Eramosa Public School March 2015 - Issue 7

Eramosa Public School
5757 Fifth Line ✧ R.R. 1 ✧ Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0
Telephone 519-856-9529 ✧ Fax 519-856-4239
Katrina Plazek,
March 2015 - Issue 7
Sheri MacKenzie,
Office Co-Ordinator
The education of children is extremely complex and we are always striving as educators and parents to
continue learning about how to help our children become well rounded, well educated, happy citizens
that are fulfilled in their lives in a myriad of ways. New information is always presenting itself. Recently
our special education coordinator highlighted a TED Talk on the website by Peter Gray which discusses
the importance of unstructured play in healthy childhood development which you might enjoy watching
From the Kindergarten world of play based learning and self regulation, theorists are speculating that the
ability of a child to self regulate may be an important indicator of a student’s future success. These
characteristics from the book, Calm, Alert and Learning by Stuart Shanker, include the ability to:
1. “attain, maintain, and change one’s level of energy to match the demands of a task or situation
2. the ability to monitor, evaluate and modify one’s emotions
3. sustain and shift one’s attention when necessary and ignore distractions
4. understand both the meaning of a variety of social interactions and how to engage them in a
sustained way and
5. connect with and care about what others are thinking and feeling – to empathize and act accordingly”
Perseverance is one characteristic that we are working to help strengthen in children, so that when
faced with a challenging task, they persist. Last Friday we were very glad to welcome John Park to our
school. He gave the staff and students a very entertaining assembly where he cleverly talked about
some of the mental tools students can use to always keep trying and to never give up until they succeed.
We learn from our mistakes and it is through perseverance and stick to-itiveness that our children
become resilient.
Please see two articles in this newsletter prepared by the program department that relate to the topics
being discussed. They have some great suggestions in them.
Have a wonderful March break everyone!
Mrs. Plazek
Grade 6 Parents – Keep the Date – Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony
Grade 6 Graduation will be held on Monday, June 22nd from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Traditionally, flowers from
the garden have been used to decorate the gym. If anyone attending the ceremony this year has
sensitivities to the scents of peonies and/or lilies, please let the office know.
Please remember that adult supervision does not begin until students are dismissed from the buses at
8:20 am and that students should not be dropped off at school before that time.
Global Beat Music Workshop
On the morning of March 12th, Curtis Maranda and Renee Cross, professional
musicians, will visit Eramosa Public School. Our students will be “introduced to
traditional music and cultural practices of India, Japan, Mongolia, West Africa and
Australia while discovering how musical traditions are connected all over the world,
meeting curriculum expectations and having a blast at the same time!” Thank you to
EPSAC for supporting this musical presentation.
Start of the Day
In the morning, the first bell rings at 8:50 am for students to come inside and get ready for class. Class
officially begins at 8:55 am. Please ensure that your children are dropped off before this time if you are
driving them to school. Everyone has a late start due to an alarm clock glitch on occassion; however,
habitual lateness disrupts the classroom and interferes with a smooth start to the day for everyone. After
the bell at 8:55 students must report to the office for a late slip. It is a good life habit for children to learn
be on time. Thanks for your help with this.
On Wednesday, February 11th, the entire student body was skating at the Centre
Wellington Community Sportsplex and a great time was had by many. Thank you
to all the parents who came to help supervise, do up skates and put mitts on. We
couldn’t do it without you! We are looking forward to our next skating date on
March 6th, in the afternoon. Hope to see everyone again with a pair of mitts and a
CSA approved hockey helmet.
Save the Date for EPSAC’s Annual Family Games Night!
Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 in the Gym
6:00 – 8:00 pm
This evening is free and juice and popcorn will be provided. There will
also be awesome door prizes! This is a great way to spend some
quality time with your family while discovering new games & new
friends. Look for an invitation coming home in your child(ren)’s
agenda after the March break.
Hope to see you there!
Junior Volleyball Tournament at Erin PS
The junior volleyball team practiced their hardest and they came in second in a close
match for the gold medal game at the tournament on February 10th. Way to go
Eramosa Eagles!
Forest of Reading
The Forest of Reading program is in full swing here at Eramosa PS. Primary
students are enjoying the Blue Spruce books as part of their library time. Silver
Birch is a voluntary program for students in grades 3-6. These students choose
5 stories to read from one of the following categories: Silver Birch Fiction or
Silver Birch Express. Thank-you to all the parents, students and staff members
that make this program a success!
Winter Carnival
Children will participate in outdoor winter activities from 1:00 pm - 3:15 pm
on Thursday, March 11th. Please ensure children are dressed
appropriately for the weather. For example: warm coat, snow pants,
boots, hat, an extra pair of dry mittens, a double layer of socks etc. If we
decide the weather is too extreme to run an outdoor carnival, a modified
indoor event will be held.
Mrs. Shaw
Did you know that all your fundraising dollars go directly to the school to pay for additional events that
help support your child’s education? Ask your child if they enjoyed the Scientist in the School, drama
productions, author visits in the library or reading carts full of new books rolling throughout the school. All
these special items are only made possible by your generous participation in the fundraising that has
recently come to a close for the school year. Our Pasta Night and Silent Auction was a roaring success.
Once again and thank you as always to Dale, who cooked us a tonne of pasta! Many thanks as well to
all of our donors and attendees! We raised almost $3,000, which means that there will be no more flyers
coming home from EPSAC asking for more money this year. Hurray! The rest of the school council
events held at the school will be free! Stay tuned for Games Night and Trunk Sale - Take Two, for
example If you have an event or fundraising idea, pass it along or better still, come out to the monthly
EPSAC meeting, usually held on the second Tuesday of the month in the library (except March, when
there is no meeting – check the school calendar). What better way to get involved!
Chris Williston
Public Health News
Important Information from Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health:
Your Child’s Immunization During a Disease Outbreak
For school attendance, parents are required by law to provide proof of their child’s immunization to
Public Health. To find out what vaccines are required and if your child’s immunizations records are upto-date, please call 1-800-265-7293 ext. 4396. You can also book an appointment for your child’s
immunization at any Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Location.
If you’ve chosen not to immunize your child, you must have a notarized statement of medical exemption
or a statement of conscious or religious belief on file with Public Health. Please contact Public Health at
1-800-265-7293 ext. 4396 to arrange for your child’s exemption to be on file if you have not already done
If the Medical Officer of Health declares an outbreak of a disease in your child’s school and his/her
immunization record is not up-to-date with Public Health, or you have an exemption on file, your child will
not be allowed to attend school for the entire duration of the outbreak.
Parking Lot Safety
Our parking lot is a busy traffic zone before and after school. In addition to our
Eramosa children coming to and from school, our parking lot is a transfer point for
students from four other schools.
We have routines in place that depend upon your participation to ensure the safety of
all students at these busy times.
If you choose to drive your child(ren), please:
Park along the west or south side of the parking lot (the edges with the bike rack or dumpster).
Walk with your child around the perimeter of the lot (not across the middle) to the area in front of
the school where bus students leave their backpacks.
Please do not drop off your child of any age in the centre of the parking lot or have them walk
unescorted through the lot.
Please reserve the handicapped spot (to the right of our walkway) for people who require this
designated location.
When entering and exiting the parking lot, please yield to our school buses. They require a
large area for turning and backing into their designated spots. If you are picking up your
child after school, please arrive at 3:25 so the parking lot can be available to our buses
when they start to arrive at 3:40. Please do not park in the centre of the parking lot.
The best time to drop off your child(ren) in the morning is after 8:30, at which time most of our buses are
gone and the lot is more open.
Thank you for your understanding as we work together for the safety of all.
Bus Delays, Cancellations and InformationParents can access information about specific routes and delays at Parents are
able sign up for email alerts regarding bus cancellations or delays.
Please note that bus drivers and school staff are not authorized to approve any temporary or permanent
changes to children’s bus routes. For the safety of all, any questions or requests of this nature need to
be directed to Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services at 519-824-4119.
School Buses on the Road
Whether on a city street, highway or county road, and regardless of the speed limit and the number of
lanes, motorists travelling in both directions must stop when approaching a stopped school bus
with its upper red lights flashing. A flashing stop arm will
swing out while passengers are boarding or leaving the bus.
(The only exception is on highways separated by a median,
in which case traffic coming from the opposite direction is
not required to stop). Once all passengers have boarded,
the STOP arm will fold away. Do not start moving until the
red lights have stopped flashing and the bus begins to
The penalty for not stopping is significant:
First offence: $400 to $2,000 and six demerit points.
Each subsequent offence: $1,000 to $4,000, six demerit points and possible jail time up to six months.
Thank you for keeping student safety as your first priority when you see a school bus on the road.
Child Abuse Prevention Policy and Programs
The Upper Grand District School Board places a high priority on the safety of our students. The Child
Abuse Prevention Policy is evidence of our commitment to this priority. The following is a quote from
this policy:
“Every citizen in the community shares a responsibility for our children. School officials and teachers
share this collective community responsibility for creating safe and nurturing environments for children.
Under the Child and Family Services Act, this responsibility includes the legal requirement to report to
the local Children’s Aid Society any suspected child abuse or other situations where a child may be in
need of protection. Teachers and other Board employees have a special opportunity to know and
understand children during their most influential years of development. They are in a unique position to
be able to see early signs of maltreatment, and to know or hear about the abuse and neglect that is often
suffered by children.”
As required in the Policy, we will be teaching age-appropriate lessons to help our students identify abuse
and protect themselves from abusive situations. The goal is to provide children with the tools they need
to keep themselves safe. The lessons cover a broad range of safety issues including bullying, stranger
danger and abuse by a known and trusted adult.
During the month of April students in grades one and three participate in lessons from the Red Cross
C.A.R.E kit and grade five students will be taught the “Touching” Child Abuse Prevention program by
their classroom teachers with the support of the Child and Youth Counselor. There is no formal program
in grade two, four and six, although the safety concepts are reviewed by classroom teachers informally.
We encourage you to discuss with your child at home the concepts taught in the Child Abuse Prevention
For more information regarding the Child Abuse Prevention Policy and/or Programs please contact
Katrina Plazek, Principal or Bonnie Pomfret, Child and Youth Counsellor.
Upcoming Special Education Workshops for Students and Parents
Here are some upcoming dates for both Wellington County and the surrounding area for families looking
for opportunities and information about Special Education.
Some upcoming dates for Wellington County:
Indoor Playground Family Event with Autism Ontario - Wellington Chapter
Time: March 1st, 9:00am-10:00am Location: Funmazing Play Centre (Imperial Rd. N., Guelph)
Registration: Visit Contact: Jennifer Dent, or (226) 7483372
Families are invited to come out and enjoy Funmazing Play Centre in Guelph. We will have full,
exclusive use including play structure, arcade games, Piñata pit, and a car track! Don’t forget to bring
socks (Caregivers included). Registration is required. This event is open to children with ASD, their
siblings and caregivers only. Spaces are limited.
Some upcoming dates for the surrounding area:
Understanding the Impacts of Learning Disabilities
March 25, 2015, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District ,121 Willowdale
Avenue, Suite 100, Toronto, Ontario M2N 6A3
This workshop will focus on understanding the impacts of LD on children and their families and will offer
strategies for how to help children cope at home, school and play.
Fee: Members: $10, Non Members: $15, Registration at the Door: $20
Solutions for Learning - Minds That Matter Conference (March 26, 2015) The Learning Disabilities
Association of Halton hosts their 4th annual Solutions for Learning Conference, Thursday March 26th,
2015 at the Holiday Inn Burlington Hotel and Conference Centre
Parents, educators and associated para professionals will gather together for this full day of sharing and
learning about learning disabilities and/or ADHD. Multiple speakers and breakout sessions offers
something for everyone. Breakfast and lunch included. Complete registration details, program
description and information about hotel accommodations can be found on the website:
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto Understanding the Impacts of Learning Disabilities
March 25, 2015, 7-8:30pm Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, 121 Willowdale Avenue,
Suite 100, Toronto
This workshop will focus on understanding the impacts of LD on children and their families and will offer
strategies for how to help children cope at home, school and play. Fee: Members: $10, Non Members:
$15, Registration at the Door: $20
The Autism Compass: Your resource roadmap to help you navigate your ASD journey
Sunday, March 29th from 11am -3pm at The Abilities Centre, Whitby
Feeling lost and unclear as to what Autism is and means for your child? No clue what is available for
them? Want to understand what they’re entitled to? Look no further! This FREE Event is here to help you
on your Autism Journey! Offered by Autism's Angels and Autism Ontario-Durham Region.
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto Education Law for Parents of Children with Learning
April 8, 2015, 7-8:30pm Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, 121 Willowdale Avenue, Suite
100, Toronto
Anne Irwin is a lawyer who focuses her practice on representing children in the area of education law.
She is dedicated to informing parents about education law to enable them to better advocate on behalf
of their children in the school system. In this workshop parents will learn about various aspects of
education law, including the rights of “exceptional” children under the Education Act, and how the
Human Rights Code protects students with disabilities. Fee: Members: $10, Non Members: $15,
Registration at the Door: $20
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto Bullying Prevention
April 22, 2015, 7-8:30pm Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, 121 Willowdale Avenue,
Suite 100, Toronto
It is important for parents to recognize the signs of bullying and take action to ensure kids are protected.
This workshop will help parents understand bullying from a child’s perspective, present the warning
signs to look out for, provide strategies to improve communication with their children and discuss
proactive steps parents can take to keep kids safe. Fee: Members: $10, Non Members: $15,
Registration at the Door: $20
Kids Ability Sleep Solutions for Tired Parents
May 20, 2015 Kids Ability, 500 Hallmark Drive, Waterloo
This workshop will focus on understanding anxiety and sharing strategies to support you and your child
in managing circumstances that are challenging for your child- Free
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto Successful Transitioning
May 22, 2015, 7-8:30pm Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, 121 Willowdale Avenue, Suite
100, Toronto
Mitchell Curci has worked in the area of special education for over 35 years. He currently supports
LDATD as a Community Outreach & Education Advocacy specialist. This presentation is designed to
help parents better understand the transition process of students with exceptionalities as they move from
elementary to high school and then on to post-secondary. Fee: Members: $10, Non Members: $15,
Registration at the Door: $20
Wellington County Library – Rockwood Branch, February Events
Wellington County Library – Rockwood Branch, March Events
Page Turners Book Club (Grades 3-5)
Read together and come to discuss at this parent-child book club. This month we're discussing "We
Can't All Be Rattlesnakes" by Patrick Jennings.
Tuesday, March 10, 6:30 pm
Family Movie Afternoon : Disneynature's "Bears" (All Ages)
“Bears” showcases a year in the life of two mother bears as they impart life lessons to their
impressionable young cubs. Please register.
Saturday, March 14, from 2:00 to 3:30 pm
Build it! LEGO (All Ages)
Join us for an exciting afternoon of LEGO challenges! Bring your creativity and we will provide the
LEGO. Please register.
Tuesday, March 17, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Create your own superhero Story Time (All Ages)
Join us for this special Story Time as we learn about the superheroes in our own
community. Our special guests will include Rockwood's Fire Prevention Officer.
Please register.
Wednesday, March 18, 10:30 am
March Break Movie: Back to the Future (All Ages)
Join us for a screening of “Back to the Future” rated PG. Please Register.
Thursday, March 19, 2:00-4:00 pm
Party Safari Show (All ages)
Join us on a critter safari this March Break! Learn about different animals and reptiles (and touch some
of them too!) in this presentation for all ages. Space is limited, please register.
Friday, March 20 at 2:00 pm
Library LEGO Tower (All ages)
Help us create a Rockwood Branch LEGO tower in the month of March. The more books you check out
from the library, the bigger the tower becomes. Bring your inner "Master Builder".
Ongoing from March 2 - March 31
85 Christie Street Rockwood, ON
519.856.4851 •
Your Input Can Change the Future!
This is an exciting time in Ontario as we work together
to develop a new system of services and supports for children and youth
with special needs and their families.
We would like to hear from
parents, caregivers and service providers
who support children and youth
as we develop a new system in our area that includes:
• coordinated services for children with multiple or complex needs
• making occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and
language therapy services more integrated from birth through the
school years.
Visit our website below for information on:
Focus groups March 2 – 10, 2015 - how to register,
locations and times
If you can’t attend a focus group, how to complete
our survey between March 6 – 22, 2015
or call 1-888-372-2259 ext 1588
March Environmental & Character Education Theme
Walk and bike more – be SELF-DISCIPLINED
The climate is changing, and the impacts on the planet could be substantial. Due to burning fossil fuels
such as coal, gas and oil we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s
atmosphere and the temperatures are rising. When we burn fossil fuels, we create two main kinds of
pollution: greenhouse gases and smog-causing pollutants. Smog has been linked to many health
problems, from respiratory diseases to cancer. We need fewer cars on the road. So what is the answer?
What can you do about it? You can walk or bike to school, or your friend’s house or the store. It is good
for the environment and it is good for you too. There are plenty of great reasons to walk to school —
less traffic, safer streets, cleaner air — but one of the best is that you will be healthier. Lack of physical
activity is a major cause of chronic illness and fatigue. Being fit helps you feel better, and a morning
walk helps you to be more alert and more ready to learn at school. So find a friend and ask them to walk
to school with you too.
If every Canadian left their car at home just one day a week, we would save about 3.8 million tonnes of
greenhouse gas emissions each year – the equivalent of taking about 800,000 cars off the road.
The I CAN WALK pledge (found online at asks you to identify locations in your community
that you could easily and safely walk or bike to, then pledge to use active transportation instead of
driving. You’ll save one pound of carbon dioxide for every kilometer you don’t drive!
Stop pollution, we’ve got the solution – walk to school! Let’s go green, everyone!
Talking About Mental Health – Anger and Calm
When one of my children was about 8 years old, he had a lot of anger in him. He would shout, slam
things, throw things, break things and stomp about. When he got very angry, it was upsetting for all of
us, but particularly for him. He did not like the way he felt when was angry, but it seemed to come on so
fast. He would quickly feel out of control and then feel upset afterward about what had happened. So,
when he was calm, we talked about his anger. We drew pictures and read stories about dealing with
anger. And he told me “Mom, when I am angry, don’t talk to me, just let me go to my room and be
angry, when I feel less angry I will talk to you”. So the next time, he was angry and started yelling, I
started to say “What is making you so angry?”, but he stopped me and said “Mom, you promised you
wouldn’t talk to me when I am angry and would let me just go to my room”. It was hard not to try to solve
the problem, but I let him just go to his room and yell and throw things. After about 30 minutes, he came
down and we talked about what was up. He knew he did not like being angry and needed to gain some
more skills to be able to deal with his anger. He decided he wanted to do meditation to help with his
anger, which he did, and over time, it helped a lot.
We all get angry. Different things set off different people. We all have our pet peeves and our easy
triggers. Often our child/youth know how easy some of our buttons are to push. When our child/youth
gets angry, it is hard not to get upset and respond in anger. But we all know that does not usually result
in the best outcome. Here are some tips for dealing with anger in your child/youth and yourself.
Don’t respond to anger with anger. It is hard not to, but yelling at our child/youth when they get
angry makes everyone feel out of control and increases the anger. No one likes the feeling of
being out of control. The best thing you can do is remain calm and not feed the fire of the anger.
Have compassion for your child and how they are feeling.
Don’t try to reason with an angry person. When someone is angry, they are not able to process
what you are saying. Their brain space and energy is taken up by the anger and they don’t have
much space left to think, process and reason. Instead, wait to have the conversation until you
have both calmed down.
Pay attention to how you are reacting. When dealing with someone who is angry, often our heart
rate increases and the adrenaline begins to pump. The trick is for you to have already practiced
how to stay calm, so when you are in these challenging situations, you know how to calm
yourself. By staying calm, you are not engaging in a power struggle, which escalates the anger.
Allow your child/youth time to be angry. Allow them a safe place to let off steam. So long as they
are not hurting themselves or others, let them be angry and safely calm down. It also teaches
them that feeling angry is OK and we can learn how to process our anger in a safe way.
Give consequences for the behaviour, not the emotion. Teach your child/youth that whatever they
feel is OK and it is OK to feel frustrated and angry. However, there are still rules and
consequences. Don’t negotiate or change the rules when trying to get an angry child to calm
down. In the moment, the focus is on calming strategies. After the child is calm, then a have a
discussion of safe ways to express anger.
Take a break. For most of us, we need a break from the person and situation, so allow your child
to take a break. This helps our kids to calm down and also allows ourselves to calm down as well.
Make a plan. When everyone is calm, talk with your child/youth about what helps them stay calm
and what calms them down when they are upset. Create a plan of what things the child/youth
finds calming and empower them to use those strategies. It could be music, breathing exercises,
relaxation exercises, physical activity, drawing or just being on their own for a bit. Whatever works
for them is included in the plan. Calming strategies that a child/youth will use when angry need to
be taught and practiced regularly, so they can be used when the situation arises. Include
strategies to keep calm and decrease frustration and then what to do when they feels really
angry. Having a plan makes you and your child/youth feel like you have some control over the
anger. The child/youth knows that the anger does not control them, because they know what to
do when it happens.
Role model appropriate responses to anger. Show your child/youth how you deal with anger. You
can say things such as “I am getting frustrated, so I am going to take a break” or “I can’t talk to
you right now, because I am upset. I am going to calm down then we can talk”. Admitting that you
are angry and need to calm down is not a weakness. It takes strength to talk about your feelings.
You are teaching your children the lesson that it is good to talk about your feelings and that we
can manage our anger by using our coping skills.
Here is a link to a great video of kids explaining what it feels like to be angry and how breathing helps:
Just Breathe. by Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman
Dr. Lynn Woodford is the Mental Health and Addiction Lead for Upper Grand District School Board
Follow me on twitter: @drlynnwoodford
Help Your Child to be More Resilient
Life can be stressful for both children and their parents. When children learn how to handle challenging
situations in positive ways and to bounce back after a negative experience they become more resilient.
Resilient people are happier, healthier and more successful in life. Children learn resiliency skills from
the adults in their lives. Here are some ideas to help you to build resilience in your child:
• Build a caring and trusting relationship: listen to your child and talk about their day, share cuddles
or hugs, play or do activities together.
• Think positive: each evening ask your child to share a positive thing that happened during their
day. You could share something positive that happened in your day too!
Gently challenge your child’s negative thinking: If your child has had a stressful experience,
acknowledge their feelings and help your child see that experience as only one of many things
that happened that day: “It sounds as if Max really hurt your feelings by not inviting you to play
hockey. Did you play with him at another time? Did you play with some of your other friends?”
Build confidence: allow your child to do things independently as often as possible; such as getting
dressed , helping to make dinner, wrapping a birthday gift, helping with a chore. Only give
guidance if absolutely necessary.
Allow your child to feel that he or she has control over his or her life: allow your child to make ageappropriate decisions, such as what to wear, a choice of what to have in their lunch (“would you
like a banana or yogurt?”), what book to read before bedtime, what movie to watch on the
Model and practice calming: When you are dealing with a difficult situation show your child how
you calm yourself down. Practice calming with your child (deep breathing, counting to 10, going to
a quiet place).
Model coping: when you have a problem, talk to your child about how you solved the problem
calmly. What did you think about as you were solving your problem?
Build your child’s coping strategies: Help your child think through a challenge. Help your child to
know that the issue is just temporary and that he or she can solve the problem. Support your child
in coming up with a solution.
In supporting your child in building resiliency skills you are developing a positive outlook that will last a
lifetime. For more information on resiliency please go to the website below.
Source: Reaching In, Reaching out Website:
Dominoes Wanted
Do you have any old domino sets that are collecting dust? If so and you would like to find a home for
them, please send them to the office. These make a great tool for learning many number sense and
numeration concepts in math. Thank you.
Eramosa Public School
March 2015
-Baha’i Fast
-Hotdog Day
-Officer Krypan
KA & 1/2A
Music Festival
-5/6A Soccer
@ Marden
-Math Game
-Scientists in
School 4/5B
-K-6 Skating
-Pizza Day
-Hola Mohalla
-Magha Puja
Savings Time
-Pita Day
-Officer Krypan
2/3B & 3/4A
Carnival 1pm
-Global Beats
Assembly 9am
-Pizza Day
-Sikh New Year
-St. Patrick’s
-Naw Ruz
-New Year
March Break
-Scientists in
School 5/6A
-3/4A & 4/5B
River Run Trip
-Hotdog Day
-Pizza Day
-Palm Sunday
-Gr 3 Pizza
Perfect trip
-Pita Day
Apr 1
Apr 2
<--Grade 6 trip to Mansfield-->
Apr 3
Good Friday
No School for
-Rama Navami
Monday, March 16
Trampoline, Swim and lunch $85 +hst
Wednesday, March 18
Swim & Bowl $ 85+hst
Thursday, March 19
St. Jacob’s Farmers Market $ 85+hst
Friday March 20
(plan B to be announced)
Snowtubing? $ 95+hst
for info call Antje at 519-215-6465
please register by e-mail
All players
training by
 credit card |debit |cheque |cash
 by:
APRIL 1, 2015
U4 mixed
Saturday mornings
U6/8 Boys & Girls
Saturday mornings
Saturday Feb 28th
(9am to noon)
U4 / U6
U14 / U16 / U18
U10 B & G games Wednesday
U12B games Tuesday
U12G games Monday
U14B games Thursday
U14G games Wednesday
U16B games Monday
U16G games Tuesday
U18B games Wednesday
U18G games Thursday
This sectionalways
can hold
a “call out” of some sort.
perfect for
fun for SENIORS
Public School
Saturday March 28th
(9am to noon)
Come and meet LORI ROTH in person – the new RFC Office Administrator | P.O. Box 102 Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 | 519.856.4842