Use the Adobe Photoshop Workspace

Use the Adobe Photoshop Workspace
Photoshop is a great product to use for photo manipulation, creating, or for saving your files for use
on the web or for print. Photoshop is not a layout or a drawing tool.
Menu Bar
Options Bar
The Photoshop Menu displays different drop down menus for performing various tasks in Photoshop.
Common options such as save or exit are available from these menus.
The Photoshop Options Bar changes depending on which tool you are currently using from the
toolbox. Options such as brush size or opacity are a couple of common options.
The Photoshop Toolbox contains all of the most commonly used tools in Photoshop. Tools such as
the paintbrush, selection tool, eraser, text, etc. can all be selected from this area of Photoshop.
The Workspace is where you build your project.
Toolbox Breakdown
Selection Tools
Lasso Tools
Crop Tool
Healing & Patch Tools
Move Tool
Magic Wand Tool
Slice Tools
Brush and Pencil Tools
Clone Tool
History Brush
Eraser Tool
Paint and Gradient Tools
Blur, Sharpen, & Smudge Tools
Dodge, Burn & Smudge Tools
Path Tools
Text Tools
Pen Tools
Shape Tool
Notes Tool
Hand Tool
Color Dropper Tools
Zoom Tool
Background and Foreground Colors
Standard Mode
Quick Mask Mode
Screen Modes
Jump to Image Ready