Lecture 7 18.086 Last time: Diffusion Numerical scheme (FD) • Heat equation is dissipative, so why not try Forward Euler: Uj,n+1 Uj,n t • • • • = Uj+1,n 2Uj,n + Uj x2 1,n Expected accuracy: O(Δt) in time, O(Δx2) in space. t 1 Stability in the usual way gives R = 2 x 2 We can use previous ODE methods using the old method of lines, of course… -2 Or implicit methods (see book, 6.5). Notice that matrix contains O(Δx ) terms and is stiff! Advection + diffusion For incompressible flows, a concentration c advects and diffuses via a combination of a heat with 1-way wave equation: 1D: ct = Dcxx + vcx Peclet number measures dominance of diffusion vs. advection: cL = D Remember: Diffusion is easy, but advection (1-way!) is tricky: numerical dispersion, oscillations (e.g. Lax-Wendroff). So, for Pe<<1, it is usually ok to just solve the diffusion problem! What about Pe>>1? Can we do the same (drop diffusion term)? Advection + diffusion For a characteristic scale of L0=D/c: Length scales below L0: Diffusion-dominated Length scales above L0: Advection-dominated Small L0=D/c (i.e. large Peclet number) creates a boundary layer, where the solution significantly deviates from the pure advection solution u(x) = 0 L0=D/c=1/40 L0=D/c=1/20 L0=D/c=1/10 Lecture: Example ~L0 Advection + diffusion In other words: To correctly resolve physics at smaller scales L<L0 (in particular inside the boundary layer!), one typically wants x L0 We can express this using the Cell-Peclet number: => Can define Cell-Peclet number: x c x r P = = = 2L0 2D 2R CFL for advection, e.g. t r=c 1 x Stability for diffusion, e.g. D t 1 R= 2 x 2 The difficulty is now to choose a numerical scheme that is good for advection & diffusion, while keeping P below 1 (to resolve small features, e.g. boundary layers) me, centered convection, centered explicit diffusion FD schemes for AD me, upwind convection, centered explicit diffusion problems ection (centered or upwind), with implicit diffusion. 510 Chapter 6 Explicit w Initial Value Problems U j , n + l = ( 1 - 2 R ) U j , n + ( R + R P ) U J + l , n + ( R - R P ) U J - 1 , n . (38) Those three coefficients add to 1, and U = constant certainly solves equation (37). If all three coeficients are positive, the method is surely stable. More ut = cux + duxx that, oscillations will not appear. the effects of r andthan R and (we replace 7-12Positivity by R Pof) :1- 2R requires R 5 $, as usual First try: Centered for differences: diffusion. Positivity of the other two coefficients requires IPI < - 1. In avoiding numerical oscillations, cell sizes Ax 5 2d/c are crucial to the quality of U . Uj+l,n Uj-1,n Uj,n+l - Uj,n + d[146] A : 4 , nthe oscillations for P > 1. Notice how Figure 6.14from Strikwerda shows =the c initial hat function is smoothed and spread and shrunk (37) by diffusion. The At 2Ax ' oscillations might pass the usual stability test IGI 5 1, but they are unacceptable. P AX)^ new 1 |1 Stable Uj,n+l for R is , a|Pcombination value 2 Second order accurate in space Potentially stable for P>1, but oscillations! see Lecture of three values at time n. FD schemes for AD problems ut = and cux + duxx numerical oscillations from P > 1. usion with without .14: Convection-diffusion with and without numerical oscillations from P > 1. Upwind differences (c>0) 2 0 r 2R 1to oscillations Stable dropped toforfirst But are oscillations eliminated are eliminated -sided accuracy hasorder. dropped first order. But + r + 2R 1 , because No oscillations allincoefficients are positive: rcondition r 2R 5 ensures 1. Thatforthree condition ensures threethen positive coefficients in (39): positive coefficients (39): First order accuracy… nts are still going, comparing the centered the upwind method. omparing the centered method and the method upwindand method. erence between the two convection terms, upwind minus centered, is a two convection terms,see upwind minus centered, is a Extra diffusion… Lecture n term hidden in (39): this is an interesting identity ! ): this is an interesting identity ! diffusion Summary ll going, comparing the centered method and the upwind method. tween the two convection terms, upwind minus centered, is a den in (39): this is an interesting identity ! • n U,+l Simple explicit schemes: Low accuracy and / or dispersion and / or extra - U, diffusion. - U3+1- U,-l Ax - 2Ax (41) Implicit schemes: Possible, unconditionally stable (see e.g. CrankNicholson scheme in book), but usually not efficient enough. has this extra numerical diffusion or "art.ificia1 viscosity." • et hod al damping andpossibility: it reduces accuracy. Theexcept upwind • Another Dothe everything explicit, the approximation problematic diffusion term: Nobody is perfect. the exact solution. ion Uj,n+l - Uj,n at Uj+l,n - Uj,n + d a: =C Ax u,,n+l (Ax)Z Nonlinear transport & conservation laws • What if transport becomes nonlinear? This section will explain how p = 2 has been attained without oscillation at sh Nonlinear smoothers are added to Lax-Wendroff (I think only nonlinear terms truly defeat Gibbs). Do not underestimate that achievement. Second order accu is the big step forward, and oscillation was once thought to be unavoidable. Nonlinear transport & conservation laws Burgers' Equation and Characteris A first attempt at understanding what is going on comes from analyzing the characteristic lines example, together with traffic flow, is Burgers' The outstanding • equation flux f (u) = $u2. The "inviscid" equation has no viscosity vu,, to prevent sh • Simplest example: du dx lnviscid Burgers' equation • u(x, t) law = u(x ut,ways: 0) We useapproach the implicit ansatz Wecan will this conservation in three for initial conditions 1.Characteristics By following characteristics until they separate or collide (trouble arrives) • u(x, 0) = 1 x all meet in (x,t)=(1,1)! Lecture 2. By an exact formula (17), which is possible in one space dimension 3. By finite difference and finite volume methods, which are the practical ch • Solution is not defined at (x,t)=(1,1) => so what do we do? A fourth (good) way adds vu,,. The limiting u as v -+0 is the viscosity solu Start with the linear equation ut = c u, and u(x, t) = u(x + ct, 0). The i truly defeat Gibbs). Do not underestimate that achievement. Second order accurac is the big step forward, and oscillation was once thought to be unavoidable. NonlinearBurgers' transport & Equation and Characteristic laws The outstanding conservation example, together with traffic flow, is Burgers' e q u a t i o n w i t 520 Chapter 6 Initial Value Problems characteristic lines have different slopes, they can meet (carrying different uo). fluxIn this fWhen (u) =example, $u2. allThe equation haspoint no xviscosity vu,, to prevent shock extreme lines x"inviscid" - (1- xo)t = xo meet at the same = 1, t = 1. • moreufamous of issues with characteristics is the TheAsolution = (1- x ) /example ( l - t) becomes 010 at that point. Beyond their meeting point,Riemann the characteristics cannot decide u(x, t). • Take again Burger’s equation: lnviscid Burgers' equation problem: du dx 1. A more fundamental example is the R i e m a n n problem, which starts from two constant values u = A and u = B. Everything depends on whether A > B or A < B. > B, solution the characteristics meet. the for rightinitial conditions the left side problem: of Figure 6.15,How with A •OnRiemann does evolve in On time We will approach this conservation law in three ways: side, with A < B, the characteristics separate. In both cases, we don't have a single characteristic through each point that is safely carrying one correct initial value. This Riemann problem has two characteristics through some points, or none: or collide (trouble arrives) By following characteristics until they separate t t u(x, 0) = A, x < 0 , and u(x, 0) = B, x 0 2. By an exact formula (17), which is possible in one space dimension 3. By finite difference and finite volume methods, which are the practical choice A fourth (good) way adds vu,,. The limiting u as v -+0 is the viscosity solution + Start with the linear equation ut = c u, and u(x, t) = u(x ct, 0). The initi value at xo is carried along the characteristic line x ct = xo. Those lines are parall A > B: shock A < B: fan when the velocity c is a constant. No chance that characteristic lines will meet. + Figure 6.15: A shock when characteristics meet, a fan when they separate.