Document 10525011

TITLE: Biomimetic Fluoroscopic Films
TECHNOLOGY: Biologicals
UTSD: 2890
SUMMARY: There is no bioresorbable fluoroscopic coating for use in medical implantable
devices today. Polyglycerol sebacate (PGS) and polypropylene fumarate (PPF) are
bioresorbable materials. This IPQ discloses the development of a PGS and PPF bioresorbable
biofilm that is visible on fluoroscopic imaging and MRI without the use of contrast agent.
Furthermore, the material is highly elastic and nonlinear in tensile testing. Finally, this material
can be loaded with drugs or growth factors and can be modified to incorporate biomolecules
and other hydrophilic groups. This biofilm could be used as a coating for a number of
applications in cardiology (heart patch, heart valve, covered stent, graft conduit etc).
Please contact the Office for Technology Development for more details:
Phone: 214-648-1888
Please reference UT Southwestern Case Number: 2890