UMAP MODULE477 MODULES AND MONOGRAPHS IN UNDERGRAOUATE MATHEMATICS ANDITS APPLICATIONS F > F > F > b . - b ? ! . n HerbertL. Dershem a ' > ' > ^ O D Computer Problem Solving b l n l S N $ N f S N > , @ > . @ > . @ ^ /, o /'\ > . ; , o - g t q 2 ' r,t " > g < t c 2 q Z t,r ' I,t 6 ^- s x ! l x 6 = x : $ t s t * a ^ t ^ -- € ' o e t ^ N , c . ' l e - l q . ' l BilkhauserBostonlnc. 380 Green Street Cambridge,MA0A39 Computer Science/Algorilhms Inl,enpduld? Title: Desctiotion Sheet: UMAPL'hnt 477 PROBI,EM SOLVIN6 COMPUTER -Autho!: Herbefi L. Dershen Departnent of Conputer Science Hope College H o ll a n d . M i c hi g r n 4 9 4 2 5 R e v i e wS t a g e / D a t e : classification: IV 6/30/8r coMpuTERscI/ALGoR|IIMS Plerequisite Sklrrs I None Output 5ki1ls: l . B e a b l e t o e ^ p l a i n t h e c o n c e p to f a l g o r i t h m a n d b e a b l e solution algorithns fron non-algorlthmic to dlstinguish descriptions. in the floY_ 2. Be able to read and explain algolithns {ritten chart language. 5. Be able to state the seven steps in conpute! problea solving and be able to apply their in solving simPle Paoblels. Iterat-f;64 coripur et Prblen Sor!\^e (Itnit 478) @ 198r EDC/Project Ult{AP A11 rights rese ed.' MODU],!SAND MONOGMPHS]N UNDERGRADUATE MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS PROJECT(IJMAP) The goal of UIIAP is to develop, through a con nunity of users and developers, a systen of instructional nodules ir undergraduate nathentatics and its applications that nay be used to supplenent exlsting courses and fron which cotnplete courses nay eventually be built. The Project is guided by a National Advisory Board of nathenaticians, scientists, and educators. Ul,tAPis funded by a grant frorn th€ National Science Foundation to Education Developnent Center, Inc., a publicly supported, nonprofit cor?oration engaged in educational research in the U.S. and abroad. PROJECT STAIF Ross L. Finney SolononA. Carfunkel Felicia M. DeMay Barbara Kelczeuski Paula M. Sanlillo DonnaDiDuca Project Director Executive Director, CoMAP Associate Dir€ctot Coordinato! for Materials Production Assistant to the Directors Projebt Secretary/Production Assistant Zachaly zevitas Staff Assistant UMAPADVISORY BOARD Steven J. Brans Lleyron Clarkson DonaldA. Lalson R. DuncanLuce Frederick Most6ller GeorgeM, Miller l{a1t€r Sears Amold A. Strassenburg Alfred B. Wll1cox NswYork University Texas Southen University SUNYat Buffalo Haftard Univorsity Harvard University NassauConununityCollege ljniversity of Michigan Prsss SUNYat Stony Bloot Mathenatical Association of Ainerica This unit was field-tested andlor studont review€d in prelinrinary forn by Harold Baker of Litchfield High School; Donald F. Bailey of Cometl College; AIex C. Bsnn€tt of Brenerton High Schoor; Ls!?y So$der of Northern lllinois Univslsity; and t{, Thumon l,{hitley of Univ€rsity of Ne Haven and has be€n revised on the basis of dara rocsived fron these The Ploject woutd like to thank Carol Stoles of Danville Area Co'tnunity CoIlege, DaDville, Illinois; Ray Treaduay of Bennett College, Greensboro, North Carolina; Douglas F. Hale of the University of Texas-Pernian Basin, odessa, Teras; Carloll 0. lvilde of the Naval Postgraduate Schoot, Monterey, Califonia; and one anonynous revlewer, for their leviewsj and all othe?s who assisted in the productior of this unit. This naterial uas prspared ith the partial suppo?t of National Science Foundation Grant No, SED80-07731. Reconnrendations e)eressed are thoss of the autho! and do not necessarily reflecr the views of the NSF .r rha .^nvri dhr h^rrar COMPUTTR PROBI,EMSOLVING by Hexbett L. Dershen Departnent of Cornputer Science Hoge College Ho11and, Michigan 49423 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . INTRODUfl'ION 2 , ALGORITHMS 3. TLOTCHART LA]IGUAGE 4. P R O B LSEO ML V I N SG TEPS 5. AN 8XA},'PLE 6. ANSI,I'BRS TO EXERCISBS 7. MoDB!EXAI,{ 8. SOLUTIONS TO MODBL EXAM ,,,,.I2 l4 . . 30 31 . ,:1r l:..i'!.: l j INTRODUCTION M u c ho f a p e r s o n ' s l i f e i s s p e n t i n s o l v i n g p r o b l e n s . Usua11y, e use a tool or a set of tools to assist us in solving those problens. F o r e x a n p l e , w h e n f a c e d 1 ^ r i t ht h e problen of transporting nyself from where I anr now to a location across town where I would like to be, I night use an autonobile as a tool. If I an faced with the problen of remov-ing t h e c o n t e n t s o I a c a p p e db o t t l e , a bottle-opener i,ould be an appropriate tool , In somecases, I n e e d t o u s e a c o m b i n a t j o no f t o o l s I-or e,( I had to renoye the contents of a capped bottle that was in a store across toun, I uould use both the autonobile and the bottle-opener. lor nany problens that peopLe nced to so1vc, the computer is an appropTia!e too1, Bu! the computer is just a it r,,iI1 not solve a problemby itsclf. The conputer can assist you in solving a problen only if you know hov to utilize it correctly" This module introduces techniques and ideas which you nrayapply when using the computer to solve problens. Although we are prinarily concerned with lhe use of cornputersin the problen solving process, the techniques are applicable to other nodes of solving problens. 2, ALGORITHMS task in solving a problemis Iinding 4ppropriate ways of representing the solution process. The nore carefully this is done, the easier the ptoblen solvlng process. An algorithn is a connon way of repreThe first senting the soluiion this tern. process, so we begin by defining -1- Definition of an Algorith]n An ordered set of rules for solving a problen is called aD dlgorithn if it has t]te fo1lo{ing properties: 1. z. 3. the rules are unanb-lguous. The rules are in a ProPer seguence. The procedure specified by the set of ruLes sol1/es the problen. The procedure terninates sfter a finite nunber of steps, o! actions sPecified bY the rules. Wevi11 "back into" en understanding of l}lhet an aLgorithn is by first considering whdt one i s t r ' t . N o h a l g o r i t f u n1 . 1. Directions for getting to the hospital. Govest on Tenth Street until you cone to a stoplight. 2 . Turn onto River Avenue a! the stoPlight. 3 . Make a light at the Y on Rive! Avenue. 4 . The hospital lri1] be on your right a fe last blocks the Y. Unfortunately, ue have el1 been tho recipiients, and probably the givers as ve11, of nonalgorithnic directions like these. I hope your illness is not too scute in this case because if it is, you flay terninate befofe tho algorithn does, The problen vith this nonalgorithn is thdt lt violat€s condition 1 by bei4g anbiguous' In rule 1, which stop light is DeEnt? In tule 2' which way should I turn? At the Y describod in rule 3, there is a right fork and a sharP :'ight turn possible. I'Jhich should I take? Hownany blocks are a few in step 4? Nonalgorithfi 1 2. 3, 4. 5. 2, Directions for pass lng an exaln' G e t l o t s o f s l e e P t h e night befote outline the naterial. R e a dt h e n a t e r i a l . Listen attentively in c l a s s . Take the exanination. -2- the eJa6I[' This nonalgorithr contains rules rhat miCht be adequate to solve the probler0, but they cannot be carried out in the specified order. Thus the rules are p r o p e r not in sequence, and condition 2 of the algorithn d ef i n l t i o n i s v i o l a t e d . Nonalgorithn 5. .L l3. Directions for passing a true-fatse Bring a coin Lo Lhe test, Flip the coin for each iten on the rest. If the coin lands heads respond with true, the coin lands tai1s, test if respond with fa1se. There is no anbiguity in this nonatgorithn, and steps are in ploper sequence. Th€ only difficulty is y o u that unless have an unusually intelligent (tucky?) coin, this procedure nay not solve the problen at hand, 1 4 ' h i c hi s t o p a s s t h e t e s t , Hence, condition 3 of the definition is violated. Nonalqorithn 4. 1. 2. 3. Directions for naking a nillion doltars. Get 10 nillion dimes. Go to Las Vegas. Play the dine slot nachines until either (or r ore) dines or until have 20 nillion you you run out of them. d lf w.,, r,,n ^,,i ^f;in.- 5. If you reach 20 nillion a h e a dI ^- uar^ LU s LrP rr dines, quit while you're you oblain the supply of dines needed in s t e p l a n d t h e c r a n k i n g p o r , u en r eeded in step 3, this procedure is 5till a nonalgofithn because i! tnaynever terninate: there is no guarantee that you will ever Even lf obtain the desired result a! step 3. in the definition is violated. Hence, condition 4 Now we a?e ready to consider an exarnple which does qualify as an algorithn under our definition. 5- Find the greatesl 1' Algorithn given nunbers, N and M. connon divisor of two 3- N and M' Let K be the srnalle|of If K divides both N and M, then K is the greates t connon divisol' Otherwise, subtract 1 fron K' 4. Go to step 2. 1. 2- is unanbiguous, its rules are 1n This algorithn so in proper sequence, it so1ves the problen, and it does It is also very sinple and a finite nunber o! steps. However, it nay take a long tine to easv to foflow. For exanple' solve the probLen using this elgorithn' 2 i f 1 5 7 9 8 4 3 3a n d 5 6 6 8 3 2 a r e u s e d f o r N a n d M , s t e p woulil be executed 566783 tines before the correc! that algorjthn' A nore efficieflt enslrer of 49 is found. is, one thet can solve the sNne ProbLetr with much less is known and we she11 pfesent 1! nexr' effolt, Algorithn 2, Given two nunbers' N and M' find thei! greatest cotMon divisor. 1. 2. 4. N i.s srneller then M, then exchange the tl'ro' Divide N by M and call the renainder R' If the rendinder R is zero, then M is the GCD' the value of M and M to the othernise, set N Il value of R. Go to steP 2. = 15798433, If we fo11o{ this algorithn for N M as folLowsi M = 5 6 6 8 3 2 , w e o b t a i n t h e s u c c e s s i v ev a L u e s o f M' M= M' M' M' MM= 566832 493969 72863 56791 16072 857s ?4 9 7 M = 1.078 M = 10Zg M = 49 In this significant case ue execute steP 2 only nine times, e inprovenent over AlSorith:r 1. The phenorrrenon !,,hicl! we observe hete oecurs often in an'l Algorithn 1 is sinPle, streiglttforiirald, algorithns, 2 4enler' ,Algoaitho solves the problem io an inefficient diffibut the cost is. additional is fiuch mote efficient Thls tradeoff bet{een sinpLjc: culty in understanding it. frequently folces the of algorithns ity and efficiency alSotithtn ilesiSner to nale a decision on the subject of priorities. Exercis€3 1. Modlfy nonalgorlthn 2'to nake it 4n algodthn. 2, D€tefinln€ $hsther €ach of tho foltoring er' algorlthDs or non_ Por eech nolldlSorithn,' find tlls rule or rules it algorithns. it 4s an etgolltlt violat€s end "er{ri!s (e) Hol{ to Prace 6 telePhone call. 1. 2. Pick uP the t.caj.v6r. Listen for a dial tone. Dial th'o nutiber. 4. Conduct the conversation. (b) Hoy t6 find a uoril ln a dlctioirary or deter'lin€ that it is 3, not listed. 1. Turn to anY iage. 2. If {ord at the toP left 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. of the Pag' occuts alphab6_ tically afte! ths deslfsal vrord, go to step 4' Turn ahead 10 psgss End !o to st.p 2. Tufn back 2 Peg€s. ' If $ord et the !o! rllilft is $ofore the desholl wofd, go to step 3. Scan Page fol desirid rcrd. If it is found' lrrite a definitiotr' rr If it is not foEdJ Iftite, "not in dictionaly (c) Ho'{ t o f i l l a ditch with sand. t. 2 . Start shoveling sand itrto the d i t c h 5. If go to step 1. you rim out of satrd, go get Ithen ditch is full, stop. td) Hos a doctor heals a patient. 1 . Learn about patient's probten. 2 . Consider the slrptons. 3 . Initiate a treatnent. Exanine and test 5 . If patient patient. is cured, then the b i 1 1 , 3, FLOWCHART LANG1JAGE In lle next ask how we s h o u l d e x p r e s s a l g o r i t h n s . o t h e r w o r d s , i s t h e r e a convenien! language for connruni_ cat ing en slgo?ithrn fron one person to anothef or flotl a person to a cornputeT? e have used above in coflIiunicating Algorithns L and 2 is English' vhich is very aPpropriate because it i5 understood by e reasonably large subset of EnSlish has two the people vith whon we cotlmunicate. disadvanteges, however. First, it i5 anbiguous as far as The language neaning is concerned, and therefore, even a carefully worded algorithn cen suffer from the anbiguity of the langtrage. Second, English is not an appropriate language f o r c o n u n u n i c a t i n gu i t h c o n P u t e r s , s i n c e i t i s t o o c o r n p l i cated for them to understand, $rould aPPear then, that a computer programning language nay be an answer to our dilenrna. PTograrrning l a n g u a g e s a r e , o f n e c e s s i t y , u n a n b j . g u o u s ,a n d a r e And indeed one of our understandable to the conputer. goals is to express algorithns in this fotn so that the It But peoPle have difficonputer can solve the problen. directly in prograrnning culty expressing algorithns -6- languages. For this reason we develop an internediate language between English and the progranning language, which se call rlaichart Langucse. The expression of an algorithm in Flowchart L a n g u a g ec o n s i s t s o f t h e r u l e s o f t h e a l g o r i t h n r r i t t e n in abbrevialed English and pictured graphically in "boxcs." These boxes are connected by arrows which indicate the sequencing of the steps. Wewill use this Flowchart Language to express all of our algorithns, There are five different kinds of boxes that used in representing algorithms. are 1. Terninel box T e r n r i n e lb o x e s a r e u s e d t o i d e n t i f y t h e s t a r t i n g p o i n t a n d s t o p p i n g p o i n t o f a n d l g o r i t h m . T h e yv i 1 1 always contain either lhe word STARTor the word STOP. 2, Procesing box The work of the algorithn is specified in processing boxes, It contains an English st atenent which describes the action that is to be taken. -7- 3. Input box Each input box rhose valrJes are to nanes of variables from a known source For exanple, the box represents the obtaining of tro values N and the second M. the first ca11ed 4. Output box Like an input box, each output box contains the The values of these variab les are nanes of variables, For exarlp1e, the box t o b e d i s p l a y e d i n s o r n ef o r n . inilicates that the current value of X is to be displayed. 5 . D e c is i o n b o x E a c h d e c i s i o n box contains a question !,hich can be a n s w e r e dy e s o T n o , I f t h e a n s e r i s t r y e s , r r t h e " y e 5 , ' path is taken fron t h e b o x . I f t h e a n s w e r i s " n o , " t h e "no" path is taken. A s a n e x a m p l e , A l g o r i t h m I i n F l o w c h a r t L a n g u a g ei s shovn belorv. Set ]( to the smaller of N and l'l X divide both N and M? Subtract fronr K N,M,K r-rt l Nanes that are used in an algorithn to represent nunerical values and whose values nay change during the 'lhree execution of the algorithn, are cal1ea ,aviables. It is variables, N, M, and K, are used in AlSorithn 1, easier to understand uhat an algorithnL does if there is someexplanation of the neanings of the variables included For exanple, for Algorithn l, our with the algorlthn. variable descriptions r,ould be as fo11o{s: Nane Descriptions N,M The tlro Siven nunbers. A counter used in searching for the It will g r e a t e s t c o n r n o nd i v i s o r . c o n t a i n t h e g r e a t e s t c o n m o nd i v i s o r K li/hen the algorithn terrninates, Setting a variabLe to the value of another variable or to the result of sone arithnelic explession is such a c o n r n o na l g o r i t h n s t e p t h a t a s p e c i a l s y n b o l , t h e l e f t lor exanple, pointing arrovr, is used to represent it' A-B This notation cen neans rrset A to the value of 8." also be used to represent the inclenenting or decrenenting The step ''add 1 to X" is given by of valiab1es. X+x+1 Using this new synbol and the v4riable w6 can now festate Algorithn 1. descriptions, Given two nunbers' ALgorithn 1 _ Second Version. find their gfeatest connon divisor' N and M' Variables Nane N,M ( Description The tvro given nunbers , A counter used to search for the gresteS 1 ! v i l 1 c o n t a i r the connon divisor. g r " e a t e s t c o n m o nd i v j s o r algorithn terrninates. -10_ khen !he both N,M,K Exercisss 3 . l{fite algorlthn 2ln the Flor{chert Lsnguags. 4 . Follo$ the algolithn describ€d in th€ forrouing flouchart and givs the rgsulting output rhen lhs input valu€ is 5. Nane Variables Descriptj.ons N I SLun The sum of the first -11- N integers, su,t+sun+l I+I+1 SOLVINGSTEPS PROBLEM Now that ],Jehave the concePt of an algorithn snd the flowchart language available, we ale ready to lealn how to use these tools in soLving problerns. It would be sinple if we could Put the statenent of a problen lnto a Unfor solving it rnachine and get out an algorithn no such nachine has ever been discovered fortunately, P r o b l e n s o l v i n g i s a c c o f l t p L i s h e do n l y t h r o u g h c a r e f u l w o r k : b e F o r et h e a l g o r i t h " r i s c o n s t r u c t e d , d e t a j l e d P l a n n i n g a n d analysis must occuri alter the algorithm is construcfed' \2- extenslve testing nust take place to verify does indeed solve the probten. that it In this section ll/e outline a step by-step procedure that is useful in the construction of algorithrns which solye problens. You night call this an algorithn for constlucting algorithns. This process consists of seven steps which are described belor,J, l. P r e c i s e . I yd e f i n e t h e p r o b t e n . At this step, the probten solver deternines what the problen is. This step, in practice, is usuatty quj.te difficult. In nany courses we ate not concerned with this step since the problens are precisely fornulated by the textbook author or the instructor, An p a r t inportant of this step is deternining exactty what forn the output of the problen shoutd have. 2. Identify the inputs to the probtem. A t t h i s s t e p y o u s s k , , , W h a ta r e t h e p e r t i n e n t f a c t s l h a t d r e g i v e n i n t h i s p r o b l e r n ? ' ,T h e a n s e r q , i 1 1 d e p e n d on what is available and $hat is needed. One inportant aspect of this task is deternining the appropriate form for the input. 3. Identify the outputs of the probtenr. Here you determine the results that are desireal. By considering the result of step t, you should be able to detefirine hat is needed and in r.vhat forn. 4. Construct an algorithrn for the solution, This is the key step in the process aDd one which can cause the nost trouble. Too nany problen-solvers try !o skip this step or conbine it with the next in an effort to obtain a solution quickly. This is a situation r , / h e r eh a s t e r e a l l y d o e s n a k e v r a s t e : t i n e i n v e s t e d i n careful fornulation here can save nuch more tirne at steps 6 and 7. -15- __ 5. Inplentent the algorirhrn for the sotution I n c o n p u t e r :p r o b l e m s o l v i n g , t h i s s t e p i s k n o w n a s progranrring. If step 4 is done carefully, it can be carried out in a straightforvard Nay once the basics of a progranning language are nastefed. 6 . T e s t r h e p r o ( . e d L , cL o n s t r J c r e Ji n s t e p 4 . Once the inplenentation is complete, we test the procedure using inputs for which the correct outputs are known, and conpare the results with our expectations. If they differ, then the existence of an error has been discovered. T h e r e i s a t e n p t a t i o n t o a s s u m et h e a l g o r i t h n is correct and rush through this step. As you gain nore e x p e r i e n c e N i t h c o f i r p u t e rp l o b l e n s o l v i n g , y o u \ 1 ' i t I l e a r n (probably the hard way) that you should never assune anything is correct. That kind of skeptical attitude makes for the bes! testing. 7. Locate and correct errors uncovered by testing back to step 6. and go Errors nay originate at step 4 or step 5. Usually those {hich originate at step 5 are fairly easy to detect and correct because they require sone ninor modification to the program. Errors which originate at step 4 are nuch moredilficult. Sucherrors nay require you to c o n p l e E e l y r e t h i n k y o u r a l g o r i t h r a n d , i n s o - 1 ec a s e s , discard all you have done and start over. Again, a care job at step 4 can avoid this weste. AN EXA]VIPLE L e t ' s F o 1 1 o rl.h, i s p r o c e j s r h r o u g h I o r a s i m p l e problem. The problen is to read a set of nunbers and deternine how nany are posltive and hofl nany are negative. l. Precise fonnulation - The problen as stated above leaves out sone necessary infornation. First, !,ha! are we to do with zeros? Should they count as positive, ,74 negative, or not a! all? Secondly, how ,r,i11l'e know Uhen vre have all of the numbers? We can solve both of these problens at once by saying a zero will not be counted as positive or negative but rather a zero will signify the end of rhe data. Therefore, our more precise forrulation of the problen now reads as fo11ows: I I Read a set of nunbers until a zero is encountered and count lhe nunber of posltive and negat ive nur0bers read. 2" Inputs - The inputs will be the given set of nunbers, all non zero, followed by a zero. Note that any input not cndinS with a zero is invalid for this problen, 3. output - The output of our problem consists of two n u n b e r s , t h e n u r n b e ro f p o s i t i v e v e l u e s e n d t h e nunber of negative values, 4. Construction of an algorithn - Our flowchart language is a useful tool here and we can nicely fornulate our s o1 u ! i o n a s f o l l o v r s : Alsorithn 2. Count the nunber of positive values in a data set - Version L -15- and negative Count the nunber of negative and the nunber o f p o si t i v e v a l u e s o f n e g a ti v e a n d p o sl t l v e v a l u € s This solution algorithm, though ccrtainly correct, too little detail to be of sufficient use tion. Therefore, we refine it. pTovides A l g o r i t h m 3 , C o u n r L h e n u r b e r o F p o s i t i v e and nega!rve values in a data set - Version II. Nane Description NNEG The values input. The nunber of negative values The nunber of positive values NPOS 16 START VAL=0? VAL >O? NNEG+NNEG+ I N N E GN, P O S NP0S.NP0S+1 But as ve This algorithn appears to be correct. w a r n e d e a r l i e r , n e v e r a s s u m ea n y t h l n g i s c o r r e c t . Inpleinentation ' Algorithns such as this one are implenented tr:anslating then into a conputer prograrnning language such as |ORTMN or BASIC Since this nodule is intended to be independent of progranning l a n g u a g e s , v e r , r i 1 1n o t d i s c u s s t h i s s t e p i n a l g o r i t h n developnent. If you are interested in pursuing this fJrther. yoJ 1ay do so bv ledrning to programin an) progranming language 6 . Testing - The above algorithn was inPlenented in a programning language and run with the following resul Input: Output: 12,-s,15,-2,7,0 NNEG=1762699507 3 1 58 1 N P o S2=0 0 1 7 Obviously, thcre is sonc difficulty here. The strategy used to check for the presence of an error nas to use an input for which we knou what the output should be. llhen the output obtained differed from our expectations' ue knew there was an error, and t h e r e f o r e w e m u s t p r : o c e e dd i r e c t l y to step 7. Had we been successful in generating the expected output for this particular input J rl'eshould run a d d i t . L o n a lt c i t s u n t i l w e h a v e s a t i s f i e d o u T s e l v e s thac the procedureis correct 7. Locate and correct errors - This phase of the problen one which is learned solving process is a difficult only through experience' In this case, we notice t h a t v a l r . r e so f N N E Ga n d N P O Sa r e q u i t e v i l d a n d a f t e r a littte thought ue suspec! that these two variables values, \'hich in this vere not given proper initial In nany programning languages' case should be zeros. v a r i a b l e s l i k e N N E Ga n d N P O Sa r e n o t a u t o n a t i c a l l y s e t In order to insure the correctness of our to zero. 18 p r o S r a mb r en e e d t o r n c l u d e s ! e p s t o d o t h i s . ' nodilied to include these initialization" to zero, it tales the folloLing forn. Algorithn 4. Count the nunber of positive Yalues in a data set ' Version l. and negative Name The values input. NNEG NPOS The nunber of negative values The nunber of positive values NNEG*0 NP0S-0 N N E G, N P O VAL= O? VAL>()? NP0S.NP0S+1 N N E G - N N E1G + -19' rrr6r r.1 hr ih6 .n-rp.r,..r l\hich results in A l g o r i t h m4 . \ e m u q t r e t u r n a g a i n t o s t c p 6 f o r t e s t i n g . Extensive testing of the inplenented version of this a l g o r i t h n w i l l r e v e a l n o f u r t h e r e r r : o r s . W h e nw e h a v e tested enough to satisfy of the algorithn, ourselves with the correctness we accept it as providing the solution l , v eh a v e n o w o u t l i n e d a b a s i c p r o c e d u r e f o r s o l v i n g a p r o b l e n . T h i s p r o c e d u r ec a n b e p u t i r , t h e f o r - o f " flowchart as vre11. 20- Follo through the first four of the seven problen solving steps with the folloBing probtems: 5. Pur three numbersinto nAr-descending order. calcutate the nean of a set of nunbers 7 . Input a lositivc integer and conpute the sumof atl fron one to the integer input. integers 8 . I n p u t a n a m o u n tA , a n d a n i n t e r e s t r a t e I . Cohputerhe lrincipal resulting if A dollars are invested for a given time perio.l ith lnterest rate I percent per tire perlod. 9. Input A and I as in 8, and N, the nunber of time periods. Conpute rhe principal resuttlrg if A doliars are invested for N tine periods ,lth interest rate I percent per tine period c o n p o u n d e da f t e r e a c h t i m e p e r i o d . -22 6. l Onepossibte sotution night be: 1. Readthe Daterial. 2. Iisten L 4. 5. 2. ANSWERS TO EXERCISES attentlvely in class. Outline the naterial. Gets lots of sleep the night before. Take the e)ranination. ta) Nonargorithn because it rnay fail !o sorve the problen. lor exanpte, what happens if the rlne is busy? (b) Nonalgorith,nbecause it nay not solve the probren. Tf the search begins on an even (odd) page, then onry even (odd) pages {irl be scanneal. rf step 4 had read, ,,Tun back 1 page," the procedure ould nave been an atgorithm. (c) Nonargorithn because it is ambiglous. step 3 does not exprain how to get nole sand. (d) Nonalgorithn because steps are out of ord6r. If steps e r e c h a n 8 e dr o 1 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 5 t h e n it would be better, A1so, no action is specified if pati6nt is nor curert, so the procedure nay not teminate. One could adit the step: 6. If patient dies, then stop rreatnent. 3. Exchange and M Divide N by M, the renaine! cali 4. This sitl print N=5 sunFI5 5. Precise fo nulatior; Put three real nunbers into non-descendi three nunbers in original output: order. The thrce nunbers in non-descending order Name A,B,C The three variables read and placed in order uith A the smallest and c the largest. - 24- Exchange B and C Exchange A and B A,B,C 6. Precise forrnulation: Read a vatue N, folloued by N real numberslrnd calculate the nean of the Input: N and N real values. Output: The meanof the N real vatues. -- Algorithn: Nme Description Tbe nuber K of values read. The counter fron t to N. The sun of the vatues read. vatue The values xhose nean is computed. 26 j8 . Precise fomulation: and an lnterest principal Inlut: Given a principal ahount A in dollars rate I in percent per tinre period, conpute at the end of one tine period. Principal anount A and interest rate I. Output: Pdncipar after one tine period. Algorithn: Variables Descrlptlon !!!9 The anount of beginning principar. I The aflount of principat at the end of the time period. 9. Precise fonrulation: Given a principal ar'ount A rate I in percent per tin'e leriod, and a numberof time peliods N, comlute the lrincipar at the end of N interest Irput: Principal anount A, interest rate I, and output: Principal after N tjme leriods. -28, Nane Description The amount of beginning princilal. rate ln Percent 1 The interest N The nuiber of tinre A coNter fron I to N. K after The princiPal K tiite prir+prin+prin x 1/100 K+K+t -29, periods' MODELEXAM i. Detemine thich of tbe fo11o{lng are algorithns and uhich are nonalgorithns. For those that are nonalgorithns, ei!1ain uhv' (a) (b) Hou to shovel snot off 1 Get a shovel. 2. Removea shovelfull 3. If thele is still 4, Stop, of snou fron the driveuav s n o No n t h e d r i v e w a y , g o t o s t e p 2 ' H o wt o b u Y a n e w c a r . l2, 3. 4. (c) a diivewav lind thc car You want. Find out its Pricc Ask You" fathcr fox the norel B U Yt h e c a r . H o wt o f i n d a j o b 1 2. 3_ Deterninc vhich jobs are oPen. for the jobs You lant Intedie! Decidc whjch jobs lou uourd like Get the necessary tralt1ng. 5. 2. What output wilr the following algorithn gcnerate? Design an algorithm for solving the folloring problem: Convert length from inches to feet and inches. '. I D e r , n . i 5 e p r o b l e or o r e p r e c i i e l / . (b) The folroNing are the boxes neededfor an algoritbn to solre lhiq ?'ollen I:ll jn Lhel*o enpl) borer r! . r . L_II_J b o x e 5 . b o v e i n t o a f 1 o & c h rr t Use each box exactly once. to solve the 8. r. languaSealgoritnm SOLU'I'I ONS 10 MOnl]- t)iAll (cl ( b l 'fhis does not solve the prohlcn reccive tllc noney by asking (c) Thc stcps fc out of sequcncc. 2 3 2 4 5 'Ihe prcbleD could norc precisely say: Convert a length fron lnches to feet and inches Nhere the nunber of feet is integer and as large as possjble (1,) lnput box slould contain "inches"output bo:( should contain i'feet, 31- inchesr'. hes>12 inches+inchss_I2