Document 10514499

James McQueen School Council Minutes -­‐ October 8, 2014 Attendees: Lisa Arnott, Sarah Joyes, Kim Saunders, Karen Zelch, Simone Kent, Katie Pope, Angie Gillan,
Catherine Armstrong, Elizabeth Bender, Sue FitzGerald, Kim Blanchard, Leigha Turner
Regrets: Larry Lacey
Council Minutes Request to add dollar value to Greener McQueen funds to be transferred to school council ($1600).
Approved. Minutes approved as amended.
Principal’s Report Lisa presented in Larry’s absence.
Larry to review EQAO scores at the next meeting.
Parking issue in the teachers’ lot has been addressed. Parents are no longer permitted to use that lot.
Buses will now drop students off on Hill Street.
Activities – cross country Tuesday Oct 14- over 70 students from JMQ participating, family Halloween
dance on October 23 , PD day Oct 24 , photo day Oct 27 , progress reports go home Nov 12, kindies off
to Thatcher’s Farm for a trip.
Food Drive – asking for donations of non-perishable items.
QSP ends next week.
Suggest we run a formal campaign for the learning foundation with a money target.
Would like to do a session for parents on raising resilient children – get parents out for an important topic,
Larry to present.
Overall things going well and parents are doing a great job with communication to the staff and office.
Note to council from Mr Ogilvie – suggested new time for book fair to be week Nov 17-25. The book fair
is a fundraiser for the library. Need volunteers for both the book fair and the library in general as Mr
Ogilvie is only in the library 2 mornings a week. A police check is required but is free with a letter
indicating a volunteer position – available from Lorrie Hopf. If he can get 3 book fair volunteers to
participate in a webinar prior to the fair, JMQ will get an additional $75 towards books.
Council unaware that the book fair was a fundraiser for the library – suggested this is stressed when
communicating with parents. Also, perhaps parents buy a book at the fair, then give it as a Christmas gift
to their child’s teacher. Win-win!
Treasurer’s Report No changes this month. Waiting for invoice from Frabert’s for Welcome BBQ.
Learning foundation:
Question for Larry – how does council get visibility to the learning foundation money?
Sue to dress up Jackie’s note and send to Lisa to put in backpacks – focus should be on quick and simple
way to donate and parents receive a tax receipt.
Re target number and thermometer – agreed that the whole point was not to fundraise and harass
parents to donate.
Halloween Dance Admission will be by donation. There will be a bake sale and refreshments. Kim S to write notice for
campaigner regarding bake sale donations along with the need for volunteers. Those interested to reply
to and Sue will keep track of responses and send reminder emails out
closer to the time. Sue also to write campaigner blurb advertising the Halloween Dance.
Kim S will take care of juice, pop, water. Lisa will check glow sticks. Elizabeth and Catherine to do
There will not be spirit wear for sale at the Halloween Dance. Sue will include this in her notice for
campaigner. This was a mistake in the newsletter.
Other Business Putting the immersion in French Immersion
Sue – Sue, Jackie Fraser and Amie Butchart met with Barb Lustgarten Evoy recently to have an
information gathering session regarding French Immersion issues within Centre Wellington. Barb is
running for school trustee in the upcoming election and is also a communication coach and educator. The
outcome was that while the majority of FI parents are committed to the ultimate goal of a full FI Centre,
there are still relatively easy steps that can be taken today to benefit students. Two suggestions were:
French signage – where there is an English sign, there should be a French one; and announcements –
can a staff member at JMQ read the announcements in French now there are no longer older students
Other suggestions from council
Can the FI students at least announce the day and date – grade ones and twos should be able to do that
and it would improve their oral confidence.
Can the school be known – at least on our website and letter head – as L’école James McQueen?
Let’s keep thinking of and suggesting more small steps to improve the immersion experience in a dual
track school. Lisa to pass all this on to Larry.
School website – can there be a link on the landing page saying “school council”. Currently you click on
Our School and you get School Council information and a lot else. Someone just looking for school
council may not find it. Lisa to ask Larry.
We will no longer be doing Think Recycle as far too labour intensive. Need to remove from website.
School Yard
The trees desperately need mulch. In previous years the older students did this. What’s stopping the
younger students from pitching in this year too? Without the mulch the trees will die and they represent a
$8000 investment from parents and community groups along with countless volunteer hours. Lisa to ask
Much discussion around how to improve the school yard. Kids complaining there is nothing to do.
Elizabeth agreed to gather information as to what creative options are out there. Sue to give her all the
Greener McQueen files.
Meeting adjourned – thanks for coming everyone!