Tracing exhumation and orogenic wedge dynamics in the European Alps with detrital thermochronology Barbara Carrapa Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, USA ABSTRACT Detrital cooling ages from the pro-foreland and retro-foreland basins of the European Alps record distinctive exhumation trends that correlate with orogenic wedge states inferred from thrust front propagation rates. Periods of rapid hinterland exhumation correlate with relatively slow propagation of deformation toward the foreland and are interpreted to represent subcritical wedge conditions, whereas periods of slow hinterland exhumation correlate with rapid propagation of deformation toward the foreland and indicate supercritical wedge conditions. Similar lag time trends recorded in both the pro-foreland and retro-foreland thus mimic orogenic wedge behavior and suggest that local tectonics and/or climate events do not overprint the regional signal. INTRODUCTION The internal structure, kinematic history, and surface topography of contractional mountain belts are products of complex interactions between crustal shortening and/or thickening and exhumation. Numerous studies have shown that mountain belts can be successfully modeled as critically tapered orogenic wedges (e.g., Davis et al., 1983; Suppe and Medwedeff, 1990; Willett et al., 1993; Koons, 1994; DeCelles and Mitra, 1995). Critical taper models make predictions about the kinematic history of an orogenic wedge in response to changes in mass distribution, which in turn is controlled by exhumation. Therefore, in order to understand the relationships between exhumation and kinematic processes it is essential to determine the timing, rates, and spatial distribution of exhumation. The European Alps are a classic example of a strongly asymmetrical continent-continent collisional orogen and one of the few cases of a doubly verging orogen with two foreland basin systems (e.g., Naylor and Sinclair, 2008). The North and South Alpine foreland basins provide a natural laboratory in which to explore the distribution of exhumation along (east-west) and across (north-south) the orogen over tens of millions of years. This paper documents the relationships between orogenic wedge taper and exhumation in the Alps with detrital thermochronology. WEDGE TECTONICS, EXHUMATION, AND DETRITAL THERMOCHRONOLOGY The Alpine chain formed as a consequence of convergence and subsequent collision between the Eurasian and African continents from early to middle Cenozoic time (e.g., Stampfli and Marchant, 1997; Rosenbaum and Lister, 2005). This was responsible for significant shortening (as much as 195 km; Ford et al., 2006; Schmid and Kissling, 2000; Pfiffner et al., 2000), crustal thickening of the upper plate, and exhumation. These processes, combined with later deformational and thermal events, produced the distribution of thermochronological ages observed today (Fig. 1). The Alps are formed by two oppositely verging tapered orogenic wedges (Figs. 1B and 2), and loading of the upper plate by these wedges produced foreland basins on both sides of the orogen (Naylor and Sinclair, 2008). Critical taper theory (e.g., Chapple, 1978; Davis et al., 1983) predicts that the front of an orogenic wedge develops taper and propagates toward the foreland when the sum of the angles of the basal and upper slopes (referred to as the taper value) reaches a critical value. When the taper value is less than the critical value (subcritical), the wedge will shorten internally by out-of-sequence thrusting and/or duplexing to build thickness and increase taper. Among other things, subcritical conditions could be caused by enhanced erosion due to wetter or more seasonal climate. If the taper value is greater than the critical value (supercritical), the orogenic wedge will broaden and reduce the overall taper angle by forward thrust propagation and/ or internal extension in order to regain balance between driving and resisting forces. Exhumation of material from the wedge may be viewed as a response to changing taper states (Davis et al., 1983; DeCelles and Mitra, 1995). Therefore, if the Alps obey wedge theory, increasing hinterland exhumation reflects a subcritical wedge state, whereas decreasing hinterland exhumation reflects a supercritical wedge state. Increasing exhumation will be recorded by detrital minerals within foreland basin strata with an upsection-decreasing lag time (e.g., Garver et al., 1999) between cooling and depositional ages, whereas decreasing exhumation will be recorded by an increasing lag time upsection. Episodic exhumation will be recorded by an increasing lag time upsection, whereas steadystate exhumation will be recorded by a constant lag time upsection (e.g., Bernet et al., 2001; Carrapa et al., 2003a) (Fig. 2). In turn, the rate of migration of the flexural wave into the foreland is expected to be slower during subcritical conditions and faster during supercritical conditions. If those processes have influenced Alpine exhumation along and across strike, we should expect to find characteristic trends in the detrital record (von Eynatten et al., 1999; Spiegel et al., 2001, 2004; Carrapa et al., 2003a, 2004a, 2004b; von Eynatten and Wijbrans, 2003). ALPINE FORELAND BASIN RECORD The area considered in this study covers the entire orogenic system (Fig. 1) and the provenance of most of the samples is well constrained by sandstone and conglomerate petrography and paleocurrent data (e.g., Brügel, 1998; Carrapa and DiGiulio, 2001; Evans and Elliott, 1999; Spiegel et al., 2002; Dunkl et al., 2001, and Carrapa et al., 2004a, and references therein). Medium- to low-temperature detrital thermochronological data from the pro-foreland and retro-foreland basins of the Western, Central, and Eastern Alps (Fig. 3) show that different thermochronometers record similar patterns of exhumation. This suggests that differences in lag time responses for different thermochronometers are undetectable at this scale of observation and that sediment reworking is not a problem. In the pro-foreland of the Central and Eastern Alps, the decreasing lag-time trend (Fig. 3A) suggests increasing exhumation from ca. 30 to 10 Ma, suggesting subcritical taper conditions. The pro-foreland of the Western Alps records increasing exhumation between 38 and 36 Ma (suggesting a subcritical state) and decreasing exhumation between ca. 16 and 8 Ma (supercritical state) (Fig. 3B). Deep and rapid exhumation is also indicated by ca. 34 Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages from pebbles in early Oligocene synorogenic conglomerates in the French Alps (Morag et al., 2008). In the retro-foreland of the Western Alps (Fig. 3C) the youngest thermochronological signal (ca. 32–38 Ma) remains constant for >30 m.y. This represents rapid cooling and episodic exhumation of the internal crystalline massifs (e.g., Dora Maira) between ca. 38 and 32 Ma (e.g., Carrapa et al., 2003a) and of the Periadriatic plutons (e.g., Bergell) in the Central Alps (e.g., Garzanti and Malusá, 2008), suggesting subcritical wedge conditions. This was followed by slower cooling (~10°/m.y.), indicating a supercritical wedge state. It is interesting that © 2009 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or GEOLOGY, December 2009 Geology, December 2009; v. 37; no. 12; p. 1127–1130; doi: 10.1130/G30065A.1; 4 figures. 1127 48°N A ages from the Friuli-Venetian foreland (Eastern Alps derived) indicate a change in lag time trend ca. 12 Ma that may correspond to a change in tectono-thermal regime, possibly related to exhumation of the Lepontine Dome (Spiegel et al., 2004; von Eynatten and Wijbrans, 2003). (11) Pro-foreland sin 47°N Sw 40 iss ba se(9) s a ol A (10)(10)* M Aar 39 K-Ar and Ar/ Ar ages: 140–60 Ma 30–60 Ma 30–15 Ma 46°N 15–0 Ma ZFT ages < 20 Ma AFT ages < 15 Ma AFT ages < 5 Ma G LD DB MB G SL (1)(2)(5) B GP Milano (6) Retro-foreland Torino Po Plain 45°N TPB (7) Pro-foreland Al Arg Digne Valensole basin Bârreme basin 5°E 6°E Nice 7°E 8°E 9°E 10°E 11°E Pro-foreland A PA NCA AU VA Aar 1 A B 2 3 d 12°E Retro-foreland HE PF MO lan 4 B 5 AU MA SU TA B IL SA B AD GO A PA 10 4°E Ligurian Sea 20 44°N B Ap (3)(4) en nin (4)* ef or e te au e H çe s d en pe rov P (12)(12*) 43°N (8) DM km Figure 1. Digital elevation model of Alps and flanking foreland basins with compilations of 40 Ar/ 39Ar ages younger than 140 Ma (after Hunziker et al., 1992, and references therein), zircon fission-track (ZFT) ages younger than 20 Ma and apatite fission track (AFT) ages younger than 20 Ma and younger than 5 Ma (after Vernon et al., 2008, and references therein). Boxes (numbers in parentheses) indicate detrital thermochronological studies: (1, 2, 5) Gonfolite studied by Giger and Hurford (1989), Spiegel et al. (2001), and Fellin et al. (2005); (3, 4,) Macigno-Modino and Marnoso Arenacea Apennine units studied by Dunkl et al. (2001) and Bernet et al. (2001); (4*) Bernet et al. (2009); (6) Stefani et al., 2007; (7) Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) studied by Carrapa et al. (2003a, 2004a) and Barbieri et al. (2003); (8) by Carrapa et al. (2004b); (9) Swiss Molasse Basin studied by von Eynatten and Wijbrans (2003); (10) Spiegel et al. (2004); (10*) from Bernet et al. (2009); (11) area studied by Kuhlemann et al. (2006). Note that area studied by Kuhlemann et al. extends until 14°E; (12) area studied by Morag et al. (2008) and (12*) Bernet et al. (2009). DM—Dora Maira Massif; GP—Gran Paradiso; DB—Dent Blanche; MB—Monte Bianco; Arr—Aar Massif; G—Gottard Massif; LD—Lepontine Dome; B—Bergell pluton; Arg—Argenetra Massif; G—Gonfolite; SL—SesiaLanzo. A–B schematic cross section through Central Alps (modified after Polino et al., 1990). Bottom key: 1—Eastern Australpine system (AU) with Eoalpine very low grade (A) and greenshist-amphibolite facies (B) metamorphism; 2—Platta-Arosa (PA) and Malenco-Avers (MA) Piedmont ophiolite units and Valais (VA) ophiolite and flysch units; 3— flysch décollement units (mostly Cretaceous); 4—Cenozoic European molasse (A: MO) and Po Plain molasse (B: Gonfolite); 5—Cenozoic Bergell (B) Periadriatic intrusion; PF—Penninic thrust front; HE—Ultrahelvetic, Helvetic and Duphoinois; NCA—North Calcareous Alps; IL—Insubric line; SA—Southern Alps; GO—Gotthard nappe; AD—Adula nappe; TA—Tambo nappe. subcritical wedge conditions as inferred from detrital thermochronology correlate with a period of rapid plate convergence (Schmid et al., 1996; Ford et al., 2006), whereas supercritical wedge conditions correspond to slow plate convergence, suggesting a relationship between plate convergence, shortening, and wedge state. 1128 The Central and Eastern Alps retro-foreland shows a more complex trend with overall decreasing exhumation between ca. 32 and 12 Ma (Fig. 3D), suggesting supercritical conditions. Zircon fission track ages from Central Alps–derived detritus, today preserved in the Apennine foredeep, and apatite fission track THRUST FRONT PROPAGATION, SUBSIDENCE, AND EXHUMATION From ca. 40 to 30 Ma the North Alpine proforeland basin (Swiss Molasse Basin) was an ~100-km-wide, deeply underfilled flexural trough with <200 m of sedimentary fill. The pro-wedge thrust front advanced northward at high rates of 10–20 mm/a (Sinclair and Allen, 1992; Burkhard and Sommaruga, 1998). This correlates to a supercritical wedge behavior. Between 30 and 22 Ma, both the thrust front and the distal foreland basin depositional pinchout migrated northwestward at a slower rate of ~5 mm/a (Fig. 4). Increased tectonic subsidence (2.7 km) produced a basin that was totally filled above sea level by sediment (Sinclair and Allen, 1992; Burkhard and Sommaruga, 1998). The thermochronological lag time decreased during this time (30–12 Ma), indicating increasing exhumation (Fig. 3A) and subcritical taper conditions. An increase in sediment flux into the foreland basin, between 30 and 22 Ma (Kuhlemann et al., 2002), correlates with an increase in source exhumation. From 22 to 12 Ma, the foreland basin depositional pinchout continued to migrate northwestward at a slower rate. The basin had a width of ~100–140 km, and rapid subsidence continued (Burkhard and Sommaruga, 1998). Lag times continued to decrease upsection during this time interval, suggesting continuing rapid exhumation and subcritical taper conditions. After ca. 12 Ma the deformation front jumped ~100 km northward to the external Jura, leading to exhumation of the foreland basin. This suggests that the orogenic wedge was in a supercritical state at the time (Fig. 4). In the Western Alps retro-foreland, deformation migrated at a nearly constant rate of ~6.3 mm/a between 30 Ma and 11 Ma (Fig. 4). This rate was calculated using basin exhumation data of Bertotti et al. (2006). Assuming that basin exhumation was driven by deformation, the distance between two different samples exhumed within the basin divided by the difference in timing of exhumation (constrained by [U-Th]/He thermochronology) gives the velocity of propagation of deformation into the foreland. This was coupled with significant subsidence in the foreland basin. Detrital ages from the Western Alps retro-foreland show slow erosion after a period of fast exhumation (38–32 Ma), suggesting that the Western Alps retro-wedge was in a subcritical state between 38 and 32 Ma and in a supercritical state after 30 Ma (Figs. 3C and 4). GEOLOGY, December 2009 ge hu la ma m at n e 20 10 20 ? e2 0 0 30 supercritical tim e2 tim subcritical outlier ? la g la g 30 lag e tim 10 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 40 10 Thermochronological age (Ma) 20 30 50 40 (1) Gonfolite-Alpine foreland (ZFT), YP (2) Gonfolite-Alpine foreland (AFT), YP (11) Eastern Alps foreland (AFT: YP) (3) Marnoso Arenacea-Apennines (ZFT), YP (4) Macigno-Modino-Apennines (ZFT), YP (4*) Macigno & Marnoso Arenacea (ZFT), YP outlier (partially annealed after burial) (5) Gonfolite-Alpine foreland (40Ar/39Ar), YA General lag time trend 10 subcritical (6) Venetian-Friulian Basin, AFT; partially annealed. 10 change in tectono-thermal regime 20 20 supercritical lag 0 e0 e2 tim ti m lag 30 30 supercritical? 10 20 30 40 50 60 Thermochronological age (Ma) 20 30 40 50 60 Thermochronological age (Ma) Figure 3. Compilation of detrital thermochronological data from Alpine foreland basin deposits. A: Central and Eastern Alps pro-foreland. B: Western Alps pro-foreland. C: Western Alps retro-foreland. D: Central and Eastern Alps retro-foreland. The 40Ar/ 39Ar data reported are youngest ages (YA); apatite fission track (AFT) and zircon fission track (ZFT) data reported are youngest populations (YP). 1—Spiegel et al. (2004); 2—Fellin et al. (2005); 3—Dunkl et al. (2001); 4—Bernet et al. (2001); 4*—Bernet et al. (2009); 5—Giger and Hurford (1989) (Bergell pluton–derived tonalite pebble); 6—Stefani et al. (2007); 7—Carrapa et al. (2003a); 8—Carrapa et al. (2004a); 9—von Eynatten and Wijbrans (2003); 10—Spiegel et al. (2004); 10*—Bernet et al. (2009); 11—Kuhlemann et al. (2006); (12*) after Bernet et al. (2009). Average error in depositional (Dep.) ages is ~20% and average error in thermochronological ages is <10% (in this case, error bars are undetectable on plots). GEOLOGY, December 2009 tion ma xhu 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (Ma) Figure 4. Rates of migration of deformation toward foreland. Data from Central Alps are from Burkhard and Sommaruga (1998) and data from Western Alps are after Bertotti et al. (2006). Data from the Central and Eastern Alps retro-foreland (Eastern Po Plain) (Barbieri et al., 2007) show continuous tectonic subsidence between ca. 30 and 17 Ma (Fig. 3D). This time span correlates with moderate rates (6.3 mm/a) of propagation of deformation into the western Alpine foreland. Overall, these data suggest that the Central and Eastern Alps retro-wedge was in a supercritical state between ca. 30 and 12 Ma and reached subcritical conditions after ca. 12 Ma. 60 Central-Eastern Alps retro-foreland 0 Dep. age (Ma) Dep. age (Ma) D (9) Central Alps foreland (Honegg–Napf drainage), YA 40 39 ( Ar/ Ar: youngest age; average error<5%) (10) Central Alps foreland (ZFT: YP) (10*) Central Alps foreland (ZFT: YP) 10 5 Thermochronological age (Ma) A Central-Eastern Alps pro-foreland 0 subcritical lag 0 e0 e tim lag tim e tim lag 40 0 (8) Eastern Tertiary Piedmont Basin (40Ar/39Ar); YA Increasing lag time up section= episodic exhumation (UHP rocks) at ca. 32-38 Ma followed by slow(er) erosion supercritical Dep. age (Ma) Dep. age (Ma) 10 n (7) Tertiary Piedmont Basin (40Ar/39Ar); YA 2 tio Western Alps retro-foreland 0 (12*) SE France foreland ZFT (YP) ma C B Western Alps pro-foreland 0 hu Figure 2. A: Schematic sketch of exhumation through a Coulomb wedge (modified after DeCelles and Mitra, 1995); α—surface slope, β—basal décollement angle, θ = α + β. B: Lag time trends representing different orogenic wedge states (see text for explanation). 1—Subcritical behavior; 2—supercritical behavior. 4 ex Detrital cooling age 6 ing tim e.g., tA:cooling age at time tA < tB < tC 8 as g tion tC io 10 cre nt xhu 12 ge 1 sin ex sin rea te rea tC ta 1 350 °C 2 tB ta 14 Pro-foreland Retro-foreland Subcritical trend Supercritical trend inc c -s inc ns tA tA tB dy Propagation of deformation (mm/yr) 120 °C Depositional age tB ea co Foreland basin stratigraphic section tC 2 tA st 16 de Exhumation of a crustal column Pro-wedge and/or retro-wedge behavior decreasing exhumation Forlandward migration of deformation Source exhumation and deposition of eroded material in the adjacent foreland CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates that both sides of the orogen can be explained in the context of critical taper theory. An inverse relationship between source exhumation and propagation of deformation toward the foreland is observed in both the pro-foreland and retro-foreland (Figs. 3 and 4). However, the available detrital thermochronological data show that the source exhumation history of the pro-wedge and the retrowedge were quite different and out of phase. Furthermore, the foreland basin detrital ages record continuous and coherent signals suggesting either that short-term, local tectonic (or climatic) events cannot be deciphered using detrital thermochronology or, more likely, that such changes are irrelevant with respect to orogenic wedge behavior over tens of millions of years. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study greatly benefited from scientific discussions with Peter G. DeCelles and Sanjeev Gupta, and from constructive comments from five anonymous reviewers and Andrew Barth. 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