School Readiness Action Plan Leadership Team Meeting, 1/22/14 Special Guest: Larry Schooler from the City of Austin’s Communication and Public Information office Background/why he’s here” ECC wanted to give parents’ a voice, so they reached out to the city’s comm. & public information office Larry helps clients find a way to get 2 parties talking, acts as a facilitator to help the dialogue occur Use community meetings, telephone calls, and online forums for dialogue o Before launching Larry’s work, there are a few pre-steps o Identify who we want to engage o Think about what we want to glean from them o Why are we asking this of them o What do we intend to do with the data we collect Leadership team already knows “who” but there needs to be discussion on the other pieces at both this meeting and at the upcoming stakeholder meeting o Possibility of ongoing ad hoc group from the team to work with Larry o Brooke got names of volunteers, will send out an e-mail to prepare for stakeholder meeting Do we want to hear from all families or just those of low income? o San Antonio had so much funding because it was “for all” o We should look at all families across the socio-economic strata o Possibly over-sample low income since that is generally a target group Since we have some data, think about what we already know/have collected, and then decide on questions from there o Strategic questions that families must answer, i.e. what strategies out of the following would benefit your family most o Also ask families about their big picture goals and reflect that in the plan so these families see themselves in the overall plan Previously UWGA has been able to provide giftcards/food/childcare to participants in these types of community meetings… what can we do for this? o Office we are working with cannot provide funding for giftcards, does have relationship with Parks and Rec office to provide discounted childcare o Possibly use other resources to provide giftcards/food Special Guests: Tonja Rucker and Katie Whitehouse, National League of Cities in DC Both from the division concerned with children and families under the national organization that deals with cities, Austin being one of their clients Austin has been selected as 1 of 6 cities in NLC’s membership to get help from a 15 month program funded by Kellog for birth to 8 Project includes technical assistance with monthly phone call conferences, oneon-one calls with Ron, site visit (why they are in Austin now), cross-city meet up in Chicago Other cities involved: Ft. Worth, TX, Richmond, VA, Hartford, CT, Rochester, NY, Longmount, CO Hopes to bring visibility to Austin and with that, funding Next technical assistance call will be Feb. 6 at 2pmEST/1pmCST on family engagement Field Trip to San Antonio They have funding for mega preschool centers (to accommodate 500 children each) Seem to have a lot of focus on their 3rd grade programs rather than an early education system Weird government structure, no clear way for how people can have input in to this Kind of rushed to use the $$ they got for early childhood and now need to figure out the details The money was an 8 year allocation, in 8 years they will re-evaluate before getting funded again The centers do have a lot of great learning experiences o Sensory rooms o Motor development rooms o 1 teacher and 1 aid per classroom, with class size capped at 20 o Teachers work together in groups of 4/clustered classrooms, and each group has at least 1 special ed teacher o Teachers are well-paid and well-recruited from all over the country and even internationally o Principle and 2VPs don’t have to internally examine and assess, giving them more time to observe and assist o Lots of quality control Promise neighborhood/EDI has impressive amounts of data IDEA: bring council member(s) on these site visits (local and to other cities possibly) Sue and Linda will meet and discuss ideas/details for this Talking Points for City Council Advocacy Visits Under “thanks” add in a thank you for the work on changing rules for social services contracts Under “on-going support needs” Sue is going to work on the explicit wording having to do with funding – new funding vs. how the funding pie gets split up Everyone look over the SRAP 2015-18 timeline and respond to Sue with any changes IMMEDIATELY so this can be finalized, since it was not gotten to in the meeting