Fall 2014 Data Center Users’ Group™ Survey Results – October 2014 The Data Center Users’ Group (DCUG) is a collection of influential data center, IT and facility managers formed by Emerson Network Power. Founded in 2003, the DCUG includes approximately 2,000 organizations who participate in a collaborative, focused forum that addresses the most relevant issues affecting the reliability, availability and cost of operation for critical installations The group is surveyed twice each year to provide members with unique insight into data center trends and to ensure the group’s meetings address issues of top concern to the membership. The results discussed in this report are from the DCUG survey that was completed in October 2014. 1 Through what year would you anticipate your current data center’s capacity to be sufficient? Answer Options 2014 (0 years) Response Percent Response Count 3.8% 5 2019 (5 years) 2018 (4 years) 2017 (3 years) 2015 (1 year) 8.5% 11 2016 (2 years) 23.8% 31 2017 (3 years) 14.6% 19 2018 (4 years) 10.8% 14 2019 (5 years) 13.8% 18 2020 or beyond (6+ years) 24.6% 32 average Data Center Capacity 2020 or beyond (6+years) 24.6% 13.8% 10.8% 14.6% 2016 (2 years) 23.8% 2015 (1 years) 8.5% 2014 (0 years) 3.8% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 3.6 Years 2 What one factor is having the greatest impact on your ability to accommodate additional compute capacity? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Ability to Accomodate Additional Compute Capacity N/A—Compute capacity is not constrained Power N/A – Compute capacity is not constrained 33.8% 44 Power 26.2% 34 Cooling Floor space Cooling 16.9% 22 Other (please specify) Floor space 16.2% 21 Other (please specify) 6.9% 9 0.0% 33.8% 26.2% 16.9% 16.2% 6.9% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% Sponsored by: Conference Version 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% Data Center Users’ Group Fall 2014 Survey In the past 12 months have you: Answer Options Yes No Received an energy rebate from your utility provider 47 36% 83 64% Responded to an arc flash event 5 4% 125 96% Spent the night in your data center 43 33% 87 67% Spent the night in your data center Deployed wireless sensors 35 27% 95 73% Deployed wireless sensors Unplugged unused servers (ghost servers) 102 78% 28 22% Increased the temperature of your data center 72 55% 58 45% Attended a webinar on data center technologies or practices 98 75% 32 25% Seen your data center’s electric bill 79 61% 51 39% Been asked about your PUE Been asked about your PUE 81 62% 49 38% Experienced a “water event” (leak or water incursion) Experienced a “water event” (leak or water incursion) 47 36% 83 64% Are you seeing more managers or department heads in your organization engage SaaS providers (Salesforce.com, Eloqua, Oracle on Demand, etc.) directly without internal IT involvement? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Yes 26.2% 34 No 46.2% 60 Not sure 27.7% 36 Yes Received an energy rebate from your utility provider 36% 64% Responded to an arc flash event 4% 96% 33% 67% 27% 73% Unplugged unused servers (ghost servers) 78% Increased the temperature of your data center 22% 55% Attended a webinar on data center technologies or practices 45% 75% Seen your data center’s electric bill 25% 61% 39% 62% 38% 36% 0% 10% 64% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percentage Management Engaging With SaaS providers without IT’s Involment Yes 26.2% No 46.2% Not sure 27.7% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Response Response Percent Count Adequate monitoring / data center managment capabilities 50% 35.4% Availability (uptime) Adequate monitoring / data center management capabilities 35.4% 46 Technology changes / change managment Availability (uptime) 33.8% 44 Technology changes / change management 33.8% 44 Energy efficiency (energy costs & equipment efficiency) Energy efficiency (energy costs & equipment efficiency) 32.3% 42 Heat density (cooling) 29.2% 38 Data center consolidations 26.9% 35 Security (physical or virtual) 24.6% 32 Power density Power density 23.8% 31 Space constraints / growth Space constraints / growth 20.8% 27 Data storage 19.2% 25 Data storage Regulatory compliance 10.8% 14 Regulatory compliance Other (please specify) 6.9% 9 33.8% 33.8% 32.3% Heat density (cooling) 29.2% Data center consolidations 26.9% Security (physical or virtual) 24.6% 23.8% 20.8% 19.2% 10.8% 6.9% Other (please specify) 0% 2 No Top Concerns What are your top three (3) facility / network concerns? (Select 3 items) Answer Options In the past 12 months have you: 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Data Center Users’ Group Fall 2014 Survey Applications Moving Closer to Customers Within your organization, are applications moving closer to your customers/users? Yes Response Response Percent Count Answer Options Yes 46.2% 60 No 22.3% 29 Not sure 31.5% 41 46.2% No 22.3% 31.5% Not sure 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% What is the average power density (in kW) per rack in your data center now and in two years? 2 kW or less >2 – 4 kW >4 – 8 kW >8 – 12 kW >12 – 16 kW >16 – 20 kW >20 – 24 kW Greater than 24 kW Unsure Average Now 5 4% 41 32% 49 38% 13 10% 4 3% 2 2% 0 0% 1 1% 15 12% 5.83 In Two years 1 1% 13 10% 43 33% 33 25% 14 11% 6 5% 1 1% 2 2% 17 13% 8.90 Answer Options Average Power Density Unsure Now In Two Years 2 kW or less 12% 4% 13% 1% 0% 10% >2 - 4 kW >4 - 8 kW >8 - 12 kW 32% >12 - 16kW >16- 20 kW 20-24kW Greater than 24KW 38% 10% 33% 20% 25% 30% 40% 50% 3% 10% 60% 11% 70% 80% 5% 90% 2% 1% 2% 1% 100% What is the maximum power density (in kW) per rack in your data center now and in two years? 2 kW or less >2 – 4 kW >4 – 8 kW >8 – 12 kW >12 – 16 kW >16 – 20 kW >20 – 24 kW Greater than 24 kW Unsure Average Now 2 2% 5 4% 45 35% 25 19% 19 15% 11 8% 3 2% 5 4% 15 12% 10.41 In Two years 0 0% 3 2% 20 15% 29 22% 32 25% 16 12% 5 4% 6 5% 19 15% 12.80 Answer Options Maximum Power Density Unsure Now 12% In Two Years 2 kW or less >4 - 8 kW 2% 4% 10% >8 - 12 kW 35% 0%2% 15% 0% >2 - 4 kW 15% 20% >12 - 16kW 19% 22% 30% >16- 20 kW 40% 20-24kW 8% 15% 25% 50% 60% Greater than 24KW 12% 70% 80% 2% 4% 4% 90% 5% 100% 3 Data Center Users’ Group Fall 2014 Survey Given the list below, what are you most concerned with accomplishing in your data center? Please rank the items from 1 to 4, with 1 being your biggest concern. Each number can only be used once. Answer Options 1 2 3 4 Average Application availability 73 56% 28 22% 18 14% 11 8% 1.75 Faster time to market (whether at the application, device or data center level) 25 19% 31 24% 36 28% 38 29% 2.67 Higher productivity of staff 16 12% 38 29% 38 29% 38 29% 2.75 Lower PUE and greater financial flexibility 16 12% 33 25% 38 29% 43 33% 2.83 Most important to accomplish in Data Center 1 2 Application availability 3 56% Faster time to market (whether at application, device or data center level) 19% 12% 29% Lower PUE and greater financial flexibility 12% 25% 0% 10% 22% 24% Higher productivity of staff 20% 4 14% 28% 29% 29% 29% 29% 30% 40% 50% 8% 33% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Given the list below, what data center capabilities are most important to you? Please rank the items 1 to 4, with 1 being the most important to you. Each number can only be used once. Answer Options 1 2 3 4 Average Resilient and highly available 98 75% 20 15% 10 8% 2 2% 1.35 Rapidly deployable and scalable 14 11% 52 40% 34 26% 30 23% 2.62 Economical and efficient 12 9% 40 31% 39 30% 39 30% 2.81 Intelligent and analytical 6 5% 18 14% 47 36% 59 45% 3.22 Most important Data Center Capabilities 10 1 2 Resilient and highly available 15% 11% 40% 9% Intelligent and analytical 5% 0% 4 4 75% Rapidly deployable and scalable Economical and efficient 3 26% 31% 10% 23% 30% 14% 30% 36% 20% 30% 40% 8% 2% 45% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Data Center Users’ Group Fall 2014 Survey How desirable is having virtualized infrastructure in your data center? Desirability of Virtualized Infrastructure Response Percent Response Count Very desirable 53.1% 69 Desirable 26.9% 35 Neutral 19.2% 25 Undesirable 0.8% 1 Very undesirable 0.0% 0 Answer Options average Very desirable 53.1% Desirable 26.9% Neutral 19.2% Undesirable Very undesirable 4.32 0.8% 0% 0% 10% What factors are most important when selecting a data center commissioning authority? Select all that apply. 12 Industry expertise 68.5% 89 Commissioning experience 64.6% 84 Easy to work with 44.6% 58 Provides comprehensive support 42.3% 55 Knowledge of your business 37.7% 49 Existing relationship 34.6% 45 Independent third-party 33.1% 43 Not sure 8.5% Other (please specify) 1.5% 30% 40% 50% 60% Most important Factors When Selecting Commissioning Authority Response Response Percent Count Answer Options 20% Industry expertise 68.5% Commissioning experience 64.6% Easy to work with 44.6% Provides comprehensive support 42.3% 37.7% Knowledge of your business Existing relationship 34.6% 11 Independent third-party 33.1% 2 Not sure 8.5% other (please specify) 1.5% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% What role/person in your organization would make the decision to use data center commissioning services and who would oversee the project? Owner Data Center Manager Facility Manager IT Manager Development Director Other (specify below) Not sure Decision Maker 5 4% 43 33% 23 18% 21 16% 11 8% 14 11% 13 10% Project Overseer 1 1% 63 48% 32 25% 10 8% 5 4% 6 5% 13 10% Answer Options Commissioning Services Roles Owner Decision Maker Project Overseer Data Center Manager 4% IT Manager 18% 33% 1% 0% Facility Manager 16% 48% 10% 20% Development Director 8% 40% 50% 60% 70% Not sure 11% 8% 25% 30% Other (specify below) 80% 10% 4% 5% 10% 90% 100% 5 Data Center Users’ Group Fall 2014 Survey When selecting a commissioning authority for your data center project, who would you most likely use to perform the service? Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Most Likely to Use for Commissioning Services Independent commissioning authority Architect or enginerring firm Independent commissioning authority 40.0% 52 Architect or engineering firm 20.8% 27 Specialty contractor 13.1% 17 Not sure 12.3% 16 Self-perform Would not use a commissioning authority Self-perform 6.9% 9 Would not use a commissioning authority 3.8% 5 General contractor 2.3% 3 Other (please specify) 0.8% 1 40.0% 20.8% Specialty contractor 13.1% Not sure 12.3% 6.9% 3.8% General contractor 2.3% Other (please specify) 0.8% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% What do you see as the biggest advantages of using a data center commissioning service? Select all that apply. Answer Options Response Response Percent Count Biggest Advantage of Using Commisioning Service Validates the operation of the designed systems 56.9% 74 Quality assurance/quality check 53.1% 69 Quality assurance/quality check Establish performance criteria and verifies benchmark goals 48.5% 63 Establish performance criteria and verifies benchmark Documents project process clearly Documents project process clearly 44.6% 58 Ensures best practices are utilized Ensures best practices are utilized 43.8% 57 Assure intregrated operation of facility Assure integrated operation of facility 41.5% 54 Minimizes disputes between all parties in the design Established maintenance and operation policies Validates the operation of the designed systems Minimizes disputes between all parties in the design and construction process 33.8% 44 Establishes maintenance and operation policies 29.2% 38 Energy efficiency improvement Improves operational procedures 28.5% 37 One stop shopping with detailed startup script and Lower potential total cost of ownership 48.5% 44.6% 43.8% 41.5% 33.8% 29.2% Improves operational procedures Energy efficiency improvement 26.2% 34 One stop shopping with detailed startup script and testing along the way 23.8% 31 Lower potential total cost of ownership 21.5% 28 LEED certification 12.3% 16 No advantage 10.8% 14 Improves working environment including indoor air quality and lighting levels 6.9% 9 Other (please specify) 0.8% 1 6 56.9% 53.1% 28.5% 26.2% 23.8% 21.5% LEED certification 12.3% No advantage 10.8% Improves working environment including indoor air 6.9% 0.8% Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% Percentage 40% 50% 60% Data Center Users’ Group Fall 2014 Survey How likely are you to incorporate commissioning services into your next data center project (new or expansion) on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 meaning “Not at all likely” to 10 meaning “Extremely likely? Answer Options Response Percent Likelihood of Using Commissioning Services 10-Extremely Likely 9 Response Count 8 7 1 - Not at all Likely 8% 10 2 8% 10 3 7% 9 4 5% 7 5 17% 22 3% 4 3 7 4% 5 8 10% 13 6% 8 32% 42 average 6.54 10% 4% 3% 5 6 9 6% 6 4 10 - Extremely Likely 32% 17% 5% 7% 2 8% Not at all likely 8% 0% 5% 10% What is the square footage of your primary data center? Response Percent Response Count Less than 500 sq ft 0.0% 0 500 – 5,000 sq ft 28.5% 37 5,001 – 10,000 sq ft 25.4% 33 10,001 – 25,000 sq ft 16.9% 22 25,001 – 50,000 sq ft 10.0% 13 Greater than 50,000 sq ft 17.7% 23 Unsure 1.5% 2 Answer Options 30% 35% 17.7% 25,001 - 50,000 sq ft 10,001 - 25,000 sq ft 10.0% 16.9% 5,001 - 10,000 sq ft 25.4% 500 - 5,000 sq ft 28.5% Less than 500 sq ft 0.0% 1.5% Unsure 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Worlwide Headcount Response Count Less than 100 people 3.8% 5 100 – 500 people 8.5% 11 1,001 – 5,000 people 20.8% 27 5,001 – 25,000 people 36.2% 47 Less than 100 people 25,001 – 75,000 people 16.9% 22 Not sure More than 75,000 people 11.5% 15 Not sure 2.3% 3 average 25% Primary Data Center Size Response Percent 18 20% Greater than 50,000 sq ft What is the worldwide headcount of your organization? Answer Options 15% More than 75,000 people 11.5% 25,001 - 75,000 people 5,001 - 25,000 people 16.9% 36.9% 1,001 - 5,000 people 20.8% 100 - 500 people 0% 8.5% 3.8% 2.3% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 24918 7 Data Center Users’ Group Fall 2014 Survey Which of the following best describes your functional role? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Data Center Management (IT and Facilities responsibility) 45.4% IT Management / IT Operations 27.7% 36 Facilities Management 13.1% 17 Engineering 9.2% 12 C-Level Executive 2.3% 3 Other (please specify) 2.3% 3 Project Management 0.0% 0 59 Organizational Role Data Center Managment (IT and facilities) IT Management / IT Operations Facilities Managment Engineering 45.4% 27.7% 13.1% 9.2% C-Level Executive 2.3% 2.3% Other (please specify) Project Managment 0% 0% 5% 10% 15% What best describes your organization’s industry concentration or focus? 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Industry Response Percent Response Count Banking / Financial Institution 18.5% 24 Education 13.8% 18 Healthcare / Pharmaceutical 13.1% 17 Answer Options 20% 18.5% Banking / Financial Institution 13.8% Education 13.1% Healthcare / Pharmaceutical 10.8% Other (please specify) 6.9% Government Other (please specify) 10.8% 14 Government 6.9% 9 Transportation Transportation 6.2% 8 Retail Retail 5.4% 7 Computer / Data Server Computer / Data Server 4.6% 6 Collocation / Facility Management 3.8% 5 Internet / Software 3.8% 5 6.2% 5.4% 4.6% Collocation / Facility Managment 3.8% Internet / Software 3.8% 3.8% Manufacturing / Industrial 3.8% 5 Manufacturing / Industrial Telecommunications 3.8% 5 Telecommunications 1.5% 1.5% Entertainment 1.5% 2 Entertainment Not-for-Profit 1.5% 2 Not-for-Profit Utilities 1.5% 2 Utilities Legal 0.8% 1 Legal 0% 3.8% 1.5% 0.8% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% Sponsored by: www.datacenterug.org © 2014 Data Center Users’ Group The reproduction and / or downloading of survey content published by the Data Center Users’ Group for commercial use is prohibited without written authorization from the Data Center Users’ Group (email Dan.Draper@Emerson.com). Fair use of copyrighted material includes the use of protected materials for non-commercial educational purposes, such as teaching, scholarship, research, criticism, commentary, and news reporting. Unless otherwise noted, parties who wish to excerpt content copyrighted by the Data Center Users’ Group for non-commercial uses may do so without the express and written permission. Users must cite the author and source of this material as they would material from any printed work; the citation should include the URL www.datacenterug.org. By downloading, printing, or otherwise using text and image files from this Web site, users agree that they will limit their use of such files to fair use, and will not violate the proprietary rights of the Data Center Users’ Group or of any other party.