Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Fundamental Physics of Force and Energy/Work: Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion: 9 Energy and Work: 9 Consider a force/forces acting on an atom producing atomic motion. 9 The applied force is given by the previous equation: o In general: o The work is given by: F = −∇Y dw = − F ⋅ dr (5) Work or Energy are scalar potentials (e.g., voltage). Force is a Vector field. If a potential is constant, there is no FIELD! Work is done by a Force! o Combining equations 4 and 5, we have: dw = − F ⋅ dr = − ∂Y dr ∂r v = μ mob F (6) (8) 9 The constant of proportionality is called the mobility. 9 Consider: o Flux of atoms, A, diffusing at an average velocity, v, through a homogeneous distribution of B atoms. o The flux of A atoms through B is equal to the product of: o Key Point: If the field potential is not changing, then no work would be done. • Number of A atoms per unit volume (i.e., concentration, CA) • Average velocity of the A atoms, vA. o This is given by: Enough fundamentals! Let’ Let’s apply this physics and thermo! Knowlton (7) 9 The motion of the atom will be often interrupted by other atoms and collisions occur. 9 Thus: the velocity of the diffusing atom over a time period larger than the time between collisions is an average velocity. 9 The velocity is proportional to the applied force and can be written as: (One can argue that Eqns. 4 and 5 are really one in the same.) o o o o Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion 1 Knowlton J A = C AvA (9) 2 1 MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.) – Derivation of Ficks 1st Law: 9 By combining the last two equations, we obtain: 9 In the following slides, Fick’s 1st law, in which the concentration gradient is obtained from the chemical potential, is explicitly derived. 9 Key point: Diffusion in solids is based on this delineation. (10 ) A J A = C A μ mob FA 9 Substituting the Force Field Eqn. 7 (field gradient): A J A = −C A μ mob ∇YA (11) o This last equation is a general form of Fick’s 1st Law of Diffusion. o That is, the flux of A atoms through a homogeneous distribution of B atoms is due to the gradient of some potential field. o NOTE: This potential field can be any of the ones shown in the previous table. 9 Because the gradient of a potential field follows the superposition principle, the more general form of Fick’s 1st Law is: A J A = −C A μ mob ∑ ∇Yi, A Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls 9 The chemical potential of atoms A is given by the thermodynamic relation: ⎛ ∂Ε A ⎞ ⎟ ⎝ ∂N A ⎠T , P , N (13) μA = ⎜ ≠A where ΕA is a free energy of the A atoms in B. 9 Examples of Free Energy, E: o o o o (12 ) i Gibbs, G = G(T, P, N) Helmhotz, F = F(T, V, N) Enthalpy, H = H(S, P, N) Omega potential or Grand Potential, Ω = Ω(T, V, μ) o where the sum indicates the superposition of potential field gradients. Knowlton 3 Knowlton 4 2 MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): 9 Substituting eqn. 13 into eqn. 11, the flux with respect to the chemical potential gradient is obtained: A J A = −C A μ mob ∇μ A 9 The mathematical description of the activity is given by: a A = γ AC A (14 ) 9 Case I: (Henry’s Law) a range of CA much smaller than the concentration of B atoms (CB), γA becomes constant. o The chance of interaction between A and B atoms is small since A is so dilute in B. o The primary interaction of A is with B. o This phenomenon is known as Henry’s law. o Mathematically, as CA approaches zero, the activity coefficient of A, γA, is given by: 9 The chemical potential of the A atoms may be written as a function of the chemical activity (i.e., aA) of A in a distribution of B: (16 ) γA = o where aA is the activity of A among B, k is Boltzmann’s constant and μΑ is the chemical potential of A in the pure state. 9 The aA may be described as the amount that the chemical potential of A deviates from the ideal or pure state (i.e., ideality). 9 The ideality can be interpreted as the absence of A-A interaction upon adding an extra A atom to the system. 9 Thus, the enthalpy change, ΔH, of the system is zero. Knowlton (17 ) o where γA is the activity coefficient and CA is the concentration of the A atoms. 9 Assuming one-dimensional diffusion, equation 14 simplifies to: A ∂μ A J A = −C A μ mob (15) ∂x μ A = μ φA + kT ln a A Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion aA ≅ constant CA (18) 9 Case II: (Raoult’s law) CA >> CB (i.e., B rather than A atoms follow Henry’s law), activity coefficient of A is 1. o The A atoms have a small probability of interacting with B atoms. o The primary interaction of A atoms is with other A atoms. o Hence, the solution of A is effectively pure. 5 Knowlton 6 3 MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): 9 Since the ratios of both γA and CA factor to 1, then: 9 In this case, and the activity coefficient is given by: γA = aA ≅1 CA (19 ) A J A = − μ mob kT o This condition is known as Raoult’s law. o Raoult’s law is predominant for most diffusion processes in Si since CSi >> Cdopant 9 For either Henry’s or Raoult’s law, Fick’s 1st and 2nd law may still be derived from the chemical potential. 9 This eventually can be seen by combining equations 15, 16, and 17 into the following form: A J A = −C A μ mob ( φ ∂ μ A + kT ln γ AC A ∂x Knowlton kT ∂ (γ AC A ) ∂x γ AC A ( 22 ) 9 Einstein’s relation states that the diffusivity, D, of an atom is proportional to its mobility where the constant of proportionality is kT. 9 Mathematically & in terms of A atoms, this is written as: ( 23) ο μmob units = square of the distance per unit time per unit energy. o kT units = energy. o Thus, DA units = square of the distance per unit time. ) ( 20 ) ( 21) o For Henry’s and Raoult’s law, γA is a constant or one, respectively. o In either case, γA may be taken out of the differential. ∂C A ∂x A DA = kT μ mob o Since the chemical potential of a pure substance is constant, its derivative is zero. o Furthermore, k and T are constant. o Under these circumstances and taking the derivative of the natural logarithm, equation 20 becomes: A J A = −C A μ mob Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion 9 Invoking Einstein’s relation with respect to equation 23, Fick’s 1st law is obtained: J A = − DA ∂C A ∂x ( 24 ) Fick’s 1st law Note: It is the concentration gradient that drives the flux of atoms from one area to another. Fick’ Fick’s 1st law = Steady State Diffusion ⎡⎣C ≠ f ( t )⎤⎦ • C, at every point, does not change wrt time. 7 Knowlton 8 4 MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Thermo & Physics as applied to Diffusion (cont.): Diffusion: Solving Fick’s 2nd Law 9 Solve for C(x,t) 9 Infinite Solutions 9 Need Boundary Conditions NONNON-STEADY STATE DIFFUSION 9 It has been found that as the concentration of A atoms in B changes with time, the concentration changes with position. 9 Known as Fick’s 2nd law, it has the following form: ∂C A ∂J =− A ∂t ∂x o Fixed Surface Concentration (Infinite Source) ( 25 ) Knowlton ( 26 ) ∂C A ∂ 2C A = DA ∂t ∂x 2 9 Two Primary Boundary Conditions: • Solution: Complimentary Error Function o Redistribution of a constant total number of diffusing atoms (Finite Source) 9 Assume that DA is concentration independent. 9 For diffusion in S/Cs, the concentration of dopant atoms is very small, thus assumption may be comfortably made. 9 Substituting equation 24 into equation 25, Fick’s 2nd law, is given by: ∂C A ∂ 2C A = DA ∂t ∂x 2 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion • Solution: Gaussian Function Fick’s 2nd law 9 Knowlton 10 5 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Diffusion: Solving Fick’s 2nd Law Diffusion: Solving Fick’s 2nd Law o Fixed Surface Concentration (Infinite Source) ∂C A ∂ 2C A = DA ∂t ∂x 2 9 1st • Solution: Complimentary Error Function ⎛ x ⎞ C ( x, t ) = Cs − ( Cs − Co ) erf ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 2 Dt ⎠ ⎛ x ⎞ = Co + ( Cs − Co ) erfc ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 2 Dt ⎠ of 2 Primary Boundary Conditions: o Fixed Surface Concentration (Infinite Source) • Solution: Complimentary Error Function • Boundary Conditions: For t = 0, C = Co at 0 ≤ x ≤ ∞ For t > 0, C = Cs at x = 0 C = Co at x = ∞ ⎛ x ⎞ C ( x, t ) = Cs − ( Cs − Co ) erf ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 2 Dt ⎠ ⎛ x ⎞ = Co + ( Cs − Co ) erfc ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 2 Dt ⎠ Knowlton Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion erfc ( z ) = 1 − erf ( z ) = 1− 2 π ∫ z 0 e − y dy 2 11 Knowlton 12 6 MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion Diffusion: Thermally Activated Processes Diffusion: Solving Fick’s 2nd Law 9 Temperature Plays a significant role in diffusion 9 Temperature is not the driving force. 9 Remember: DRIVING FORCE = GRADIENT of a FIELD VARIABLE 9 Remember: Driving force for diffusion is a difference in the chemical potential, μ, eqn. 13. ∂C A ∂ 2C A = DA ∂t ∂x 2 9 2nd of 2 Primary Boundary Conditions: o Redistribution of a constant total number of diffusing atoms (Finite Source) • Solution: Gaussian Function • Boundary Conditions: μ phase1 ≠ μ phase 2 i.e. Δμ ≠ 0 or ∇μ ≠ 0 9 HOWEVER: Temperature increases the activity of a diffusing species. 9 Diffusivity or Diffusion Coefficient: Coefficient ⎡ ⎛ x ⎞2 ⎤ C ( x, t ) = C ( 0, t ) exp ⎢ − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 2 Dt ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎛ x2 ⎞ = C ( 0, t ) exp ⎜ − ⎟ ⎝ 4 Dt ⎠ D = Do e − Eact k BT 9 Eact is the activation energy for diffusion 9 kb T is the thermal energy 9 Do, the pre-exponential factor, contains a number of physical constants and properties including: o entropy of formation of the defect o attempt frequency for jumps into available neighboring sites o lattice constant o crystal structure dependence Knowlton 13 Knowlton 14 7 MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Diffusion: Thermally Activated Processes Diffusion Mechanisms = Processes = Reactions 9 Diffusivity or Diffusion Coefficient: D = Do e − Eact Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion 9 We will use Si as an example of a system with various diffusion mechanisms. 9 Two types of diffusion mechanisms: k BT o Direct diffusion mechanisms: diffusion without the aid of point defects. • Interstitial diffusion o Indirect diffusion mechanisms: diffusion with the aid of point defects As + V ⇔ AV Vacancy mechanism As + I ⇔ AI Interstitialcy mechanism As + I ⇔ Ai Kick-out mechanism As ⇔ Ai + V Dissociative (Frank-Turnbull) mechanism kf As + I AI kr ∂ CIreac = kr C AI − k f CI C A ∂t k r & k f: forward & reverse Coefficients of reaction s ∂Ctotal ∂Cdiff ∂Crctn = + ∂t ∂t ∂t Knowlton 15 Knowlton 16 8 Applying Thermo: an Example of Kinetics - Diffusion MSE 310 Elec. Props of Mat’ls Diffusion Mechanisms = Processes = Reactions 9 Indirect diffusion mechanisms: diffusion with the aid of point defects 1.0 P B Ga, Al 0.8 sI 0.6 0.4 As Acceptors (p-type dopants) Donors (n-type dopants) Fit to Donors 0.2 0.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Sb 1.0 1.1 1.2 r/rI (atomic radius) f2.1 interstitial vs radius.o 5/98 DXeffs ,eq = DXeffs = DXeffs DXeffs ,eq Knowlton eq eq C XI DXI C XV DXV eff eff + = DXI + DXV eq CX s C Xeqs Equilibrium eq eq C XI DXI CI C XV DXV CV eff C I eff CV Nonequilibrium + = DXI + DXV C Xeqs CIeq C Xeqs CVeq CIeq CVeq = eff eff CI DXV CV C C DXI + = sI eqI + sV Veq eff eff eff + DXV CIeq DXeffI + DXV CVeq CI CV DXI 17 9