Artificial Intelligence and Personal Identity Author(s): David Cole Reviewed work(s): Source: Synthese, Vol. 88, No. 3 (Sep., 1991), pp. 399-417 Published by: Springer Stable URL: . Accessed: 19/08/2012 03:32 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Synthese. DAVID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PERSONAL ABSTRACT. of personal Considerations and on the opposed argument, natural In this paper language. COLE position I develop AND IDENTITY Room identity bear on John Searle's Chinese a that a computer itself could really understand on the the notion of a virtual person, modelled of virtual machines familiar in computer I show how Searle's science. concept argument, to defend and J. Maloney's that Searle is correct in holding it, fail. I conclude attempt but wrong that no digital machine could understand in holding that artificial language, are impossible: are not the same as the machines, minds minds and persons biological or electronic, that realize them. can poten in cognitive workers science believe that computers a have John mental abilities. Searle has been tially genuine prominent critic of this optimism about the abilities of computers. Searle argues can at best simulate, but not possess, that computers If intelligence. Searle is correct, even though a computer might eventually the pass Many Turing Test, no computer will ever actually understand natural language or have genuine propositional such as beliefs. Searle's argu attitudes, ment it appears is interesting both because of its import and because to some to be valid (e.g., Maloney to to and others be invalid 1987), (e.g., many of the "peer" commentators following Searle 1980, Sharvy 1983, Carleton 1984, Rey 1986, Anderson 1987). The following is a defense of the potential mental abilities of digital I shall clarify precisely why his computers against Searle's criticism. is logically invalid. The missing that would render argument premise the argument valid reflects a form of personal identity theory that Searle and I believe rightly, regarded as false. may accept but which is widely, in proving that no Searle has indeed, I believe, succeeded However, computer will ever understand English or any other natural language.1 And he is correct in rejecting the "system reply".2 But, I shall show how this is consistent with the computer's causing a new entity to exist but (b) that exists solely (a) that is not identical with the computer, in virtue of the machine's and (c) that does activity, computational understand English. That is, showing that the machine itself does not can introduce does not show that nothing does. We understand the a an of Virtual Person Virtual that may be concept (or Mind), entity realized by the activity of something that is not a person (or mind). fails in establishing Searle's argument Thus, I believe, any limitations on Artificial Intelligence (AI). ? 1991. SS: 399-417, Synthese 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 400 DAVID COLE of Searle's, Thus, one can show, by a line of reasoning independent a to to a be mistake attribute that it would always understanding line of is The considerations raised argument computer. by inspired by John Locke and his successors (Grice, Quinton, Parfit, Perry and Lewis) of theories of personal in the development identity, a branch of analyti perhaps not abstractness reveals the ing irrelevance of the fact that not understand. Searle was he wins a battle, but loses cal metaphysics related to AI. This line of reason obviously of the entity that understands, and so the the hardware (including system) itself does both right and wrong on this assessment; the war. SEARLE'S ARGUMENT It is possible to write computer is straightforward. argument in about natural that programs language to questions produce responses some subject domain. Some believe that through such clever program is produced. Others believe that genuine ming actual understanding not it be in the future with is but yet achieved, may understanding databases and faster ma larger techniques, improved programming Searle's chines. But, as Searle argues, consider that no matter how clever and a human could do exactly what the computer the program, complex does: follow instructions for generating strings of symbols in response to incoming strings. a person (Searle, in the original statement of for example, Suppose, sits in a room with instruc the argument) who does not know Chinese tell one in detail how to in English that tions written (a "program") Chinese strings in response to the strings symbols, producing manipulate are one. to to We the instructions are such that they that suppose given permit successful passage of this variation on a Turing Test: even with the room cannot tell the those outside trials of indefinite duration the room as described and a room that contains a difference between Since the instructions tell one what human native speaker of Chinese. to do entirely on the basis of formal or syntactic features of the strings, ever mentioning one can generate (or revealing) meaning, sentences without of what Chinese any understanding they mean even knowing sentences. That is, that they are Chinese indeed without a not would does what computer give one the ability to doing exactly the does not understand Chinese. understand Therefore, computer without INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIAL AND PERSONAL IDENTITY 401 cannot produce either. Thus, mere programming a of natural standing language. I wish now to consider three claims made in the course Chinese under of this argument: the claim that the person following not understand Chinese; (1) the English instructions following a program would inferred claim that a computer and would not understand Chinese; the (2) the inferred (3) gramming final claim in the preceding cannot produce understanding summary that pro of a natural lan guage. is some reason to be critical of claim (1). Searle's self-report of of Chinese in his scenario conflicts with other evi incomprehension to Chinese in Chinese the One dence, response notably questions. room hold that the in the understands Chinese with albeit person might not characteristic certain odd deficiencies of polyglots: most notably, an inability to translate.3 One may also be critical of the inference There a human following to (2). There are important disanalogies between a instructions and understood computer English running a program the computer does not literally understand its program "instructions"; the computer would not be conscious of its program; the explicitly a red herring in character of the "instructions" is the program syntactic a com in that whatever is produced by programming programmable a in could have been hardwired dedicated puter computer (Cole 1984).4 But let us suppose that the crucial premise (1) is true: Searle would not understand Chinese merely by following in English the instructions for syntactic manipulation. Let us also concede for the sake of (2) argument. Clearly does not Nevertheless, (3) does not follow. from the fact that someone does not understand Chinese it follow that no one understands Chinese. And from Searle's in the Chinese Room it does not follow scenario, linguistic disabilities that no one in the room understands unless Searle is alone in Chinese, the room. And, and this is the main it does not finally point here, the from that Searle is alone in the follow logically premise, initially room and that no one else enters the room from outside, that Searle remains alone in the room. 402 DAVID THE KORNESE COLE ROOM The Chinese Room argument as it stands is logically invalid. The ques tion then iswhether it is legitimate to assume that if anyone understands it must be Searle (who does not). It might be thought, since Chinese, the question-answering that there is someone suggests performance who understands Chinese and that the only one around is Searle, that the only one who could possibly be the one who understands Chinese But it is not necessary that it be the case that the room of the that there is any one who understands suggests performance room. in the Oriental languages To show that, let us consider a variation on Searle's thought experi ment. Once again we are to imagine Searle in a room, following instruc is just Searle. tions for dealing with strings of alien characters slipped under the door. room is a bit more crowded than before: the size of the set of instruction manuals is almost doubled from before. And the pace is more hectic. Searle flips vigorously as a manuals through steady stream The of squiggles and squoggles is slipped under the door. He generates reams of marks in return, as instructed by the manuals. As before, someone room of those outside in believe that the understands many for they are receiving replies to questions submitted in Chi Chinese, nese. someone in the room those outside also believe before, are to for in Korean Korean, they questions receiving speaks replies in Korean. that the room is submitted Furthermore, they also believe more crowded in than before: there appear to be at least two people not Chinese him but the room, one who understands Korean, Pc) (call but not Chinese and another who understands Korean (call him Pk). seems quite clear that Pc is not Pk. In fact let us suppose The evidence But unlike that the response abilities and dispositions embodied in the Pc database were derived from an elderly Chinese woman, whereas those in the Pk database were from a young Korean male who was a victim of a truck if any, who understands is not Chinese, bicycle collision.5 The person, if any, who understands Korean. The answers to the ques the person, tions in Chinese appear to reveal a clever, witty, jocular mind, knowl about things in China, but quite ignorant of both the Korean edgeable events in Korea. Pc reports being seventy-two and years old language on what it has been and is both wise and full of interesting observations in China for the tumultuous past half-century. like to be a woman By ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND PERSONAL IDENTITY 403 reveal quite a dull young man. contrast, the replies to Korean questions Pk has a vitriolic hatred of China, but is largely Pk is misogynous. and soon discovers that ignorant of events there. Pk is very avaricious, he can demand money under for answering the questions the slipped door. Pk reports that he works in a television factory and gives accurate of television assembly. The only other subject about which descriptions are the Olympic Games Pk exhibits much held interest or knowledge in Korea. that the behavioral evidence is a clear as can be in Thus, suppose in the room. Try as such a case that there are two distinct individuals room can no hint that there the find interlocutors outside they might, a to two. be Information be but might single person pretending provided to Pk, even when offers of substantial rewards in Chinese is unavailable are made to him in Korean for answers based on the information in Chinese. provided is certainly not decisive here. Indeed be But behavioral evidence havioral evidence is the very category of evidence called into question in rejecting the adequacy of the Turing Test as a test of mental abilities. a stronger case can be made by considering information Fortunately, not available to the interlocutors outside the room. There is in fact no and Korean. individual inside the room who understands both Chinese Searle understands neither. And the instructions for generating replies to Chinese with and those for Korean dealing input input are distinct, with no exchange of information between the databases consulted (al were a not this is If known there though by Searle.) single person duplicitously feigning being two, the person would, on the one hand, realize that something was being asked about events that he/she knew about and then would pretend not to know about them. That never in the room. And the histories of the representations in the happens are completely Pc and Pk databases individuals independent, involving in China and Korea Thus ifFc and Pk are persons, they respectively. are distinct. At this point considerations in other emerge familiar from arguments contexts for identity (cf., concerning Perry 1978, personal example, cannot Pc be identical with Pk. The for pp. 32-36). grounds saying that Pc is Searle are just the same as those for holding that Pk is identical with Searle. We cannot hold that both are identical with Searle, for we must hold this would violate the transitivity of identity. Therefore, that neither is Searle. Thus, by a line of reasoning quite independent 404 DAVID COLE of that used by Searle, we arrive at the conclusion is not Searle. Chinese any, who understands COMPUTERS AND that the person, if PERSONS now a computer that a program has been Consider system. Suppose the very algorithm for replying written for this machine which embodies to questions that was used in the English in instructions imagined room scenario. Again, of world the Kornese there is no interchange between the Korean and the Chinese Let us information databases. to questions asked in then that the computer system responds asked in Korean, with performance and to questions indistin us someone room. Now that from the Kornese let suppose guishable to say that the computer wished itself understands Chinese, say, and can answer questions the system is asked in about China. But when if it understands the reply comes back that it does Korean Chinese, suppose Chinese not. Does the computer lie? The behavioral evidence anyone lie? Does was ex what in it the Kornese Room scenario. When is, just hypothesi, asked in Korean about China, the replies do not demonstrate knowl asked edge of China, only a vitriolic prejudice against China. When in Chinese, the replies exhibit knowledge and love of similar questions the computer like China or not? China. Does to attribute These considerations suggest that it would be a mistake to the computer itself. One would have equally good these properties to the computer. For grounds for attributing incompatible properties the same reason it would be equally incorrect to attribute knowledge one cannot attribute or ignorance of China to the program. Again, a to is to hold that The solution inconsistent single entity. properties no single entity understands both Chinese and Korean; there are two one two virtual Chinese and one who understands persons: subjects, two virtual subjects are realized by a Korean.6 These the computer. single science. The concept of a virtual machine is familiar in computer some computer as such Paul have And viewed scientists, Smolensky, as a virtual machine.7 has an intrinsic Each computer consciousness who understands substratum, a certain set of operations set: the capacity to perform is instruction wired into the central processor. And in virtue of the construction of a certain syntactic string will cause one of the intrinsic the machine, to to write a program which be But it is possible performed. operations ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND PERSONAL IDENTITY 405 one with a cause one machine to behave as a different machine, set. Thus, such emulation software may different intrinsic instruction make a computer built using an Intel 8088 processor behave as though it were a Z80. Then, there is said to be a virtual machine. The virtual can run software written for a Z80, using the Z80 instruction machine will set. The 8088 realizes a virtual Z80. Of interest, some newer processors virtual processors the Intel 80386) can realize multiple (for example, as an is in intrinsic and this wired concurrently, capability of capacity the computer. itmight be thought that a virtual machine is not a real machine. can very there is no reason for this reservation. One machine or or In make another several other machines. realize, real, literally could decide to sell very real computers in which fact, a manufacturer Now But the nominal processor was realized by another. For example, a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) processor might be used, because of its great speed, instead of a normal full instruction set 80386. The user that his 80386 was in fact a virtual machine, might be quite unaware realized on a RISC that was not intrinsically an 80386. And there are as well as virtual LISP language processing physical LISP machines the physical and the virtual The only difference between machines.8 machine has to do with intrinsic instruction sets, with consequences for not and When the emulation software is the volatility. speed running, virtual machine does not exist. that the physical and the virtual machines differ in properties. run a At the different time, programs. given They physical machine will be running the emulation whereas the virtual machine program, an two be The machines have in different may running application. sets. And struction the speeds at which the two machines perform basic operations will differ. Thus, the physical machine and the virtual it realizes are not identical. And the virtual machine is not machine(s) identical with the emulation program that realizes it when the program is run on the physical machine. The emulation program may be long or short, may be written in a language, may contain comments, may Note be copyrighted, but the virtual machine has none of these properties. There are additional considerations that count against holding that or the program the Chinese Kornese Room incorporating algorithm understands language or likes China. The program itself is entirely inert until it runs. In Aristotelian of some matter without terms, a program could an underlying substance, be but the form it does nothing. 406 DAVID COLE if any, The program exists before and after it is run, but understanding, exists only while the program is running. In the light of this result and consideration of the Kornese room, let us reconsider Searle's original scenario. It is clear that the knowledge, an in the Chinese beliefs and desires apparently revealed personality, swers to questions submitted to the room might be quite unlike Searle's own. Indeed, Searle himself could receive no knowledge through infor - and he can reveal none mation provided in Chinese that he has. He an cannot express himself or anything in the Chinese about himself the answers in Chinese reflect no access to Searle's Similarly, or If there is a person who under knowledge, preferences, personality. it is clearly not Searle. stands Chinese, Thus, what follows from the fact that Searle does not understand is just that the person, if any, who does understand Chinese Chinese is not Searle. A tacit premise, needed for the inference from (2) to (3), is that there is no other mind. But Searle gives us no reason for believing that this premise is true. There may well be a mind realized by Searle's a virtual person. But the same mind could have been realized activity, someone of other than Searle - Searle could even resign the activity by his job in the Room and be replaced by another - while the Chinese that the Chinese This is additional evidence conversation continues. to the exist person is not Searle. Searle is not essential understanding ence of the Chinese person. understanding swers. FUNCTIONALISM AND MULTIPLE a version Georges Rey (1986) advocates ting the robot reply. Rey holds that guage, burdens example a view that would guistic symbol Searle's manipulations, MINDS of the system reply incorpora view about the 'autonomy' of lan [AI] with a quite extreme a language need involve only infra-lin allow that understanding (p. 171) will require more than that. Rey goes Clearly functionalism integration on to consider a robot (a system with sense organs) and argues that, on a sketched in causal theory of meaning, the system would understand correct clear in pointing out, in his But Searle is and language. quite in its of the robot reply, that his argument is not affected discussion to extension include There essentials by extra-linguistic capabilities. fore, Searle is not (merely) attacking a strawman. Sharvy (1983, p. 128) ARTIFICIAL AND INTELLIGENCE IDENTITY PERSONAL 407 seems too cavalier in saying that Searle's argument against the an is "intuition system reply just pump". rejection of the extreme view Maloney (1987) disagrees with Rey's as of autonomy of language, individuals citing severely handicapped are not The I for the conclusive, autonomy. support counterexamples - even on overt focus behavior the believe, because they handicapped serve motor that in normal individuals have the neuronal subsystems and perceptual skills. In any case, we can sidestep this issue by simply a robot system, for Searle claims that his argument applies considering to to the robot system as to the original person confined the equally room and to exclusively and output. linguistic input also hold that Searle, despite (1984) and Rey (1986, p. 174-75) room. in understands Chinese the protests, Maloney (1987, p. 355-59) and Cole point to Searle's failure to translate; Cole finds it only odd, but Maloney finds it decisive for denying language comprehension. But on a one to to then Maloney consider view similar the advocated goes Cole of the room agrees that the English-speaking occupant not calls him is the who understands Chi person "Marco") (Maloney nese. The view Maloney considers is that "there must be another agent, Chinese" Polo, who does realize the program and thereby understands here, which (p. 359). "there is an overwhelming But, says Maloney, difficulty with postulat Polo that him" (p. 360). Polo emerges upon closely examining ing motor shares Marco's and and sensory goes wherever Marco systems goes; thus how can Polo be distinct from Marco? Marco learned how learned previously to manipulate lots of different the cards in much the same in which way things, poker. According including involves mastering the proper program, he has to Strong AI, just as under how to play poker understanding amounts to running the right program. since Marco both learned Now, standing Chinese how to play poker and also plays poker, i.e. understands is it Polo rather poker, why not Polo, who mastered than Marco who understands since it was Marco, the Chinese, for Chinese? program (p. 363) does not wait Maloney all that Marco understands lished Chinese, did Chinese, that, despite Strong AI in order it must for an answer: to understand be Marco, poker was learn a program. not Polo. And so, since we the formal program realizing is finally and thoroughly false, for Chinese, (p. 363) ... have Marco If anyone here estab already is ignorant of 408 DAVID COLE is premature. Maloney's This conclusion ful as a critique of Sharvy (1983). Sharvy seems most force in a room receiving symbolic inputs and calculating a to formal all this completely but who does symbolic according algorithm, purely of those symbols. That man cannot blind to any interpretation truly be said to be playing as representing chess. This is so even if men outside the room the symbols interpret moves in a chess game. But a computer that very same program is playing chess running First, a man argument says: consider who is locked outputs is doing So playing and a program, program, so by running that program. of something chess is an example a man in a room does but which (p. come to do by instantiating that computers come to do by instantiating that same not 127) needs an explanation of the In any case, Sharvy's position to mentality. is incompatible with functionalist task My approaches to minds of the relation of machines here is to develop an assessment which is compatible with functionalism and to show why a functionalist This position sort Maloney is odd, and surely Sharvy demands for the difference. ought to view Searle's argument as unsound. argument does not show, as he seems to think, that there Maloney's is not a difference between learning to play poker and learning to run the Chinese Room program. For one thing, Maloney appears not to the possible relations between Marco appreciate in the following he offers us a false dichotomy and Polo. Accordingly, passage: Either Marco and Polo AI must accept one of two alternatives. now one using time in the same nervous it, now system, systems sharing different processors, programs they must be genuine simultaneously parallel .... of the central nervous different sections system (p. 361) Strong are cognitive or the other, realized in one system realizes another, it is not the same is not true. When as with both either programs running indepen thing parallel processing, nor time sharing, with now one program dently and simultaneously, and then the other, sequentially. The virtual using the central processor now now a is realized the of system by single implementing operations This and sequential time sharing imply parallel processing the of the two systems between independence operations complete B are running if A and for time For programs delays). example, (except on parallel processors, A the operations by (say, a statistical performed no to make difference of B, which the analysis program) operations a same two true is The of time The be game. programs might sharing. are logically independent feature of their re and this is an essential system. Both ARTIFICIAL lation. If they INTELLIGENCE interacted, it would AND PERSONAL defeat the whole IDENTITY purpose 409 of the system. The case of a virtual system is quite different. Here the activity of the virtual system A occurs solely in virtue of the activity of the realizing in operations in B directly affect the system B. Changes performed a in A. And B's is the same as certain of group operations operations one of A's operations, This misunderstanding hence, the direct of the relation effect. the physical and the to see the differ failure (and Searle's) a for and realizing poker, example, a foreign un distinct personality which might understand language known to the physical system itself. The failure is striking inMaloney's case, for in arguing that the physical system ('Marco') does not itself he presents understand Chinese, the considerations relevant to answer to to the of how ing question distinguish learning play poker from a Chinese understander. Polo, realizing Not surprisingly, the key difference is psychological that integration, is not surprising for these are just the is, access and control. This virtual system ence between between affects Maloney's learning to play characteristics that arise in assessments of multiple personality. When one learns to play poker, one understands the objectives of the game and how the rules constrain the players' pursuit of those objectives. All aspects of play can be affected by other psychological aspects of the a one If is it will in risk be reflected one's taker, player. poker play. And one can explicitly relate poker playing to other games, or to life in general. But this level of psychological is precisely what integration is missing in Marco's that of Chinese charac activity produces strings ters. None of Marco's is in reflected Polo's psychology performance because Marco has no access to the semantic content of the Chinese characters. two ways of learning to play poker. that we consider one is told the rules and the usual method, whereby as as various the well informal of game, objectives strategies for success, to watch a game or run through a couple of hands. The and allowed This suggests One would be second would be where someone who did not know how to play poker was given a formal program for manipulating strings of ones and zeros to one, represented in binary code various combi which, unbeknown nations of cards and information about the betting behavior of poker a in One could then sit "Poker Room", players. having strings of digits fed to one and, in accord with the program, issue strings in response. 410 DAVID COLE the room might outside interpret these strings as poker play, were told that been having they computer playing with an eccentric scientist recluse. one thereby have learned to play poker? One would deny Would to play if asked if one could play. And the actual "play" how knowing Persons in no way reflect one's personality, aversion to risk, flamboyance, or assessment skill in the of the psychology of skills, memory cunning, others. One would derive no more pleasure from 'winning' than from - one would not know that one had done any of these things. 'losing' count against The same considerations of lack of integration which or room that Marco in the Searle understands Chinese Chinese saying would count Poker Room occupant against saying that the physical plays the difference between Thus, poker. alleged problematic learning poker at turns out not to be a difference and learning to respond to Chinese that Strong AI is "thoroughly all, and so certainly is not a demonstration and finally false". PERSONS FUNCTIONALISM, AND BODIES I do not believe it can be proven that there is a person who understands is a completely in the scenario. But this difficulty Chinese general as so far familiar Problem of Minds. The Other My argument difficulty has been to show that even those who do believe that there might be one to in the scenario should resist any temptation who understands Chinese think, as Searle would have them, that it would have to be Searle. Now I wish to argue that support for the view that it is possible for there to be other than a one-to-one between living bodies and correspondence accounts of the relation of mind to body. minds comes from plausible if the actual replies to questions demonstrate Then, understanding a personality, to the best explanation it would be an inference there is a person who understands the questions. and that cases of multiple has long recognized The Psychiatry personality. is rare (under two hundred total reported cases), but ismore condition now than in the past. The American diagnosed frequently Psychiatric Association and Statistical Manual III) (Diagnostic of Mental Disorders, characterizes this disorder as follows: The essential personalities, fully integrated feature each and is the of which complex within existence unit with the individual at a particular unique memories, is dominant of time. behavior two Each or more personality and patterns, distinct is a social relationships dominant, AND INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIAL that determine the nature of the PERSONAL individual's IDENTITY acts when 411 that personality is (p. 257) It is of philosophic interest that the diagnostic indication emphasizes The disorder the functionalist is a subtype of feature of integration. a variety that includes retrograde "Dissociative amnesia. Disorders", The DSM reports that usually the 'original' person has no knowledge of any of the "subpersonalities", but that the latter may be aware of one another. Recently William the law has had occasion was found not Mulligan to take note of the guilty by reason of phenomenon: ten personalities; "the Les insanity of four rapes. Mulligan displayed bian Adelena is thought to be the 'personality' who committed the some and Sarason 1987, pp. 138-39). Apparently, rapes" (Sarason evidence for suggests that different areas of the brain are responsible different personalities (Braun 1984). In any case, the considerations raised by the Chinese and Kornese Room scenarios mirror familiar metaphysical and problems positions in the philosophy of mind. There appear to be good reasons for holding that it is false to say that I am identical with my body. But this is not to say, with the dualist, that I am identical with some substance other than my body, or identical with a whole composed of two substances. And yet the dualist is correct in holding that I might exist while my (present) body did not. are metaphysical I believe, of functionalism. These, consequences Functionalists have not generally been concerned with how func as the possi tionalism bears on traditional metaphysical such questions, I of but has believe it for bility immortality, interesting implications these questions 1984). I shall not defend func (cf. Cole and Foelber tionalism here, but shall indicate how it bears on the nature of persons and how this is relevant to Artificial and Searle's argument. Intelligence Functionalism rejects a type-type identity between psychological states and physical states. Some instances of being in pain, say, may be physiologically different from others. There could even be alien life states that were of the same type as psychologi forms with psychological cal states had by humans, but that had quite a different underlying physical system (for example, based on silicon rather than carbon). this has received less attention, these con Furthermore, although a across to siderations individual time. single My psychological apply states in 1989 need not be realized by the same physical states as were 412 DAVID COLE a portion states in 1979. For example, psychological in have sustained the interim and its function injury a structure. have assumed distinct been Or, it may by physiologically to of brain with may become my replace damaged possible portions tissue that grows to assume functions cultured neonatal temporarily my type-identical of my brain may to replace entire damaged lost. Finally, itmight even become possible neurons by functionally silicon-based electronic devices. equivalent of holistic models function discussions of cognitive Contemporary also underscore that identity of realizations is not essential for type or Parallel states over time. If Connectionist identity of psychological are of function Distributed models correct, Processing psychological states of persons is the underlying system that realizes the cognitive as takes The is system continually learning radically changing place. as each bit of new information dynamic, slightly changes weightings of a given global response. and probabilities Functionalism thus takes the underlying substance type to be non to the psychological states. This is not to suppose that there essential - the can be psychological states without substratum any underlying to the non inference from the non-essentiality of any given substratum some or would be a of the existence of substratum other essentiality that the most reasonable is that modal scope fallacy. Given supposition are wrong in holding that there is any other than physical dualists is capable at pres and in fact only organic neural substance substance, ent of realizing mental states, the result is clear: no brain, no pain. But this is not to say that in order for me to experience pain it must be with this brain with each of its current constituent cells and molecules. WHY THE "SYSTEM REPLY" TO SEARLE'S ARGUMENT IS WRONG on persons The functionalist diachronic suggests that per perspective sons or minds are more abstract than a simple identity of a person with a body (or a Cartesian soul or individual res cogitans) would suppose. This position is not new in this century; it was an implication of Locke's invoked a functional identity which theory of personal as the of mind. Locke the memory, says: glue it must thinking . . can be if the same consciousness. allowed, that, to another, it will be possible that two thinking substance be connection, transferred substances from may one make ARTIFICIAL but one INTELLIGENCE AND For the same consciousness person. preserved, is preserved. the personal (Essay, identity substances, Locke more PERSONAL whether Bk. IDENTITY in the same ii, chap. 413 or different 27) goes on to indicate that a single substance might be the seat of over than one person (if there is not psychological continuity time). This view rejects a simple identity of person with underlying sub that substance is or is not material. Searle stance, whether Presumably would say that I am identical with my body and could not exist without the brain. But Locke's view suggests that I it, or at least not without could. Another and brain like this one, with the same body exactly one. "causal powers", this could, in principle, (Indeed, for all replace I know this may have happened!) that even in the case of bodies, a simple identification with the fails to do justice to the identity conditions we in physical constituents fact employ: identical with this particular Is my body collection of it? No, my body can change, acquiring molecules that now constitutes A person and losing constituents. is an attribute of a body. A single more one than and a single person might realize person, body might Note be realized by more than one body. the "system reply", as Searle represents it, is not quite right Thus, not either. The Chinese understanding is identical with a whole person of the instruction and the scraps of manuals, Searle, system composed on notes. As which he makes Searle he could in notes, paper rightly contents to memory the of all the manuals commit instruction principle in his head. That is, he could sit and follow the instructions completely in an otherwise bare room with only a pen and the pieces of paper which he writes the outgoing upon strings of symbols. Still, he would no more understand Chinese than he did when he consulted the manuals for instruction each step of the way. So, the entity that understands Chinese is not Searle nor Searle and paper and manuals. It will not do to hold (with Cole 1984 and Rapaport 1990) that Searle understands Chinese but does not understand that he understands Chi room scenario shows that contradictory nese; for the Kornese psycho logical attributes can be had by the (virtual) persons manifested by the a While individual understand Chinese system. single might conceivably but not know this, a single individual cannot plausibly be held in any sense to both find Chinese music straightforward always restful and conducive to thought and also to find this music always to be cacoph 414 DAVID COLE and disturbing. Nor could one believe that Malraux's novels one never events in also China and believe that had heard misportrayed of Malraux. There is no reason to suppose that persons realized in the room would have psychological Chinese properties compatible with one another nor that the realized would have the properties of the realizer. onous in the original Chinese Room there is no reason to Thus, situation, to Searle attribute the psychological of the virtual person properties himself nor to the system consisting of Searle and inanimate parapher nalia. So who or what does understand in the Chinese room? An Chinese not unnamed Chinese This is but this Searle, person. person person cannot exist unless someone - Searle or any competent other - brings to life the Chinese mind by following the instructions in the room. CONCLUSION In the rejection by functionalists of type-type identities of psychological events or states with physical events or states, the way is opened for different persons to have quite different underlying physical realizations states. Functionalism of their mental takes certain of the causal proper of the psychological ties of an event to be determinants properties. One is which mind the of the psychological thus determined just properties or event belongs to. Causality not cement of the be the may may states and events universe but it is what holds bundles of psychological together to form a single mind over time. Functionalism does not require a one-to-one correspondence between is such a correspond there generally persons and bodies. Contingently, is exactly what functionalism would lead one to expect. ence, which states are just those of the system The causal properties of psychological course of events, in the ordinary them. And the literally embodying characteristics of brains permit psychological integration physiological life of the brain. and continuity for the entire duration of the operating and may in fact be. There may be multiple But it could be otherwise, a embodied persons by single brain in cases of "multiple personality". are or not, I believe, turns on the extent of causal im the personalities. between (and, hence, access) My cases to is actual be that of multiple personality reported pression is not typically involve a degree of shared access to information which the multiple characteristic of distinct persons; typically personalities Whether connection there INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIAL AND PERSONAL IDENTITY 415 of the shared speak the same language and (this is not independent facts. shared of have knowledge general linguistic abilities) Experience with severed corpus callosum and with various memory deficits, as in thresh Alzheimer's disease, suggests that there may be no well-defined at which one can say that old of integration (causal interconnectivity) above this threshold there is a single mind and below it there are two or none. Experience the specifically with the split brains demonstrates of the character and count of minds upon causal features contingency of the underlying system. From the fact that there is a single physical then, nothing system, the system might follows about the number of minds which realize. on no causal character of the it the realize system, Depending might the minds, one mind, or more than one mind. This is the case whether system employs neurons, as in humans, entire humans, as in the Chinese as in AL As a result, Searle's or programmed Room, computers, Chinese ficial Room shows nothing argument about the possibilities of arti intelligence. NOTES 1 2 This represents I defend Searle in the Australasian a rejection against Journal Searle's I took several years ago in Cole the position (1984). advanced other criticisms, in a paper by Philip Cam, I reconstruct it here, 1991). As of Philosophy (September are correct. But, Searle's valid and the indicated conclusions to consider of virtual entities discussed the possibilities here of several is clearly reasoning turns on a failure argument and so fails to refute an interesting of Strong AI. version 3 See Cole 1984. 4 A similar point debate is made in the Searle-Churchlands in Scientific American. (See Churchland 1990 and Searle and Churchland 1990.) " causal process the representa The derivation should be by whatever that can preserve of the brain states of the original biological tional properties persons. preserves Xeroxing so does conversion to electronic the representational of written information; properties media. The equivalent at a higher personality expeditious, translations. 6 As some as a digitized for brains might be as detailed functional process analogous - a - or a functional neural net of the entire brain (more plausibly) equivalent such as would and level of analysis, be provided intellectual by an exhaustive more the former might well be technically and However, inventory. simpler just as xerographic copies are more easily obtained than paraphrases or one could avoid the incompatible suggested, problem properties to of the program, with Chinese and parts by attributing understanding understanding to different Korean attributed tack raises problematic issues parts. This understanding some of which are currently the identity conditions of programs, concerning being ex readers have DAVID 416 be as persons. by distinct realized This program. reasoning parallels his/her body. These with person below are abstract, In a nutshell, is that programs but my response it is a person who understands, Since and the same person the understanding is not identical with programs, person the courts. plored by as abstract on the standard considerations functionalist are set out was reasoning Difference between I believe 'systems reply'. in his argument for The Real the Descartes COLE the not can the a to identifying objections in this paper in the section by that interestingly anticipated mind and body, but the scope of this paper. topic is beyond 7 "We can view the top-level for example, conscious of See, processor Smolensky: as a we can conscious individual virtual machine the rule and view interpreter people as a program that runs on that machine" realized persons by a single body as virtual persons, as a collection of virtual machines. cutural knowledge distinct I treat p. 4). 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