Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 510 Fundamental Physics of Force and Energy/Work: Energy and Work: o In general: o The work is given by: dw =− F ⋅ dr (5) (One can argue that Eqns. 4 and 5 are really one in the same.) o o o o Work or Energy are scalar potentials (e.g., voltage). Force is a Vector field. If a potential is constant, there is no FIELD! Work is done by a Force! o Combining equations 4 and 5, we have: dw =− F ⋅ dr =− ∂Y dr ∂r (6) o Key Point: If the field potential is not changing, then no work would be done. Enough fundamentals! Let’s apply this physics and thermo! Knowlton 1 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion: Consider a force/forces acting on an atom producing atomic motion. The applied force is given by the previous equation: F = −∇Y (7) The motion of the atom will be often interrupted by other atoms and collisions occur. Thus: the velocity of the diffusing atom over a time period larger than the time between collisions is an average velocity. The velocity is proportional to the applied force and can be written as: v = µ mob F (8) The constant of proportionality is called the mobility. Consider: o Flux of atoms, A, diffusing at an average velocity, v, through a homogeneous distribution of B atoms. o The flux of A atoms through B is equal to the product of: • Number of A atoms per unit volume (i.e., concentration, CA) • Average velocity of the A atoms, vA. o This is given by: Knowlton J A = C Av A (9) 2 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): By combining the last two equations, we obtain: (10 ) A J A = C A µ mob FA Substituting the Force Field Eqn. 7 (field gradient): A JA = −C A µ mob ∇YA (11) o This last equation is a general form of Fick’s 1st Law of Diffusion. o That is, the flux of A atoms through a homogeneous distribution of B atoms is due to the gradient of some potential field. o NOTE: This potential field can be any of the ones shown in the previous table. Because the gradient of a potential field follows the superposition principle, the more general form of Fick’s 1st Law is: A JA = −C A µ mob ∑ ∇Yi, A (12 ) i o where the sum indicates the superposition of potential field gradients. Knowlton 3 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 510 Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.) – Derivation of Ficks 1st Law: In the following slides, Fick’s 1st law, in which the concentration gradient is obtained from the chemical potential, is explicitly derived. Key point: Diffusion in solids is based on this delineation. The chemical potential of atoms A is given by the thermodynamic relation: ∂Ε A ∂ N A T , P , N (13) µA = ≠A where ΕA is a free energy of the A atoms in B. Examples of Free Energy, E: o o o o Knowlton Gibbs, G = G(T, P, N) Helmhotz, F = F(T, V, N) Enthalpy, H = H(S, P, N) Omega potential or Grand Potential, Ω = Ω(T, V, µ) 4 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): Substituting eqn. 13 into eqn. 11, the flux with respect to the chemical potential gradient is obtained: A JA = −C A µ mob ∇µ A (14 ) Assuming one-dimensional diffusion, equation 14 simplifies to: J A = −C A µ A mob ∂µ A ∂x (15) The chemical potential of the A atoms may be written as a function of the chemical activity (i.e., aA) of A in a distribution of B: φ µ= µ A A + kT ln a A (16 ) o where aA is the activity of A among B, k is Boltzmann’s constant and µΑ is the chemical potential of A in the pure state. The aA may be described as the amount that the chemical potential of A deviates from the ideal or pure state (i.e., ideality). The ideality can be interpreted as the absence of A-A interaction upon adding an extra A atom to the system. Thus, the enthalpy change, ∆H, of the system is zero. Knowlton 5 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): The mathematical description of the activity is given by: a A = γ AC A (17 ) o where γA is the activity coefficient and CA is the concentration of the A atoms. Case I: (Henry’s Law) a range of CA much smaller than the concentration of B atoms (CB), γA becomes constant. o The chance of interaction between A and B atoms is small since A is so dilute in B. o The primary interaction of A is with B. o This phenomenon is known as Henry’s law. o Mathematically, as CA approaches zero, the activity coefficient of A, γA, is given by: aA γ= ≅ constant A CA (18) Case II: (Raoult’s law) CA >> CB (i.e., B rather than A atoms follow Henry’s law), activity coefficient of A is 1. o The A atoms have a small probability of interacting with B atoms. o The primary interaction of A atoms is with other A atoms. o Hence, the solution of A is effectively pure. Knowlton 6 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): In this case, and the activity coefficient is given by: γ= A aA ≅1 CA (19 ) o This condition is known as Raoult’s law. o Raoult’s law is predominant for most diffusion processes in Si since CSi >> Cdopant For either Henry’s or Raoult’s law, Fick’s 1st and 2nd law may still be derived from the chemical potential. This eventually can be seen by combining equations 15, 16, and 17 into the following form: J A = −C A µ A mob ( ∂ µ φA + kT ln γ AC A ∂x ) ( 20 ) o Since the chemical potential of a pure substance is constant, its derivative is zero. o Furthermore, k and T are constant. o Under these circumstances and taking the derivative of the natural logarithm, equation 20 becomes: J A = −C A µ Knowlton A mob kT ∂ (γ AC A ) γ AC A ∂x ( 21) o For Henry’s and Raoult’s law, γA is a constant or one, respectively. o In either case, γA may be taken out of the differential. 7 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): Since the ratios of both γA and CA factor to 1, then: A J A = − µ mob kT ∂C A ∂x ( 22 ) Einstein’s relation states that the diffusivity, D, of an atom is proportional to its mobility where the constant of proportionality is kT. Mathematically & in terms of A atoms, this is written as: A DA = kT µ mob ( 23) ο µmob units = square of the distance per unit time per unit energy. o kT units = energy. o Thus, DA units = square of the distance per unit time. Invoking Einstein’s relation with respect to equation 23, Fick’s 1st law is obtained: J A = − DA ∂C A ∂x ( 24 ) Fick’s 1st law Note: It is the concentration gradient that drives the flux of atoms from one area to another. Fick’s 1st law = Steady State Diffusion C ≠ f ( t ) • C, at every point, does not change wrt time. Knowlton 8 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): NON-STEADY STATE DIFFUSION It has been found that as the concentration of A atoms in B changes with time, the concentration changes with position. Known as Fick’s 2nd law, it has the following form: ∂C A ∂J A = − ∂t ∂x ( 25) Assume that DA is concentration independent. For diffusion in S/Cs, the concentration of dopant atoms is very small, thus assumption may be comfortably made. Substituting equation 24 into equation 25, Fick’s 2nd law, is given by: ∂C A ∂ 2C A = DA ∂t ∂x 2 Knowlton ( 26 ) Fick’s 2nd law 9 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Diffusion: Solving Fick’s 2nd Law Solve for C(x,t) Infinite Solutions Need Boundary Conditions ∂C A ∂ 2C A = DA ∂t ∂x 2 Two Primary Boundary Conditions: o Fixed Surface Concentration (Infinite Source) • Solution: Complimentary Error Function o Redistribution of a constant total number of diffusing atoms (Finite Source) • Solution: Gaussian Function Knowlton 10 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Diffusion: Solving Fick’s 2nd Law ∂C A ∂ 2C A = DA ∂t ∂x 2 1st of 2 Primary Boundary Conditions: o Fixed Surface Concentration (Infinite Source) • Solution: Complimentary Error Function • Boundary Conditions: For = t 0,= C Co at 0 ≤ x ≤ ∞ For t > 0, C= Cs at x= 0 C = Co at x = ∞ x C ( x, t ) =Cs − ( Cs − Co ) erf 2 Dt x =Co + ( Cs − Co ) erfc 2 Dt Knowlton erfc ( z ) = 1 − erf ( z ) = 1− 2 π ∫ z 0 e − y dy 2 11 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Diffusion: Solving Fick’s 2nd Law o Fixed Surface Concentration (Infinite Source) • Solution: Complimentary Error Function x C ( x, t ) =Cs − ( Cs − Co ) erf 2 Dt x =Co + ( Cs − Co ) erfc 2 Dt Knowlton 12 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Diffusion: Solving Fick’s 2nd Law ∂C A ∂ 2C A = DA ∂t ∂x 2 2nd of 2 Primary Boundary Conditions: o Redistribution of a constant total number of diffusing atoms (Finite Source) • Solution: Gaussian Function • Boundary Conditions: x 2 = C ( x, t ) C ( 0, t ) exp − Dt 2 x2 = C ( 0, t ) exp − Dt 4 Knowlton 13 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Diffusion: Thermally Activated Processes Temperature Plays a significant role in diffusion Temperature is not the driving force. Remember: DRIVING FORCE = GRADIENT of a FIELD VARIABLE Remember: Driving force for diffusion is a difference in the chemical potential, µ, eqn. 13. µ phase1 ≠ µ phase 2 i.e. ∆µ ≠ 0 or ∇µ ≠ 0 HOWEVER: Temperature increases the activity of a diffusing species. Diffusivity or Diffusion Coefficient: D = Do e − Eact k BT Eact is the activation energy for diffusion kb T is the thermal energy Do, the pre-exponential factor, contains a number of physical constants and properties including: o entropy of formation of the defect o attempt frequency for jumps into available neighboring sites o lattice constant o crystal structure dependence Knowlton 14 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Diffusion: Thermally Activated Processes Diffusivity or Diffusion Coefficient: D = Do e Knowlton − Eact k BT 15 MSE 510 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Diffusion Mechanisms = Processes = Reactions We will use Si as an example of a system with various diffusion mechanisms. Two types of diffusion mechanisms: o Direct diffusion mechanisms: diffusion without the aid of point defects. • Interstitial diffusion o Indirect diffusion mechanisms: diffusion with the aid of point defects As + V ⇔ AV Vacancy mechanism As + I ⇔ AI Interstitialcy mechanism As + I ⇔ Ai Kick-out mechanism As ⇔ Ai + V Dissociative (Frank-Turnbull) mechanism kf As + I AI kr ∂ CIreac = kr C AI − k f CI C A ∂t k r & k f: forward & reverse Coefficients of reaction s ∂Ctotal ∂Cdiff ∂Crctn = + ∂t ∂t ∂t Knowlton 16 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 510 Diffusion Mechanisms = Processes = Reactions Indirect diffusion mechanisms: diffusion with the aid of point defects 1.0 P B Ga, Al 0.8 sI 0.6 0.4 As Acceptors (p-type dopants) Donors (n-type dopants) Fit to Donors 0.2 0.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Sb 1.0 1.1 1.2 r/rI (atomic radius) f2.1 interstitial vs radius.o 5/98 D eff ,eq Xs D eff Xs Equilibrium eq eq DXV CV C XI DXI CI C XV eff C I eff CV Nonequilibrium = eq + = D + D XI XV C X s CIeq C Xeqs CVeq CIeq CVeq DXeffs DXeffs ,eq Knowlton eq eq DXV C XI DXI C XV eff eff DXI = eq + = + DXV eq CX s CX s eff eff DXV CV C DXI CI C = eff + eff = sI eqI + sV Veq eff eq eff eq DXI + DXV CI DXI + DXV CV CI CV 17