27/07/2011 What does it mean to be functional in maths? To be able to solve problems To be able to apply their knowledge and skills Sue Hough and Paul Dickinson MMU s.hough@mmu.ac.uk p.dickinson@mmu.ac.uk Two meanings for ‘understand’ To have the confidence to be able to tackle an unfamiliar problem in an independent way To have a sense about whether they are right or not. What kinds of understanding do we promote in this country? A student at Level 8 can understand that ‘….relational understanding……knowing both what to do and why’ ‘Instrumental understanding……rules without reasons……the possession of a rule and the ability to use it’ (Skemp 1976) An approach based on Realistic Maths Education (RME) x2 – 9 = (x – 3) (x + 3) Work out 1/3 + 1/5 How do you know you are right? Some examples Well researched activities encourage pupils to move from informal to formal representations Trigonometry Use of context is sustained throughout, not only as a starting point but as a way of developing a student’s understanding Use of models to support pupil development Progress towards formal notions seen as a long‐term process. Irrational numbers Volume 1