private urban builders are, in fact, contractors who build houses for individuals and some private agencies. The ownership major sources available at present for financing are: private i) The First Ghana Building Society; Bank for Housing and Construction; ii) The was incorporated in the society financed only 130 houses. 1956 attracting substantial financial institutions. higher-income groups sums of money from the banks and It did not succeed in mobilising capital from individual savings nor did it in house iii) and Informal Saving. The First Ghana Building Society between 1965 and 1970, formal succeed and other As a result, the society was only able to serve and has had limited impacts on total housing requirements. In promote will 1972, the Bank for Housing and Construction was established efficiency in the operation of various housing depend on the bank for financing. agencies to which It was part of the policy that loans from the bank to finance individuals to purchase low-income houses would attract an interest rate of no more than 6 percent. Spiral inflation gripped percent. It its the country and interest rates moved up to 16 and therefore became very difficult for the bank to low-income groups. of Alas! help 18 the Its mortgage loans have totaled only about 8 percent total loan portfolio, and have all been to middle- and upper- income earners. The most common means of housing finance is through Informal Saving of building materials accepted by the building codes. typically acquires either traditional owners. a fixed period, structures, leasehold or usually five years. walled owners to is tenure from the The holders are required to develop the plot within enclosures, To maintain their leases, temporary or simple materials are erected over several years. materials freehold A potential owner collections houses building The gradual saving of building common among all income groups. construct of It is over a long period also especially common for where the construction complies with the official standards. Occupancy of unfinished houses by low-income groups practice because of the lack of alternative housing. is a common Public Sector in Housing In Ghana, competitive like many developing countries, there tremendous difficulties investment into housing. are faced when attempts are Admittedly, made size of the nation's total involvement into housing in her G.N.P., therefore, adequate this is. to a that increase there is no exact information on the public such for investment capital from productive sectors demand and is relation to it is not known exactly how inadequate or However, according to the 1970 Population Census, the sector contributes less than 10 percent annually of the national housing stock. A State Housing Corporation (SHC) was established in 1956, original obtain mandate privately construct only to constructed to housing. able operations Its primary goals were for rent or sale on a subsidized basis and and hire purchase facilities. been its was to build low-cost housing for Ghanaians unable housing mortgage and to serve higher income However, to the SHC has groups. The offer actually costs of its and its development standards prevent it from reaching lower- income groups. SHC annual production has varied from 1.0 to 8.0 percent of housing produciton. percent of Plans have called for SHC to construct the total annual national housing construction, only once achieved that goal. annual and enter about 7.0 but it has SHC's current output is about 4 percent of increase in the national housing stock. Shortages of poor management have limited production increases. lower-income markets, annual If it SHC would have to consider lower and a revised organisational structure. materials were to standards Direct Investment by the Government impact due to the into housing has not made fact that the high overhead costs of executive agencies tend to eat very much into the capital. large investment went into few bungalows. of maintenance $1,106,000. of these In addition, For instance, the total number bungalows and What a kind subsidy! no doubt, flats came to the rent payments within the same period This shows that the rents not cover even half of the money spent on recurrent similar situation, Civil In 1969/70 financial year, the cost government At the same time, came to only $463,000. do housing bungalows and flats occupied by senior and junior staff of the Service alone is estimated at 7,707. of the much maintenance. may exist in all the other public A service organisations. The State Insurance Corporation started housing finance in 1964, for those who had life insurance policies with the corporation. the low-income group was eliminated! Right away, The corporation insists that the applicant should contribute one-fourth of the building costs before being granted the loan. Nevertheless, up to now about only 600 houses for the high-income group have been financed by the corporation. In with in the late 1970's, the Social Security Bank was also established the possibility of investing a portion of the Social Security housing for the low-income group. Kumasi 1970's. The first project in the city came off with luxury apartments of very high standards the reach of the poor. Fund -- of beyond A second project was located in Accra in the late When the project was finally constructed, it comprised expensive blocks of flats like the condominiums of the U.S. In 1972, second priority the government made low-income housing after agriculture. development It allocated money for its low-income housing from "budgeting savings" 5,532 under the low-income housing programme, units were built by 1976 but surprisingly there was a removal of housing subsidies and rents were allowed to rise to market levels. From the various housing policies mentioned so far, see that the authorities (the rulers) have tended to use the of housing construction as a yardstick of success. improvement But, to me, it is the A blind concentration of efforts new house construction is not necessary the best policy of this end, and is, that stock of housing cheap enough for their pockets the decrease to the achieving indeed one which victimizes the low-income groups, in may markedly in course of time as a result of escalating housing costs country's heavy reliance on imported building materials local inflation. it statistics of the quality of the total stock of housing in the country, or in any one city, which matters most. on one can clearly represents This has very substantial implications. and to In most cases a direct swing in housing stock from private thus placing more and more people in the hands, dues to public, for better for worse, of the public housing authority. Rehabilitating existing housing offers greater scope for providing a variety at acceptable quality levels than new housing, and villages resides, is of the countryside where the majority of for in the the population the problem is the poor physical environmental quality of available. Besides, it is singularly unwise to aim to towns what build say 10,000 homes a year while so much per year is allowed to dilapidate. To me, a sensible housing policy will therefore be heavily concerned with existing housing. A broader conception of policy is important particularly in relation to the distribution of income and wealth. For governments may not only decide that pattern the the income and its associated of housing expenditures is sub-optimal but they should also view housing system redistribution. analysis existing distribution of is So often as it is being an important essential to channel stress that more concerned with getting the of housing issues right becoming overly involved in the arithematic of housing production. Table 10 Index of Prime Building Costs: 1967 = 100.0 Annual Average of Monthly Index, Groupwise: 1970-1976 Weight Unskilled labor Skilled labor Sand Stone Timber Cement Steel Materials Roofing Materials Miscellaneous Total SOURCE: 17.9 26.2 2.2 9.2 5.2 8.9 5.4 5.4 19.6 100.0 Central Bureau of Statistics, Accra (1977). Average Annual % Change 20.6 14.8 39.4 43.6 28.8 23.0 34.8 48.5 10.8 21.0 income policy than Changes in Building Costs The annual changes in the index of building costs are shown in Table 10 the for increase For that building costs averaged 1 percent. the period These annual increases were primarily because of increases in the key building materials, i.e., sand, stone, in 1970 through 1976. years in cement, timber, steel products, and roofing materials. Increases in labour costs showed relatively lower rates of average annual increase, although skilled labour made up 26.2 percent of total cost. of the apparent increase in construction from 1970 to 1974 Much because of increases in the value of imports and domestic prices. 1974, the when is During the gross output due to construction increased 68.6 percent, price index increased 34.7 percent, and the imported 1 materials for construction increased 98.3 percent over 1973 values. income room earners to afford housing, house have been calculated. components since materials Masonry, 1967 for a (sandcrete blocks, asbestos-cement roofing carpentry, and the cost increases for a simple Table 11 illustrates house plaster, built that construction houses were constructed in Since 1967, costs increased 170.3 percent. time, labour one- cost increase conventional building sheets on hardwood purlins with no ceilings). plastering skills supplemented with unskilled These estimates was by a small contractor and that further several the same project. for this simple type of one-room house have The percentage of material costs to total costs has increased from 64.1 percent in same of low- smoothe concrete floor slabs and labour were the only building skills required. assume of the impact of costs increase on the ability of illustrate To value 1967 to 70.8 percent in 1977. costs as a percentage of total building At costs the have TABLE 11 COST COMPARISONS: Item Year 1977 Material: Sandcrete Asbestos Cement A. Labor Materials SIMPLE ONE-ROOMED HOUSE; 1977, 1974, 1967 Total Costs Profits (5%) Overheads S%%Component % of Total import % Substructure Cone Slab B. Superstructure Sabderete Blocks/ Plaster C. Roofing Hardwood/AsbestisCement Riifubg Sheets D. Doors & Windows TOTALS 1974 (same as above) (D 583.12 (70.8%) 69.02 (8.4%) 121.19 (68.2%) 50.45 (11%) 147.48 (64.11) 35.15 (15.8 .) (16.4%) 40.45 (4.9%) 823.18 100% 40.3% 75.49 (l .0.) 22.42 (4.8%) 470.94 100% 41.2 16.48 (15.8 10.05 (4.82) 230.08 135.10 A. Substructure B. Superstructure C. Roofing D. Doors & Windows TOTALS A. Substructure 1967 (Same above) as B. Superstructure C. Roofing D. Doors & Windows TOTALS J 1) 43.1 decreased (15.3 For the percent in 1967 to 8.4 percent in 1977). the two years for which import components could be calculated, import component remained about 40 percent of total total building costs and was accounted for mainly by cement and asbestos-cement sheets. Total profits roofing and overhead remained about 20 prcent of total building costs. To illustrate the potential impact of import substitution, represents the costs of the same, stabilized) soil bricks. 15 one-room house (built by a small-scale using fired clay brick and landcrete contractor) percent Table 12 (local terminology Both the brick and landcrete houses are lower in costs than sandcrete, because they for about require lower levels of imports involving expensive materials. The cost the increase in the import content of building causes rises in of housing. central control government laws, pressure of reducing high standards has been forced into exacting sweeping which regrettably have not been effective because of demand relative to supply. housing costs is One of the effective to revise the present ways that rent the of official housing to incorporate the use of local building materials in housing construction. therefore, This has risen so much in recent years in Ghana the Besides hopefully reducing the cost of housing reducing rent, construction use of locally produced and, building materials would save substantial foreign exchange for the country. TABLE 12 COST COMPARISONS: Year Item 1977 Brick Fired CLay Tiles SIMPLE ONE-ROOMED HOUSING USING INDIGENOUS Materials Labor %/ BUILDING Overheads MATERIALS Profits (5%) (1977 COSTS) % Total % of Total import Component A. Substructure Concrete Slab B. Superstructure 4-Y Brick Walls 5.5 C. Roofing Fired Clay Tiles 6.6 D. Jointry Wood Doors & Windows 9.7 E.' TOTAL A. Substructure as above 22.9 B. Superstructure Stabalized Soil Blocks 22.7 C. Roofing Asbestos-Cement 54.3 D. Jointry as above E. TOTAL 22.9 494.64 (69.2;) 74.74 (10.5%) 11.27 (15.6%) 33.81 (4.7%) 714.44 100% 8.1 (Di Stabilized Soil (Sandcrete) SOURCE: 9.7 421.43 (59.5%) 120.05 Building Cost Statistics, Building and Road Research Institute (16.7%) 140.60 (19.6%) 27.08 (1.9%) 718.03 100% 32.3 FOOTNOTES CHAPTER THREE 1. Economic Survey, Central Bureau of Statistics, Accra, 1977, p. 37. CHAPTER FOUR The Present Building Codes and Their Faults The present building codes were enacted during the colonial period, being directly on imported materials and mostly urban biased. reliant Research by the author showed that the latest edition of official housing standards for the city of Kumagi-Ghana were written in time of writing, it has not been possible regulations of housing standards of Ghana. 1932. At this to obtain a copy of However, the here are some of the areas of concern the housing codes cover: a) Town planning laws currently do not allow the use of landcrete, mud blocks or any indigenous materials for house construction in the urban areas. b) Housing plans/designs for approval by the municipal authorities should have legal titles landholding practices particularly Ghana individual needs in to the common permit the lands involved. throughout possession respect of farming, not give absolute rights of ownership in c) Rigid layouts; definite But traditional sub-Saharan Africa of land to satisfy trading or housing but do the western legal sense. sizes of windows, rooms and number of toilets and bathrooms per persons. For instance, a minimum size of a room should not be less than 100 square feet. d) All dwelling units should be designed by practising architects their structural e) and elements certified by practising engineers. Lot sizes and percentage of built-up area/circulation. The cities' bylaws forbid using more than 40 to 60 percent of the lot only for buildings. And efficiency circulation should be around 25 percent of built-up area--straight copy from Architects' Data by Neuffert. space standards of American or European cities in Using external design of developments in this part of the world is the completely unfeasible. f) Specific drainage and sanitary materials, g) Population densities--people per acre or hectare, families per acres or.hectares, or number of dwelling units per acre In high-income areas, the population densities quite often hectare. are too low, mostly foreign. or number of resulting in a fragmented society while in income areas, the low- the population densities are too high providing a situation of overcrowding. h) Zoning leading to unfair location of low-income housing schemes and communal open spaces. Few codes in a danger the world are perfect and in all of both excessive over-rigidity of design, detail hampering innovation, methods. structural The aim of a codes, or good Building regulations safety, flexibility. there is Evasion, curtailment of construction or excessive are some of the by-products. avoid and excessive codifications local therefore, or other costs should be to sound materials and should lay down simple rules guaranteeing sanitation and some essential aesthtic considerations, encouraging a continuing programme of improvements and the regulations in the main should aim to define performance criteria. Since housing programmes have been part of government policy, necessary to particular subject of each proposal or regulation. in determine the world now have appropriate performance standards for it is the Very many countries their own defined minimum standards for room sizes and ventilation in dwellings, as well as for water supply and drainage. standards does not mean that all required level developments will developments immediately should for road building, for school construction, take place in be The acceptance of these that fail to come up to the replaced, nor that all accordance with those standards, new but it does indicate that new construction would have to follow these standards. Standards may be expected to rise broadly as Gross National Product and social expectations rise; consequently standards can never be finite but must be determined in accordance It is essential with prevailing needs and resources. to have some sort of performance scale by which one can and determine the quantity, assess existing provision of facilities, quality and priority for future provision. Changes of experience be regarded standards must be expected from time in and changing circumstances. as too unchangeable, to time as a result Although no standards should would changes frequent be self- defeating. A. Building Materials and Style of Architecture As pointed out earlier, housing standards give building materials unflinching injustice permitted area where the offical the most critical in the urban to the poor is the kind of area. The housing standards have not room for traditional building practices using materials such as mud, thatch or even landcrete. far beyond the means of the poor. But the imported building materials are The poor are, therefore, partly forced to put up any shanty structures for fear of future demolition. situation discourages the poor to invest substantially in of their houses. This the improvement An obvious answer is to cut the cloth to suit the purse, and adopt building standards according to the rents people can affort, fixing rents according bewildering array of to desired standards. low-cost building For public housing, a techniques has developed by the Building and Road Research Institute, (where the author western ones, housing. is an employee) rather than to provide houses been fairly Kumagi-Ghana that cost yet provide better and healthier shelter less than traditional These techniques have taken much of their inspiration from traditional methods, which were often ingenious and cheap ways of using locally available materials to produce shelter suited to the climate and Nevertheless, architecture with local social North African hill villages, family's for terrace cooking, working design also reflects For example, the walled enclose dozens of tiny circular huts. daily or drying grain the indivdual and living patterns and fruits. family Dagomba compounds of Northern Ghana Each adult man has one hut, while shares with her children. between rival wives in polygamous marriages. locates for make one family's roof another This provides privacy within a context of communality, the compound the drawers, The inter-locking cubes of each of his wives has a separate hut which she arguments structure. the requirements of good and functional. for instance, local looking to the west. housing often fulfills being both-beautiful structure. harmony think of "modernization" by Yet, traditional Traditional in these initial efforts are shelved in all the authorities design, than securely in and helps to avoid The structure of a supporting context of collective living. Unfortunately, none of the new low-cost or low-income approaches to housing has tried to preserve the essence of traditional settlements patterns. The indigenous social and cultural validity lost in is the transition of form from the family cluster to the rigid layout. Again, local the use of massive imported building materials hold back any housing decreases materials increases industry based on indigenous the climatic its costs beyond the The change of new house and The poor's mind is what the rich regard as "comfort" use But concrete structures (without air-conditioning) for their houses. thermal during the rainfall. even beyond of performance the range of most people. focused on concrete because that is have an immense labour. problem in addition to leakages in the tropics In the northern sector of Ghana, the heat gain is the capacity of air-conditioning, which is, in any case, an extra expense for the rich. B. Research Of equal importance, the official housing standard's emphasis on imported materials makes research on traditional virtually useless, building materials for any result has limited or not effect on the status quo of existing by-laws and on the housing policy of the country--if there is C. any consistent and comprehensive one at all! Upgrading, Site-and-Services The present the failures official housing standards or site-and-services basic contributed of upgrading and site-and-services standards force the poor to create or live in materials. have programme Furthermore, degrading, programmes. to These slums because any upgrading involves almost entirely costly imported upgrading of a bare minority will not change the inequities of the involves clearance partly of some of system. the houses Upgrading quite and relocation often, too, of some of the people. houses. New houses imply substitution of expensive houses for cheap No wonder that the poor see upgrading as an attempt to curb the social unrest without the government making any effort to restructure the economic pattern of the society which is and the essential cause of poverty homelessness. The official segregation to location of site-and-services the detriment of the poor. also The leads to dwelling site-and-service programmes are quite often located far away from the city centres where land price is sufficiently low so that the user can succeed in covering its payments. But the officials forget that nothing is more important to a slum-dweller site than the location of his house. His first from which gainful employment can be obtained. It priority is is, a therefore, not surprising that many rehoused slum-dwellers leave their new sites and return to their original place of squatting solely to be nearer to the work place. And those who stay behind, too, continue to putting up shanty structures. Yes, they cannot afford the materials specified by the building codes. Those who build according bankrupt after completion of their houses, to specifications finding it also go impossible to pay back their loans. D. Architects The most questionable part of Ghana its compulsory requirement of all designed by registered architects. a conspiracy official dwelling units in To me, housing standards the urban areas to be this part of the standards to rob the poor of decent housing, is since is professional consulting fees for even a two-bedroom house may be more than the annual income of most of the poor. At the same time, statistics show that on only 4% of the world-scale, professionally stock were the housing designed!l (like myself) Architects have unfortunately been arrogant when it It is they, what who decide how much space people need, standards of services and the advanced countries this assumption is In and tower blocks. layout is what required, located. Even dangerous and wrong, stuck in in misery, and estates the Third World the architect is a member of the conception of the living patterns and can have westernized elite of the masses. are utilities there are millions of people paying for it little People's participation in planning of settlements is the design of houses and the to their these are to correspond essential if for I sincerely believe that houses that truly enrich the lives of needs, people who live in for them know best. what room are needed and where they should be community facilities in who employ authorities assumed that not the people who will live with the results for the rest of their lives, best, the municipal and is it But with the masses, his every whim will be humoured. the architects footing the bill, If a wealthy client is comes to dealing with the poor. them according them must be designed with these people and not simply to pre-determined, the opposite which has been happening universal in Ghana in principles. all But it is site-and-services programmes. In Richard his recent study of a squatter settlement Martin showed how indigenous rural clustering, settlements and communal than those organization officially bureaucracies applying alien methods. 2 methods of are adding laid in Lusaka, building, up to more out and run by Zambia, social successful government Housing Standards: a) Should there be any at all? Quality In Ghana, like persistently call many developing countries, for some official housing good quality and acceptable view, level of environmental these conditions. In this class and the who have particular view about the build environment. fixed official standards make the actual for to some technical codes the values and preferences of the 'bourgeois' educated elite officials standards as a leverage houses should be constructed according reflecting housing But situation progressively less tolerable for the poor majority as pointed out earlier on in the discussion. To me, quality can only be seen from the angle of what the users recognize as their needs. characterized Unfortunately, acceptance of their situation of "poverty", by the their inability to go beyond and political socially which is their perception of needs is the narrow regimes impose. acceptable limits Moreover, that there is and by the ruling economic an average level of satisfaction for every need at any given moment, defined by the level of development reached by the society. of quality but not by any arbitrary this must govern the borrowed technical standards which are irrelevant and inappropriate. b) analysis And International Level On the international countries call level, some housing experts on the developing for no housing standards for various reasons; which have been mentioned earlier on in the discussion. these groups are John F. C. Turner and his followers. this proposition is based on the work of Turner. some of Radicals amongst My critique on He has this to say; "The house can be seen from its morphological aspect as a mass relations object; or it can be considered as a system of reltions: (the people who and inhabitants artefacts) between building (the physical be evaluated it will thing, physical seen as is use them). If the house But if the house is seen in terms of the by material standards. relations between people and objects, both of which are changing, then it will be measured in terms of the correspondence between the habitat and the inhabitat absolute values based on the characteristic of the object, lack in themselves, any meaning, and are useless for the practical that men pursue...." "The process of inhabiting the house is a system of relations, but this system is not limited to those relations that are established It goes much further than this, between the individual and the object. for it articulates with itself the entire social process of its product on, and it is this process that not only defines the types of housing and the form of occupying it, but which also creates the need for it, and the needs bound up with its exchange. It is also closely tied to the functioning of society in general,through its consumers." 3 tied to The underlined phrases point to the fact that housing is norms. some cultural And for Turner and his followers to turn around proclaim that there should be no standard is should be allowed that people to deprive It a contradiction. themselves of their heritage or should be encouraged to destroy their cultural Housing standards are not by themselves bad. and relevance in the a particular condition in of contention. bone It needs to implies cultural heritage. It is their appropriateness a particular period which is to be pointed out that the only standards with relevance in housing programmes are those which have their basic expression in meanings at all human values, standards has no matter how precarious the and that the concept of levels of housing quality, situation is. There should be some standards; propagated by the 'bourgeois' not the blindly-copied official one and the educated elite publicity, butthe one I call Cultural Housing Standards tieing al the cross-sections of the people as a whole community with one destiny. quality simply because we deal in quantity. We need The traditional not abandon building practices should be well-studied and improved upon to form the body of a new official housing standards. It is by doing this that the products of reflect positively housing process will the economic, social, cultural and political interest of the community. Turner Again, and experience) his (drawing followers viewed as a "problem", lessons mainly from that advocate but as a "solution". his Latin American should not be shanty-towns Squatter settlements, but evolving are not "rings of misery" or "creeping cancers", emphasise, The residents of old inner city areas of communities. they the United States and Europe have reached the social bottom in what have been called "slums The new urban migrants of the Third World are, of despair". struggling to better their conditions, They live in "slums of hope". "housing in and often moving socially upwards. Third World shanties argues Turner (in By People) represent not housing book Housing by contrast, the process of improvement", in deterioration, his but and that housing policies should aim at helping the process. I differ a bit from Turner and followers who believe that squatter settlements are a "solution" to the housing problem of the low-income groups. In fact, the philosophy is overly romanticised. poor move into squatter areas because of the advantage lost in of which are Ghanaian once A critical settlements shows that most of a better housing in the rural areas. squatter lived in "legalised" housing. the Actually, the of doing so...Some look into the squatter dwellers Where then lies "housing in the process of improvement"? My own lessons from some West African countries as a result of housing studies do not conform to conventional process of improvement". In Ghana, belief of "housing in the those "shanty" towns which are more than fifty years old, recent origin while there is no difference in (Abidjan) and Nigeria (Lagos is Cuevas in the conventional La Victoria and Nueva Habana Lima, settlements squatter to selected defended with reference the cases of Ivory Coast Yet, and Ibadan). from those of more standards do differ in physical in Santiago, picture such as George in Lusaka or Mathare Valley Colony in Nairobi. However, the question is then, whether these settlements are the same as those which I have in mind. Even then in such instance, a number the inhabitants in their respective settlements bring about progressive improvements in their respective of issues can be raised. Can all At conditions of accommodation? settlements in Mexico by Ward (1978),4 considerable differentiation in take place, least from it is the analysis of three evident that there remains a the extent to which such improvements and some living quarters remain at an elementary level. This suggests that the proposition concerning "progressive improvements" not sufficiently is supported by empirical evidence to substantiate its general applicability. Again, the shanty towns, according conform to the needs and priorities Turner, in his many writings, households living in Agreed partially! very different However, set of it criteria has with emphasis proposed that only the are competent to judge their and arrange accommodation accordingly. must be noted to evaluate are comparatively more well-to-do. that the residents apply a "good housing" because As a matter of fact, shanty dwellers are like a man in a miserable hovel. he needs, belief, of the households accommodation. the shanty towns respective needs and priorities to the conventional he will not speak of an inside toilet 61. some the very poor If you ask him what or.running water. He may ask for a new paraffin lamp. accustomed to very little Usually, it does not occur to a man who is that he is According to my judgement, worth more or can have more. the conditions of accommodation under which I found some households cannot be considered as adequate. that households were required to adapt to the shortfalls discomfort, by deviating from the cultural I found by enduring norms regulating the use of and accommodation and by exposing the household members to ill-health hazards. c) The Ghanaian Situation In Ghana and in Africa as a whole, people are tied to their native some squatters have As a result towns and villages--places of birth. even built decent their native villages and towns where to one day. hope to retire It is houses in partly because 5 they Why not places of their sources of income? of the incumbent official housing standards on the urban poor coupled with the constant threat of demolition of dwelling to the building codes and specifications of the city units not built councils. But when two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. clash between the official housing practices gives birth to unidentified standards and cultural A housing lower grade of housing. The current housing standards have no room for traditional building practices using materials such as mud, thatch or even landcrete. Any housing scheme using traditional building practices would not be approved by the municipal authorities or would be demolished a major factor in the high cost of housing content of building materials which the cities' allow. Yet, is if the constructed. But very high import building regulations these imported materials are far beyond the means of the The poor are, therefore, poor. for fear of future is, demolition. This discourages the poor to invest the improvement of their houses. substantially in It forced to put up any rickety structures therefore, of the present the application and relevance housing standards that contribute one way or the other to the official homelessness of the urban poor but not any standards per se. The basic difference between squatter structures and those of the neighbourhood is old traditional of the squatter settlements those identity, with cultural structures are well-spaced neighbourhoods' While the old physical appearance. look crowded with no specific identity. Besides the constant fear of demolition of structures by the city council authorities, the speculative to the cities. It home builders in They buy plots of squatter areas must also be planned. shanty structures and sell private land, the Ghanaian situation, does not refer to illegal spontaneous occupation of the land. to their plots of land, of the structures have legal titles administration. concepts, of "illegal" Communal materials in one who occupies land without a legal title African cities squatter The owners only the the domain of the city land laws continue to exist alongside new and often in conflict with them. traditional build them at exorbitant prices to the new migrants must be noted that in structures are built the like Ibadan in If a squatter is to it, defined as then large parts of Nigeria or Kumagi in Ghana would have to be called squatter settlements. Yet some respected organisations reality of the various (1976, p. quite squatter settlements. 28) World Housing Survey, 1974, often mix up the problem in The United Nations report documents the following: "Current statistics show that squatter settlemnts already constitute 61 percent of Accra, 90 percent of Addis Ababa, 50 percent of Monrovia..." Such general applicability prescription to 33 percent of Nairobi and Mixing the wolves and the sheep together? is like a renowned physician giving the best a patient whose laboratory examination is faulty. prescription does not cure the illness but rather worsens it or compounds by the side-effects of the best medication for the patient's ill-fate wrong diagnosis. The And until that each particular situation is microscopically viewed on its own merit, any general solutions to them en mass will be a flop. FOOTNOTES CHAPTER FOUR 1. Benjamin Forgery, "Cityscape: the World's Housing Problems," Ethics, Not Design-Architects Debate (The Washington Post, April 9, 1983). 2. R. Martin, "The Art and Architecture Architectural Design (October, 1974). 3. John F. C. Turner and R. Fichter: MacMillan, 1973). 4. Peter M. Ward, 1978: "Self-Help Housing in Mexico City: Social and Economic Determinants of Success," Town Planning Review, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 38-50. 5. K. Addae Appau, Squatter Settlement: Creation? (1979) of Underdevelopment," "Freedom in to Build," (New York, Does Poverty Dominate its CHAPTER FIVE Abolition of the Housing Standard to a Cultural Housing Standard Emphasising Indigenous Materials. feel Many housing experts in the developing countries for various reasons that housing standards imposed on the urban poor countries are so high and inappropriate the developing the economic plight the various governments Furthermore, of the urban low-income groups. cannot cater for all considering in the housing needs of the people because of scarcity of resources to meet the ever-increasing housing demands. The housing experts, therefore, call for No Standards at least, enable the underprivileged urban groups to put up affordable within their means. cases, It the cumbersome advanced is really logical and sensible since, standards have been borrowed countries with different climate, level intoto to shelters in most from the of civilization, economic and cultural backgrounds. However, it on the economic, must be emphasized that housing, social, in any society reflects cultural and political- context of the society. The housing products follow some kind of standards which have their basic expression in meanings at all simply with values, level in and that the levels of housing quality. because we deal the society human in quantity. of development of Quality standards has We need not abandon quality bears direct relationship traditional building practices of the question. Any standard per se is not bad. The traditional ought to be studied very well and documented practical concept of housing standards, which would building practices to serve as a base for any be a desirable form of governmental intervention for the following reasons: 1) construction methods renders The complexity of conventional that unlikely the prospective knowledge technical to make informal about decision the Cultural building codes will, structural integrity of the unit. therefore, have sufficient home buyer will an it serve as a substitute for complete knowledge on the part of the-consumer by ensuring that at least a minimum level of quality is into the unit. built In there would be little lieu of that, incentive for builders to incorporate more than a minimal degree of structural integrity in consumers their products because as it to accept forced by circumstances are is rickety now, most structures since both the producers and the home buyers want to avoid the current codes. 2) The second market imperfection government intervention relates home buyers would only of the considering features damage the effect-of But in are all clearly codes will, therefore, investment decision by considered in to in the need their for For instance, safety features, own thinking properties without fires or collapsing walls on surrounding the old traditional seen an environment-well-spaced 3) to externalities. tend to underinvest potential properties. which suggests as neighbourhoods, intergral structures, etc. part of The cultural the safety built building have the effect of readjusting this parochial requiring that potential external costs be deciding how much safety be built into the units. Cultural housing standards will offer the self-builder relative ranges of construction costs in addition to cultural living environment. low identity of his 4) mud and other Furthermore, traditional building materials can make an important contribution to the pressing housing problems of the developing countries in general and Ghana in particular, giving the following reason: a) easy and wide availability; b) low cost; c) suitability for labour intensive construction techniques; d) construction techniques using traditional building materials are simple, so no sophisticated equipment or expertise is required; e) people are alreadyfamiliar with these techniques and materials; f) they can be handled by local people and thus are able to selfhelp housing construction; g) materials like mud are climatically suited to the needs of Ghanaians; h) they require less energy in manufacture than modern building materials such as cement; i) when well used, they are aesthetically pleasing, and assert cultural identity; j) they can release scarce modern building materials for other important development projects; k) their use reduces the demand for foreign exchange. Although both the traditional and imported materials have their advantages to treat and disadvantages, them any soil/cement Technology, in further. his book it is beyond the scope of this discussion However, "Paper 1980", merit comment. Wiltold Rybezynski's Heroes: He writes: A Review of views on Appropriate "It is argued that earth construction is advantageous because it makes use of a local material and the production process is laborintensive, and hence it is considerably cheaper than other building However, materials, even with the addition of a small amount of cement. a consideration of over-all benefits does not support the view that earth construction will ALWAYS be cheaper. Two United Nations experts made a study of earth building in As expected, soil/cement blocks were about 50 percent cheaper Trinidad. than conventional concrete blocks. However, when the cost of a complete house was calculated, the use of soil/cement became more expensive than concrete blocks. Soil/cement blocks are considerably heavier than the hollow concrete blocks and, being more porous, also requires more mortar. It took almost twice as long to build a house using soil/cement blocks, thus offsetting the advantages of lower material cost. The final house in soil/cement blocks was about 50 percent more expensive than the concrete-block house. In addition, in the climate of Trinidad, while concrete blocks could be expected to have a life of 50 to one hundred years, soil/cement blocks showed signs of deterioration after only two. Clearly, in the context of Trinidad, the benefits of the concrete block outweighed its initial higher cost. My point, once again, is not that soil/cement is not useful, but only that "usefulness" must be measured by a consideration of overall benefits, not by some narrow measure of "oappropriateness". There are many situations where earth is an extremely beneficial building material, particularly when it is stabilized with a small quantity of cement and especially in rural areas where conventional cement blocks are not available and where the use of adobe or earth bricks is already a well-established building technique." I differ with many of the interpretations Trinidad, because of my personal housing-cost in First, of the research in experience in similar comparative Ghana. all the previous itemised advantages of the usage of mud favour soil/cement blocks rather than concrete blocks with the exception of the overall cost which is the bone of contention now. blocks being 50 percent cheaper is The soil/cement true because soil/cement blocks can be made perfectly with a cement-soil ratio of as low as 1:30 as compared with the conventional production. 2 In the mix used in This shows that the quantity of cement is case of a complete soil/cement blocks is Given 1:6 (cement-sand) equal house, more expensive conditions for I question concrete blocks relatively small. whether the use of than hollow concrete blocks. the construction of two one-story dwellings soil/cement blocks of and hollow blocks, concrete difference between the costs of the two foundations is the almost negligeble, regardless of the relative heaviness of the soil/cement blocks. The fact that soil/cement blocks, being more porous and needing more mortar is I guess Rybozynski Here, questionable. as a protection against rain or moisture. achieve the desired results if for plastering means more mortar No amount of cement mortar can the proper technique is not used. If the This point is proper technique is applied, it does not need much mortar. discussed more fully below. Secondly, the double of soil/cement block is blocks, time it took for the construction of the house doubtful! Given equal sizes of hollow concrete soil/cement blocks and competent masons, soil/cement blocks are faster to lay because in laying hollow concrete blocks, much more care is needed to avoid drops of mortar falling into the voids of the blocks to defeat the purpose of insulation--preventing into enclosed spaces. Therefore, concrete hollow blocks take much more masonry with higher for much more skilled time and even call cost--man per hour. In addition, electric wiring particularly, easily heat transmission when it comes to plumbing works and is Thirdly, blocks showed if in harder and needs concrete hollow block is much more care and time for chiselling or drilling upon whether it labour cavities depending conduit or surface wiring. the climate of Trinidad (being tropical), signs of deterioration after two years, it was soil/cement due to the lack of construction techniques but not the mere material usage per se. Plastering poses a major problem treatment. Conventional in mud wall (or cement/sand plaster soil/cement wall) has always failed when applied to a mud or soil/cement wall as a protection against rain. This is so because different under temperature variation, the two materials move 0.000004.3 at different While unstabilised mortar makes a very good bond with mud walls, off. tends to absorp water easily. rainfall, it is However, of and the cement mortar peels and the bound between them is broken, rates, co-efficient that of cement eing 0.000012 while that of mud is expansion, Hence mud and cement mortar have it The surface swells up and under driving washed away. thorough practice and study have proved that very weak sand/cement mortar 1:12 mix gives a better adhesion to the mud fabric. Also, bitumen stabilised soil rendering of mixes varying between 1:10 for external walls to 1:16 for internal walls have been found to be adequate. Moreover, (20 mm) eaves plaster thickness of 1/2 (12 mm) for external walls with a two-coat are adequate to withstand hollow block house: (Concrete for internal surface and 3/4" line wash coupled with ample weathering effects on the walls. 1/2" thickness of mortar--cement/sand--l:6 and external walls. mortar-cement/soil--1:12 for internal Soil/cement house: 1/2" thickness of for external walls and 3/4" thickness of mortar, 1:16 for internal walls). Even though the external walls of a soil thickness more of mortar, for soil/cement houses is by comparing cement house take a 1/4" the cement components, less than half the cost of the concrete house unless the same mortar composition for concrete houses is used for soil/cement houses, did. It must, however, imported material the mortar which I believe is incorrectly what the U.N. experts be noted that the size of the cost of the foreign component is the critical issue to the poor developing countries. So far one can see that the "narrow measure of appropriate" Witold talks of, applies in back in 1966 his own case. How can one project in an area as far applicable be generally circumstances? to all Even then, the techniques used could be faulty, I am convinced. Furthermore, be "extremely conventional Rybozynski points out that soil/cement blocks can only in especially beneficial", the rural where areas cement blocks are not available, and where earth bricks are The fact building technique. already a well-established is that there are rural poor as well as urban poor who are deprived of adequate housing partly by official housing regulations which have no room for soil/cement blocks as a decent availability, material If in rural or urban. is not a matter of It is a question of affordability of any question. I am correct, Rybozynski seems to be convinced that earth bricks are already well-established countries, It building material. in the rural areas. But in the developing most of the old original neighbourhoods were built with earth construction techniques, which proves that the techniques were better is only in the course of time that people have been forced by circumstances to shift today earth bricks construction is a well- known and better established in the bigger settlements. to foreign materials. established technique in authorities would find it borrowed regulations If the rural areas, it is It due to the fact that the almost practically impossible to enforce their on the rural communities. RECOMMENDATIONS The present Ghana official housing standards must be overhauled, but a research programme should be undertaken first including the following steps: a) Due consideration must be given to the study of traditional building practices, and the following need much attention: i) dampness drawn up into earthed walls; ii) termites attack on the foot of earth walls foundations leading to wall collapsing; iii) beaten laterite floor treatment to stand wear and tear, and less frequent treatment; iv) foundation erosion from the rains; v) types of wall plastering materials such as cow dung, cotton seed tar, etc.; vi) termites attack on wooden posts placed in the ground, and wodden frames for doors and windowns; vii) lime as a stabilising agent; and viii) roofing materials like thatch and mud. b) Research on traditional building practices should be intensified; and the following should be critically examined: i) good cross-ventilation while still maintaining excellent heat insulation; ii) utilisation of space. More saving in amenities. housing costs can be made by economising on space and Reducing space standards can help considerably in cities and water brings public Sharing toilets with high land costs. housing within reach of a much greater proportion services, individual in and this, in any case, than housing with has a value of its own preventing isolation and developing community contacts. Further savings can be made by providing multi-family dwellings with shared outer walls, foundations, ro fs and staircases, rather than freestanding individuals. iii) household patterns; iv) craftmanship; v) techniques. built with traditional c) leading to price range of houses labour-materials cost ratio, The various land device common customarily tenure systems should be carefully studies for a to regularize the deal technically tenure system or make the legal without any bureaucratic cost with the Lands Department to like the registration of land titles the disadvantage of the poor. d) The research must reflect (i) on the two geographical areas of Ghana; the humid tropical belt of belt the relationships north of the south and (ii) since the two climates to the types of traditional the dry Saharian have different building practices in the country. e) These research results will then be the cornerstone of a new set of Housing Standards--The should have following its Cultural Standards. appropriate regulations for local needs, the should be considered as the basic guidelines for the cultural housing standards: 1. Although each region Application and Registration. land tenure system. a) Room should be given to the traditional 2. Design Standards a) Any professional in industry the construction provided the designs presented for approval its address of the professional involved in could design include the name and preparation. b) The whole design from housing to communal buildings and layout should be based on traditional concepts (where practicable). c) Encourage the use of local building materials to the maximum. d) should be planned and sited so that they are suitably Buildings into integrated to relationship each other in ensure adequate will placement the surrounding environment; terms bulk and of for daylight they have occupants form; and proper their provide adequate privacy for users. e) Courtyards should be encouraged since they will cast shadow which will let them become livable spaces for human beings and plants. f) Although sunlight is buildings areas, tropical in particularly undesirable in improved health. bedrooms it during most of the year inside is necessary in some spaces where the eastern sunlight contributes Adequate sunlight is to also healthy and necessry for internal courtyards and service backyards. i) Internal areas if courtyards should not be less they are to provide than 12 light for rooms. square meters in The minimum width of courtyards in this case should be 3 meters and the maximum height of the building should not be more than 3 times the minimum width (9 meters). ii) To get rid off undesirable sunlight, external protected by roof overhangs or vegetations. walls should be Roofs should be well- ventilated to drive away trapped pockets of hot air. g) h) Privacy: prevent mandatory. The design of buildings should be carried out the possibility of overlooking between external windows other living, to to sleeping or service quarters of the building. 1) The house entrance expose the internal i) is The requirement for cross-ventilation itself should be designed in the doorway is part of the space if a way not to open. More than one entrance for each dwelling should be encouraged, main entrance and back or service entrance. 3 Utilities Services a) Rainwater drainage: drainage facilities. dwelling units should have adequate all No drainage should be permitted through adjacent properties. b) Orienting the urban to man environment than rather the automobile. i) A complete networks. separation between pedestrian and vehicular traffic Where practicable, vehicles should not be permitted to enter neighbourhoods such as in the gridiron system. c) The quantity, location, design and management of usable public or command open space and any related facilities must be designed with regard to: i) the overall housing density, ii) the social character of the A permanent locality. commission to administer the new code should be set up to hold hearings and revise and review the recommendations, areas. the regulations in the light of the experience of the country and of other tropical f) the presnt some of Immediate action be taken to revise regulations and by-laws which hold up progress and increases costs, since new regulations take a long time to formulate. regulations will also take some time, changes, however, and replaced by rules ensuring points: some of the most important particular those The restrictions could be removed that housing the functional and the technical. also assure good aesthetic. in forthwith, can be introduced concerning compacted earth walls. Revision of the present adequate is from these Note that this would these characteristics depend After all, less on the materials used than on the plans and the care with which they are carried out. g) If the creation of a permanent commission to deal with the revision of the present regulations and by-laws plus Housing Standards will bring financial increase the already over-burden tasks. proposed Cultural burden to the government or government Building and Road Research Institute in over the task since the institute the bureaucracy, the Kumagi can be asked to take was purposely set up for such CHAPTER FIVE 1. "Interim Report on Some Aspects of Low Cost Houses Built in Trinidad and Tobago," unpublished report of the United Nations Technical Assistance Program to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, by Alvaro Ortega and P. Selvanayagam, October, 1966. 2. K.AddaeAppau,Bricks and Brickworks: The Case of Ghana, Bouwcentrum International Education, Rotterdam, December 1980. 3. "The Potentialities of Local Building Materials in Report No. 754: Mass-Housing in Ghana," K. Addae Appau, 35th 1CHP. Jan./June 1980, Rotterdam, Holland, p. 40. IMPLEMENTATION Before the Cultural Housing Standard is Ghana could easily promulgate a decree to effect its for however, impossible, it, sanction legislatively a it must be The present military government of instrument. backed by a legislative implemented, democratic although it legality. government civilian could It is not take time some to for parliamentary procedures. After the Cultural Housing Standards have been legalised by the central government, the new regulations will definitely take a long time since they must wait for study experience to formulate, local methods and materials adequate in performance. then, some regulations. in important changes can be Some of the most important before However, introduced in local materials the are present prohibited urban areas under existing regulations and often prohibitions less on the materials used than on the case and skill is to prove the carried out. Sound construction, for instance, depend with which the work can take place with compacted earth or swish and the.restrictions against the use of these materials should be removed. More emphasis should be placed upon inspection and approved of the methods by which the material is Rules and regulations should vary between one region and another as would standards for the large city and small, the city and the rural area. Engineers' and Contractors' applied. In the city and the suburb, revising building codes, the Civil Associations should be consulted and heard in addition to other experts of housing. There are a number of building materials that can be made locally and an effort to introduce them with government aid would probably yield beneficial results. Small industries and workshops producing and selling local building materials and prefabricated building components should be Materials that lend themselves to such local encouraged and helped. manufacturers' are: wood components, matting, etc. (a) baked clay products, e.g. bricks and tiles; e.g., doors, windows, Baked products light framing, such as undertaken in strategic areas by handicraft, be to required brickmaking launch the a small-scale is bricks In individualized surrounding rural and urban areas. shingles, bamboo and tiles so that little enterprises. (b) Turkey, enterprise could be capital would for example, serving the Small-scale localized operations should be encouraged experimentally with government aid whenever clay and scrap timber for fuel are available. experience is, Training indicates. therefore, Operations should be widened as instructors, however, are essential. It recommended that a general policy be evolved promoting such small-scale workshops throughout the country instead of a large centralized operation in say Accra, the national capital. Some prefabricated wooden components can also be manufactured in factories located in the forest areas or by local artisans. Road Research Institute Here too, should then study these standard components. less risk would be involved in than area involved in larger undertakings. types can be manufactured--not seasoned lumber in Building and setting up smaller factories Roofing materials of various only clay tiles abundance in the country's products such as grass and reed-matting but shingles from better forests. for ceilings Other local and bamboo-matting for verandahs and fences and screens can also be undertaken. During the period of the formulation of the new regulations, demonstration houses should be built throughout some the country especialy in the rural areas where the majority of the population live to prove to them that their cultural heritage if cherished with proper care, will be of a better help to them than what they may imagine. After the formulation of the new regulations, housing (where projects practicable) must be governmental then all based them on indicator to the public the seriousness of the government's and further, to remove from people's minds as an intentions the present public bad image for traditional building practices. might consider prospective home builders Financial institutions using the Cultural Housing Standards for home mortgages could be backed by the central government since in if the mortgages most cases the rural and the urban poor do not have the necessary collateral. attract prospective home builders, the various interest financial on mortgages, government. privileged Here, In order to the central government should require institutions to charge lower fixed rates of the difference being subsidized by the central strict scrutiny is necessary to avoid the already taking undue advantage of the system to the detriment of the under-privileged. Individual that the liberty harmony. liberty is to be prized highly but only to the extent of individuals does not consist of inhibiting social People may do as they like, but only so long as doing so does not prevent others also from doing as they like. national reconciliation on this issue, So in order to foster those who think they can afford the high standards of the present regulations should be allowed to build with them, housing for any abrupt abolition of the present official resentments standards may create some social and political from the privileged class who regard their built-environment as a significant reflection on their social strata in With the Cultural the society. Housing Standards, the government then could provide additional help to the marginal urban masses by going into siteand-services programmes. It will cost less if land deals with the traditional owners, standards, some the government negotiates and, with reasonable housing international agencies may be sympathetic to come to the aid of the government to help tackle the acute housing problem. with already it serviced plots, Also, the urban low-income groups will then find financially bearable to embark upon self-built shelters using the new standards. Even with legal titles to their pieces of beneficiaries may win the confidence of the local for housing mortgages. land, financial some of the institutions Possible Problems with the Proposed Cultural Housing Standards No doubt the Cultural Housing Standard may face stiff groups. They may see it as a concerned. Greater support may mainly from the rich and the middle-income regressive approach as far as housing is come from the rural community and especially not policy makers. opposition, but they are the urban poor, Even then, some of the urban poor may be easily corrupted into believing that the Cultural Housing Standard's proposal is another "social optical upliftment" in Yet, I believe priorities the government is illusion housing. that effort find can only their using to suppress to achieve a redirection of national support if it begins local by mobilizing communities on the basis of their right to self-determination. They constitute the only potential pressure groups which can be mobilised immediately, immediate and and they probably can only be mobilised on the grounds the position the Cultural local benefit, of Housing Standard assumes. However, there will implementation and its standards at the still be major problems in interpretation, reconciliation with the present official initial stages. as city building inspectors, Admittedly, will practices from the beginning. find it building housing technicians very difficult such to detect bad Huge sums of money may have to be sunk into workshops for orientation courses for the short-run, but in the long-run the multiplied effects of benefits may be worth the initial costs. Last but not practicable at all least, in the Cultural Housing Standards some urban areas where land is may not be very scarce, and terms of tower blocks) are high densities (in urban land-use. the best way of optimising Hence, my earlier suggestion that rules and regulations should vary between one region and another as would standards for the large city and the small, area. the city and the suburb, This proposal is not an end in itself. It is a means to minimise the importation of materials for housing because exchange in Ghana. especially the It urban indigenous resources. gives greater poor, latitude the city and the rural of scarcity of foreign to the for- decent affordable low-income groups, housing by maximising CONCLUSION drawn by the cities' promise the rural areas by poverty, driven from the urban poor were first In most Third World countries, of wealth where average incomes were two or three times higher than rural areas. western and cities, these enclaves of privilege, modelled on built colonial powers first established high rates of pay government bureaucrats and managers who inhabited them. sector. for the higher Independence who ran the new The westernized elites brought no change of approach. their main ambition the extension of the governments had as The modern They concentrated on modern capital-intensive industry, which cost a great deal and therefore could provide few jobs. In the housing sphere, they built housing to excessive western standards, which only a small minority could afford. there and was materials. there is misplaced still fascination the country's economy can no a dual city--an island of wealth Outside the bright, surrounded by a belt of misery. of skyscrapers, flyovers and desirable residences, disease and neglect, rusted corrugated in iron roofing health centres, Nevertheless, and in most cases, longer bear the pressure. Almost every Third World city is sewers, with "modern" But these materials are imported and they exert strenuous constraint on the country's foreign exchange position; squalor, Not only that, schools, shining modern city the poor are camped in shacks and huts of plywood, sheets, cardboard, and usually without clean water, paved roads or paying jobs. housing planners are insensitive to the problems caused by continuing is standards practices. to inappropriate one the of building most costly aspects from standards borrowing of other countries' The haphazard periods. the colonial and adherence codes of building code The code becomes too costly to comply with or too impractical to follow; violations are inevitable and soon the code either becomes meaningless to majority of the poor or it limits building progress. Yet, that local governments enforce the codes the housing planners insist in send their building inspectors to turn, vigorously. City governments, the field. Some of them either face humiliation or accept bribes in attonement for home builders breaking any minor building code. The proof of burden, therefore, falls on the poor who cannot pay bribes. A vicious circle operates: building practices give much attention because housing planners dismiss traditional they are "inferior". to improving And researchers do not them because housing planners are not interested. because most Government house-building programmes are a failure urban poor cannot afford even the cheapest house. the urban poor, therefore, Housing programmes for end up supplying houses for middle-income groups--the open secret of the housing policy of Ghana. squatter upgrading and site-and-services prospect for the poor. Self-help, schemes seem to offer But the current housing the best standards make such schemes go beyond the means of the poor. Building regulations exist in all a guarantee to society They are essential, that certain minimum standards even under unfavourable conditions. date techniques and routine, by hampering countries. But, as will be observed when they are based on out-of- they often conflict with the public interest the efforts of innovators and by stultifying progress. They must not be Their function is to define, not means, but ends. fixed, but must be subject to amendment and review, rapidly developing case of cheap dwellings in especially in tropical the possible to do a great deal to improve the quality of life for is marginal urban masses, even in their present many people they can house to uniform high standards, lack of resources, be provided for all a basic level of housing, but how, given the can services and utilities the urban poor or at least greater part of them three possible approaches. There are within a short space of time. state of poverty. The problem is not to see how Governments have limited -resources yet. First, where badly lacking. information on economic needs and scientific data is It countries, the the cost of new housing and services can be cut drastically reducing standards afford; hence, to a realistic level that governments and people can my call for the Cultural Housing Standards. The second is to accept and legalise existing "squatter" (depending upon its settlements and to make tenure (where does not exist) and it them more habitable, schools and health centres privileged by nature) by giving residents secure laying out the roads, water, light, to which they have as much right as the inhabitants of the modern city. The third approach--necessary for new migrants and people rehoused from those shanty towns that are incapable of rehabilitation--is to provide a small, ready-serviced plots of land and leave new squatters to build their own houses without much compliance ensured to the rigid that builders structural that all integrity in official housing standards incorporate their products. more It than must, a minimal however, the three approaches are complementary, best when the people are mobilized to participate although it must be degree of be emphasised and they can succeed in improving their own environment. and the building regulations must be Every day brings new knowledge, to enable enough elastic that knowledge use. to be put to practical the aim of building regulations should be to lay down a certain Hence, number of simple rules guaranteeing regularly reviewed in the quality of housing. the light of progress, should be compulsory for should be given but performance criteria preference builders in general, These rules, to research organizations, qualified architects and civil engineers, who can produce the same quality by methods different from those specified in This exception would be applied in the regulations. Building and Road Research Institute, be to study and try out new since their precise function should methods covered by the new regulations of Ghana, should provide make more methods test use. in to do so on the advice should be allowed the B.R.R.I. construct prototype houses using Cultural areas to of Building and Road Research the control The government and engineers desiring to use methods not Qualified architects and civil and under to the particular accurate behavior and life of materials, Institute (B.R.R.I.). with money enough to Housing Standards costing studies, for various determine the the practicality and efficiency of design and structure against the elements and the guiding of prospective owners as to the type of houses best suited to their needs. 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