Document 10515636

Math 142
Business Mathematics II
Spring 2011
Texas A&M University
Jill Zarestky
Blocker 640B
Office Hours:
This is the best way to get in touch with me. Include your full name and section
number in any email you send to me. Please check your university email daily.
Check the website regularly for course information and updates.
TR 8:00-9:15am in BLOC 169
TR 9:35-10:50am in BLOC 169
Course Description
MATH 142: Business Mathematics II (Credit 3) Derivatives, curve sketching and optimization, techniques
of derivatives, logarithms and exponential functions with applications, integrals, techniques and
applications of integrals, multivariate calculus. Prerequisites: High school algebra I and II and geometry or
satisfactory performance on a qualifying examination. Credit will not be given for more than one of
MATH 131, 142, 151 and 171.
Tentative Schedule: All changes will be announced in class or via email.
Week 1
Jan. 18, 20
Introduction, Sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.5
Week 2
Jan. 25, 27
Sections 2.6, 3.1-3.2
Week 3
Feb. 1, 3
Sections 3.3-3.5
Week 4
Feb. 8, 10
Exam 1
Week 5
Feb. 15, 17
Sections 3.7, 4.1-4.3
Week 6
Feb. 22, 24
Sections 4.4, 4.7, 5.1
Week 7
Mar. 1, 3
Sections 5.2, 5.4
Week 8
Mar. 8, 10
Exam 2
Week 9
Mar. 15, 17
Spring Break
Week 10
Mar. 22, 24
Sections 5.5-5.6
Week 11
Mar. 29, 31
Sections 6.1-6.2, 6.4
Week 12
Apr. 5, 7
Sections 6.5, 7.1
Week 13
Apr. 12, 14
Exam 3
Week 14
Apr. 19, 21
Section 8.1-8.2
Week 15
Apr. 26, 28
Section 8.3, 8.5, Review
Week 16
May 3
Redefined as a Friday class.
Cumulative Final Exam May 9
Section 508, Monday, 1-3pm, BLOC 169
May 6
Section 509, Friday, 12:30-2:30pm, BLOC 169
Required Materials
Barnett, Ziegler & Byleen. Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences. 12th ed.
A TI-83/84 or TI-83/84 Plus is required. Bring your calculator to every class. Calculators are allowed on
exams but you must clear and reset the memory before each exam. You may not share calculators during
exams or quizzes. Any inappropriate use of calculators on exams or quizzes is academic dishonesty and I
will report it to the Aggie Honor Council. (Refer to the Academic Integrity Statement on p. 6.)
Texas A&M Student ID
Bring your student ID to all exams. Due to privacy issues, I cannot discuss grades over email or phone. If
you have a question about your grade, please come see me in person and bring your ID.
All online homework will be based in the online system WebAssign. Purchase access online directly from
WebAssign. Everything you need to know about creating an account, logging in, and using the system is
available here:
Grade Weights
Homework (details on p. 3)
Quizzes (details on p. 4)
Daily Grades (reading notes, class activities, writing assignments, details on p. 4)
Average of 3 In-Class Exams (details on p. 4)
Cumulative Final Exam (details on p. 4)
Required Averages
A 90–100%
B 80–89.9%
C 70–79.9%
D 60–69.9%
45% (15% each)
F 0–59.9%
Grade Disputes
All grade disputes must be dealt with at the time you receive the exam or assignment. Once you leave
class, you have accepted your grade. Due to privacy issues, I cannot discuss grades over email or phone.
Attendance & Make-up Policy
Attendance is required in this class. No make-up exams or assignments are possible without a Universityapproved excused absence (see the Texas A&M University Student Rules). An absence for a non-acute
medical service or regular check-up does not constitute an excused absence. To be excused, you must
notify me in writing prior to the date of absence if possible. Consistent with Texas A&M Student Rules, in
cases where advance notification is not feasible (e.g. accident, or emergency) the student must provide
notification by the end of the second working day after the absence. This notification should include an
explanation of why notice could not be sent prior to the class.
For injury or illness too severe or contagious to attend class, you must provide confirmation of a visit to a
health care professional affirming date and time of visit. The Texas A&M University Explanatory Statement
for Absence from Class form will not be accepted. It is the student's responsibility to schedule a make-up.
Any assignments given on the day(s) missed will still be due according to the regular schedule.
Non-Traditional Class Format
Instead of listening to a lecture during class time, you will work in groups to complete assignments. We
may occasionally use class time for a traditional lecture, but that will be the exception rather than the rule.
I expect you to read assigned sections of the textbook to supplement and prepare for class activities. It is
essential that you come to class ready to participate in a discussion of the reading.
For each activity, your group will turn in an answer sheet, usually due at the end of the class period. If you
ever feel that the class activity didn’t cement the concepts for you, please refer to the book, ask a question
in class, or come visit me during office hours. You are responsible for all course content, regardless of the
format in which it is presented and regardless of whether or not it is directly discussed in class.
Reading the Textbook
For each section of the book that we cover, I will provide you with a reading guide. The reading guide will
help you discern the parts of each section that are more or less important, help you take good notes, and
enable you to focus your efforts. In this way, you should be able to make the most efficient and effective
use of your reading time. My goal is that, by the end of the semester, you will have learned how to read a
textbook independently. Please bring your completed notes to class every day.
Class Activities
Group Work
You will work in groups to complete the class activities. Groups of three will be randomly assigned on the
second or third day of class and will stay together for the entire semester. Group activities will always be
based on the readings. If you are not keeping up with the readings, you are going to be a hindrance to your
If your group experiences difficulties with a member, you may choose to eject that member. The first step
is an official warning via a Letter of Intent to Disassociate. If the troubles persist, you may officially eject
the person with the Letter of Disassociation. These forms are available from a link on my website and
require my signature. If you feel uncomfortable with this process or have group problems, please come talk
to me.
A person who has been ejected will receive a 0 on the most recent group assignment and work alone for at
least one week. After that, if he or she chooses, the individual may join a different preexisting group of
two, contingent upon the success of a one-week trial period.
Late Class Activities
Please plan to turn in the class activity answer sheet at the end of each class period unless I explicitly state
otherwise. If you do not finish, your group work may be subject to a late penalty or a 0 on the assignment.
This means that your group needs to work quickly and efficiently! If you feel you need turn in an
assignment late, you must discuss the issue with me.
Homework will be primarily online but may include the occasional pencil-and-paper assignment. At the
end of the semester, your two lowest homework scores will be dropped before your average is calculated.
Late Homework
The online homework system automatically penalizes late submissions. Any pencil-and-paper assignments
are due at the beginning of the class period. Late work will be subject to a penalty (usually a percentage of
the grade) or may not be accepted at all.
Online Homework
We will be using WebAssign, as described on p. 2. You will have two types of homework assignments; math
and writing. I will not give extensions or grade adjustments due to technical difficulties at the last minute.
Math Assignments
• These will usually be due on Wednesday nights before midnight.
• Some problems will be tough, but you are allowed multiple attempts. Be sure to start well in advance
of the due date.
Writing Assignments
• These will usually be due on Monday nights before midnight.
• I will give you between 1 and 4 short writing prompts and I ask that you respond thoughtfully to each
prompt. There is no length requirement but answers such as "I don't know" or "Nothing" will receive
no credit. I expect all responses to be in complete sentences and grammatically correct.
• The online system will automatically give you full credit for any response. I will be reading your
responses and adjusting the scores downward, if necessary, based on the quality of your response.
• You may wish to compose your responses in Microsoft Word and then paste your text into the
WebAssign system when you are completely finished.
In-class quizzes will occur approximately once per week. The quizzes are your individual, not group, work.
Quiz material may come from the reading, class activities, or some combination. If you are keeping up in class,
the quizzes should be manageable. I may also give an unannounced quiz at any time. At the end of the
semester, your two lowest quiz scores will be dropped before the average is calculated.
The three in-class exams will each be 75 minutes long and are about half multiple-choice and half free
response. Everything covered in class, in the reading, on the homework, etc. is fair game for an exam. You
will be expected to show all of your work on the free response sections.
Final Exam
The final exam is cumulative and all multiple choice. The presence of material on the final is roughly
proportionate to the amount of time we spend on that material during the semester.
Extra Help & Preparing for Exams
I am here to help you but I can’t help if I don’t know there is a problem. I encourage each of you to talk to
me, ask questions both in and out of class, come to office hours, send emails, etc. Your best bet for success
is active participation!
Your Classmates
We will all learn more and have more fun if we talk to each other. Get to know your classmates. Form study
groups and help each other.
The Week-in-Review is a review session conducted by Dr. Marco Roque-Sol for all Math 142 students
once per week to review the topics of the previous week and to provide additional examples. Time,
location, and notes will be posted online.
In addition to the WIR problems, I strongly recommend that you practice extra problems on your own
from the book. See the suggested homework list linked from my webpage. Extra problems are also
suggested within the reading notes.
Help Sessions
Help sessions are an opportunity for you to ask questions and get help with your homework. Students who
have previously taken Math 142 lead the help sessions. These don’t usually start till the second week of
school. As soon as it is available, the schedule will be posted here:
All exams, printed handouts and/or assignments, and web-materials are protected by U.S. Copyright Laws.
No multiple copies can be made without my written permission. Do not share exams or assignments with
anyone outside of the class.
Academic Integrity Statement
"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do."
Upon accepting admission to Texas A&M University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to
uphold the Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning, and to follow the philosophy and rules of the
Honor System. Students will be required to state their commitment on examinations, research papers, and
other academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the TAMU community from
the requirements or the processes of the Honor System.
The Honor Council Rules and Procedures are on the web at
I am a former member of the Honor Council. Cheating or any form of academic dishonesty will not be
tolerated. You are encouraged to study with your classmates, unless otherwise directed, but all work
intended for a grade must clearly be your work as an individual. All exams and quizzes (whether in lecture,
online, or take-home) are to be taken individually.
A good rule-of-thumb if you are unsure whether your actions could be construed as academic dishonesty:
If I were standing next to you, would you want me to see or hear what you are doing? If the answer is no,
then it is probably something you shouldn’t do. This includes discussing a quiz or exam with someone who
hasn’t taken it yet, storing inappropriate information of any kind on your calculator, etc. If you have any
questions about this issue, I will be happy to discuss it with you. Please do not compromise your integrity
for the sake of temporary benefits.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides
comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation
requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for
reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an
accommodation, please contact Disability Services, in Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637. For
additional information visit
If you require accommodation, please see me as soon as possible. I can’t do anything for you until we have
your paperwork in order.
Your First Assignment
Due Thursday Jan. 27
• The “Introduce Yourself” Note Card
• Use the 4 ✕6 card that I provide.
o Section 508: Blue
o Section 509: Green
• This grade should be an easy 100% but cannot be dropped.
• On the front:
o Attach a picture of yourself, about 2 in. by 2 in. (Tape, staple or glue! No paperclips or
folded corners.)
o Your name
o Math 142, Section (508 or 509), Spring 2011
o Major
o What are your professional aspirations?
o What is something interesting or unusual about you?
• On the back:
o How did you choose this class?
o Do you have any friends is this class already?
o What was your last math class? How long ago? Grade?
o What are your feelings about math?
o Is there anything else you would like me to know?
o Of the office hours indicated on the first page of this syllabus, is there at least one time
period that would allow you to visit if needed? If so, please list. If not, describe the
Learning Outcomes
A. Identify and articulate your educational goals.
B. Develop an increased understanding of yourself as a student and learner.
C. Functions
1. Recognize the graphs of the identity, square, cube, square root, cube root, and absolute
value functions.
2. Develop and graph piece-wise functions to model real-world situations.
3. Determine a quadratic model for a revenue or profit function and calculate the break-even
4. Distinguish between graphs of exponential functions with different bases and coefficients.
5. Simplify expressions using properties of exponents.
6. Solve problems involving compound interest. T
7. Solve problems involving continuously compounded interest.
8. Model exponential growth and decay.
9. Determine if a function is one-to-one.
10. Determine the inverse of a one-to-one function.
11. Convert between an exponential and a logarithmic equation.
12. Evaluate simple logarithmic expressions without a calculator.
13. Simplify logarithmic expressions using properties of logarithms.
14. Solve equations involving exponential functions.
15. Solve equations involving logarithmic functions.
D. The Derivative
1. Estimate a limit at a point and a limit at infinity from the graph of a function.
2. Determine the values of x for which a limit does not exist given a graph of a function.
3. Evaluate limits at a point algebraically.
4. Evaluate limits at infinity for rational functions.
5. Identify the intervals on which a function is continuous given its graph or its equation.
6. Locate points of discontinuity for a piece-wise function.
7. Calculate average rate of change.
8. Calculate instantaneous rate of change.
9. Calculate the slope of the secant line to a curve at a point.
10. Write the equation of the tangent line to a curve at a point.
11. Find a formula for the derivative using the limit definition of the derivative.
12. Determine the values of x for which the tangent line is horizontal.
13. Identify the points at which a function is nondifferentiable.
14. Use short-cut rules to find a formula for the derivative of a function.
a. Differentiate power functions.
b. Differentiate the sum or difference of two functions.
c. Differentiate the product or quotient of two functions.
d. Differentiate exponential and logarithmic functions.
e. Differentiate composite functions.
15. Compute marginal cost, marginal revenue, and marginal profit models.
a. Determine the approximate cost, revenue, and profit for the next item.
16. Compute marginal average cost, marginal average revenue, and marginal average profit
17. Determine if demand is elastic, inelastic, or has unit elasticity at a given price level.
E. Graphing and Optimization
1. Analyze the graph of a function.
a. Identify the intervals on which a function is increasing or decreasing.
b. Identify the intervals on which a function is concave up or concave down.
c. Determine the intervals on which the first derivative is positive or negative.
d. Identify the intervals on which the second derivative is positive or negative.
2. Determine local extrema and intervals of increasing and decreasing using the first
a. Identify the critical values of a function.
b. Create a sign chart of the characteristics of the first derivative.
3. Match the graph of a function to the graph of its derivative.
4. Calculate higher-order derivatives.
5. Determine the inflection points and concavity of a function.
a. Create a sign chart of the characteristics of the second derivative.
6. Sketch the graph of a function given information about the first and second derivatives.
7. Determine the point of diminishing returns of a total sales model.
8. Sketch the graph of a rational function.
a. Determine the domain, intercepts, and asymptotes of the function.
b. Analyze and unite the properties of the first and second derivatives by using
sign charts.
9. Determine the absolute maximum and minimum values of a function on a given interval.
10. Solve real-world optimization problems.
F. The Integral
1. Evaluate indefinite integrals.
a. Use anti-derivative rules to evaluate an indefinite integral.
b. Use substitution to evaluate an indefinite integral.
2. Find a particular anti-derivative of a derivative satisfying a given condition.
3. Estimate a definite integral by computing Riemann Sums.
4. Calculate a definite integral by using the properties of definite integrals.
5. Evaluate definite integrals by using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
6. Determine the average value of a function on an interval.
7. Calculate the area bounded between two curves. T
8. Calculate the consumers’ and producers’ surplus given supply and demand curves. T
G. Multivariable Calculus
1. Evaluate a function of two or more variables.
2. Plot points in the three-dimensional coordinate system.
3. Sketch a graph of a function in the three-dimensional coordinate system.
4. Evaluate a difference quotient for a function of two variables.
5. Apply business models involving more than one independent variable.
6. Calculate first- and second-order partial derivatives.
7. Determine if a critical point in three dimensions is a local maximum, local minimum, or a
saddle point by using the second derivative test.
8. Apply the method of least-squares to model a data set.
Key: T indicates an outcome heavily dependent on the use of technology.
Math 142
Spring 2011
NAME: ________________________________________
UIN: __________________________________________
Read and initial statements 1 through 11. On statement 12, you may decide for yourself if you want to
initial. Sign at the bottom. Detach this page and turn it in today.
I understand:
Course Policies
_________ 1. An absence for a non-acute medical service or regular check-up does not constitute an
excused absence.
2. To be excused, I must notify Ms. Zarestky in writing prior to the date of absence if possible.
Consistent with Texas A&M Student Rules, students are required to notify their instructor by
the end of the second working day after missing an exam or assignment; otherwise, they
forfeit their rights to a make-up.
3. For injury or illness too severe or contagious to attend class, I must provide confirmation of a
visit to a health care professional affirming date and time of visit.
4. Once I leave class with my graded exam, quiz, or assignment, I accept its grade.
5. Due to privacy issues, grades cannot be discussed over email or phone.
6. For every exam, I must bring my student ID and clear my calculator’s memory.
7. I am responsible for checking my TAMU email daily and reading all course-related
Course Format
8. There will be little to no in-class lecture in this course. Class time will be spent primarily on
group work and activities.
9. This course requires the independent reading of the textbook before every class meeting.
10. I am responsible for all course content, independent of the method of delivery or the degree
to which it is discussed in class.
11. I must sign up for the WebAssign online system through which I will complete homework
12. My initials in this blank allow me to pick up my graded quiz/exam/assignment from an
alphabetized stack at the front of the class. Even though grades will be concealed on the
inside of the paper, I understand that it may still be possible for someone else to view my
grade. If I do not initial the blank or if I am absent from class on the day the papers are
returned, I must show my Texas A&M student ID during my instructor's office hours to pick
up my paper.
Signature: ________________________________________