UMAP MODULE478 ' MODULES AND MONOGRAPHS IN UNDERGRADUATE MATHEMANCS AND ITS APPLICATIONS F > F > F > b < B b - l { t r Iterationand Computer Problem Solving E Herbe(L. Dershem o ' r r q ! o r ! ' D ' > . s E., 6o s N a N 6 N > @ > c D > @ 6 x x x > o > o > ' g t E t g e Z q t t,t t 2 . t,l t Z t,r ' 6 v G ' s x it x stbat,chk!ot,deptot I :l.x it doptot,finbal S , ! $ ' ! $ , 0 e ^ e fr^ v^ e \, c . F . l s F l e t BlrkhAuSer Bostonlnc. 3A)Gr€enStreei Cambridge, MA01439 Computer Science/Algorilhms T Desc?1:pti,an Sheet : Inteno&tlar Title: -Author: UMAPUnnt 478 SOI,VING PROBLEM ITEMTION AND COM?UTER Herbert L. Dershen Depatnent of conpute" Science Hope College Eol1and, Michigan 49423 : /39/81 R e v i e sS t a g e / D a t eM Classification: CoMPUTER SCl/Ai,C0RITHltS Prereouisite Skills: a Conpletion of UI{APU n i t 4 7 7 , r r c o n p u t e r P l o b l e n S o l v i n g . r r Output Skills: inprove alsorithns by enhancins then l:--B-e-AEIt-to and follo{ through (as a conPuter 2. Be able to read, intolpret, would) argotithms that involve while, until, and vatiablecontrolled lteration. 3. Be able to describe snd apply the top-dom appraoch to algorithn' deslgn. aornput-eif loEI etn soTvlns OJnit 4?7) @ 198I EDc/Project UMAP AII rights reserved. ITODI'LESAND !,IONOG&AIES IN UNDARGRADUATE MATIIEMATICSAND ITS A}?LICATIONS ?ROJECT (UMAP) The goal of IIMAP 1s to develop, through a co@ntty of users and nodrle8 in undelgladuate mthedevelopers, a systen of instruetio@1 Mtlcs and its alpucations that tuy be used to suPglesedt existing coulses and flon Fhieh con?lete courses nay eventually be bu1lt. lhe Project is guided by a Natlonal Advisoly loard of Ethemticians, sclentistE, aDd educators. UMAPis funded by a glant fron the National Science Fouf,datiod to Education D€velopnedt Center, 1nc., a publicly suploit, nonproflt corlolation engaged in educatlonal lesealch ln the U.S. and abroad. ?&OJECT STAFI Pj'sB !. Iinney solonon A. Garfunkel M. DeMat lelicia Barbala Kelczewskt ?aula M. santlllo PloJect Dlrecto! Execltive Dllecto!, COMA? Associate Dllecto! coordlnator for Materlals Productlon Asslstant to the Dtrectors PloJect Secretary/Prodrctlon Aseistant Zachary Zevltas UMAPAIVISORY BOARD Steven J. Bram€ Llayron Clarkson Donald A. La!6on R. Duncan Luce Frederlck !bste11er George M, U111e! Alnold A. Straesenlula Nev Yolk Ufllve.Etty Iexas Southern Unlvel8lty SU\ry at Buffalo Earvd?d Unlver€1ty Italvard llnlvelslty Nassau Comunlty College U[lveralty of Mtchlgan ?!esg SUNYat Story Blook ttsthenatlcal Aseoclatlon of An€rlca Tht6 unlt waE fleld-test€d and/or student leviesed in pr€Iindnary forn by Halold Saker of Lltchtleld Htgh Schooli and Alex G. lennett of Blerelton lrlgh School and has been levtued on the basl6 of data recelved fron these ettes. The holect would ltk€ to thank Douglas I. flate of the Untver6lty of Texa8-lemlan lasln, O.leEBa, Texa8; Calol StokeB of Datrv1lle Alea Ray Treadway of lennett college, com$nlty college, Danvllle, Illlnols; Creensboro, North CErollnai Calroll O, Wtlde of the Naval ?ostgraduate Schoot, Monteley, Caltfo!f,tal and ore anonyrcuE levleqte?, for thelr revlevs, and all others lrho asel8led ln the productlon of thls unlt. Thls Eaterlal l\'as prepsred vlth the partlal 6up?ort ot Natlonal Sclerce Eoundatlon Clant No, SED80-07731, Reco@endatlons expre8sed are those of the autho! ard do not necesEarlly ?eflect the v1€\r6 of the NSF SOLVING PROSL-EM ITERATION AND COMPOTER by Herbert L. Dershern Departrnent of ConPuter Sciellce HoDe Colleqe 49423 H o ll a n d , ' M i c h i g a i TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. PROBI,EU A I,IORTGAGE 3t ITERATIIEIMPROVEI{EM 4. ITEMTION 5. I]IMTION VARIABI,E-CONTROLLED 6, APPROACH TOP-DOIIN 7. TO BXERCISBS SOLUTIONS 8. BXAM MODEL 9. SoLllIIoNs T0 li0DEL BXAl.l 1 I INTRODUCTION One of the najor advantages in using a conputer for problen sotving is that a process can be explained to the cornputer once and the conputer can repeat that process a s ) n a n yt i n e s a s i s n e c e s s a r y t o s o l v e t h e p r o b l e n . In fact, without this conputers !,ould be of liniteil use as problern solving ma€hinesbecause it generally takes longer to explain a process to the conputer than to carry it out by hand. Repeated execution of a single set of instructions on a sonputer is often ca11ed ite? The term ttiteration" also refers to any singl e executioD of a process that is carried out nore than t h e s e n s e i n r h i c h t h e t e r n i s u s e d s h o u l d b e c l e a r fron the context. The nodule describes {ays in uhich you can use c o n puter iteration effectively in problenL solving and, i n addition, vrays in l,hich you can use t\,ro other forns o f iteration in consttucting the algorithn. T h e s e c o D d form of iteration involves repeated tracing through of the problen solying steps, inproving your algorithn oith each iteration. We call this process ite?atite inpral)enent in aLgorithn design. Each inprovenent of the algorithrn add features to the previous verslon. The third forn of iteration in problen sotving night is found in aD approach to algorithn design celted tle top-dolnn app!,aach. This approach for carring out step 4 of the problen solving process (see Unit 477) night best be cal.led i.te?atire inprovetnent in that iteration, !,eflnenent. It differs fron iterative the algorithn is Dot changed at eech but rather, nore detail is provided. 2. A MORTGAGE PROBLEM In order to i l l u s t l a t e the iteration technique, we s h a 1 1 s o t v e t h e following problen: given an arnount of -1- ratb, anal a nontha }'ear1y ilterest after one nonth1y palnent, deternine the new princila1 for th€ interest 1y laynrent has bee]I rnade and teterilire one rnonth. borro{eal principal, The input for this algorithn consists of the principal at the beginllillg of the nonth, the yearly interest rate exPressed as a decitnal r anil the smou,t of the payment, The outPut will consist of all La1ues input plus the part of the paynert xihich llli11 be useal to pay the part of the peynent which uill interest, anal the nee principal pay off the princiPsl, the end of the nonth' Algorithn be used to bslance at 1. Mortgege Peynent _ veasioll 1' veriab les Nano rate pay intetest pritlpaY new Desctiption The principal balance et the beginning of the nonth. The yeerly rate of interest expr€ssed as 4 decinal. The ernountof the paynent. The part of the palnent which goes towald interest. The part of the payment {hich goes toward the Principal. The new ptincipal balance at the eflalbf the nonth. -2- pr1n, rate, pay p r i n p a y + p a y- i n t e r e s t lntetest r prinpay The interest is celculated by nultiplying the prin_ cipi.e, prin, tines the interest rate divided by 12 be_ cause the giyen rate is fo! a year and the period used is a nonth, The value of prinpay is the arnount left frorn the pafment pay after the interest is paid. Finally, n e t l |i s t h e p r i n c i p a l l. balance after Choose sarnPlevalu€s for prin, prinpay is paid. Iate, and pay, and follow through atgorithrn 4 as a -3- i i I 2. Follor the steps in the f1o$chart tariguagealgolitlln berort for sone sanple input values, The algorithro is one to balance a checkbook. Algg4llgi Bararcins a checkbook Variables Nsne Description stbal deptot Ealsnce at the beginnldg of the noath. Total ahount of atrl chgcks ,lrritten. Total -a,no|fit of all deposits [ade during flnbsl Balence at the ond of, the oonth. stbal , chktot , d6ptot f inbel+stbel-chktot+d.ptot stbal,chktot, deptot,finbal, 3. ITERATIVE II{PROVEI{ENT A l t h o L g h o u r n o r t g a g F p a y m F n ta l g o r i t h n I k i l l I u n c t i o n p r o p e r l y r r f r i e r d l y v a l u e sa r e i n p u t . i t t r i 1 l For exanple, not respond in a suitable way to bad input. consider the case in which the paynent is too snall to c o v e r t h e i n t e r e s t f o r i h e n o n t h . S u p p o s ep r i n = 2 0 0 0 0 . , ,ate = .09. rnd pav - .00. -f you fol lo\. t|rough the steps of the algorithn with these values as inpttt yo'r get i n t e r e s t = 1 50 . PrinPaY = '50' = 20050. new 0n the other hand, the paynent nay also be too large In thls case, the paynent covers the interest and the _r _here is stil1 sone extra left. . This is typical of the final paynent in a pay-back schedule. For exanple, supposeprin = 60. ' rate = .09' and pay = 100. Then, the calculalions \rould be i n t e r e s t - 0 . 45 . prinpay = 99.55. = -39.55. W e s h a 1 l u s e i t e r a t i v e i r n p r o v e r n e nt o c o r r e c t t h e s e If the pay_ two rninor flaws in our original algorithn. nent is too snal1, ve inforn the user and terninate the progran; if it is loo large, lee pay off the loan and notify the user that he or she is entitled to a refund, These nodifications to Algorithin 1 are indicated in Algorithn 2. The decislon box inctuded innediately after t h e i n p u t b o x t e s t s f o r a p a y n e n t t o o s m a 1 1t o c o v e r t h e l | l h e nt h i s i s t h e c a s e , r , v ep r o v i d e a m e s s a g e t o interest. This the user and then iinnediatety halt the algorithn actlon represents a policy of disallowing paynents lrhich are inadequate to pay the interest. 5, the interest pa),nert is calculated, we add another decision box whicb tests for paynent gr:eater than I n t h i s c a s e , l { . ec a l c u l a t e t h e n e l r p r i n the principal. way and in a different cipat and anount paid on principal p r i n c i p al. adjust prinpay to exactly pay lhe renaining After l , l l ea l s o i n c l u d e a n e s s a g e k h i c h n o t i f i e s he or she will receive a refund. Algorilhn the user that 2 . M o r t g a g e p a y r n e n t- V e r s i o n 2 Variab1es Nane prln Pay interest Description The principal balance at the beginning of the r[onth. The yearly rate of interest expressed as a decinal. The anount of the paynent. prinpaY The part of the paynent which goes tolvard interest. The part of the paynent which goes tolrard the PrinciPAl balance at the The nel,l principal overpay end of the nonth. The arnount of overpaynent f o r t h e final paynent L ey<prin x ratel12 "Payrl]ent does interest-prin x rate/12 3 y >i n t e r e s t + p r i n ? prlnpay+prln overpay+pay - prlnpay ,lnteres pay+pay overpay p r i n p a y + p a y -i n r e r e s t r r Y o ua r e e n t i t t e d to a refund of", overpay new.pri n- pr inpay pli n, rate, pay, interest prlnpay, ne\t -7- palmentrr 3 . F o l r o v t h r o u g h Algodthn 2 for the following Test I Test 2 Test 3 20000. 20000. .72 .12 200. .12 pav 250. 150. 400. 4. ITERATION The next step in the inprovenen! of o u r n o r t g a g e a l g o r i t h n w i l l b e t o g e n e r a t e a s c h e d u l e of payments by repeatedly executing the algorithr gi]/en a b o v e , T o a s s i s t u s i n d o i n g t h i s , r , r eu s e t h e t h r e e f o r n s o f i t e r e tion that were introduced in Section 1. We shall discuss two forns of iteration here, and a third forn in the next section. The first fornLwill be ca11ed the until itet,atian. The iteration box which we use to describe this fol lowing diagran. Until iteration construction is indicated in the e r n i n a ti o n T e s t The body of the iteration is actually a subalgorithn the ternination test is which is to be repeated until satisfied. The body of the iteration is shownas a cloud to indicate that this night be one or two boxes or a more involved set of flowchart statenents, In the latter case, we will find it helpful to give the body a flol,chart of its own and include only its nane to the right of the iteration box. fhe procedurefor doing that will be 8- discussed 1ater. The dasheil line frorn the body back to the ternination test indicates that this is an autonatic branch in the atgorithr and not one that neeals to be explicitly be e part defined. lfe can consider of the iteration box. the ilashed tine to The second forn of the iteTatioD box is t}re hile ite!,ation. This forn accornplishesexactly the sane action as the until iteriation but does it in a 1ogically opposite vay. Its generel forn is shown in the next diaqlan. l---- - ---' --- - -:-----r I hile I teration CofltinuatioD Test --J The test is now ca11ed a continuation test because the iteration is continued as long as the test is satisfiod, The continugtion test is elDays opposite to the ternination test; the trdo foans eae introaluced because sone conputer lalguages naturally perforn the until iterations while others are designed for r y h i1 e i t e r e t i o n s . As an exanplo of the use of the iterations, colsider the algorithrn for finding the greatest cotnnondlvisot. Ile heve two ways of expressing this algorithn using the .iteiarion boxesjust introducedAlgorithn 9. Given Uro nunbets, N and ltl, flnd their gteatest comlon ilivisor using an iteration statonent. Yariables Nalre n.c.'; N,trf The two nunbers input to the algorithn. A counte! uhich i s t e s t e d f o r t h e greates! connon tlivisor, K nr i ^n -9- i a . U si n g u n t i l iter:ation START K . m i n ( N ,M ) oes K divide both N and M? b . U si n g w h i l e i t c r a t l o n ("nin (N,M) Does ( not divide N or not divide M? N , M (, Algorithns 3a and 3b are togically equivalent in that they accomplish the sane task. Note that the condition in the iteration box of Algorithn 3b is the logical negation of the one in the iteralion box of Algorithn 3a. That is, do not continue. 1 + I you terninate precisely 1,'henyou lle novr use these iteration boxes to nake a final iterative inptovenent to our nortgage algorithn. l/e shal1 now have the algorithn continue to nake nonthty payrnents until. the nortgage is paid off. This algorithn is given in our flowchart language in Algorithn 4. Algorithn 4. Genetate the nonthly paynents necessary to pay off a nortgage lllith initial principal pyin, yeatly lnteres! fate late, and rnonthly paynent pdy. Veriables Nane tate pey interest prinpey newPrin D e s c r i p ti o n Principel anount, Yearly rate of interest expressedas a decinal. Anount of the monthly paynent. Part of the nonthly peynent n h i c h g o o s t o w a L di n t e r e s t . P6rt of the nonthly peyrnent lrhich goes to aril principal. New principal after a peynent has been made. - 11- prin, rate ,pay nterest>pay prinpay.prin? newprin+0 prinpay+prin pay+interest+pr in "paynent does not cover interest't n c w p ri n + p r i n - p r i n p a y Prln, rat e,pay, interes t , pr inpay,newprin Prin+newprin interes t+prin x rate/72 P l i n p a y + p a y- i n t e r e s t prin,rate,pay 1n!eresr,prlnpay r - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _-l Much of this atgorithn looks farritiar fron Algorithn 2. Aftet the results for one nonth are prinleal in an iterationr that nonth,s. new prrncipat is then set !o be the next nonth's beginning principal. The irera_ tion finally terninates when the anount paid on the principal exceeds the principal balance. Untike Algorithn 2, we nolll call this a valiat parllent anal nake it the right anount to pay off the debt exactly. 5 . V A RI A B L E . c O N T R o L L [IDT E M T T o A I n t h e l a s t s e c t i o n r 1 r el e a r n e d a b o u t f o m s of rteratlon which repeated a subalgoritfun until termination conalitions l/ere rnet or continuation conilitions were not. Nou lre introduce a slightly different forn of iteration. This is iteration controlleil by a variabte. The generel forrn of such an iteratron is a Initialize control variable Modify control v ar i a b 1 e Test contTol variable ror a tefilination conditi on Success It should be noted that t h i s f o r n o f i t e r a t i o n i s a s p e c i a l c a s e o f the forn we s tudied in the p r e c e d i n g S e c t i o n . T h i s iterat ion can b e s t a l e d i n t e r n s o f t h e i n d i c a t e d i n the following diagrarn. Previ ous -13, Initialize Modify control var iable Test control vari able for ternination condition -__---1 fa i lure Body The reason we give the variable controlled iteration lts own form is that it is connonly used and is directty lmplementedin nost progranning languages. The variable khich controls the iteration is set to sone initial value at the beginning of the itcration. It is then nodified after each execution of the and the rteration is terninated when the control variable satis, fies sone tern.ination condition. In order to control the iteration properly, the controt variabte shoulcl not be changed in the body. t,his Iorm of iteration is particu_ lar1y useful hen a process must be repeated a fixed n u m b e ro f t i m e s . I n t h i s c a s e t h e c o n t r o l y a r i a b l e is used as a counter which in sone way keeps track of the number of tines the body has been executed. Algorithn 5 provides an exanple of variabte_controtted itcration. In this case, !he variable count ls used to count the nurrberof data values l,hich have been reacl in. It is initlatized to 2 to indicare that the seconil value is read during the execution of the boily. It increnented by I each time, and when the increnrent make s count larger than N, thcn N values have been read, the iteration is terninated. l4 Alsorittun S. the largest of N values first big+first Test-n count+2 count +1 c o u n ! > N? Test -ne t>big? big+1sx1 Another nev box has been introduced in this algorithrn. the triangular shaped procecture box. The nane inside such a box is the narde of a procedure which is to be executed at that point, This type of box is used to avoid conplicated coDstructions in the body of an iteration. The flowchart for the proceilure is then founal elsewh6re. A procedure is actually a subalgorithn. Instead of Ueginning a n d e n d i n g r , l i t h S T A R Ta n a l S T O I " boxes, it, t"rrin"tio.;;*;; are ENTERand EXIT. The ENTER box of a procealure has a pennant atlached to it which gives rne nane by rhich it is called into action. lihen u/earrive at the EXIT box of the procedure, re autona!icaIly cease execution of the procedure -15- a n d b e g i n e x e c u t i o n i n t h e a l g o r i t h n w h i c h c a 1 1 e dt h e procedure at the next sequential box after Wewill use such a Procedure box as the body of a loop when the body is longer than one or two boxes. W e n o w c o n si d e r a n o t h e r e x a n p l e . s u p p o s e t h e r e a r e 30 students in a class and each student has a student number and 10 qulz scores. The argorithm is to deternine the sum of the quiz scores for each stLrdent. The aI gorithn for solving this prob1em is presented as A I g or i t h n 6 . Here v,e have an iteration v,ithin an iteration. This is a construction that occurs frequently in algorithms. Also note, in the Find-sum procedure, that srn needs to be initialized to before a sun is accunulated. If t h i s i s n o t d o n e , a c u m u l a t i v e s u n o f a l l s t r . r d e n t s ,s c o r e s dill be conputed. In Iact, tl.ere is no !uararree that s u r ni s zero at the very beginning of execution. Atgorithn 6, 30 students. F i n d t h e s u mo f l 0 q u i z s c o r e s f o r e a c h o f V a r i a bI e s u9ll9 stcnt The counter for stJdents uhich gocs The student number r,.ad for each str.rdent. Tie c,,n ^{ ar.h s+',,lanr t < ^,, i ? Thc counter fo- quizzes which goes The quiz score read for each quiz and student. 16 stcnt+1 stcnt +1 stcnt>30? stnunber qcnt+1 qcnt+ qcnt+l surn-sufi+qscoTe q c n t >1 0 ? s!nuDber, sun -17- Modify algorlthn 6 to input the nunber of students and the nunber of quiz scores for each student 5. The follouing for finding boxes arc usod in a flo{chart the tso largest languge algorithn nunbers in a set of N nunbers, Place tle boxes in the proper arangenent. Variabl es !e19 Description N The nunber of valDes in the set. bigl The biggest value read so far. bi92 The next-to-biggest value read so far. I A counter used to count the nuinber of START STOP .h<#>* ---t'- -'\"- GF .,i:-'t alue>bigl? bi C2+Value bi g2-bigt bigr+Value 6. T h e f o l l o w i n g t J o x e sc a n b e u s e d t o c o n s r t u c t a n argorithn for conputlng the ncan of a set ol N nlnbers. Arrange then in the proler order. Variabres !e!g Description N The nunber of values in the set, I T h e m e a no f t h e v a t u e s . A counter used to count the nunbcr of vaiues Sun The su STAIIT l ; " of the values read_ 1 I-I+1 I value I STOP t * * l 7. Arrange the forlouing boxes to form an atgorithn which finds atl integers betaeen M and N lhich a r c e x r c t l y divisibte by K. Va!iabtes !!I9 Dcsc!iption ( Tlte loucr lihit ol the r.ngc of integers. 'Ihe up!er limit of the ranec of integcls. 'Ihe v a i u c w h o t e n u m b c r sa r e t o b e Printcd. A count.r used to test for ansuers which I goes rron ll to N_ 19 START v STOP I M,N,Kj I+I+1 r;-l divisible 'I'OP.DOWN APPROACH The top-down approacb for designing algorithms is a technique that atlows the designer to handle a conplicated a l g o r i t h n i n a s i n p l e w a y . T h e b a s i c a p p r o a c hi s t o design the algorithn using po{erful boxes, then breaking t h o s e b o x e s d o w n i n t o f l o w c h a r t s l , l i t h l e s s p o r , \ ' e r f u lb o x e s and continuing that process until you are at a levet suitable for inrplenentation on a co)nputer, In order to illustrate this technique, we look at an a l g o r i t h m f o r a r r a n g i n g N n u r n b e r si n n a t u r a l o r d e r . Algorithm_7. Read N nunbers and print d e s c e n di n g o r d e r . then in non- Variabl es Descrip!ion N The nunberof values in the An array of N values 2A- N,A(1),.,.,AiN) P u t t h e n u n b e r sA ( l ) , . . . , A ( N ) j n n o n- d e s c e n d i n g o r d e r A ( 1 1, . . . , A ( N l This is obviously not the final solution to our problen have not described the process in enough since we stlll The next step is to detail for the conputer !o follow. break the middle box itself down into an algorithn. This is the beginning of iterative refinement. A l g o r i t h n 8 . P u t t h e n u m b e r sA ( 1 ) , . . . , A ( N ) d e s c e n di n g o r d e r . into non- Var i abl es Name Descript ion The nunber of values in the set. An array of N values to be k A counter uhich goes Fron N Lo z. The index of the largest value frornA(1) t0 A(k). 2r- This procedure, for k=N dohn to k=2, is to find thc largesr of the first k vatues and ptace it at the kth position. Thc first tinc, with k=N, we find the largcsr in the entirc set and put it at the botton. Thc next pass through the itcration, with k=N-1, we ignorc A(Nl since i t i s a l r e a d y c o r : r - a c t ,a n d p l a c e t h e t a r g e s t o f t h e f i r s t N-1 values in the (N-1)st position. lvecontinuc the processuntit all arc in order. Next $e brcak down the box ,,find the targest Al.g-9gt_!!-9. Find thc larg€sr or A(r), it A( ax). ,A(k), call Variables I3,T! k large j qqs-!lupli_gll An array of values_ Thc -unhe.ol vrlJes in rhe icL Thc index of thc largest valLre from Afl) to A(k) T h c v a l u e o t A ( n a x) . A J o u n r er h h i . I 22 pocs ror 1 ro k. S']'ART LNTTR AIi]>1arge-r larse-A(j FinallL h . . c x p a n d t h e , , L x c h a r r g e . . _ "b o x t r o m A l g o r i t h , r 'this requircs thrce (latj novcnents and one tcnrporary locatron. r\\ofitlrm It is given by thc toltoring atsorith . 1 0 . L i x c h a n s cA ( m a x l a n d A { k ) . Variablos 1l!u!9 !ci9]_i!.!r 9! A r ar r a y o J \ , i l u e s . 'lhc in(lcxcs ot the tuo valucs to S'IART t c m p .A ( l ) ^(k)-^(nr.x) h a v e , i n A l g o r i t h n s 7 - 10 , a I l o f t l l e s t e p s t o c o m p l e t e t h c t a s k o f p l a c i n g t h e n L rr b e r s i n combine these into one fl oHchart for Al!orithn 11. -23- CompleteAlgorithn pr int t o r e a d N n u i n b e r sa n d then in START N , A ( i ) , . . . , A( N ) ENT!R Order A(11,...,A I inJ - exch.rn ee tlj ENl'ER l arge+A(max) (j ) >larile t enp+A( k) A( k ) . A ( m a x l A { m a x) + t e m p - 24- large4A(j ) Algorithn 11 was designed by the top-down approach. This neans that l,/e slart with the highest 1eve1 tasks and proceed to break then doh.n into nore and rnore detailed subtasks until finally we have an algorithn which is detailed enough !o provide conptete instructions to cornputers. In this way we have broken the original p r o b l e n d o h a ri n t o t h r e e s i n p l e r p r o b l e m s . In generalJ top-dol{n design is an approach whereby problen is broken dol'n into several sinpler a difficult problens. Each of these sinpler problens nay atso be broken doun into several sinpler ones, and so on until aII of the problens to be sotved are within the grasp of the problem solverThis iterative refinenent is a very lnportant 8. strategy ln conputer problen solving. Uslng tho set of numbers5 , 3 , 9 , 6 , 2 , 7 f o l l o h J t h l o u g h A l g o r i t h m 1 l as a conputer would. 7, SOLUTION TS O EXERCISES result is prin = 20000. r a t e= . 1 2 pay = 250. ' interest = 200. prinpay = 50. n e w= 1 9 9 5 0 . 2S- 4. C h a n g ef i r s t flovchart to: srcnt+1 Changc i t erat ion box qcn t - l F i n d- s u n t o START big1,big2 ig2>bigl? T e m p - bi g l bigl+big2 big 2+Temp I-l+l alue>bie1 big2+bigl b i g 1 + V aI u e j gl ,big2 Value'hig2: h ig 2+Value ---------J I.I+l mean+sun/N I 're Su'n-Sum+va START TI,N,K IrI+l divisibl 8. 1. The follouing algorithn }IODELEXAM reads a set of 50 nunbers smallest nunber in the set. prints Modify the argorithm not onll the smallest nunber, but also the that nmber occurs in the set. k>50? 2. algoritbn years it $1000 i.f it iehich leads an anrouDtof noney and dete!'nines u o u l d t a l e f o r that anrount to grow to over a c c u n u l a t e s i n t e r e s t at the rate of 69 conpounded Use each of the boxes below exactly once. 3 . Explain in your oun kords the toP-dorn a P p r o a c h t o a l g o r i t h m design. DiscDss uby it is inPotant -29 9. SOLUT]ONSTO }IODEL EX4N,1 ll, count anount+a$ountx 1.06