“Be The BEST That You Can Be” “Fais De Ton Mieux”

District School Board
530 Prospect Street, Box 430, Palmerston, ON, N0G 2P0
“Be The BEST That You Can Be”
“Fais De Ton Mieux”
Newsletter #7
March 1, 2015
This is a great time to look back at what we have accomplished this year and set goals for our learning
and well-being for the rest of the school year. Parents and students have received their report cards and if any
parents have questions, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a chat either in person or on the phone.
We appreciate you taking the time to sit with your child to complete the goal-setting portion of the report
card on the bottom of pages 3 and 4.
We are fortunate to have a committed and professional team of teachers and support staff here at
Palmerston Public School. Recently we had a day-long visit by a team of Principals, Vice-Principals, curriculum
leaders and Superintendents from the Upper Grand D.S.B. The team visited each classroom and talked with
our students about what they were learning and doing. Our Superintendent, Brent McDonald, met with the
P.P.S. team at the end of the day and he provided some positive feedback and also some inquiry questions to
challenge our thinking about our professional practice. The staff will be taking a closer look at the District
Support Visit report during upcoming months. Feedback is always helpful to improve our work and the work of
our students.
We are also fortunate to work with our dedicated School Council. They provide important feedback
and they represent the parent community of P.P.S. One item suggested by the council was a school events
calendar on our school website. We always have a monthly calendar in the newsletter, but now you are able
to access an updated calendar from our school website at the click of a button. As you walk into our school,
you will notice the School Council bulletin board that informs you about the members and work of this
organization. New members are always welcome!
Outdoor Recess Play
We are all delighted that the weather has improved and that our children can enjoy recess time
outdoors. Activity time outdoors helps us to live by our “3-Up, 2-Down” focus (i.e., more fruits and vegetables,
more sleep, more physical activity and less screen time and less sugary junk food and drinks).
We have three paid lunch time supervisors. Teachers and support staff, including Educational
Assistants and ECEs, also monitor students’ behaviour when they are eating and playing during recess. We
have clear expectations for students at snack and lunch time, as well as when they are playing outside. It is
important that we have a safe learning environment for students and everyone else here at Palmerston P.S.
We continue to work together as a team to eliminate rough play by some students on our school yard.
Parents, please talk to your child(ren) about our “No body contact” rule. We want students to have the
opportunity to benefit from fresh air and exercise, so school and home need to work together to ensure that
students do not miss recess because of rough play. Through reminders from their classroom teachers and
announcements over the P.A. students receive frequent reminders about our expectations for outside play.
We really appreciate your support as parents in reminding our students to have fun, be safe and to treat
others as you would like to be treated.
P.P.S. staff also remind students regularly about taking responsibility for their words and actions and
“living above the (responsibility) line” by making good choices, being accountable for what they say and do
and demonstrating a willingness to resolve conflicts appropriately and work towards positive solutions for
social problems and conflicts. Our school teaches children that when they try to deny, justify, blame others for
their words and actions or give up, they are living below the responsibility line. That is how students learn
from their mistakes and become more responsible classroom citizens. This helps to prepare them for a
successful and productive life in our community.
When a student does an inappropriate action, we use a “Progressive Discipline” system to teach him or
her to behave and follow school rules. Consequences can range from a simple warning and counselling in the
office to a phone call home or an in-school recess detention. If rough play continues parents will be contacted
through a phone call, or a note may be included in the agenda. Students may spend time in the office doing
related work such as writing out our school rules or completing a Safe Schools letter. If the inappropriate
behaviour warrants it, we do use full school suspensions.
“Zero Tolerance” is a misunderstood term; basically, it means that the school will consider and respond
to each issue reported. Bill 157 does not allow us to use the term “Zero Tolerance”, but instead we use our
“Hands Off Policy.” We must consider mitigating circumstances such as age, provocation, special learning
differences, the student’s ability to control or to anticipate consequences of their actions and words, and the
age of the student. Every incident is considered individually and we consider consequences very carefully
before applying them. We appreciate the support of parents when we call home to explain to them about the
incident and they promise to discuss it with their son and daughter. The school team at Palmerston P.S. can
help to curb unacceptable and inappropriate behaviour in our school, on the yard and on the buses by working
together with our parent community. We appreciate your support.
Walking Safety
Parents are requested to discuss the following expectations with their child(ren):
time to be home
route to be taken
what is acceptable on the way home (e.g., stopping to play, going to a friend’s house)
ice safety
general traffic safety (e.g., look both ways, walk facing traffic, use of sidewalks,
cross at the crossing guard or intersection)
respecting private property
dealing with others (i.e., street smarts)
looking out for others
Please remind students to follow school rules as they walk back and forth from school to home. We all
want our children to stay safe and behave well.
Our classes are all going skating on Thursday or Friday at the arena. CSA Hockey helmets are
mandatory. We have some at the school to borrow if you do not have one.
We are looking forward to another great month at Palmerston PS.
We are still looking for JK/SK students for September. If you have a child or know someone
who has a child born in 2011 please contact the school to register. We need to have an accurate
number of students in order to know how many teachers and classrooms we will need for next
Palmerston P.S. is fundraising for Scientists in Schools, Tour for Humanity Bus and other school
presentations; as well as instructional resources and to help the Grade 8 students raise money for their trip to
To help us reach our goal, we are selling Aunt Sarah’s chocolate bars for $2.00 each. On Friday, March
6 our Grade 8 students will bring home a case of 30 bars. $10.00 from the first box sold will go to the school.
The remaining profit and the profit from additional boxes sold will go towards the cost of their trip to Ottawa.
On Thursday, March 12th the rest of our students who have permission will be taking home one box.
This campaign ends on Tuesday, April 7th. Additional bars are available when a student has returned
his or her money and a signed letter of permission. Please return all money to the school as soon as the bars
have been sold or no later than Tuesday, April 7th and if you are returning cash, please consider sending bills
rather than change.
We ask that where possible, you assist your children with this fundraising campaign. We do not
suggest students go door to door but that they approach close neighbours, friends and relatives or perhaps
your colleagues.
In lieu of selling chocolate bars you may donate money directly to the school or the Upper Grand
Learning Foundation if you wish to receive a tax receipt. For donations to the Upper Grand Learning
Foundation forms are available on the Upper Grand District School Board website or at the school office.
Thank you in advance for your support of this necessary program.
1. Please notify the school if you have changed any of your personal information including your address,
phone number, place of employment including phone number and emergency contacts. It is very
important that this information is kept up-to-date in our files.
2. Please notify the school if your child is a bus student and not going home on the bus. If we don’t have
a note from parents or a phone call that they are not on the bus they must get on the bus to go home.
When you call the school to report your child’s absence please press 100 to leave a message. Please
do not leave a message regarding your child’s absence on the teacher’s mailbox as they quite often do not
retrieve their messages before going to class in the morning.
Please call the school on “no bus” days if your child is not a bus student and is not coming to school.
Your child is expected to attend unless you feel it is unsafe.
There are no “attendance optional” days. It is still a regular school day on the days that some students
are going on a trip or to a sports tournament. Please call the school on those days if your child is not going on
the trip or playing in the tournament and is not coming to school. It is expected that your child attend school
on those days.
We still have some safety issues around our bus times. Some parents still drop off their children in the
bus loading zones in front of the school. When you stop your car to drop off your children in the bus loading
zone you are putting the safety of your children as well as other children in jeopardy. Please be considerate
and drop off and pick up your children in the appropriate areas. If you are picking up your children at the end
of the day remind them to cross the street with our adult crossing guard.
On Friday, March 6th our school is taking the challenge to help kids Live Free From Hunger to support
the Snack Bin Program here at P.P.S.
All students and teachers should think of something that they take for granted everyday and make a
promise to give it up for March 6th. How about chocolate or using the computer? Challenge yourself to Live
Starting March 2nd, we will all post our Live Free Promises , then on March 6th bring in a Toonie to
donate to our Snack Bin Program and remember to keep your Live Free Promise!
Have a great March Break. March Break starts Monday, March 16th and students return to school on
Monday, March 23rd.
Do you read with your child every night? Is it a positive experience that creates a love of reading
between you and your child?
Do you play a fun math game with your child every night? Is it a positive experience that creates a love
of math between you and your child?
Does your child bring home a library book from school? Does your child bring home a math game from
Did you answer these questions differently? Do you view reading differently than math? Are you
looking for a way to make practicing math skills at home more fun and exciting for your child? There are lots
of online computer games and apps that make practicing math skills more engaging for your child.
Beginning this month, and from now until June we will be including some math games in our newsletter that
you can play at home with your children. Math continues to be a focus at our school and within our board
and we hope it will be a focus for you at home as well.
1. Go to https://www.prodigygame.com/Canada/ for a free online Math game that supports Mental
Math abilities and builds confidence with problem solving questions.
2. “Race to 10, 50 or 100” Roll the dice and add up each turn. First one to 10, 50 or 100 wins. Multiply
the numbers for older students.
3. “Guess my number” Place a sticky note on your child’s back and have them guess the number by
asking only yes/no questions (Is it bigger than 500, is it odd/even, etc.)
4. Play dominos, cribbage or yahtzee
Send us an email with your favourite math game, so that we can share the word with all our families and
send a message to our students, that learning math happens every day all around us.
Stay Well Month
Reduce the risk of serious infections - proper hand-washing is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick.
Stay home when you are sick and limit contact with others -Children should not be in school with a fever,
undiagnosed rashes, vomiting, or diarrhea and should stay at home at least 24 hours following the end of
Cover your mouth and nose - when you sneeze or cough; use a tissue or the bend of your elbow.
You can prevent many serious illnesses by keeping immunizations up-to-date for you and your children. Call 1800-265-7293 for more information.
We are a non-profit organization licensed by the Ministry of Education to provide our children with the
opportunity to attend nursery school. We operated from 9:00 to 11:30 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in
Palmerston. Registration is now open to all 2 ½ to 5 year olds for 2015/16.
Visit us at mass registration night March 10th in Harriston or March 12th in Palmerston. If you are
unable to attend email us at palmerston.coop.nursery@gmail.com for more information. We look forward to
meeting you.
Day 5
Day 1
Day 5
Day 1
Pizza Day
Pizza Day
Day 2
Grilled Cheese
Day 2
Gr. 8 Harriston Packing &
Elmira Poultry delivery
Day 3
Day 3
Chocolate Bar fundraiser
starts for students JK – Gr.
Skating Gr. 1 – 8
Day 4
Day 4
Chocolate Bar Campaign
starts for Grade 8 students
Live Free From Hunger
Spirit Day: Dress as your
favourite Super Hero
Skating Gr. 1 - 8
Day 5
Day 1
Day 5
Day 1
6:30 pm School Council
Pizza Day
Pizza Day
Hot Dogs
Day 2
Green Legacy Seeds
Assembly Gr. 1 - 3
Day 3
Day 4
Panda Pride Assembly
Talking About Mental Health – Anger and Calm March 2015
When one of my children was about 8 years old, he had a lot of anger in him. He would shout, slam things,
throw things, break things and stomp about. When he got very angry, it was upsetting for all of us, but
particularly for him. He did not like the way he felt when was angry, but it seemed to come on so fast. He
would quickly feel out of control and then feel upset afterward about what had happened. So, when he was
calm, we talked about his anger. We drew pictures and read stories about dealing with anger. And he told me
“Mom, when I am angry, don’t talk to me, just let me go to my room and be angry, when I feel less angry I will
talk to you”. So the next time, he was angry and started yelling, I started to say “What is making you so
angry?”, but he stopped me and said “Mom, you promised you wouldn’t talk to me when I am angry and
would let me just go to my room”. It was hard not to try to solve the problem, but I let him just go to his room
and yell and throw things. After about 30 minutes, he came down and we talked about what was up. He knew
he did not like being angry and needed to gain some more skills to be able to deal with his anger. He decided
he wanted to do meditation to help with his anger, which he did, and over time, it helped a lot.
We all get angry. Different things set off different people. We all have our pet peeves and our easy triggers.
Often our child/youth know how easy some of our buttons are to push. When our child/youth gets angry, it is
hard not to get upset and respond in anger. But we all know that does not usually result in the best outcome.
Here are some tips for dealing with anger in your child/youth and yourself.
1. Don’t respond to anger with anger. It is hard not to, but yelling at our child/youth when they get angry
makes everyone feel out of control and increases the anger. No one likes the feeling of being out of
control. The best thing you can do is remain calm and not feed the fire of the anger. Have compassion
for your child and how they are feeling.
2. Don’t try to reason with an angry person. When someone is angry, they are not able to process what
you are saying. Their brain space and energy is taken up by the anger and they don’t have much space
left to think, process and reason. Instead, wait to have the conversation until you have both calmed
3. Pay attention to how you are reacting. When dealing with someone who is angry, often our heart rate
increases and the adrenaline begins to pump. The trick is for you to have already practiced how to stay
calm, so when you are in these challenging situations, you know how to calm yourself. By staying calm,
you are not engaging in a power struggle, which escalates the anger.
4. Allow your child/youth time to be angry. Allow them a safe place to let off steam. So long as they are
not hurting themselves or others, let them be angry and safely calm down. It also teaches them that
feeling angry is OK and we can learn how to process our anger in a safe way.
5. Give consequences for the behaviour, not the emotion. Teach your child/youth that whatever they feel
is OK and it is OK to feel frustrated and angry. However, there are still rules and consequences. Don’t
negotiate or change the rules when trying to get an angry child to calm down. In the moment, the
focus is on calming strategies. After the child is calm, then a have a discussion of safe ways to express
6. Take a break. For most of us, we need a break from the person and situation, so allow your child to
take a break. This helps our kids to calm down and also allows ourselves to calm down as well.
7. Make a plan. When everyone is calm, talk with your child/youth about what helps them stay calm and
what calms them down when they are upset. Create a plan of what things the child/youth finds
calming and empower them to use those strategies. It could be music, breathing exercises, relaxation
exercises, physical activity, drawing or just being on their own for a bit. Whatever works for them is
included in the plan. Calming strategies that a child/youth will use when angry need to be taught and
practiced regularly, so they can be used when the situation arises. Include strategies to keep calm and
decrease frustration and then what to do when they feels really angry. Having a plan makes you and
your child/youth feel like you have some control over the anger. The child/youth knows that the anger
does not control them, because they know what to do when it happens.
8. Role model appropriate responses to anger. Show your child/youth how you deal with anger. You can
say things such as “I am getting frustrated, so I am going to take a break” or “I can’t talk to you right
now, because I am upset. I am going to calm down then we can talk”. Admitting that you are angry and
need to calm down is not a weakness. It takes strength to talk about your feelings. You are teaching
your children the lesson that it is good to talk about your feelings and that we can manage our anger
by using our coping skills.
Here is a link to a great video of kids explaining what it feels like to be angry and how breathing helps:
Just Breathe. by Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman
Dr. Lynn Woodford is the Mental Health and Addiction Lead for Upper Grand District School Board
Follow me on twitter: @drlynnwoodford
March Environmental & Character Education Theme
Walk and bike more – be SELF-DISCIPLINED
The climate is changing, and the impacts on the planet could be substantial. Due to burning fossil fuels such
as coal, gas and oil we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere
and the temperatures are rising. When we burn fossil fuels, we create two main kinds of pollution: greenhouse
gases and smog-causing pollutants. Smog has been linked to many health problems, from respiratory
diseases to cancer. We need fewer cars on the road. So what is the answer? What can you do about it? You
can walk or bike to school, or your friend’s house or the store. It is good for the environment and it is good for
you too. There are plenty of great reasons to walk to school — less traffic, safer streets, cleaner air — but one
of the best is that you will be healthier. Lack of physical activity is a major cause of chronic illness and fatigue.
Being fit helps you feel better, and a morning walk helps you to be more alert and more ready to learn at
school. So find a friend and ask them to walk to school with you too.
If every Canadian left their car at home just one day a week, we would save about 3.8 million tonnes of
greenhouse gas emissions each year – the equivalent of taking about 800,000 cars off the road.
The I CAN WALK pledge (found online at icanwalk.ca) asks you to identify locations in your community that
you could easily and safely walk or bike to, then pledge to use active transportation instead of driving. You’ll
save one pound of carbon dioxide for every kilometer you don’t drive!
Stop pollution, we’ve got the solution – walk to school! Let’s go green, everyone!
Upcoming Special Education Workshops for Students and Parents
Here are some upcoming dates for both Wellington County and the surrounding area for families
looking for opportunities and information about Special Education.
Some upcoming dates for Wellington County:
Indoor Playground Family Event with Autism Ontario - Wellington Chapter
Time: March 1st, 9:00am-10:00am Location: Funmazing Play Centre (Imperial Rd. N., Guelph)
Registration: Visit http://goo.gl/rdZ6sg Contact: Jennifer Dent, jennifer@autismontario.com or (226)
Families are invited to come out and enjoy Funmazing Play Centre in Guelph. We will have full,
exclusive use including play structure, arcade games, Piñata pit, and a car track! Don’t forget to bring
socks (Caregivers included). Registration is required. This event is open to children with ASD, their
siblings and caregivers only. Spaces are limited.
Some upcoming dates for the surrounding area:
Understanding the Impacts of Learning Disabilities
March 25, 2015, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District ,121 Willowdale
Avenue, Suite 100, Toronto, Ontario M2N 6A3
This workshop will focus on understanding the impacts of LD on children and their families and will
offer strategies for how to help children cope at home, school and play.
Fee: Members: $10, Non Members: $15, Registration at the Door: $20
Solutions for Learning - Minds That Matter Conference (March 26, 2015)The Learning Disabilities
Association of Halton hosts their 4th annual Solutions for Learning Conference, Thursday March 26th,
2015 at the Holiday Inn Burlington Hotel and Conference Centre
Parents, educators and associated para professionals will gather together for this full day of sharing
and learning about learning disabilities and/or ADHD. Multiple speakers and breakout sessions offers
something for everyone. Breakfast and lunch included. Complete registration details, program
description and information about hotel accommodations can be found on the website:
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto Understanding the Impacts of Learning Disabilities
March 25, 2015, 7-8:30pm Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, 121 Willowdale Avenue,
Suite 100, Toronto
This workshop will focus on understanding the impacts of LD on children and their families and will
offer strategies for how to help children cope at home, school and play. Fee: Members: $10, Non
Members: $15, Registration at the Door: $20
The Autism Compass: Your resource roadmap to help you navigate your ASD journey
Sunday, March 29th from 11am -3pm at The Abilities Centre, Whitby
Feeling lost and unclear as to what Autism is and means for your child? No clue what is available for
them? Want to understand what they’re entitled to? Look no further! This FREE Event is here to help
you on your Autism Journey! Offered by Autism's Angels and Autism Ontario-Durham Region.
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto Education Law for Parents of Children with Learning
April 8, 2015, 7-8:30pm Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, 121 Willowdale Avenue,
Suite 100, Toronto
Anne Irwin is a lawyer who focuses her practice on representing children in the area of education law.
She is dedicated to informing parents about education law to enable them to better advocate on
behalf of their children in the school system. In this workshop parents will learn about various aspects
of education law, including the rights of “exceptional” children under the Education Act, and how the
Human Rights Code protects students with disabilities. Fee: Members: $10, Non Members: $15,
Registration at the Door: $20
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto Bullying Prevention
April 22, 2015, 7-8:30pm Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, 121 Willowdale Avenue,
Suite 100, Toronto
It is important for parents to recognize the signs of bullying and take action to ensure kids are
protected. This workshop will help parents understand bullying from a child’s perspective, present the
warning signs to look out for, provide strategies to improve communication with their children and
discuss proactive steps parents can take to keep kids safe. Fee: Members: $10, Non Members: $15,
Registration at the Door: $20
Kids Ability Sleep Solutions for Tired Parents
May 20, 2015 Kids Ability, 500 Hallmark Drive, Waterloo
This workshop will focus on understanding anxiety and sharing strategies to support you and your
child in managing circumstances that are challenging for your child Free
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto Successful Transitioning
May 22, 2015, 7-8:30pm Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, 121 Willowdale Avenue,
Suite 100, Toronto
Mitchell Curci has worked in the area of special education for over 35 years. He currently supports
LDATD as a Community Outreach & Education Advocacy specialist. This presentation is designed to
help parents better understand the transition process of students with exceptionalities as they move
from elementary to high school and then on to post-secondary. Fee: Members: $10, Non Members:
$15, Registration at the Door: $20
Help Your Child to be More Resilient
Life can be stressful for both children and their parents. When children learn how to handle challenging
situations in positive ways and to bounce back after a negative experience they become more resilient.
Resilient people are happier, healthier and more successful in life. Children learn resiliency skills from the
adults in their lives. Here are some ideas to help you to build resilience in your child:
1. Build a caring and trusting relationship: listen to your child and talk about their day, share cuddles or
hugs, play or do activities together.
2. Think positive: each evening ask your child to share a positive thing that happened during their day.
You could share something positive that happened in your day too!
3. Gently challenge your child’s negative thinking: If your child has had a stressful experience,
acknowledge their feelings and help your child see that experience as only one of many things that
happened that day: “It sounds as if Max really hurt your feelings by not inviting you to play hockey. Did
you play with him at another time? Did you play with some of your other friends?”
4. Build confidence: allow your child to do things independently as often as possible; such as getting
dressed , helping to make dinner, wrapping a birthday gift, helping with a chore. Only give guidance if
absolutely necessary.
5. Allow your child to feel that he or she has control over his or her life: allow your child to make ageappropriate decisions, such as what to wear, a choice of what to have in their lunch (“would you like a
banana or yogurt?”), what book to read before bedtime, what movie to watch on the weekend.
6. Model and practice calming: When you are dealing with a difficult situation show your child how you
calm yourself down. Practice calming with your child (deep breathing, counting to 10, going to a quiet
7. Model coping: when you have a problem, talk to your child about how you solved the problem calmly.
What did you think about as you were solving your problem?
8. Build your child’s coping strategies: Help your child think through a challenge. Help your child to know
that the issue is just temporary and that he or she can solve the problem. Support your child in coming
up with a solution.
In supporting your child in building resiliency skills you are developing a positive outlook that will last a
lifetime. For more information on resiliency please go to the website below.
Source: Reaching In, Reaching out Website: http://www.reachinginreachingout.com/resources-parents.htm
WED. MARCH 18, 2015
2:00 PM