WSDP: MODULE 2 TOPIC 13: NEEDS DEVELOPMENT PLAN 13. NEEDS DEVELOPMENT PLAN The project list as provided from the department is given in the table below: (Source: 10 Year Capital Prioritisation spread sheet: Finance). This is a comprehensive list of Projects which includes the sustainability list. The table lists the total cost of each project. All the projects are for inclusion in the IDP. The infrastructure projects are listed in group in accordance with their investment reason i.e. new asset, enhancement asset and replacement of asset. Support Services projects are grouped together. 2.214 Table 1: Three Year Approved Capital Budget of the CCT 2012/13 WBS Element WBS Element Description Directorate Programme IDP Strategic Focus Area C05.01333-F3 Durbanville Collectors Sewers 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C06.01457-F1 Bellvile North Water Supply system 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C06.01639-F2 Retreat Rising Main - Rehab 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C06.30170-F1 Bellville WWTW - EFF 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C06.30147-F1 Kraaifontein WWTW 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C07.00047-F2 Fish Hoek Outfall Sewer 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C07.00048-F2 Blue Route Interceptor Sewer 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Corporate Objective Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and 1213 Draft Budget 2012_2013 May 1213 Draft Budget 2013_2014 May 1213 Draft Budget 2014_2015 May Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 500 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 4 000 000 2 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 2 500 000 1 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 31 000 000 5 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 3 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 Directorate Objective 2.215 development C07.00407-F1 Northern Area Sewer Thornton 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C08.00214-F1 De Grendel Reservoir 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C08.11114-F1 Trappies Sewerage System 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C08.86023-F1 De Gendel Reservoir Link 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C08.86024-F1 Contermans Kloof Water Mains 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C08.86031-F1 Provision of Sewerage to Croydon 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C08.86038-F1 Main Rd Upgrade M/Berg to Clovelly Rehab 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C08.86045-F1 Design of Sand Trap Philipi sewer Browns 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to Provide economic and social infrastructure 52 000 000 60 000 000 18 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 16 000 000 6 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 3 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 1 559 731 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 8 550 442 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 5 500 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 12 588 000 10 000 000 12 000 000 Provide economic and social 0 2 000 000 2 000 000 2.216 C09.86014-F1 Pump Station & Rising Main Du Noon 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C09.86001-F1 Cape Flats Collector Sewer 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C09.86008-F1 Ruyterwacht Midblock Water Pipes 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C09.86015-F1 Rehab Outfall Sewers Pentz Sandrift m/qu 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C10.86018-F1 Gordons Bay WWTWImprovements 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C10.86033-F1 Zandvliet WWTW-Extension 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C10.82001-F1 Cape Flats #1 Rehabilitation 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C10.82002-F1 Cape Flats #2 Rehabilitation 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City ensure infrastructureled growth and development infrastructure Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to Provide economic and social infrastructure 10 000 000 10 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 3 000 000 10 000 000 5 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 3 000 000 5 000 000 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 10 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 1 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 5 000 000 0 10 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 500 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 Provide economic and social 500 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 2.217 ensure infrastructureled growth and development infrastructure Promote sustainable environment through resources Provide economic and social infrastructure C12.86053-F1 On-line effluent monitoring at all WWTW 1.3(a) Sustainable utilisation of scarce resources An Opportunity City Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources C12.86018-F1 Master Planning -EFF 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86019-F2 TMS Aquifer Deep Borehole 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C10.86130-F1 Regional resources development 3.5(a) Environmental health care programme A Caring City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide effective environmental health services C10.86132-F1 Remove midblock water network-Bishop Lav 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C11.86063-F1 Potsdam WWTW - Extension (EFF) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86057-F1 Hout Bay Outfall-Refurbish equipment 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86059-F1 Macassar WWTW-extension 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and 0 0 1 000 000 400 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 2 000 000 13 000 000 15 000 000 Provide effective environmental health services Provide economic and social infrastructure 3 000 000 3 000 000 3 000 000 1 000 000 4 000 000 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 5 000 000 32 000 000 30 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 300 000 4 700 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 500 000 20 000 000 25 000 000 2.218 development C13.86000-F1 Replacement of Plant & Equipment (EAMS) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86001-F1 Replacement Motor Cont Centre Bellv WWTW 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86002-F1 Upgrade clarifiers - Bellville WWTW 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86011-F1 Replacement of Vehicles (EAMS) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86014-F1 Furniture, Tools, Equip: Additional EAMS 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86022-F1 Refurbishment of Labs 3.5(a) Environmental health care programme A Caring City C13.86036-F1 Furniture & Equipment (IT): Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86037-F1 Furniture,Tools, Equipme: Additional WDM 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide effective environmental health services Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructure- Provide economic and social infrastructure 5 060 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 6 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 1 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 25 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 196 000 0 0 Provide effective environmental health services Provide economic and social infrastructure 500 000 0 0 1 000 000 0 0 30 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 2.219 led growth and development C13.86040-F1 Informal Incremental Areas Upgrade 3.4(b) Service delivery programme in informal settlements A Caring City C13.86041-F1 Bulk Water Infrastructure Replacement 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86043-F1 Laboratory Equipment: Additional 3.5(a) Environmental health care programme A Caring City C13.86044-F1 Philadelpha WWTWImprovement 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86046-F1 Replace &Upgr Sew Pumpstns (citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86047-F1 Replace & Upgr Sewer Network (Citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86048-F1 Replace & Upgr Water Network (citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86050-F1 TOC Infrastructure Development 4.1(a) Service management programme (C3) An Inclusive City Provide for the needs of informal settlements and backyard residences through improved services Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide effective environmental health services Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Ensure responsiveness by creating an environment where Improved servs in informal settlements & byard res 20 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 10 000 000 0 0 Provide effective environmental health services Provide economic and social infrastructure 3 000 000 0 0 0 0 1 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 7 500 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 41 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 57 973 000 0 0 Response for citizens to be communicate d with 1 000 000 0 0 2.220 citizens can be communicated with, and be responded to C13.86053-F1 Cape Flats III 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C11.86077-F1 Bulk Water Augmentation Scheme (EFF) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C10.86118-F2 Treated Effluent Re-use 1.3(b) Water conservation & water demand mangmnt strategy An Opportunity City C11.86077-F2 Bulk Water Augmentation Scheme (CRR) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C11.86078-F1 Pressure Management 1.3(b) Water conservation & water demand mangmnt strategy An Opportunity City C12.86082-F1 Water Supply at Baden Powell Dr to Khaye 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86084-F1 Completion of Langa Collector Sewer 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86070-F1 Pumpstation and Rising Main Du Noon 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and Provide economic and social infrastructure 15 000 000 35 650 000 16 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 45 000 000 67 000 000 Promote sustainable environment through resources Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 0 1 700 000 0 0 0 0 20 000 000 400 000 0 2 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 13 000 000 0 0 Promote sustainable environment through resources Provide economic and social infrastructure 2.221 development C13.86073-F1 New Rest Reticulation Rectification 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86074-F1 Pump Stn Rehab ( Citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86075-F1 Rehab of Sewer Network (Citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86074-F1 Construction of new Head Office 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86075-F1 Northern Regional Sludge Facility 1.1(c) Identify catalytic sectors, such as oil and gas An Opportunity City C12.86079-F1 EAM Depot Realignment - 5 Nodal System 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86055-F1 Replacement Of Plant and Equipment BW 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86056-F1 Plant and Equipment Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Create an enabling environment to attract investment that generates economic growth and job creation Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to Provide economic and social infrastructure 4 500 000 2 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 8 537 750 0 4 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 6 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 6 500 000 70 000 000 96 000 000 0 0 10 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 35 000 000 6 400 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 150 000 0 0 Provide economic and social 500 000 0 0 Create environment to attract investment 2.222 C13.86058-F1 Tools and Equipment: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86065-F1 Tools & Equipment: Additional (Mech) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86067-F1 Tools & Equipment: Additional (PCS) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86069-F1 Pressure Management: COCT 1.3(b) Water conservation & water demand mangmnt strategy An Opportunity City C13.86072-F1 Infrastructure Replace/Refurbish - WWT 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86076-F1 Small Plant & Equipment: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.95014-F1 Treated Effluent: Infrastructure Upgrade 1.3(b) Water conservation & water demand mangmnt strategy An Opportunity City C14.86001-F1 Penhill Sewer Installation 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City ensure infrastructureled growth and development infrastructure Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources Provide economic and social infrastructure 800 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 2 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 253 000 0 0 Promote sustainable environment through resources Provide economic and social infrastructure 9 000 000 0 0 28 400 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 1 000 000 0 0 Promote sustainable environment through resources Provide economic and social infrastructure 3 500 000 0 0 0 2 000 000 0 Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and 2.223 development C14.86003-F1 Specialised Equip: Additional Electrical 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86005-F1 Furniture & Equipment (IT): Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86007-F1 Replacement of Vehicles 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86008-F1 Laboratory Equipm: Addition Scientif Ser 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86009-F1 Refurbishment of Labs 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86011-F1 Furniture,Tools,Equipment:Additi onalEAMS 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86012-F1 Furniture, Tools & Equip: Additional WDM 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86013-F1 Furniture,Tools & Equip: Additional WWTW 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 300 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 500 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 30 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 2 500 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 400 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 276 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 100 000 0 Provide economic and social 0 100 000 0 2.224 C14.86015-F1 Informal Incremental Areas Upgrade 3.4(b) Service delivery programme in informal settlements A Caring City C14.86016-F1 Infrastructure Replace/Refurbish - WWT 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86017-F1 Master Planning -EFF 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86021-F1 Pumpstation and Rising Main Du Noon 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86024-F1 Replace & Upgr Sewer Network (Citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86025-F1 Replace & Upgr Water Network (citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86026-F1 Replace &Upgr Sew Pumpstns (citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86027-F1 Sundry Equip: Additional various WWTW 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City ensure infrastructureled growth and development infrastructure Provide for the needs of informal settlements and backyard residences through improved services Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to Improved servs in informal settlements & byard res 0 25 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 5 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 400 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 5 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 63 500 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 82 461 507 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 8 900 000 0 Provide economic and social 0 300 000 0 2.225 C14.86029-F1 TOC Infrastructure Development 4.1(a) Service management programme (C3) An Inclusive City C14.86030-F1 Tools,Equipm: Addition Design contracts 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86031-F1 Tools & Equipment: Additional (Mech) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86032-F1 Tools & Equipment: Additional (PCS) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86033-F1 Replacement of Plant & Equipment (EAMS) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86034-F1 Small Plant & Equipment: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86037-F1 Bulk Water Infrastructure Replacement 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City ensure infrastructureled growth and development infrastructure Ensure responsiveness by creating an environment where citizens can be communicated with, and be responded to Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Response for citizens to be communicate d with 0 0 2 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 800 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 1 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 581 900 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 4 820 593 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 500 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 10 000 000 0 2.226 C14.92100-F1 Treated Effluent: Reuse & Inf Upgrades 1.3(b) Water conservation & water demand mangmnt strategy An Opportunity City Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources C14.92101-F1 Pressure Management: COCT 1.3(b) Water conservation & water demand mangmnt strategy An Opportunity City Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources C06.01639-F3 Retreat Rising Main - Rehab 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C06.30170-F3 Bellville WWTW-USDG 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C06.30201-F3 Athlone WWTW (USDG) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C10.86033-F3 Zandvliet WWTW-Extension (USDG) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C10.86066-F2 Khayelitsha Driftsands Site C 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C11.86059-F3 Sandtrap Bridgetown Sewer Pump Station 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Promote sustainable environment through resources Promote sustainable environment through resources Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 3 500 000 0 0 9 000 000 0 4 100 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 58 000 000 3 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 1 523 750 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 7 210 000 54 050 000 17 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 5 500 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 5 000 000 0 0 2.227 C11.86060-F3 Philippi Collector Sewer 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C11.86063-F3 Potsdam WWTW - Extension (USDG) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86096-F1 Macassar WWTW Extension (USDG) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C11.86077-F4 Bulk Water Augmentation Scheme (USDG) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86008-F2 Infrastructure Replace/Refurbish - WWT 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86090-F1 BlacMac Sewer: Upgrade sewer diversion 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86091-F1 Borchards Quarry WWTW 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C12.86103-F1 Scottsdene : Reticulation Network 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide economic and social infrastructure 700 000 10 000 000 10 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 6 000 000 58 300 000 30 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 5 500 000 14 400 000 45 650 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 25 100 000 21 700 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 2 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 13 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 11 000 000 0 10 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 4 473 700 0 0 2.228 C06.00571-F2 Klipheuwel WWTW - Upgrade (USDG) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources C06.30148-F3 Mitchells Plain WWTW (USDG) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C08.00214-F2 De Grendel Reservoir 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C08.86023-F2 De Gendel Reservoir Link 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.00021-F1 Zone Metering 1.3(b) Water conservation & water demand mangmnt strategy An Opportunity City C13.00023-F1 Logger Installations 1.3(b) Water conservation & water demand mangmnt strategy An Opportunity City Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources C13.00024-F1 Information System Server 2.3(a) Improved information & technology driven policing A Safe City C13.00025-F1 Electronic Drawing Equipment: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Enhance intelligence driven policing with improved informationgathering capacity and functional specialisation. Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide economic and social infrastructure 500 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 5 000 000 0 5 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 7 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 10 000 000 0 0 Promote sustainable environment through resources Promote sustainable environment through resources Enhance intelligencedriven policing 1 240 000 0 0 1 500 000 0 0 125 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 720 000 0 0 2.229 C13.86048-F2 Replace & Upgr Water Network (USDG) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86077-F1 Bulk Sewer (Housing Projects) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86078-F1 Bulk Water ( Housing Projects) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86081-F1 Athlone WWTW-Capacity Extension-phase 1 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86083-F1 Tools,Sundry,Equip:Additional Flt Maint. 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86085-F1 WS contingency provision Insurance 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86086-F1 IT:System,Infrastruct Equip: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86087-F1 Pollution Monitoring (WDM) 3.5(a) Environmental health care programme A Caring City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide effective environmental health services Provide economic and social infrastructure 4 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 4 455 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 9 800 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 500 000 10 000 000 20 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 65 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 500 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 6 500 000 0 0 Provide effective environmental health services 2 000 000 0 0 2.230 C13.86088-F1 Stormwater Ingress Systems (WDM) 3.5(a) Environmental health care programme A Caring City Provide effective environmental health services C13.86090-F1 Informal settlements water installations 3.4(b) Service delivery programme in informal settlements A Caring City C13.86091-F2 Water Meters (Retic) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86092-F2 Development of Additional Infrastructure 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86038-F1 Bulk Sewer (Housing Projects) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86039-F1 Bulk Water ( Housing Projects) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86042-F1 Bellville WWTW-Replace Screw Pump 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86043-F1 Melkbos WWTW-Effluent Disinfection 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide for the needs of informal settlements and backyard residences through improved services Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide effective environmental health services Improved servs in informal settlements & byard res 1 500 000 0 0 2 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 15 000 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 16 400 000 0 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 4 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 5 500 000 3 650 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 1 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 300 000 2.231 C14.86044-F1 Wesfleur WWTW-Capacity Extension 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86045-F1 IT: System, Infra. Equipment: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86046-F1 Tools,Sundry Equip:Additional Flt Maint 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86050-F1 Replacement of Plant & Equipment BW 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86051-F1 Plant & Equipment Additional BW 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86052-F1 WS contingency provision Insurance 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86053-F1 Informal settlements water installations 3.4(b) Service delivery programme in informal settlements A Caring City C14.86054-F1 Water Meters (Retic) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide for the needs of informal settlements and backyard residences through improved services Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 6 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 110 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 250 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 500 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 1 000 000 0 Improved servs in informal settlements & byard res 0 2 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 14 000 000 0 2.232 C14.86055-F2 Development of Additional Infrastructure 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C14.86055-F3 Development of Additional Infrastructure 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86001-F1 Furniture & Equipment: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86004-F1 IT:System,Infrastruct Equip: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86005-F1 Laboratory Equipment: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86006-F1 Refurbishment of Labs 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86007-F1 Laboratory Extension SANS 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86009-F1 Tools,Sundry Equip: Additional Flt Maint 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 30 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 15 000 000 0 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 5 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 1 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 400 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 2 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 50 000 2.233 C15.86010-F1 Specialised Equipment: Additional 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86011-F1 Vehicles,Plant Equip: Additional Flt Man 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86012-F1 Tools & Equipment (design & contacts) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86013-F1 Tools & Equipment: Additional (Mech) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86014-F1 Tools & Equipment: Additional (PCS) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86015-F1 Furniture,Tools,Equipment:Additi onalEAMS 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86016-F1 WS contingency provision Insurance 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86017-F1 Master Planning -EFF 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 330 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 20 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 1 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 352 050 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 220 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 1 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 250 000 2.234 C15.86019-F1 Treated Effluent: Reuse & Inf Upgrades 1.3(b) Water conservation & water demand mangmnt strategy An Opportunity City Promote a sustainable environment through the efficient utilisation of resources C15.86020-F1 Furniture,Tools & Equip: Additional WWTW 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86021-F1 Sundry Equip: Additional various WWTW 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86023-F1 Informal Incremental Areas Upgrade 3.4(b) Service delivery programme in informal settlements A Caring City C15.86024-F1 Replace & Upgr Sewer Network (Citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86025-F1 Replace & Upgr Water Network (Citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86027-F1 Infrastructure Replace/Refurbish - WWTW 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86028-F1 Informal settlements water installations 3.4(b) Service delivery programme in informal settlements A Caring City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide for the needs of informal settlements and backyard residences through improved services Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide for the needs of informal settlements and backyard residences through improved services Promote sustainable environment through resources Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 2 000 000 0 0 100 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 300 000 Improved servs in informal settlements & byard res 0 0 25 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 60 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 79 447 950 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 18 000 000 Improved servs in informal settlements & byard res 0 0 2 000 000 2.235 C15.86029-F1 Rehab of Sewer Network (USDG Citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86030-F1 Rehab of Water Network (USDG Citywide) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86031-F1 Water Meters (Retic) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86032-F1 Small Plant & Equip: Additional (Retic) 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86036-F1 Development of Additional Infrastructure 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86036-F3 Development of Additional Infrastructure 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86038-F1 Replacement of Plant & Equipment BW 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86039-F1 Plant & Equipment Additional BW 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 2 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 2 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 13 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 500 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 68 131 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 30 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 250 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 500 000 2.236 C15.86040-F1 Bulk Sewer (Housing Projects) 1.2(c) Investment in infrastructure An Opportunity City C15.86041-F1 Bulk Water Infrastructure Replacement 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City C13.86094-F1 Upgrading of Sewer Connection Erf 267 1.2(b) Maintenance of Infrastructure An Opportunity City Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide and maintain economic and social infrastructure to ensure infrastructureled growth and development Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 6 000 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 0 0 10 300 000 Provide economic and social infrastructure 130 000 0 0 2.237 2.238