Mlti 142SFi.s 2009 @na$6 nn PageI .y Math 142 - Erem 3 Revlew NOTE:Exam3 coven sections5.4-5.6,6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1, nd 7.2. This rwiew is intendedto highlightthe material coveredon Exam 3 but shouldnot be usedas your sole sourceof practice. Also refer to your instructor'slecture notes,previousweek-in-reviews,suggestedhomework,zupplementalhomewor{<, andthe online homeworkasadditional preparation. sourcesfor reviewand exao l. Findtheareaboundedbetween/(.r) : f andS(r):r. M^=J_i +Jo' U-x')&> Q3-x)Lr -- (^T^v({-X r Xr -t, o) r l-T*t(*-^?' x ' D't) = L4 + I .+ ,-lT_1 l-:r-) 2. The price{emand equationfor a certainproductis givenby p : D(x) : 75 - dollarsper itern, aridthe pricesupplyequationfor this productis p : .S(.r): 15"0'ooz'dollarsper item. (a) Find the marketequilibrium point. Roundthe equilibrium quantity to the near€stitem, and mund the equi- libriumpriceto thenearest cent. 15_0,tX Ir--15-0'IY \t__ 7 , (nkrsd i1'".'11"i*1" \ G'"pl'1 Atc' -/ X= 4Vt, U57q+ --t 4tDtkms .4= r t 4. O V47ob 4 f i44. o2 g. r iP - n V--4to i,tmt. F4u;tt tpy p.i.^+--V- r,' U - .dl (, lt owndid\ ' ' (b) Usingyour roundedanswersin (a), find the producers'surplusat the equilibrium price lwel. What doesthis numb€rreDresent? (a+ot' lTd'*'") d* P5=Su'o (g'+'tl-15/#*,x, 0,4t0) = h',IorL {41n'-,, \ W 4a i tD pruilu0r ^ +Al <-JhrD raoYosnt< u'l4tod^!- wl'ba{ tD ffiWkW-l#y(=$not Page2 Mdl 142SFi.8 2009@rn dta R|nry 3. Acme Media Companyhas a uniform annualdemandfor 21,6ffi DVDs. It costs$O.50to storea DVD for one yearand $294to setup the machinerythat producestheir DVDs. How menytimesper year shouldAcme produce DVDs to rninimizethe total storageand setupcosts? prvtilttva( ia<a'cl' /Yfuch'hrhh cou*ol i K**=t1'+vturtt*x6O',pt {+ettbt,'t -------=o' pr gnc. 1lpvdtca dor 5=*..zvttt*,+br fi\.^;$iLc-tns+trCt'()= 0,50(5) + N44 Y! =\tvo' I ChrdL \ ,rl4t t )ytt,rp] = o' zs - izt-t4o6*:z- l"#)o'(x) q'7s*2:b":Dqoo -- D'3:i--also.r4) = \@ifth> I-thlIr0"f\@i V-'4.a6r1 =--o D t' *^o,'dp.a,uz lf:y - *'LavL 4 .,n .a l ?YDt .. ' 0.ZSX"-tp?S-OrrUU= O '-i;="2e4otvoo| y? gcar tur I l$| 'vrJvlvv'.> +ry .5"4ll t{?+o r r bool{ rbq 4 :r _x _-rs D 4o l * U rc, , a 4. Findtheabsolute extemaof /(.r) : (5 -.r)(r+ 7)2oo (+A!-LX -SlrV, A^.4,^\ \.r (a) [-9, -s] P'(t) - (-i (x+-l)L -f-(s-x; (z) (x+z)r ( r ) = (xr7)f_t gr-r) rd,6-x>] = (xt1) (-x -l + I o*;ey<) 5b eab;mO+ = (x +t) t-Axtv) =,e X =- 1 O -3r*4-o - 4x = - V x-- I / .+ abg,nt''t't" 4O / D^W-duw-|t-q'+f ,'\fu ahtxun- wwrtturrr\\tLtu* rdfii:'is ?9:Y,?-\=atNY"W ;s Oa-st vnivrrrMlar fi-L,t/,.Q- e,*l $ a*/ - - - 1 'rTtLrualt ?'(x)=(x+'DGbr+V) f" (*): (r)(-?r+a)+ Cx+?)(-3) f "t x ) - - 3 ' { + ) - Zv - 2l f,'(*>-- - \ox - lB f "( D- - - lo - tt= - 0 ,4 1 0 fi Slnald - , (Eeu-6 zovae./urlv.izs+. AWw iU.ttZ ( o,a\,..ti"'a 0n-.Un, u-a-e4 f{ fr.) L5ag" wur,{ir,r,|l,r,rn alrtilottttrsa* *--l: k l W on{'d: **ffi.* nnin. .-flcs.rt,ll^r fo)--]stt Md 142SFirg 209 Ollalts Page3 r!@.y 5. The U.S. PostalServiceconsidersa packageto be regular-sizedif its lengthplus gir$ (distancearound)doesnot exceed84 inches. end3 (a) Find the dimensionsof a rectangularbox with square volume. What is the maximumvolume? - ftat satisfiesthis restrictionand has maximrml &irtt"= 4\ +:J= 84 tt + l=84-4X YOfutna--- XLtt, -- V(:O sv...(0,ztJ rlWrrLE rl*.,,,tl.Vci> = X'(94-"tx) Don"aivn V(x)=g4xz-4x? x --t4 4,4 --84-4 tt,l) =2 l V'(x)=lu SX- lzd- = D Y 2zo lax(lLl- X) 2D ! z.o t. ttl -4{7zo -4y,>41 x! , l lLN.o x--o btr rJ i-{A M'$u'nry- il" t4-X.0 vohl-*L x --rq S l on-J hM dlltVlt x l4Lrtv.-28Lrt,U,* lLlr.n -)L d l I v/x) o nt'vv, vlU'nl W{i i S €4EB Ltq3, 14 | s+tcba'bs'vao4 1 - r\ o (b) Find the dimensions(radiusandheight) of a cylin&ical containerthat satisfiesthis restiction and hasmaximum volume. What is the maximumvolume? G i" t t ^ =9 rr + h --9 4 -> Vt-? * -?trr yol.uw€-7IrLV = Vrr) (r>= ntGi_e, wlwiniu-x'! _ ) vrf --*lir( - lt'r3 DrYtui^ Y2z0 h>zo .ar=fr=Sh=s4'aV(a =lbtra- l-orrrf' =o V'Cr) bnr(ot - T r) -- o t, t4'enr>.P [.ttr--o r: 9 -Tr >->2 -l-tr( >z-8,4 ( <Fxv.1ttc1g D 4A 'tl UL n i 0-8-nn =o r =f <-thc, bqs-1.57$te n ^--rr llnttdirntnsittts4#q ufrlaiPr tAU,^A.ricaQ *.<,1\11 uftg" rroairut't* rr) f^t+ 4L_l an lo, i-j \\fu/i^-t a*- rvll,t =# idas a^tr l\tiqhv-rrta lruw*tw.n fu-.^is 1t1,t1.548a\^5. Fage4 Md 142S!rhs2009@rE.eR.ey 6. Find the equationof the curvethat pasesthroughthe point ( I , 9) if its slopeis givenby t * : c€ - sr +4 for all.r I o. A+LlrL=q l ' , l ( t f -s* t+u)dr y -- E(4*)* 52alxt +t)x +c ", -- A\4 -5&'t\f,\ vctx+c tt)+C : J g ' t,->- ltr ) a-{ 4 ^ lt\ +4 following orthe bYhand' lrt9!$,fft l) x L -sf)a' @)J(e-iktu --5 x U'-e r n/t0t ,n ^\, , ;J@'"^-t^r) (roe'''-ro*)61y au--(o/"'- toD"t^ Lr I u d u +,l.+) +L= L(r"*- s tf +c otl^-:!* =J(u*r)(i)a* U= LnYf ? du-- \ 'rx -,.f ,,tdu --avkrs t** fi*l -')a +btr) -r) t+ SQi''+st-1 -L ttl ,n tV l + o1zt"')rs(1{"'" ) lC Md rdsFi'.al09oB&rdr Page 5 {o fr'#l^n-t^-'Y- - S,2(rn'- 1ru,') a.^ -(7. M- '\tt4t\t' -b '/ll --(\,f rt^-')1," '-(r(D'tt(q'') -(k,,i +2t,t') 4rpt _52 _ lV1;) ttoz A a>l,'{v* , o1 -t/" = V Jo 4=7^ , is-o , dx l t,rg _J q-- 5-e 1X -t d'&x 6.i|.= u = 5 .-{ ' o)= t-t@ ldhtn x=o, tltln |=) I u--5- c t(L) u-€:d r lJ,t #du ---i b,,url'* pu+) =1!nw-"1r1"!^t =(+ulr-eD*@ @tzQ+t1|a' =Je(u)"du L t --zt 4 tut--db =g6a-+;utla )ge-t{)au - %(tH8 IC =iu'ofi,,f+c +(t +u)'' Md Page6 !42 2009 OE .i[Fr RElt 8. The pricedemandequationfor a certainit€m is given by p : D(r) : -0.002(.r+ 100)2* 7(X)0dollars per item, where.r is the numberof items that can be sold at a price of $p. If the currentprice per iten is $4,580,find the consumers'surplus.What doesthis numberrepresent? r-o C,=S (oo>-p)** =f**(yr -,l5so)l.y =f^xn+(Y, - 4*ot x, orIDD) u.uul $ l,szz,v6?,?3 fr:n/a- I L+ 1oo l,--*0.(Datxt-ho) o 1L--45t0 CvtLph, ca-l.t ' {'der*g+ x--tooo ,7 - 4sso .4,usrulfeVnts lU- fok4 M)n\q5 lo (mSu"rrrS ]JJt1rpa,b witli.n$ lD p44 rnnov^dr., *+, sto ptr it?n abfehby latprd.uc( hr $+sqo, Inuha-re-s6Ll marginalcostfor its dinettesetsis givenby C t(r) : 3eo'or'1 9. AcmeFumitureCompany's ff eachmonth. where: is thenumberofdinetGsetsproduced aommp". ,"f resultsfrom goingfrom a productionlevelof 100to 150dinettesetsper 1a)Findrh(chan:G totafcolDnhat month. rOA^2a u.^ALY ils dl.viv, "bu^I - W\Lcm\,If (i"o^*+ ff)a* +ns/n )x )l0o,.so) --F^ur(tt'o'* r1-------.---1 tI --\$^a-t4.t" (b) If Acme'sfixed cost for producingdinettesetsis $l,700, find a modelfor total cost. n/ -4r ^nrv = 4(x) J'Q"*''^+ |1s* " )dt, .L cN)- *r/'o'" +zts(?x')tc A OIY = { x +C Ca) 3ood,","i TsrD o= t100 CLo) booe+-EDJD+L lldb 3oo + c l'-{00 U 0\ . X K^i.s#4 ll40D doUnrs e = 300"''''^ t75?'JT x) MNr+< f6 d,*t* tL+s(trofuLu/ 'La-cbu ;;; tt MrI[ 142sFi.t 2(x,9 @,H.dE Page7 lelt 10. Bob invested$3,000into an accountpyng 7.3o/oper year compoundedcontinuouslyat the beginningof 2003. Findtheaverage accountbalanceduring - th@-nri!ffi)f iiT;-;=-u^ A&\ = Pe'+ o.or3L 2003. n Ac")=3oooe (edv us t-o 4 I l. Calculatethe following definiteintegralsby referringto the graphof/(x) andindicatedareabelo$'.(courtesyJenn Whitfield) y61a,1u1 loo Qtl" flia, = - 21o3 +,1,'fx\dv Jf ftr.ltx +Joftrtolr 3 + (- a,20") | 5'1s1 = 5 , 114 1,5? <"> [ rav. 'a,1-0b+5,181 -l'uoq l,1 '75 61l)y61a" = --1;'l fur,tdx (- I,boq) l,boq M!|i la2 SFiig 2004 @n d.r PageI rrb.y 12. Appmxinate the areaunder/(.r) -- r/r=l +l on the interval [l,Z] using a midpoint sum with 3 rectanglesof equd widlh. Includean appropriateslcetchwith your answer. r , ' ilt { ' =1 :aLI '- 9-4- -_ r,/ rrletl"'l l HaPa= l(Po> + fu) + ftu)\ = A(r+6, 172-l rb, zvb t) T>.q vb+ f^.!M.d.2- Ivt,t-pan*VW A',rc* 7t s--to \) idA 2- L ltD =5 1 u l 1t ) - '5' 191 flu\ -'lt ztvl .-t-- 7 ll .4tr+> / + lL ,417> 73,qvt'+ 13. lf f(x) in the previousproblemrepresentsthe ra0eat which a swimming pool is flling with water and is given in gallonsper minute, where.r is the numberof minutes since5:30pm,what doesthe ap'proximatedareaabove rcpresent? x'ai&\ \^oiah'V Lnuk) x (nti ,+/c5) -- g'Uo^S lVltons 'J 4r,tt I IJ ',rt lrtw1',TlpM+o6',b1p^tfu vU--r* SIuJdfur 44t SlDio'rnhq J aa at>sv*VZ 9'Zts42g-ozswts ,d'i^ tl. fida tneareaUetrveen /(.r) : O.Oa)--r andg(.r):9.2111 onthein#al [-7,7]. \_...^\,.,--_-_-a !,---==_t_L Jr -lz P.*--t; art 6wu$dr /+,ogr*l) -1,-t) +f"drt (y-y, -srr) -Y2 - h,fu(Y, ,2x1 ,X, s04 = a( +r E 5ryh, 2lcealt.6)ortzck (no+:hoontotde\ -@\ -l t5 \ Mdh 142SFie 2m9 €tHltlE Page9 RDr.t aJ t1 462* + 3950 i,t, \ nd. f"(x)=ffi, -t54x 15.civenthat/(.r):"ffi, f'@:61ft, (a) Find the domainof /(.r). QotvtLlrt',(-a,-a)u (-€,e) v (s, a) y+-pf =o (U1ralruunfo'rs otwt Y 2t{ x = ts) O) Find dl interceptsof /(.r). X - DYtt> fn)--o --7 /*+t --o ItD f,-La{{xupl5 t4-Lnt: 4x'---v r\ L-) -- -L 9zo\= Y-:o'zg xL=_Z vID(b)6bfx\ (c) Find all asymptotesof /(.r). voftlLt,Lt leoW utvS]t*'n l first! bxL+> fcut'-(x+B)tx-5) ,l . t -A $0frbN\W A8rrlr,t Slttll' t. ^ ^ 4 1 ,7+ u ' ' 2 *'!b -t -zs= i=z aagu@ !=n ,t lr,orie. tuholaryrq+oes" '*=-6 4.*A 7<--1 (d) Find all int€n"alswhere/(.r) is increasingand all interv"alswhere/(r) is decreasing. o'^!^Jil -ts'+Y --o X --o ('L*\=o f'{v-)= ffi)rTNE ft'A\ ,7 7/.\">, t't (--,,-<) fuitx'-tS ! 9'ti;y:-L:J42+-*) ' . &tx\it\t\ulal^g r>'- g!. ll t**" dwviq Y'lt ln++"do^o;n (e) Find the coordinatesofall local extema. hca.l"il^tu[i{I,t/r'rvr (0,-?) 11 2<g --rt & -r4 rl ^4(5o), 'f ry..)is dtavona\^- (o,o)a-"|/I a). Md Pagel0 142SFingr00' @llcdt6lrE (0 Find all intervalswherc/(r) is concaveupwardand all intervalswhere/(-r) is concavedownward- L 5\so'9 f "tx)-- o 6r .LXi i ^4 b 7 N + 4bzxL=-3gEo irnz*r+bgsn n., tNL f"tx)=ffi *'---?. ^ r@g t&-'4. v.,.o W N,=LS -b I nb//,z-l O 1-tt1/u>s -55 4\ t nD+ in dolnai n (g) Find the coondinates ofall inf,ectionpoints. 1'trtw t,'-t5 . f tr) iscvMunu*ntd, ox (-nr-s)c"^l l t,-). dWtmd "(*) is otvugue ttYr(-s, S) Aiz WDI i A 1)nt/tun)n, /trl Lw \!),rfunm graph Sketchthe @0. ptlt+s of /(r). probabilitydensityfimction randomvvariable with associated S.nflJ that.ris a continuous AD+cNe2l, ttnorvUWia!.vno {Z ir.r}r =,f ''' L*"d ?(l.xz-l,s\ = l^(,rv('/^t ,X,1, '5\--A