Further Mathematics Support Programme Using live online technology to provide access to professional development for mathematics teachers Sharon Tripconey and Yvonne Croasdaile Further Mathematics Support Programme Background The Further Mathematics Support Programme is a DfE funded programme run by MEI The FMSP works with schools, colleges and universities in England to ensure that all students who could benefit from studying FM have the opportunity to do so What does the FMSP do? Promotes the study of AS/A level Maths and Further Maths Ensures all students can access tuition for AS/A level Further Maths Supports schools and colleges to teach AS/A level Further Maths Provides Professional Development for teachers of A level Maths and Further Maths Online provision Access to support regardless of geographical location Cost effective support even for small numbers of students The online classroom Recording and saving sessions Online sessions are recorded and can be accessed at a later date – even one year later. The whiteboard files (including all annotations) can be saved as pdf documents and saved at the end of each session (or from a recording) by each individual participant Online course structure A course runs over several weeks, each session lasting 60 – 90 mins Up to 8 delegates Each session covers a unit/topic in detail, going through the maths and incorporating teaching idea Teachers have access to the Integral online resources for the course unit Online forum and email support from a course tutor. Typical schedule Further Pure 1 Autumn 2012 Reasons for course enrolment 113 teachers submitted reasons in 2010-2011 More than one reason could be provided so the percentages will total more than 100% Live Online PD: Participation trends Academic year Number of different topic courses scheduled Number of teachers enrolled Number of tutors 2007/08 3 16 2 2008/09 10 60 4 2009/10 13 54 5 2010/11 13 113 12 2011/12 15 130 15 Advantages Sessions can take place outside class teaching time Teachers access the courses from school or home Sessions are recorded and can be accessed for a long time after the live session Courses are accessible to teachers across the country at a time appropriate for them, rather than waiting for a course in their region Disadvantages Some teachers may be deterred by the lack of face-toface contact Some teachers are worried by using a technology that they are unfamiliar with, though they soon become more confident It can be difficult to find a time of day which will suit all prospective participants Feedback Overall feedback from participants has been very positive. Opportunities for interaction Ratings for confidence with using a microphone to interact Teacher comments "The concept and use of the virtual classroom is a fantastic way to make valuable resources available to both teachers and students. Further Maths is thus made more accessible.” “A great opportunity to try things out in the classroom between the weekly sessions and to report back to the tutor how it went. Sometimes on 'day courses' that never happens.” “This is not a passive learning experience – you have to join in with key questions which can be fun / scary as you grapple with all your equipment and understanding of the topic!” Teacher comments “At first I was just glad to have a go at it and I finally found out that I was really looking forward to the course week after week. This is really as professional development should be.” “The tutors were reassuring, confident and humorous – essential!” “The course has been of great use to me. I have found that it has Improved my confidence massively.” “I was really impressed by the method of delivery of the course. It was very relaxing being taught at home!” Teacher comments “This is not a passive learning experience – you have to join in with key questions which can be fun / scary as you grapple with all your equipment and understanding of the topic!” “At the start I was a little nervous as I couldn’t see the people I was speaking to and it might be difficult to see how they were reacting to my ideas. This soon changed, however, and I became more confident and happy to use the microphone.” Courses with online provision Live Online Professional Development (LOPD) Teaching Advanced Mathematics (TAM) Teaching Further Mathematics (TFM) Teaching GCSE Mathematics (TGM) MEI one-day course follow up sessions www.furthermaths.org.uk Potential for further development Bespoke courses Peer mentoring Online lectures Teacher Networks