20/07/2012 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AT A LEVEL Charlie Stripp, MEI Chief executive What is MEI doing? • Further Pure with Technology • Mathematics for All Post-16 – an MEI position paper • How might A level mathematics be improved – an MEI discussion paper • Development groups Who are AS/A level Maths and Further Maths for? • All students who have achieved GCSE grade C+ at GCSE? • Students who intend to study STEM at university and/or pursue a career with significant use of maths? • Aspiring engineers, scientists and mathematicians? • MEI’s post-16 position paper suggests four level 3 mathematics pathways What are the big issues? • Who are AS/A level Maths and FM for? • What are AS/A level Maths and FM for? • Are AS/A level Maths and FM they fit for purpose? – Uptake – Structure – Content – Assessment What are AS/A level Maths and Further Maths for? • Aims of the current A level specification • Do you agree with the current aims? – If not, how/why would you change them? 1 20/07/2012 Uptake Structure • Current figures – Maths, Further Maths • How many students should be doing AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics? – These figures are based upon ACME’s ‘Mathematical Needs’ research: ‘We estimate that of those entering H.E. in any one year, some 330 000 would benefit from the experience of studying some mathematics 9including statistics) at a level beyond GCSE, but fewer than 125 000 have done so' MEI’s discussion paper ‘How might A level mathematics be improved?’ includes an outline structure for revised AS/A level Mathematics qualifications, together with new qualifications to give coherent level 3 pathways Structure Content • Should the AS/A2 structure be retained? • Should AS/A level Mathematics remain modular? • Should there continue to be options for applied maths? • Should AS/A level FM have a compulsory core? • Should AS marks count as heavily as A2 marks when determining A level grades? Content AS level Further Mathematics MEI is proposing a much wider uptake of AS Further Maths as a qualification in its own right, which could be taken over two years, alongside AS/A level Mathematics, as well as being the first year of a 2 year A level Further Maths course • • • • Is the standard correct? Is the content appropriate? Should there be a common core? Should there be any options? AS level Mathematics MEI is proposing a much wider uptake of AS Maths as a qualification in its own right, which could be taken over two years, as well as being the first year of a 2 year A level Maths course. • • • • Is the standard correct? Is the current AS core content appropriate? Should some statistics be compulsory? Should there be any options? Content A2 Mathematics University departments that ask for A level Mathematics in their offers seem to believe the content is basically correct • Is the standard correct? • What would you change? • Should there be any options? 2 20/07/2012 Content A2 Further Mathematics Some university departments would like the content to be more consistent between specifications • • • • Is the standard correct? Is the content appropriate? Should there be a common core? Should there be any options? Assessment Why do we assess students? A recent Ofqual survey report suggests three reasons: 1. qualification 2. selection 3. programme evaluation How does A level Maths fit into this? Assessment Assessment Good assessment is a balance between validity – assessing what you want students to learn – and reliability – ensuring that grades are consistently and accurately awarded. ‘Examination questions can often be highly structured and predictable, which can lead to an instrumental ‘learn the rules’ approach to teaching and learning. This discourages deep understanding and misrepresents mathematics as a boring subject to be learned by rote. Most seriously, this approach inhibits the development of the mathematical thinking and problem solving skills that are highly valued by universities and employers.’ MEI, 2012 Assessment Assessment ‘The quality of a qualification can be measured in various ways and for us the key measure is validity – that is, the extent to which the qualification gives a true measure of learning..’ ‘A greater variety of assessment instruments should be used to increase the overall validity. This might incorporate different forms of assessment, the better to assess problem-solving skills and motivate improvements in teaching and learning…. ‘Our aims will be to promote coherence – for example between the syllabus, teaching and testing – and to increase validity.’ These could include consideration of a variety of elements such as coursework, multiple choice, use of pre-release material, comprehension, more questions with less structure and a teacher-assessed portfolio.’ MEI, 2012 Ofqual coporate plan, 2012 - 2015 3 20/07/2012 Assessment Assessment Current A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics grade profiles A* A B C D E U Maths 17.8 44.7 66.4 81.8 92.0 97.6 100 FM 27.5 57.7 79.0 89.5 95.3 98.3 100 ‘A level grades should both reflect students’ achievement and enable universities and employers to differentiate effectively between them. This is a very complex issue, requiring careful consideration across all subjects. It is important to ensure that A levels in some subjects are not ‘easier’ than others; this could affect uptake.’ MEI, 2012 Does this enable universities to select students effectively? Assessment • Is the A* grade fit for purpose? ‘The A* grade, awarded for scoring highly on standard examination papers, rewards accuracy rather than mathematical flair and can fail to identify many of the most mathematically able…. …The A* grade should be awarded on a separate paper with an emphasis on testing mathematical problem solving skills, rather than the accurate application of standard techniques to standard, structured questions.’ MEI, 2012 • We must try to take advantage of the opportunity to make A level Mathematics better • Please contact me if you have further questions or ideas charlie.stripp@mei.org.uk MEI’s proposed level 3 Mathematics pathways MEI has identified four pathways for students who hope to progress to employment or higher education in 1. a field involving little direct use of mathematics (~80K stds/year) 2. a field involving some direct application of mathematics (~120K stds/year) 3. a STEM discipline with significant mathematical content (~100K students/year) 4. a highly mathematical field (~30K students/year) 4 20/07/2012 Further Pure with Technology A new unit A2 Further Mathematics unit, just accredited for the current MEI specification, first teaching from September 2012 • Use of computer technology integrated into teaching, learning and assessment • Involves use of spreadsheets, a graphics package, a programming language and a computer algebra system (CAS) • Will inform greater integration of technology into new A level specifications • For more information contact tom.button@mei.org.uk A separate paper for A* • Questions with less structure? • Multiple choice section with UKMT Senior Challenge style questions? • Use of pre-release material for modelling/comprehension • Should A level Further Mathematics be assumed, or have its own A* paper? • Should it be pass/fail or graded? Why we assess 2. Selection Individual results are used to predict which applicants – all of whom might, in principle, be sufficiently qualified – will be most successful in a job or course of instruction Why we assess 1. Qualification Individual results are used to judge whether a person is sufficiently qualified for a job, course of instruction or role in life, i.e. whether or not they are equipped to succeed in it Why we assess 3. Programme evaluation Aggregated results are used to evaluate the success of educational programmes or initiatives, nationally or locally. 5 20/07/2012 How should AS marks contribute to A level grades? ‘The current modular structure, particularly the way in which scores on AS units contribute to the overall A level grade, encourages tactical re-sitting, which artificially raises grades and wastes resources….. Careful consideration should be given to reducing the relative weighting of AS units compared to A2 units, or to decoupling AS and A2 (this should apply across all A level subjects).’ MEI, 2012 Assessment Different modes of assessment to increase validity and engagement: ‘…coursework, multiple choice, use of pre-release material, comprehension, more questions with less structure and a teacher-assessed portfolio.’ • What are your views on this? 6