TIPS NIRSpec Hardware and Status Tony Keyes (Tracy Beck) / Dave Soderblom

NIRSpec Hardware and Status
Tony Keyes (Tracy Beck) / Dave Soderblom
21 April 2011
JWST NIRSpec Quick
•  NIRSpec is the main near-IR spectrograph for JWST – operating at
1-5µm. It has three main observing “modes”:
–  Multi-Object Spectroscopy with the Micro-shutters
–  Integral Field Spectroscopy
–  Fixed Slit single-object Spectroscopy
•  Primary contract for NIRSpec is through ESA, P. Jakobsen is PI.
–  The main build and integration of NIRSpec is contracted to EADS Astrium,
in Ottobrun, Germany. They are responsible for Instrument Optics and
most hardware.
–  NASA is building the Micro-Shutter Subsystem (MSS) including the Microshutter Array (MSA), and the Detector Subsystem (DS), which consists of
two Hawaii 2-RG detectors.
NIRSpec I&T Timeline
Flight Candidate DS Testing: Feb-May 2010 (GSFC)
Deliver Flight Candidate DS: 10 June 2010
Deliver Flight MSS: 23 June 2010
Deliver Flight GWA: 10 August 2010
DS acceptance review (@ Astrium): 4 October 2010
–  Rejected due to QE and bad pixels
–  Use in first cycle of ambient and cryo FM testing
–  DS spare testing at GSFC: Feb-Apr 2011
•  SI integration: November 2010 (Astrium)
•  Vibe, acoustic, ambient tests: December 2010
–  Passed, but fibrous contamination discovered on MSA and other
interior surfaces
•  As a result, MSA not to be operated until cleaning following cycle 1
FM testing
NIRSpec I&T Timeline (cont)
•  FM testing cycle 1: 3 Feb – 2 Mar 2011 (IABG, Ottobrunn)
–  Preparatory, main calibration, confirmation phases all successfully
completed (summary on next slide)
–  STScI supported onsite, ~1-week shifts, nominally 2 IS at a time
–  Transported data back to STScI, ongoing assessment by NIRSpec
Cal Analysis Group
Flight spare DS testing: Feb-Apr 2011 (GSFC)
Flight spare DS arrived in Germany: 18 April 2011
MSA cleaning: last week at Astrium
FM testing cycle 2: late June – early August 2011
–  Will use flight spare DS which is subject to same problems as
current DS
–  Main calibration opportunity for MSA
•  Deliver SI to GSFC: September 2011
•  ISIM I&T: (TBD)
FM Testing Summary – Cycle 1
•  Prep phase: 3-8 Feb 2011 (T. Keyes)
–  Basic ground test systems and instrument setups; environment
background checks, exposure time verification
–  Initial instrument characterization including focus, darks, persistence
tests, MSA contrast map
–  MSA anti-stiction heatup (anneal) procedure test
–  EMI
•  Main Cal phase: 20-24 Feb 2011 (T. Beck, K. Pontoppidan)
–  Primary science calibration for IFU and slit modes including PSF/LSF
characterizations, throughput, flat field, and wavelength calibration;
distortion monitor; subarray mode verification and faint object testing
•  Confirmation phase: 28 Feb-2 Mar 2011
–  Following small temperature change, verify important science
calibration characteristics, including focus, flats, wavecals, distortion,
and darks
•  NIRSpec Science Team Meeting: 2-3 Mar 2011 (J. Valenti, D.
NIRSpec Component Integration, Cleaning, etc…
@ EADS Astrium (Ottobrun, Germany)
FM Tests – Down the street @ IABG
STScI NIRSpec Team
Bill Blair (WIT PPS Lead, Observing Scenarios)
Dave Soderblom (Observing Scenarios, WIT User support)
Diane Karakla (PPS, ETCs)
Doug Long (Detectors, WIT ODL)
James Muzerolle (Commissioning Lead, Cycle 1 Calibration)
Jason Tumlinson (Operations Lead)
Jeff Valenti (WIT DMS Lead, Goddard DS Lead)
Klaus Pontoppidan (Calibration)
Mike Regan (Detectors, WIT ODL Lead)
Tony Keyes (FM Test and I&T Lead Coordinator)
Tracy Beck (Calibration, WIT IFU Lead)