Thickness (m) e to g du rpin a w up un d crustal flow in mid-crust isos tati c re b ou nd C Lower Paleozoic Strongly folded and cleaved phyllitic metasedimentray rocks Latest Proterozoic Generalized stratigraphic column for the Tucson Basin, Catalina Mountains, and surrounding region with stratigraphic relationships (Not to scale, vertically exaggerated) Sedimentation Basin fill 1881 Middle Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks ? 1500 1000 636 ? 540 1000 950 500-1000 Sedimentary and volcanic rocks 1500 120 1500 1000-2300 B SW 3000 700 2000 ? ? Laramide intrusions Eocene Wilderness granite suite ? Lower Cretaceous Intrusions ? Laramide intrusions Middle-Late Jurassic granitic intrusions Laramide intrusions D Seismic reflection control Baboquivari Mountains Seismic reflection control Seismic reflection control Seismic reflection control Avra Valley fault Pirate Fault Catalina core complex Line D36 Baboquivari Valley Line CX12A Redondo State A-1 well Altar Valley ? D Line Pre-Oligocene rocks undifferentiated 31 Line 2 Line CX12 1 ? ~ Pinaleno Mountains Line CX13 Galiuro Central Mountains Galiuro Fault 2 San Pedro Trough 3 1 1 2 3 Aravapai-Sulphur Springs Valley Detachment fault benetah the Safford Basin 4 3 2 Safford State A-1 well ? ? Pre-Oligocene rocks undifferentiated ? Progres siv ? i a rp w p eu ng ostatic rebound s i e to u d g due to isosta rpin tic a w up re ng arpi upw b ou NE Detachment Surface Safford Basin 1 Exxon State 32-1 well bou nd crustal flow in mid-crust 2 Line CX16 Martinez Ranch Fault Tucson Basin ? due to isosta arping tic r upw e 3 Tertiary sedimentary rocks (Lower Miocene) Eagle Pass Detachment Fault eroded “breakaway 1” Teran Wash Fault initiation of “breakaway 3” E Gila Mountains Seismic reflection control Catalina Detachment Fault due to isostatic re bou nd nd a brittle-ductile transition zone mylonitic shear zone crustal flow in mid-crust Tertiary Granite Suite crustal flow in mid-crust Mid-Tertiary intrusions Late Cenozoic basin fill (mid-Miocene-Pliocene) crustal laye ted detachm rs idga tm rru nt co f a u lt Altar Valley fault Tucson Mountains Soza Mesa Fault - abandoned “breakaway 2” 500-1700 600 500 C Seismic reflection control ? 2400 2300 post-Oligocece-Early-to-Mid-Miocene to Present N 4500 MP Schematic kinematic model along a transect from the Baboquivari Mountains in the southwest to the transition zone of the Colorado Plateau in the northeast A Lithology Thickness (m) 200 Rift basin sediments E x t e n s i o n Basin-Range block faulting M i d - Te r t i a r y Thickness (m) 500 Proterozoic Contractional setting Thickness (m) Lithology 1000 Continental Platform NE SW ? Basement Extensional setting Lithology Exxon State 32 (~3830 m) Well-log data (Wagner, 2005) Pinaleno Mt./Safford Basin/ Gila Mt. 410 Volcanic rocks Jurassic Major unconformity Redondo 797 (~2750 m) Well-log data (Wagner, 2005) 1000 Volcanic and sedimentary rocks Upper Latest Proterozoic to late Mississippian Carbonate Platform deposits Catalina Mt./San Pedro Valley/ Galiuro Mt. Tucson Mt./Tucson Basin Paleozoic Limestone Upward mass transfer Lithology Basement Cretaceous NE Laramide Orogeny Oligocene Paleocene West-northwest dipping high-angle normal faults Middle Early to mid-Jurassic and Middle to late Jurassic Mylonitic shear zone Upper NE Baboquivari Mt./Altar Valley Thickness (m) Rift-basin SW NE Quaternary Alluvium Deformation Age Pliocene Tectonic quiescense period Upper Miocene Lower Basin-and-Range high-angle normal faulting High-angle normal faulting and rifting Late Jurassic to early Cretaceous Bisbee Rift Basin Mid-Tertiary low-angle normal faulting (detachment faulting) Upper ~1000-2300 NE SW SW ~2000 Paleozoic Limestone Continental Platform 2C Correlation of units along a transect from the Baboquivari Mountains to the transition zone of the Colorado Plateau ? Laramide Deformation Crustal flow direction Proterozoic y Well locations Plutonic rocks B Va lle NE SW SW Paleozoic platform deposits of limestone/dolomite CX12A 2-D seismic reflection profiles Andesite breccia and lava tuff, lahars, fluvial sediments Dacite to andesite lava flows and flow breccias with lesser fluvial conglomerate and sandstone, eolian quartz arenite, debris-flow deposits 50 Kilometers Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary (?) Granitic and supracrustal rocks Volcanic to shallow plutonic complexes consisting of monzodiorite, rhyolite porphyry, quartz-poor granite, alkali rhyolite 0 crustal flow in mid-crust High-angle normal faulting Rift basin sediments deposited by distal alluvial fan and braided-stream deposits containing sandstones and mudstones with traces of siltstones and some large conglomerates Alt ar bo Baboquivari Mts. ti Lower ~2000 A Low-angle normal faulting Inversion in the faulting >2000 Rift basin sediments Volcanic rocks Volcanic and sedimentary rocks Rift-basin High-angle normal faulting and rifting Lower Upper Middle CX 1 ~1800 ~2500 Conglomeratic redbeds of alluvial fans, braidplain and lacustrine facies, alternation of volcanic and sedimentary rocks that show growth strata pin war to is os Middle Sedimentation Quaternary Alluvium Basin fill Basin-Range block faulting E x t e n s i o n M i d d l e Te r t i a r y v o l c a n i c a n d s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k s Sedimentary and volcanic rocks Tectonic quiescense period Age Pliocene Upper Miocene Lower M i d - Te r t i a r y up sive gres o r P e g du Sierrita Mts. D4 well (2746 m) 2 e Laramide Orogeny ? Abbreviations CDf: Coyote detachment fault AVF:Altar Valley fault AVf: Avra Valley fault CDF: Catalina detachment fault GDF: Galiuro detachment fault EPD: Eagle Pass detachment fault PF: Pirate fault MRF: Martinez Ranch fault MRF D36 Mid-Tertiary (Oligocene to early Miocene) C Exxon State 32-1 well (3827 m) B AVF Phillips Redondo State A-1 Y Exxon Line 2 AVf CDf Andesite to dacite lava and andesite to rhyolitic tuffs intruded by dikes and plugs y ts. lle rM Va ste he inc W D31 Alluvial fan and braidplain facies with local megabreccia deposits Mostly cobble to boulder sized conglomeratres with fine-grained sandstones that are interbedded with each other ts. s ing pr -S ur lph Su NE M ale n~o M ts. M X CDF B Tucson Basin ila ts. Safford Basin Pin GDF on nc Ri ts. SW CX12A G D C s. Mt ro oun d 6 1 CX h ug Tro reb M Lower D 3 X1 liu Ga dro Pe isos tat ic a lin ta Ca to due rpi n g upwa C a nt Sa High-angle block faulting lation of rock rans mas rd t ses a upw PF ts. M Is atic os t t plif ll u wa t o fo Late Tertiary (mid-Miocene to Pliocene) on cs Tu Alluvial fan and braidplain facies that contain alternation of sand and clay, sandy clay with gravel lita rt o To yin pan om c c a -and-R asin gB Laramide thrust faulting Paleozoic E EPD Tucson Basin ey Upper Y San Pedro trough n Sa X ll Va Oligocene SW ra Av Middle Catalina core complex re Paleocene Galiuro Mountains NE c Upper Major tectonic event Jackson Mt. Alluvial and fluvial-lacustrine deposits that contain alternation of unconsolidated sands, gravels and boulders mylonitic shear zone PLATE 2 of 2 Shaded relief map of the study area Sa nt a M Ter ts. e sa ta Cretaceous Schematic cross-sections along the transect Description of rock units g ltin fau ge an Jurassic Lithology D ai ap av Ar Deformation A Sequential model of regional tectonic development through time along a transect from the Tucson Basin to the Galiuro Mountains Tertiary volcanic rocks (Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene) Mid-Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks (mid-Oligocene) Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks (Lower to Upper Cretaceous) Volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Early Jurassic) Paleozoic Strata (Cambrian to Permian platform deposits) PreCambrian metamorphosed sedimentary rocks Plutonic rocks Non-mylonitic preCambrian crystalline rocks Laramide thrust fault (Late CretaceousEarly Tertiary (?)) or low-angle normal fault (?) beneath San Pedro trough Low-angle normal faulting in Mid-Tertiary Mid-Tertiary detachment fault A system of south-to-west-dipping and east-dipping normal faults along the southwestern and northeastern flanks of the Galiuro Mts. High-angle Basin and Range faulting (Late Tertiary) Mid-crustal flow direction 2-D seismic reflection profiles deep exploration well Mountains