Membranes 18.S995 - L16 & L17 Cell membranes (D=2) Illustration by J.P. Cartailler. Copyright 2007, Symmation LLC. transport: stochastic escape problems shape: differential geometry red blood cells affected by sickle-cell disease source: wiki Cell membranes source: wiki AFM source: wiki Observing the oligomeric state, supramolecular assembly and function of native membrane proteins by AFM. (A) Proton-driven rotors from spinach chloroplast FoF1ATP synthase [3]. (B) Sodium-driven rotors from Ilyobacter tartaricus FoF1-ATP synthase. (C) High-light-adapted native photosynthetic membrane from Rsp. Photometricum[3]. (D) Pore complexes of perfringolysin O (PFO), a prototype of the large family of pore-forming cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs). Image courtesy of Z. Shao (Virginia). (E) The oligomeric state of bovine rhodopsin in native disc membranes [3]. (F) Structrual organsiation of the light-harvesting complex I photosynthetic core complex of Rsp. Rubrum [3]. (H) Extracellular surface of gap junction hemichannels from rat liver Wells recorded at pH 7.6 [6]. In presence of aminosulfonate compounds the hemichannels open their channel entrance with increasing pH from the closed (pH 6.0) to open (pH 7.6). Intercellular gap junctions exchange of molecules and ions between animal cells source: wiki Active transport Bio-membrane Selective barrier source: wiki Morphological changes e.g., fusion through stalk-formation source: wiki Endo- & Exocytosis material exchange with environment Virus envelop source: wiki envelop fuses with host membrane Capsid Baker et al (1999) MMBR cryo-EM Diatoms (algae) H4SiO4 source: wiki More planktonic diatoms Plants unlike animal cells, every plant cell is surrounded by a polysaccharide cell wall source: wiki source: wiki typical plant cell has between 103 and 105 plasmodesmata ! connecting it with adjacent cells ! equating to between 1 and 10 per µm Chara fragilis feature=player_detailpage&v=kud4qUhsCxg 1 2 Characean algae Fig. 4. Cyclosis developing in our model for αp = 1 and αu = 0:5, with other parameters fixed as in the text. Color coding co cytoskeleton (37) by afor process growth once thefor main lower magnitude. The white lines represent IZs sep B purple the orderAvector P, with green Pofz twisting <to0, darker ~1mm for Pz > 0 and 2 3 cables are established and bound the cortical chloroplasts 1 (38). The twist appears to be advantageous primarily for large, regions. Superimposed arefor streamlines ofαthe flow u induced the filament wherecoding the flow is directed tf closis developing in our model αp = 1 and 0:5,where with other fixed as in thefield text.P,Color corresponds mature cells, it enhances vacuolarparameters mixing and nutrient by u = cytoplasmic uptake (25, 26). cytoplasm the individual (Upper) Time sequence offormalize six frames, showing progression from lines random disorder localupo will the hydrodynamics. Endow the shell ector of P, with purple forlines. Pz > 0 and green for Pwith <cylindrical 0, now darker for lower magnitude. The white represent IZsthrough separating z We coordinates ðθ; zÞ and corresponding unit vectors (Lower)are “Unwrapped” streaming patternse ;flow three indicated frames. eof . Letthe uðxÞu beinduced the velocity field ofby the suspending cytoplasmic perimposed streamlines of the cytoplasmic the filament field P, where the flow is directed from the th fluid. The small velocity of streaming allows us to work in the vacuole zero Reynolds number limit. We then take u to obey the forced vidual lines. (Upper) Time sequence of six frames, showing Stokes equations with friction, progression from random disorder through local order to com nwrapped” streaming patterns of the three indicated frames. −μ∇ u + νu + ∇Π = F; θ z 2 Cyclosis Parameter Scan. p u BIOPHYSICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY APPLIED PHYSICAL SCIENCES BIOPHYSICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Fig. 1. Cytoplasmic streaming in Chara corallina. (A) Internodes and branchlets of Chara. Individual internodes can grow up to 10 cm long. (B) Rotational streaming in a single internodal cell of Chara. The stripes indicate the polarity of actin cables at the periphery driving flow in the cytoplasm and vacuole. (C) Microscopic mechanism driving plant cell streaming. Cargo-carrying myosin motors bind to actin filaments and entrain flow as they walk. APPLIED PHYSICAL SCIENCES ðsÞ ðrÞ d = d = 0:025, κ = 0:5, and μ = 0: indifferent ∂P ðrÞ zoned (IZ) P + ðI − PPÞ · ½eð∇uÞ · P + eu · ∇P = dðsÞ ∇2 P − portant coupling constants αp and α ∂t ðsÞ ðrÞ appropriate radius-to-length ratio f d = d = 0:025, κ = 0:5, and μ = 0:05 to focu ! P · dÞd· P; ably organized cables u u −·κðP + eu · ∇P = dðsÞ ∇2 P − dðrÞ+Pα+p PðI+−αPPÞ ½eð∇uÞ αu .(36). We als portant coupling constantsactin αp and t Fig. 4. Cyclosis developing in our radius-to-length model for α = 1 andratio α = 0:5, with othe appropriate for a youn ! C Time Fig. displays a tyl order vector P, with for P >Progression. 0 and green for P 4 < 0, darker for where + all constants are now the nondimensional. Thepurple paαpcoupling P + α u − κðP · dÞd ; ably organized actin cables (36). u cargo flow regions.diffusion Superimposed are streamlines of the cytoplasmic u induced b merical integration of flow the model with rameters dðsÞ and dðrÞ are spatial and rotational constants, motor binds & walks unbinds of the individual lines. (Upper) Time sequenceαof six showing pr The experimen parameters respectively. The final hydrodynamics read p; α u . frames, filament Time Progression. Fig. 4 displays a typical tim coupling constants are now nondimensional. The pa(Lower) “Unwrapped” streaming patterns of the three indicated frames. progression (28)model is clearly reproduce merical integration of the with an illust dðsÞ and dðrÞ are spatial and2 rotational diffusion constants, 2 through small patches of locally ord −μ∇ u +read u + Π0 ez + ∇Π′ = jPj P; parameters αp ; αu . The experimentally obse ely. The final hydrodynamics spontaneous polarization, and sett progression (28) is clearly reproduced as it mo streaming by way of an example and a parameter space scan to subject2 to closis as the passive and active reor ∂P identify regimes of robust cyclosis development. Finally, we 2 will ðsÞ 2 ðrÞ through patches ordered discuss and disruptions −μ∇ u +theumodel + inΠthe0context ez +of pathologies ∇Π′ = jPj P; + eu · ∇P = d ∇small Pfull −d P + ðIof − locally PPÞ · ½eð∇uÞ · P “stre to understand the importance of each of the components of the potency. Although the polar flow ∂t filament dynamics. spontaneous polarization, and settles into f Z2π Z ℓ establishing the!global streaming pa Model A young Chara cell is modeled as a cylinder of radius R with o closis and reorienting ef + αas +that αpassive − κðP · dÞdactive ; nematic p Pthe u u the periodic boundaries at a distance L apart. The fixed chloroplasts traditional shear al u · e dz dθ = 0: ∇ · u = 0 and z lie at the edge, with the subcortical cytoplasm a thin cylindrical full potency. Although thefactor polare,flow alignme layer between the chloroplasts and the vacuolar membrane; the the restriction still plays a vacuole then comprises the bulk of the cell. The cytoplasm is 0 actin0filtaken to consist ofZ a2π layerZ of ℓshort, initially disordered establishing the streamingbetween pattern, it pi where all coupling constantscurved are global now nondimensional. The aments beneath a layer of myosin-coated endoplasmic reticulum IZ boundaries adjac vesicles, which drive flow by forcing the cytoplasm as they proðsÞ ðrÞ cess on the actin filaments (Fig.u 1C). Because the subcortical rameters d and d are and rotational diffusion that thespatial traditional nematic shear · e dz dθ = 0: ∇ · u = 0 and regions, where flow shearalignment, is constan high, in zboundary layer ishave very thin compared with the vacuole, we approximate the All fields periodic conditions on θ = 0; 2π and cytoplasmic layer as a purely 2D cylindrical shell. We also asrespectively. Thethe finalrestriction hydrodynamics read factor e,stages still of plays role: it a sume that the effective viscosity contrast between cytoplasm and in the later the atime evolu z = 0; ℓ, where ℓ = L=R is the nondimensional cell length. 0 0large to take vacuolar flow as purely vacuolar fluid is sufficiently &butGoldstein (2013)Results PNAS passive, Woodhouse induced by cytoplasmic flow (25) not affecting it. To gauge the model’s robustness, we up- a curved IZ boundaries between adjacent This yields a truly 2D problem. executed a numerical parameter sweep of nonzero α and α To test the model and understand more about the regimes of where ΠðxÞ is the 2D pressure and FðxÞ is the filament-induced forcing, discussed shortly. The frictional term νu captures the effect of the no-slip boundary proximity in our thin-shell approximation, in a manner similar to Hele–Shaw flow (SI Text). There are two crucial constraints on the flow field that must be incorporated. First, because the tonoplast membrane, which separates the cytoplasm and vacuole, behaves as a 2D incompressible fluid (39), we 1 must have incompressibility ∇ · u = 0. 2 3 Second, the presence of end caps on the cell must be acknowledged, either through explicit modeling of the end geometry or, as we do here, qualitatively through the simple extra constraint p u R 2π R L of zero net flux 0 0 u · ez dzdθ = 0, essentially due to the incompressibility of a finite domain in the ez direction. This is z z balanced by allowing a longitudinal pressure gradient Π0 and writing ΠðxÞ = Π0 z + Π′ðxÞ, with Π′ðxÞ the remaining fully periodic pressure field. We now turn to the filament suspension, whose dynamics will incorporate several crucial effects. The filaments are taken to be restricted: passive advection and shear alignment in the flow u is inhibited by a factor e due to frictional or binding effects of the filaments on the chloroplasts or with cortical polymer networks. Fig. 4. Cyclosis developing in our model for αp = 1 and αu = 0:5, with other parameters fixed as in the text. Color coding corresponds to the z-component of As a consequence oftherestriction, the filaments are non–selforder vector P, with purple for Pz > 0 and green for Pz < 0, darker for lower magnitude. The white lines represent IZs separating up- and down-streaming advective: a vesicle walking forward onare a filament induce regions. Superimposed streamlineswill of the cytoplasmic flow u induced by the filament field P, where the flow is directed from the thin end to the thick end only a negligible backward of (Upper) the filament itself. The of the propulsion individual lines. Time sequence of six frames, showing progression from random disorder through local order to complete steady cyclosis. filaments are also taken to spontaneously bundle:patterns filaments willthree indicated frames. (Lower) “Unwrapped” streaming of the locally align with each other, controlled by a coupling constant αp (a rate constant for the exponential growth of small local podðsÞ = dðrÞ = 0:025, κ = 0:5, and μ = 0:05 to focus on the most imlarization), mimicking the ∂Ppresence of ðsÞbundling proteins. 2 ðrÞ + eu · ∇P = d ∇ P − d P + ðI − PPÞ · ½eð∇uÞ · P portant coupling constants αp and αu . We also chose ℓ = 5 as an (Inhibiting the action of bundling proteins thus corresponds to ∂t appropriate radius-to-length ratio for a young cell with observsetting αp = 0.) ! + αp P or + αsubstrate dÞd ; ably organized actin cables (36). u u − κðP · patTo represent nonspherical cellular geometry terning we include a repulsive direction d, which filaments will Time Progression. Fig. 4 displays a typical time sequence for nuwhere all coupling constants The papreferentially avoid, with coupling constant κ (Fig. are 3A);now this nondimensional. will ðsÞ ðrÞ merical integration of the model with an illustrative choice of the rameters d and d are spatial and rotational diffusion constants, be set here to d = eθ , the circumferential direction. Although parameters αp ; αu . The experimentally observed regeneration finalis hydrodynamics read apparently a strong respectively. assumption, The there remarkable experiprogression (28) is clearly reproduced as it moves from disorder, mental precedent for such an effect whereby filaments can 2 2 through small patches of locally ordered “streamlets” caused by −μ∇ u +inhibition u + Π0 ez +of ∇Π′ = jPj P; reorient circumferentially around cells upon bindspontaneous polarization, and settles into fully developed cying or director components (40–42). subject to closis as the passive and active reorienting effects of flow reach full potency. Although the polar flow alignment is important for Z2π Z ℓ establishing the global streaming pattern, it is worth remarking old new that the traditional nematic shear alignment, though damped by u · e dz dθ = 0: ∇ · u = 0 and z IZ IZ IZ the restriction factor e, still plays a role: it acts to smooth out 0 0 curved IZ boundaries between adjacent up- and down-streaming regions, where flow shear is high, into straight lines. This is seen All fields have periodic boundary conditions on θ = 0; 2π and in the later stages of the time evolution in Fig. 4. z = 0; ℓ, where ℓ = L=R is the nondimensional cell length. Blood cells: shape & function source: wiki red blood cells affected by sicklecell disease Optical tweezer source: wiki Red blood cell in tweezer Basu et al (2011) Biophys J The transition between rigid-body–like and fluidized cell occurs enables a material element to deform locally to form a dimple, − + in a hysteretic domain of shear rates, fγ_ c − γ_ c g. In this domain because hydrodynamic constraints tend to profile global ellipboth flipping/rolling and tankdynamics treading are of stable, each dynamic Full a red blood cell in shapes, shearasflow soidal observed for lipid vesicles or elastic capsules in state depends on how Jules it isDupire, reached, either by increasing or deflow. We propose an interpretation involving a buckling pheMarius Socol, and Annie Viallat creasing γ_ . The mechanisms transition toward F Scientifique, and toward nomenon forMixte which the7333, biconcave shape is of minimal energy, Aix Marseilleof Université, Centre National de la Recherche Laboratoire Adhésion et Inflammation Unité de Recherche Inserm UMR1067, 13009 Marseille, France TT are different. In the TT-to-F transition, TT stabilizes the cell and a weak shape memory. The shape memory results from an Edited by T. C. Lubensky, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, and approved October 30, 2012 (received for review June 20, 2012) orbit. In the R-to-TT transition, the cell axis of symmetry has to anisotropic stress-free shape of the membrane. The anisotropy At the cellular scale, blood fluidity and mass transport depend on1 which the axis of symmetry of the cell lies in the shear plane. Jules Dupire, and Annie Viallat rotate through a π/2 angle. The streamlines on the membrane may come from of the spherical shell—for the dynamics of redMarius blood cellsSocol, in blood flow, cell specifically on their Some observations, however, suggestthe that inhomogeneity other cellular orideformation and orientation. These dynamics are governed by entations may be more stable (17, 18). Furthermore, numerical have to change abruptly with aUniversité, sharp increase of shear strain instance, strengthened region or7333, anisotropic elastic Aix Marseille Centre National de la Recherche Laboratoire Adhésion et Inflammation Unité Mixte de Recherche Inserm cellular rheological properties, such as internal viscosity andScientifique, predictions of RBC deformations show significantequatorial discrepancies cytoskeleton elasticity. in which cell rheology altered UMR1067, 13009 Marseille, France with experimental observations. Indeed, experiments report only energy. This can be achieved only at Inadiseases higher shear rateisvalue. properties (27)—or from athenonspherical shell. The latter hygenetically or by parasitic invasion or by changes in the microenthe stationary stretched shape of cells steadily aligned in flow − vironment, blood flow may be severely impaired. The nonlinear Finally, the values found the critical shear stresses η0 γ_ atc highPA,pothesis, supported by(received the for work Lim, Wortis, and Mukhoshear whereas recent30,numerical studies predict Edited byfor T. C. Lubensky, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and rates, approved October 2012 reviewof June 20, 2012) + interplay between cell rheology and flow may generate complex “breathing” dynamic states with strong shape deformations at (0.023 Pa) and η0 γ_ c (0.086 Pa)remain are inunexplored agreement with that (28), allows one to find observed shapes by using a dynamics, which largely Under low shearpadhyay rates RBCs elastic (9–16). which theand axis of capsules symmetry of the cell lies inRBC the shear plane. At the cellular scale, blood fluidityexperimentally. and mass transport depend on for both simple shear flow, only two motions, “tumbling” and “tank-treadHere, we couple two videomicroscopy approaches providing the dynamics of red blood cells in blood flow, specifically onmechanical their Some model observations, however, suggest that otherand cellular ori-elasticity. reported in ref. 7. including bending, stretch, shear ing,” have been described experimentally and relate to cell memultidirectional pictures of RBCs to elucidate the full dynamics 1 Full dynamics of a red blood cell in shear flow deformation orientation. These dynamics entations may be stable (17, chanics. Here, weand elucidate the full dynamics of red blood cellsare in governed of an RBC inby shear flow, and we analyze themore mechanical origin of 18). Furthermore, numerical shear flowrheological by coupling two videomicroscopy approaches provid- viscosity cellular properties, such as internal and the observed dynamics (shapes andof regimes motion). predictions RBCofdeformations show significant discrepancies ing multidirectional pictures of cells, and we analyze the mechanUnder physiological conditions, a mature cell is a biconcave cytoskeleton elasticity. In diseases in which cell rheology is altered with experimental observations. Indeed, experiments report only ical origin of the observed dynamics. We show that contrary to disk about 6–8 μm in diameter and 2 μm thick. Its membrane genetically or by parasitic invasion or by changes in the microenthe bilayer stationary shape of cells steadily aligned in the flow common belief, when red blood cells flip into the flow, their oriconsists of a fluid lipid and anstretched elastic spectrin network Fig. 5. Rolling-to-tank-treading transition vironment, blood by flow may rate. be severely impaired. nonlinear atbilayer high and shear rates, whereas numerical studies predict entation is determined the shear We discuss the “rolling” The lying just beneath the attached to the membranerecent inobserved on RBCs bearing interplay a bead; dextran motion, similar to a rolling wheel. This motion, which permits the tegral proteins. The inner cell volume is filled with a solution of between cell rheology and flow may generate complex “breathing” dynamic states with strong shape deformations at cells to avoid energetically costly deformations, is a true signature hemoglobin. Although the structure of the RBC is one of the 2 106 g/mol, c = 9% (wt/wt); scale bar, 8 μm; dynamics, which remain largely unexplored experimentally. Under low shear rates for both RBCs and elastic capsules (9–16). of the cytoskeleton elasticity. We highlight a hysteresis cycle and simplest among cells, it nevertheless involves several mechanical −1 simple shear flow, only two motions, “tumbling” and “tank-treadHere, we couple twoandvideomicroscopy approaches providing . top-view observation. (A) Shear rate = 3 s two transient dynamics driven by the shear rate: an intermittent parameters: viscosities of the hemoglobin solution of the lipid regime during the “tank-treading-to-flipping” transition and a Frisand bending elasticity of the lipid bi- to elucidate the full dynamics ing,” have been described experimentally and relatebilayer, to cellincompressibility memultidirectional pictures of RBCs The symmetry axis of the rolling cell (images bee-like “spinning” regime during the “rolling-to-tank-treading” layer, and compressibility and shear elasticity of the spectrin chanics. Here, we elucidate the full dynamics of red blood cells in of an RBC in shear flow, and we cyanalyze the mechanical origin of transition. Finally, we reveal that the biconcave red cell shape is 1–7) rotates gradually (images 8–10). The toskeleton. The nonspherical biconcave shape of RBCs enables shear flow by coupling two videomicroscopy approaches providthe observed dynamics (shapes and highly stable under moderate shear stresses, and we interpret this shape changes at constant volume and area. Moreover, the mem- regimes of motion). spinning about the symmetry axis is detecresultmultidirectional in terms of stress-free shape and ing pictures of elastic cells, buckling. and we analyze the branemechanhas a memory ofUnder its shapephysiological (19): after a shapeconditions, deformation a mature cell is a biconcave ted by the bead motion (images 10–19). Fiinduced by an external force, the membrane returns to its initial ical origin of the observed dynamics. We show that contrary to disk about 6–8 μm in diameter and 2 μm thick. Its membrane elastic capsule | low Reynolds number | shape memory | erythrocyte biconcave shape and the membrane elements return to their initial common when red blood cells flip into the flow, their orinally, the streamlines change andbelief, the cell consists of a fluid lipid bilayer and position after removal of the force. The rim, for instance, is always an elastic spectrin network entation determined by the shear We discuss “rolling” justelements. beneath the bilayer and formed by the same lying membrane However, the actual de-attached to the membrane intank-treads (images 20–30). A bar suspension loodvertical is is a concentrated of cells:rate. 45% in volume is the formation state of the membrane, even in the biconcave state, is motion, similar toblood a rolling wheel. This motion, permits the occupied by red cells (RBCs). Its fluidity tegral proteins. The inner celltransition volume is filled with a solution of an overall separates the different movements. Sequence of 46.6 s; scale bar,strongly 7 which μm. (B) The tank-treading movement at the sometimes presents not known because the stress-free shape of the membrane for depends on its behavior in flow, which is deformations, a key factor of proper cells to avoid energetically costly is a true signature hemoglobin. Although the structure of the RBC is one of the −1 which the strain vanishes, determined. rotation of part of the membrane, which behaves locally like solid by as a energy whole. γ_ = has 6 snot ,been time sequence of 1.98 s. tissue perfusion. At the cellular scale, blood flowa behavior is rotating of the cytoskeleton elasticity. We highlight a hysteresis cycle and simplest among cells, it For many years, the viscosity ratio λ, where λ isnevertheless the viscosity involves several mechanical affected primarily by the RBC response to the hydrodynamic stress two transient dynamics driven shear inside the cell relative to the viscosity of the suspending parameters: viscosities of thesolution, hemoglobin solution and of the lipid in terms of cell orientation relative to theby flowthe direction andrate: of cellan intermittent hasand been the only mechanical parameter used to describe the deformation. For example, on one hand, at low shear rates, transition similar regime during the “tank-treading-to-flipping” a Frisbilayer, incompressibility and bending elasticity of the lipid bibehavior of RBCs in shear flow observed in pioneering studies cell orientations may favor the formation of stacks (rouleaux) (1) | 20812 Dupire et al. bee-like “spinning” regime during the “rolling-to-tank-treading” layer, and compressibility and shear elasticity of the spectrin cy(2, 20): at high λ, RBCs have been reported to tumble (T), reof RBCs, like rolls of coins, which increases blood viscosity. On the transition. werates, reveal that the biconcave red cell Theflipping nonspherical shape of RBCs enables ferredshape to hereisas thetoskeleton. particular unsteady motion (F) biconcave when other hand, atFinally, high shear the individualization of RBCs, the cell axisthis of symmetry rotates in the shear plane. The nature highly stable and under and we interpret their alignment, theirmoderate stretching in shear the flowstresses, (2) decrease blood shape changes at constant volume and area. Moreover, the memof this motion (rigid-body–like or with membrane movement) viscosityin (3).terms The orientation and the deformation flow of RBCs result of stress-free shape andinelastic buckling. brane has a memory of its shape (19): after a shape deformation B are governed by their rheological properties. They result from the and its stability are not experimentally known. At low λ values induced by an external force, the membrane returns to its initial and high shear rates, RBCs have a “fluid-like” tank-treading viscoelastic contributions of all components of the cell composite elastic capsule low Reynolds number shape memory erythrocyte movement in whichbiconcave the membrane rotates around the center of elements return to their initial structure. Moreover, RBC rheological properties also depend on shape and the membrane mass of the cell and has a quasi-stable inclination (TT). The The rim, for instance, is always the microenvironment and on metabolic functionality (4). Both position after removal of the force. Keller and Skalak (KS) analytical model (21), which describes an local and systemic disturbances of homeostasis (in diabetes melformed by the same membrane elements. However, the actual deis a concentrated suspension of cells: 45% in volume is ellipsoid RBC as a viscous of fixed shape, qualitatively recovers litus, lood hypertension) have the potential to induce RBC rheological (T), strongly (TT) as a function of λ. state However, recent experiments even in the biconcave state, is formation of the membrane, alterations and consequently to impaircells blood (RBCs). circulation. ItIts thereoccupied by red blood fluidity revealed new dynamic states specifically due to the shear elas- shape of the membrane for fore is crucial to understand the relationships between the rhenot known because the stress-free depends on its behavior in flow, which is a key factor of proper ological properties of RBCs and their orientation and deformation ticity and the shape memory of the red cell membrane (7, 8): (i) which the strain energy vanishes, has not been determined. tissue perfusion. scale, flow behavior is in flow. This question isAt far the from cellular trivial because evenblood in a simple For many years, the viscosity ratio λ, where λ is the viscosity shear flow, primarily RBCs present variety of dynamic states,to such steady affected bya the RBC response theashydrodynamic stress tank-treading, swinging, unsteady tumbling, and chaotic motion. Author contributions: A.V.inside designed research; J.D. and M.S. performed research; J.D., the cell relative to the viscosity of the suspending solution, in terms of cell orientation relative to the flow directionM.S.,and of cell and A.V. analyzed data; and J.D. and A.V. wrote the paper. To date, there has been little experimental work on the conhas been the only mechanical parameter used to describe the deformation. example, properties on one hand, at low similar The authors declare no conflict of interest. nection between For the mechanical of RBCs and shear their rates, of RBCs in shear flow observed in pioneering studies cell orientations may favor the formation stacks (rouleaux) (1) Directbehavior dynamics in shear flow (5–8), compared with the manyof numerical This article is a PNAS Submission. | | | BPNAS 2012 Full dynamics of a red blood cell in shear flow Jules Dupire, Marius Socol, and Annie Viallat1 Aix Marseille Université, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire Adhésion et Inflammation Unité Mixte de Recherche 7333, Inserm UMR1067, 13009 Marseille, France Full dynamics of a red blood cell in shear flow Edited by T. C. Lubensky, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, and approved October 30, 2012 (received for review June 20, 2012) which the axis of symmetry of the cell lies in the shear plane. Some observations, however, suggest that other cellular orideformation and orientation. These dynamics are governed by entations may be more stable (17, 18). Furthermore, numerical Aix Marseille Université, Centre National de laviscosity Recherche Adhésion show et Inflammation Unité Mixte de Recherche 7333, Inserm cellular rheological properties, such as internal andScientifique, predictionsLaboratoire of RBC deformations significant discrepancies cytoskeleton13009 elasticity. In diseases in which cell rheology is altered UMR1067, Marseille, France with experimental observations. Indeed, experiments report only genetically or by parasitic invasion or by changes in the microenthe stationary stretched shape of cells steadily aligned in the flow vironment, blood flow may University be severely of impaired. The nonlinear at high whereas recent30,numerical studies for predict Edited by T. C. Lubensky, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,shear and rates, approved October 2012 (received review June 20, 2012) interplay between cell rheology and flow may generate complex “breathing” dynamic states with strong shape deformations at dynamics, which remain largely unexplored Under low shear rates RBCs elastic (9–16). which theandaxis of capsules symmetry of the cell lies in the shear plane. At the cellular scale, blood fluidityexperimentally. and mass transport depend on for both simple shear flow, only two motions, “tumbling” and “tank-treadHere, we couple two videomicroscopy approaches providing the dynamics of red blood cells in blood flow, specifically on their Some observations, however, suggest that other cellular oriing,” have been described experimentally and relate to cell memultidirectional pictures of RBCs to elucidate the full dynamics deformation and orientation. These dynamics are governed by entations may be stable (17, chanics. Here, we elucidate the full dynamics of red blood cells in of an RBC in shear flow, and we analyze themore mechanical origin of 18). Furthermore, numerical shear flowrheological by coupling two videomicroscopy approaches provid- viscosity cellular properties, such as internal and the observed dynamics (shapes andof regimes motion). predictions RBCofdeformations show significant discrepancies ing multidirectional pictures of cells, and we analyze the mechanUnder physiological conditions, a mature cell is a biconcave cytoskeleton elasticity. In diseases in which cell rheology is altered with experimental observations. Indeed, experiments report only ical origin of the observed dynamics. We show that contrary to disk about 6–8 μm in diameter and 2 μm thick. Its membrane genetically or by parasitic invasion or by changes in the microenthe bilayer stationary shape of cells steadily aligned in the flow common belief, when red blood cells flip into the flow, their oriconsists of a fluid lipid and anstretched elastic spectrin network vironment, blood by flow may rate. be severely impaired. nonlinear atbilayer high and shear rates, whereas numerical studies predict entation is determined the shear We discuss the “rolling” The lying just beneath the attached to the membranerecent inmotion, similar to a rolling wheel. This motion, which permits the tegral proteins. The inner cell volume is filled with a solution of interplay between cell rheology and flow may generate complex “breathing” dynamic states with strong shape deformations at cells to avoid energetically costly deformations, is a true signature hemoglobin. Although the structure of the RBC is one of the dynamics, which remain largely unexplored experimentally. Under low shear rates for both RBCs and elastic capsules (9–16). of the cytoskeleton elasticity. We highlight a hysteresis cycle and simplest among cells, it nevertheless involves several mechanical simple shear flow, only two motions, “tumbling” and “tank-treadHere, we couple twoandvideomicroscopy approaches providing two transient dynamics driven by the shear rate: an intermittent parameters: viscosities of the hemoglobin solution of the lipid regime during the “tank-treading-to-flipping” transition and a Frisand bending elasticity of the lipid bi- to elucidate the full dynamics ing,” have been described experimentally and relatebilayer, to cellincompressibility memultidirectional pictures of RBCs bee-like “spinning” regime during the “rolling-to-tank-treading” layer, and compressibility and shear elasticity of the spectrin chanics. Here, we elucidate the full dynamics of red blood cells in of an RBC in shear flow, and we cyanalyze the mechanical origin of transition. Finally, we reveal that the biconcave red cell shape is toskeleton. The nonspherical biconcave shape of RBCs enables shear flow by coupling two videomicroscopy approaches providthe observed dynamics (shapes and highly stable under moderate shear stresses, and we interpret this shape changes at constant volume and area. Moreover, the mem- regimes of motion). resultmultidirectional in terms of stress-free shape and ing pictures of elastic cells, buckling. and we analyze the branemechanhas a memory ofUnder its shapephysiological (19): after a shapeconditions, deformation a mature cell is a biconcave induced by an external force, the membrane returns to its initial ical origin of the observed dynamics. We show that contrary to disk about 6–8 μm in diameter and 2 μm thick. Its membrane elastic capsule | low Reynolds number | shape memory | erythrocyte biconcave shape and the membrane elements return to their initial common belief, when red blood cells flip into the flow, their oriconsists of a fluid lipid bilayer and position after removal of the force. The rim, for instance, is always an elastic spectrin network entation determined by the shear We discuss “rolling” justelements. beneath the bilayer and formed by the same lying membrane However, the actual de-attached to the membrane inlood is is a concentrated suspension of cells:rate. 45% in volume is the formation state of the membrane, even in the biconcave state, is motion, similar toblood a rolling motion, which permits the occupied by red cells wheel. (RBCs). This Its fluidity strongly tegral proteins. The inner cell volume is filled with a solution of not known because the stress-free shape of the membrane for depends on its behavior in flow, which is deformations, a key factor of proper cells to avoid energetically costly is a true signature hemoglobin. Although the structure of the RBC is one of the which the strain energy vanishes, has not been determined. tissue perfusion. At the cellular scale, blood flow behavior is of the cytoskeleton elasticity. We highlight a hysteresis cycle and simplest cells, λitisnevertheless For many years, the viscosityamong ratio λ, where the viscosity involves several mechanical affected primarily by the RBC response to the hydrodynamic stress two transient dynamics driven shear inside the cell relative to the viscosity of the suspending parameters: viscosities of thesolution, hemoglobin solution and of the lipid in terms of cell orientation relative to theby flowthe direction andrate: of cellan intermittent hasand been the only mechanical parameter used to describe the deformation. For example, on one hand, at low shear rates, transition similar regime during the “tank-treading-to-flipping” a Frisbilayer, incompressibility and bending elasticity of the lipid bibehavior of RBCs in shear flow observed in pioneering studies cell orientations may favor the formation of stacks (rouleaux) (1) bee-like “spinning” regime during the “rolling-to-tank-treading” layer, and compressibility and shear elasticity of the spectrin cy(2, 20): at high λ, RBCs have been reported to tumble (T), reof RBCs, like rolls of coins, which increases blood viscosity. On the transition. werates, reveal that the biconcave red cell Theflipping nonspherical shape of RBCs enables ferredshape to hereisas thetoskeleton. particular unsteady motion (F) biconcave when other hand, atFinally, high shear the individualization of RBCs, the cell axisthis of symmetry rotates in the shear plane. The nature highly stable and under and we interpret their alignment, theirmoderate stretching in shear the flowstresses, (2) decrease blood shape changes at constant volume and area. Moreover, the memof this motion (rigid-body–like or with membrane movement) viscosityin (3).terms The orientation and the deformation flow of RBCs result of stress-free shape andinelastic buckling. brane has a memory of its shape (19): after a shape deformation are governed by their rheological properties. They result from the and its stability are not experimentally known. At low λ values induced by an external force, the membrane returns to its initial and high shear rates, RBCs have a “fluid-like” tank-treading viscoelastic contributions of all components of the cell composite elastic capsule low Reynolds number shape memory erythrocyte movement in whichbiconcave the membrane rotates around the center of elements return to their initial structure. Moreover, RBC rheological properties also depend on shape and the membrane mass of the cell and has a quasi-stable inclination (TT). The The rim, for instance, is always the microenvironment and on metabolic functionality (4). Both position after removal of the force. Keller and Skalak (KS) analytical model (21), which describes an local and systemic disturbances of homeostasis (in diabetes melformed by the same membrane elements. However, the actual deis a concentrated suspension of cells: 45% in volume is ellipsoid RBC as a viscous of fixed shape, qualitatively recovers litus, lood hypertension) have the potential to induce RBC rheological (T), strongly (TT) as a function of λ. state However, recent experiments even in the biconcave state, is formation of the membrane, alterations and consequently to impaircells blood (RBCs). circulation. ItIts thereoccupied by red blood fluidity revealed new dynamic states specifically due to the shear elas- shape of the membrane for fore is crucial to understand the relationships between the rhenot known because the stress-free depends on its behavior in flow, which is a key factor of proper ological properties of RBCs and their orientation and deformation ticity and the shape memory of the red cell membrane (7, 8): (i) which the strain energy vanishes, has not been determined. tissue perfusion. scale, flow behavior is in flow. This question isAt far the from cellular trivial because evenblood in a simple For many years, the viscosity ratio λ, where λ is the viscosity shear flow, primarily RBCs present variety of dynamic states,to such steady affected bya the RBC response theashydrodynamic stress tank-treading, swinging, unsteady tumbling, and chaotic motion. Author contributions: A.V.inside designed research; J.D. and M.S. performed research; J.D., the cell relative to the viscosity of the suspending solution, in terms of cell orientation relative to the flow directionM.S.,and of cell and A.V. analyzed data; and J.D. and A.V. wrote the paper. To date, there has been little experimental work on the conhas been the only mechanical parameter used to describe the deformation. example, properties on one hand, at low similar The authors declare no conflict of interest. nection between For the mechanical of RBCs and shear their rates, of RBCs in shear flow observed in pioneering studies cell orientations may favor the formation stacks (rouleaux) (1) Directbehavior dynamics in shear flow (5–8), compared with the manyof numerical This article is a PNAS Submission. At the cellular scale, blood fluidity and mass transport depend on 1 Jules Dupire, Annie Viallat the dynamics of redMarius blood cellsSocol, in bloodand flow, specifically on their B | | | B Blood cell - simulations McWhirter et al (2012) New J Phys Vesicles (“artificial” cells) Mai & Eisenberg Chem Soc Rev 2012 between force, per unit 47.55.N!, area on 83.85.Cg a surface and the adjacent PACS numbers: quantified measuring far upstream from vesicles thewas flow. The flow induced in the membrane took the form of stack of suchbyslices a three-dimensional velocity field shear rate, it is natural to ask whether the experimental speed of microspheres as a function of week heightending above the two vortices, rather than the simple overturning flow that setup of Vézy et al. [21] suggests a means to study memP H Y S I Cdroplet A L of R Eone V Ifluid E W in L Ecoverslip. T T E R SShear rates were typically in the range 2013 1 $ "_ $ 19 JULY occur in a hemispherical PRL 111, 038103would (2013) %1 brane fluid mechanics in detail. end, we describe 6 s . PIV was done with Matlab by adapting standard the in background ofcells an immiscible second fluid without vesicles known: internodal of To thethis aquatic plant elbrück on the a method that thedifference setdiameter by shear toofthe code [27] to track small dilute tracers by finding the the membrane [23,24]. This isup attributable Charahere corallina, these canquantifies be cylinders 1flows mm in mbranes [1] it time-averaged fieldVesicles [28]. For three-dimensional adherent vesicles, and, This through a recent calculation of thetonoplast membrane, restricts the flow and up toMembrane 10incompressibility cm long [16]. iswhich subject to [25], n be viewed as Viscosity Determined from Shear-Driven Flow velocity in Giant reconstruction, movies were recorded at !30 frames per field to oneof that is two-dimensionally provides a means determining Thei.e., continuous hydrodynamic shear throughmembrane the actiondivergence ofviscosity. cyto- free, rface viscosity. at intervals of 2–3 !m throughout and above area thevelocimetry vesicle surface method uses particle (PIV) to measureVasily second plasmic streaming, motion image ofonthe cytoplasm surrounding , this viscosity Aurelia R. conserving, Honerkamp-Smith, Francis G.[25]. Woodhouse, Kantsler, and Raymond E. Goldstein vesicles containing microspheres [Fig. 2(b)], giving Since viscosity is the coefficient of proportionality the vacuole [17]. Because of flows its potential role transport he translational the three-dimensional inside andinoutside vesicles, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, two-dimensional velocity field slices [Fig. 2(a)]. From a between force per unit area on a surface and the adjacent [18] and thereparticle is great interest in the the three-dimensional ions within the tracking to monitor shear-induced Wilberforce Road, CambridgemoveCB3 0WA, United Kingdom stack of such slices a three-dimensional velocity field was shear rate, shear-induced it is natural to flows ask whether the the experimental characteristics of such k [3,4] suggests (Received 14[19] January 2013; published 17 July 2013) ment of phase-separated domains within theand membrane, in of Vézy et al.tonoplast [21] suggests role played bysetup the intervening [20]. a means to study memn external flows a microfluidic environment. The viscosity of lipid bilayer membranes brane fluid mechanics in detail. To thisplays end, an weimportant describe role in determining the diffusion constant is viscosity [6]. Figure 1 shows the experimental setup: a vesicle of radius here a method thatand quantifies the flows up by shear of of embedded proteins the dynamics of set membrane deformations, yet it has historically proven very essed as d " !, R, typically in the range of 10–40 !m, adheres to the surface adherent vesicles, and, a recent calculation [25], difficult to measure. Here wethrough introduce a new method based on quantification of the large-scale circulation ! is the bilayer of a patterns microfluidic chamber in the presence of a flow with shear provides a means of determining membrane viscosity. The induced inside vesicles adhered to a solid surface and subjected to simple shear flow in a enders !m very _ The ratemicrofluidic ". chamber, typically 2 mm wide and 200 !m method uses particle image velocimetry (PIV) to deep, measure device. Particle image velocimetry based on spinning disk confocal imaging of tracer cult to measure the three-dimensional flows inside and outside vesicles, is made from polydimethylsiloxane by soft lithography and particles inside and outside of the vesicle and tracking of phase-separated membrane domains are used veloped include and aparticle tracking that to monitor thetreated shear-induced movesealed with glassthe coverslip had been to promote to reconstruct full three-dimensional flow pattern induced by the shear. These measurements show e-bound microment of phase-separated domains within the membrane, vesicle adhesion. Vesicles were produced by standard meth- in analysis, and allow direct determination of excellent agreement with the predictions of a recent theoretical s in multicoma microfluidic environment. ods the of membrane electroformation [26] in 100 mM sucrose with or of fluctuation Figure 1viscosity. shows the experimental setup: a vesicle of radius without R, 0:5typically !m microspheres (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). point [10,11]. in the range of 10–40 !m, adheres to the surface 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.038103 We DOI: chose compositions tothe obtain twoof substantially al experimental of alipid microfluidic chamber in presence a flow with shear PACS numbers:, 47.55.N!, 83.85.Cg differentrate membrane viscosities. One2 mm composition gives _ The chamber, ". typically wide and 200 !mprideep, urface rheology marily liquid-ordered (Lo ) vesicles with by a small fraction ofand is made from polydimethylsiloxane soft lithography observing dy" C): liquid-disordered at room aSaffman glass coverslip thattemperature had been to promote ] or membrane- Ever since d ) phase vesicles known: in internodal cells of the aquatic plant thesealed workwith of(L and Delbrück ontreated the(!23 vesicle adhesion. Vesicles were produced by standard meth- corallina, these can be cylinders 1 mm in diameter cholesterol (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), 55% periments havedynamics40ofmol% Chara inclusions in biological membranes [1] it ods of electroformation [26] in 100and mM5% sucrose with or non-Newtonianhas been DPPC (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine), and up to 10 cm long [16]. This tonoplast is subject to recognized that lipid bilayers can be viewed asDiPhyPC without 0:5 !m microspheres (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). DPPC, DOPC, continuous and hydrodynamic shear through the action of cytoultrathin (diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine). fluid layers endowed with a surface viscosity. We chose lipid compositions to obtain two substantially xtends to flowsAlong with DiPhyPC were purchased from Avanti Polar Lipids plasmic that different of the membrane surrounding fluid, this viscosities. One viscosity composition gives pri- streaming, motion of the cytoplasm surrounding e, as the plantplays an (Alabaster, AL) inand used without further purification. the vacuole [17]. Because of its potential role in transport important role determining the translational marily liquid-ordered (L ) vesicles with a small fraction of o membrane (or Vesicles containing primarily Ld phase with a small " there is great interest in the three-dimensional [18] and rotational diffusion constants inclusions within the fraction liquid-disordered (Lof d ) phase at room temperature (!23 C): he largest lipid FIG. 1of [2]. (color online). Microfluidic gel were made fromshear 85% experiment. DOPC and 15% online). Flow fieldsflows inside[19] an adhering characteristics of such shear-induced and thevesicle in membrane Adomains ofcholesterol theoretical work [3,4] suggests 40body mol% (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), 55% FIG. 2 (color (a) Schematic of the chamber (not to scale) and flows. shear. DPPC. The Ld(dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine), phasesofwere labeled with 0.5% DPPC andTexasRed5% DiPhyPC role played by(a) theExperimental intervening two-dimensional tonoplast [20]. PIV velocity fields at that (b) nonequilibrium dynamics vesicles in external flows Confocal imaging reconstruction of an adhering hemispheriDPPE (Invitrogen). Coverslips cleaned (diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine). DPPC,aggressively [5] can also be vesicle sensitive to the value of were this viscosity [6].DOPC, and heights z=R ¼ 0:26, 0.47, 0.71 above coverslip. (b) Confocal phase with small L domains visible on its surface. cal L o d nder the terms of slices at same fractional heights as (a) show vesicle (red) were Polar Lipids inTracking NaOHDiPhyPC and soaked apurchased solution offrom 0.001% for be asAvanti d polylysine " membrane viscosity !mincan background (c) and!,Ld (c)–(d) of gel domains in Ldexpressed e. Further distri-As the (Alabaster, AL) and used purification. containing fluorescent microspheres. (c) Theoretical twominutes for usethickness with Ld phase vesicles, orapex in at 0.0005% d 30 is in the and !without is vesicle the further bilayer domains Lomembrane background (d), flowing across the the author(s) andwhere Vesicles containing primarily L a small fraction dimensional velocity fields [25] for a sheared hemispherical d phase polyethylenimine for scale 5inminutes for uses). with L phase nd DOI. (tracks color-coded time over $2:6 ¼ 2:6 s!1 the o very fluid"_ viscosity, nanometric of d renders !with m z=R online). ¼ 0:3, 0.5, 0.7.fields Interior exterior vesicle PIV vectors ofVesicles gel domains were made from 85% DOPC 15% vesicle FIG. 2at(color Flow insideand an adhering in vesicles. were gently osmotically deflated byand dilutsmall. Not surprisingly, it has proven difficult to measure in each panel of (a) and (c) have been rescaled for visual clarity. shear. (a) Experimental two-dimensional PIV velocity fields at DPPC. The Ld phases were labeled with 0.5% TexasReding into 130 mM glucose and 10 mM HEPES shortly before ; ingenious techniques that have been developed include ! (d) Experimental streamlines the three-dimensional velocity m heights z=R ¼ 0:26, 0.47, 0.71ofabove coverslip. (b) Confocal 038103-1 Published by the American Society DPPE (Invitrogen). CoverslipsPhysical were cleaned aggressively loading into the chamber. measurements ofin the motion of membrane-bound microobtained by fractional integrating two-dimensional fields, slices at same heights (a) show flow vesicle (red)comNaOH and soaked in a solution of 0.001% polylysine for field were made on a Zeiss Cell Observer spincontaining fluorescent microspheres. pared with theory (e). Large arrows in (c) (a), Theoretical (d), and (e) twoindicate spheres [7],Measurements diffusion constants of domains in multicom- 03 PRL 111, 038103 (2013) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending 19 JULY 2013 Membrane Viscosity Determined from Shear-Driven Flow in Giant Vesicles Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Francis G. Woodhouse, Vasily Kantsler, and Raymond E. Goldstein PHYSIC Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, United Kingdom week ending (Received AL REVIEW LE T T E14RJanuary S 2013; published 17 July 2013) 19 JULY 2013 The viscosity of lipid bilayer membranes plays an important role in determining the diffusion constant of embedded proteins and the dynamics of membrane deformations, yet it has historically proven very y relation. Figure 2(d) difficult to measure. Here we introduce a new method based on quantification of the large-scale circulation uch streamlines. patterns induced inside vesicles adhered to a solid surface and subjected to simple shear flow in a microfluidic device. Particle image velocimetry based on spinning disk confocal imaging of tracer nd around the vesicle, particles inside and outside of the vesicle and tracking of phase-separated membrane domains are used cent calculation [25]. to reconstruct the full three-dimensional flow pattern induced by the shear. These measurements show erical cap of radiusexcellent R agreement with the predictions of a recent theoretical analysis, and allow direct determination of the membrane viscosity. to the plane z ¼ 0, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.038103 PACS numbers:, 47.55.N!, 83.85.Cg centered at the origin. he vesicle (r < R), the vesicles known: in internodal cells of the aquatic plant Ever since rnal fluid viscosity #the þ work of Saffman and Delbrück on the Chara corallina, these can be cylinders 1 mm in diameter of inclusions in biological membranes [1] it y fields: u"dynamics inside the and up to 10 cm long [16]. This tonoplast is subject to has been recognized that lipid bilayers can be viewed as m u of the ultrathin membrane, continuous hydrodynamic shear through the action of cytofluid layers endowed with a surface viscosity. plasmic streaming, motion of the cytoplasm surrounding Alongexternal with that of the surrounding fluid, this viscosity a)]. The two the vacuole [17]. Because of its potential role in transport plays an important role in determining the translational compressibility equa[18] there is great interest in the three-dimensional and rotational diffusion constants of inclusions within the characteristics and of suchexternal shear-induced flows [19] and the membrane [2]. A bodyFIG. of theoretical work [3,4] suggests Membrane u$ ¼ 0, with far-field 3 (color online). flows. role played by the intervening tonoplast [20]. that nonequilibrium dynamics of vesicles in external flows the no-slip[5]condition (a)toSelected streamlines along one side of an Lo vesicle can also be sensitive the value ofexternal this viscosity [6]. be expressed as dclosed " !, orbits above the surface. (b) TimeAs the membrane viscosity !m canflow, in shear showing no radial penetration, d is the membrane thickness and ! stack is the bilayer lapse confocal of an Lo vesicle, viewed from above, es must bewhere continuous fluid viscosity, the nanometric scale of d renders !m very " of Ld domains. at r ¼ R, and small. Notthus surprisingly,illustrating it has proven circulation difficult to measure ; ingenious that have been developed include m¼ um ¼ 0 at !!measurements %=2. techniques of the motion of membrane-bound uids’ normal stresses spheres [7], diffusion constants of domains in multicom- PRL 111, 038103 (2013) week ending 19 JULY 2013 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Membrane Viscosity Determined from Shear-Driven Flow in Giant Vesicles Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Francis G. Woodhouse, Vasily Kantsler, and Raymond E. Goldstein Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, United Kingdom (Received 14 January 2013; published 17 July 2013) The viscosity of lipid bilayer membranes plays an important role in determining the diffusion constant of embedded proteins and the dynamics of membrane deformations, yet it has historically proven very difficult to measure. Here we introduce a new method based on quantification of the large-scale circulation patterns induced inside vesicles adhered to a solid surface and subjected to simple shear flow in a microfluidic device. Particle image velocimetry based on spinning disk confocal imaging of tracer particles inside and outside of the vesicle and tracking of phase-separated membrane domains are used to reconstruct the full three-dimensional flow pattern induced by the shear. These measurements show excellent agreement with the predictions of a recent theoretical analysis, and allow direct determination of the membrane viscosity. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.038103 Ever since the work of Saffman and Delbrück on the dynamics of inclusions in biological membranes [1] it has been recognized that lipid bilayers can be viewed as ultrathin fluid layers endowed with a surface viscosity. Along with that of the surrounding fluid, this viscosity plays an important role in determining the translational and rotational diffusion constants of inclusions within the membrane [2]. A body of theoretical work [3,4] suggests that nonequilibrium dynamics of vesicles in external flows [5] can also be sensitive to the value of this viscosity [6]. As the membrane viscosity !m can be expressed as d " !, where d is the membrane thickness and ! is the bilayer PACS numbers:, 47.55.N!, 83.85.Cg vesicles known: in internodal cells of the aquatic plant Chara corallina, these can be cylinders 1 mm in diameter and up to 10 cm long [16]. This tonoplast is subject to continuous hydrodynamic shear through the action of cytoplasmic streaming, motion of the cytoplasm surrounding the vacuole [17]. Because of its potential role in transport [18] there is great interest in the three-dimensional characteristics of such shear-induced flows [19] and the role played by the intervening tonoplast [20]. Dynamics of a vesicle in general flow viscosities quantitative of the inner discrepancy and outer fluids. Another analytical microfluidic 4-roll mill device (23,24) manufactured in silicone observable with simulations. approach based on a quasi-spherical vesicle approximated by a elastomer by soft lithography (Fig. 1). Particle tracking veloci1 J.spherical Deschamps, V. Kantsler, Segre, and V. Steinberg harmonics expansion E. used a perturbation scheme metry (PTV) measurements show fair agreement with numerical around the Lamb solution of the Stokes flow near a spherical Department of and Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 76100 Israel body in external shear flow (1). Further refinement of the modelSI simulations high flow uniformity (Fig. 2 and Appendix). The experiments were performed in the following way. A !1 resulted in dynamic equations for vesicle shape and inclination Author contributions: V.K. and V.S. designed research; J.D. performed research; J.D., V.K., that of ! /sV.S. was The accessible range ofUniversity s was [0.05–0.32] s and vesicle with given and #, measured Edited Harry Swinney, of Texas at motion Austin, Austin, and approved May 2009 (received forRreview March 11, 2009) initially in situ in the same and analyzed data;6, and V.S. wrote the paper. angle by (3,4) and L. described rather well both the TT and the TX, E.S., [1.18–9.23]. reduce error by bars S and ", the geometrical device, was followed at a prescribed value of !/s and s in the The authors declare no conflict of interest. "c(!), as verified the on recent experiments transition lineTo An approach toand quantitatively study vesicle dynamics asinwell as stronger vesicle shape deformations a new 1 observation window. A feedback(3,17). in the Moreover, flow velocity was used to parameters R # of each vesicle were measured situ from (16–18). However, the recent experimental key finding of a new This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. J. Deschamps, micro-objects V. Kantsler, E.fluid Segre, and V. Steinberg biologically-related in a flow, which is based on aspect is the dependence on $̇ of the separate regions 1To whom type of unsteady motion, which we dubbed trembling (TR), led correspondence shouldabevesicle addressed. E-mail: hold in the field of view for up to 10 TU/TRofperiods. a 3D reconstruction of its shape (20) in TT motion at low S, with to reconsider bothof theoretical models (17). TRadiffers from TU the combination a dynamical trap and control parameter, the existence of TR and TU (17). Precisely these features changed This article contains supporting information online at Department Physics Systems, of Science, 76100 Israelspace of parameters (S, "), vesicles with To Rehovot, explore the whole mean errors ofin1.7% onofthan RComplex and 6.1% on #Weizmann within theInstitute range [0.3, by oscillations 0902657106/DCSupplemental. % of to less !/2of(rather 2! ) and by ratio of the vorticity the strain rate, isthan suggested. The flow is the idea of vesicle dynamics as smooth and shape-preserved Dynamics of a vesicle in general flow APPLIED PHYSICAL SCIENCES " $ 1 wereshearing, used in this work, theremotion various offor R and #adequate were loaded and individually observed, 2.5]. Since only vesicles with rotational, continuously varied betweenUniversity and elongaand values called an (received theoretical description. Edited by Harry L. Swinney, of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, and approved May 6, 2009 for review March 11, 2009) !"cgi"doi"10.1073"pnas.0902657106 /s was varied in were steps suggested during thetoexperiment changing is no –11447 error from this (20). trap, Errors fromSeveral and theoretical 11444 ! contribution PNAS ! July 14, 2009 ! vol. 106 parameter ! no. 28 dynamical tional in a microfluidic 4-roll mill device, the that models describe thebydyis theinpressure difference between 2 inlets(3,17). (see 1). non-uniformity of fieldstudy were below 2%; thati.e., cumuall 3stronger states shear flow, their regions of existence, and Fig. allows scanning to of the the velocity entire phase diagram of motions, An approach quantitatively vesicle dynamics as namics well#P, asofwhich vesicle shape deformations Moreover, a new In this way the space of parameters (S, ") was populated with lates to overall mean errors of 8.7% on S and of 2% on ". transitions (5,7,13). As we have verified recently, only the 1 of tank-treading (TT), tumbling (TU), and trembling (TR), using a biologically-related micro-objects in a fluid flow, which is based on aspect is the dependence on $̇ of the separate regions of them presented in ref. 5 describes adequately the experimental single vesicle even at ! " #in/#out " 1, where #in and #out are the the combination of a dynamical trap and a control parameter, existence of ofTR TUwhich (17).isPrecisely these features changed data the (20). The main result thisand model, based on the viscosities of the inner and outer fluids. This cannot be achieved in ratioshear of the the strain rate,TTisand suggested. flow is theof !# idea vesicle as smooth #1, of second orderdynamics spherical harmonics, andand shape-preserved pure flow,vorticity where theto transition between either TU orThe approximation continuously varied rotational, shearing, and elongamotion and called forsolution, an adequate theoretical description. neglecting thermal noise, is a self-similar which reduces As a result, it is found that the vesicle TR is attained only at !>1.between the number of the dimensionless control parameters to just 2: S to describe the dydynamical states in a general are presented by the phase diagram tional in a microfluidic 4-roll mill device, the dynamical trap, that Several theoretical models were suggested 3 $ $ $ / 3&! and %' 4(1 & 23 30! , where & ' 7!$̇# in a space scanning of only 2 dimensionless control parameters. The findings of all 3 states in"/32) shear!/ flow, their regions of existence, and allows of the entire phase diagram of motions, i.e.,outR namics is the bending elasticity [taken further as & " 25 kBT'10(12 erg are in semiquantitative accord with the recent theory made for a transitions (5,7,13). As we have verified recently, only the 1 of tank-treading (TT), tumbling (TU), and trembling (TR), using a (21)]. The phase diagram of the vesicle dynamical states is quasi-spherical vesicle, although vesicles with large deviations them presentedbyinthe ref. 5 describes adequately the experimental " #in/experimentally. #out " 1, where #out 2-dimensional, are the single vesicleshape evenwere at !studied in andof parameterized variables (S,%), and indefrom spherical The# physics data (20). The main result of this model, which is based on the viscosities of the inner and outer fluids. This cannot be achieved in of other geometrical parameters. To scan all 3 regimes pendent TR is also uncovered. of TU motion to trace transitions among in aorder shear spherical flow, approximation of !# #1, them second harmonics, and pure shear flow, where the transition between TT and either or and $̇ and " , that is change the viscosities of one should vary both neglecting thermal noise, is a self-similar solution, which reduces !>1. As result, itremains is found TR isnderstanding attained only the at rheology of abiofluids a that great the vesicle inner and outer which is an impossible task to realize on challenge, whose relies, a large part,by onthe detailed thefluids, number of the dimensionless control parameters to just 2: S dynamical states inprogress a general areinpresented phase diagram an individual vesicle. Because of topology of the phase diagram 3/ $ studies of the dynamics of a single cell. Vesicles are a model $!/$30!, where & !$̇#outRpossibility 3&! and 4(1vesicle & 23"is/32) ' 7remaining in a space of only 2 dimensionless control parameters. The findings (5,20), the only with%a ' single to system used to study the dynamic behavior of biological cells, (12 is the bending elasticity [taken erg are in semiquantitative accord with the recent theory made fortransitions a scan from TU to TR by varying $̇. further as & " 25 kBT'10 similar in some respects to red blood cells, and their dynamics in This limitation overcome a general of flow, the dynamical states is (21)].is The phasein diagram thewhere vesicle quasi-spherical vesicle, although vesicles with large shear flow have been the subject of intensive theoretical (1–8), deviations velocity gradient can be written as ' V " s & ( ) , where sik i k ik ikj the j 2-dimensional, parameterized by variables (S,%), and indefrom spherical were studied experimentally. numerical (9–13),shape and experimental (14–18) investigations.The physics of is the symmetric strain tensor, ) the vorticity vector, and s " j pendent of other geometrical parameters. To scan all 3 regimes is a droplet of viscous fluid encapsulated by a TRA isvesicle also uncovered. $ 2 A B U tr(sik)/2 the strain rate. The corresponding control parameters phospholipid bilayer membrane suspended in a fluid of either motion and transitions among for vesicles inofgeneral flow (5)to aretrace S '14 !s#outR3/3$ 3&! andthem in a shear flow, the same or different viscosity as the inner one. Both the volume $̇ and ", we that is change the viscosities of one vary $!()/s)/ $30both % " 4 (1 & 23 "/32)should !. In this paper, report the nderstanding of biofluids and the surface area ofthe the rheology vesicle are conserved. The remains former a great inner and outer fluids, which is an impossible task to realize on phase diagram in such general flow. This approach uses an whose progress relies, in atolarge part, on detailed meanschallenge, that the vesicle membrane is considered be impermeadditional control parameter vesicle. )/s, whichBecause is fixed toof unity in shearof the phase diagram an individual topology able, at least time scale of of the experiment, the latter studies of on thethedynamics a single cell. and Vesicles are a flow model (s " ) " $̇ /2), to study vesicle dynamics [it was suggested (5,20), the only remaining possibility with a single vesicle is to means the membrane dilatation is neglected since is 2D systemthat used to study the dynamic behavior ofitbiological cells, first by G. I. Taylor to study emulsions in a 4-roll mill (22)]. The scan transitions from TU in to the TR experiment, by varying $̇. fluid (1,2). theoretical, and computational efforts similar inExperimental, some respects to redwhose blood cells,defines and their dynamics in ratio can be easily variedbycontinuously tic of the microfluidic 4-roll mill device; Q1during and Qthe the flow discharges, ratio the flow type. The flow is driven gravity, 2 are last decade led to the observation and characterizaThis limitation is overcome in from a general flow, where the evidencing TT to either TU or TR and TU shear the subject of Q intensive theoretical (1–8), n the pressure drop P0 and the pressure difference between 2been inlets #P determines (B) fexistence $ (1 ! !/s)/(1% !/s) as transitions a functionfrom of the reduced 1/Q2.The tion of 3flow stateshave in vesicle dynamics in shear flow. velocity cangiven be written as 'i"V. k The " sik & (ikj)j, where sik to TR on the same gradient vesicle with R, !, and numerical of the firstsquares, 2,(9–13), tank-treading (TT) squares, and tumbling and the P0). Inset: s as a function of (1 ! #P/P0). Large filled P0and $ P; experimental open P(14–18) 4/3P;investigations. small filled circles, P0 $ 5/3P, open circles, P0 $ 0 $(TU), experimentalispath the phase diagram depends the the across symmetric strain tensor, )j theonvorticity vector, and s " A3Dvesicle is athem droplet offlow. viscous fluid by a to soft transition between were already predicted by aencapsulated phenomonfiguration P&750 Pa). The solid line is the FEM simulation of the Experimental imperfections due lithography lead to varied. The possibility to 2way )/s and initial state and the s are $ tr(sik)/2 the strain rate. The corresponding control parameters enological modelbilayer of Keller and Skalak (19) and its phospholipid membrane suspended in afurther fluid ofobserve either all dynamical tive discrepancy with simulations. statesinwith the same vesicle, evenSfor " "!s# R3/3$3&! and for vesicles general flow (5) are '14 out extensions (2,11,12). Twoviscosity control parameters, theone. excess areathe volume the same or different as the inner Both 1 used in the current experiment, $ complements the previous 2-4! and the viscosity contrast " " # /# $ % the " 4shear (1 & 23dynamics "/32) !( )/s)/ 30 !.the Inother this paper, we report the ! " A/R out, determine based on flow (2–4,7–20). On and the surface area of the vesicle arein conserved. The views former the transition line "c(!) between TT and TU, which is indepenphase diagram such flow. This approach uses an hand, the experimental approachin used heregeneral will be advantageous means that therate vesicle membrane is considered to be imperme$̇ The in the approximation of were a fixed performed vesicle dent of the shear high flow uniformity (Fig. 2 and SI Appendix). experiments in the following way. A additional control parameter ) /s, which is fixed to unity in shear to study the dynamics of other flexible microobjects, including able, at least on the time scale of the experiment, and the latter % with respect to the flow shape, with the vesicle inclination angle !1 and that Fig. 2. (A) streamlines images of theR velocity for pure rotational (first column, $ 43), (second column, !/s $ 2.6) and pure shear biological membranes and red cells, in flow. of ! /sasExperimental wasonly dynamical nge of s was [0.05–0.32] s vesicle with given andfields #, measured initially in situ in) the same flow (s!/s" "mixed $̇blood /2), to study vesicle dynamics [it was suggested direction variable (2,9,10,16–19). R it means that the (B) membrane dilatation is neglected since is 2D (third, !/s $ 1)the flows; Zoom of the same experimental flows;Here, (C) velocity vector field representation of the same flows (PTV). first I. Taylor to study emulsions in a 4-roll mill (22)]. The /s G. and s in the educe error bars on S and ", theisfluid geometrical was followed at aviaprescribed value of !by the effective vesicledevice, radius, theoretical, related to theand volume V " Results and Discussion (1,2). Experimental, computational efforts ratio canvesicle be used easily continuously in the experiment, R3, A from is the vesicle surface area, window. and #in andA#feedback out are the inMeasurements observation the flow velocity to varied d # of each vesicle were measured4/3 in!situ of the was dynamics were conducted in a during the last decade led to the observation and characterizaDeschamps al. the inner and outer fluids. Another analytical PNAS ! July 14,from 2009 !TT 106 ! no.TU 28 !or11445 viscositiesetof evidencing transitions either TR and from TU microfluidic 4-roll mill device (23,24) manufactured in silicone vesicle ininthe field of The view for up to 10 TU/TR periods. ion of its shape (20) in TT motion at lowofS,3based with tion states vesiclea dynamics shear flow. approach onin a hold quasi-spherical vesicle approximated by a existence on the(Fig. same vesicletracking with given elastomer byto softTR lithography 1). Particle veloci- R, !, and ". The ofrange the first 2, tank-treading (TT) tumbling (TU), and the To explore the whole space of parameters (S, "), vesicles with 7% on R and of 6.1% on # within the [0.3, spherical harmonics expansion used a and perturbation scheme metry (PTV)experimental measurements show agreement numerical pathfairacross the with phase diagram depends on the transition between them were already predicted byloaded a phenomLamb solution of the Stokes near # a spherical work,thethere various values offlow R and were and individually observed, esicles with " $ 1 were used in thisaround U Dynamics of a vesicle in general flow viscosities of the inner and outer fluids. Another analytical microfluidic 4-roll mill device (23,24) manufactured in silicone approach based on a quasi-spherical vesicle approximated by a elastomer by soft lithography (Fig. 1). Particle tracking veloci1 J.spherical Deschamps, V. Kantsler, Segre, and V. Steinberg harmonics expansion E. used a perturbation scheme metry (PTV) measurements show fair agreement with numerical around the Lamb solution of the Stokes flow near a spherical Department of Physics Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute body in external shearof flow (1). Further refinement of the modelof Science, Rehovot, 76100 Israel resulted in dynamic equations for vesicle shape and inclination Author contributions: V.K. and V.S. designed research; J.D. performed research; J.D., V.K., Edited Harry Swinney,rather University of Texas at motion Austin, and Austin, andand approved May 2009 (received for review March 11, 2009) V.S. analyzed data;6, and V.S. wrote the paper. angle by (3,4) and L. described well both the TT the TX, E.S., The authors declare no conflict of interest. transition line "c(!), as verified by the recent experiments An approach to quantitatively study vesicle dynamics as well as stronger vesicle shape deformations (3,17). Moreover, a new 1 Direct Submission. (16–18). However, theV. recent experimental key finding of a new This article is a PNAS J. Deschamps, Kantsler, E. Segre, and V. Steinberg biologically-related micro-objects in a fluid flow,(TR), whichled is based on correspondence aspectshould is be the dependence on $̇ of the separate regions of 1To whom type of unsteady motion, which we dubbed trembling addressed. E-mail: to reconsider bothof theoretical models (17). TRadiffers from TU the combination a dynamical trap and control parameter, the existence of TR and TU (17). Precisely these features changed This article contains supporting information online at Department of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 76100 Israel by oscillations in Physics 0902657106/DCSupplemental. % of to lessof than !/2 (rather 2!) and by ratio of the vorticity the strain rate, isthan suggested. The flow is the idea of vesicle dynamics as smooth and shape-preserved Dynamics of a vesicle in general flow A continuously varied betweenUniversity rotational, shearing, and elongaand called for2009 an (received adequatefor theoretical description. Edited by Harry L. Swinney, of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX,motion and approved May 6, review March 11, 2009) 11444 –11447 ! PNAS ! July 14, 2009 mill ! vol.device, 106 ! no. 28 dynamical trap, that"cgi"doi"10.1073"pnas.0902657106 tional in a microfluidic 4-roll the Several theoretical models were suggested to describe the dystates in shear flow,shape their regions of existence, and Moreover, a new allows scanning to of quantitatively the entire phasestudy diagram of motions, i.e., as namics An approach vesicle dynamics well asof all 3stronger vesicle deformations (3,17). transitions have verified recently, 1 of separate regions of tank-treading (TT), tumbling (TU), andin trembling (TR), which using ais based biologically-related micro-objects a fluid flow, on (5,7,13). aspectAsiswethe dependence on only $̇ ofthethe them presented in ref. 5 describes adequately the experimental single vesicle even at ! " #in/#out " 1, where #in and #out are the B combination of a dynamical trap and a control parameter, the existence of ofTR TUwhich (17).isPrecisely these features changed data the (20). The main result thisand model, based on the viscosities of the inner and outer fluids. This cannot be achieved in ratioshear of the the strain rate,TTisand suggested. flow is theof !# idea vesicle as smooth #1, of second orderdynamics spherical harmonics, andand shape-preserved pure flow,vorticity where theto transition between either TU orThe approximation continuously varied rotational, shearing, and elongamotion and called forsolution, an adequate theoretical description. neglecting thermal noise, is a self-similar which reduces As a result, it is found that the vesicle TR is attained only at !>1.between the number of the dimensionless control parameters to just 2: S to describe the dydynamical states in a general are presented by the phase diagram tional in a microfluidic 4-roll mill device, the dynamical trap, that Several theoretical models were suggested 3 $ $ $ / 3&! and %' 4(1 & 23 30! , where & ' 7!$̇# in a space scanning of only 2 dimensionless control parameters. The findings of all 3 states in"/32) shear!/ flow, their regions of existence, and allows of the entire phase diagram of motions, i.e.,outR namics is the bending elasticity [taken further as & " 25 kBT'10(12 erg are in semiquantitative accord with the recent theory made for a transitions (5,7,13). As we have verified recently, only the 1 of tank-treading (TT), tumbling (TU), and trembling (TR), using a (21)]. The phase diagram of the vesicle dynamical states is quasi-spherical vesicle, although vesicles with large deviations them presentedbyinthe ref. 5 describes adequately the experimental " #in/experimentally. #out " 1, where #out 2-dimensional, are the single vesicleshape evenwere at !studied in andof parameterized variables (S,%), and indefrom spherical The# physics data (20). The main result of this model, which is based on the viscosities of the inner and outer fluids. This cannot be achieved in of other geometrical parameters. To scan all 3 regimes pendent TR is also uncovered. of TU motion to trace transitions among in aorder shear spherical flow, approximation of !# #1, them second harmonics, and pure shear flow, where the transition between TT and either or and $̇ and " , that is change the viscosities of one should vary both neglecting thermal noise, is a self-similar solution, which reduces !>1. As result, itremains is found TR isnderstanding attained only the at rheology of abiofluids a that great the vesicle Fig. 1. (A) Schematic of the microfluidic 4-roll mill device; Q1 and Q2 are the flow discharges, whose ratio defines the flow type. The flow is driven by gravity, inner and outer which is an impossible task to realize on and the ratio between the pressure drop P0 and the pressure difference between 2challenge, inlets #P determines Q1/Q (B) (1 ! !/s)/(1% !/s) as function of the reduced whose relies, inapresented a large part, onthe detailed thefluids, number of the dimensionless control parameters to just 2: S dynamical states in2.progress af $general are by phase diagram an individual vesicle. Because of topology of the phase diagram pressure drop (1- #P/P0). Inset: s as a function of (1 ! #P/P0). Large filled squares, P0 $ P; open squares, P0 $ 4/3P; small filled circles, P0 $ 5/3P, open circles, P0 $ 3/ $ studies of the dynamics of a single cell. Vesicles are a model $!/$30!, where & !$̇#outRpossibility 3&! and 4(1vesicle & 23"is/32) ' 7remaining 2P (in our specific configuration P&750 Pa). The solid line is the 3D FEMin simulation of theof flow. Experimental imperfections due to soft lithography lead to a space only 2 dimensionless control parameters. The findings (5,20), the only with%a ' single to observable quantitative discrepancy with simulations. system used to study the dynamic behavior of biological cells, (12 is the bending elasticity [taken erg are in semiquantitative accord with the recent theory made fortransitions a scan from TU to TR by varying $̇. further as & " 25 kBT'10 similar in some respects to red blood cells, and their dynamics in This limitation overcome a general of flow, the dynamical states is (21)].is The phasein diagram thewhere vesicle quasi-spherical vesicle, although vesicles with large shear flow been the subject theoretical (1–8), deviations simulations and high flow uniformity (Fig. 2 and SI Appendix). The have experiments were performedofinintensive the following way. A velocity gradient can be written as ' V " s & ( ) , where sik i k ik ikj the j 2-dimensional, parameterized by variables (S,%), and indefromvesicle spherical shape studied experimentally. The physics of was The accessible range of s was [0.05–0.32] s!1 and that of !/s numerical with given R andexperimental #,were measured initially in situ in the same (9–13), and (14–18) investigations. is the symmetric strain tensor, ) the vorticity vector, and s " j ! /s and s in the 1.18–9.23]. To reduce error bars on S and ", the geometricalA vesicle device, was followed at a prescribed value of pendent of other geometrical parameters. To scan all 3 regimes is a droplet of viscous fluid encapsulated by a TR isobservation also uncovered. 2 $tr(sik window. A feedback in the flow velocity was used to parameters R and # of each vesicle were measured in situ from )/2 the strain rate. The corresponding control parameters phospholipid bilayer membrane suspended in a fluid of either motion and transitions among hold a vesicle in the field of view for up to 10 TU/TR periods. a 3D reconstruction of its shape (20) in TT motion at low S, with for vesicles inofgeneral flow (5)to aretrace S '14 !s#outR3/3$ 3&! andthem in a shear flow, the same or different viscosity as the inner one. Both the volume To explore the whole space of parameters (S, "), vesicles with mean errors of 1.7% on R and of 6.1% on # within the range [0.3, $̇ and ", we that is change the viscosities of one vary $!()/s)/ $30both % " 4 (1 & 23 "/32)should !. In this paper, report the nderstanding of biofluids various values of R and # the wererheology loaded and individually observed, 2.5]. Since only vesicles with " $ 1 were used in this work, there and the surface area ofthe vesicle are conserved. The remains former a great inner and outer fluids, which is an impossible task to realize on phase diagram in such general flow. This approach uses an !/s was varied in steps progress during the experiment by changing s no error contribution from this parameter (20). Errors from and challenge, whose relies, in atolarge part, on detailed means that the vesicle membrane is considered be imperme#P, which is the pressure difference between 2 inlets (see Fig. 1). non-uniformity of the velocity field were below 2%; that cumuadditional control parameter vesicle. )/s, whichBecause is fixed toof unity in shearof the phase diagram an individual topology at time scale of of the experiment, studies ofwayon the dynamics a(S, single cell. and Vesicles are a flow model In least this thethe space of parameters ") was populated with the latter ates to overall mean errors of 8.7% on S and of 2% on ".able, (s " ) " $̇ /2), to study vesicle dynamics [it was suggested (5,20), the only remaining possibility with a single vesicle is to means the membrane dilatation is neglected since is 2D systemthat used to study the dynamic behavior ofitbiological cells, first by G. I. Taylor to study emulsions in a 4-roll mill (22)]. The scan transitions from TU to TR by varying $̇. fluid (1,2). theoretical, and computational efforts similar inExperimental, some respects to red blood cells, and their dynamics ratio in can be easily varied continuously in the experiment, during the last decade led to the observation and characterizaThis from limitation is overcome in from a general flow, where the TT to either TU or TR and TU shear beendynamics the subject of intensive theoreticalevidencing (1–8), transitions tion of 3flow stateshave in vesicle in shear flow. The existence velocity cangiven be written as 'i"V. k The " sik & (ikj)j, where sik to TR on the same gradient vesicle with R, !, and numerical and experimental (14–18) of the first 2,(9–13), tank-treading (TT) and tumbling (TU),investigations. and the experimentalispath the phase diagram depends the the across symmetric strain tensor, )j theonvorticity vector, and s " A vesicle is athem droplet of viscous fluid by a transition between were already predicted by aencapsulated phenom2way )/s and s are varied. The possibility to initial state and the $ tr(sik)/2 the strain rate. The corresponding control parameters enological modelbilayer of Keller and Skalak (19) and its phospholipid membrane suspended in afurther fluid ofobserve either all dynamical statesinwith the same vesicle, evenSfor " "!s# R3/3$3&! and for vesicles general flow (5) are '14 out extensions (2,11,12). Twoviscosity control parameters, theone. excess areathe volume the same or different as the inner Both 1 used in the current experiment, $ complements the previous 2-4! and the viscosity contrast " " # /# $ % the " 4shear (1 & 23dynamics "/32) !( )/s)/ 30 !.the Inother this paper, we report the ! " A/R out, determine based on flow (2–4,7–20). On and the surface area of the vesicle arein conserved. The views former the transition line "c(!) between TT and TU, which is indepenphase diagram such flow. This approach uses an hand, the experimental approachin used heregeneral will be advantageous means that therate vesicle membrane is considered to be imperme$̇ in the approximation of a fixed vesicle dent of the shear additional control parameter ) /s, which is fixed to unity in shear study the dynamics of other flexible microobjects, including able, with at least on the time scale of% the and theto latter withexperiment, respect to the flow shape, the vesicle inclination angle biological membranes and cells, in flow. flow (s " ) red " $̇blood /2), to study vesicle dynamics [it was suggested direction as thethe onlymembrane dynamical variable (2,9,10,16–19). Here, R it is 2D means that dilatation is neglected since first by G. I. Taylor to study emulsions in a 4-roll mill (22)]. The isfluid the effective vesicle radius, theoretical, related to theand volume via V " Results and Discussion (1,2). Experimental, computational efforts ratio can be easily varied continuously in the experiment, 4/3!R3, A is the vesicle surface area, and #in and #out are the Measurements of the vesicle dynamics were conducted in a during the last decade led to the observation and characterizaviscosities of the inner and outer fluids. Another analytical transitions from TT to either TU or TR and from TU microfluidic evidencing 4-roll mill device (23,24) manufactured in silicone tion of 3based states vesicle dynamics in approximated shear flow. The approach onin a quasi-spherical vesicle by a existence on the(Fig. same vesicletracking with given elastomer byto softTR lithography 1). Particle veloci- R, !, and ". The of the first 2, tank-treading (TT)a and tumbling (TU), and the spherical harmonics expansion used perturbation scheme metry (PTV)experimental measurements show agreement numerical pathfairacross the with phase diagram depends on the transition between them were already by a phenomaround the Lamb solution of the Stokes flow predicted near a spherical U APPLIED PHYSICAL SCIENCES U NATURE | VOL 423 | 8 MAY 2003 | © 2003 letters to nature been identified as possible associates of Přı́bram11,12. In summer 2000, 4486 Mithra was well placed for observations by radar from Arecibo and Goldstone. The object was found to be in unusual spin state, double-lobed, and more severely bifurcated than any other near-Earth asteroid targeted previously17. Such objects are typically believed to be ‘rubble piles’, loosely bound by gravitation. During close encounters with planets, these objects would be exposed to tidal forces that could lead to their disruption or to the detachment of significant amounts of near-surface rubble that would then be found in orbits similar to that of the parent. This model could possibly resolve the paradox of young streams containing different classes of objects of long cosmic-ray exposure. Further discussions of the origin of the ‘Přı́bram stream’ must await the final results of the laboratory analyses of Neuschwanstein; more data could be gained from clear identification of other members of this stream (either meteorites or asteroids) in the future. The Neuschwanstein and Přı́bram meteorites bring new information to the discussions of the mechanisms of meteorite delivery to the Earth, and demonstrate the importance of long-term fireball observing programmes. A Received 23 January; accepted 28 March 2003; doi:10.1038/nature01592. 1. Ceplecha, Z. Multiple fall of Přı́bram meteorites photographed. Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 12, 21–47 (1961). 2. Bischoff, A. & Zipfel, J. Mineralogy of the Neuschwanstein (EL6) chondrite—first results. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXXIV, abstr. 1212 (2003). 3. Ceplecha, Z. Geometric, dynamic, orbital and photometric data on meteoroids from photographic fireball networks. Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 38, 222–234 (1987). 4. Borovička, J., Spurný, P. & Keclı́ková, J. A new positional astrometric method for all-sky cameras. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 112, 173–178 (1995). 5. Ceplecha, Z., Spurný, P., Borovička, J. & Keclı́ková, J. Atmospheric fragmentation of meteoroids. Astron. Astrophys. 279, 615–626 (1993). 6. Borovička, J., Spurný, P. & Ceplecha, Z. The Morávka meteorite fall: Fireball trajectory, orbit and fragmentation from video records. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. Suppl. 36, A25–A26 (2001). 7. Drummond, J. D. A test of comet and meteor associations. Icarus 45, 545–553 (1981). 8. Halliday, I., Griffin, A. A. & Blackwell, A. T. in Highlights of Astronomy Vol. 6 (ed. West, R. M.) 399–404 (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983). 9. Halliday, I. Detection of a meteorite “stream”: Observations of a second meteorite fall from the orbit of the Innisfree chondrite. Icarus 69, 550–556 (1987). 10. Halliday, I., Blackwell, A. T. & Griffin, A. A. Evidence for the existence of groups of meteoriteproducing asteroidal fragments. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 25, 93–99 (1990). 11. Drummond, J. D. Earth-approaching asteroid streams. Icarus 89, 14–25 (1991). 12. Drummond, J. D. The D discriminant and near-Earth asteroid streams. Icarus 146, 453–475 (2000). 13. Dodd, R. T., Wolf, S. F. & Lipschutz, M. E. A H chondrite stream: Identification and confirmation. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 15105–15118 (1993). 14. Treiman, A. H. An improbable concentration of basaltic meteorite falls (HED and mesosiderite) in the mid-20th century. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 28, 246–252 (1993). 15. Stauffer, H. & Urey, H. C. Multiple fall of Přı́bram meteorites photographed III. Rare gas isotopes in the Velka stone meteorite. Bull. Astron Inst. Czech. 13, 106–109 (1962). 16. Jenniskens, P. et al. Orbits of meteorite producing fireballs. The Glanerbrug—a case study. Astron. .............................................................. Controlled vesicle deformation and lysis by single oscillating bubbles Philippe Marmottant & Sascha Hilgenfeldt Faculty of Applied Physics, University of Twente, PO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands ............................................................................................................................................................................. The ability of collapsing (cavitating) bubbles to focus and concentrate energy, forces and stresses is at the root of phenomena such as cavitation damage, sonochemistry or sonoluminescence1,2. In a biomedical context, ultrasound-driven microbubbles have been used to enhance contrast in ultrasonic images3. The observation of bubble-enhanced sonoporation4–6— acoustically induced rupture of membranes—has also opened up intriguing possibilities for the therapeutic application of sonoporation as an alternative to cell-wall permeation techniques such as electroporation7 and particle guns8. However, these pioneering experiments have not been able to pinpoint the mechanism by which the violently collapsing bubble opens pores or larger holes in membranes. Here we present an experiment in which gentle (linear) bubble oscillations are sufficient to achieve rupture of lipid membranes. In this regime, the bubble dynamics and the ensuing sonoporation can be accurately controlled. The use of microbubbles as focusing agents makes acoustics on the micrometre scale (microacoustics) a viable tool, with possible applications in cell manipulation and cellwall permeation as well as in microfluidic devices. Most experiments assessing sonoporation have used strong ultrasonic fields giving rise to a multitude of simultaneous phenomena. The micrographs of ref. 4 suggest that the formation of microjets may be involved, a process that is very difficult to control and model9–11. Other candidates for damaging agents during bubble collapse involve shockwaves emitted from the bubble12 and/or subsequent heating of the cell wall13. All of these processes are significant only when the bubble undergoes a fast, inertial collapse. By constrast, some experiments14 demonstrated cell transfection with moderate, off-resonance driving which should have resulted in much weaker bubble oscillations. Our experiments use single microbubbles fixed on a substrate, and use far smaller ultrasound driving amplitudes, replacing the nonlinear dynamics of the inertial collapse with gentle, linear oscillations. Linear oscillations can be Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no com interests. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.S. (sp NATURE | VOL 423 | 8 MAY 2003 | letters to nature been identified as possible associates of Přı́bram11,12. In summer 2000, 4486 Mithra was well placed for observations by radar from Arecibo and Goldstone. The object was found to be in unusual spin state, double-lobed, and more severely bifurcated than any other near-Earth asteroid targeted previously17. Such objects are typically believed to be ‘rubble piles’, loosely bound by gravitation. During close encounters with planets, these objects would be exposed to tidal forces that could lead to their disruption or to the detachment of significant amounts of near-surface rubble that would then be found in orbits similar to that of the parent. This model could possibly resolve the paradox of young streams containing different classes of objects of long cosmic-ray exposure. Further discussions of the origin of the ‘Přı́bram stream’ must await the final results of the laboratory analyses of Neuschwanstein; more data could be gained from clear identification of other members of this stream (either meteorites or asteroids) in the future. The Neuschwanstein and Přı́bram meteorites bring new information to the discussions of the mechanisms of meteorite delivery to the Earth, and demonstrate the importance of long-term fireball observing programmes. A Received 23 January; accepted 28 March 2003; doi:10.1038/nature01592. 1. Ceplecha, Z. Multiple fall of Přı́bram meteorites photographed. Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 12, 21–47 (1961). 2. Bischoff, A. & Zipfel, J. Mineralogy of the Neuschwanstein (EL6) chondrite—first results. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXXIV, abstr. 1212 (2003). 3. Ceplecha, Z. Geometric, dynamic, orbital and photometric data on meteoroids from photographic fireball networks. Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 38, 222–234 (1987). 4. Borovička, J., Spurný, P. & Keclı́ková, J. A new positional astrometric method for all-sky cameras. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 112, 173–178 (1995). 5. Ceplecha, Z., Spurný, P., Borovička, J. & Keclı́ková, J. Atmospheric fragmentation of meteoroids. Astron. Astrophys. 279, 615–626 (1993). 6. Borovička, J., Spurný, P. & Ceplecha, Z. The Morávka meteorite fall: Fireball trajectory, orbit and fragmentation from video records. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. Suppl. 36, A25–A26 (2001). 7. Drummond, J. D. A test of comet and meteor associations. Icarus 45, 545–553 (1981). 8. Halliday, I., Griffin, A. A. & Blackwell, A. T. in Highlights of Astronomy Vol. 6 (ed. West, R. M.) 399–404 (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983). 9. Halliday, I. Detection of a meteorite “stream”: Observations of a second meteorite fall from the orbit of the Innisfree chondrite. Icarus 69, 550–556 (1987). 10. Halliday, I., Blackwell, A. T. & Griffin, A. A. Evidence for the existence of groups of meteoriteproducing asteroidal fragments. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 25, 93–99 (1990). 11. Drummond, J. D. Earth-approaching asteroid streams. Icarus 89, 14–25 (1991). 12. Drummond, J. D. The D discriminant and near-Earth asteroid streams. Icarus 146, 453–475 (2000). 13. Dodd, R. T., Wolf, S. F. & Lipschutz, M. E. A H chondrite stream: Identification and confirmation. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 15105–15118 (1993). 14. Treiman, A. H. An improbable concentration of basaltic meteorite falls (HED and mesosiderite) in the mid-20th century. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 28, 246–252 (1993). 15. Stauffer, H. & Urey, H. C. Multiple fall of Přı́bram meteorites photographed III. Rare gas isotopes in the Velka stone meteorite. Bull. Astron Inst. Czech. 13, 106–109 (1962). 16. Jenniskens, P. et al. Orbits of meteorite producing fireballs. The Glanerbrug—a case study. Astron. Astrophys. 255, 373–376 (1992). 17. Ostro, S. J. et al. Radar observations of asteroid 4486 Mithra. DPS meeting 32 (American Astronomical Society, Pasadena, California, 2000). 18. Ceplecha, Z. Fireballs photographed in central Europe. Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 28, 328–340 (1977). 19. Oberst, J. et al. The “European Fireball Network”: Current status and future prospects. Meteorit. .............................................................. Controlled vesicle deformation and lysis by single oscillating bubbles Philippe Marmottant & Sascha Hilgenfeldt Faculty of Applied Physics, University of Twente, PO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands ............................................................................................................................................................................. The ability of collapsing (cavitating) bubbles to focus and concentrate energy, forces and stresses is at the root of phenomena such as cavitation damage, sonochemistry or sonoluminescence1,2. In a biomedical context, ultrasound-driven microbubbles have been used to enhance contrast in ultrasonic images3. The observation of bubble-enhanced sonoporation4–6— acoustically induced rupture of membranes—has also opened up intriguing possibilities for the therapeutic application of sonoporation as an alternative to cell-wall permeation techniques such as electroporation7 and particle guns8. However, these pioneering experiments have not been able to pinpoint the mechanism by which the violently collapsing bubble opens pores or larger holes in membranes. Here we present an experiment in which gentle (linear) bubble oscillations are sufficient to achieve rupture of lipid membranes. In this regime, the bubble dynamics and the ensuing sonoporation can be accurately controlled. The use of microbubbles as focusing agents makes acoustics on the micrometre scale (microacoustics) a viable tool, with possible applications in cell manipulation and cellwall permeation as well as in microfluidic devices. Most experiments assessing sonoporation have used strong ultrasonic fields giving rise to a multitude of simultaneous phenomena. The micrographs of ref. 4 suggest that the formation of microjets may be involved, a process that is very difficult to control and model9–11. Other candidates for damaging agents during bubble collapse involve shockwaves emitted from the bubble12 and/or subsequent heating of the cell wall13. All of these processes are significant only when the bubble undergoes a fast, inertial collapse. By constrast, some experiments14 demonstrated cell transfection with moderate, off-resonance driving which should have resulted in much weaker bubble oscillations. Our experiments use single microbubbles fixed on a substrate, and use far smaller ultrasound driving amplitudes, replacing the nonlinear dynamics of the inertial collapse with gentle, linear oscillations. Linear oscillations can be sufficient to rupture single cells, because the bubbles’ response concentrates ultrasonic energy on the microscale, whereas it could conventionally only be focused to about an ultrasonic wavelength (a few centimetres or millimetres). Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Membranes Membranes The discussion in this section builds on the review article [Sei97] and the textbook [OLXY99]. The discussion in this section builds on the review article [Sei97] and the textbook [OLXY99]. 3.1 Reminder: 2D di↵erential geometry 3.1consider Reminder: 2D di↵erential geometry We an orientable surface in R3 . Possible local parameterizations are s2 ) 2 R3 local parameterizations are We consider an orientable surface inFR(s3 .1 ,Possible (3.1) 3 where (s1 , s2 ) 2 U ✓ R2 . Alternatively, Cartesian coordinates (s1 , s(3.1) F (s1 , sif2 )one 2 Rchooses 2) = (x, y), then it suffices to 2specify where (s1 , s2 ) 2 U ✓ R . Alternatively, if one chooses Cartesian coordinates (s1 , s2 ) = z = f (x, y) (3.2a) (x, y), then it suffices to specify or, equivalently, the implicit representation z = f (x, y) (3.2a) (x, y, z) = z or, equivalently, the implicit representation (3.2b) f (x, y). The vector representation (3.1) can bez)related they).‘height’ representation (3.2a) by (x, y, = z to f (x, (3.2b) 0 1 x the ‘height’ representation (3.2a) by The vector representation (3.1) can be related to A 0 y 1 F (x, y) = @ (3.3) x f (x, y) @ y A F (x, y) = (3.3) f (x, y) the surface metric tensor g = (gij ) by Denoting derivatives by F i = @s1 F , we introduce Denoting derivatives by F i = @s1 gFij, = weFintroduce the surface metric tensor g = (g(3.4a) ij ) by i · F j, abbreviate its determinant by gij = F i · F j , (3.4a) where (s1 , s2 ) 2 U ✓ R . Alternatively, if one chooses Cartesian coordinates (s1 , s2 ) = (x, y), then it suffices to specify (x, y), then it suffices to specify z = f (x, y) (3.2a) Surface metric tensor z = f (x, y) or, equivalently, the implicit representation or, equivalently, the implicit representation (x, y, z) = z f (x, y). (3.2a) (3.2b) (x,related y, z) =tozthe f‘height’ (x, y).representation (3.2a) by (3.2b) The vector representation (3.1) can be 0 1 x The vector representation (3.1) can be related to the ‘height’ representation (3.2a) by F (x, y) = @ y0 A (3.3) 1 f (x, y) x F (x, y) = @ y A Denoting derivatives by F i = @si F , we introduce the surface metric tensor g = (gij ) by f (x, y) gij = F i · F j , (3.3) (3.4a) Denoting derivatives by F i = @s1 F , we introduce the surface metric tensor g = (gij ) by abbreviate its determinant by gij = F i · F j , |g| := det g, (3.4b) abbreviate itsassociated determinant by and define the Laplace-Beltrami operator r2 by p 1 |g| := 1 det g, r h = p @i (gij |g|@j h), |g| 2 (3.4c) and define the associated Laplace-Beltrami operator r2 by 51 p 1 1 2 r h = p @i (gij |g|@j h), |g| (3.4a) (3.4b) (3.4c) for some function h(s1 , s2 ). For the Cartesian parameterization (3.3), one finds explicitly 49 0 1 0 1 1 0 F x (x, y) = @ 0 A , F y (x, y) = @ 1 A (3.5) fx fy and, hence, the metric tensor ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ (x, y, z) = z f (x, y). (3.2b) The vector representation (3.1) can be related to the ‘height’ representation (3.2a) by 0 1 x F (x, y) = @ y A (3.3) f (x, y) Denoting derivatives by F i = @si F , we introduce the surface metric tensor g = (gij ) by gij = F i · F j , (3.4a) |g| := det g, (3.4b) abbreviate its determinant by and define the associated Laplace-Beltrami operator r2 by p parameterization (3.3), one finds explicitly 1 for some function h(s1 , s2 ). Forrthe Cartesian 1 2 p h = Cartesian @i (gij |g|@ j h), for some function h(s1 , s2 ). For the parameterization (3.3),(3.4c) one finds explicitly |g| for some function h(s1 , s2 ). For the Cartesian parameterization 0 1 0 1 (3.3), one finds explicitly 01 1 00 1 0 1 1 51 001 @ A @ F x (x, y) = @01 A , F y (x, y) = @10A (3.5) F x (x, y) = @ 0 A , F y (x, y) = @ 1 A (3.5) F x (x, y) = f0x , F y (x, y) = f1y A (3.5) fx fy fx fy and, hence, the metric tensor and, hence, the metric tensor and, hence, the metric tensor ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓F x · F x F x · F y ◆ ✓1 + fx22 fx fy ◆ ◆ ✓1 + fx2 fx fy ◆ g = (gij ) = ✓F (3.6a) x · Fx Fx · Fy = g = (gij ) = FFyx··FFxx FFyx··FFyy = 1fy+fxfx 1 f+x fyy22 (3.6a) g = (gij ) = F y · F x F y · F y = fy fx 1 + fy2 (3.6a) fy fx 1 + fy Fy · Fx Fy · Fy and its determinant and its determinant and its determinant |g| = 1 + fx22+ fy22, (3.6b) |g| = 1 + fx2 + fy2 , (3.6b) |g| = 1 + fx + fy , (3.6b) where fx = @x f and fy = @y f . For later use, we still note that the inverse of the metric where fx = @x f and fy = @y f . For later use, we still note that the inverse of the metric where isfxgiven = @x fbyand fy = @y f . For later use, we still note that the inverse of the metric tensor tensor is given by tensor is given by ✓ ◆ 2 ✓ ◆ 1 1 + f f x fy ◆ 2 1 1 y ✓ 1 1+f f f . (3.6c) g 1 = (gij 1) = (3.6c) g 1 = (gij 1 ) = 1 + fx212+ fy22 1 f+y ffxyy2 1 +fxxffx2yy2 . (3.6c) g = (gij ) = 1 + fx2 + fy2 fy fx 1 + fx2 . f f 1 + f 1 + fx + fy y x x Assuming the surface is regular at (s1 , s2 ), which just means that the tangent vectors F 1 Assuming the surface is regular at (s1 , s2 ), which just means that the vectors F 1 Assuming the surface is regular at (s , s ), which just means that the tangent vectors F 1 and F 2 are linearly independent, the local 1 2 unit normal vector is defined by and F 2 are linearly independent, the local unit normal vector is defined by where fx = @x f and fy = @y f . For later use, we still note that the inverse of the metric tensor is given by ✓ ◆ 2 1 1 + fy fx fy . (3.6c) g 1 = (gij 1 ) = fy fx 1 + fx2 1 + fx2 + fy2 Surface normal & curvature Assuming the surface is regular at (s1 , s2 ), which just means that the tangent vectors F 1 and F 2 are linearly independent, the local unit normal vector is defined by N= F1 ^ F2 . ||F 1 ^ F 2 || (3.7) In terms of the Cartesian parameterization, this can also be rewritten as 0 1 fx r 1 @ fy A . N= =p 2 2 ||r || 1 + fx + fy 1 (3.8) Here, we have adopted the convention that {F 1 , F 2 , N } form a right-handed system. To formulate ‘geometric’ energy functionals for membranes, we still require the concept of curvature, which quantifies the local bending of the membrane. We define a 2 ⇥ 2curvature tensor R = (Rij ) by Rij = N · (F ij ) (3.9) and local mean curvature H and local Gauss curvature K by 1 H = tr (g 2 1 · R) , K = det(g Adopting the Cartesian representation (3.2a), we have 0 1 0 1 0 0 F xx = @ 0 A , F xy = F yx = @ 0 A , fxx fxy wiki 50 1 · R). F yy (3.10) 0 1 0 =@ 0 A fyy (3.11a) where fx = @x f and fy = @y f . For use, wefy2still |g|later =1+ fx2 + , note that the inverse of the metric (3.6b) tensor is given by where fx = @x f and fy = @y f . For later use, we ✓ still 2note that◆the inverse of the metric 1 1 + fy fx fy tensor is given by g 1 = (g 1 ) = . (3.6c) ij 1 + fx2 + fy2 ✓ fy fx2 1 + fx2◆ 1 1 + fy fx fy (3.6c) g 1 = (gij 1 ) = 2 . the tangent vectors Assuming the surface is regular at 1(s+ sx22),+which just F1 fy fxmeans 1 + fthat fy2 1, f x and F 2 are linearly independent, the local unit normal vector is defined by Assuming the surface is regular at (s1 , s2 ), which just means that the tangent vectors F 1 F unit 1 ^ Fnormal 2 and F 2 are linearly independent, the local vector is defined by N= . (3.7) ||F 1 ^ F 2 || F1 ^ F2 N = . (3.7) In terms of the Cartesian parameterization, ||F 1 this ^ F 2can || also be rewritten as 0 1 fbe In terms of the Cartesian parameterization, this x rewritten as r 1 can also @ fy 1 A. N= =p (3.8) 0 2 2 ||r || 1 + fx + fy 1fx r 1 @ fy A . N= =p (3.8) 2 2 ||r || 1 + f + f Here, we have adopted the convention that {Fx1 , F 2y, N } 1form a right-handed system. To formulate ‘geometric’ energy functionals for membranes, we still require the concept Here, we havewhich adopted the convention that {F 1 , Fof a right-handed system. 2, N of curvature, quantifies the local bending the} form membrane. We define a 2 ⇥ 2To formulate ‘geometric’ energy functionals for membranes, we still require the concept curvature tensor R = (Rij ) by of curvature, which quantifies the local bending of the membrane. We define a 2 ⇥ 2curvature tensor R = (Rij ) by Rij = N · (F ij ) (3.9) Surface normal & curvature Rij Gauss = N · (F and local mean curvature H and local curvature K by ij ) 1 and local and local mean curvature curvature H =H tr (g 1 · R)Gauss , K = det(gK1 by · R). 2 1 1 1 H = tr (g · R) , K = det(g · R). Adopting the Cartesian representation (3.2a), we have 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 Adopting the Cartesian 0 representation (3.2a), we 0have 0 A , @ 01 A 00 A 1, 0 01 F xx = @ F xy = F yx = @ F yy = 0 0 0 0 f f f xx xy yy F xx = @ 0 A , F xy = F yx = @ 0 A , F yy = @ 0 A fxx fxy fyy 50 50 (3.9) (3.10) (3.10) (3.11a) (3.11a) Surface normal & curvature yielding the curvature tensor ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 1 N ·F N · F xy fxx fxy yielding the curvature (Rij ) = tensor xx =p (3.11b) 2 2 ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ N · F N · F f f yx yy 1 + f + f yx yy yielding the curvature tensor y 1x N · F xx N · F xy ◆ ✓ ✓fxx fxy ◆ (Rij ) = =1 p (3.11b) 2 2 1 N · F N · F f f N · F N · F f f Denoting the eigenvalues ofyxxx the matrix · R1 + byfx1+and ,xxwe yyobtain for the mean yyxy g fy 2yx xy (Rij ) = =p (3.11b) 2 2 N · F yx N · F yy 1 f f curvature 1+f +f yx yy Denoting the eigenvalues of the matrix g2 · R by 1x andy 2 , we obtain for the mean 2 (1 + fy )fxx 2fx fy fxy + (1 + fx )fyy 1 1 curvature Denoting the eigenvalues of the matrix g · R by 1 and 2 , we obtain for the(3.12) mean H = (1 + 2 ) = 2 2(1 + fx2 + fy2 )3/2 2 curvature (1 + fy )fxx 2fx fy fxy + (1 + fx2 )fyy 1 H = curvature (1 + 2 ) = (1 + f 2 )f (3.12) 2 )+ 3/2(1 + f 2 )fyy and for the Gauss xx +2f 21 fx2x f+y ffxy y 2(1 x y H = (1 + 2 ) = (3.12) 2 2 f+ f 2 )3/2 2 + f f2(1 f and for the Gauss curvature K = 1 · 2 = xx yy x xy y. (3.13) 2 + f 2 )2 (1 + f 2y and for the Gauss curvature fxx fyyx fxy K relates = 1 · (3.13) 22 . 2 = An important result that curvature and topology is the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, 2 2 f f f xx yy (1 + fx + fy xy ) K = · = . (3.13) 1 2 which states that any compact two-dimensional Riemannian manifold M with smooth 2 2 2 (1 + fx + fy ) An important result curvature that relates andcurvature topology kisg the Gauss-Bonnet boundary @M , Gauss K curvature and geodesic of @M satisfies thetheorem, integral which that result any compact two-dimensional manifold M with theorem, smooth Anstates important that relates curvature andRiemannian topology is the Gauss-Bonnet equation Z boundary @M ,that Gauss Ktwo-dimensional andIgeodesic curvature kg of manifold @M satisfies the integral which states anycurvature compact Riemannian M with smooth equation K dA + geodesic kg ds =curvature 2⇡ (M ).kg of @M satisfies the integral (3.14) boundary @M , Gauss curvature K and Z M I @M equation Z Kon I the dAM+, ds kg ds 2⇡ (M along ). Here, dA is the area element line=element @M , and (M ) the (3.14) Euler M KisdA + @M (Mwhere ). (3.14) characteristic of M . The latter given by k(M 2 2g, g is the genus (number of g ds) = 2⇡ 2 Here, dA isofthe elementM on , ds @M theMline @M , and hence (M ) the handles) M . area For example, theM 2-sphere = Selement has g =along 0 handles (S2 )Euler = 2, 2(number characteristic of M . The latter is given by (M )g = 21 handle 2g, where is the genus of whereas torus T2the has =element and gtherefore (T ))=the 0. Euler Here, dA aistwo-dimensional the area element on M ,=ds line along @M , and (M Gauss curvature (1 + fx + fy ) 2 f f f xx yy xy important result that and. topology is the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, K= 1 ·relates 2 = curvature (3.13) (1 + fx2 + fy2 )2 Riemannian manifold M with smooth states that any compact two-dimensional Gauss-Bonet Theorem ary , Gauss curvature K andand geodesic curvature kg of @M satisfies the integral tant@M result that relates curvature topology is the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, on that any compact two-dimensional Riemannian manifold M with smooth Z I M , Gauss curvature K and geodesic curvature kg of @M satisfies the integral K dA + kg ds = 2⇡ (M ). (3.14) M I @M Z Gauss geodesic Euler dA is the area element element along (M ) the Euler K dAcurvature +on Mk,g ds ds the =curvature 2⇡line(M ). (3.14) characteristic@M , and teristic of M . M The latter is@Mgiven by (M ) = 2 2g, where g is the genus (number of s) M . element For example, M = S2along has g @M = 0, handles hence heofarea on M ,the ds 2-sphere the line element and (Mand ) the Euler (S2 ) = 2, sofa M two-dimensional torusbyM (M = T) 2=has = where 1 handle therefore (T2 )of= 0. . The latter is given 2 g2g, g isand the genus (number M . For example, the 2-sphere M= S2 closed has g =surface, 0 handles hence over (S2 )K= is2, always a uation (3.14) implies that, for any theand integral o-dimensional torus M= T2 has g = the 1 handle and therefore (T2 ) =represents 0. nt. That is, for closed membranes, first integral in Eq. (3.14) just a (3.14) implies that, for any closed surface, the integral over K is always a (constant) energetic contribution. at is, for closed membranes, the first integral in Eq. (3.14) represents just a wiki ant) energetic contribution. Minimal surfaces nimal al surfacessurfaces are surfaces that minimize the area within a given contour @M , 2 0 -2 Z aces are surfaces that minimize a given contour @M , A(M |@Mthe ) =area within dA = min! (3.15) Z M |@M ) = dAz ==min! (3.15) ing a Cartesian A(M parameterization f (x, y) and abbreviating f @ f as before, i i K = 1 · 2 = (1 + fx2 + fy2 )2 . (3.13) An important result that relates curvature and topology is the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, ich states that any compact two-dimensional Riemannian manifold M with smooth undary @M , Gauss curvature K and geodesic curvature kg of @M satisfies the integral uation Z I K dA + kg ds = 2⇡ (M ). (3.14) Gauss-Bonet Theorem M @M re, dA is the area element on M , ds the line element along @M , and (M ) the Euler aracteristic of M . The latter is given by (M ) = 2 2g, where g is the genus (number of ndles) of M .Convex For example, the 2-sphere M = S2 has g = 0 handles and hence (S2 ) = 2, polyhedra ereas a two-dimensional torus M = T2 has g = 1 handle and therefore (T2 ) = 0. Equation (3.14) implies that, for any closed surface, the integral over K is always a Vertices! Edges! Faces! Euler characteristic:! Name Image E in Eq. F V−E+F nstant. That is, for closed membranes, the firstV integral (3.14) represents just a vial (constant) energetic contribution. Tetrahedron 4 6 4 2 2 Hexahedron or cube Minimal surfaces Octahedron 8 12 6 2 6 12 8 2 nimal surfaces are surfaces that minimize the area within a given contour2 @M , Dodecahedron 20 30 12 Z Icosahedron 12 30 20 2 A(M |@M ) = dA = min! wiki (3.15) M suming a Cartesian parameterization z = f (x, y) and abbreviating fi = @i f as before, have trivial (constant) energetic contribution. 3.2 Minimal surfaces Minimal surfaces are surfaces that minimize the area within a given contour @M , Z A(M |@M ) = dA = min! (3.15) M Assuming a Cartesian parameterization z = f (x, y) and abbreviating fi = @i f as before, we have q p (3.16) dA = |g| dxdy = 1 + fx2 + fy2 dxdy =: L dxdy, and the minimum condition (3.15) can be expressed in terms of the Euler-Lagrange equations catenoid A @L 0= = @i . (3.17) f @fi 51 Goldstein lab (Cambridge) whereas a two-dimensional torus M = T has g = 1 handle and therefore (T ) = 0. trivial (constant) energetic contribution. Equation (3.14) implies that, for any closed surface, the integral over K is always a constant. That is, for closed membranes, the first integral in Eq. (3.14) represents just a 3.2 Minimal surfaces trivial (constant) energetic contribution. Minimal surfaces are surfaces that minimize the area within a given contour @M , Z 3.2 Minimal surfaces A(M |@M ) = dA = min! (3.15) Minimal surfaces are surfaces that minimizeMthe area within a given contour @M , Assuming a Cartesian parameterization z Z = f (x, y) and abbreviating fi = @i f as before, A(M |@M ) = dA = min! (3.15) we have M q p 2 |g| dxdy = 1 z+=fx2f+ L dxdy, fi = @i f as before, (3.16) dA =parameterization Assuming a Cartesian (x,fyy)dxdy and =: abbreviating we have and the minimum condition qbe expressed in terms of the Euler-Lagrange equap (3.15) can tions (3.16) dA = |g| dxdy = 1 + fx2 + fy2 dxdy =: L dxdy, A @L 0 = = @ . in terms of the Euler-Lagrange (3.17) and the minimum condition (3.15) can be expressed equai f @fi tions A 51 @L 0= = @i . (3.17) f @fi p 51 Inserting the Lagrangian L = |g|, one finds " ! fx p 0= @x + @y 1 + fx2 + fy2 which may be recast in the form fy p 1 + fx2 + fy2 (1 + fy2 )fxx 2fx fy fxy + (1 + fx2 )fyy 0= = (1 + fx2 + fy2 )3/2 !# 2H. (3.18) (3.19) Thus, minimal surfaces satisfy H=0 , 1 = 2 , (3.20) whereas a two-dimensional torus M = T has g = 1 handle and therefore (T ) = 0. trivial (constant) energetic contribution. Equation (3.14) implies that, for any closed surface, the integral over K is always a constant. That is, for closed membranes, the first integral in Eq. (3.14) represents just a 3.2 Minimal surfaces trivial (constant) energetic contribution. Minimal surfaces are surfaces that minimize the area within a given contour @M , Z 3.2 Minimal surfaces A(M |@M ) = dA = min! (3.15) Minimal surfaces are surfaces that minimizeMthe area within a given contour @M , Assuming a Cartesian parameterization z Z = f (x, y) and abbreviating fi = @i f as before, A(M |@M ) = dA = min! (3.15) we have M q p 2 |g| dxdy = 1 z+=fx2f+ L dxdy, fi = @i f as before, (3.16) dA =parameterization Assuming a Cartesian (x,fyy)dxdy and =: abbreviating p we have Inserting the Lagrangian |g|,can one finds and the minimum condition expressed in terms of the Euler-Lagrange equaqbe pL =(3.15) tions (3.16) dA =" |g| dxdy = 1 +!fx2 + fy2 dxdy =: L dxdy, !# fx A @L p fy p 0 = @ + @ (3.18) x y . in terms 0 = = @ (3.17) and the minimum condition (3.15) can be expressed of the Euler-Lagrange equai 2 2 2 2 1 + fx +ffy @fi 1 + fx + fy tions A 51 @L which may be recast in the form 0= = @i . (3.17) f @f i (1 + fy2 )fxx 2fx fy fxy + (1 + fx2 )fyy 0= = 2H. (3.19) 2 2 3/2 (1 + fx + fy51 ) Thus, minimal surfaces satisfy H=0 , 1 = 2 , (3.20) implying that each point of a minimal surface is a saddle point. 3.3 Thermal excitations of almost flat membranes Assuming that a quasi-infinite membrane prefers a flat configuration, we postulate the energy functional Z kc 2 1 + fx + fy 1 1 +2 fx + fy implying each point a minimal surface is a saddle point. which maythat be recast in theofform 3.3 (1 + fy2 )fxx 2fx fy fxy + (1 + fx2 )fyy 0 = excitations 2H.membranes (3.19) Thermal of almost =flat (1 + fx2 + fy2 )3/2 Assuming that a quasi-infinite membrane prefers a flat configuration, we postulate the Thus, minimal surfaces satisfy energy functional yielding the curvature tensor , ◆ 1 = k 2 , (3.20) ✓ H =Z0 ✓ ◆ c 2 1 NE· = F xx dA N f· cF, xy fc = (2H) fxx fxy (3.21a) (Rij ) = =p 2 2 .2 (3.11b) N a· F F yy is a saddle implying that each point of minimal yx N ·surface 1 + fx point. + fy fyx fyy The constant is the bending rigidity energy. almost Denoting thekceigenvalues of the matrixand g 1carries · R bydimensions 1 and 2of , we obtainFor foranthe mean planar membrane with |fx |, |fy | ⌧ 1, we may approximate curvature 3.3 Thermal excitations of almost flat membranes 2 (1 + ffy2xx )fxx 2f 1 x fy fxy + (1 + fx )fyy 2H ' + f , (3.22) yy Assuming that a Hquasi-infinite prefers a flat configuration, we postulate the = (1 + 2membrane )= (3.12) 2 2(1 + fx2 + fy2 )3/2 energy functional which gives to leading order for the energy and for the Gauss curvature Z Z kc kc f c , 22 2 . E = dA ffc xx =fyy (2H) (3.21a) f xy EK'= · dxdy (f + f ) . (3.23) xx 2 yy (3.13) 2 1 2 = (1 + f 2 + f 2 )2 . x y The constant kc is the bending rigidity and carries dimensions of energy. For an almost Similar to our earlier discussion of polymers, weand would like toisexpress the energy in terms important result curvature topology the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, planarAn membrane with |fx |,that |fy | relates ⌧ 1, we may approximate ofwhich contributions fromany elementary To this end, we abbreviate x =with (x, y) and states that compact excitations. two-dimensional Riemannian manifold M smooth consider the@M Fourier ansatz boundary , Gauss curvature 2H K and geodesic integral ' fxx + fyy , curvature kg of @M satisfies the(3.22) Z equation d2 q ˆ I 2 fq exp(iq · x), ffor (x)the = energy (3.24) which gives to leading order Z (2⇡) K dAZ + kg ds = 2⇡ (M ). (3.14) k c @M EM' dxdy (fxx + fyy )2 . (3.23) 2 Here, dA is the area element on M , ds the line element along @M , and (M ) the Euler characteristic of M .discussion The latterofispolymers, given by we (Mwould ) = 2 like 2g,towhere g isthe theenergy genus in (number of Similar to our earlier express terms 2 of M .from For example, theexcitations. 2-sphere MTo = Sthis has g =we 0 handles andxhence (S2and ) = 2, of handles) contributions elementary end, abbreviate = (x, y) 2 2 whereas two-dimensional consider thea Fourier ansatz torus M = T has g = 1 handle and therefore (T ) = 0. Equation (3.14) implies that,Z for any closed surface, the integral over K is always a 52 d2 q ˆthe first integral in Eq. (3.14) represents just a constant. That is, for closed membranes, f (x) = fq exp(iq · x), (3.24) 2 (2⇡) trivial (constant) energetic contribution. planar membrane with |fx |, |fy | ⌧ 1, we may approximate 3.3 2H ' fxx +of fyyalmost , (3.22) Thermal excitations flat membranes which gives to that leading order for themembrane energy prefers a flat configuration, we postulate the Assuming a quasi-infinite energy functional Z kc E' Z dxdy (fxx + fyy )2 . (3.23) kc 2 E = dA fc , fc = (2H)2 . (3.21a) 2 Similar to our earlier discussion of polymers, we would like to express the energy in terms The constantfrom kc is elementary the bendingexcitations. rigidity andTo carries of energy.x For any)almost of contributions this dimensions end, we abbreviate = (x, and planarthe membrane with |fx |, |fy | ⌧ 1, we may approximate consider Fourier ansatz Z d2 q' fˆxx + fyy , 2H (3.22) f (x) = f exp(iq · x), (3.24) q (2⇡)2 which gives to leading order for the energy Z demanding fˆˆ q = fˆˆq⇤⇤ to ensure real-valued solutions. Inserting the Fourier expansion demanding f q = fq to ensure real-valued solutions. Inserting the Fourier expansion kc 2 into (3.23) gives E' dxdy (fxx + fyy ) . (3.23) into (3.23) gives demanding fˆ q = fˆq⇤ to ensure real-valued solutions. Inserting the Fourier expansion 2 Z Z into (3.23) gives k Z d2 q Z d2 q 0 Z c 2 2 0 Z 2 0 2ˆ ˆ 0 ddiscussion q Z d qofZ polymers, SimilarEto ' our kearlier we would like to express 0 exp[i(q dxdy (iq) (iq ) f f + q ) · x]energy in terms cZ q q 2 0 2 0 the ˆ ˆ 2 2 0 E ' k2 dxdy (iq) (iq ) f f exp[i(q + q ) · x] 2 2 0 (2⇡) (2⇡) q q 2 2 d q d q c of contributions from elementary excitations. To this end, we abbreviate (2⇡) Z (2⇡) dxdy (iq)2 (iq 0 )2 fˆq fˆq0 exp[i(q + q 0 ) · x] x = (x, y) and E ' k2 Z 2 d2 q2 Z (2⇡) c Z (2⇡) 2 2 02 2 0 2 52 0 consider the Fourier ansatz ˆ ˆ k d q 0 = cZ d q (q )(q ) f f (q + q 2 q q 2 0 2 0 ˆq fˆq0 (q + q 0 )) 2 2Z = k2c d q (q )(q ) f (2⇡) dq 2 2 0 2 Z 0 2 ˆ2 ˆ 0 2 (2⇡) Z 0 = d q (q )(q ) f f (q + q ) d q q q ˆq exp(iq k d22 q2 f4(x) 2kc Z (2⇡) = f · x), (3.24) 2 = c Z d2 q 2 |q|4 fˆˆq fˆˆ q (2⇡) = k2c (2⇡) d q 2 |q|4 ˆfqˆf q = 2 Z (2⇡) 2 2 |q| fq f q Z 2 c (2⇡) k dq = kc Z d22 q 2 |q|44 fˆˆq fˆˆq⇤⇤ . (3.25) = k2c |q| f f . (3.25) d q 2 4 ˆ qˆ⇤ q (2⇡) (2⇡) |q| fq fq . = 2 (3.25) 2 (2⇡)2 We see that each bending mode contributes an energy E(q) / |q|44 to the total bending We see that each bending mode contributes an energy E(q) / |q| to the total bending 4 We see in that each bending contributes an bending energy E(q) / |q| to the total bending energy, agreement with mode our results for the of rigid polymers. Using standard energy, in agreement with our results for the bending of rigid polymers. standard energy, in agreement with our results for the bending of rigid polymers. Using standard Gaussian path integral formulas, we can compute the thermal correlation function1 demanding f = f to ensure real-valued solution (3.23) gives 3.3 into Thermal excitations of almost flat membranes Z Z Z k dq dq E ' dxdy (iq) (iq 2 (2⇡) (2⇡) Z Z k dq = d q (q )(q )fˆ fˆ (q 2 (2⇡) Z k dq = |q| fˆ fˆ 2 (2⇡) Z k dq = |q| fˆ fˆ . 2 (2⇡) kc dq dq kc2 (iq0 )2 fdˆq fˆqq0 exp[i(q 2 + 0 q 02) · x] 0 2 ˆ ˆ 0 q E ' dxdy (iq) q = d q (q (q + q 4)(q )fq fq 0 2 2 2 (2⇡) (2⇡) We see that each bending mode contributes an energy E(q) / |q| to the total bending ) 2 2 (2⇡) Z Z 2 energy, inkagreement with our results for the bending of rigid polymers. Using standard dq Z c 2 0 2 02 ˆ ˆ 02 = path integral d q (q )(q )fq fq0 c (q + qd)the q thermal Gaussian correlation function1 4ˆ ˆ 2 (2⇡)2 formulas, we=can kcompute |q| fq f q Z Z 2 2 E (2⇡) 2e prefers kc a dquasi-infinite q 4ˆ ˆ Assuming= that membrane a 2flat configuration, we postulate the ⇤ ⇤ ˆq2fˆ|q|0 i fq=f q Dfˆ fˆq fˆ 0 Z 2 0 h f q q 2 2 (2⇡) Z k d q c energy functional c 2 Z 4 ˆ ˆ⇤ Z = 2 R |q| f f . k 2 2 0 0 4 ⇤ c kc dq d qd q q (q q q )|q| fˆq fˆq0 4 ˆ ˆ⇤ 1Z ⇤ ˆ ˆ ˆ 2(2⇡)2 2 = |q| f f . (3.25) 2 (2⇡) = D f f f e 0 2 2 q q q q kc 2 (2⇡)2 Z E = dA fc , fc = (2H)2 . (3.21a) kB T 2 2|q|4 to the total bending (3.27) 2 0 4 We see that each bendingWe mode an energy E(q) / =that each (2⇡) (q q ). seecontributes bending mode contributes an energy E(q) / |q| to t 4 k |q| c c of function energy, Two-mode agreementcorrelation our results the bending rigid standard 0 bending 2For anof 0 2almost in for agreement ourpolymers. results Using for rigid polymers Theinconstant kcwith is energy, the bending rigidity andwith carries dimensions of 2the energy. 0 1 q q GaussianThis pathresult integral formulas, we can compute the thermal correlation function can be used to calculate the thermal mean squared deviations of the derivatives 2 can compute the thermal correlation planar membrane with |f |, |fypath | ⌧ 1,integral we may formulas, approximate Gaussian we Z x Z 2E Z e d q d2 q 0 ⇤ 2 ⇤ 2 0 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆq fˆ⇤0 i hfq fqhf Z 0i + fy i D=f fq fq0 (q · q )h f x = 2 q E 2 fyy , 2H2 ' f(2⇡) (3.22) Z xx + (2⇡) e Z Z ZhkcfˆcR2fˆ⇤020 i2 0 = 0 4D ˆ ˆ fˆ⇤0 ⇤ fq4 2 f ˆ ˆ 1 q d qd q (q q )|q| f f q q q0 ˆ fˆq fˆ⇤0deq 2(2⇡)2d qq (q · q 0 ) kB T (2⇡) 2 0 = D f Z q = (q q ) q q which gives to leading Zorder for the energy 4 R 2 2 0 (2⇡)2 (2⇡)2 kc |q|2 kc Z d qd q (q q 0 )|q|4 fˆq fˆq⇤0 Z 2 kB T 2 Z 2(2⇡) 2 d q kB0 T = (2⇡) (q q ). ⇤ e (3.27) k ˆ ˆ ˆ c 4 = 2 = fyy2) .Df fq fq0 kc |q| E ' 2 dxdy (fxx + (3.23) (2⇡)2 kc |q| Z 2 c Z 4 ⇤ d|q| k T This result can be used to calculate the thermal B mean squared deviations of the derivatives kB2T = , 2q q 0 (3.28) Z Z 2⇡ k |q| Similar to our earlier discussion of dpolymers, we would express in terms = like 4to(2⇡) (qthe qenergy ). 2 2c 0 d q q 2 2 0 kend, ˆTo ˆ⇤0this c |q| we abbreviate x = (x, y) and hf + f i = (q · q )h f f i q of contributions from elementary excitations. 1 x y q 2 2 Recall that for a d-dimensional Gaussian integral with positive-definite diagonal matrix A = (2⇡) (2⇡) Z) 2 Z diag(A11 , . . .Fourier , Add ) = (A consider the ansatz ii ij d q cand2be q 0 used0 to kBcalculate T This result the 2 0 thermal mean squared deviations = (q · q ) (2⇡) (q q ) ✓ 2 ◆1/2 Z2 Z 4 2 1 det A (2⇡) dd x(2⇡) d q e kc2|q| x·A·x = 1 (3.26a) Z· x), Z ˆ Z f exp(iq (3.24) 2 f (x) = 2 2 0 2⇡ q d q kB T 2 d q d q (2⇡) 2◆ 0 ⇤ ✓ Z ˆ ˆ = 1/2 2 hf + f i = (q · q )h f f 2 2 1 det A q q0 i ij x y2 x·A·x x x = (2⇡) dkd xc |q| 2 2 e . (3.26b) i j (2⇡) Z 2⇡ A(2⇡) ii d|q| kB T Z Z 2 2 (3.28) 0 = , d q d q Eq. (3.27) is the infinite-dimensional generalization of this relation, obtained by rewriting the complex 0 kB T 2⇡ kc |q| R = (q · q ) (2⇡)2 (q We see that each bending mode contributes an energ energy, in agreement with our results for the bending Gaussian path integral formulas, we can compute the path integral in terms of real and imaginary part and by noting that dq (q 2 q ) (q q 2) = (q q ), 4 (2⇡) (2⇡) k |q| c Recallhence that for =a d-dimensional diagonal matrix A = in this sense. Gaussian integral with positive-definite Z Z E 2 diag(A , . . . , A ) = (A ) d q kB T e ⇤ ⇤ = ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ✓ ◆ Z 53 2 2 h f f i = D f f f det A (2⇡) kc |q| q q0 q q0 0 1 1 11 dd ii ij 1/2 d 1 2 x·A·x 0 0 00 00 kc f d to q ensure 2 f q(2⇡) demanding = solution Z 2 ˆ ˆ 2 0 2 0real-valued 0 q d q (q )(q ) f f (q + q ) k d q Z ˆ ˆ= q q 2 4 = |q| f f 2 (2⇡) 2 We into see that each bending mode contributes an energy E(q) / |q| to the to 2 (2⇡)kcgivesd q Z 4 2 (3.23) ⇤ ˆ ˆ 3.3energy, Thermal excitations of almost flat membranes Z k d q = |q| f f . c in kagreement with our results for the bending of rigid polymers. Usi q 4 q ˆq fˆ q dq 2 = |q| f ˆ ˆ 2 = |q| f f(2⇡) . (3.25) 2 2 (2⇡) Z Z Z Gaussian path integral formulas, we can compute the thermal correlation fun 2 (2⇡) Assuming that a quasi-infinite membraneZprefers a 2flat configuration, we postulate the 2 0 dq kkcZc d2 q d q energy functional 2 4 4 ˆ ˆ⇤E = |q| f f . We see that each bending mode contributes an energy E(q) / |q| to the total bending We see that each bending contributes an energy E(q)(iq) / |q| Eˆ ˆZ⇤ ' mode dxdy (iq 2 ˆ⇤ eq q 2 (2⇡) ˆ ˆ 2 2 hfq fresults f (2⇡) fkq fof energy, in agreement with our for 2 the D bending (2⇡) Using standard q i = q rigid polymers. energy, in agreement results for rigid polym E = with dA f our , f = (2H) . the bending of (3.21a) Z Gaussian path integral formulas, we can compute the thermal correlation function Z Z Z mode 22 Ran energy E(q) / |q|4 to t We see that each bending contributes 1 q thermal (q q )|q| fˆ fˆcorrel k d q Gaussian path integral we can the ⇤ computed qd Z formulas, ˆ ˆ ˆ c Two-mode correlation function 2the 0 bending 2For anof 0 2almost = D f f f e ˆ ˆ qresults in agreement with our for rigid polymers The constant k isˆenergy, the bending rigidity and carries dimensions of energy. e q 0 = d q (q )(q ) f f (q ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ Z q q hf f i = Df f f Z 2 can compute planar membrane with |f |, |f path | ⌧ 1,integral we 2 may approximate Gaussian we the thermal correlation Z formulas, E (2⇡) kB T ˆ ˆ2 ˆ⇤ e 0 Zˆ⇤ ˆ Z = (2⇡) q ). E Zq f(q hf=q fq0Difˆ2H = D f f e 0 2 ' f + f , (3.22) 4 q ˆ ˆ e f f kˆ kccˆ|q| d q hfq fq⇤ iZ = Z Dfˆ fˆq4Z fˆq⇤ˆ ˆ = energy 1 |q| f f Z kqc R 2 2 0 q which gives to leading order for the k T 0 )|q|4 2 R d deviations qd q (q q This result can be=used to(2⇡) calculate the thermal mean squared of 2 (2⇡) ⇤ (q q ). (3.27) ˆ ˆ th 2 Z ˆ ˆ ˆ d qd q (q q )|q| f f 2(2⇡) DfZ fqˆfqˆ0 ˆe⇤ e k |q| Z= Z k Z Z(f d2+=qdf 2)q.Ddf2 qf0q fq E' dxdy (3.23) k Z 2 2 0 ⇤ 2 thermal c mean squared deviations ˆqderivatives ˆ i This result can be used hf to calculate the of 4 (q ⇤)hthe · q f f ˆ ˆ x + fy i== q k T 2 k (2⇡) 2 fq f 0 . |q| B T (2⇡) 2 B2 q). 0 Z of polymers, Z 2 = (2⇡) (q q Similar to our earlier discussion we would like to express the in terms = (2⇡) (q qenergy ). Zˆ ˆ 42 0 2 (2⇡) dq dZq 4 2 hf + f i = (q f di q k |q| d ·qq )hkfc |q| k T 2 c 4 q 2 2 c 0 q ⇤ q q 4 2 4 0 c ⇤ q q0 x c c y ⇤ q q0 B 2 E ⇤ q q0 c 0 c 0 kc 2(2⇡)2 xx R yy 1 kc 2(2⇡)2 0 4 ⇤ q q0 0 0 4 2 0 d2 qd2 q 0 (q q 0 )|q|4 fˆq fˆq⇤0 0 2 2 kc 2(2⇡)2 c xx yy 2 2 2 0 0 4 ⇤ q q0 0 0 2 x contributions 2 y from 2 2 0 0 ⇤ q end,q0 c2 To this of elementary(2⇡) excitations. we abbreviate 2 0 xB= (x, y) and 2 0 (2⇡) = (q · q ) (2⇡) (q q ) Z 2 2 4 consider the Fourier ansatz Z (2⇡) (2⇡) 2 kc |q|squared deviations d2 qbe used d2 q 0to This=result can calculate 0 kB T the thermal 0mean Z2 2 2(q · qthe ) (2⇡) (q mean q) This result can be used(2⇡) toZ2calculate thermal squared deviat 4 d (2⇡) q ˆd q kBZ kT |q| c f exp(iq · x),d2 q Z d2 q 0 (3.24) Zf (x) 2= = q 2 Z Z d q k2B(2⇡) T 2(2⇡)2 k 2|q|2 0 ⇤ ˆ ˆ 2 0 hf + f i = (q · q )h f f c = q q0 i x 2 y d q d q 2 2 2 (2⇡) 2 0 ⇤ ˆ ˆ hfx2 +Zfy(2⇡) i k=c|q|Z d|q| kB TZ 2 (2⇡) (q · q )h f f Z 22 0 q q0 i 2 d|q| k= BT kB T (2⇡) , d q (2⇡)d q 0 (3.28) 2 = , = (q · q ) (2⇡) (q 2⇡ k |q| Z c 2 (2⇡) Z 2 2 (2⇡) 2⇡ kc |q| 2 4 kc |q| 0 dZ q 2 dq kB TE 0 2 1 1 Recall that for that a d-dimensional Gaussian with positive-definite diagonal matrix A = dintegral q kB T with = integralGaussian (q · q ) (2⇡) ( Recall for a d-dimensional positive-definite diagonal ⇤ ⇤ 2 2 4 =(2⇡) 2 (2⇡) diag(A11 , . . . , Add ) = (Aii ij ) diag(A11 , . . . , Add ) = (Aii ij ) (2⇡) kc |q|2 q q0 q q 0 kc |q| We see that each bending mode contributes an energ energy, in agreement with our results for the bending Gaussian path integral formulas, we can compute the Z e hfˆ fˆ i = Dfˆ fˆ fˆ energy, in agreement our for the bending of rigid polymers kc f results d to q ensure 2 f with demanding = real-valued solution 2 ˆ ˆ 2 0 2 0 0 q(2⇡) q = d q (q )(q )fq fq0 (q + q ) Z k T 2 4 B Gaussian patheach integral formulas, we can the thermal correlation 2 (2⇡) 2 compute 0 2mode We into see that bending contributes an energy E(q) / |q| to the to (q q ). kcgivesd =q Z 4 ˆ24 (2⇡) (3.23) ⇤ ˆ 3.3energy, Thermal excitations of almost flat membranes k |q| k d q = |q| f f . c Z c in agreement with our results for the bending of rigid polymers. Usi q 4 q ˆq fˆ q E 2 = |q| f eZ 2 (2⇡) 2 ⇤ ⇤ 2 (2⇡) ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ Z Z Gaussian formulas, we can compute the thermal correlation fun hfused D f f f Assuming apath quasi-infinite prefers a flat configuration, we postulate the 0i 0 q fqmembrane q This that result canintegral be to = calculate the thermal mean squared deviations of t 2 2 0 q Z 2 Z d q kkcZc Zd q d q energy functional 2 4 4 ⇤ ˆ ˆ E Z Z = |q| f f . R We see that each bending contributes E(q)(iq) / |q| Eˆ ˆZ⇤ ' mode dxdy 22 ⇤ eq q 2 0 ankc energy 2 qd 2 q 0 (q q 0 )|q|4 fˆ (iq ˆ⇤ 1 d q d q 2 (2⇡) ˆ ˆ ˆ d f 2 2 q ⇤ 2hfq fq20 i = 2 D f (2⇡) 0 ⇤ 2 fDkqcffˆq0fˆ f q0 ˆ ˆ ˆ 2(2⇡) (2⇡) 2 hf + f i = (q · q )h f f i = e 0 (3.21a) q qof qZ x E = with y dA fcour energy, in agreement results for bending rigid polym , fc = (2H) .q 0 the 2 2 (2⇡) (2⇡) Z Z Z Z mode 22 4 Ran2 energy We see that each bending contributes E(q) / |q| to t kc 2 0 0 4 ⇤ Z Z ˆ ˆ 1 d qd q (q q )|q| f f q 2 2 0 k d q Gaussian path integral formulas, we can compute the thermal correl 0 ⇤ 2 q ˆqdimensions ˆqresults ˆ2 0 ed qfor ck 2(2⇡) Two-mode correlation function TDdour kB T 2the 0 bending 2For 0 2almost = f f f B ˆ ˆ 0 0 2 0 in agreement with of rigid polymers The constant kc is energy, the bending rigidity and carries of energy. an q 0 = d q (q )(q ) f f (q == ZZ 4 (2⇡) (q · q ) (2⇡) (q q ) (q q ). q q 2 2 4 2 planar membrane with |fx |, |fypath | ⌧ 1,integral we 2 may approximate Gaussian formulas, we(2⇡) can compute thermal correlation (2⇡) kthe k |q| E (2⇡) c |q| c e k T Z BZ 2 ˆ ˆ2 ˆ⇤ 0 ⇤ ˆ ˆ = (2⇡) (q q ). E Z hfq fq0 i 2H=' kfxx|q| qf, f k2B Tq0 qf +dD (3.22) 4fyy e khfˆcqcfˆq⇤ i =2the d qthermal This result can be used to=calculate mean squared deviations ˆ fˆq4Z ˆ⇤ˆ ˆ 2 D f f (2⇡) kc |q| |q| qfq f Z = Z kqc R 2 2 0 Z Z which gives to leading order for the energy Z 0 )|q|4 2 1d|q|the R d deviations 2 thermal 2mean 0 qd q (q q This result can be used to calculate squared of 2 (2⇡) ⇤ ˆ ˆ th 2 Z d q d q k T ˆ ˆ ˆ d qd q (q q )|q| f f 2(2⇡) B 2 2 0 ⇤ Z= D f f f 0 e e ˆ ˆ q q = , hf + f i (q · q )h f f Z ⇤ k Z Z where we have transformedx to polar in the last a meaningful q q0 i ˆ2 fˆTo ˆ obtain c y coordinates 2 step. Z = D f f 2 2 2 0 2 q ' coordinates dxdy (f +k fclast )q.step. 2⇡ |q| where we have transformed to E polar in the To qobtain a meaningful(3.23) (2⇡) (2⇡) xx yy d q d q d Z 2 2and2lowerkbounds result, we need to specific upper for the |q|-range. These bounds are cbounds ˆq fˆ⇤0 iare 4 (q ⇤0 )hbounds hfx upper + fy iand = · q f Z Z ˆ ˆ result, we need to specific lower for the |q|-range. These qof the 22thek linear 0 qf0 L kBa(2⇡) T 2 f |q| . provided naturally by the molecular= length scale and extension a T (2⇡) 1 2 d (2⇡) qthelike dexpress q2 (q Tterms 2 diagona B q). 00 a k Bin Recall that for a d-dimensional Gaussian integral with positive-definite provided naturally by the molecular length scale a and linear extension L of the 2 Need to introduce cut-offs ! = (q q Similar to our earlier discussion of polymers, we would to the energy = (2⇡) q ). Z Z 42 0 2 (2⇡) = (q · q ) (2⇡) (q membrane, yielding 4 2 k |q| membrane, yielding 2 2 4 diag(A , . . . , A ) = (A ) c k |q| d q d q k T 11 ii ijexcitations.c To of contributions fromddelementary this end, we abbreviate y) and (2⇡) (2⇡) 0 xB=k(x, 2 0 c |q| Z 0 0 kc 2(2⇡)2 2 2 0 0 4 ⇤ q q0 0 (2⇡)/a (q · q ) (2⇡) (q q ) Z= kB T d|q| k T (2⇡)/aZ 2 2 4 B consider the Fourier2 ansatz 2 ◆the 2calculate Zd|q|to(2⇡) T be used k✓B T k (2⇡) k 1/2 thermal mean c |q|squared hfhf + i = ln(L/a). (3.29) 2 fy result 2 = kB This can deviations d q T x + f i = = ln(L/a). (3.29) B 1 det A x y Z 2⇡k |q| 2⇡k Z d x·A·x This result can be used calculate the thermal mean squared deviat c 2 2⇡kcto 2⇡k = d2 x e = 1 c (2⇡)/L c T (2⇡)/L d2 q |q|ˆd q k 2k 22 B Z·cx), Z 2⇡ f (x) = = f exp(iq (3.24) (2⇡) |q| 2 0 q 2 d q d q Recalling our initial assumption |f |, |f | ⌧ 1, we see that the notion of planar membrane Z Z 0 ⇤ 2 that 2 notion 2 ✓ ◆ Recalling our initial assumption |fx x |, hf |fy y2|Z(2⇡) ⌧ 1,2(2⇡) we see the of planar membrane Z ˆ ˆ 2 0 1/2 k |q| + f i = (q · q )h f f c q q0 i 22 22 x y equivalently d q 12 d q det A 2 is only meaningful as long as hf + f i ⌧ 1, or if ij d|q| k T (2⇡) 0 ⇤ is only meaningful as long as hf equivalently B if(2⇡) 2 x·A·x ˆ ˆ e x x = . i j hfx2 + fx xy2+i fy y i=⌧ 1,Zddorxd|q| (q · q )h f f 0i Z 22 0 k q q B TZ 2 , 2 2⇡ A ii T 2⇡k )) k |q| d q d q k BBTT(2⇡) 2⇡kcc/(k /(k (2⇡) = , 2⇡ B 0 2 LL⌧ L = ae , (3.30) c ⌧ LPP = ae , (3.30) = (q · q ) (2⇡) (q 2⇡ k |q| Z Z c 2 2 4 kc |q| by rewrit Eq. (3.27) is the infinite-dimensional generalization of 22this 2 (2⇡) 2 (2⇡) 0 relation,Robtained 2 2 dZpart q hf q= 1.1.with where LP1LRecall is is the defined + fd where thepersistence persistence length, definedby by the the condition condition xintegral yi= P 0 B TE 0 0 dqk 20 that forlength, a ofd-dimensional Gaussian positive-definite dia 2and 1 path integral in terms real and imaginary by noting that (q q ) (q dintegral q kB T with (q = · q ) (2⇡) Recall that for a d-dimensional Gaussian positive-definite diagonal ( ⇤ ⇤ 1 2 2 4 =(2⇡) 2 (2⇡) diag(A ))this = (A ii ij)) hence1111, ., .. ..=., ,A in sense. diag(A Add = (A dd ii ij (2⇡) kc |q|2 q q0 q q 0 kc |q| We see that each bending mode contributes an energ energy, in agreement with our results for the bending Gaussian path integral formulas, we can compute the Z e hfˆ fˆ i = Dfˆ fˆ fˆ where LP is the persistence length, defined by the condition hfx + fy i = 1. 3.4 Helfrich’s model Assuming that lipid bilayer membranes can be viewed as two-dimensional surfaces, Helfrich [Hel73] proposed in 1973 the following geometric curvature energy per unit area for a closed membrane kc fc = (2H 2 c0 )2 + kG K, (3.31) where constants kc , kG are bending rigidities and c0 is the spontaneous curvature of the membrane. The full free energy for a closed membrane can then be written as Z Z Z Fc = dA fc + dA + p dV, (3.32) where is the surface tension and p the osmotic pressure (outer pressure minus inner pressure). Minimizing F with respect to the surface shape, one finds after some heroic manipulations the shape equation2 p 2 H + kc (2H c0 )(2H 2 + c0 H 2K) + kc r2 (2H c0 ) = 0, (3.33) where r2 is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the surface. The derivation of Eq. (3.33) wiki uses our earlier result A = f 2H, and the fact that the volume integral may be rewritten as3 Z Z 1 V = dV = dA F · N , 3 2 The full derivation can be found in Chapter 3 of Ref. [OLXY99]. (3.34) (3.35) ipid bilayer where membranes can be viewed as two-dimensional surfaces, HelLP is the persistence length, defined by the condition hfx22 + fy22 i = 1. where is the persistence length, defined byenergy the condition hfx area + fy i for = 1. posed in 1973 theLPfollowing geometric curvature per unit ne 3.4 Helfrich’s Helfrich’s model model 3.4 kc 2 fc = that (2H lipidc0bilayer ) + kGmembranes K, (3.31) surfaces, HelAssuming can be viewed as two-dimensional Assuming2 that lipid bilayer membranes can be viewed as two-dimensional surfaces, Helfrich [Hel73] proposed in 1973 the following geometric curvature energy per unit area for frich [Hel73] proposed and in 1973 thethe following geometriccurvature curvature energy kc , kG are bending rigidities c0 is spontaneous of theper unit area for a closed membrane a closed membrane full free energy for a closed membrane can kc then be2 written as f Z = kc (2H c0 )2 + kG K, (3.31) Z Z fcc = (3.31) 2 (2H c0 ) + kG K, 2 Fc = dA f + dA + p (3.32)curvature of the c where constants kc , kG are bendingdV, rigidities and c0 is the spontaneous where constants kc , kG are bending rigidities and c0 is the spontaneous curvature of the membrane. The full free energy for a closed membrane can then be written as membrane. The full free energy for a closedZ membrane Zcan then be written as Z urface tension and p the osmotic pressure (outer pressure Z Z Z minus inner F = dA fc +one dA + p dV, (3.32) mizing F with respect to the surface finds some heroic Fcc = shape, dA fc + dA + after p dV, (3.32) he shape equation2 where is the surface tension and p the osmotic pressure (outer pressure minus inner where is the surface tension and p the osmotic pressure (outer pressure minus inner pressure). Minimizing with respect2to the surface shape, one finds after some heroic 2 2 H + kc (2H c0 )(2H + c0 H FF 2K) (2H c0 ) = shape, 0, (3.33) pressure). Minimizing with + respect the surface one finds after some heroic 2kc r to manipulations the shape equation2 manipulations the shape equation Laplace-Beltrami operator surface. derivation Eq. (3.33) p 2 Hon + kthe c0 )(2H22The + c0 H 2K) + kcof r22 (2H c0 ) = 0, (3.33) c (2H p 2 H + k (2H c )(2H + c H 2K) + k r (2H c ) = 0, (3.33) c 0 0 c 0 result where r22 is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the surface. The derivation of Eq. (3.33) where r is A the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the surface. The derivation of Eq. (3.33) uses our earlier result (3.34) uses our earlier = result2H, f A A = 2H, (3.34) = 2H, (3.34) f t the volume integral may be rewritten as3 f and the fact thatZthe volume integral may be rewritten as33 Z and the fact that the volume 1 integral Z mayZbe rewritten as Z 1 V = dV = dA F · NZ, (3.35) 1 V = dV = dA F · N , (3.35) 3 V = dV = dA 3 F · N , (3.35) 3 2 tion can be foundThe in Chapter 3 ofcan Ref. full derivation be[OLXY99]. found in Chapter 3 of Ref. [OLXY99]. 2 1 be found in Chapter 3 of 1Ref. [OLXY99]. 3The full derivation can Here, we made the volume formula dV = 13 h dAof forheight a cone h or = pyramid use of the volume formula dV use = of F · Nof. height h = F · N . 3 h dA for a cone or pyramid 3 Here, we made use of the volume formula dV = 3 h dA for a cone or pyramid of height h F ·N . hich gives where LP is the persistence length, defined by the condition hfx22 + fy22 i = 1. where LP is the persistence length, defined by the condition hfx + fy i = 1. 3.4 3.4 Helfrich’s model model Helfrich’s Assuming that lipid bilayer membranes can be viewed as two-dimensional surfaces, HelAssuming that lipid bilayer membranes can be viewed as two-dimensional surfaces, Helfrich [Hel73] proposed in 1973 the following geometric curvature energy per unit area for frich [Hel73] proposed in 1973 the following geometric curvature energy per unit area for a closed membrane a closed membrane kc fc = kc (2H c0 )22 + kG K, (3.31) fc = 2 (2H c0 ) + kG K, (3.31) 2 where constants k , k are bending rigidities and c is the spontaneous curvature of the where constants kcc, kGG are bending rigidities and c00 is the spontaneous curvature of the membrane. The full free energy for a closed membrane can then be written as membrane. The full free energy Z for a closedZ membrane Zcan then be written as Z Z Z F = dA f + dA + p dV, (3.32) Fcc = dA fcc + dA + p dV, (3.32) where is the surface tension and p the osmotic pressure (outer pressure minus inner where is the surface tension and p the osmotic pressure (outer pressure minus inner pressure). Minimizing F with respect to the surface shape, one finds after some heroic pressure). Minimizing F with respect to the surface shape, one finds after some heroic manipulations the shape equation22 manipulations the shape equation p 2 H + kc (2H c0 )(2H22 + c0 H 2K) + kc r22 (2H c0 ) = 0, (3.33) p 2 H + kc (2H c0 )(2H + c0 H 2K) + kc r (2H c0 ) = 0, (3.33) where r22 is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the surface. The derivation of Eq. (3.33) where r is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the surface. The derivation of Eq. (3.33) uses our earlier result uses our earlier result A A = 2H, (3.34) (3.34) f = 2H, f and the fact that the volume integral may be rewritten as33 and the fact that the volume integral Z mayZbe rewritten as Z Z 1 V = dV = dA 1 F · N , (3.35) V = dV = dA 3 F · N , (3.35) 3 2 The full derivation 2 3The full derivation Here, we made use 3 can be found in Chapter 3 of Ref. [OLXY99]. V informula can be volume found Chapter of 1Ref. of the dV3 = h dA[OLXY99]. for a cone or pyramid of height(3.36) h=F ·N . = 1. 13 Here, we made use of the volume formula dV = h dA for a cone or pyramid of height h F ·N . 3 f where LP is the persistence length, defined by the condition hfx22 + fy22 i = 1. where LP is the persistence length, defined by the condition hfx + fy i = 1. 3.4 3.4 Helfrich’s model Helfrich’s model Assuming that lipid bilayer membranes can be viewed as two-dimensional surfaces, HelAssuming that lipid bilayer membranes can be viewed as two-dimensional surfaces, Helfrich [Hel73] proposed in 1973 the following geometric curvature energy per unit area for frich [Hel73] proposed in 1973 the following geometric curvature energy per unit area for a closed membrane a closed membrane kc fc = kc (2H c0 )22 + kG K, (3.31) fc = 2 (2H c0 ) + kG K, (3.31) 2 where constants kc , kG are bending rigidities and c0 is the spontaneous curvature of the where constants kc , kG are bending rigidities and c0 is the spontaneous curvature of the membrane. The full free energy for a closed membrane can then be written as membrane. The full free energyZ for a closedZmembrane Zcan then be written as Z Z Z Fc = dA fc + dA + p dV, (3.32) Fc = dA fc + dA + p dV, (3.32) where is the surface tension and p the osmotic pressure (outer pressure minus inner where is the surface tension and p the osmotic pressure (outer pressure minus inner pressure). Minimizing F with respect to the surface shape, one finds after some heroic pressure). Minimizing F with respect to the surface shape, one finds after some heroic manipulations the shape equation22 manipulations the shape equation p 2 H + kc (2H c0 )(2H22 + c0 H 2K) + kc r22 (2H c0 ) = 0, (3.33) p 2 H + kc (2H c0 )(2H + c0 H 2K) + kc r (2H c0 ) = 0, (3.33) where r22 is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the surface. The derivation of Eq. (3.33) where r is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the surface. The derivation of Eq. (3.33) uses our earlier result uses our earlier result A (3.34) A = 2H, (3.34) f = 2H, f and the fact that the volume integral may be rewritten as33 and the fact that the volume integral Z may Zbe rewritten as 1 Z Z V = dV = dA 1 F · N , (3.35) V = dV = dA 3F · N , (3.35) 3 2 The full derivation can be found in Chapter 3 of Ref. [OLXY99]. 2 3The full derivation can be found in Chapter 3 of 1Ref. [OLXY99]. Here, we made use of the volume formula dV = h dA for a cone 3 Here, we made use of the volume formula dV = 133h dA for a cone or pyramid of height h = F · N . or pyramid of height h F ·N . where LP is the persistence length, defined by the condition hfx2 + fy2 i = 1. 3.4 Helfrich’s model Assuming that lipid bilayer membranes can be viewed as two-dimensional surfaces, Helfrich [Hel73] proposed in 1973 the following geometric curvature energy per unit area for a closed membrane fc = kc (2H 2 c0 )2 + kG K, (3.31) where constants kc , kG are bending rigidities and c0 is the spontaneous curvature of the membrane. The full free energy for a closed membrane can then be written as Z Z Z Fc = dA fc + dA + p dV, (3.32) where gives is the surface tension and p the osmotic pressure (outer pressure minus inner which pressure). Minimizing F with respect to the surface shape, one finds after some heroic V manipulations the shape equation2 = 1. (3.36) f p 2 H + kc (2H c0 )(2H 2 + c0 H 2K) + kc r2 (2H c0 ) = 0, (3.33) For open membranes with boundary @M , a plausible energy functional is given by where r2 is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the surface. The derivation of Eq. (3.33) Z Z I uses our earlier result Fo = dA fc + dA + ds, (3.37) A @M = 2H, (3.34) f where is the line tension of the boundary. In this case, variation yields not only the 3 corresponding shape but also may a non-trivial set ofasboundary conditions. and the fact that theequation volume integral be rewritten Z Z 1 V = dV = dA F · N , (3.35) 3 2 3 The full derivation can be found in Chapter 3 of Ref. [OLXY99]. Here, we made use of the volume formula dV = 13 h dA for a cone or pyramid of height h = F · N .