W Engineering EXAM II FALL 2010 PROBLEM #-25 NAME Points WRITE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ON THE NEXT PAGE, SHOW YOUR WORK. These questions are repeated on the next page for your convenience. a) (Spts) All of the alkalinity is comprised of HCOa. Why does the value for alkalinity differ fiom ihe concentration of HGOg? Provide calculations to support your answer. b) (1zpts) ls the water saturated with calcium sulfate (CaSOr)? Provide calculations to support your answer. c) (Spts) Will calcium carbonate (CaGO3) precipitate from this sample? Provide calculations to support your answer. d) (3pts) Will this water cause corrosion? Provide calculations to support your answer. 7of12 GW Engineering EXAM II FALL 2010 PROVI D E CALC U LATION S AN D ANSWE RS TO IP ROBLEIT,I:LHERE a) (spts) All of the alkalinity is comprised of HCO3. Why does the value for alkalinity differ from the concentration of HCO3? Provide calculations to support your answer. ":ffffiif, :- L**tcor.i &::::, l{8,a*1 to&=lu3g r.r-\Ler<-\'"r\[ *tf. ''t"*"\ e.-1, , J* iii'''.tr b) (12pb) ls the water saturated with calcium sulfatl support your answer. Iovr\<; r\.*"r;\'.\- z Z-5xlo-tt-tt>".): trf V *l (CaSO4)? Provide calcutations to *) 2.5>'\6.g {ltz = O'9f S 3 : '6,238 {=a'5K -J -V q l 'lb'/\.;'"}- i'S L fo"t-',,r; Cret') 1oc-" "; ,*') = d,f ... */t r*t. 3?\. 8' t* :24. ? K\F S &t^ :>,r;d A L = A*e {.., + &d{-Sr:,\ = 553" ^ff' $9 * Tnf $ -* 2,j1,\a $=\,frlto 1 1 l"txse-- f,h€ 3r eD lsr G ffiT -ZTtsV:) U,4 z 8d .!i \t ze"3 -*.gr4.-g[-. s/\ ,* _1,?$ dnf* 14 1r\o-i lC' : rogffi* -\,48 ?) ,tliz \1o \ So ttJ6'\o''t 3 aAurt *-\."4 ur"r i'\ h (.' fu c) (spts) Will calcium carbonate (CaCOa) precipitate from this sample? Provide calculations to support your answer. \rr"oY= --1 1!_J;W- Y*0,$J - I v \+-.rffi ;))= -'ob prrs -- -\"h .-_( u\r,r\,rc\ev* (.:]*:*::5::- : - \p,q'k fr.r , r3 *ro-ib:-\uq "{, 1,g.rrrdB ?sr=J,13 , '= ?1\+s - fl*= r'{f,$oxrle gJ\n*tk CP r { $5 _3. l''t.'tf';{:H;}.-,'{) \ L d) (3pts) will this water cause corrosion? Provide calculations R1roo.,- Ir'&*v -3, r = il-\ *9v\:' * 1'31-7'7? to support ,ouJ il- tJi -"*'' 2 [:.r*)-?,3-1= 8,o8 8of12 \'' '\ NAME GW Engineering EXAN4II FALL 2010 GTDbS A$.(kJlnno{ * Sr.ubgtarrca fforrlr! A{ {sl G *il'Sio* ftrqfas?itel A&zSiOs fandalusttel gs {si tE8znanFte} Ar frr! G drxratllhFGel G ftfr[snnand] A[2,S i -e4l*3-AA -244U-'EE -2440.99 :$ (! 2.-9 -5&-72 ffi Ealie {g} Cgl'is tg! GaF{sgFt {t} , Values 0f :':r.ld . fr ' J.K'.rnsf t---., , O.Ugeff"l45$? ?. .*1 trm-"nnr.fTlsi-.'!"t\ ' :s3.144TI E- ie.314.4rt -52""81 €.8- {at*} g&r 43I i 'lt :&.314472 I ' jnr3.pa"lf,1 .nnof1 ttl.l ;L'mbar.K''mo[' i&3.1447? i -t3{-29 zo3-25 o -83?-{3 Ftso {u H-,o {crl 4i86..67 o tl {s} Hg {l} G tSr! [rtHs {s} -t6/t6 hlra-faql -2G{.Ct {alb*el illaAlsiz0s fiadeite| ile {gl (& {e} oz {aql OFfr- faql Fh (sl FbO*{sl eEIedrL So"=- K'.mEf & Ft {s} F{- [aq] [$sGE {s} [rtrftA8SIs(}a L'kPfl (! fl' tsl F"!z -553.56 -{ 12AF'*:fJLE5-8---= -1127.8 -744.,! o cms'#Pa"g1"**r1 @ Fe {s} F*e ,r *i.*******-* r8.314"S73 GaGOo {arasqnit;} CaC!. fsl c[= fil] .t 11 fi.2$5?4ffi? x 1 0'3 : m$'atrn.K'.mnl' -[Ja--!| G_.gs9s {calcSte} 1 I €s4.ffi E6A&EF A ' L.atnr.K1'rnnf r , .'. tV'P,f ''n"'l ;-* jS,3144?2 I Unitg taql' F[-trE 4 tgt S[Sz {or quare} trtos?8rfaq] -sfi4.{4 -a,rt'E-5 "E85E.t I t! ts.4 -{5r.e4 I -217.S3 -Ers -7{,*Cg -?sE.gl !l E$I E u o E 5-5 6.2 G-8 lD FE oQ tu 9"5 FTB {58.G4 -t387-67 ll of 12 NAME GW Engineering EXAM II FALL 2010 Carbonate Equitribriun'l Constants as a Function of Ternperature K2 IGo K,I Tn 'C Km x '[0-7 3.46 x t0-7 3.80 x '!0'? ( 4.tI x 10-? 4,&7 x 10-T 5"07 x t0-? 5"07 x '3tl-? 6 3.gZ '!0 s l t5 -625 {.58 x t (}{ 40 60 [H 3CO 3] K*: {** [Co ]* =_F*olunif$_y I x,'=:.: hj' Tffiffi i13ffiffi iffi ';ffiBE ffi ffi 13 ![A IIIA J K:: ffi ffi ifwlilffitg'ffi wwdsffrB4ffififfi 'fio-s 4"57 x t0a 3.$$ x '$04 1"82 x t04 [H = ]lco 3-?l IHCO r-J !a!on 15 14 vi\ l\"j& ffiW ffiffi 4i ,Ep.'== **. iri itii rf*A &ruffiew weffiffiffi WW *..*=.t$:*ffi:iit'i 4,* 17 1S ffiffifdc. VE[4, M : Mriw:' *nsrysi .* ffiffi$ * ffi i4:', ffi ,#inf,,,::,1-'- €-=j" l*1.; *=' iffi:;; r ',:.,,,. :w!!!lM 'ww W ffiffi ,* l',:i tf !8 :t I rii: W T.A' j;i.i;::tiJi '. ffi, ' n .?9*,i8, W { :::* llii. 'itSflXft&l ..,. l $n:' W' 'r: l** 't"lts*nn 't',:,:=::''... ffiffi ffi ffiffi W #;r.:rr trwffii 5ilffir &','' ffi w x 5=fx'tnl{ M ffiffi sliiffiffiEr. ffi* (gs; 7.74 x'!(}-?1 [H " ]IHCO ,[H 2CO 3] Flo*dqgt f9r r;ffi;$l ;a ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi 3"74x'!0{1 3.72x IA-E @ 4"tT x t0d1 4,68 x '[0{{ 6,03 x 'f 0a I { I,,,',,:..:t ':1 Itiffi,I:i,g * Kr: 8"*3 x t0's 2.75 x t0a1 ffi % ffi 8g r!P' {:-Ea :::::::,::l:-:::..:it .ffis,iw. ry$q E tlfr,,i; lE*t',,. ?!s.Egn:: j{.$..?,'l$, ;.f i*. .t& ,lf, i :.:::.:.a.a::::i a.::' i ;i'i'' it, :ffi1fsfir' i.wftl' ri1# ,ffi i{* i* l0 of 12