Using the Potential of Solar Thermal Systems to save Electricity Werner Weiss AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) A-8200 Gleisdorf, Feldgasse 19 AUSTRIA South Africas Electricity Production 2006 vs 2007 week-on-week Net Energy Sent Out Source: Reserve Margin – Electricity Production Source: What about Using the Solar Resource? Annual global irradiation [kWh/m [kWh/m²]] Source: Meteonorm Achievements - 2009 B Total Capacity in Operation [GWel ], [GWth] and Produced Energy [TWhel], [TWhth], 2008 340.0 350 325 Total capacity in operation [GW] 2009 300 heat power 275 P d Produced d Energy E [TWh] 2009 250 225 200 189.0 175 150 158.0 137.0 125 100 83.0 75 50 25 0 11.0 Solar S l Thermal Th l Heat Wi d Power Wind P Geothermal G th l Power 23.0 24.0 Ph t Photovoltaic lt i 0.7 1.8 0.5 0.7 Solar S l Thermal Th l Power Ocean Tidal O Tid l Power Distribution of Collectors Unglazed Collector 12.4% Air collector 0.8% -4.5% +4.5% Evacuated tube 54 2% 54.2% Flat-plate Flat plate 32.6% 0% Solar Heat Worldwide - 2008 Installed Capacity [MWth] 15,000 12,000 10,500 glazed evacuated tube 80,32 9.7 13,500 unglazed 9,000 7,500 6,000 4,500 3,000 1,500 0 China United St t States Germany Turkey Australia Japan Brazil Austria Greece Israel Installations by Economic Region 2008 Flat--plate and Evacuated Collectors Flat Central C t l + South S th America A i 1.7% Europe 14.5% China 78.9% Others 6.1% Asia 1.7% Middle East 0.8% Australia + New Zealand 0.8% United States + Canada 0.6% Japan 0.5% Africa 0.3% Annually installed capacity of flat-plate and evacuated tube collectors Installed capacity p y [[kWth/a/1,000 , inh.]] 18.0 17.0 16.0 15 0 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11 0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 00 0.0 Middle East Australia + New Zealand Central and South America Japan Asia 2000 2001 2002 China Europe Africa United States+Canada 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Distribution of different solar thermal systems by economic region Thermosiphon Systems Pumpe 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% United States Europe Australia Japan Brazil China Distribution by Application World’s Top 8 Countries / Related to newly installed capacity in 2008 Source: Weiss, W., Mauthner, F.: Solar Heat Worldwide, IEA SHC 2010 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 4,,111.6 5,000 2,709.0 2,641.0 2,443.3 2,338.2 1 ,907.4 1,771.8 98.6 1,39 1,236 6.1 1,187 7.1 1,088 .6 1,014.7 999.5 625.1 562.5 377.9 376.2 289.1 259.3 247.0 244.8 240.0 200.3 193.2 193.0 159.3 99.2 89.6 85.9 75.1 67.7 57.5 53.7 53.2 52.1 40.3 36.9 23.8 21.2 17.1 15.9 15.1 12.4 12.1 8.5 4.8 4.7 3.4 2.9 1.3 8,000 7,445.8 7,222.7 87,500.0 9 000 9,000 China Turkey Germany Japan Greece Israel Brazil Austria U nited States India Australia France Taiwan Spain Italy Korea Jordan Cyprus Switzerland Mexico Denmark United Portugal Poland Netherlands Tunisia Sweden South Africa S Belgium Czeech Republic New Zealand N Slovenia Slovvak Republic Canada Barbados Thailand Ireland Romania Albania Hungary Malta Bulgaria Finland Macedonia LLuxembourg Chile Zimbabwe Norway Lativa Namibia Uruguay Lithuania Estonia Solar Heat Worldwide - 2008 Total capacity [MWth ] 7,000 , 6,000 200 150 100 50 0 2202 .7 250 101.9 998.2 8 77.7 66.66 66.44 58.9 52.7 51.8 49.8 42.8 32 .3 31.1 26.9 23.1 21.5 21.4 20.7 19.3 19.3 17.5 15.3 14.4 13.8 12.8 12.4 11.1 9.7 7.7 6.4 6.3 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.3 2.9 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.1 1.0 1.0 00.8 00.8 00.8 300 28 5.0 252 .6 350 5527.3 371 .3 400 C yprus Israel A u stria G reece B arbad os Jo rdan Turkey G erm any Australia C hina M alta D enm ark Taiw an Sw w itzerlan d Slovenia Japa n Luxxem bourg Spain Portu g al N ew w Zealand Sw eden Korea France Tunisia Italy B elg ium N ettherlands Slovak Ireland B razil A lbania C zech M acedonia Poland U niteed States U nited Souuth Africa H un gary M exico Finland B ulgaria Rom an ia N am ibia Lativa C anada N orw ay India Z im bab w e Estonia U ruguay T hailand Lithuania C hile Solar Heat Worldwide Total capacity 2008 per 1,000 inhabitants [kWth/1,000 inh.] Leading Countries In terms of the total capacity in operation of flatflat plate and evacuated tube collectors at the end of the year 2008, China (87.5 GWth), Turkey (7.5 GWth), Germany (7.2 GWth), Japan ((4.1 GWth)) and Greece ((2.7 GWth)) are the leading g countries. They are followed by Israel (2 (2.6 6 GWth), GWth) Brazil (2.4 GWth), Austria (2.3 GWth), the United States ((1.9 GWth)) and India (1.8 ( GWth). ) China is by far the largest market, representing 66.4 % of the world market for flat-plate and evacuated tube collectors. Leading Countries - Market Penetration I terms In t off market k t penetration, t ti b based d on th the ttotal t l capacity in operation per 1,000 inhabitants, Cyprus (527.2 kWth) Israel (371.3 (371 3 kWth) Austria (285.0 kWth) Greece (252.6 kWth) and Barbados (202.7 (202 7 kWth) are the leading countries. Solar Yield of a small Solar Thermal System South African 1 Million Systems Programme System parameters 3 m² collector area = 2.1 kWth Hot water storage: 200 ltr. Daily hot water consumption: 150 ltr. Annual Savings 3 400 kWh electricity 3,400 CO2: 2,300 kg Market penetration like in Cyprus or Israel 49 Million inhabitants 450 kWth / 1000 inhabitants 22 05 GWth 22.05 Market penetration like in Cyprus or Israel 22 05 GWth 22.05 25 TWh electricity B i electricity Basic l t i it ffor 12 Milli Million people l A successful example – NICATEC 17 Solar Thermal Systems Collector area: 307 m² (215 kWth) Energy yield: 195,900 195 900 kWh/year Avoided Electricity Production: 240 000 kWhel 240.000 Basic electricity for 240 families PV system cost: US$ 1.25 Mill. Cost of Solar Thermal Systems: US$ 171,600 Information on Renewable Policy - Worldwide The Map contains a wealth of information on renewable energy, including support policies, expansion targets, current shares,, installed capacity, p y, current production, p , future scenarios, and policy pledges. The Map can be found on the REN21 website, at Th k you ffor Thank your attention