JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Space Telescope Science Institute JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE MISSION SCIENCE AND OPERATIONS CENTER Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Revision - Released: July 7, 2006 Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS5-03127 Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - CM Foreword This document is an STScI JWST Configuration Management-controlled document. Changes to this document require prior approval of the STScI JWST CCB. Proposed changes should be submitted to the JWST Office of Configuration Management. Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. ii Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Signature Page Prepared by: Electronic Signature Charles D. Keyes Principal Program Manager STScI/PM 04/01/06 Reviewed by: Electronic Signature Knox Long WBS Manager JWST Flight Systems Support STScI/JWST Mission Office 06/30/06 Approved by: Electronic Signature David Hunter Project Manager STScI/JWST Mission Office 07/06/06 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. iii Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - STScI JWST Document Change Record Title: Overview of NIRCam Calibration Activities STScI JWST CI No: JWST-STScI-000851 Change No./Date Description of Change JWST-STScI-CR-000789 Baseline document Revision: Baseline (-) Change Authorization/Release: CCB 7/7/06 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. iv Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Table of Contents Space Telescope Science Institute...................................................................................................i JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE MISSION..........................................................................i SCIENCE AND OPERATIONS CENTER.....................................................................................i Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities..................................................................................i Revision -.........................................................................................................................................i Released: July 7, 2006....................................................................................................................i 1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Scope and Purpose of this Document....................................................................................1 1.2 Various Goals of Calibration.................................................................................................2 1.3 NIRSpec Instrument Purpose.................................................................................................3 1.4 NIRSpec Instrument Design..................................................................................................3 1.5 Supporting Documents and Presentations.............................................................................7 2 Sources of Calibration Information..............................................................................................1 2.1 Overview of Assembly, Integration and Testing...................................................................1 2.2 Overview of On-Orbit Commissioning.................................................................................5 2.3 Onboard Calibration Lamps...................................................................................................6 3 Assessment of Ground Calibration Needs....................................................................................1 3.1 Transmissive Optical Components (6)...................................................................................1 3.2 Dispersive Elements Gratings (7)..........................................................................................2 3.3 Non-dispersive Reflective Optical Elements (Mirrors) (14).................................................3 3.4 Opto-mechanical elements (grating wheel, e-focus mechanism, etc) (3)..............................3 3.5 Camera Systems (3 elements)................................................................................................4 3.6 Apertures (fixed and MSA) (5 fixed slits; IFU aperture; MSA)............................................4 3.7 Integral Field Unit..................................................................................................................5 3.8 Calibration Assembly.............................................................................................................6 3.9 Micro-Shutter Array (MSA)..................................................................................................7 3.10 Sensor Chip Assemblies (detectors) (2)...............................................................................8 3.11 Optical Performance/Alignment........................................................................................12 3.12 Geometric Characteristics and Location of Images...........................................................13 3.13 Target Acquisition.............................................................................................................14 3.14 Internal Calibration Channel..............................................................................................14 3.15 Mechanism Motion and Repeatability...............................................................................14 3.16 Spatial Uniformity and Photometric Calibrations..............................................................14 3.17 Spectroscopic and Wavelength Calibrations.....................................................................15 3.18 Integral Field Unit Calibration...........................................................................................17 4 Assessment of On-Orbit Calibration Needs..................................................................................1 4.2 Astrometric Calibration and Image Quality...........................................................................4 4.3 Flat-Field Calibration (Differential Photometric Calibration)...............................................6 4.4 Absolute Photometric Calibrations........................................................................................6 4.5 Wavelength Calibration.........................................................................................................8 4.6 Calibration of Stray and Scattered Light...............................................................................9 5 Draft Science Calibration Pipeline................................................................................................1 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. v Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - 5.1 Overview of Processing for Data from JWST Science Instruments......................................1 5.2 File Formats...........................................................................................................................2 5.3 Pipeline Structure...................................................................................................................3 5.4 A Draft Calibration Pipeline “calNIRSpec”..........................................................................3 5.5 Baseline Strategy for Supplying and Maintaining Reference Files.....................................12 5.6 Summary of Required Calibration Reference Files by Mode..............................................15 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. vi Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - List of Figures Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Schematic diagram showing the layout of the NIRSpec.................................................5 Schematic layout of the NIRSpec slit mask overlaid on the detector array....................5 HST standard stars suitable for photometric calibration of NIRSpec;............................8 Draft outline of NIRSpec pipeline ..................................................................................6 List of Tables Table 1: NIRSpec Optical Element, Bandpass, and Slit characteristics (all modes). ...................4 Table 2: NIRSpec SI characteristics (standard modes)...................................................................6 Table 3: NIRSpec-related Documents............................................................................................7 Table 4: Calibration Sources in NIRSpec.......................................................................................6 Table 5 : Draft Flow Chart for calNIRSpecA..................................................................................8 Table 6: Acquisition and Maintenance of Possible Reference Files ............................................15 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. vii Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 1 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Introduction This document will provide an overview of the activities needed to calibrate the JWST NearInfrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) fully. Although many of these activities are of critical importance and all are highly desirable, only those items derived from items in the “NearInfrared Spectrograph Functional Requirement Document” are to be considered as formal requirements that need to be verified. 1.1 Scope and Purpose of this Document The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive overview of the activities to be performed on the ground at component and system level and in flight during verification and, subsequently, in the science operations period that are required to calibrate NIRSpec, by describing: 1. The measurements required characterizing the instrument completely and optimizing its performance. 2. The corrections that need to be implemented in order to make images from NIRSpec useful for scientific analysis. 3. The baseline plans for the procurement of the ancillary information required to correct NIRSpec images during ground-based testing and on-orbit operations. The approach utilized to evaluate the required activities starts with considering the following questions relating to the requirements of the data processing pipeline, value-added scientific analysis, and sound instrument development practices: 1. What references files are needed to support pipeline processing? What calibration data, observations, and tests are needed to produce the information from which the calibration reference files can be produced? 2. Are there any special datasets required to characterize the SI regardless of their relevance to the creation of pipeline reference files? 3. Are there special datasets required for the support of more detailed scientific analysis that extends beyond routine pipeline processing? 4. Lastly, are their any calibrations, special datasets, or important procedures that should be obtained or utilized whose utility stems from important lessons learned in HST instrument development and calibration? Of course, the detailed nature of these calibration activities will evolve as the instrument design matures and construction proceeds. Elaboration of the activities outlined here will ultimately lead to the production of two deliverable items from the Instrument Development Team (IDT): 1. GSW-01: Science Instrument Ground Software Report (calibration algorithms and documented I&T software) 1 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - 2. GSW-02: Calibration Reference Files (initial suite of calibration files, with documentation concerning their format) Although there are few formal requirements for the properties of the final, calibrated data products from the NIRSpec, such requirements are implied by the stated performance goals contained in the NIRSpec Functional Requirements Document. These are mentioned when relevant. It is anticipated that, at a later date, a comprehensive NIRSpec Calibration Plan (NIRSpec DRD OPS-03) for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) mission will be prepared. This, in turn, will serve as part of the input to the overall JWST Calibration Plan (SOC DRD OP09) to be prepared by STScI. The NIRSpec Calibration Plan will define in detail how the instrument will be calibrated to accomplish the science objectives for NIRSpec described in the JWST Science Requirements Document (JWST-RQMT-002258). The NIRSpec Calibration Plan will implement the calibration requirements outlined in the NIRSpec Functional Requirements Document (ESA–JWST–SPEC–002060) and follows the procedures outlined in the NIRSpec Operations Concept Document (STScI-JWST-R-2003-0003). The NIRSpec Calibration Plan shall support the calibration requirements as outlined in or derived from the NIRSpec FRD. The NIRSpec Calibration Plan document will consist of several volumes including: 1) the routine calibrations planned during the use of NIRSpec in flight, 2) the ground test plan (NIRS-CRAL- PL-0001 issue 1 or its latest revision), and 3) the in-orbit checkout or verification plan. 1.2 Various Goals of Calibration The motivations for calibration activities evolve through the various stages in the life of an instrument, but fall into one of the following categories: 1. Characterizing the properties or behavior of a component of the instrument or the integrated instrument, in order to verify that baseline specifications are met. 2. Optimizing the adjustable parameters associated with one or more component of the instrument to ensure the required performance is achieved. 3. Monitoring the performance of the instrument in order to document and mitigate any degradation that might occur over time or with different environmental circumstances. 4. Preparing the data returned from the instrument for scientific analysis and interpretation by removing instrumental signatures and artifacts. Characterization and optimization are emphasized during assembly, integration, and test (AIT) of the instrument. Many of these aspects of understanding the behavior of the instrument are revisited during the on-orbit commissioning phase as well, when the actual operational conditions have been attained. Thereafter, routine monitoring of on-orbit performance, with occasional changes in adjustable parameters to optimize performance in the face of aging and other effects is required. 2 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - The fourth goal is qualitatively different, since it involves manipulations to the data returned by the instrument rather than measuring the performance of the instrument itself. Of course, without detailed understanding of the behavior of the instrument and its key components, the manipulations required to remove instrumental signatures cannot be performed with the desired level of fidelity. The information necessary to accomplish these tasks is usually communicated via a variety of reference files, which are the primary by-product of the activities that are directly linked to characterizing the hardware. 1.3 NIRSpec Instrument Purpose The purpose of the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) is to provide low, medium, and high-resolution spectroscopic observations over the wavelength range 0.6 µm – 5 µm in support of the four JWST science programs: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identification of the “first light” Structure formation in the universe and the assembly of the first galaxies Formation of stars and planetary systems Evolution of planetary systems A complete description and discussion of the NIRSpec science requirements is listed in the James Webb Space Telescope Project Science Requirements Document (JWST-RQMT-002258). These requirements flow to and are expanded into additional specific requirements for the instrument in the NIRSpec Functional Requirements. 1.4 NIRSpec Instrument Design NIRSpec is a multi-object dispersive spectrograph covering a field-of-view (FOV) of > 3 x 3 arcmin, capable of observing >100 sources simultaneously in a variety of passbands from 0.6 to 5. Microns. The European Space Agency (ESA) is providing the instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). EADS Astrium and various subcontractors are building NIRSpec for ESA. SI PI Dr. Peter Jakobsen (ESTEC) leads the IDT. The region of sky to be observed is transferred from the JWST optical telescope element (OTE) to the spectrograph aperture focal plane (AFP) by a pick-off mirror (POM) and a system of foreoptics which includes a filter wheel for selecting band passes and introducing internal calibration sources. The nominal scale at the AFP is ~2.5 arcsec/mm. For R=100, 1000, or 2700 spectroscopy, targets in the FOV are normally selected by opening groups of shutters in a micro-shutter array (MSA) in specified patterns to form slits. In addition to the apertures defined by the MSA, there are five fixed-slits in the AFP that can be used for high-contrast R=100 or R=1000 spectroscopy. There also is an integral-field unit (IFU) that uses a fixed entrance slit with a 3x3 arc sec FOV for R=2700 integral-field spectroscopy with average spatial sampling of 0.075 arcsec. 3 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - These slits are re-imaged onto a two-element mosaic of NIR detectors (the focal-plane array: FPA) by a collimator, a dispersing element (gratings or a double-pass prism) or an imaging mirror, and a camera. The image scale on the FPA is nominally 5.56 arcsec/mm (100 mas per detector pixel). In separate pairs of columns Table 1 lists each optical element and its corresponding resolution, the combinations of wavelength region and filter, and the slits and associated fields-of-view for the instrument. No combinations of slits and spectral elements are precluded from use, however Table 2 lists the various combinations of these quantities that are anticipated to be most commonly used and are presently considered the standard observing modes. The basic elements of the spectrograph are illustrated schematically in Figure 1, which shows both the optical subsystems and associated mechanisms. Figure 2 shows the slit mask overlaid on the detector assembly. Optical Element Spectral Resolution Wavelength range (µm) Filter Wheel Slit FOV Mirror --- 0.6-5.0 Transparent MSA 3.4x3.5 arcmin P285L 100 >1.0 Long pass I IFU 3x3 arcsec G140M 1000 >1.7 Long pass II SLIT_A_200_1 200x3500 mas G235M 1000 >2.9 Long pass III SLIT_A_200_2 200x3500 mas G395M 1000 0.96-1.24 Broadband A SLIT_A_400 400x4000 mas G140H 2700 0.78-2.10 Broadband B SLIT_A_100 100x2000 mas G235H 2700 0.7-5.0 Long pass 0.7 SLIT_B_200 200x3500 mas G395H 2700 MSA: 4x365x171 shutters; each shutter 200 mas x 450 mas with 264x514 mas spacing; FOV: 9 arcmin2 (3.4x3.5 arcmin) IFU: one slit; average spatial sampling 0.075 arcsec; FOV: 9 arcsec2 (3 x 3 arcsec) Fixed slits: 5 slits Pairs of columns list optical element and corresponding resolution, the combinations of wavelength region and filter, and slits and their fields-of-view. All combinations of slit and spectral element are allowed. Table 1: NIRSpec Optical Element, Bandpass, and Slit characteristics (all modes). 4 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing the layout of the NIRSpec. Figure 2: Schematic layout of the NIRSpec slit mask overlaid on the detector array 5 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Mode Imaging Imaging Imaging Imaging Imaging Imaging Imaging Spectroscopy Spectroscopy Spectroscopy Wavelength Filter Wheel range (µm) 0.6-5.0 >1.0 >1.7 >2.9 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - AFP Resolution Optical Element 0.7-5.0 transparent Long pass I Long pass II Long pass III Broadband A Broadband B Long pass 0.7 TA config TA config TA config TA config TA config TA config TA config 0.6-5.0 transparent MSA R=100 1.0-5.0 0.6-5.0 1.0-5.0 Long pass I transparent Long pass I MSA Fixed slit Fixed slit R=100 R=100 R=100 P285L (Dualpass prism) P285L P285L P285L 0.7-1.4 Long pass 0.7 R=1000 G140M 1.0-1.8 Long pass I R=1000 G140M 1.7-3.0 Long pass II R=1000 G235M 2.9-5.0 Long pass III MSA, Fixed slit MSA, Fixed slit MSA, Fixed slit MSA, Fixed slit R=1000 G395M 0.7-1.4 Long pass 0.7 R=2700 G140H 1.0-1.8 Long pass I R=2700 G140H 1.7-3.0 Long pass II R=2700 G235H 2.9-5.0 Long pass III MSA, Fixed slit, or IFU MSA, Fixed slit, or IFU MSA, Fixed slit, or IFU MSA, Fixed slit, or IFU R=2700 G395H 0.96-1.24 0.78-2.10 Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Table 2: NIRSpec SI characteristics (standard modes) 6 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 1.5 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Supporting Documents and Presentations Document Author(s) JWST–RQMT–002060 Draft JWST-RQMT-000835 JWST-RQMT-002558 JWST-RQMT-000634 JWST-RQMT-02020 STScI-JWST-OPS-002 ST-ECF Instrument Science Report JWST 2003-01 ST-ECF Instrument Science Report JWST 2004-01 CRAL-PJT-NIRS-CAL-PLN-20050201 STScI-JWST-R-2003-0003 STScI–JWST–TM–2004–0025 STScI–NGST–R–0014A NIRSpec Definition Study – Final Presentations; 11 May 2004 NIRSpec IDT Calibration Meeting Presentations; 16/17 June 2005 Kuntschner et al Kuntschner et al Ferruit Regan et al Kriss Casertano P. Ferruit, others P. Jakobsen, T. Boeker, P. Ferruit, others ESA-JWST-RQ-322 Title Near-Infrared Spectrograph Functional Requirements Document (FRD), (draft 15 Feb 2005) JWST ISIM Requirements Document JWST Project Science Requirements Document (SRD) JWST Project Mission Requirements Document (MRD) JWST Observatory Requirements Document Operations Concept for the JWST Mission Calibration Concept for the JWST Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec), ver 1.2, 18 June 2003 Ground Calibration Concept for the JWST NearInfrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) JWST/NIRSpec On-ground Calibration Plan NIRSpec Operations Concept, issue 2.0, 10 Nov 2003 Recommendations for JWST FITS Formats and Keywords NGST Calibration Overview Various presentations Various presentations ESA NIRSpec System Requirements Document (ESA SRD), issue 2, 10 Feb 2005 Near Infrared Spectrograph for JWST – Design Development and Verification Plan Near Infrared Spectrograph for JWST – Assembly, Integration, and Test Plan, Issue 2, 4 Oct 2004 JWST NIRSpec System Requirement Document, Issue 1, rev 2 draft, 18 Nov 2004 NIRSpec detector sub-system functional and performance requirements specification, issue 2, rev 1(draft) 25 June 2004 NIRSpec micro-shutter array sub-system functional and performance requirements specification, issue12, rev 0 12 May 2003 NIRS-ASD-PL-005 NIRS-ASD-PL-0012 ESA –JWST-RQ-322 ESA –JWST-RQ-22 ESA –JWST-RQ-22 NIRSpec IDT draft memo, 15 June 2005 CRAL-PJT-NIRS-CAL-TN-20050101, draft 1 Mar 2005 CRAL-PJT-NIRS-CAL-TN-20011101, draft 3 Nov 2004 CRAL-PJT-NIRS-CAL-TN-20041002, draft rev 17 Nov 2004 NIRS-CRAL-PL-0001, issue 1 23 Nov 2005 De Marchi, G. and Boeker, T. Ferruit, P. NIRS-CRAL-RQ-0001 Ferruit, P. Ferruit, P. Ferruit, P. Ferruit, P. NIRSpec pipeline concept – a high level description Review of the in-orbit radiometric calibration of the NIRSpec instrument Review of the calibration of distortion for the NIRSpec instrument Review of the in-orbit wavelength calibration of the NIRSpec instrument JWST NIRSpec Performance & Calibration on-ground calibration plan for the NIRSpec FM-level calibration campaign NIRSpec OGSE Requirements Table 3: NIRSpec-related Documents 7 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 2 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Sources of Calibration Information Quantitative information about various aspects of the performance of the NIRSpec will be available from a variety of sources, which change through the lifetime of the instrument. In general terms, these can be characterized as follows: 1. Component: Ground-based testing of individual components during assembly. For example, the reflectivity characteristics of a grating or the band-pass of a specific filter can be most easily characterized before it is installed in the instrument. 2. I & T, Thermal-Vac: Ground-based testing of the integrated or partially integrated instrument during I&T, optical end-to-end tests, or space environment testing. Such tests provide initial information concerning, e.g., the overall sensitivity of the instrument. This phase of testing will provide valuable data that will be used in production of a variety of initial calibration reference files. 3. On-orbit dedicated: On-orbit observations dedicated to NIRSpec calibration activities, either of the built-in calibration lamps or specially selected astronomical sources. These observations will be obtained in both the commissioning period and during the routine science operations lifetime. 4. On-orbit parallel: On-orbit observations done in parallel with science or calibration observations conducted by different primary instruments. Such parallel observations will likely be confined to the built-in calibration lamps or dark exposures. These observations will be obtained in both the commissioning period and during the routine science operations lifetime. 5. On-orbit as science: Primary science data collected by the NIRSpec on-orbit. Such data serve as the primary resource for the detection of subtle, systematic deficiencies or changes in the overall quality of the science data. 6. Simulations and modeling: Instrument simulations and calibration models will be useful guides and aids in certain calibrations. (dispersion from optical design and principles, flat fields based on ground-based observation, instrument simulations like those provided by the NIRSpec instrument performance simulator (IPS).) 2.1 Overview of Assembly, Integration and Testing The IDT has prepared a comprehensive, preliminary ground calibration plan for the FM (NIRSCRAL-PL-0001 dated 23 November 2005, P. Ferruit). The ground-based calibration campaigns will be aimed at characterizing and calibrating the instrument and, in certain cases, may be used for verification purposes. Many of the activities will be conducted at operating (cryogenic) temperatures. Ground-based NIRSpec calibrations will be conducted at several stages of instrument construction with a variety of Ground Support Equipment. Some individual components must be tested separately, subsystem tests will be conducted on a development model (DM) and Engineering Test Unit (ETU) of the SI, and full system-level testing will be conducted with the Flight Model (FM) of the instrument. Early cryogenic testing will be performed on the DM. A refurbished DM will become the ETU, which will be delivered to NASA/GSFC for incorporation in the ISIM ETU Integration & Test program, and will validate 1 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - the procedures to be used in the Flight ISIM I&T program. Early component or subsystem testing can occur individually or at the DM/ETU level. Prior to assembly, the transmitted or reflected figures of all optical components will be verified, as will their optical properties in the spectral region of interest. Components will also be rigorously inspected for damage. At present no specific detailed component or subsystem calibration campaigns have been fully defined either by the IDT or at GSFC. 2.1.1 DM/ETU The DM/ETU is planned to be optically representative of the flight instrument up to the plane of the MSA with representative fore-optics and a non-functional, single-position filter wheel and an ETU FPA in the MSA plane. This system will be essentially an imaging device that will be useful for early characterization and calibration of the spatial aspects of the SI, probably limited PSF and distortion measurements. There will be no functional internal calibration channel in the DM/ETU. 2.1.2 FM The FM will be the actual fully integrated flight instrument with full design capabilities. It will have an active internal calibration channel. Ground testing of the FM will provide most of the pre-flight knowledge of the SI characteristics. All modes and instrument configurations will be tested to provide a complete set of instrument-level calibrations, validation of the TA algorithms, and refinement and verification of the important, planned on-orbit calibration procedures. Some of the ground calibrations of the FM will be used for SI verification purposes. At present the project plans no ISIM- or observatory-level calibration activities apart from basic alignment and performance checking. 2.1.3 Optical GSE A detailed description of the optical ground support equipment (OGSE) that will be used during the verification and calibration campaign (in particular for the cryogenic testing of the FM) can be found in Sect. 9.1 of the NIRSpec Assembly, Integration and Test Program (NIRS-ASD-PL012). In this document, we include the key parameters of the OGSE. OGSE is a large set of equipment that not only is necessary to provide the signal input into the SI in system-level environmental and cryogenic testing, but also will be used for integration and testing in ambient conditions as well. Based upon detailed ground calibration needs, the NIRSpec IDT is presently considering the precise requirements and specifications for the OGSE (see NIRS-CRAL-RQ-0001 presently in draft). The OGSE will be a complex assortment of hardware that will be essentially a telescope simulator. It must be operated at cryogenic temperatures and will include a number of mechanisms with stringent positioning and stability requirements. Several types of illumination will be required with an integrating sphere in OGSE: flat field illumination with typical field 2 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - stop masks, a grid of spatially resolved sources for distortion measurements, a grid of nominal point sources for PSF measurements, TA checking, and relative photometric calibration, and by itself, a single, precisely radiometrically calibrated source for the absolute photometric calibrations. A variety of input sources will be needed; e.g., narrowband and emission line sources, and broadband continuum sources – the exact properties of these sources is presently being considered by the IDT. The positioning of input source illumination masks should be controlled very precisely in order to allow micro positioning of sources within instrument slits. The sources themselves should be movable on larger scales in order to move accurately within much of the SI FOV. 2.1.4 Electrical GSE (EGSE) Communications with the NIRSpec instrument occurs via the instrument command & datahandling computer (ICDH) . This interface will be used for most instrument-level testing via dedicated EGSE. In particular, the Science Instrument Test Set (SITS) supplied by the JWST Project at NASA/GSFC will be used to operate the NIRSpec during verification testing. The SITS provides a simulation of the ISIM system elements from the NIRSpec interfaces to the ground system, including ground command inputs and science data and engineering housekeeping data outputs. The SITS consists of two major components: a Science Instrument Development Unit (SIDU) and a Space Wire Test Set (SWTS). The SIDU will be used to: • • • • develop NIRSpec flight software to control and monitor the instrument mechanisms. perform initial development and test of the instrument control electronics (ICE) hardware. develop, verify, and validate instrument test procedures for use during instrument- and ISIM-level I&T. develop, verify, and validate command and telemetry database definitions that will be used by the JWST flight software database. The SWTS will be used for initial development and test of the Space Wire interfaces between the ISIM and the NIRSpec ICE/FPE (focal plane electronics) units. The NIRSpec Instrument Data Handling and Analysis System (DHAS) is the final component of the EGSE. The DHAS will be a basic workstation with customized software to enable offline analysis of NIRSpec image data. The DHAS will extend the ESA/NASA provided SITS in order to verify the performances and to calibrate the Instrument. The DHAS will ingest FITS file formatted science raw data from the SITS and archive all these data with related time and/or observation ID. From the data storage the data handling and analysis system users will have the possibility via the attached stations to select and access the data for nearly real-time, retrieve or playback processing. A hierarchical file management system functionality support easy searching, browsing and recovery of archived data based on time 3 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - and/or observation ID. This data selection and access possibility will be as well provided to the users of the ESA science station and to the GSFC provided station. The data handling and analysis system will incorporate the necessary hardware and software for the instrument verification and calibration. One part of the system will be used for scientific calibration as well as for instrument verification. This will as well include the system to ‘quick look’ display and analyse the science data (IQLAC). The Quick Look Analysis System provided (HW & SW) by GSFC to verify the operation and health and safety of the FPA will be required to archive its own products. The following physical stations will build up the DHAS: • Server for Storage, data management, data switch & FTP/internet server (SSDS) • Instrument Verification, QLA and Calibration HW/SW provided by LAM (IQLAC) • FPE/FPA Quick Look Analysis HW/SW provided by GSFC JWST (FPQLA) Additional to the stations described above the data handling and analysis system provides the capability to connect and interface to • The ESA Science Calibration Station(s) • The Instrument Performance Simulator (IPS) Thus, the NIRSpec DHAS will be the focus of efforts to characterize the performance of the NIRSpec and generate an initial suite of reference files for the calibration pipeline (see Section 5.5). 2.1.5 Ambient Ground Calibration Some components, such as mirrors, filters, and detectors may be tested at room temperature as well as operating temperature at ambient pressure. Some alignment activities can also be performed at ambient conditions. Wave-front error maps and distortion maps will be characterized in ambient conditions. Indeed the OTE-focal-sphere to MSA distortion map will be characterized at ambient and will not be directly measurable after this phase. On the other hand, certain important components may not be fully operable at ambient (e.g., the FPA and MSA). 2.1.6 Thermal-Vac The bulk of the ground-based data that will serve as input into the generation of calibration reference files will be obtained with the FM in temperature and pressure conditions typical of actual flight conditions at L2. This will require that the instrument be cooled to ~37° K in a suitable Thermal-vacuum (TV) chamber in which it can receive the necessary input signals from the OGSE. At this time it is envisioned that 30 days of 24/7 cryogenic, vacuum testing will be 4 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - available. The verification of the flight unit will include a combination of functional tests during integration and subsequent environmental simulations under TV conditions. NSFR-17 Prior to launch, the NIRSpec shall survive at least 4 cryocycles from ambient to survival temperature during ISIM and Observatory level testing. 2.2 Overview of On-Orbit Commissioning A detailed plan for the functional tests and calibration observations during on-orbit commissioning of the NIRSpec has not been developed yet. Section 4.1.1 contains a listing of possible commissioning activities. The duration and depth of commissioning functional tests and calibration activities will ultimately be dictated by NIRSpec FRD requirement NSFR-20, which states that NIRSpec shall complete its commissioning activities within 90 days (TBR) of reaching operating temperature. NFSR-16 also implies that the maximum duration of the commissioning period would be 6 months. SI BOL commences at the end of the commissioning period and nominal EOL follows 5 years later. Full SI performance requirements are to be met at EOL and some include reference to BOL, as well. NSFR-16 All NIRSpec components and sub-systems shall survive 5.5 years of nominal in-orbit operations (incl. 6 months for commissioning), plus 3.5 years of testing prior to launch, plus 3 years of ground storage. NSFR-20 NIRSpec shall complete its commissioning activities within 90 days (TBR 1) of reaching operating temperature using no more than 25% (TBR 2) of the available observatory time. NSFR-2 All requirements in this section shall be fulfilled at EOL except when mentioned otherwise. Before genuine calibration activities can begin, the NIRSpec will have to undergo a suite of housekeeping, basic aliveness, and functional tests in order to establish, e.g., whether the grating and filter wheels and other mechanisms respond correctly to commands; whether the calibration sources work; and so on. We will not enumerate all of those here. However, in section 4 we will mention those that are directly related to or facilitate calibration-type activities. Some issues associated with this phase of in-orbit checkout include: • How cool does the ISIM cavity have to be before these tests can begin? It is possible that the ISIM will have to be quite near its nominal operating temperature (~37° K) before functional tests involving the MSA can begin, due to bowing at higher temperatures. The temperature and pressure at which it will be possible to operate the MSA shutters is TBD at present. • The present baseline is for this testing to be performed sequentially in the commissioning period. Can some tests of NIRSpec be run at the same time as (parallel operation with) commissioning tests of other SIs or other Observatory activities, or must they be run sequentially in the commissioning period? Meaningful external scientific calibration of the NIRSpec cannot begin before the nominal operating temperature is reached and the wave-front sensing and control (WFS&C) process has converged to provide a stable point-spread function. 5 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 2.3 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Onboard Calibration Lamps The specification for the onboard calibration unit is presently being put together by the IDT. The practicalities of the instrument layout led to a design with a mirror located on the back of the filter wheel shutter to inject light into the optical path. As a result light from the onboard calibration unit does NOT pass through the fore-optics or the filter wheel, hence does not follow the same exact path as light from external sources. There will be a set of continuum and spectral sources to facilitate flat field and wavelength calibration of the SI, although the exact set of sources is still under evaluation. The unit will provide a flat field type of illumination of the FOV using an integrating sphere. Presently filaments with no glass enclosure are being considered for the continuum sources. The spectral line sources are not yet decided. Two different onboard calibration unit configurations are under consideration in order to provide the maximum unique flat field and wavelength calibration coverage for the instrumental modes. Calibration Type Lamp Flat Field 5 continuum lamps Wavelength 4 spectral lamps Table 4: Calibration Sources in NIRSpec 6 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 3 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Assessment of Ground Calibration Needs In this section, the calibrations required to characterize the behavior of the NIRSpec are discussed on a component-by-component and calibration-type basis. Particular attention is paid to the needs of ground calibration, however the need for on-orbit calibration is indicated as necessary. The approach is to summarize the function and influence of the various optical components. Specific items requiring characterization are identified, as are the signatures that are imprinted on image data. Mitigation strategies are discussed briefly. Following the component-by-component and assembly listing, specific types of end-to-end calibrations required at system or integrated SI level are described. Input from the ECF calibration concept, ground-calibration concept, and ground calibration plan (NIRS-CRAL-PL-0001, P. Ferruit) documents are included throughout this section. The next several sections provide a component-by-component and assembly listing in which a template format is used to describe each component, list properties to be verified, indicate the influence on SI performance and data, include any remarks pertaining to calibration of the component, and to list anticipated testing environments for the component. After the component-by-component narratives, there are sections for the subsystem, DM/ETU, and FMlevels of characterization on a calibration type-by-type basis. 3.1 Transmissive Optical Components (6) There are six filters that will be utilized in NIRSpec. Four long-pass filters will be used in conjunction with the gratings and the imaging mode to isolate the specific spectral regions to be observed. Two special-purpose filters (Band “A” and Band “B”) are also proposed for imaging mode. Additionally, there will be several transmissive components in the calibration assembly. 3.1.1 • • • • • • Component Properties to be verified and characterized Measure transmission as function of wavelength; meets specifications Measure surface flatness, figure, and wedge Evaluate surface roughness and defects Measure bandpasses for each filter Suppression of unwanted reflections from filters Transmissive characteristics of calibration assembly components 3.1.2 Influence on NIRSpec performance and data The transmission of the filters contributes to the sensitivity of the NIRSpec, but sensitivity is best characterized as an instrument-level throughput. Roughness or other filter surface quality factors may degrade the final point-spread function (PSF) or contribute to scattered light. 1 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - 3.1.3 Remarks Characterization and verification of the properties of the various filters are most easily accomplished before they are installed in the NIRSpec. The bandpasses and profiles of the blocking filters will be most easily measured during ground-based AIT activities. Thereafter, they can be monitored for degradation (as a function of age or temperature) via their contribution to the total throughput of the instrument. It will be more difficult to monitor shifts in the bandpass as a function of age. ECF ground-calibration concept recommends characterization at ambient and at mean ISIM temperature. Anticipated testing environment: Component 3.2 Dispersive Elements Gratings (7) Six gratings (G140M, G235M, G395M, G140H, G235H, and G395H) and one prism (P285L) are utilized as dispersive elements in NIRSpec. The satisfaction of the following two FRD requirements are directly related to their characteristics: NSFR-39 NIRSpec shall obtain low-resolution (R=100) spectra over the wavelength range 0.6 µm - 5.0 µm in a single exposure. NSFR-40 NIRSpec shall obtain medium (R=1000) and high (R=3000) resolution spectra over the wavelength range 1.0 µm - 5.0 µm in no more than three separate exposures. 3.2.1 • • • • • • Component Properties to be verified and characterized Efficiency as function of wavelength; efficiency meets specifications Resolution characteristics for zeroth, first, and second orders Scattered light parallel to and perpendicular to dispersion Ghosts in dispersed image Polarization introduced by dispersive elements Optical surface meets specifications 3.2.2 Influence on NIRSpec performance and data The efficiency of the various NIRSpec dispersive elements contributes to the sensitivity of the NIRSpec, but sensitivity is best characterized as an instrument-level throughput. Roughness in the optical surface of the gratings may degrade the final line-spread function (LSF), hence the spectral resolution and scattered light characteristics. 3.2.3 Remarks Characterization and verification of the properties of the various dispersive elements are most easily accomplished before they are installed in the NIRSpec. Tests are likely to be performed as part of the flight dispersive optics selection process. Both reflective and transmissive characteristics of the prism must be characterized. ECF ground-calibration concept recommends characterization at ambient and at mean ISIM temperature. Anticipated testing environment: Component 2 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 3.3 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Non-dispersive Reflective Optical Elements (Mirrors) (14) There are 14 reflective surfaces in the NIRSpec optical path including the collimator, camera assembly, the pick-off mirror (POM) flat, and fore optics, the focusing assembly, 8 additional reflective surfaces in the IFU, and additional elements in the calibration system optical path. 3.3.1 • • • • Component Properties to be verified and characterized Reflectivity as function of wavelength; reflectivity meets specifications Collimation meets tolerance Optical surface meets specifications Fore optics wave-front errors 3.3.2 Influence on NIRSpec performance and data The reflectivity of the POM, the collimator, and other various NIRSpec reflective optical elements contribute to the sensitivity of the NIRSpec, but sensitivity is best characterized as an instrument-level throughput. Roughness in the optical surfaces of the mirrors may degrade the final point-spread function (PSF). 3.3.3 Remarks Characterization and verification of the properties of the various mirrors are most easily accomplished before they are installed in the NIRSpec. ECF ground-calibration concept recommends characterization at ambient and at mean ISIM temperature. Anticipated testing environment: Component 3.4 Opto-mechanical elements (grating wheel, e-focus mechanism, etc) (3) Several mechanical elements present in the optical path can affect observational quality and hence are of interest in calibration considerations. These include the filter wheel, the grating wheel, and focusing mechanisms. The following FRD requirement directly pertains: NSFR-61 Once in position, the NIRSpec mechanisms - grating wheel, filter wheel, and refocusing mechanism(s) - shall not produce any micro-vibrations. 3.4.1 • • Component Properties to be verified, defined, characterized, or optimized Positional repeatability Mechanism stability 3.4.2 Influence on NIRSpec performance and data The stability of these elements would contribute to the image quality, the spectral resolution and range, and the quality of the wavelength calibration of NIRSpec, but these quantities are best characterized at the instrument-level. 3 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - 3.4.3 Remarks Characterization and verification of the repeatability and stability properties of these mechanisms can be demonstrated at the component level, however the implications of NSFR-61 suggest that these properties should be evaluated at all stages of integration and operation from component level though flight operations. Characterization should occur at ambient and at mean ISIM temperature. Anticipated testing environment: Component, T-V level, ISIM, on-orbit 3.5 Camera Systems (3 elements) The point-spread function from the cameras is under sampled at the detector for all wavelengths short ward of approximately 3 microns. 3.5.1 • • • Properties to be defined and characterized Focus (particularly at cryogenic operating temperatures) The point-spread function (PSF) as a function of position The geometric distortion in the image plane 3.5.2 Influence on NIRSpec performance and data Specific imprints on the NIRSpec images attributable to the cameras are • The final PSF • Geometric distortion 3.5.3 Remarks During routine, on-orbit operations, the under-sampling of the PSF, particularly in the spatial direction, over most of the NIRSpec small-scale dithering will mitigate waveband. Dither schemes should be tested in ground based testing at the DM/ETU and FM level. The geometric distortion of the entire optical system can be characterized during AIT by detailed ray tracing and by imaging a mask containing regular grid of holes. Determinations on-orbit will be a byproduct of the astrometric calibration (Section 4.2). Characterizations should occur at mean ISIM temperature. Anticipated testing environment: Unit, T-V, on-orbit 3.6 Apertures (fixed and MSA) (5 fixed slits; IFU aperture; MSA) Several fixed slits are available for use with all dispersers. An additional fixed aperture is dedicated for use with the IFU. The following FRD requirements concern the physical characteristics of the apertures: NSFR-41 In R=100 mode, the spectral resolution over the spectral range 1.0 µm – 5.0 µm shall not exceed the range R = 50 - 200 for a 200 mas wide slit or MSA shutter. 4 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - NSFR-54 The NIRSpec optics shall be sufficiently oversized so that no more than 10% of the light passing through the slit is lost due to diffraction effects. This applies to all wavelengths between 0.6 µm and 5.0 µm and all positions within the NIRSpec FOV. NSFR-8 NIRSpec shall have a dedicated aperture for high-contrast, single-object spectroscopy with an out-of-slit rejection ratio higher than 106, i.e. less than 1 part in 106 shall be transmitted outside of the slit. 3.6.1 • • • • • Component Properties to be verified and characterized Physical size of each aperture Location of each aperture within the Aperture Focal Plane (AFP) Location of corners or other readily identifiable physical features Out-of-slit rejection Characterize aperture diffraction 3.6.2 Influence on NIRSpec performance and data The sizes of the various NIRSpec apertures can contribute to the sensitivity of the NIRSpec, but sensitivity is best characterized as an instrument-level throughput. 3.6.3 Remarks Characterization and verification of the properties of the various apertures are most easily accomplished before they are installed in the NIRSpec. ECF ground-calibration concept recommends characterization need be performed only at ambient temperature. Anticipated testing environment: Component 3.7 Integral Field Unit Since the operation of the IFU is substantially different in concept from the other data-taking slits, there will be a separate section later in this chapter (section 3.19) dealing specifically with the spectroscopy-related calibration characteristics of the IFU unit. However, we list here quantities that pertain to the component-level characteristics of the IFU. The NIRSpec Integral Field Unit will sample a small subset of the overall FOV and slice it to provide an R=2700 data cube over the entire slit area. The following FRD requirements pertain to or derive from IFU characteristics: NSFR-62 NIRSpec shall incorporate an IFU to enable high spectral resolution (R=3000) observations of a contiguous area of the sky no smaller than 3’’ x 3’’ over the 1.0 µm - 5.0 µm spectral range in no more than three separate exposures. NSFR-63 NIRSpec shall provide target acquisition functions, which shall enable autonomous positioning of the IFU FOV over the selected target region. NSFR-64 In IFU mode, the average optical throughput of the NIRSpec optical train shall be ≥ 20% including the relevant R=3000 dispersive element and the relevant order blocking filter for any wavelength between 1 µm and 5 µm and for any position within the IFU FOV. 5 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - NSFR-65 The IFU shall have the same axial focus position with the other NIRSpec operational modes. 3.7.1 • • • Component Properties to be verified and characterized Measure reflectivity for all optical elements in IFU Measure scattered light characteristics for all optical elements in IFU Optical surfaces meet specifications; alignments at detector 3.7.2 Influence on NIRSpec performance and data The efficiency of the various IFU elements contributes to the sensitivity of the NIRSpec, but sensitivity of the IFU is best characterized as a system-level throughput for the IFU unit. 3.7.3 Remarks Characterization and verification of the properties of the various IFU elements are most easily accomplished before they are installed in the NIRSpec. Subsequent system level characterizations of the integrated IFU unit should be performed to assess overall throughput and image quality. ECF ground-calibration concept recommends characterization at ambient and at mean ISIM temperature. Anticipated testing environment: Component, system (unit) level. 3.8 Calibration Assembly The NIRSpec calibration unit assembly is presently being defined. The unit will provide flat field and wavelength calibration capabilities. The following FRD requirements pertain to calibration unit characteristics: NSFR-66 NIRSpec shall carry an internal light source with a spectrum free of any prominent emission lines or absorption features (“continuum source”) in order to enable calibration of the detector response pattern (“flat field”). NSFR-67 NIRSpec shall carry an internal light source with a sufficient number of narrow, welldefined spectral features (“line source”) in order to enable calibration of the wavelength scale in NIRSpec spectra. NSFR-68 All NIRSpec-internal calibration sources shall illuminate the entire FOV with a spatial uniformity of 25% or better. NSFR-69 All NIRSpec-internal calibration sources shall illuminate any 5-arcsec-diameter region of the FOV with a spatial uniformity of 1% or better. NSFR-70 The flux of all NIRSpec-internal calibration sources shall degrade less than 10% between BOL and EOL. 3.8.1 • • • Component Properties to be verified and characterized Illumination uniformity of lamps Applicability of internal lamps S/N versus exposure time 6 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities • • • • JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Identify lamp heating, aging, and stability characteristics Evaluate safety and image quality issues for SCA (e.g., persistence) Detailed “line” maps for wavelength calibration lamps Reflectivities of whole assembly as function of wavelength 3.8.2 Influence on NIRSpec performance and data The calibration unit components affect accurate determination of observational image quality, spectral resolution, and wavelengths. 3.8.3 Remarks All properties listed above for characterization should be determined as a function of lamp operating current. Verification of the properties of the lamps is most easily accomplished before they are installed in the NIRSpec. Subsequent system level characterizations of the integrated calibration unit should be performed to assess flat fielding and wavelength calibration capability. Characterization of all characteristics of the integrated unit should be performed at nominal ISIM temperature and possibly bracketing values. Anticipated testing environment: system (unit) level. 3.9 Micro-Shutter Array (MSA) The MSA unit allows multi-object spectroscopy with NIRSpec. The following FRD requirement pertains to MSA unit characteristics: NSFR-41 In R=100 mode, the spectral resolution over the spectral range 1.0 µm – 5.0 µm shall not exceed the range R = 50 - 200 for a 200 mas wide slit or MSA shutter. NSFR-58 The flux transmitted through an MSA shutter in the “closed” state shall be less than 1/2000 of the flux transmitted through a shutter in the “open” state. 3.9.1 • • • • • Component Properties to be verified and characterized Defective shutter map Contrast ratio between open and closed shutters, light tightness of assembly MSA-introduced polarization Wave-front errors as function of position in MSA Characterization of the MSA BRDF and BTDF 3.9.2 Influence on NIRSpec performance and data The efficiency of the MSA aperture contributes to the sensitivity of the NIRSpec, but sensitivity is best characterized as an instrument-level throughput. Throughput variations introduced by diffraction on the MSA support structure and target misplacement relative to the fixed MSA grid can be reduced or removed by appropriate dithering patterns. The optimal dithering patterns need to be evaluated with accurate modeling. 7 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - 3.9.3 Remarks Characterization and verification many of the properties of the MSA are most easily accomplished before unit installation in the NIRSpec. Dither schemes should be tested in ground based testing at the DM/ETU and FM level. ECF ground-calibration concept indicates defective shutter map and polarization measurements may be performed at ambient with the balance of the tests conducted at nominal MSA temperature, however due to present concerns, the feasibility of operating the MSA at ambient temperatures must be established. Anticipated testing environment: Component, system (unit) level 3.10 Sensor Chip Assemblies (detectors) (2) The NIRSpec has two Sensor Chip Assemblies (SCAs) to record the arrival and location of photons. Each will be a 2048 x 2048 HgCdTe array with 18-micron pixels, good quantum efficiency, and low read noise. The baseline plate scale is 0.1 mas/pixel. The NIRSpec does place more stringent requirements on its detectors than NIRCam, but many of the calibration activities are likely to parallel those of other JWST science instruments (SIs), particularly NIRCam. However, since most NIRSpec usage will be for faint source spectroscopy, the limiting NIRSpec signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) will generally be determined by the read-noise of the SCAs. The following FRD requirements pertain to SCA characteristics: NSFR-49 The mean detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of the NIRSpec SCAs (averaged over all operable pixels) shall be higher than 80% for all wavelengths between 1 µm and 5µm, and higher than 70% for all wavelengths between 0.6 µm and 1µm. NSFR-50 The pixel-to-pixel variation of the DQE shall be less than 10% root mean square (RMS) when measured over all operable pixels. NSFR-51 The NIRSpec detector system including FPA, FPE and harness shall have a mean total noise per pixel of less than 6 e-, where the mean is computed over all operable pixels. Note: “Total noise” is the sum of all contributions that affect the noise level, such as the read-out electronics, on-chip circuitry, dark current, cabling, etc. It shall be computed from 1000s long MULTIACCUM84 exposures. NSFR-52 The NIRSpec SCAs shall have a well capacity of at least 60,000 e- per pixel, averaged over all operable pixels. 3.10.1 Properties to be defined, characterized, or optimized In principle, the following properties of the SCAs need to be characterized, optimized, or monitored, either at the standard on-orbit operating temperature (~37° K) or, during ground testing, as a function of temperature in the vicinity of this value. • Spatial uniformity of detector pixels, image surface flatness, row-column orthogonality, column/row straightness [flight detector selection process; ambient conditions] • Measure layout of FPA, SCA gap, and physical alignment 8 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Dark Current and Bias. Operating the SCAs without any illumination can assess this. Reference pixels greatly reduce the need for any separate bias calibration. Charge diffusion and electronic cross talk from naturally occurring cosmic rays in darks. Measure full well capacity and conversion gain. Read Noise. Evaluating the rms scatter in multiple reads of the unilluminated detector can assess this statistical quantity. Determine “Total noise” Full-well capacity of the pixels, which determines the dynamic range and guides the selection of the gain. This will normally be determined during pre-assembly testing of the SCAs. Linearity, particularly in the high-flux regime. Image persistence as function of flux, time, and subsequent readouts. (Obtain at subsystem level) Location and properties of defective or inoperable (“bad”) pixels. Detector response to a uniform source on several spatial scales: o The intra-pixel response function is required to permit images that are dithered on sub-pixel scales to be combined accurately. o The pixel-to-pixel response function (the pixel flat field, or “pflat”) characterizes sensitivity variations from one pixel to the next as function of wavelength over full operating range. o A systematic variation as a function of wavelength on larger spatial scales (the low-frequency flat, or “lflat”) describes systematic variations on larger spatial scales. This includes fringing that is caused by self-interference to light within thinned layers of the detector. Detective quantum efficiency over wavelength ranges that is superset of nominal operating ranges; evaluate aging. The presence and behavior of other detector artifacts; e.g., that might be analogous to the “pedestal effect” in HST/NICMOS images can be removed with use of reference pixels. 3.10.2 Signatures to be removed from NIRSpec images The SCAs impose a variety of signatures on the image data. All of these will be addressed in the NIRSpec pipeline through the application of calibration reference files, which must be developed from ground and on-orbit data. • • The bias level associated with reading the detector must be removed. This will be determined from the “reference pixels” located around the perimeter of the array, which determine the bias level associated for each row and a left/right division of columns. Significant variations in the bias level during the integration must also be compensated. The dark current accumulated during a typical maximum integration of 10 ks is expected to be small, but will nonetheless need to be removed from the images. 9 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities • • • • JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Any nonlinearities in the response of the detector to the incoming photon flux need to be corrected to ensure the photometric fidelity of the images. These nonlinearities will generally be in the relationship between incident and detected photons above some flux threshold. However, nonlinearity also includes the lack of response in a defective or otherwise inoperable pixel. Although information cannot be recovered from the inoperable pixels, they need to be flagged. The presence of saturated pixels must be also flagged. In some cases (e.g., pixels saturated by a cosmic ray hit), it may be possible to recover scientifically useful information from the affected pixel. Pixel-to-pixel variations in sensitivity need to be corrected. Systematic variations in detector response over larger scales (i.e., several-many pixels) need to be corrected, including any fringing within the detector itself. 3.10.3 Mitigation Strategies Many of the signatures imposed by the SCAs on the data can be mitigated during routine onorbit observations by the implementation of two operational strategies: multiple, non-destructive readouts of the SCA during an integration and dithering of the observatory. • Multiple, non-destructive “up-the-ramp” sampling of the charge collected during an integration provides temporal information concerning the accumulation of charge in each pixel of a SCA. In the simplest case of an unsaturated pixel, the slope of this distribution between successive samples provides multiply redundant measurements of the photon arrival rate. If the bias level is stable, this time-series information would not by itself enhance the quality of the resultant estimate of the accumulated signal. However, since the reference pixels are also monitored repeatedly, the degree to which the bias level in a particular column (row?) is stable can be determined empirically, and significant drifts can be detected and removed. Up-the-ramp sampling also permits saturated pixels to be identified. In many cases, scientifically useful information will not be recoverable, and so this identification is primarily to inform subsequent processing of the image to ignore the affected pixels. However, “up-the-ramp” sampling also permits cases where the saturation is caused by a specific, one-time event (e.g., a cosmic-ray hit) to be identified. Knowledge of the charge accumulation rate before and after such an event permits scientifically useful information to be recovered from the pixel. • “Dithering” is the process of obtaining multiple, mostly overlapping images of the same scene by re-pointing the telescope by small amounts between successive sub-exposures. It is expected that dithering by one of a number of prescribed patterns may be used to acquire some NIRSpec data. Subsequent processing of the images obtained at different positions reduces the impact of detector blemishes (e.g., inoperable pixels, residual flatfield artifacts) or stationary optical ghost images, in effect by spreading them over different regions of the field of view. For NIRSpec, sub-pixel dithering may be very important in order to improve the sampling of the PSF, which is not Nyquist-sampled by NIRSpec throughout much of the usable spectral range. 10 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - The bulk of the SCA-related calibration items will require the development and maintenance of reference files that describe the behavior of the detectors, pixel by pixel. The calibration pipeline to remove the signatures imposed on the images by the detectors will use these; see Section 5. Of course, the input data for nearly all these reference files must be obtained at or near the standard operating temperature of ~37 °K. • Read Noise: The read noise will be effectively removed by the subtraction of a “Super Zero” exposure. The “Super Zero” is the average of many short dark exposures. A library of these obtained with the different sampling patterns allowed for science exposures will be maintained in a reference file. [Ground and on-orbit] • Dark Current: A reference file indicating the dark current generated by each pixel per unit time (and possibly as a function of temperature around the nominal operating conditions) is required. A preliminary version of this can be generated during AIT, but it will have to be repeated on orbit periodically to monitor any age-related changes. Unless there are unanticipated light leaks, dark exposures can be easily obtained by using the provided filter wheel position that blocks the optical path to the SCAs. Long exposures may be required. [Ground and on-orbit] • Linearity: The nonlinear response of each pixel to light can be characterized during AIT by illuminating pixels with a calibrated light source. This may initially have to be a “relative” nonlinearity, expressed, e.g., as a function of current to the lamp. The reference file will likely take the form of a series of coefficients that fit a specified relationship between measured signal and the linearized signal. The derived relationship can be finalized on-orbit by observing standard astronomical sources that span a range of known brightness levels at a few fiducial pixel locations. The “absolute” behavior at these fiducial locations on the array could then be tied to the “relative” behavior determined in ground tests (or on-orbit from a series of images taken at various intensity levels of the flat-field source, if possible). This two-step approach is preferred, since the pixel-by-pixel characterization with photometric standard stars would be prohibitively expensive in terms of observing time. [ground and on-orbit] • Bad Pixel Map: Inoperable or otherwise “bad” pixels can be detected during AIT and during on-orbit calibration activities from images obtained with a calibration lamp. “Hot” pixels due, e.g., to cosmic-ray damage can be detected in dark exposures. [ground and update on-orbit] • Intra-Pixel Response Function: Knowledge of the intra-pixel response function is required for the most accurate combination of images dithered by sub-pixel offsets. This information is most easily obtained by illuminating the detector pixel-by-pixel with a highly collimated beam of light during AIT. This is an extremely time-consuming procedure. Although it can also be accomplished on-orbit through small angle dithers, it is prohibitively expensive to cover large sections of the detector in flight [ground and onorbit]. • PFlats: The flat field calibration lamp(s) in the NIRSpec calibration unit can be used to measure pixel-to-pixel sensitivity variations during AIT and on-orbit calibration activities. Flats can also be taken at the component level, as deep exposures will be necessary to obtain reference files with high-quality flat fields that will not degrade the S/N of science data. During AIT OGSE continuum sources can be used to illuminate the detector, as well. Measurement of the PFlat will be complicated by the MSA and by the 11 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - fact that an R=3000 spectrographic configuration must illuminate the entire detector. [Ground and on-orbit] • LFlats: The SCAs may also exhibit systematic variations in their response to uniform illumination over scales that range from several to dozens of pixels. Fringing caused by interference effects in the surface layers of the detector is one example of this behavior. These variations are often difficult to characterize accurately during AIT, since they can depend very sensitively on the input beam from the GSE, which may not mimic the on-orbit performance of the OTE with high fidelity. Unfortunately, they are also difficult to characterize on-orbit, because it is hard to find an astronomical source with uniform surface brightness. Additional detailed information pertaining to Lflat strategies and issues are found in NIRS-CRAL-TN-0004. [Ground and on-orbit] 3.10.4 Remarks Characterization and verification of the properties of the SCAs must be accomplished both on the ground in AIT and on a regular basis in flight. ECF ground-calibration concept recommends characterization of spatial uniformity characteristics at ambient and balance of testing anticipated operating temperatures. Accuracies of flat fielding and fringing calibrations depend on observing strategies implemented in flight, such that requirements should be reviewed periodically as development of observation methods proceeds. Anticipated testing environment: Component, system (unit) level, on-orbit commissioning, on-orbit routine calibration Now that we have listed a variety of calibrations appropriate at the component level, we turn to those types of calibration that must be obtained at the unit, system, DM/ETU, or FM level on an end-to-end basis for the NIRSpec instrument in imaging mode, multi-object spectroscopy mode, fixed-slit mode, and integral-field spectroscopy mode. A number of the calibrations performed at the component level must be repeated at the integrated system level as characteristics may change in the unit environment. Many of these calibration procedures will produce data that can be used to generate the initial set of calibration reference files, which will be required by the data processing pipeline. Many of the following system level tests also may be performed on-orbit with a suitable astronomical target or with an appropriate internal calibration channel mode. The calibrations and characterizations listed in the rest of this section for the greater part derive from the ground calibration plan of P. Ferruit (NIRS-CRAL-PL-0001) and descriptions in the ECF ground calibration concept document. As such this listing is intended to capture the essence of those documents. 3.11 Optical Performance/Alignment 3.11.1 Scattered or stray light Measure the amount of scattered light for all operating modes including those using the internal calibration lamps. Determine level of stray light due to PSF wings, back 12 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - scattering off MSA structures, filters, and other internal structures, and determine location and strength of any ghost images. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal ISIM temperature. 3.11.2 Focus and PSF-related calibrations Determine the best focus and two-dimensional PSF in FOV as function of wavelength for both spectroscopic and imaging modes; characterize variations of PSF with deviation from best focus; determine variation of PSF over entire FOV. Measure the PSF at the AFP and the detector with and without MSA and slits. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal ISIM temperature. 3.11.3 Positional alignment calibrations Demonstrate and verify any positional calibration procedures required for on-orbit mechanism alignments and aperture locations. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal ISIM temperature. 3.11.4 Filter offsets Measure spatial offsets introduced by filters relative to clear filter wheel position. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal ISIM temperature. 3.12 Geometric Characteristics and Location of Images 3.12.1 OTE-FPA distortion Utilize OTE simulator with pinhole grid mask with mirror mode. Combine with MSAFPA distortion map to obtain full OTE-MSA distortion solution. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal operating temperature. 3.12.2 MSA-FPA distortion Utilize continuum lamp and variety of MSA patterns. Combine with MSA-FPA distortion map to obtain full OTE-MSA distortion solution. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal operating temperature. 3.12.3 Spectral trace Utilize internal calibration channel lamps to measure the positioning and orientation of the dispersed light spectrum trace from each disperser for all fixed slits and as a function of utilized positions with the MSA. Evaluate trace line tilts and orientations as a function of wavelength for all dispersers. Locate and evaluate detector gaps. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal operating temperature. 3.12.4 Shape and position of slits Measure the projection of MSA slits on detectors and relative position of fixed slits to facilitate target acquisition. Evaluate influence of detector gaps. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal operating temperature. 13 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - 3.13 Target Acquisition The target acquisition algorithms must be verified. The influence of geometrical distortion on TA must be evaluated. The positions measured by the TA algorithm should be determined as a function of real position. The influence of grating wheel instability on TA accuracy should be evaluated. 3.14 Internal Calibration Channel 3.14.1 Lamp illumination Measure the illumination uniformity of all line and continuum lamps. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal operating temperature and possibly bracketing temperatures. 3.14.2 Applicability of line lamps Perform detailed comparison of external OTE simulator calibration lamps with internal calibration channel lamps for all operating modes to validate the internal unit. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal operating temperature and possibly bracketing temperatures. 3.14.3 SNR as function of exposure time Measure the SNR versus exposure time for all lamps in all operating modes. Perform lamp-heating tests. Identify all internal calibration channel modes that could affect safety of detector or impact observations subsequent to the calibration exposures (e.g., image persistence). ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal operating temperature and possibly bracketing temperatures. 3.14.4 Evaluate line sources Measure the wavelength and line strength of all line features over the nominal operating wavelength range of each disperser and operating mode. Highest resolution observations may be needed to resolve blends. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal operating temperature and possibly bracketing temperatures. 3.15 Mechanism Motion and Repeatability The positional repeatability and mechanism stability of the several mechanical elements present in the optical path that can affect observational quality must be evaluated at all stages of integration through flight operation. These elements include the filter wheel, the focusing mechanisms, and, of particular importance for spectroscopic operation, the grating wheel. Characterization should occur at ambient and at mean ISIM temperature. 3.16 Spatial Uniformity and Photometric Calibrations 14 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - In the following, for system photometric throughput measures utilize a source of known radiometric output with system OTE simulator to measure absolute throughput in each band. Photometric throughput should be measured for all imaging and spectroscopic modes as appropriate to characterize each of the following: • Shutter throughput • Slit throughput • IFU throughput • System photometric response: MSA Measure point source throughput at a grid of positions within an MSA element; repeat at a series of locations across MSA grid. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal ISIM temperature. • System photometric response: fixed slits • System photometric response: IFU • System photometric response: filters • System photometric response: dispersers Use OTE source to obtain flux-calibrated zeroth, first, and second order spectra for several positions within the FOV. • Background Flat fields can be obtained with external OGSE continuum sources and with the internal calibration channel. The determination of a full pixel-by-pixel flat field as a function of wavelength would be extremely costly on-orbit; therefore, high-quality and detailed groundbased flat fields are extremely important. • Small and large scale flat fields Use continuum lamp and OTE simulator to determine flat field for each filter and disperser over entire FOV. These flats will be used for the instrument model. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests at nominal ISIM temperature. 3.17 Spectroscopic and Wavelength Calibrations 3.17.1 Dispersion solutions Measure the detector position-wavelength relation for all spectral modes with input from the OTE simulator over the entire FOV. Measure the detector position-wavelength relation for all spectral modes with the internal calibration channel. Locate the positions of detector gaps. The data obtained from the external source will serve as input for the instrument model and will calibrate the internal channel and establish initial wavelength reference data. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests over a range of nominal operating temperatures. 15 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - 3.17.2 Wavelength zero points Measure the dispersed light zero points as a function of operating temperature, operating sequences, and instrument configurations. ECF calibration concept recommends performing all tests over a range of nominal operating temperatures. 3.17.3 Line Spread Function Measure the line spread function for all spectroscopic modes and slits with both the internal calibration channel line lamps and with external sources. 16 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - 3.18 Integral Field Unit Calibration Although the IFU shares the same detectors as the MSA and fixed slit modes of operation, the unit is sufficiently different that its calibration should be specifically enumerated. Many of the calibration types described above apply to the IFU and, indeed, the IFU has been mentioned in many of those descriptions, however they are again listed below for completeness. Unless otherwise noted, all of the following should be performed at nominal NIRSpec operating temperature. 3.18.1 Throughput Measure the throughput of the whole instrument with each of the dispersers when used in IFU mode. Determine absolute throughput at center of FOV and relative throughput for every pixel of the FOV. 3.18.2 Contrast With an appropriately sized source centered on one slitlet, measure the scattered or stray light on all other slitlets; perform this measurement for all slitlets and dispersers. 3.18.3 Flat Field Measure both spatial and wavelength dependence of the flat field when using the IFU with each disperser. 3.18.4 Focus Determine best focus for IFU. Perform at temperatures bracketing nominal operating temperature in order to assist on-orbit calibration, especially in the cool down period. 3.18.5 Spatial PSF Obtain re-constructed images of objects located at many positions covering the entire IFU FOV to characterize the spatial PSF variations over the FOV. 3.18.6 Spectral PSF Obtain line profiles at many source locations to provide the LSF for all field points within the IFU FOV. If possible, utilize fine stepping of the gratings to move features by fraction of a pixel to facilitate sampling of the LSF. Accurate knowledge of the LSF is important for IFU background subtraction procedures. 3.18.7 Wavelength Calibration and Spectral Trace Obtain wavelength calibration mapping for all dispersers at many positions covering the entire IFU FOV. Characterization of zero point drifts, as a function of operating temperature should be performed. Evaluate trace positions and, especially, line tilts and orientations as a function of wavelength for all dispersers. 17 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - 3.18.8 Slitlet Positions Determine center-to-center distances in pixel units between slitlets of the image slicer, which is vital for reconstruction of images from the dispersed spectra. This measurement, which should be performed with all dispersers, will require an external continuum source. Slitlet positions should be characterized over the entire operating wavelength range. Reference files will be prepared from this information. 3.18.9 Optical distortion Optical distortion introduced by the IFU will be different from that introduced by the MOS and slit observing modes. Distortion measurements for the IFU modes are required. 18 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 4 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Assessment of On-Orbit Calibration Needs This section covers on-orbit calibration activities for NIRSpec including those to be performed in both the verification or commissioning period and in routine science operations. At the present time, the routine science calibration portion of this section is more detailed, but descriptions of activities for both periods are early drafts and will require more definition as the details of pipeline processing and ground-based instrument calibration are refined. Since calibration activities during the post-launch phase of the JWST mission carry a price in terms of observing time or science efficiency, an initial suite of calibration reference files and knowledge of other parameters required to optimize instrument performance must be obtained during AIT. Ground testing of an assembled instrument is typically limited by the difficulty in simulating the true JWST operating conditions, particularly with regard to the space environment (temperature, vacuum, radiation) and the input to the optical system. As a result, high-fidelity calibration of the performance characteristics of the assembled instrument generally occur during the commissioning phase, and subsequently during efficient, regularly scheduled monitoring of key parameters. These observations are often aided by the availability of astronomical sources that are brighter or otherwise better suited to rapid observation. The aspects of NIRSpec calibration that will particularly benefit from on-orbit characterization are: • Astrometric calibration: optical distortion in the camera • Flat Field calibration (pflats and lflats) – may require modeling input drawn from groundbased calibrations • Photometric calibration: conversion of raw detector counts to relative and absolute fluxes • Wavelength calibration • Measuring the instrumental background due to stray and scattered light • Measure SCA characteristics in actual flight environment The following calibration-related activities also have to be performed on-orbit, particularly in the commissioning period: • Target acquisition verification and accuracies • Aperture location 4.1.1 Commissioning Period Activities The following NIRSpec functional requirements and those in sections 4.1 through 4.5 are relevant to SI commissioning: NSFR-3 All requirements in this section shall be fulfilled at operational environmental conditions at Second Lagrange (L2) and for all operational modes independent of previous mode except when mentioned otherwise. NSFR-35 NIRSpec shall support an autonomous target acquisition process. 1 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - NSFR-36 The target acquisition procedure shall autonomously determine the required spacecraft slew (pitch, yaw and roll) such that the centroids of up to 20 acquisition targets acquire predetermined positions in the MSA focal plane. NSFR-37 The target acquisition procedure shall enable placement of all science targets in the MSA plane to an accuracy of better than 12.5 mas (1 sigma, in each x and y direction) over at least 104 s with no more than 20 reference stars. NSFR-38 Target acquisition for a new target field shall be accomplished within 10 minutes. NSFR-42 In R=100 mode, the optical throughput at BOL of the NIRSpec optics, including the R=100 dispersing element and any required order blocking filter shall be ≥ 60% for the spectral range between 0.6 and 5.0 µm and for any position in the FOV. NSFR-43 In R=1000 mode, the average optical throughput at BOL of the NIRSpec optics in all the three spectral bands, including the relevant R=1000 dispersive element and the relevant order blocking filters, shall be ≥ 45% for the spectral range between 1.0 µm and 5.0 µm and for any position in the FOV. NSFR-44 In R=3000 mode, the average optical throughput at BOL of the NIRSpec optics in all the three spectral bands, including the relevant R=3000 dispersive element and the relevant order blocking filters, shall be ≥ 40% for any position in the FOV. NSFR-45 The overall performance degradation regarding throughput of NIRSpec between BOL and EOL shall be less than 10%. NSFR-49 The mean detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of the NIRSpec SCAs (averaged over all operable pixels) shall be higher than 80% for all wavelengths between 1 µm and 5µm, and higher than 70% for all wavelengths between 0.6 µm and 1µm. NSFR-50 The pixel-to-pixel variation of the DQE shall be less than 10% root mean square (RMS) when measured over all operable pixels. NSFR-51 The NIRSpec detector system including FPA, FPE and harness shall have a mean total noise per pixel of less than 6 e-, where the mean is computed over all operable pixels. NSFR-52 The NIRSpec SCAs shall have a well capacity of at least 60,000 e- per pixel, averaged over all operable pixels. NSFR-39 NIRSpec shall obtain low resolution (R=100) spectra over the wavelength range 0.6 µm - 5.0 µm in a single exposure. NSFR-40 NIRSpec shall obtain medium (R=1000) and high (R=3000) resolution spectra over the wavelength range 1.0 µm - 5.0 µm in no more than three separate exposures. NSFR-41 In R=100 mode, the spectral resolution over the spectral range 1.0 µm – 5.0 µm shall not exceed the range R = 50 - 200 for a 200 mas wide slit or MSA shutter. NSFR-55 The attenuation factor of light that enters the NIRSpec while the filter wheel is in the “closed” position shall be better than 106, i.e. less than 1 part in 106 of light shall reach the NIRSpec SCA. This requirement is applicable for any position of the source with respect to NIRSpec. NSFR-56 NIRSpec shall not increase the straylight levels entering its FOV as specified in the James Webb Space Telescope Project Mission Requirements Document (JWST-RQMT-000634, MR-121 and MR-122). NSFR-57 The total signal of in-field light that is not focused into the primary source image (“ghosts”) shall be less than 0.5% of that of the primary image. NSFR-58 The flux transmitted through an MSA shutter in the “closed” state shall be less than 1/2000 of the flux transmitted through a shutter in the “open” state. 2 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Before genuine on-orbit calibration activities can begin, the NIRSpec will have to undergo a suite of functional tests in order to establish, e.g., whether the grating and filter wheels and other mechanisms respond correctly to commands; whether the calibration sources work; and so on. Meaningful instrumental verification or external scientific calibration of the NIRSpec cannot begin before the nominal operating temperature is reached and the wave-front sensing and control (WFS&C) process has converged to provide a stable point-spread function. Initially a series of alignment activities and aperture locations will be performed. Subsequent to these basic alignments more science-oriented verifications and characterizations will be performed. Essentially most of the activities enumerated in ground calibration sections 3.11 through 3.20 are initial candidates for inclusion in the commissioning period calibrations and should be evaluated carefully due to limitations of observing time during this commissioning period. An initial estimate of the priorities will be to: • Perform initial SI optics alignments and locate apertures for all modes. • Verify autonomous target acquisition procedures and determine offsets • Obtain full-field images of designated astronomical objects in order to characterize the optical distortions produced by the NIRSpec; see Section 4.1. Since it is likely that the other SIs will adopt the same “astrometric” fields, this activity will be conducted jointly with them. This imagery will also be used to refine aperture locations and TA offsets and verifies alignments at nominal operating temperature. • Confirm the ground-based wavelength calibration; see Section 4.4 • Confirm spectral resolution • Observe photometric standards to establish transformations between the instrumental magnitude system and a calibrated flux scale. See Section 4.3. This initial set of observations is of particular importance since it will set the baseline for subsequent monitoring. • Obtain a library of dark exposures under genuine operating conditions. • Obtain a library of flat-field exposures under genuine operating conditions; see Section 4.2. • Confirm the optimal detector parameters (gain, read-out noise, bad-pixel maps) determined during ground-test. • Obtain some deep exposures of “blank” sky to begin to characterize the stray and scattered light contributions to the observed background. • Evaluate on-orbit performance of optimal dithering strategies. • Evaluate the influence of telescope re-phasing on focus and various calibration-related quantities such as distortion, PSFs, and LSFs. 4.1.2 Science Operations Era Calibration Activities STScI is constructing a science operations design reference mission (SODRM that includes routine calibrations for the science instruments that will be performed during the science operations period. External calibrations use primary time with the telescope. Here we include all of the presently proposed NIRSpec calibration monitoring programs for the SODRM. These 3 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - programs are meant to represent the typical calibration programs for NIRSpec after it has been commissioned. Commissioning activities will of course be longer and more involved. Short text descriptions of the present set of calibration monitoring programs listed below are in Appendix A. • • • • • • 650 651 652 653 660 661 NIRSpec Dark Monitor NIRSpec Flat Field Monitor NIRSpec MSA to Detector Distortion Monitor NIRSpec Wavelength Monitor NIRSpec Spectrophotometric Throughput Monitor NIRSpec Sky to MSA Distortion Monitor (Astrometric Monitoring) Additional possible programs not yet in the SODRM: • • xxx NIRSpec Frequent Throughput Monitor (Contamination Monitor) xxx NIRSpec Stray and Scattered Light Characterization Updated short text descriptions of these programs are available at: http://www.ess.stsci.edu/projects/sodrm/drmprop/prop.html 4.2 Astrometric Calibration and Image Quality Relevant FRD requirements: NSFR-46 NIRSpec shall be shall have the same axial focus position independent of grating and filter selection. NSFR-47 Assuming the above OTE WFE, the NIRSpec Fore Optics shall provide an image on the MSA focal plane that is diffraction-limited, i.e. has a Strehl Ratio > 0.80, at a wavelength of 2.46 µm (TBR 4) for any position in the FOV. This requirement is equivalent to limiting the WFE to less than 185 nm. NSFR-48 Assuming the above OTE WFE, the OTE optics and NIRSpec optics shall provide an image at the focal plane that is diffraction-limited, i.e. has a Strehl Ratio > 0.80 (WFE < 238 nm), at a wavelength of 3.17 µm over the entire optically exposed active area of the FPA. NSFR-73 Assuming the above OTE WFE, the OTE optics and NIRSpec optics shall provide, when the IFU is in use, an image at the focal plane that is diffraction limited, i.e. has a Strehl Ratio > 0.80 (WFE < 258 nm), at a wavelength of 3.44 µm over the entire optically exposed active area of the FPA. The goal of astrometric calibration of images obtained with the NIRSpec is to convert the positions of sources located at specific pixel positions on the SCAs to positions on the sky. This conversion is motivated by the desire to (a) measure positions accurately; and (b) use the measured positions of the same objects in different images to combine the images in a way that maintains the integrity of the information. A particular application of (b) is the merging of dithered images of the same scene. In the first instance, accurate relative positions of objects are required. Absolute positions can subsequently be obtained by tying the position of one or more 4 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - sources in the field to an established frame of reference (e.g., J2000). Insofar as these manipulations must remove the geometric distortions imposed on the image by the optical system, a frequent by-product is the regularization of the solid angle of the sky subtended by each pixel in the SCA. The basic approach to accurate astrometric calibration has been established by Anderson & King (2000, PASP, 112, 1360 and 2003, PASP, 115, 113). The first step is to remove the systematic errors in position in a single image caused by the random placement of a stellar image with respect to the grid of pixels that comprises the SCA. This is accomplished by using the images of many stars distributed across the field of view and sampled in many different ways to derive an extremely accurate PSF. Successive iterations use improved estimates of the PSF to return revised measurements of the positions; the procedure generally converges rapidly. The second step involves combining the positions of objects on different images, which requires transformations between the coordinate systems of images that are translated or rotated with respect to each other. These transformations will typically be nonlinear, owing to the distortions (or residual distortions) imprinted by the optical system, as well as possible time-dependent scale changes. However, with sufficient numbers of objects in overlapping images, the transformations can be determined reliably. In ideal cases, an astronomical image contains many (~105) point sources, and this dense sampling permits a refined determination of the image distortion (residual or otherwise) compared with that available from ground tests. A by-product will be an accurate astrometric calibration of the NIRSpec. Globular clusters or dense open clusters are the optimal objects for this analysis, since they provide many point sources over the field of view of the NIRSpec. The basic strategy is to observe the same field and multiple roll angles – perhaps, e.g., ~6 months apart, during which time the FOV will have rolled by ~180° – so that most the images of most stars will be found on very different parts of the SCA. However, many of the objects that have been studied extensively, e.g., with HST instruments, contain stars that are bright enough to saturate the JWST detectors. A Working Group under the leadership of Dr. James Rhoads (STScI) is currently studying suitable fields for astrometric calibration in the Large Magellanic Cloud, which has the added advantage of being in the continuous viewing zone (CVZ) for JWST, and hence available for study at regular intervals. It is desirable to use a common field for the astrometric calibration of all JWST SIs. Further efficiencies could be achieved if the same field could be used simultaneously for photometric calibration. Astrometric calibration of the IFUs may be achieved by raster scans of a bright, isolated point source. High order astrometric distortion terms are expected to be small for the IFUs because of their small field of view, and they will be characterized in ground calibration (section 3.19.9). An outstanding issue is to establish the frequency with which astrometric calibration should be repeated. Once normal operating temperatures are achieved, the aging of components may produce slow changes in the distortion corrections. From this perspective, a full astrometric calibration observation probably needs to be repeated only when large deviations are detected in routine examination of science images. However, if the PSF delivered to the science instruments changes significantly when the OTE is reconfigured, then astrometric calibrations might need to be performed more frequently. 5 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - An additional concern is whether the instrument distortion changes as a function of spacecraft orientation, perhaps because slight flexure in the OTE changes the light beam that feeds the science instruments. If the astrometric calibrations obtained from observations in the LMC (i.e., in the CVZ; near the orbital pole) are not sufficient, a family of astrometric calibrations corresponding to different attitudes might have to be developed. 4.3 Flat-Field Calibration (Differential Photometric Calibration) Relevant ESA SRD requirement: R 176: In orbit, NIRSpec shall enable the calibration of the pixel-to-pixel response maps as a function of wavelength and to an accuracy of 2% or better when applying the on-board continuum calibration source. This requirement is valid for the complete NIRSpec FOV and for all the exposed wavelengths. NOTE: This calibration must measure dispersed flat fields at the FPA. As discussed in Section 3.10.3, pixel-to-pixel sensitivity variations in the SCAs will be removed by observations of the flat-field lamps (“pflats”) in the onboard calibration unit. Certain other variations that may occur on larger spatial scales (e.g., fringing) will also be removed through observations of the lamps (“lflats”). However, it may be that other systematic variations in sensitivity exist on multi-pixel scales. It is conceivable that these variations might not be adequately represented in the “lflats”, e.g., because the illumination of the detector is not sufficiently similar between observations of astronomical sources and the onboard lamps. In this case, “sky-flats” could be constructed, e.g., by long-duration observations of zodiacal light or other carefully selected, nearly uniformly bright sources. This approach would be very time consuming and would be practicable for only a few setups. Even then, it would only be feasible if the sky flats were stable on time scales of a few months, or if parallel observations were possible. Spectrophotometric standard stars may be observed at a few locations in the field of view to determine the response and combined with ground “lflats” – this procedure has the advantage of not de-coupling absolute and relative radiometric calibrations. If moving target capability is developed, then a bright standard could effectively be trailed through along a slit or through portions of the FOV. Flat fields will be obtained as part of routine science calibration activities approximately 3-4 times per year. An important consideration for on-orbit flat fielding will be the precise set of exposures deemed necessary to provide the required characterization as a function of wavelength. Will separate flats be needed for each disperser and spectrum band or will wavelength characterization alone be sufficient? The exact distribution of exposures and grating or filter positions to be used will be determined as part of ground testing. 4.4 Absolute Photometric Calibrations Relevant FRD requirements: 6 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - NSFR-14 After on-ground and in-orbit calibration, the absolute photometric accuracy of all NIRSpec science data shall be better than 10%. NSFR-9 In R=1000 mode, using a single shutter of the MSA or a 200 milli-arcseconds (mas) wide fixed slit, NIRSpec shall be capable of measuring the flux in an unresolved emission line of F = 5.2 x 10–22 Wm-2 from a point source at an observed wavelength of 2 µm at signal to noise ration (SNR)=10 per resolution element in a total exposure time of 105 seconds (s) or less. NSFR-10 In R=100 mode, using a single shutter of the MSA or a 200 mas wide fixed slit, NIRSpec shall be capable of measuring the continuum flux of Fν = 1.2x10-33 Wm-2 Hertz (Hz)-1 from a point source at an observed wavelength of 3 µm at SNR=10 per resolution element in a total exposure time of 104 s or less. Photometric calibration is required to convert the flux of an astronomical source as measured in the arbitrary, instrumental system of the NIRSpec into standardized physical units, so that they can be compared with other observations or theoretical calculations. Although the sensitivity of an instrument can characterized quite well during AIT, this final step of deriving absolute conversion factors is best left until on-orbit commissioning, as no true end-to-end photometric calibration can be established before flight as it is not possible to have a system level calibration with NIRSpec and the JWST telescope system together. The conversion is typically accomplished by observing a suite of astronomical objects, preferably point sources (i.e., stars), with known brightness in a well-defined waveband. By comparing the observed signals (in ADU/s) of these photometric standards with the known fluxes (e.g., in Jy), the conversion can be determined empirically. For the broadband filters, color terms may also be required by this absolute photometric calibration. As stated in NSFR-9, the absolute calibration of NIRSpec science data shall be better than 10%. It is highly desirable that the photometric calibrators be drawn from different populations of stars that cover a wide range of flux levels as similar as possible to typical NIRSpec science usage, so that (a) systematic errors associated with the calibration of any one type of object do not influence the calibration of NIRSpec; (b) the effects of color terms can be explored; and (c) the efficacy of the linearity correction can be checked and other systematic effects that might depend on the brightness of the source can be investigated. The types of objects that will be particularly useful for calibrating the NIRSpec photometrically are: • DA white dwarf stars which have a long heritage as HST spectroscopic standards and which have relatively simple atmospheres of nearly pure H that can be well characterized with non-LTE model atmospheres. In particular, most of the HST/NICMOS standards discussed by Bohlin, Dickinson, & Calzetti (2001, AJ, 122, 2118) will be accessible to NIRSpec. Rapid, sub-array readout may be required to observe some of the brighter objects. • Solar analogs, likely the same objects that may selected for the photometric calibration of NIRCam, can be used to derive absolute fluxes through comparison with the spectrum of the sun. This approach has been developed by Campins, Rieke, & Lebofsky (1985, AJ, 90, 896) and used to calibrate e.g., HST/NICMOS and Spitzer/MIPS. The accuracy of the method ultimately rests on the degree to which a targeted G-type dwarf is truly a solar analog. 7 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Since they have considerable heritage as photometric calibrators across the electromagnetic spectrum, the white dwarf stars used by HST/NICMOS, in particular G191B2B, GD71, and GD153, will be the primary calibrators; see Figure 3. Supplemental observations of solar-type stars will permit reliable color corrections to be derived, and will help to define the linearity of the flux calibration at its fainter end. Faint white dwarfs drawn from the enormous population of candidates recently detected in the globular cluster ω Centauri by Monelli et al. (2005, ApJ, 621, L117) might also serve to define the faint end of the calibration, providing suitable targets can be identified in the outskirts of the cluster. Figure 3: HST standard stars suitable for photometric calibration of NIRSpec; Figure 3 is from Bohlin et al (2001, AJ, 122, 2118). At least one of a subset of ~3 primary standards will have to be observed frequently through the life of the mission, in order to monitor photometric degradation of the NIRSpec. These standards will need to be chosen to ensure availability at any time of the observing year, although even then it is advisable to rely on one primary calibrator as much as possible. 4.5 Wavelength Calibration Relevant FRD requirements: NSFR-15 After calibration, the wavelength scale of NIRSpec spectra shall be determined with an accuracy of better than 1/8 of a spectral resolution element. The relationship between pixel coordinate and wavelength is determined by observation of a suitable source of spectral features of known wavelength. A polynomial is fit to the set of measured line centers and known wavelengths. Onboard calibration sources will be chosen to provide comprehensive coverage of as many spectral regions as possible. The frequency with which this calibration needs to be checked will depend primarily on the stability and repeatability of the grating wheel mechanism that is used to place the gratings in the optical path. In most cases, it likely will be desirable to obtain a wavelength calibration exposure immediately before or after a science observation with the same setup, in order to determine the exact value of the central wavelength during subsequent processing of the image. 8 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Since the optical path for the internal calibration channel lamps is not identical to the optical path for external sources and since the density of bright lines emitted by the calibration lamps may not be sufficient for primary calibration of all possible wavelength settings, observations of astronomical sources may be utilized to establish internal-to-external offsets as well as the dispersion relation for certain instrumental setups. Planetary nebulae are excellent sources of dense grids of bright emission lines. NGC 6543, the “Cat’s Eye Nebula,” may be particularly suitable, since it frequently will be located in the northern-CVZ for JWST. 4.6 Calibration of Stray and Scattered Light Relevant FRD requirements: NSFR-54 The NIRSpec optics shall be sufficiently oversized so that no more than 10% of the light passing through the slit is lost due to diffraction effects. This applies to all wavelengths between 0.6 µm and 5.0 µm and all positions within the NIRSpec FOV. NSFR-55 The attenuation factor of light that enters the NIRSpec while the filter wheel is in the “closed” position shall be better than 106, i.e. less than 1 part in 106 of light shall reach the NIRSpec SCA. This requirement is applicable for any position of the source with respect to NIRSpec. NSFR-56 NIRSpec shall not increase the straylight levels entering its FOV as specified in the James Webb Space Telescope Project Mission Requirements Document (JWST-RQMT-000634, MR-121 and MR-122). NSFR-57 The total signal of in-field light that is not focused into the primary source image (“ghosts”) shall be less than 0.5% of that of the primary image. NSFR-58 The flux transmitted through an MSA shutter in the “closed” state shall be less than 1/2000 of the flux transmitted through a shutter in the “open” state. NSFR-8 NIRSpec shall have a dedicated aperture for high-contrast, single-object spectroscopy with an out-of-slit rejection ratio higher than 106, i.e. less than 1 part in 106 shall be transmitted outside of the slit. Stray and scattered light is difficult to characterize prior to orbital operations for two reasons. First, typical OGSE may not have sufficient fidelity to obtain meaningful measurements of scattered light. Second, and more fundamentally, it is generally not possible to distinguish scattered or stray light from the dark current intrinsic to the operation of the detector. Since these two quantities are only determined together, the strategy is to use on-orbit observations of different astronomical sources to disentangle them. For example, comparison of “dark” observations (i.e., observations obtained with the filter wheel in its blocking position in the light path into the SCA) with the same instrumental setup when JWST is pointing at (a) a bright source and (b) a faint piece of “blank” sky at high ecliptic latitude should permit the gross characteristics of the stray/scattered light to be determined. 9 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 5 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Draft Science Calibration Pipeline For most practical purposes, the calibrations described in the previous sections will be applied to the images obtained with the NIRSpec during the course of routine post-observation processing. This processing will make use of reference files that quantify different properties of the instrument in a way that facilitates automatic removal of their effects on images. The end result will be a 2-d image and, for spectroscopy, an extracted spectrum (or several extracted spectra) or a series of combined images and extracted spectra (or several extracted spectra) suitable for scientific measurement and interpretation 5.1 Overview of Processing for Data from JWST Science Instruments The processing of science data from satellite observatories is conventionally described in terms of the stages or “levels” through which it must pass. The flow proceeds as follows: • Level 0: Communications decommutation This step creates ordered sets of error-corrected, compressed data packets. • Level 1a: Format Conversion This step removes the packet formats, decompresses the data, determines which packets belong to specific observation sets, and recompresses the data in a format suitable for the telemetry archive. • Level 1b: Generic Conversion Level 1b processing decompresses the science data, performs validation, and converts it to the standard Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) format. A FITS header is created and initial values of header keywords are populated based on information associated with the observation or information contained in the Project Reference Database (PRD). For example, information about the scheduling of the observation, requested and actual instrument configuration, detailed pointing (including transformations to World Coordinate System), and preferred reference files are incorporated into the headers at this stage. • Level 2: Calibration Processing Level 2 processing performs the “scientific” calibration of individual exposures through the application of algorithms and reference file that are specific to each instrument. In this step, the instrumental signatures are removed from the raw images, and conversions to physical units are either implemented or provided in the headers for rapid conversion. The headers are updated with information that describes the processing (which steps were completed successfully, which reference files were used, etc.) and quick-look images are produced to enable on-line browsing of the archived data. In some circumstances, a series of images of the same object that were obtained as part of a pattern of dithers may be combined at this stage, though this would typically occur in the next step. 1 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities • JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Level 3: Association Processing Level 3 processing comprises the final step of the manipulations routinely performed at the S&OC. It combines “associated” sequences of dithered images of the same field, which in the case of NIRSpec, will likely be used to enhance the sampling of the PSF and the removal of residual flat-field artifacts. Catalogs of objects in each dithered image will likely be created routinely at this stage Level 0 processing will typically performed at the ground station, though to meet contingencies this capability will also reside at the Science & Operations Center (S&OC) at STScI. All subsequent processing steps occur at the S&OC. The Multimission Archive at Space Telescope (MAST), which is also hosted at STScI, will be provide long-term storage of the data, as well as interfaces for query and retrieval of the data by the user community. 5.2 File Formats During Level 1 processing, data from the JWST SIs will be converted to FITS format. The trade study led by Dr. Jerry Kriss (STScI-JWST-TM-2004-0025) found that the optimal structure for raw data files is: • There should be one FITS file for each exposure and SCA. • MULTIACCUM exposures should be stored as a data cube in the primary data unit (PDU) of the FITS file. This cube is given by (x, y, z), where x and y represent pixel locations, with x, y∈(0, 2047) and where z is the sample number, z = 1,…,Ngroup frames. The “z” dimension of the data cube can also be thought of as the time axis. This format is particularly conducive to “up-the-ramp” fitting to determine the photon arrival rate, since a projection along the z-axis for any given (x, y) pixel location provides a complete history of the accumulation of signal on that pixel. • Ancillary information appropriate to the entire exposure should be stored in header keywords in the PDU. • Engineering data describing the circumstances associated with each of the Ngroup frames should be stored in the first extension of the FITS file as a binary table. The output of subsequent processing steps will also be stored in FITS format, whose names will be altered to reflect the manipulations that have occurred and to protect the integrity of the input files. Changes to the files will be noted by updating the appropriate header keywords, e.g., to indicate which processing steps had been performed and perhaps to record salient output from the processing. At various stages the structure of the image data will also change. For example, the “data cube” representation of the MULTIACCUM sampling will collapse to a single twodimensional image following the pixel-by-pixel determination of the count rate via “up-theramp” fitting. Information about the processing will also be available in a “trailer file” that lists information pertinent to reviewers interested in the quality of the data product. The intermediate and final output products of Level 2 and 3 processing may have unique structures, e.g., processed IFU data will likely be in the form of a data cube. These product file structures should be the subject of future calibration working group discussions. 2 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 5.3 JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Pipeline Structure The NIRSpec IDT plan incorporated in following for which some important issues to be resolved are: • Should there be separate pipelines for imaging and spectroscopy modes? At present this discussion assumes pipeline operation is the same to a certain critical point in the processing for part A. A separate “-imag” and “-spec” pipeline branch is based on mode keywords for part B. • Should there be differences for IFU versus slits / MSA? • Should there be processing for slitless spectroscopy? • The file structure of output data products, especially for multiple extracted sources and for IFU observations must be determined As an initial attempt at organization, we propose that datasets and associations produced by the NIRSpec will be calibrated by the calNIRSpecA and calNIRSpecB tasks, respectively. The main steps performed by the pipeline are: 1. The data from JWST are transmitted to Earth partitioned into separate engineering and science telemetry. The first step is to associate the science data with the appropriate engineering telemetry. 2. The data are edited, if necessary, to insert fill values in place of missing data. 3. The data are evaluated to determine if there are discrepancies between a subset of the planned and executed observational parameters. 4. A list of calibration reference files to be used in the calibration of the data is created based on the executed observational parameters. 5. The raw data are converted to a generic (FITS) format and the header keyword values are populated (known as generic conversion). 6. Depending upon mode and SI setup, the raw data are calibrated using a standard process, calNIRSpecA, described below, to remove the instrumental signature. calNIRSpecA is performed on each SCA individually on the MULTIACCUM data following each individual detector reset. 7. The calNIRSpecA -calibrated data may be combined into an image using calNIRSpecB, as described below. The pipeline will use the calibration files and tables extracted from the Project Reference Database Subsystem at STScI. 5.4 A Draft Calibration Pipeline “calNIRSpec” The NIRSpec IDT has provided a draft structure for a spectroscopic pipeline (Boeker and deMarchi memo of 15 June 2005 – see Figure 4) and there may be additional concepts or 3 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - refinements under consideration. The following “straw-man” pipeline – meant only as a starting point for discussions – is based upon initial understanding of the Boeker / deMarchi structure. Do we also need an imaging pipeline? HST experience is that even target acquisition images get used for science and should be calibrated – here we suggest an imaging pipeline (at least for initial calibrations) that is essentially a subset of the processing flow for spectroscopy. After the flux calibration step of the A portion, additional spectroscopic processing would occur that would lead to additional spectroscopic data products. The part B (associated data) processing flow will be somewhat different for imaging and spectroscopy. Part A applies to both imaging and spectroscopy followed by a part B-imaging, or a part B-spectroscopy. Part B processing deals primarily with pipeline processing of sub-pixel scale dithered data, which remains an outstanding question to be addressed by future STScI/IDT working groups. The steps necessary to implement Level 2 and Level 3 processing for NIRSpec images can be illustrated in the context of draft calibration pipelines, which are tentatively designated calNIRSpecA and calNIRSpecB, respectively. The two routines perform different operations: 1. calNIRSpecA: This routine operates on the raw science data files and removes the Instrumental signature from the science data. It is the first calibration step, and is applied to the data from each individual SCA that follows each individual detector reset. 2. calNIRSpecB: This routine operates on associations: it co-adds datasets obtained from multiple iterations of the same exposure and mosaics images obtained from dither patterns. Due to the different processing sequences to be suggested for imaging and spectroscopic modes, we initially suggest the designations “-imag” and “-spec” might be added to the calNIRSpecB nomenclature resulting in separate pipeline processing sequence designations for these modes. These processing sequences are outlined in the next sections in terms of tables that represent draft flow charts. The present drafts utilize the NIRSpec IDT draft spectroscopic pipeline concept depicted in Figure 4 (T. Boeker and G. deMarchi – memo 15 June 2005) and some detailed framework drawn heavily from the approaches considered by other JWST SIs, particularly NIRCam (STScI-JWST-TM-2004-0022 by P. McCullough et al.), MIRI (STScIJWST-TM-2005-nnnn by S. Friedman et al. and JPL-D-25634 by J. Rhoads & M. Meixner), and FGS-TFI (STScI-JWST-2005-00625 by A. Fullerton). These in turn enjoy heritage with the calibration of HST instruments. However, other architectures are possible, and may be preferable. The final design philosophy, ordering, and algorithms that constitute Level 2 and Level 3 processing will depend in part on information about the performance characteristics of the NIRSpec derived during AIT and upon detailed calibration working group review. 5.4.1 Level 2 Processing: (calNIRSpecA) calNIRSpecA is the pipeline processing system to remove signatures imposed on NIRSpec images by the blocking-filters / disperser combinations, fore optics, cameras, and detectors. It applies to observations made in both imaging and spectroscopic mode. The processing is performed individually for each MULTIACCUM exposure and SCA. A separate array of 4 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - uncertainties records the result of the errors propagated through each step. Sub array data will be processed through calNIRSpecA in the same way as full-frame readouts, with two exceptions: a) Since reference pixels may not be included in the sub array, it may not be possible to use them to correct for voltage drifts. This is not likely to be a problem, since sub array exposures are reserved for very bright sources, which implies that the exposure times will be short and any voltage drifts will be small. b) The full distortion correction may not be required. Table 4 represents an initial flow chart for calNIRSpecA. It also indicates what auxiliary information – either in the form of reference files, or information computed from the data itself – is required to perform each step (a full discussion of the steps in the calNIRSpecA and, to a lesser extent, calNIRSpecB tasks is provided in Appendix A). For each individual exposure, the result of calNIRSpecA is a) For imaging: a. A geometrically and photometrically corrected image taken through a filter whose approximate central wavelength is known for each pixel in the field of view; and b. An error array containing a realistic measure of the uncertainty in the flux of each pixel. b) For spectroscopy: a. A geometrically corrected image modified by a “throughput correction” which includes L-flat, blaze function, transmission of all optics, and a “default” chromatic slit loss (that assumes perfect slit centering); and b. An error array containing a realistic measure of the uncertainty in the corrected count-rate of each pixel. c. Photometrically corrected, extracted spectra for each for the fixed slits or designated MSA slit locations. d. For the IFU, a photometrically corrected data cube. The issue of dithering exposures and how to combine them may lead to modifications of this methodology. Alternate approaches to dithering are being considered at present. Will a different dithering approach require modifications to part B reduction structure? 5 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Figure 4: Draft outline of NIRSpec pipeline Step Description Reference File / Other Information 1. For data from all modes, subtract the signal that accumulates between the initializing reset and the first sample in the MULTIACCUM sequence. A reference file containing the “super Zero” read frame containing the mean of many “first reads” taken without illumination. 2. Subtract the first read of the MULTIACCUM sequence to remove the reset (“ktc”) noise. 3. 4. 5. Mask bad pixels to prevent them from influencing subsequent processing steps. “Bad” pixels may have uncharacteristic sensitivities (“hot” or “cold”) or may be completely inoperable. Calibrate and remove drifts in the voltage by manipulating the information from the reference pixels and subtracting it from the array. Remove the signal attributable to “dark current” (and scattered/stray light) by subtracting a dark exposure with the same integration time and MULTIACCUM pattern as the science exposure. A reference file containing a bad pixel mask. A reference file containing a library of dark current images. 6 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Step 6. 7. 8. 9 Description Correct for nonlinearity in the detector response and flag saturated pixels. Determine the count rate by measuring the rate of accumulation of charge; i.e., the slope associated with the “up-the-ramp” sampling. Outlying data points, which are attributable to cosmic rays, are flagged and eliminated from subsequent iterations to determine the optimal slope. This step proceeds pixel-by-pixel. Correct for pixel-to-pixel sensitivity variations by dividing by a “Pflat”. This might also serve as an Lflat to remove some lower-spatial frequency variations (e.g., fringing). Imaging: Correct for image distortion. Depending on the application, for imaging mode this step might be more appropriate for Level 3 processing. Spectroscopy: extract set of pixels illuminated by each aperture or shutter; subsequent operations are performed on each extraction box separately. Imaging: Apply the photometric calibration. (TBD: The appropriate calibration information may be written into the header rather than altering the data values themselves.) 10. 11. 12. Spectroscopy: Apply the combined “throughput corrections” including Lflat correction. (Data are modified) For imaging and for spectroscopy with MSA and non-IFU fixed apertures: Output is 2-d image and 2-d uncertainties; For IFU: Output is count rate and uncertainty data cubes ============================= From this point on additional processing applies ONLY to SPECTROSCOPIC modes Apply wavelength calibration and perform geometric distortion correction; will probably have to use model-based correction for MOS; (some differences for IFU?) JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Reference File / Other Information A reference file of images containing coefficients of the polynomial correction factor. A reference file containing a library of Pflats for each filter. Alternately, a contemporaneous Pflat. A reference file containing the polynomial coefficients required to remove instrumental distortion from the images; for spectroscopy this will include MSA configuration. There are trade-offs in the implementation of this correction, depending on whether flux should be conserved for point sources or surface brightness. For imaging: a reference file containing a library of coefficients to transform instrumental fluxes to calibrated fluxes, one for each filter. Spectroscopy: a reference file that includes L-flat, blaze function, optics transmission, “default” chromatic slit loss) Requires reference files for grating equation, (grating wheel telemetry?), and geometric distortion map - corrects for tilt of aperture relative to detector columns; also correct for tilt of spectrum as function of wavelength and disperser; dispersion model for MOS. 7 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Step 13. 14. JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Description Apply absolute flux calibration. Output is data cube for IFU and 2-d image for MSA and fixed apertures. Extract 1-d spectrum as appropriate Subtract background 15. 16. 17. Output 1-d extracted spectrum file for each MSA aperture or fixed aperture. Should there be any re-sampled extracted products output for IFU? OPTIONAL: apply “delta” chromatic slit loss correction and produce updated 1-d extracted spectra Reference File / Other Information Requires flux calibration (sensitivity or response function) reference file. Requires background model or uses nearby background determined from unilluminated portion of detector. (Are other options being considered?) Structure is TBD – separate imsets of fluxes and uncertainties for each slit window or separate files? Requires model or measurement-based reference file or algorithm; current suggestion is to not include in pipeline and perform this correction in post-processing with a user-interactive tool. Table 5 : Draft Flow Chart for calNIRSpecA 5.4.2 Level 3 Processing: (calNIRSpecB) Currently we include separate imaging and spectroscopy branches (this could be handled as internal branches within the part B code). IFU processing inputs and procedures may differ somewhat from those for MSA and fixed slits. calNIRSpecB is the pipeline processing system to combine associated images of a particular data set. These families of images will generally arise from dithered pointings. For imagery, the algorithms required to implement these steps generally require catalogs of sources, and the generation of such lists is a necessary ingredient for Level 3 processing. An enhanced version of this goal would generate source catalogs that are also useful for scientific research. For spectroscopy, information about target spacing is useful in registration of dithered images that will lead to determination of target positioning within the fixed or pseudo apertures. This information will be necessary for the determination of chromatic slit-loss corrections. However, in any event, it is clear that the data products produced by calNIRSpecB are likely to be the primary resource for subsequent analysis by astronomers. There are a variety of approaches to achieving the goals of Level 3 processing. Tables 5 and 6 sketch one possible path. Since the concepts and algorithms required to implement calNIRSpecB are likely to evolve substantially, it is necessarily less detailed than calNIRSpecA at this stage. However, it is important to note that unlike calNIRSpecA, calNIRSpecB does not require additional reference file or calibration information apart from PSF information necessary 8 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - for applying chromatic slit-loss corrections. The information required to drizzle associated images together or reconstruct data cubes resides in the files that are input. Since Level 3 processing of data will likely require a certain amount of tailoring that in turn depends on the scientific goal of the observation, it may be preferable to leave it up to the investigators themselves rather than a general pipeline process operated by the S&OC. This is especially true if no optimal method for determining slit-corrections can be automated. Additional post-pipeline processing tools: • • • • PSF subtraction, in order to obtain enhanced dynamic range in the final image. The PSF will be determined from contemporaneous observations of a suitable target with the same instrumental configuration that was used for the science target. Coaddition of PSF-subtracted frames obtained at multiple roll angles. LSF characterizations and tools to be used to enhance resolution of blended features Corrections for extended objects Step Description 1. Remarks Start with photometrically-corrected output image for each dithered image from NIRSpecA Identify sources in all associated images. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use the source lists to refine the astrometric transformations between images. Use object-free regions to balance the background in different images Combine the dithered images into a mosaic. 6. Output is 2-d image and 2-d uncertainties 7. OPTION: Extract a scientifically meaningful source catalog from an observation. The SExtractor software package (Bertin & Arnouts 1996, A&AS, 117, 393) provides an example of a flexible, efficient source-detection algorithm that could be used. The result is the highest quality image of a field. Table 6: Draft Flow Chart for Level 3 calNIRSpecB-imag Processing Step Description 0. Remarks If no correction is applied for slit mis-centering or chromatic slit-loss then errors associated with combination of dithered or multiple images are a lower limit. Will a NIRSpecB combination be performed in that case? 9 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. MSA and Fixed Slits: Start with throughput corrected output image for each dithered image from NIRSpecA IFU: Start with corrected count-rate data cube? Identify spectra in all associated images. Need input from ongoing discussions between STScI and IDT on status of suggestions for combining dithered images. Use the source lists to refine the astrometric transformations between images. Use object-free regions to balance the background in different images Combine the dithered images into a mosaic. 5. 6. 7. Output is 2-d image and 2-d uncertainties or (for IFU) a data cube Perform steps 12-16 of NIRSpecA on mosaic image. If process has optimally identified and corrected for slit losses, then step 17 of NIRSpecA is not required. JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Calibration working group discussion needed The result is claimed to allow the determination of the object centering in the aperture for each separate image and thereby, to allow aperture corrections to be applied in a pipeline fashion. Will this work as well for extended sources? What is correct order of operations? This depends on slit-loss correction algorithm, and possibly, on aperture mode (IFU). Table 7: Draft Flow Chart for Level 3 calNIRSpecB-spec Processing 5.4.3 IFU Level 2 and 3 Processing More detail is needed concerning the production of the data cube in Level 2 processing and then for Level 3 processing through extraction of 1-d spectra. The data reduction procedures for IFU spectroscopy consist of all of the routines that are applicable (separately) to imaging and spectroscopy as well as those that define how the final 3D data cube is created (and calibrated). IFU calibration will be very similar to other processing for initial portions of calNIRSpecA, but there will likely be important differences from other modes (arising from the complex mapping from pixel location and grating setting to celestial coordinates and wavelength for the data cube) at the flat fielding, wavelength calibration, and spectral extraction stages. Some implications for flat fielding, wavelength calibration, and spectral extraction are discussed in the following subsections: For Level 3 IFU data processing the initial step, combining data from multiple Level 2 processed dither positions, differs from the corresponding steps in imaging data because the each of the input Level 2 processed IFU observations are, in principle, a data cube (should the presumably geometrically corrected input cube be in count-rate units or flux-calibrated?). A threedimensional analog of the drizzle algorithm or similar method may be required for full generality, though it may also be possible to treat the problem as a set of 2D mosaics of monochromatic images provided the wavelength grid is sufficiently stable among the different exposures being stacked. This simplification would be possible when a single grating position 10 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - has been used, but might be problematic when splicing together data taken in multiple grating settings. IFU Spectrum Extraction In principle the spectrum can be extracted for each position in the spatial dimension. Is this desirable? Should this be performed in the pipeline or in user-specific post-processing? At present there have been no discussions or presentations on the details of IFU spectrum extraction. This is likely to be an important calibration working group item. Full exploitation of IFU data also may require measuring the point spread and line-spread functions for this mode. These measurements can likely be extracted from astrometric calibration data for the PSF, and wavelength calibration data for the LSF. IFU Astrometric and Wavelength Calibration The location of the spatial and spectral information on the FPA for IFU mode will be established along with other modes in ground testing. Monochromatic light filling the field would provide an ideal test of wavelength zero point and dispersion, while continuum point source observations at a grid of locations will provide an ideal measurement of the mapping between pixels and celestial coordinates. We will need to verify these locations in orbit and perhaps monitor them because the integrity of the data cube depends on it. A celestial spectral source, e.g. a compact planetary nebula, can be stepped across the IFU and for each position of the source a data cube be made. The exact position of the source in the data cube in both spatial and spectral dimensions will be checked throughout the science mission. The mapping from pixel coordinates to celestial coordinates and wavelength can be stored as a set of three real-valued images, corresponding to offsets relative to the data cube center (α, δ, λ) in two orthogonal sky coordinates and wavelength. Each separate grating setting would require its own wavelength mapping (x,y λ). Ground testing will show whether a single (x,y α,δ) mapping is sufficient for all grating positions or if the mapping also needs to be derived for each grating position separately. The effective volume corresponding to each detector pixel can be obtained as a numerical derivative of these maps. IFU Flat Field Calibration Wavelength-dependent flat fields may be needed for IFU calibration. The extent of wavelength dependence and the need for flat fields with each grating position must be determined. Flat fields for the IFU mode may be obtained by using the internal calibration unit or by using celestial sources. External flats could be obtained using two types of celestial sources. First, spectrophotometric standard stars may be observed at a few locations in the field of view to determine the response as a function of wavelength in absolute units. If moving target capability is developed, then a bright standard could effectively be trailed through the IFU slit. Alternatively, the results could be transferred to the entire field of view by observing extended objects of uniform (or well known) surface brightness profile. For example, the MIRI calibration 11 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - plan suggests that the outer planets Uranus and Neptune are promising extended sources for generating an IFU flat field, and this may be a possibility for NIRSpec as well. In addition to handling variations in quantum efficiency, the flat fielding stage of IFU calibrations may have to incorporate fringing corrections. Fringing will be characterized in ground testing. This characterization will be confirmed during on-orbit checkout of the instrument. 5.5 Baseline Strategy for Supplying and Maintaining Reference Files The draft version of the calNIRSpecA pipeline outlined in Table 4 requires at least 11 types of reference files to inform the processing algorithms of the specific properties for the various modes of NIRSpec. Strategies for obtaining the information necessary to generate these files at various stages in the life of the instrument have been briefly discussed in previous sections of this document. This information is summarized in Table 7, along with an initial indication of the frequency that will be required to monitor the on-orbit behavior of the properties of the NIRSpec that are contained in the reference files. An important lesson learned from the development and operation of first- and second-generation HST instruments and which has been implemented as routine procedure for COS and WFC3 is that it is important to establish a philosophy early in instrument development of archiving in MAST all data that can lead to reference file production. A very valuable procedure is to establish an agreement that when reference files are produced (regardless of software used) that the starting dataset ALWAYS be drawn from the MAST archive. Reference File “Super Zero” Frame Bad Pixel Map Library of Darks AIT Average many “first reads” from dark images obtained from library. Obtain from measurements of average Pflat; also from dark images. Obtain during TVAC testing with standard MULTIACCUM sequences. Commissioning Routine Observing Monitor performance in calibration of science images. On-orbit Frequency ~Weekly (?) Obtain from “parallel” darks. Verify groundbased values from observations of darks and Pflats. Monitor Obtain with standard MULTIACCUM sequences at standard operating temperature. Monitor performance in calibration of science images. ~Weekly; Use “parallel” darks to search for new hot pixels. ~Weekly (?) Obtained as parallel observation. Average many “first reads” from dark images. 12 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Nonlinearity Correction Library of Pflats Photometric Calibration Wavelength Obtain initial (relative) estimate from pixel-pixel observations sources of known brightness During TVAC testing. Observations of primary and secondary standards covering a large range of fluxes; e.g., as part of photometric calibration; but only for a small grid of pixels, since relative behavior established. Obtain during Obtain with TVAC tests with observations of GSE or internal internal source for lamp, for a large subset of many/all blocking filter/disperser filter/disperser combinations. combinations. Only coarse Establish baseline absolute calibration by calibration observing external achievable but standards at a effort should be variety of made to establish filter/disperser relative combinations. throughputs for all filter/disperser combinations. Establish by Confirm with using internal wavelength wavelength calibration calibration source; source and also with instrumental astronomical models. objects with many bright emission lines. JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Verify quality of correction as part of routine photometric monitoring. Infrequent; Possibly only once unless monitoring suggests more data required. ? ~Monthly(?). Monitor available primary/secondary standards in routine calibration plan observations. . ~Once or twice per year on orbit? Perform contamination monitor more frequently (monthly?) Prior or after each new filter/disperser combination observing sequence? . Monthly; Weekly if concerned about mechanism repeatability? 13 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities “Transmission Correction” (Combined with L-flat) Distortion Correction Measure relative throughputs as function of wavelength for each filter, optic, aperture, Estimate from models; direct measurement only possible in AIT. Ray tracing; Pinhole maps (?). At ambient or during TVAC with GSE. Astrometric Solutions File PSF model file LSF files Reference Pixel Info Slit locations, IFU slice positions Obtain baseline optimum PSFs from alignment activities with FM. Obtain baseline LSFs from wavecal activities with FM. Obtain positions from routine calibration darks to establish initial characterization. Establish with special calibration program with FM. JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Establish baseline calibration by observing external standards at a variety of filter/disperser combinations and combine with detailed instrumental modeling. Deep imaging of an astrometric field at several roll angles. External observations conducted as part of photometric calibration. ~Once or twice per year on orbit? Verify efficacy of correction using science images. Annually. Observe astrometric field to establish baseline calibration. Repeat astrometric calibration in routine calibration plan observations. Repeat serendipitous observations in routine calibration plan Semi-annual checks? Repeat serendipitous observations in routine calibration plan Semi-annual checks? Does re-phasing affect? Monitor positions from routine calibration darks. Weekly? Check in each dark set. Repeat special calibration in routine calibration plan observations. Semi-annual checks? Extract PSF information from astrometric fields and other serendipitous calibration images. Utilize serendipitous internal and external wavelength calibration data. Monitor positions from routine calibration darks. Establish baseline with special calibration program. Semi-annual checks? Does re-phasing affect? 14 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Spectrum trace orientation correction Establish in special calibration program with FM JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Establish baseline with special wavelength calibration program that includes robust line sources Serendipitous observations in routine calibration plan Annually. Table 6: Acquisition and Maintenance of Possible Reference Files 5.6 5.6.1 Summary of Required Calibration Reference Files by Mode Fixed Slit and MSA Spectroscopy Bad pixel mask Dark frames Short Dark frames (for Read noise measurements) Reference pixels frames Reference output frames Internal flat fields for high frequency variations (P-flats) Combined L-flat / throughput measures for low frequency variations Saturation counts map Linearity counts map Geometric distortion map Standard star measurements Astrometric solutions file Wavelength calibration file; grating parameters; dispersion model Location of the slit information on the FPA Line spread function information (for subsequent analysis). 5.6.2 IFU Spectroscopy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Bad pixel mask Dark frames Short Dark frames (for Read noise measurements) Reference pixels frames Reference output frames Internal flat fields for high frequency variations (P-flats) Combined L-flat / throughput measures for low frequency variations Saturation counts map Linearity counts map Geometric distortion map Standard star measurements Astrometric solutions file 15 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities 13. 14. JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Table of slice and wavelength positions on the FPAs Wavelength calibration spectra; grating parameters 5.6.3 IFU Photometric Imaging 1. Bad pixel mask 2. Library dark frames (where necessary - exposure time and readout sequence matched to science exposures) 3. Reference pixels (from each frame) 4. Reference output line data (from each frame) 5. Internal flat fields for high frequency variations (P-flats) 6. Combined L-flat / throughput measures for low frequency variations? 7. Saturation counts map 8. Linearity counts map 9. Geometric distortion map 10. Standard star measurements 11. Astrometric solutions file 12. PSF model file (for subsequent analysis). 16 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Appendix A Acronym/ Abbreviation AD ADU AFP AIT BOL BRDF BTDF C&DH or CDH CDR CRAL CVZ DHAS DILS DRM DRD EGSE Eml EMC EMI EOL ESA ESTEC ETU FF FGS FGS–G FGS–TFI FITS FM FOV FPA FPAP FPE FPM FPS FRD FWHM GO GSE JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Acronym/Abbreviation List Definition Applicable Document Analog-to-Digital Unit Aperture Focal Plane Assembly, Integration, & Test Beginning Of Life Bi-directional reflectance distribution function Bi-directional transmittance distribution function Command and Data Handling (Hardware) Critical Design Review Centre de Recherche Astronomique de Lyon Continuous Viewing Zone Data Handling and Analysis System Deliverable Item List Design Reference Mission DRD Data Requirements Document Electrical Ground Support Equipment Engineering Model Electromagnetic Compatibility Electromagnetic Interference End Of Life European Space Agency European Space Research and Space Technology Centre Engineering Test Unit Flat Field Fine Guidance Sensor (complete instrument) Fine Guidance Sensor – Guider (hardware and functions) Fine Guidance Sensor – Tunable Filter Imager (hardware and functions) Flexible Image Transport System Flight Model Field of View Focal Plane Assembly (or Array) Focal Plane Array Processor Focal Plane Electronics (Science Instruments) Focal Plane Module Focal Plane System Functional Requirements Document Full Width at Half Maximum General Observer Ground Support Equipment 1 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Acronym/ Abbreviation GSFC HgCdTe HST I&T I/O ICD IC&DH or ICDH ICE IDT IFU IPS IRD ISIM Jy JWST L2 LAM LED LMATC LMC LSF L2 mas MAST MCE MGSE MIRI MSA NASA NGST NICMOS NIRCam NIRSpec OA OB or OBA OGSE OTE PDR PDU POM PRD PSF JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Definition Goddard Space Flight Center Mercury Cadmium Telluride Hubble Space Telescope Integration & Test Input-Output Interface Control Document ISIM Command & Data Handling Instrument Control Electronics (Science Instruments) Instrument Development Team Integral Field Unit NIRSpec Instrument Performance Simulator Interface Requirement Document Integrated Science Instrument Module Jansky (a unit of flux; 1 Jy = 10-26 W m-2 Hz-1) James Webb Space Telescope Second Lagrange point of the earth – sun system Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille Light-Emitting Diode Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center Large Magellanic Cloud Line Spread Function L2 Second Lagrange Point milli-arcseconds Multi-Mission Archive at Space Telescope Micro-shutter Control Electronics Mechanical Ground Support Equipment Mid-Infrared Instrument (JWST) Micro-Shutter Array National Aeronautics & Space Administration Northrop Grumman Space & Technology Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (HST) Near-Infrared Camera (JWST) Near-Infrared Spectrograph (JWST) Optical Assembly Optical Bench or Optical Bench Assembly Optical Ground Support Equipment Optical Telescope Element Preliminary Design Review Primary Data Unit (of a FITS file) Pick-Off Mirror Project Reference Database Point Spread Function 2 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Acronym/ Abbreviation R RD RMS or rms ROE RSS S/C S/N S/W or SW S&OC SAM SCA SI SIDU SIRTF SITS SNR SRA SSR STScI TA TBC TBD TBR TVAC V1 WCS WFE WFS WFS&C µm JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Definition Resolution Reference Document Root Mean Square Readout Electronics Root Sum Squared Spacecraft Signal-to-Noise Ratio Software Science & Operations Center Small Angle Maneuver Sensor Chip Array (or Assembly) Science Instrument (refers to JWST) Science Instrument Development Unit Space Infrared Telescope Facility Science Instrument Test Set Signal to Noise Ratio Science Rationale & Analysis (document) Solid State Recorder Space Telescope Science Institute Target Acquisition To Be Confirmed To Be Determined (or Defined) To Be Reviewed (or Required, Revised, or Resolved) Thermal Vacuum Axis of the S/C - OTE - ISIM coordinate system; positive toward secondary mirror World Coordinate System Wave Front Error Wave-front Sensing Wave-front Sensing & Control Micrometers (microns) 3 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Appendix B JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - References Anderson, J. & King, I.R., 2000, PASP, 112, 1360 Anderson, J. & King, I.R., 2003, PASP, 115, 113 Bertin, E., & Arnouts, S., 1996, “SExtractor: Software for Source Extraction” A&A Supplements 117, 393. Bohlin, R.C., 2000, AJ, 120, 437 Bohlin, R.C., Dickinson, M.E., & Calzetti, D., 2001, AJ, 122, 2118 Campins, H., Rieke, G.H., & Lebofsky, M.J., 1985, AJ, 90, 896 Fruchter, A. S., & Hook, R., 2002, “Drizzle: A Method for the Linear Reconstruction of Undersampled Images,” PASP 114, 144. Fullerton, A., 2005, “Overview of FGS-TF Imager Calibration Activities: STScI Input to CSA Document OPS-03B,” STScI-JWST-2005-00625 (15 June 2005 Issue A) Kriss, G.A., 2004, STScI-JWST-TM-2004-0025 McCullough, P. et al., 2004, STScI-JWST-TM-2004-0022 Monelli, M. et al., 2005, ApJ, 621, L117 Rauscher, B.J. et al. 2003, “Ultra-Low Background Operation of Near-Infrared Detectors Using Reference Pixels for NGST”, Proceedings of SPIE Regan, M. & Stockman, H. 2001, STScI-JWST-TM-2001Rhoads, J. & Meixner, M., 2005, JPL-D-25634 1 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities Appendix C JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Draft NIRSpec On-Orbit Calibration Program Summaries Program No.: 650 Program title: NIRSpec Dark Monitor Synopsis: This program will monitor stability of the dark rate in every NIRSpec detector pixel. One long dark exposure will be obtained each week. The exposure length for the dark will be the maximum length expected for science exposures, which is currently 10,000 seconds (TBR). Empirical darks for shorter exposures can be extracted from the raw data for the long exposure by ignoring later reads. Model darks for any exposure time can be determined by fitting the sequence of reads in the long exposure. If commissioning uncovers variations in the dark rate on timescales shorter than a week, shorter timescales, more frequent darks may be required. Darks from multiple epochs will likely be combined automatically to construct “super-darks” with lower noise. There is no detailed calibration plan for NIRSpec yet, so details of this program are preliminary. Sample and Sky Coverage: N/A Basis for exposure time estimates (S/N & brightness): Instruments and observing configurations: NIRSpec, dark, both detectors, 10000 seconds Scheduling requirements or constraints: Darks should be scheduled within windows 4 days wide, centered every 7 days. If operationally supported, darks should be obtained in parallel with normal science observations. Visit scenarios: One long dark exposure, in parallel if supported Total program time: 6 days Program written by: Jeff Valenti Date first written: 12/07/2004 As-of date: 2004 December 07 1 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Program No.: 651 Program title: NIRSpec Flat Field Monitor Synopsis: This program will monitor stability of the NIRSpec flat-field response. Flats will be obtained every 4 months, using the three R=1000 gratings with three different long-slit configurations of the micro-shutter array (MSA), for a total of nine exposures per epoch. Use of gratings, rather than the imaging mirror, provides information about flat-field response at 3 to 9 distinct wavelengths per pixel and avoids smallscale structure along the dispersion axis caused by the MSA frame. The MSA will still cause small-scale structure along the spatial axis. The long slits will be located near both edges of the MSA (along the dispersion axis) and near the middle. The exact locations of long slits will be chosen to minimize gaps due to permanently closed shutters. The long slits may be more than one shutter wide, if necessary to achieve the desired level of illumination and to ensure at least some illumination, even if a few shutters are permanently closed. There is no detailed calibration plan for NIRSpec yet, so details of this program are preliminary. Sample and Sky Coverage: Internal lamp. Basis for exposure time estimates (S/N & brightness): Instruments and observing configurations: Design of the calibration system is not yet mature enough to estimate exposure times. We provide maximum desired exposure times here, rather than predicted exposure times. Actual exposure times will only be comparable for all three gratings if the lamp has selectable brightness. NIRSpec, G140M, 3x1800s (TBR) NIRSpec, G235M, 3x1800s (TBR) NIRSpec, G395M, 3x1800s (TBR) Scheduling requirements or constraints: All 9 exposures should be scheduled within windows 1 month wide, centered every 4 months. If operationally supported, flats should be obtained during slews or in parallel with science observations, if the NIRSpec internal lamp does not interfere with the science observation. Visit scenarios: Visit lengths should be no longer than 1800s (TBR) Total program time: 0.5 day Program written by: Jeff Valenti Date first written: 12/08/2004 As-of date: 2004 December 07 2 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Program No.: 652 Program title: NIRSpec MSA to Detector Distortion Monitor Synopsis: This program will monitor NIRSpec geometric distortion between the micro-shutter array (MSA) and the two detectors, using in internal lamp source and regular patterns of open and closed MSA shutters. Measurements will be obtained every 3 months, within a day of the external observations used to calibrate the distortion between the sky and the NIRSpec MSA. Frequent monitoring is warranted because good instrumental sensitivity relies on accurate positioning in the apertures, which in turn relies on an accurate distortion map. There is no detailed calibration plan for NIRSpec yet, so details of this program are preliminary. Sample and Sky Coverage: Internal lamp source Basis for exposure time estimates (S/N & brightness): Instruments and observing configurations: NIRSpec, Mirror, 6x12s (TBR) Scheduling requirements or constraints: Each visit should be scheduled within 1 day of observations for program 661 (NIRSpec Sky to MSA Distortion Monitor). Visit scenarios: At each epoch, images will be obtained with three MSA configurations designed to map geometric distortion along the dispersion direction and three configurations designed to map distortion along the spatial axis. Total program time: 0.1 day Program written by: Jeff Valenti Date first written: 12/08/2004 As-of date: 2004 December 08 3 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Program No.: 653 Program title: NIRSpec Wavelength Monitor Synopsis: This program will monitor the mapping between detector pixels and wavelength of dispersed light, using in deep exposures of an internal line lamp and regular patterns of open and closed MSA shutters. Five different MSA configurations will be used to measure how the wavelength mapping varies with position of the shutter across the MSA. Multiple shutters may be opened at each spatial position on the MSA, if the line density is low enough that overlapping spectra can be disentangled. Overlap of spectra will occur anyway at spatial positions where a shutter has failed open. Measurements will be obtained every 3 months. There is no detailed calibration plan for NIRSpec yet, so details of this program are preliminary. Sample and Sky Coverage: Internal wavelength calibration source Basis for exposure time estimates (S/N & brightness): Instruments and observing configurations: The following exposure times are based on the speculation that exposure times will be no longer than 50 seconds for wavelength calibration spectra obtained contemporaneously with science observations, and that the deep wavelength calibration exposures will require exposure times 5 times longer. NIRSpec, P285L, 5x300s (TBR) NIRSpec, G140M, 5x300s (TBR) NIRSpec, G235M, 5x300s (TBR) NIRSpec, G395M, 5x300s (TBR) NIRSpec, G140H, 5x300s (TBR) NIRSpec, G235M, 5x300s (TBR) NIRSpec, G395H, 5x300s (TBR) Scheduling requirements or constraints: All observations for a given disperser must be obtained in the same visit, so that the grating does not move between exposures. Observations with each grating may be placed in separate visits. Visit scenarios: Visits should be scheduled within windows 1 month wide, centered every 3 months. At each epoch, images will be obtained with 5 MSA configurations, designed to determine how wavelength solution depends on location of the shutter in the MSA. Total program time needed: 0.25 day Program written by: Jeff Valenti Date first written: 12/09/2004 As-of date: 2005 January 19 4 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Program No.: 660 Program title: NIRSpec Spectrophotometric Throughput Monitor Synopsis: This program will monitor NIRSpec spectrophotometric throughput for all 7 dispersing elements. Measurements will be obtained annually, using the 5 fixed slits, the integral field unit (IFU), and one aperture per micro-shutter array (MSA) quadrant, for a total of 10 apertures. Not every combination of dispersing element and aperture is allowed. Nine different sub-aperture positions will be used with the prism to characterize spectrophotometric throughput as a function of location in each aperture. There is no detailed calibration plan for NIRSpec yet, so details of this program are preliminary. Sample and Sky Coverage: The white dwarf G191B2B is the preferred primary spectrophotometric standard. With ecliptic latitude of +30 degrees, G191B2B is accessible only part of the year. Possible alternate standards include Hz 43, GD 153, and GD 71. See Bohlin (2000, AJ, 120, 437). Basis for exposure time estimates (S/N & brightness): Instruments and observing configurations: The exposure time estimates below come from the Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) in the JWST Mission Simulator (JMS). NIRSpec, P285L, 90x120s (TBR) NIRSpec, G140M, 10x180s (TBR) NIRSpec, G235M, 10x480s (TBR) NIRSpec, G395M, 10x1200s (TBR) NIRSpec, G140H, 10x480s (TBR) NIRSpec, G235M, 10x1440s (TBR) NIRSpec, G395H, 10x3600s (TBR) Scheduling requirements or constraints: To minimize overheads associated with slews, all exposures in a given year should be scheduled in a single visit, if possible. Each annual set of exposures should be scheduled within windows 2 months wide, centered every 12 months. Visit scenarios: The flux standard will be observed with each disperser in succession. In principle, observations with each disperser can be split into different visits, but this will reduce efficiency. For each disperser, the flux standard will be observed with each allowed aperture in succession. For the prism only, 9 different subaperture locations (arranged in a “+” pattern) will be used for each aperture. Subarrays may be used when exposure times are too short to readout the entire detector. Total program time: 1.0 day Program written by: Jeff Valenti Date first written: 12/08/2004 As-of date: 2004 December 08 5 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use. Overview of NIRSpec Calibration Activities JWST-STScI-000851, SM-12 - Program No.: 661 Program title: NIRSpec Sky to MSA Distortion Monitor Synopsis: This program will monitor NIRSpec geometric distortion between the sky and the micro-shutter array (MSA), using an astrometrically calibrated external star field. Measurements will be obtained every 3 months. Frequent monitoring is warranted because good instrumental sensitivity relies on accurate positioning in the apertures, which in turn relies on an accurate distortion map. At each epoch, dithered images will be obtained at two spacecraft roll angles with the maximum possible separation to better constrain the distortion model. There is no detailed calibration plan for NIRSpec yet, so details of this program are preliminary. Sample and sky coverage: A field in the Large Magellenic Cloud (LMC) visible throughout the year will be selected and calibrated astrometrically, using NIRCam and perhaps HST/ACS. Basis for exposure time estimates (S/N & brightness): Instruments and observing configurations: NIRSpec, Mirror, 2x5x1800s (TBR) Scheduling requirements or constraints: Each visit should be scheduled within windows 1 month wide, centered every 3 months. Visit scenarios: At each epoch, images will be obtained at two maximally separated roll angles. At each roll angle, images will be obtained at 5 (TBR) different dither positions with offsets as large as half the 3.3’ field of view. Multiple guide stars (hence visits) will be necessary to support the large offsets. Visits for a given epoch should be executed consecutively, without interruption. Total program: 0.6 day Program written by: Jeff Valenti Date first written: 12/08/2004 As-of date: 2004 December 08 6 Check with the JWST S&OC OCM to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.