October 20  to October 24, 2012   

October 20th to October 24, 2012 In order to protect the identity of all individuals who have submitted correspondence with regard to the
King George JK-8 FI Boundary Review and in keeping with the Municipal Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act, all personal information and/or identifiers have been severed from all
recorded communication (i.e. e-mails and letters) prior to distribution. The intent or message has not
been changed.
October 23, 2012
Hello all,
I am curious as to how the UGDSB arrived at the decision to annex all of the low income and
subsidized housing complexes, the vast majority of rental homes, and nearly all apartment
buildings from the catchment area for Victory PS. The Victory School is the community school
for the Exhibition Park Neighborhood, which quite frankly, is one of the best neighborhoods
in town.
The School Board is certainly sending a clear message to the neighborhood about who is 'in'
and who is 'out' in our little community.
I have stopped short of calling this decision intentional, because I have no idea who came up
with it or why. And I realize that the proposed changes are only for French Immersion
students. But keep in mind that during discussions over the last boundary change (you know,
the one that occurred barely two years ago?) Residents of Exhibition Park overwhelmingly
endorsed a plan to keep the school dual track, and to keep all the children from 'our'
neighborhood at 'our' school, regardless of their socioeconomic status.
A solution to the current the student density issue at local schools must be achieved by
moving children on to King George School as a class, with all friendships being kept intact.
Presently, our kids only attend Victory PS until grade 6 anyway, so moving them slightly earlier
makes far more sense than removing children from the neighborhood on a case by case
basis dependent primarily on their parent’s annual income.
The proposed school boundary change is not in the best interest of the environment as kids
who now walk to school will be bused or driven, and because the area being annexed is
further in distance to King George than the area being retained by Victory.
The proposed school boundary change also is not in the best interest of social justice and if
school administrators think that they will push this change through without facing strong
protest, public scrutiny, and negative media attention, they will find themselves sorely
Concerned Exhibition Park community member
1 October 20th to October 24, 2012 10/23/2012
My comments are based on my review of the available information and are follow up to my
attendance at the Oct. 23 public review meeting at KG school.
I understand that there is a problem and appreciate the planning committee has made efforts to solve
the problem with available data and projections against a set of assumptions and priorities. This is
how plans are made and is necessary to approach such planning project. It relies on accurate
assumptions and accurate assessment of the overall priorities. However, I have the following
concerns with the process and resulting recommendations and wish to voice them for your
1) The current scenarios/recommendations were made without input from the community or impacted
group. I understand we now have the opportunity to provide this input, however the time frame is too
short for the Victory Community to come with viable alternative scenarios.
I encourage you to extend the feedback/consultation to allow for viable scenarios to be raised by the
Victory Community that consider our priorities.
Recommendation 1 - Extend to feedback period to such a time that informed alternative scenarios can
be provided from community feedback.
2) It appears that projections were based on the idea that parents prefer to keep children in FI vs.
attending a closer proximity school. I feel this is the fundamental decision this Boundary Review is
posing to me. Forget the fact that all previous plans suggested a full FI program at Victory which is a
key reason I live in the area and my children are enrolled in the FI program at Victory, that is history
(although upsetting that it is now changing and being reduced). At this stage, if Scenario 1 passes, I
am faced with a basic decision – send my kids to Victory in RT or ship them to KG for FI.
I will tell you that I will choose to keep my children at Victory in the Regular Track vs. risking their
safety to walk to KG at ages 8 to 10 (that is simply not safe). Unfortunately, this limits the education
options for my children and is very disappointing. I also have the impression from other parents and
the group attending the Oct. 23 session, that many others share my view.
Regardless of my disappointment, the problem is simply; if my view is shared by as few as 1 in 4
parents (it could be quite a bit higher) the key assumptions the scenario 1 and 2 projections are based
upon fall apart. You simply will have a transfer of students at Victory from FI to RT, you do not get
increased enrolment at KG, you have the same issue at VP, the solution does not work.
This is a quantifiable number or assumption, by surveying the parents in the Victory Community group,
you will gain the knowledge to this lynch pin assumption. I encourage you to seek this data.
Recommendation 2: Understand this number by seeking formal feedback from the affected parents
If it breaks the projection, seek alternative scenarios.
3) Further to point 2, I firmly believe the highest priority to parents in the community is attending a
local, safe school in our community. One that that we can and do support strongly. The community
support of Victory is a success story and it should be encouraged and supported, not disbanded. It`s
2 October 20th to October 24, 2012 common sense and a basic child safety issue that I want my children to attend the school 2 minutes
from my house. The one I can hear the children playing in from my front yard, the one we can
conveniently and safely walk to. This is the highest priority - safety, this is what the citizens and tax
payers want, it is priority 1. For many of us it`s an important reason we choose to live in this
neighbourhood. Certainly this should be the top priority in considering solutions, not the 4th
consideration behind temporarily filling a new, shiny school.
Recommendation 3: Align the priorities for the decision process with the priorities of the community.
Put proximity to schools and child safety at the top of the list and search for solutions that promote
I understand we need to work jointly for a viable solution. I urge you to take the feedback above and
from this overall review process to consider:
- Will the proposed scenarios work if a portion of the parents pull kids from FI - quantify that number
to ensure your solution works
- prioritize safety and common sense convenience above numbers, align with the priorities of the
- ensure the solution is long term (it seems you will fill KG in 2016 with the growth expected in the
east end)
Seek alternatives that promote an FI program from k-6 at Victory and enables local community
support of a successful school program.
October 23, 2012
My son is currently in grade 3 at Victory PS. Based on his location of residence, he will have to move
to King George PS 2 years sooner than he normally would. The drawback from his standpoint will be
that he will be taken away from the majority of his friends. My assumption is that he will be reunited
with his friends 2 years later under scenario two. As such, we would prefer scenario one, so that he
would be shifted to King George with all of his friends. This would minimize the emotional downside
of this transition. Regardless of whether scenario 1 or 2 are chosen – my son will remain in the FI
October 23, 2012
Please consider surveys from affected parents on the following points:
3 
Would parents prefer portables at Victory (even lots) over either scenario
Numbers of parents that would move from French to English stream as a way of staying at
October 20th to October 24, 2012 The timing is insufficient for enough parent feedback/involvement. At present there is no opportunity
to hear the Boards thoughts on the various suggestions brought forward. We need another meeting
please to hear back from you.
October 23, 2012
As follow ups from the meeting held tonight:
a) Being a resident within the streets around Victory, I believe I speak for others by saying I would
prefer to have a portable at Victory than go to King George.
b) Should either of the options that are proposed be approved, our family will either switch to
English or move.
c) We have a daughter currently in FI grade 1. If option 2 is chosen, she would have to walk to
King George from one street away from Victory (she’ll be in grade 4).
d) What about the single story flat roof at Victory? Why isn’t that an option?
e) We would like the process delayed and another public meeting to review alternate options.
October 23, 2012
I would rather my childs classroom be in a portable at her local school Victory then have bused to
King George. Consideration to renovate Victory to accommodate FI program. Adding to the
additional wing. We would like another public meeting at Victory PS. We would like an extended
time frame of 4 weeks to submit to the Board alternate scenarios. The attendance of someone from
the Capital/Building Dept to discuss adding on to Victory PS rather than moving students.
October 23, 2012
Yes please act to postpone the date of the next meeting/deadline for delegations so that we may
formulate a response. Yes please consider any remodeling options for the school or the use of
portables to accommodate more students. I would consider shifting my child out of the current French
program into the English stream if I had to as a very last resort.
October 23, 2012
I would prefer to see more portables at Victory than buses moving students out of the neighbourhood.
Is electrical service really an issue? It seems like a small issue to overcome. A community school is
critical to my family. We can see the school from our house but understand my kids would go to
another school. Would my children stay in FI? I think that slowing down this process to allow for more
community input and involvement. I ask why is Victory so good? Why is it so valued? Why are there
so many parents involved? Should this not be learned from? Repeated?
4 October 20th to October 24, 2012 October 23, 2012
1. We would switch our child to English rather than not attend Victory.
2. I would propose moving grade 6 FI to King George as well as students north of Speedvale
choosing Division as a boundary is clearly not supporting the community that the houses between
Division and Speedvale belong to.
3. This process needs to be extended to allow true community input beyond the planned deadline of
4. Keeping the Victory community intact and as a walkable school needs to be a priority.
October 23, 2012
I definitely would take out my child from French immersion if either scenario would happen. I definitely
feel that the whole process is much too rushed and would prefer to be more involved in the process. I
also feel the walking distance for a nine year old child not appropriate, actually very dangerous. Also
the thought splitting siblings, makes me extremely mad and angry.
October 23, 2012
Why can’t kids go to King George after grade 4? Or 5? Better for kids.
October 23, 2012
A community school is very important. Please slow down this process. Please insure that feedback is
responded to. I would like to see more options/scenarios & more community involvement. Please
include estimates of students switching to RT from FI.
October 23, 2012
I would much prefer that my child be in a portable at Victory, particularly for grade 4. I would much
prefer that Woolwich be the boundary rather than Division or Speedvale for scenario 2. I think socioeconomic diversity is very important!! I also have a sense that this would create less fractioning of the
“Victory Neighbourhood”. I just (August 2012) moved to Victory neighbourhood specifically because
of Victory PS. Truly, this was the first priority for us. Sigh.
Please slow down this decision process. Please hold another public meeting. We would consider
switching our child to RT to stay at Victory PS. I have HUGE concerns about my child walking to King
George in rain and snow/ice. 2.4 km is a long way for 9 year olds. I feel this is a short-term solution
considering King George will be over-capacity in 2017.
October 24, 2012
5 October 20th to October 24, 2012 As a Victory parent of 1 and 2 in the future I am very concerned about this boundary review. I
understand the need to do something but I don't think the 2 options are realistic or fair for the
community. I paid more for my home to be in this area so that I could send my students to this
school. I pay more property taxes as a result of this and they are going up again (1 of only 2
neighbourhoods in Guelph that are facing this increase).
If approx. 80 students need to move why can't it be the English strand? There are currently 84
students and this would work perfectly. Why disrupt more students and families to keep the school
dual track? It is apparent that the Victory neighbourhood is in more support of a French school than
English based purely on numbers of enrolment in each track. If we have to keep it dual track as a
result of previous agreements made during a boundary review than both tracks should have to
compromise and we should remove the grade 6 students from both strands a year early to attend
Willow and King George. These students are leaving in a year regardless and many schools in other
boards have k-5 schools. I am upset that a 'promise' was made at the last boundary review to keep it
dual track. If I knew then that that was going to mean chopping up the French track I would have
been more involved to express my concerns or to advocate for my children...as I am sure many other
parents would have been as well
. Why can't the majority of the school have their say? And based on numbers the majority have more
of an interest in French over English.
In scenario 2 I can see the school from my street but can't send my child to it....in 1214 I will have to
go past Victory to get my grade 1 and JK students 3 km to King George. How does this make any
sense??? In scenario 1 what is the French program going to look like at Victory? In a dual track
school the immersion program is already less than it would be at a full immersion school. This will be
even more 'watered' down when you don't have junior students to act as reading buddies, morning
announcers in French or during assemblies. The French program at Victory will not survive or benefit
from scenario 1. I urge (and beg) you to please reconsider these 2 options and either remove grade
6, remove English or provide the school with an addition to keep it as it is!!!
October 23, 2012
40 developmental asset tool on resiliency for children recommends strongly connection between
community and positive outcomes for children. By removing children from neighbourhood school
arguably impacts children detrimentally. Why would students who reside less than 1 km away from
the school is bussed outside of the neighbourhood to a school almost 3 km away. This doesn’t make
good sense for students and their families.
What are the options for before and after school care for those being moved out of the boundary who
have kids club? It does not make sense that you can’t plan beyond 2-3 years need to think long term
I don’t support a boundary review for Victory PS & I don’t support either option but a boundary review
is my least favourite option. Would like more time. Would like another public meeting. I have
concerns for transportation & safety of JK/SK and above (aka my child in 2014). We would consider a
switch to English program.
6 October 20th to October 24, 2012 October 23, 2012
We do not agree with either scenario. We will be faced with moving out of the area or we will move to
the English track for both of our children. The area identified is s2 is not ‘walkable’ and is not in line
with any Ontario government priorities. What happens after 2017? I am concerned kids could be
moved again.
I prefer portables! The worked before. We need more time to consider options and another public
1. Move grade 6 to King George and the area north of Speedvale as this is not a close walking
2. Grandfather the boundary in s2 – allow kids already at VPS to remain, move grade 6 to King
October 23, 2012
I would much rather see more portable use if that would mean students could remain at their
neighbourhood school.
I hope you consider the number of students that will switch from FI to RT as a result of the potential
boundary change. I know our family would strongly consider moving to English stream as a result of
this change.
A much more satisfactory solution would be to make King George a 6-8 school, keeping Victory
students in their neighbourhood until grade 5.
I would like to suggest you extend this process to include a formal parent input portion where we can
present alternative scenarios.
October 23, 2012
1. Two weeks extension December 14th
2. Public meeting requested
3. I would consider switching my FI to English in 2014
4. Request for projected transportation impact of downtown Guelph condos 2014!
October 23, 2012
Section 5.0 page 10: grandparenting of current grade 6 students to John McCrae for BOTH grade 7
and 8 is critical. Stability and continuity for students is very important. Unnecessarily switching
students between grade 7 and 8 will be very disruptive.
7 October 20th to October 24, 2012 October 23, 2012
I would rather have my kids in a portable @ Victory than have them in a class room. I would like a
survey to be conducted with regards to preference for portables to boundary change.
We would move our children to RT when they were moved to King George. I would like consideration
of an option created with parental input.
I would like to extend the process. Would like the opportunity for 2nd public meeting. I would transfer
my kids to English to keep them at Victory.
October 23, 2012
I would like for you to slow down the process & allow the community to have more input. More time
& another public meeting.
I have concerns about children walking to school along Woolwich & Eramosa. They are too small to
be walking along major roads.
My daughter will start school in 2014. I would like to have her in the French program however I
would consider putting her in the RT program.
October 23, 2012
This process needs to be done with the inclusion of parents & recognize the impacts on property
values. Keeping families in the neighbourhoods where they live should be a number one principle. As
a single parent living close to Victory PS – having before & after school care – and the ability to make
it to work on time and home. The change will make it impossible for me to manage making my only
option to put my kids in English regular track. So this is what I will do.
Victory PS is special due to the families and neighbourhoods who live close to it – disrupting this
environment will have deep reaching consequences far beyond the few impacts noted in this report.
Portables would be way more preferable or building on the playground space. 2.4 km is not
walkable for an 8 year old, nor are many safe walking routes.
What will before and after school care options be? This is crucial. Parents work together to care for
kids in the neighbourhood. Splitting siblings is never a good thing. Moving the least amount of
families should be key. There has been lack of time provided for any substantial input. More
grandfathering is needed. Change new enrolments. Need to listen to what the parents present to the
8 October 20th to October 24, 2012 I would like the trustees to report back on how our comments have been addressed – could just move
grade 6, they are older! Please extend timeline at a minimum 4 weeks and a follow up meeting at
Victory PS.
Transportation representatives need to be present. How many crossing guards will be needed – who
will be crossing guards at Victory PS.
What kind of school is JK-3. This does not provide ½ the learning opportunities and mixed age
advantages. Projections aren’t a way to make decision. Victory is a well valued functioning school!
October 24, 2012
I am extremely angry to hear about the proposed boundary review for Victory Public School and I feel
that there has been a lack of transparency from the board on this. However, as much I as I would like
to pour my heart out about how this will affect me and my children I believe that all children in my
community are important so I have decided to address some of the flaws with this boundary review
change with research. The Search Institute developed a list of building blocks for healthy
development for children broken down by age category (available online). Essentially, this research
(conducted over several years with over 2.2 million children) suggests that the more assets young
people have, the less likely they are to engage in a wide range of high-risk behaviors and the more
likely they are to thrive (makes sense right?). The following are 10 of the 40 Developmental Assets
for Grades K-3 (age 5-9) that will be negatively affected by the changes at Victory Public School:
Caring Neighborhood | Parent(s) and child experience friendly neighbors who affirm and
support the child’s growth and sense of belonging.
Caring School Climate | Child experiences warm, welcoming relationships with teachers,
caregivers, and peers at school.
Parent Involvement in Schooling | Parent(s) talk about the importance of education and are
actively involved in the child’s school success.
Community Values Children | Children are welcomed and included throughout community
Children as Resources | Child contributes to family decisions and has opportunities to
participate in positive community events.
Service to Others | Child has opportunities to serve in the community with adult support and
Safety | Parents and community adults ensure the child’s safety while keeping in mind her or
his increasing independence.
Learning Engagement | Child is enthused about learning and enjoys going to school.
Bonding to School | Child is encouraged to have and feels a sense of belonging at school.
Equality and Social Justice | Parent(s) encourage child to be concerned about rules and being
fair to everyone.
Therefore, moving children out of neighborhood schools is potentially detrimental to them in terms of
their ability building up their developmental assets and can have negative long-term consequences. It
takes parental involvement and community involvement out of schools and neighborhoods.
Changing schools frequently at a young age affects bonding and learning engagement. It also
9 October 20th to October 24, 2012 decreases safety to children. We need to invest in our children and offer them stability long-term, not
come up with short-term solutions for our children's education every 2-3 years.
October 24, 2012
I am writing as a concerned member of the Victory Public School neighbourhood and community.
Our community recently went through a review of the boundaries of Victory and all of our students
had to endure a change in the boundaries, losing friends and classmates, as well as some teachers, in
the process. The school is just settling into its new rhythm as the second year after this changes begins.
Now you are doing it all over again.
The re-evaluation of Victory’s boundaries not only affects the students. It affects the entire community
on a macro level, and it affects each and every family, on a micro level. The process for this reevaluation has been incredibly fast, leaving very little time for the community to review, assess and
give input to you. I was not involved in the last boundary review, but this time I feel the need to speak
up, even though both processes have affected my children and family. My family, like many in
Guelph, chose our home based on many factors, a significant one being the school our children
would go to. Moving students mid-stream (grade 4 for example) is disruptive and difficult at best. This
process is tearing away at the fabric of our community. Moving them so soon after a recent shuffle,
that could be traumatic.
My suggestion is to right size the full catchment area, allowing the same geographic areas for all
schools in Guelph for the programs they offer. Therefore, if a school is French and English, it is the
same catchment for both programs. That way if a student needs to leave the French program, they do
not lose all of their friends and social supports with the move. Furthermore, keeping catchments local
encourages a walking school, where the cost for busing is reduced, the physical benefits of walking to
school are incurred and students and parents alike get to know each other and the neighbourhood.
I encourage you to step back, take a pause and reconsider this move. And if you do decide to make
this change right away, please, let this be the last for a while. Our community is reeling!
Respectfully submitted,
October 23, 2012
I would prefer my children in portables at Victory over either scenario 1 or 2.
Scenario 2 is just not feasible – the Victory boundary would be too small. Although scenario 2 would
enable my children to stay at Victory through grade 6, the proposed new boundary is too small for the
long-term viability of the school.
This timeline is much too short (one month maximum) to get well thought-out, viable options beside
the 5 already considered.
10 October 20th to October 24, 2012 I am concerned that the ultimate goal of the boundary review is to have the ‘right’ numbers at two
schools for a span of 3 years – not to look at the long-term health of neighbourhoods and
I would strongly consider moving my children from FI to English track to stay at Victory.
We want more time (an extra two months I think is realistic) to prepare alternate options and at least
one more public meeting.
My children, if they go to King George, are within 2.4 km but would have to cross Woolwich &
Eramosa. What is the likelihood that they would be bused?
October 23, 2012
Encourage examining moving both FI and English track students in grade 6 only. This would minimize
impact, students required to move on in grade 7, this would move children just 1 year ahead of plans.
Prefer scenario #1 of the two presented in report. Walking distance boundaries are a concern,
crossing a river, ascending a significant hill and major traffic are major obstacles to young walkers.
Potential increase to downtown traffic should also be considered.
Discourage use of portables.
Serious concern over long term viability of the plan. May considered switching to English. Request
more time for input and another public meeting where analysis of alternate scenarios are presented.
October 23, 2012
Build up on top of the existing kindergarten wing at Victory PS. Tear down the whole wing and start
from scratch, if the existing structure does not accommodate more weight on top. Get families to
donate/fundraise if not enough funding is available for this. Exhibition Park parking lane & street
parking offers plenty of parking, so parking issues should not be a concern.
King George needs to offer both before and after school child care. Can they guarantee they could
accommodate all the overflow of kids potentially moving over from Victory kids club?
The community needs an additional public meeting plus more time before the boards/committees
meet and make their decision.
Please do not break up our unique community! Victory would be able to accommodate all its
enrolment with a little willingness to be open-minded.
October 23, 2012
11 October 20th to October 24, 2012 Do not agree with either scenario – esp staff recommendation. Projections questionable because of
culture of neighbourhood that values neighbourhood schools – Victory PS is a successful school – why
undermine culture/support/community – building on is possible. Exhibition Park accessible.
By changing enrollment structure changing community – affecting draw to neighbourhood, affecting
property values; affecting sense of community.
Walking through intensification of core to attend school – may be in a portable.
Exhibition Park area is a stable neighbourhood and will remain so if school can accommodate the
students. How many of us will move? Or change programs?
Goal #1 of study is irrelevant to parents of Victory PS, who moved to neighbourhood because of
October 23, 2012
My daughter is currently in grade 6. We are going to have to walk 45 minutes to John McCrae for 7
& 8 when we could walk 5 minutes to King George. Maybe only move grade 6 students from Victory
and move the 7 & 8 students here at King George sooner.
October 23, 2012
What impact would many #’s of FI children changing to regular track have? What if your #’s are
wrong? What long term solutions are being discussed?
I would most definitely take my daughter out of FI and put her in English. I would strongly urge you to
put off full day kindergarten to save the numbers in school. This is a community school and this has
been an ongoing community problem. Something should be done. Please consider building on top
of the kindergarten area as well.
October 23, 2012
Please reconsider these scenarios. I think Victory is a successful school, and part of a wonderful
I will consider switching my two children to English if either of these scenarios are accepted.
I like that my kids can walk to school – in the neighbourhood.
October 23, 2012
Please consider portables – we have 2 kids and chose our property because of the FI program at
Victory. I would prefer my children to go to Victory in the French program in a portable rather than
break up our community.
12 October 20th to October 24, 2012 Lets get together as a community and come up with other solutions – please delay by 2 weeks and we
would like a follow up meeting.
October 23, 2012
I’m saddened that my feedback isn’t as articulate as it could/should be, this whole process seems very
rushed. I feel as though I’m being forced to choose between language and location. Should that be
the case, I would opt to stay put. My son is just over 1 block away from Victory. The idea of putting
him on a bus seems ludicrous.
October 23, 2012
1. Survey: portables or scenarios?
2. Insisting on 2 more weeks or spring decision so parents can get organized.
3. Follow up public meeting.
October 23, 2012
Survey ALL Victory parents if they would prefer to have their children in portables versus either of the
scenarios presented. I bet it would overwhelmingly be in favour of portables. Try telling the majority it
can’t be done because of some electrical excuse, etc.
Not asking, but insisting at least 2 more weeks for parents to organize alternatives.
A follow-up public meeting to discuss to conclusions.
October 23, 2012
I strongly disagree with making the Victory boundary smaller. Too many families have moved into the
area for their child to go to such a wonderful school.
I don’t agree with doing the change from grade 4 either. I think grade 6 would be a better choice or
even 5-6 they will be that much more mature for the culture shock changing from a small community
school to a much larger scale school.
October 23, 2012
2017 - King George will be over capacity – what then – wouldn’t you be more proactive to renovate
Victory instead of anther shift.
Reconsider portables. Need more time. Public meeting with 1 week to 1-2 months. We will consider
changing all 3 children into English stream. Both scenarios are band-aid solutions. Fix the problem –
expand Victory.
13 October 20th to October 24, 2012 October 23, 2012
1. Strongly feel that a time extension needs to be given in order to offer parents an integral part
of this review process.
2. I would definitely consider moving my child out of the French immersion program into English
stream if my decision is to bus her to King George.
3. Expansion of current Victory location needs to be examined and considered. Hydro limitations
are not sufficient.
October 23, 2012
This entire process is incredibly short-sighted. You cannot create scenarios based on a 3 year
projection, particularly when it would appear that you may end up with fewer students at Victory than
capacity. What do you do then? Change the boundaries again?
I take issue with your objective of filling a giant newly built FI ‘centre’ by draining a small
neighbourhood school of its students. It’s a terrible solution, to a problem that we did not create.
Neighbourhood schools are good for community, good for the environment and good for kids.
Why can’t grade 6 kids be sent to King George? Why not make it so that older kids, who may be
more prepared to be in a larger school, are those that are re-directed?
All of this should be assessed in 2015 when we have real numbers to work with, not projections that
seem extremely wishy-washy and highly variable.
We need 2 more weeks for public input on this process. This timeline is unacceptable. We also need
another public meeting on the subject before the December vote.
Additionally the walking map, by the way, is ridiculous. These are busy streets that will only get busier.
Extremely dangerous for these small kids to be walking those routes. You should note that I will
absolutely consider putting my child in English, and many other parents will do the same. This should
be considered.
October 23, 2012
Why are portables not ‘favourable’ at Victory?
Why is $400,000 being spent on renovations when you could just have 4 smaller kindergarten
I find it laughable that ‘walkablity’ is stated as important when I live less than 1.5 km from a school
and my child is expected to walk 3 km to school staring in grade 4 (age 9) over a major street and a
14 October 20th to October 24, 2012 What is going to stop FI families from switching their kids to RT to remain at Victory? How would
‘capacity’ be figured out then?
Whole grade re-assignment is the best idea (grade 6). It makes no sense to ‘grandfather’ for the last
Follow up meeting.
October 23, 2012
Follow up meeting @ Victory.
I would rather have my child in English at Victory than French in King George.
October 23, 2012
2017 – another boundary review will be required to address over-capacity @ King George with either
scenario. Moving kids again will be very detrimental.
How will you address the many parents who will pull their kids out of FI? This will completely skew
your numbers. We may consider moving our 3 kids into English even though I would prefer they stay
in FI (and are thriving in it).
Why can’t Victory be expanded? 2nd floor on single story? We would much prefer portables than
moving kids.
After school care will be essential – how do we balance pick ups with kids – at different schools.
We want more time for parents to discuss scenarios – 2-4 week delay. We want to be more involved
in decision.
October 23, 2012
1. Please provide opportunity for a longer review of final report.
2. I would prefer to have any children in portables than across town
3. Please consider expansion options at Victory – it can be done if we make it a priority – your
capital & construction folks need to help.
4. The community (as evidenced by the engagement of parents at this meeting) is part – a critical
part – of what makes Victory such a strong & vibrant school – please value the community &
neighbourhood continuity as equal to the numbers.
5. I would consider pulling my kids (2 of 3, 3rd in grade 7 this year) from FI to remain @ a
neighbourhood school.
15 October 20th to October 24, 2012 6. I appreciate the efforts of your staff in putting together some scenarios for us to react to – it
can’t be easy…and we don’t want you to have to do it alone – involve us, wherever you can &
please consider our suggestions.
A difficult evening, well managed.
October 23, 2012
If my children have to go from walking 1km – over 3 km to go to a new school, I may choose to keep
them in English. What planning has been done for this? To keep them in the neighbourhood. Why
has the school board removed all of the lower income neighbourhoods from the Victory boundary?
Has anyone sought understanding of the impact of this gentrification on the neighbourhood. None of
this is a long enough term solution – what will happen in 2014 & 2017 when all of these schools
need another boundary review? Will my children have to move schools again? It is unacceptable to
have to move my children twice due to shortsighted boundary review. What kind of an engagement
process is this? Where does the community get to have a say in where do our children go? What is
the rush? We want a follow up meeting & at least a 2 week delay in decision making. What will
happen to my property value when people realize that by moving into Exhibition Park they are not
allowing their children to attend the local school? Have you compared the cost of bussing this # of
kids against expanding Victory?
Has there been an assessment of risk for young children crossing Woolwich & climbing Eramosa?
Have you considered how long that walk is.
Victory is a great school! Why change enrolment structure when you can change the building
structure!! We can give up playground space with Exhibition across from it.
Why should my kids walk all the way to King George first to be in a portable? Why not move only
grade 6 out?? We need broader community planning for more than 3 years at a time.
October 23, 2012
Please do not split cohorts in gr.4 to move to King George. These kids have already lost ½ their
cohort when west end children kids left Victory in the ARC review. To do this again too many of the
same kids creates instability and severs friendships / engagement in school.
I live on East side of Woolwich and do not want to go back to scenario 3, 4 or 5. But beyond just my
child’s needs, I don’t like to see any families in the current borders to have to go. I’d rather see all
cohorts (if they have to) move together.
Has the committee looked at how a k-3 school would work well, advantages and disadvantages?
How can parents make a decision about this if this hasn’t been reviewed / understood?
Would prefer to add onto school or utilize portables if at all possible.
Need to analyze how many families would change from FI to engl – we may consider
16 October 20th to October 24, 2012 We need an extension to this process to allow time to review all feedback and another public mtg
forum to share the outcomes. We really want to hear how you analyze the feedback /data and come
to decisions
Why are we not revisiting the ARC decision when the trend in Exhibition Park Neighbourhood is FI?
We haven’t discussed the English program being split? Why? What about making a more equitable
split / transition and looking at #’s to move the FI and English grades 6 to respective schools?
We need more than future projections for numbers, and more projections on impact of these choices
- the students
- the school
- the neighbourhood
- community
- real estate
- quality of educational programming
If I had known how the ARC review would play out for the engl program – I wouldn’t have wanted
Victory to stay dual track.
October 23, 2012
Please provide another public meeting so that we can understand whether our wants & concerns have
been considered.
Please delay the date set for final boundary review to allow for parents to respond.
Please answer the following questions before you finalize this decision because it is impossible to
understand the impact w/out a full picture
1. Transportation
2. Childcare services
3. Structural options
4. Potential for portable expansion
Please take into consideration the adjustments required from the children emotionally, and physically
instead of just looking at numbers. Victory has a passionate community and we are willing to make
things work through hardwork and creativity…capital campaigns etc.
17 October 20th to October 24, 2012 We would prefer to add on or add portables because your scenarios seem to water down Victory and
leave one with a strong fear that this decision will create a bigger chance of future closure.
What about making Victory a FI only school?
YES! I would take my child out of the French stream and put him into English track.
Why not take a more equitable approach and move both French and English grade 6 classes.
October 23, 2012
Please offer a survey to consider use of portables as temporary solution to overcrowding @ VPS
Consider a major renovation of the kindergarten wing – put the $400k into tearing down the entire
wing and building 2 story
Delay the decision to allow more input from the community – set another public meeting to give
feedback to parents
Survey the community to determine
1. How many current families would switch to English
2. How many families NOT YET sending kids to VPS – will consider ENGLISH over FRENCH
because of scenario 1 or 2. Thereby skewing numbers further
Why are you not considering re-opening the ARC decision and making VPS a FI school. Why not
make an EQUITABLE split and students in BOTH FRENCH and ENGLISH – disperse them all and
maintain a dual track school. If the Board feels strongly about the efficiency of DUAL TRACK
SCHOOLS – please advise and present the data to the community.
October 23, 2012
Why is $400,000 being spent to REDUCE the capacity of the school? Review other options to better
spend that money to accommodate FDK…Second floor/portables/addition, etc, upgrading hydro
We currently have 3 portables. Why do you state that Victory is not favourable to having portables?
Whole grade assignment is definitely more favourable than breaking up the neighbourhood, splitting
up FR/EN friends & neighbours
Don’t gut our wonderful school community
Rejected scenarios N of Speedvale and E of Woolwich add up to 70-80 students, which is the number
needed to reduce projected 360 down to capacity of 294, Why not reopen these for consideration?
Move only GR6 if still need more (sts?)?
18 October 20th to October 24, 2012 Might consider moving to RT if change goes thru
Delay the process. Slow it down. Give parents time for input.
Have another public meeting
October 23, 2012
Scenario 2 is ridiculous and unfair, I would be ok given where I live but I still think it’s a no-go.
Scenario 1 – the kids are too young in grade 3 to move. I highly doubt this is your best move and only
We need MORE TIME please. This should continue longer into the winter.
We need people to actually be able to answer questions here.
I would definitely consider moving my kids to English. That’s 3
What exactly happens when King George is over capacity down the road? Let’s make Victory larger
October 23, 2012
Extend this process by minimum 2 weeks to allow for parent involvement
Include transportation as many of us within walking distance have significant concerns about a grade
4 navigating the route independently.
I’d request another public meeting
We would consider moving to English stream to stay @ Victory or move out the French Public Board
We have 3 children. Scenario for us is one in daycare, one @ Victory, one @ King George. 3 drop
offs and pick ups! It’s excessive!
Please have construction perspective @ the next meeting
We are facing another 17 years in this school board. Please consider a longer term solution than a
scenario where my children will be moved again when King George is overcapacity!
Consider moving Grade 6 only or Grade 5+6 when our children could be more equipped for the
Please provide us with information on plans for accessibility for children w/ disabilities.
19 October 20th to October 24, 2012 October 23, 2012
I would like to see more planning done for the longterm. I went to Victory in the 1980s from K-2 when
they needed a boundary change. I was sent to Paisley for Gr.3 and then Brighton PS for Gr.4. The
boundaries then changed again for FI, and I was sent back to Victory PS for Grades 5+6. King
George will be over capacity by 2017 and I want to know what will happen then? I think Victory needs
to be added onto or portables added. This is obviously not a new problem and I would like to see
some actual planning done.
October 23, 2012
We need more time.
More time for parental input
Why not a vote?
We are considering moving to ENGLISH
October 23, 2012
This process is too rushed
It needs to be slowed down to allow for community to respond + prepare
I would like another meeting to be held to show that you have heard our concerns and to hear how
you have handled our suggestions.
Why spend 400 thousand to make a school smaller?
Why not use that $ to expand a second floor on the K wing now
I want to see plans that say expansion isn’t viable.
Why do all K classrooms have to be 100 sq.ft. for ELP? You are not renovating all schools to meet this
October 23, 2012
We would prefer to have portables then move to King George
We think a second floor should be added to the Kindergarten wing so that all kids can remain at the
school if portables are not an option
20 October 20th to October 24, 2012 The other boundary options need to be re-considered – especially an option that the parents come up
We would like extra time before decisions are made
An option for removing kids should be taking grade 6 out instead of JK-6 or 4-6
We would like Victory to have the option of keeping JK+SK part time instead of full time
We definitely need the before and after school program + if that cannot be offered at King George,
we don’t think we can make it work there as our kids are both needing this + are currently in the kids
club at Victory.
October 23, 2012
I would like to see a pause in the process for further review/consider further options for the existing
Victory site. Specifically, are there opportunities to invest in the school to better service the community
and even more importantly ensure the long term viability of the school.
I would like to have additional meetings for public input + to have the opportunity for the Board to
reply/address parent input/concerns.
If faced with the choice of sending my children to a new school (King George) for FI or keeping them
in our community I would switch to the English program. I suspect many other parents may feel the
same and it may be wise to send out a survey to parents,
October 23, 2012
A few comments & suggestions that came up tonight were ones I strongly agree with:
I would choose portables over a broken-up school
I (and most of the FI parents I have spoken to) would switch to English rather than leave Victory. That
kind of demographic shift would completely negate your projections.
I would be more comfortable with a shift that takes place at GR.6, rather thanGR.4.
I want more time to be involved in scenario solutions.
I want a chance to have a more iterated and involved process for the remainder of this review.
I do not support a boundary change that would result in an “elitist” sifting (i.e. excluding rentals, etc.)
I want to explore more options around increasing space at Victory (i.e. building or portables)
21 October 20th to October 24, 2012 Unfair that we paid substantially more for my house and because I want my students to go to Victory
and now won’t
Should combine 2 other scenarios N of Speedvale Ave & E of Woolwich to keep those who can
obviously walk to the school without crossing busy streets (i.e. Not Division, S of Speedvale) - #’s work
for projections
Advantage / goal is to make it walkable but living on St. Andrew I can see the school but have to go
to King George – those further ( E of Woolwich) get to stay & they are closer to King George.
How am I supposed to get my grade 4 to King George and my grade 2 and JK to Victory? And work
We lose substantial property value by being bumped out of Victory Area – houses worth less than we
We need a longer time to review options as a community
We need another public meeting for feedback from blue sheets
I will move my students to English instead of being bumped out of school and bus them or have my 3
kids at 2 different schools
Board should consider an addition to the school before moving us
Should put in a new hydro line to service portables and then East of Guelph can populate King
George when they expand.
After FDK the enrolment pressure in Victory would be done bc there is no room to build – give us
portable or do addition for 2 classes
“no room for portables bc of site lines/supervision” – why are we housing 2 additional portable that
are not being used?