2409.18,55.2,Ex.01 Page 1 of 3 FSH 2409.18 - TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK R-1 SUPPLEMENT NO. 2409.18-95-3 EFFECTIVE 55.2 - EXHIBIT 01 Sale specific items on this Section A of the Prospectus are meant to be discretionary. The blanks below represent fillins specified in the Prospectus shown in parent text. Forests may delete any impertinent items by deleting. Blanks have been structured so that whole lines may be deleted if impertinent or columns of information may be deleted. TIMBER SALE PROSPECTUS Section A - Specific Information XXXXXXXXXXXXX TIMBER SALEXXXXXXXX NATIONAL FOREST XXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION: This prospectus is to furnish sufficient information, in addition to that contained in the published advertisement, to enable prospective bidders to decide whether further investigation of the sale is warranted. Descriptions, estimates and other data in this prospectus are not part of the contract unless otherwise stated. In event the prospectus is in error or contradicts the sample contract, the contract governs. Bidders are urged to examine the timber sale and to make their own estimates. Estimated quantities in the contract are not guaranteed. Sale area and sample contract should be inspected before submitting a bid. The appraisal, other information on the timber, and conditions of sale and bidding may be obtained at Forest Service offices named in this prospectus. A copy of Section B (X/95 Revision) has previously been provided. If you wish to receive a copy with this sale, please contact the office indicated below. If you did not receive a copy initially, please request one. New copies of Section B will only be distributed at times of revision. (Numbers in parentheses refer to Section B, and can be omitted at forest's discretion). BID DATE: at : BIDDING METHOD (2): INITIAL SEALED followed by ORAL AUCTION PLACE: (TOTAL SALE VALUE) TERMINATION DATE (5): NORMAL OPERATING SEASON (5): ADVERTISED STUMPAGE VALUE: $ LOCATION OF SALE (3): Sections APPROXIMATE HAUL DISTANCE (3): TYPE OF CONTRACT (1): TOTAL VOLUME (MBF) (4): TOTAL ACRES IN CUTTING UNITS (3): (CCF) (4): TOTAL NUMBER OF CUTTING UNITS (3): SBA SET ASIDE SALE? (2,12): 500 employees or Less) SSTS SET ASIDE SALE? (2,12): (25 employees or less) URGENT REMOVAL SALE? (16) (CTA may apply to other sales) CONTAINS TIMBER FROM UNCOMPLETED CONTRACT? (2): DEPOSIT FOR SALE AREA IMPROVEMENT WORK INCLUDED IN TOTAL TIMBER VALUE (4):$ INSUFFICIENT VALUE AT ADVERTISED RATES TO RECOVER ESTIMATED AND PROFIT AND RISK (4): $ MILES OF SPECIFIED ROAD WORK (C)&(R) (8): PURCHASER CREDITS (8): $ NUMBER OF DAYS ALLOWED TO AWARD CONTRACT FOR OPTED ROADS (8): INEFFECTIVE PURCHASER CREDIT AT ADVERTISED RATES: (8) $ CONTRIBUTED ROAD CONSTRUCTION FUNDS (8): $ ROAD COMPLETION DATE (8): ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST (8): $ OTHER REQUIRED DEPOSITS: (2, 4, 6, 7): BID GUARANTEE: $ DOWNPAYMENT: 10% of Advertised value plus 20% bid premium R1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-95-3 EFFECTIVE 2409.18,55.2,Ex.01 Page 2 of 2 55.2 - EXHIBIT 01--Continued SLASH DISPOSAL: $ ROAD MAINTENANCE: $ SURFACE REPLACEMENT: $ ROAD RECONSTRUCTION DEPOSITS: $ MINIMUM PERFORMANCE BOND: $ PERIODIC PAYMENT DATES SPECIFIED IN CT4.264# (6): FIRST PAYMENT DUE: SECOND PAYMENT DUE: Bids must be submitted on prepared forms that may be obtained from the District Ranger, XXXXXXX Ranger District, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, MT XXXXX, or the Contracting Officer, XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX, XXXXXXX, MT XXXXX. If purchaser elects to construct the specified roads, the right-of-way timber volume will become a part of Included Timber in the timber sale contract. VOLUME AND DESCRIPTION OF TIMBER: Forests may modify this portion by displaying pertinent volume information specific to their sale. ESTIMATED VOLUME AND DEFECT Net Volume Defect % (MBF) (CCF) % By Species Species Lodgepole Pine & Other Lodgepole Pine (Dead) Douglas-fir Subtotal (Net Sale Volume) X.X X.X X.X X.X XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX 100 Lodgepole Pine & Other Lodgepole Pine (Dead) Douglas-fir Subtotal (Right-of-Way Volume) X.X X.X X.X X.X XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX 100 TOTAL SALE VOLUME X.X XXXX XXXX SPECIFIED ROADS: Road Number XXXX XXXX XXXX TOTAL Name XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Design Class X X X 1/ Type X X X Mileage X.XX X.XX X.XX X.XX Credit Limit $ XXXX.XX $ XXXX.XX $ XXXX.XX $XXXXX.XX Required Completion Date XXXXXXX XX, XXXX XXXXXXX XX, XXXX XXXXXXX XX, XXXX 1/ C = Construction, R = Reconstruction, r = recondition. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.Note: In order for your bid to be considered for award you were previously required to provide your Purchaser Identification Number (PID) in the spaces provided on page four, block 25 of the bid form. This will no longer be required and the bid form has been revised accordingly. Instead you must now provide your R1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-95-3 EFFECTIVE 2409.18,55.2,Ex.01 Page 2 of 2 TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER in these spaces. Please reference Item 11 of the instructions to the bid form for further details.