NIRSpec Data reduction Pipeline “Final” End Products Guido De Marchi & Tracy Beck Reminder on NIRSpec Instrument Characteristics: 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) used on a diffraction-limited telescope --> PSF varies with λ ! wide wavelength range (0.6 - 5 µm) --> chromatic slit losses! off-axis telescope and wide field of view --> significant distortion! reflective optics (incl. dispersive elements) --> large, variable slit curvature! MSA and Fixed Slit spectra are tilted, curved and flared by differing • amounts MOS Complexity --> every detector pixel sees every wavelength! NIRSpec IFU Data NIRSpec IFU Data 1) 2) R=2700, 1000 or 100 0.6 - 5µm spectral data over a 3” x 3” field of view Spectral pixel elements of 0.”1 x 0.”1 in size IFU Data “End” Products IFU Data End product = 3-D datacube with corresponding variance and DQ extentions “Next Level” End products for IFU data - Mosaiced datacubes from dithered sets, improve spatial sampling, enlarge spatial FOV NIRSpec MOS Data MSA mask Each Open shutter will result in Science or Background Spectra Red: object, green: background Using ~0.”2 x ~0.”4 slitlets, 2-D Spectra acquired from 0.6-5µm with: • R=2700, R=1000 or R=100 resolution • up to 100-150 science objects with each MSA configuration MOS and FS “End” Products FS/MOS Data End product = 2-D background subtracted, combined, rectified, spectral image with corresponding variance and DQ extensions, AND a collapsed / extracted 1-D spectrum with Var & DQ Further Complication: chromatic slit loss Fixed slit size, but variable PSF width… 1 µm 3 µm 5 µm … causes “flaring” and intensity gradient: QuickTimeᆰ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. λ ---> A “default” correction for e.g. a perfectly centered point source can be included in throughput correction. The user needs to optimise this correction later….. More accurate slit correction (user call) Wavelength-dependent slit transmission correction strongly depends on source location in shutter - Link to Target Acquisition Also strongly dependent on spatial shape of source - Point source - Extended source This step of reduction cannot be automated! More accurate slit correction (user call) Exponential profile galaxies, 2 µm wavelength Typically more than 1 mag difference w.r.t. equivalent point source Similar results for other assumed profiles Limit to what automatic pipeline reduction can do with MOS data… We will need post-processing tools for the user to optimise spectral extraction and flux correction of spectra! “Next Level”Considerations for MSA Pipeline Reduction • • • • For each NIRSpec configuration of the MSA shutters, we could be acquiring simultaneous data on 100-150 science targets Hence, NIRSpec MOS programmes with multiple MSA configurations could be obtaining spectra on hundreds, perhaps even thousands of targets! For the faintest sources, we could acquire data on a single target using multiple MSA configurations. For very deep fields, spectra on a given science target could also be acquired in different visits, at different times Ultimately, we need to be able to track, “associate” and even combine spectral data acquired on hundreds of targets, over different MSA configurations, different visits… etc! “Delta” correction for chromatic slit loss - depends on source shape and position within shutter - must be user-controlled λ1 λ2 λi λ1 λ2 λi Optimized Collapse to 1-d spectrum - depends on source extent and background subtraction - must be user-controlled Limit to what automatic pipeline reduction can do with MOS data… We will need post-processing tools for the user to optimise spectral extraction and flux correction of spectra! MOS and FS “End” Products Remember those “Headaches”…?? Each Spectrum is curved, tilted and flared on detector!! 2-D Extraction and processing of data from raw image is complicated. Reduction to spatially & spectrally rectified 2-D image will require “drizzle”-like approach. Open issues to consider when combining multiple spectra: Can we easily combine dithered datasets in 2-D? • Or, will it be better to combine spectra in 1-D using collapsed data? •