Mehr als dieVergangenheit unddieGegenwart interessiert mich dieZukunft, denn inihr gedenke ich zu leben. (AlbertEinstein) Technicaland economic designof asimplified highly renewable European electricity system Letthe weather decide! 1 2000– 2007:1h,45x45km² 1980– 2010:1h,30x30km² AARHUS UNIVERSITY AU Renewable Energy Atlas DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Modelingof ahighly renewable Europeanelectricity system R n G (t) − Ln (t) = = Bn (t) + Pn (t) + Sn (t) actio =reactio GnR (t) = GnW (t) + GnS (t) R n G 𝐶" 𝑡 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐵" 𝑡 , 0 = γ n Ln W n G 𝐺"# 𝑡 = −𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝐵" 𝑡 , 0 R n = αn G GnS = (1− α n ) GnR 𝐹1 𝑡 = 2 𝑃𝑇𝐷𝐹1" 𝑃" 𝑡 " AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING R n G (t) − Ln (t) = Bn (t) + Pn (t) γn = 1 α n = 0.7 AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING How much ... ...windenergy? ...solarPVenergy? ...backup energy +power? ...transmission? What are important temporaland spatial scales? I. Timescales:storage II. Spatialscales:backup+transmission III. Costs IV. Outlook AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING I.Timescales:how much storage? 5 AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Europeanaggregation: Wind+Solar powergeneration+Load 3TIMESCALES: diurnal (1h-1d) synoptic (2-10d) seasonal (1y) AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Howmuchstorage?@100%penetrationinEU S(t) − S(t −1) = #% η Δ(t) (Δ > 0) in = $ -1 %& ηout Δ(t) (Δ < 0) storage energy capacity CE = max S(t) − min S(t) t t ηin = ηout = 1 α Seasonaloptimalmix =60%windpower AARHUS UNIVERSITY AU +40%solarpower DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Howmuchstorage?@100%penetrationinEU CS = 10% L annual storage energy capacity = 340 TWh NOTPOSSIBLE: Pumped Hydro, Compressed Air POSSIBLE: H2storage 25TWh =0.008av.y.l. 6h“battery”storage 2.2TWh =0.0007 av.y.l α annualconsumption(2009)=3360TWh 70%windpowergeneration=875GWinstalledcapacity =175.000x5MWturbines=4350x200MWwindfarms ≈115000km² 30%solarPVpowergeneration=550GWinstalledcapacity≈3500- 7500km² AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING StorageSingularity renewablepenetration GnR = γ n Ln AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING StorageSingularity CE (random) << CE (original) CE (random) ∝ 1 γ −1 δ CE (1h) ≈ CE (1d) δ =1 temporalcorrelations p ( Δ(t +1d) | Δ(t)) Δ(t + τ ) Δ(t) Δ2 synoptictimescale AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING II.Spatialscales: howmuchbackup +transmission? 11 AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Couplingschemesbetweentransmissionandbackup Δ n (t) = GnRES (t) − Ln (t) = Bn (t) + Pn (t) Pn (t) = 0 min (∑ min Zeroflow n ) GnB (t) (∑ F (t)) 2 l l Localizedflow Bn (t) = β (t) Ln Δ (t) ∑ β (t) = ∑ L n n n n Flowwith AARHUS UNIVERSITY AU synchronizedbalancing DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Balancingdistribution(Germany) RES n Bn (t) = G (t) − Ln (t) − Pn (t) GnRES = Ln α n = 0.7 Zeroflow Localizedflow Synchronizedflow AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING backup energy backup capacity 𝐺"# 𝑚𝑎𝑥6 𝐺"# Zeroflow Localizedflow Synchronizedflow transmission capacity ∑ max l q Fl Localizedflow Synchronizedflow Zeroflow Localizedflow Synchronizedflow RES AARHUS AU n UNIVERSITY G = Ln DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Principal flow patterns AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING backup energy backup capacity 𝐺"# 𝑚𝑎𝑥6 𝐺"# Zeroflow Localizedflow Synchronizedflow transmission capacity ∑ max l q Fl Localizedflow Synchronizedflow Zeroflow Localizedflow Synchronizedflow Zeroflow GnB ≈ 0.24 α n ≈ 0.70 Flowwith synch.bal. B GEU ≈ 0.15 α EU ≈ 0.80 RES AARHUS AU n UNIVERSITY G = Ln DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING beyond EU:world-wide grid AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING III.Costs 18 AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING backup energy backup capacity 𝐺"# 𝑚𝑎𝑥6 𝐺"# transmission capacity ∑ max l AU q Fl AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING n the denominator is, for different sources, often enerated energy. In the case of VRES, when some of comes at a time when it is not needed, one would he denominator as the actual usage of generated ase, since we look at both conventional backup and This section first focuses on the dependence of the four technical objectives (12), (13), (14) and (18) on the penetration parameters gn ¼ g, the mixing parameters an ¼ a, and the three transmission paradigms. The penetration and mixing parameters are chosen to be the same for each country. In the second subsection, the g and a dependence of the economic objective (21) is discussed, again for all three transmission paradigms. Levelized CostofSYSTEMEnergy MWh) for energy delivered by the system as a function of the wind mix (an ¼ a) for different penetrations of renewables (gn ¼ g): g ¼ 0.5 (top row), g ¼ 1.0 ¼ 1.5 (bottom row). Contributions from transmission costs are shown in green, wind power in blue, solar power in yellow, backup capacity in red and backup AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Heterogeneous renewableelectricitynetworks AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING unity. Whopaysfortheheterogeneity? flow tracing T T Figure 5. Relative link capacity ln l in the export picture for the nodes DE = Germany (left) and AT = Au colour-coded links. Also shown is the average export transfer function (13), shown as colour-coded nodes. Challenge:cooperative2020à2050investments+markets UNIVERSITY AU AARHUS DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING much of the positive injection (Pn)+ at node n is exported to a sink node(m. 1) The latter een outlined in the introduction. ‘load-proportional’ is based on the average load of much of the negative injection (PnThe )− atfirst node n is imported fromusage a sourcennode m. The ountry n, also illustrated in figure 5. Whereas the German exports spread over the whole r Austria mainly serves first neighbours and bigger second L n neighbours with its exports. (1) T, ons are not shown. They are similar to the export n = transfer functions. Lm åpropositions flow tracing based usage measure with two simplified which already have m (1) uction. The first ‘load-proportional’ usage (n2) is based on the average load of T whereas the second ‘link-based’ assignment associates the capacity usage of a link l = (m n) to Flowtracing n ncident nodes n and m only, w J. Phys. 17 (2015) 105002 (1) n = Ln åm Lm T, l (2) n = å l (n) T l 2 B Tranb . (15) (1) (2) (2) l incident to node n. Both assignments T Here denotes all links add up to ån (ni) = T n (and n ) to ased’l(n) assignment associates the capacity usage of a link its l = m n n l The new flow tracing based nodal usage of the network can be expressed as the sum of nodal link capaci ly, 12) over all links, T (2) l (3) T (16) . n = å = å ln . n l (n) 2 l (1) (i ) T. (3) (2) add T . For incident to node n. Bothalso assignments up to =European Note that this assignment adds up to å the simplified transmission netwo å n andn = n n n n (3) nodal usage of the network can be expressed as the sum of nodal link capacities (1) (2) ased n is illustrated in figure 6, and compared to the two other propositions n and n from (15) and (16 For the three biggest countries Germany, France and Great Britain the new assignment (17) turns out to (3) Tassignment (15). For the next two countries Italy and Spain it is the oppo maller than the load-proportional (17) n = å ln . (3) (2) his excess usage of the network l becomes clearer when comparing n directly to n . Since France is (3) T . to entral, it has large four countries, explains network, the rather big green bar in figu also adds up to Forthe theother simplified Europeanwhich transmission ånlink capacities n = AARHUS Great Britain, Spain and also Italy are peripheral. They the direct links to France, but also the lin (1) not only(2use ) UNIVERSITY AU 6, and compared to the two other propositions and from (15) and (16). n n eyond. This explains the reduction from (n2) to (n3) for France at the expense of an increase for Great DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING . Phys. 17 (2015) 105002 Flowtracing B Tranberg et al gure 2. Illustration of a simple five-node network with (a) an injection and a resulting flow pattern, (b) the flow tracing of exports, AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING much of the positive injection (Pn)+ at node n is exported L nto a sink node(m. 1) The latter een outlined in the introduction. ‘load-proportional’ is based on the average load of (1) much of the negative injection (PnThe )− atfirst node imported fromusage a Tsource m. The , nnode nn is= ountry n, L m over the whole also illustrated in figure 5. Whereas the German exports åm spread r Austria mainly serves first neighbours and bigger second L n neighbours with its exports. ( 2 ) T (1) T ,capacity usage as the ‘link-based’ assignment associates the of a link l = (m = ons aresecond not shown. They are similar to the export transfer functions. n l n Lm åpropositions nt nodes and m only, flow tracingnbased usage measure with two simplified which already have m (1) uction. The first ‘load-proportional’ usage thecapacity averageusage load of T of a link l = (m (n2) is based on T whereas the second ‘link-based’ assignment associates the n) to Flowtracing n (2) ncident nodes n and m only, w J. Phys. 17 (2015) 105002 n = å l l (n) T2 . l B Tranb (2) l (1) T, 1) f (t ) =(2)(∣15 (ifl ) = . power(flow )t )∣up 3. Colour component cn. asna function of the (a) based on the F ( : n = l ln(t) (n) denotes allFigure links l incident to node Both assignments and add to l n n n 2 (CH, IT) between l (n)l = m based on the flowLtracing of imports. The link Switzerland and Italy, andnthe nod Ln å å å m he new flow tracing based nodal usageone ofhour the network can expressed(2)as the Energy sum ofAtlas nodal linkT (1) long Renewable (i ) from chosen. dot represents contained in thebe 8 years data (2)Each T Here l(n) denotes all links l incident to node n. Both assignments and add up to ån inn 1=− q = n (m n ased’ a linkflow l= n associates ver allassignment links, conditional l of average áthe latter, the extreme events f n>) toTits , which happen cln ∣ fcapacity ñ. For theusage l the lsum of nodal link capaci l The new flow tracing based nodal usage of the network can be expressed as T ly, mapped onto fl = l . (3) T 12) over all links, = . å n ln T (2) l (3) T (16) . n = å = ål ln . n l (n) 2 (3) T hat this assignment also adds up to ån n = l T. For the simplifiedT European transmission (1) (i ) lT (3) (2) add dsimplified T . lFor incident to node n. Bothalso assignments and up to T =European (1. ) (2) Note that this assignment adds up to the transmission netwo = å n n n åto n n = f c s illustrated in figure 6, and compared the two other propositions and n l ln ln n n ffrom l l dfl (15) a ò ò C (3) nodal usage of the network can be expressed as the0sum1of(1) (2) ased nodall (link) capacities is illustrated in figure 6, and compared to the two other propositions and (16 n n n from (15) or the three biggest countries Germany, France and Great Britain the new assignment (17)and turns For the three biggest countries Germany, France and Great Britain the new assignment (17) turns out to er than the load-proportional assignment (15). For the next two countries Italy and Spain it is th (3) Tassignment (15). For the next two countries Italy and Spain it is the oppo maller than the load-proportional (17 ) to (check (3) 2) for thenetwork fraction of link used bycomparing node n. It is(straightforward thatFran thi n = å ln . capacity . xcess usage of the becomes clearer when directly to Since 3 ) ( 2 ) n n T T his excess usage of the network l becomes clearer when comparing n directly to n . Since France is = . å ln l n capacities l, it hasit large link the other four countries,which which explains rather big green (3) Tto entral, large link capacities to the other four countries, explains the the rather big green bar in bar figu also adds has up to For the simplified European transmission network, = . å n Based on the eight years long hourly Renewable Energy Atlas data from [2], the r n also Italy are peripheral. They not only use the direct links toAARHUS Britain, Spain and France, but also Great Britain, Spain and alsoT ItalyTare peripheral. They the direct links to France, but also the lin (1) not only(2use ) UNIVERSITY AU 6, and compared to the two other propositions (15) and (16). capacities are summarized Each row in this figure represents li n (in n 4.from ((2)) 3(and )3)figure ln l d. ThisThis explains thethe reduction to nn for forFrance France at the expense an increase fora G eyond. explains reductionfrom from n to at the expense of anofincrease for Great () DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Flowtracing New J. Phys. 17 (2015) 105002 B Tranberg et al AU Figure 4. L × N matrix of the relative nodal link capacities T ln T l resulting from a 50%/50% combination of the export / import AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING IV.Morechallenges wind + solar + hydro + bio + + transmission + storage coupling of electricity + heating + transportation. backup flexibility classes big networks: renormalization scaling of power flows, small-world AC/DC networks, self-organizing power flows. climate change + mesoscale turbulence AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING FunRes Res FundamentalResearchon Renewable Energy Systems atthe interface between engineering +physics +mathematics MartinGreiner,AarhusUniversity (1) Highly Renewable Energy Systems (2) Complex Networks (3) Wind-farmModeling+Optimization (4) Turbulence MTherkildsen (Master) PNybroe (Master) JOtten (Master) JBjerre (Master) JHerp (Master) UPoulsen (AssistProf) CPoulsen (Master) MRaunbak (Master) MKofoed (Master) LSchwenk_Nebbe (Master) NSkou-Nielsen (Master) EEriksen (Master) BTranberg (Master) SKozarcanin (Master) MDahl (Master) AThomsen (Master) BSairanen (Master) TJensen (Master) TZeyer (Master) RRodriguez (PhD) MRasmussen (PostDoc) GAndresen(Assit Prof) MHansen (Master) KHolm (Master) ASøndergaard (Master) DSchlachtberger (FIASPhD) JHörsch (FIASPhD) SHempel (FIASMaster) TBrown (FIASPostDoc) MSchäfer (FIAS) SSchramm(FIAS) SBecker (FIASPhD) DHeide (FIASPhD) AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING DHeide,highlyrenewableEurope, RenewableEnergy35(2010) 2483-2489. DHeide needsinafully renewableEuropeanpowersystemwithexcesswind andsolarpowergeneration,RenewableEnergy36(2011)2515-2523. synergiesinafullyorhighly renewablepan-Europeanpowersystem, EnergyPolicy51(2012) 642-651. needsacrossafullyrenewableEuropeanpowersystem, RenewableEnergy63(2014) 467-476. gridextensionsduringthebuild-up ofafullyrenewablepan-Europeanelectricity supply, Energy64(2014) 404-418. renewableelectricity systems,EPJST223(2014)2475-2481.– optimizedmixesofwindandsolarPVand transmission gridextensions,Energy72(2014) 443-458. powerinDenmark, Energy76(2014)49-58. build-up pathways fortheUS:Generationcostsarenotsystemcosts, Energy81(2015)437-445., highly renewablepan-Europeanelectricitysystem, Energy83(2015)658-668. renewablepan-Europeantransmission network,Energy,Sustainability&Society5(2015)21. ofDanishwindtimeseriesfromanewglobalrenewableenergyatlasforenergy systemanalysis, Energy93(2015) 1074-1088. BTranberg highlyrenewableEuropeanelectricitynetwork, NewJ.Physics17(2015)105002. DPSchlachtberger inrenewableelectricitysystems, EnergyConversionandManagement (2015)submitted. AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING