SOCIAL EVENT REGISTRATION FORM Make sure event is approved before advertising can begin. Please refer to “How to Host an Event” and FAQs before submitting form. Turning in this form does not mean the event is approved. You must have it reviewed by the Risk Management Committee. Failure to complete this form in its entirety, will delay the process of your event being approved. Chapter: __________________________________________ Five reasons a chapter needs to register an event: 1) Alcohol present 2) Held past midnight 3) Estimated guest list of attendees over 150 people (including chapter members) 4) Food is distributed and/or sold to the general public • Risk Management Committee meets weekly on Monday at 9 am. • Please keep in mind that all activities should be consistent with federal, state, and local laws, university policies, and procedures as well as mission/purpose of your organization. • This form must be turned in 10 days prior to the event. Please submit one copy to the Office of Student Activities (front desk). • Contact us at Date of Event: _____________________________________ Times of Event: Start: _________ End: _________ Music must stop 15 minutes and bar must stop 30 minutes before the end of the event. President: Name: Phone #: E-Mail: ID #: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Primary Event Planner: Name: ____________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________ ID #: ____________________________________ Chapter Co-Sponsorship Event (if applicable): Chapter: ____________________________________ Name: ____________________________________ Position ____________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________ ID #: ____________________________________ Section 1: Event Information Type of Event (check all that apply): Fundraising Formal Community Service/Philanthropy Alumni Exchange Co-Sponsorship Other, explain_________________________________________________________ Name of Event: ___________________________________________ Description of Event/theme: ________________________ Address of the Event: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Location Telephone #: ____________________________________ Room /Facility Capacity (per Fire Marshall code): ________ Alcohol at event? Yes No (if no, sections 3- 7 do not need to be filled out, skip to section 8) Guest List attached? Yes No Attending Guests: _________ + _________ = _________ Members Guests Total Section 2: Transportation Not applicable Self (own car) Vendor/Chartered (fill out below) Vendor/Chartered Name: ________________________________________ Company Telephone #: ______________________ Location, Date, & Time of Pickup: ______________________ Location, Date, & Time of Drop-off: ______________________ Location, Date, & Time of Pickup: ______________________ Location, Date, & Time of Drop-off: ______________________ • • • • FIPG Guidelines state: HARD LIQUOR IS NOT PERMITTED ON CHAPTER PREMISES. Glass bottles are not permitted on chapter premises. Alcohol must be served in its original container. Food and non-alcoholic beverages must be served at all self-hosted events where alcohol is being served or consumed. Section 3: Food and Drink (For BYOB events unless requested by National guidelines) Not applicable What food will be provided? How much? _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Location where the non-alcoholic beverages will be available. # Cans of Soda: ________ # Bottles of water: ________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 4: B.Y.O.B Please describe your check-in system, how drinks will be served and provided for your guests who are of age and provide their own alcohol: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 5: Sober Monitor Team If an event is co-sponsored, EACH sponsoring organization must provide a sober monitor team. **Half of designated sober monitor team needs to be over 21, one person needs to be on your executive board** 1-100 guests= 4 monitors 301-400 guests= 10 mon. 101-200 guests= 6 monitors 401-500 guests= 12 mon. 201-300 guests= 8 monitors over 500 guests, please see the Risk Management Committee Sober Monitor Team (“Position” refers to position held in the chapter): Name: _____________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Age: ___________ Name: _____________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Age: ___________ Name: _____________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Age: ___________ Name: _____________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Age: ___________ Name: _____________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Age: ___________ Name: _____________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Age: ___________ Yes No Will sober monitors have a distinguishing nametag or t-shirt? Yes No Have they reviewed the duties of a sober monitor (Section XI.E of the Social Event Management Policy?) Section 6: Third Party Vendor * (You must fill out the Third Party Agreement on the following page.) Name of TPV: ______________________________________ *Include copy of signed agreement and vendors’ proof of insurance TPV Address: ____________________________________________________ TPV Telephone #: ________________________ Section 7: FIPG: THIRD PARTY VENDOR AGREEMENT **Complete this section only if you are having a Third Party Vendor Event** FIPG stands for the Fraternal Informational Programming Group. The purpose of the group is to provide risk management guidelines for fraternities and sororities. FIPG IS NOT AN INSURANCE PROVIDER. TO THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT: Your chapter will be in compliance with the risk management policies of your national fraternity, university and FIPG if you hire a third party vendor to serve alcohol at your functions WHEN you can document the following items listed below. THE VENDOR MUST: 1. Be properly licensed by the appropriate local and state authority. This might involve both a liquor license and a temporary license to sell on the premises where the function is to be held. 2. Be properly insured with a minimum of $1,000,000 of general liability insurance, evidenced by a properly completed certificate of insurance prepared by the insurance provider. If providing alcohol at a location not listed in the "certificate of insurance”, the above "certificate of insurance" must also show evidence that the vendor has, as part of his coverage, "off premise liquor liability coverage." 3. Agree in writing to cash sales only, collected by the vendor, during the function. 4. Assume in writing all the responsibilities that any other purveyor of alcoholic beverages would assume in the normal course of business, including but not limited to: a. Checking identification cards upon entry b. Not serving minors c. Not serving individuals who appear to be intoxicated d. Maintaining absolute control of ALL alcoholic containers present e. Collecting all remaining alcohol at the end of a function (no excess alcohol - opened or unopened – is to be given, sold or furnished to the chapter). f. Removing all alcohol from the premises and/or not allowing individuals to leave premises with thirdparty alcohol. This form must be signed and dated by the chapter president, advisor and the vendor. In doing so, all parties understand that only through compliance with these conditions will the chapter be in compliance with FIPG, national organization requirements, university policies and needed for approval when working with third party vendor. ____________________________ ____________________________ Chapter President’s Printed Name Chapter President’s Signature & Date ____________________________ ____________________________ Vendor’s Printed Name Vendor’s Signature & Date ____________________________ ____________________________ Chapter Advisor’s Printed Name Chapter Advisor’s Signature & Date Adapted from the FIPG Risk Management Manual (2007) Section 8: FIPG: Music and Noise (if on chapter premises) Not applicable Live Band Entertainment, please check all that apply: DJ House System Other, (explain):_________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 9: City Ordinance (if over 150 people will be attending event, held outside and has alcohol): **ONLY APPLICABLE IF EVENT IS BEING HELD ON CHAPTER PROPERTY** Is the total attendance greater than 150 people? Yes No (if not, continue onto section 10) Has the chapter received the permit from the city? Yes No (In order to hold event, the RMC must have a copy of the city permit. If a copy of the permit is not given, the event will be denied until a copy of the permit is given.) Security Company Information: Name of Company_______________________________ Phone #:_____________________ Number of Security Guards:_______ Start Time:_________ End Time:__________ *A copy of the security guard certification must be submitted to the RMC Section 10: Signatures (fill out completely): I understand by submitting this form, I am aware that any violations of university policy related to this event may subject my chapter and/or participants to processing through the Greek and /or campus judicial system. Signature of individual who complete this form: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Chapter Advisor Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Chapter President Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Will your advisor be present at this event? Yes No Please list name, phone, email if attending_______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Taken by: Date & Time received: Reviewed by RMC: Approved by RMC: Denied by RMC: Security Info Received _____________ _____________ _____ Yes _____No _____ Yes _____No _____ Yes _____No _____ Yes _____No Office Use Only: 3rd Party Vendor Agreement: 3rd Party COI: Pre-Guest List received: Post-Guest List received: City Permit Received: Receipts received: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Yes _____No Yes _____No Yes _____No Yes _____No Yes _____No Yes _____No RMC Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________